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“How to save our planet from water pollution” (at least 200 words)

Water is everywhere and it is essential for us. Water cover about 70% of the Earth’s surface.
However, we know that only about 3% of water is fresh and clean. Among fresh water just
about 1.2% of that can be consumed as drinking water and for the rest I don’t think we can
drink. Now a days, water pollution is the main reason behind the deaths of marine
creatures. Water pollution cause due to human activities. Water pollution happens when
toxic substances enter lakes, rivers, oceans and etc. The main sources of water pollution are
from oil leaks and spills, sewage and waste water treatment, marine dumping, domestic
waste, industrial effluents, insecticides and pesticides, detergents and fertilizers. Some of
the water pollutions are caused by direct sources such as factories, waste management
facilities and etc. There are many disadvantages of water pollution. Water pollution can
cause diseases, bacteria, diarrhea, cholera, polio, typhoid and e coli infection. So, we should
prevent from it. Basically, we should pick up trash and throw it away in a garbage can, try
not to use plastic bags, avoid dumping garbage into water, practice tree planting, always use
recyclable and reusable things, avoid pouring oil down the drains, reducing the usage of
pesticides and fertilizers, disposing oil properly, stop disposing some items through toilet,
using environmentally detergents, avoid wasting water and drive your car less. These are
the importance of preventing from water pollution so that the earth will be clean, marine
creatures won’t die easily and people will be strong, healthy and will be able to drink fresh
and clean water.

By Fiona

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