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Dibuat untuk Memenuhi Ujian Tengah Semester Mata Kuliah Bahasa


Tsani Sanjaya Akbar


Zaid bin Tsabit RA
Zaid bin Tsabit RA is an Anshar friend, he embraced Islam with his family in the early days
of the Prophet Hijrah to Madinah, then he was 11 years old. He was lucky because of the
children, he was in a prayer by the Prophet.

At the time of the Badar War of 2 Hijriah, he was 13 years old, he was taken and by his
father, but the Prophet forbid him participated as it was still too small and his body was
small. So also if the Uhud war, the Prophet saw that a bunch of youngest horse children
including Zaid in it. But two young people whose body is quite small and has certain
expertise of the Prophet allow it, Rafi Bin Khudaij and Samurah Bin Jundub. Both are the
five star. Zaid Bin Tsabit himself just plunged in battle in the Khandaq War on 5th Hijriah.
After that, he almost always accompanies the various battles done by the Prophet.

As a young man, he received special attention by the Messenger of Allah. He is a smart and
has writing, so it is given the task of writing revelation. He also ordered him to study some
foreign languages, which could have been dominate in a short time. When the Prophet began
to do the da'wah to the kings and emperors abroad, Arab Zinid Tinabit became one of the
writers of the da'wah's solution because of his language's ability.

Actually, many friends are privileged people with privileges to memorize and write down
graduates that are gradually, sometimes also related to an event or as an answer and solution
to a problem. But some people are considered "leaders" in this field, they are Ali Bin Abi
Thalib, Abdullah Bin Mas'ud, Abdullah Bin Abbas, Ubay bin Ka'ab and Zaid bin Tsabit
himself. The first three are from Muhajirin's best friend and the last two of the Anshar's best

When broke the battle of Yamamah in the Khalifah Abu Bakar, the many companions were
readers (Qary) and the Halfad's experts (Huffadz) were fallen to see his syahid. The matter of
quite worrying this 'captured' by Umar Bin Khaththab. Immediately overlook Abu Bakar and
proposed to immediately raise the Qur'an of the records and memorizations-the memorization
of the live friends. But Abu Bakar said firmly, "Why should I do something that never
preceded the Messenger of the Messenger of Saw (ie, bid'ah)?"

Abu Bakar and Umar explained about the circumstances that occurred and the danger that
might happen, and the timber Abu Bakar said, "You are a smart young man, and we never
doubt you. You also always commanded the Prophet to write down the revelation, then
collect the verses of the Qur'an ..."

Zaid bin Tsabit said, "For God's sake, this is a heavy job. If you ordered me to move a
mountain, it was lighter than the task of gathering the Qur'an you ordered it !"

As with Abu Bakar, the Zaid finally can be convinced of the importance of the work for the
future of Islamic survival.

Zaid Bin Tsabit himself actually memorized the Qur'an from start to finally, even the prophet
of his own often checking his memorization. However, he does not want to use his
memorization only. He walked to meet friends who had records and memorization, collecting
the records that were spoken on the skin, bones, doubles, leaves and so on and also compared
it with the memorization of the friends. After all collected and repeated with his
memorization and also the memorization of the friends, Zaid wrote it again in the sheets and
united him in one bond. All are arranged in order of letters and sequences of verses as ever
dictated Prophet to him. This is the first mushaf made in Islam, and the role of Zaid bin
Tshabit the plas is very large in its constructions. He spent almost a year to finish it.

The Qur'an is lowered by seven kinds of reading (Qiraat Sab'ah). This is indeed requested by
his own prophet for the ease of his people who lackal characters and his words are different,
so that if it has fit one of the reading (Qiraat) has been considered right. In the period of the
Southewife and Islam is still around Arabian, it is not a problem. But when the Islamic region
is widespread to Romans, Persia and other places, while the Islamic adherents are also
diverse from various nations, not just Arab, it can cause split.

In the Usman caliph, where Islam has started to pair the European region, namely Cyprus and
surrounding, this dangerous seed is captured by Hudzaifah bin Yemen and some other
companions. Therefore they faced the Usman Caliph presented the proposal to unite Mush'af
in one reading / qiraat, and spread as a guideline for the more widespread Islamic society. For
Quatara Sab'ah (seven reading), let alone known the scholars and the experts only.

Usman Caliph did not necessarily accept the proposal for fear of falling in the bid'ah, as Yu
Bakr's feared. But after the istikharah and consider the unity of the people, as well as
Madharat and the benefits of the qearak sab'ah, he eventually approved this proposal. And as
Abu Bakar, the Usman Caliph assigns Zaid Bin Tshabit to lead this great project, thus
composed of the cultivation of Mush'af Uthmani, who became the acquisition of almost all
the mushmopes of the Qur'an that is now circulating between us. Really we are owed services
to Zaid Bin Tsabit RA.

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