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TABLE OF CONTENT .............................................................................................................ii

TABLE OF FIGURE ...............................................................................................................iiv

LIST OF TABLES ...................................................................................................................vii

BUSINESS PLAN ................................................................................................................. viii

CHAPTER 1 .............................................................................................................................. 1

INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................... 1

B. Market Opportunity Analysis ............................................................................................ 1

C. SWOT Analysis ................................................................................................................. 2

CHAPTER 2 .............................................................................................................................. 4

MARKETING PLAN ................................................................................................................ 4

A. Market Target .................................................................................................................... 4

B. Sales Target ....................................................................................................................... 4

C. Customer Value ................................................................................................................. 4

D. Marketing Mix ................................................................................................................... 5

CHAPTER 3 ............................................................................................................................ 10

PRODUCTION PLAN ............................................................................................................ 10

A. Ways of Making .............................................................................................................. 10

B. Material Requirements and How to Obtain ..................................................................... 10

C. Equipment Required ........................................................................................................ 11

D.Production Targets ........................................................................................................... 11

E. Calculation of Cost of Goods Production ........................................................................ 11

CHAPTER 4 ............................................................................................................................ 13

HUMAN RESOURCE PLAN ................................................................................................. 13

A. Labor Needs .................................................................................................................... 13

B. Necessary Skills............................................................................................................... 13

C. Working Time.................................................................................................................. 13

D. Compensation System ..................................................................................................... 13

E. Personal Structure ............................................................................................................ 13

CHAPTER 5 ............................................................................................................................ 14

FINANCIAL PLAN................................................................................................................. 14

A. Needs and Sources of Funds ........................................................................................... 14

B. Cash Flow Plan ................................................................................................................ 17

C. Financial Statement Plan ................................................................................................. 17

D. Income Statement Plan .................................................................................................... 18

CHAPTER 6 ............................................................................................................................ 19

PERSONALIZED INSTALLATION ...................................................................................... 19

CHAPTER 7 ............................................................................................................................ 20

DIGITAL APLICATION NEEDED ....................................................................................... 20

7.1 Human Resource Manager ............................................................................................. 20

7. 2 Financial Manager ......................................................................................................... 29

7.3 Operational Manager ...................................................................................................... 33

7.4 Marketing Manager ........................................................................................................ 47

7.5 Administration Manager ................................................................................................ 64

7.6 Monitoring and Evaluation Officer Manager ................................................................. 68

7.7. Head of Franchise......................................................................................................... 77


Figure 2.1 Logo of Grombyang Instan Super ............................................................................ 5
Figure 2.2 packaging of Grombyang Instan Super ................................................................... 7

Figure 7.1.1 Calendar Feature ................................................................................................ 21

Figure 7.1.2 Time Group Feature............................................................................................ 21
Figure 7.1.3 Schedule Exception Feature................................................................................ 21
Figure 7.1.4 Leaves Feature .................................................................................................... 22
Figure 7.1.5 Leave Req Feature .............................................................................................. 23
Figure 7.1.6 overtime request feature...................................................................................... 23
Figure 7.1.7 time sheet feature ................................................................................................ 24
Figure 7.1.8 time definition feature ......................................................................................... 24
Figure 7.1.9 Performance Review ........................................................................................... 27
Figure 7.1.10 Goals and KPIs ................................................................................................. 27
Figure 7.1.11 result individual performance ........................................................................... 28
Figure 7.1.12 Balance Scorcard .............................................................................................. 28
Figure 7.1.13 Feedback ........................................................................................................... 29

Figure 7.2 1 Introduction ..................................................................................... 29

Figure 7.2.2 Manager Desktop ................................................................................................ 30
Figure 7.2.3 Summary Feature ................................................................................................ 31
Figure 7.2.4 Summary Feature ................................................................................................ 31
Figure 7.2.5 Report Feature .................................................................................................... 31
Figure 7.2.6 settings of 32

Figure 7.3.1 Oddo Logo........................................................................................................... 33

Figure 7.3.2 Dashboard Pembelian......................................................................................... 36
Figure 7.3.3 Dashboard Persediaan ....................................................................................... 37
Figure 7.3.4 Dashboard POS .................................................................................................. 38
Figure 7.3.5 Dashboard Pabrik ............................................................................................... 41
Figure 7.3.6 Dashboard Timesheets ........................................................................................ 42
Figure 7.3.7 Dashboard Discuss ............................................................................................. 42
Figure 7.3.8 Dashboard Forecast ........................................................................................... 43

Figure 7.3.9 Dasboard CRM ................................................................................................... 45

Figure 7.3.10 Dashboard Proyek ............................................................................................ 46

Figure 7.4.1 Posting Job .......................................................................................................... 48

Figure 7.4.2 List....................................................................................................................... 49
Figure 7.4.3 Review Profile ..................................................................................................... 49
Figure 7.4.4 Determine The Choice ........................................................................................ 49
Figure 7.4.5 Pay ...................................................................................................................... 50
Figure 7.4.6 Click OK .............................................................................................................. 50
Figure 7.4.7 Chat WhatsApp ................................................................................................... 50
Figure 7.4.8 Click Done........................................................................................................... 51
Figure 7.4.9 CorelDraw App ................................................................................................... 52
Figure 7.4.10 PhotoShop Feature ........................................................................................... 53
Figure 7.4.11 Canva App ......................................................................................................... 58
Figure 7.4.12 Advertisement .................................................................................................... 63

Figure 7.5.1 Sleekr Logo ......................................................................................................... 64

Figure 7.5.2 Software Payroll ................................................................................................. 64
Figure 7.5.3 Employee Database............................................................................................. 65
Figure 7.5.4 Business Process ................................................................................................. 66
Figure 7.5.5 Office Administration .......................................................................................... 66

Figure 7.6.1 Boards ................................................................................................................. 69

Figure 7.6.2 Cards ................................................................................................................... 69
Figure 7.6.3 Lists ..................................................................................................................... 70
Figure 7.6.4 Menu.................................................................................................................... 71

Figure 7.7.1 Microsoft Outlook ............................................................................................... 77

Figure 7.7.2 Evernote .............................................................................................................. 78
Figure 7.7.3 Yammer ............................................................................................................... 78

Figure 7.7.4 Expensify ............................................................................................................. 79

Figure 7.7.5 Xero ..................................................................................................................... 79
Figure 7.7.6 Vonigo ................................................................................................................. 80


Table 2.1 Sales Target per Month.............................................................................................. 4

Table 5.1 Investing ................................................................................................................... 14

Table 5.2 Production Costs ..................................................................................................... 14
Table 5.3 Operating Costs ....................................................................................................... 15
Table 5.4 Financial Statement Plan......................................................................................... 17


Business Name : Instant Grombyang Super

Developer Name : Nugroho Adi Wibowo

Date : December, January 1 2021

Address :

-Place of Business Address : Banjaran, Irian Jaya Street Rt. 2 Rw. 5, Taman,

Pemalang, Middle of Java. Indonesia. 52361.

Phone Number : +628966 6642 676

-Home Address : Banjaran, Irian Jaya Street Rt. 2 Rw. 5, Taman,

Pemalang, Middle of Java. Indonesia. 52361.

Phone Number : +628966 6642 676

Email :

Pemalang, January 1st 2021

Nugroho Adi Wibowo


A. Business Description

Instant Grombyang Super is a newest food product innovation of Grombyang. A

special dishes from Pemalang Regency, Central Java. This special dish full of savory soup
with pieces of buffalo meat in it. With this extraordinary enjoyment, it's hard to imagine
being able to make it as instant food, so I think directly to present the public's desire, which is
to create a distinctive taste similar to grombyang that can only be bought Wordwide so that
we can make it instantly at home in just 5 minutes. only.

Why Instant Grombyang Super? Grombyang is a form of regional culture from

Pemalang Regency, grombyang is not only useful for fullfill one's nutritional needs because
of its deliciousness, but grombyang can also be used as an alternative to support tourism to
increase the income of an area, by selling it and being promoted for purchase by the general

Grombyang has a unique taste. The uniqueness of grombyang taste that cannot be
found in other areas can be used as a business opportunity. In terms of business too,
Grombyang actually has potential extraordinary way to make a profit. for example,
Grombyang has several advantages that other types of food may not have.

Therefore, Grombyang has great potential to be innovated, one of which is by

packaging it into a simple packaging so that it can be served instantly and has an attractive
appearance. If the delicious grombyang taste can be served instantly, people will definitely
want to buy it and it can be a good business opportunity.

B. Market Opportunity Analysis

When viewed from the general condition of the environment in which Grombyang is
generally served in the form of food that only can be enjoyed directly at restaurants or
merchant stalls. So that in order to make Grombyang can be enjoyed not only in Pemalang
Regency and can be widely marketed in various regions as typical souvenirs, innovation is
needed where one of the ways is to make Grombyang be practically packaged so that it
makes it easier for consumers to enjoy Grombyang.

Today, where everything is instantaneous. Food must also be obtained instantly too.
Grombyang's innovation with practical and attractive packaging can be promotional media
rather than Grombyang itself as a typical food from Pemalang Regency to the wider

Besides that, with practical and attractive packaging, is expected to be accepted in

society, especially for young people who are accustomed to instant food. As well as making it
easier for consumers who want Grombyang but are limited by distance and are able to
compete with specialties from other regions as well as with other fast foods in this modern

The market segmentation of this product includes two categories, the first is market
segmentation based on geography which addresses all markets in the Indonesian territory.
The second category is market segmentation based on demographics, targeting people from
children to adults, both men and women.

C. SWOT Analysis

1. Strength

a) This product has unique taste that very similar with the real one.

b) The simple packaging but attractive looks.

c) Durablilty for months even year.

d) Instant meal that can made by 5 minutes only.

e) Liked by many Pemalang residents, especially young people who like instant things.

2. Weakness

a) Buffalo meat is hard to find.

b) Not healthy for long-term consumption.

c) It's not worthy to buy.

3. Opportunities

a) Unique instant fast food for special dishes from Pemalang Regency.

b) Peoples like instant food.


c) New things that make people’s wondering to buy.

4. Treaths

a) The number of competitors because this product easy to imitate In any way.

b) The competitor with similar product (real Grombyang).

D. Vision and Mission

1. Vision

Become a company that can serve regional specialties into instant food with quality,
quality, safe for consumption.

2. Mission

a) Ensuring good material using to produce every product.

b) Ensuring products are made using quality materials in order to produce a satisfying taste.

c) Providing the best service with the priority of consumer comfort.

d) Ensuring the products presented are always in new circumstances.



A. Market Target

The market target of this product is Pemalang society that teenager and over as well
as adults who have their own income, both men and women. This product special aiming to
people who have instant lifestyle, for example people who always eat instant noodle everyday
and feel boring. And other’s aiming to people who curious about what instant grombyang
looks like.

B. Sales Target

The sales target that have planned for the first month of grand opening of Instant
Grombyang Super is 30 packs per day. It becomes the basis of sales targets in each month.
All best efforts will be made to achieve even beyond that target.

Table 2.1 Sales Target per Month

Number Name of Product Sales Target per Month

15 packs per day

1 Instant Grombyang Super
30 day - 4 day ( 1 closed day per week)

Summary 15 x 26 day = 390 packs per month

C. Customer Value

This product will provide different experience to have instant meal. Especially for
people who like Grombyang so much. Made from terrific materials quality that will quarantee
in every pack of product Instant Grombyang Super. The “umami” flavour from the soup will
offer satisfying the tongue of customers. And the dried buffalo meat already flavoured so it
will be binding up flavour with the soup.

With “Made with Vacum : 0 Air” system will ensure quality product of Instant
Grombyang Super always fresh and edible. With this system product durability will increase

till months even years. Will be better if consumed with hot water. This Instant burger will
ensure customers to buy again because customers feel happy after consume our product. For
Pemalang society this product maybe little bit different with real one, but it can be better than
real one, everyone's taste is different. But we already ensure to make the taste similar with

D. Marketing Mix

1. Product

1.1 Brand/Logo

Figure 2.1 Logo of Grombyang Instan Super

1.2 Product Differentiation

The resulting product is ready-to-eat Grombyang innovative packaging, so that

it can be enjoyed practically and can be stored for a long period of time according to the

period expired. Moreover, this innovative product is very different from the usual grombyang
with a serving time of only 5 minutes, easy to carry and delicious.

1.3 Size

Each pack of this product has a net weight of 150 grams.

1.4 Design

Instant Grombyang Super are wrapped by cup that can bu used as bowl and
that bowl wrapped to in a three-side seal package which is not easily damaged and food

1.5 Quality

Selected ingredients of the highest quality will be the basic ingredients of this
product. The best quality food will delivered to customer nicely because all packaging had
will vacuumed, so there will be 0 air inside then the product will stand for months but still

1.6 Warranty

A warranty will be issued if the consumer receives food in accordance with

what is ordered (error on the part of the manufacturer). The warranty applies if the consumers
check their order leaving the outlet and complains at a moment's time. In this case, the
consumer will get a new one or refund.

1.7 Packaging

The packaging of this product uses good grade transparent bowl that can be
reused by consumers in order to reduce plastic uses in future.

Figure 2.2 packaging of Grombyang Instan Super

2. Price

2.1 Selling Price of the Product

Instant Grombyang Super : IDR 12.000

2.2 Competitor’s Selling Price

Grombyang Pak Waridin (the most famous store) : IDR 20.000

Grombyang in common : IDR 10.000-30.000

2.3 Discount

A 5% discount is given for online market place.

2.4 Payment

Payment is avalaibe by cash also non-cash payment by DANA, OVO, GO-

PAY or Bank Transfer.

3. Distribution Channel

3.1 Location

The location used as retail owned by owner which is located at Irian Jaya
Street, Rt 2 Rw 5, Banjaran, Taman, Middle Java, Indonesia. 52361.

3.2 The Reason for Choosing this Place

Strategic place that near with market and easily accessibility by vehicle so it
will make distribution easier. And the place owned by owner itself so it will save the capital.

3.3 How to Distribute the Product

This product can be bought directly at store, but we also sell it on Tokopedia.

3.4 Reason for Choosing the Distribution Method

Because as producer as well as distributor too, I need store that near with
production factory and that’s owner home. And with Tokopedia, there’s a lot payment option,
especially if buyer order than IDR 50.000 there no shipping cost for the item in Tokopedia so
we don’t need worry about anything.


4.1 Type of Promotion

Promotions are carried out through social media with my personal account
such as Instagram, Facebook by creating a company account @grombyanginstantsuper. And
if we placing our product in Tokopedia, there will be automatically promoted for whom
search for instant food.

4.2 Promotion Cost

This type of promotion costs nothing because I do it by myself account. And

there is no cost for placing product in Tokopedia.

4.3 Reason for Choosing the Promotion

Because I have a lot of friend that potentially being my buyer. And if I am

using this promotional tricks I don’t need to pay any cents.

5. Physical Evidence

The place of manufacture is arranged as safe and clean as possible so that

buyers who come feel comfortable when buying. We only sell 1 product, so maybe the
there’s only place to sit down and enjoy the meal.

6. Process

The manufacturing process can’t be seen directly by the buyer but we always
keep that safety and cleanliness can be ensured in the manufacture of the product.

7. People

Human resources who play a role in this business is me who are know in this
fields and understand the operation of the tools used in manufacturing.


A. Ways of Making

1. Blend all ingredient expect bay leaf

2. Grind Kluwek and Tauco

3. Heat the ingredient that already blended before

4. Add lemongrass leaves and bay leaf

5. If it’s already smells good

6. Add serundeng and mixing of kluwek and tauco

7. Stir fry 30 minutes

8. Wait until cold

9. Then pack it on plastic

B. Material Requirements and How to Obtain

All the items needed can be found in markets and supermarkets.

1. Raw Materials requirement:

- 200gr red onion - 100g garlic -dried buffalo meat

- Pecan 100g - 1 tsp ground pepper

- 2 tsp powder tumbar - Nutmeg powder ½ tsp

- Cinnamon ½ tsp - Cardamom 5 btr

- Kluwek 5 items - 1 ounce of Tauco

- Coconut 1 grain (made srundeng) - Ginger ½ ounce

- 3 finger turmeric - Laos 1 ounce

- 5 stalks of lemongrass are strung and crushed - 10 sheets of bay leaves

- 250g cooking oil - 100cc water


C. Equipment Required

1. Blender 4. Grinder 7. Wok

2. Cart 5. LPG 8. Knife

3. Cut Board 6. Spoon 9. Stove

D.Production Targets

-15 packs per day (15 x IDR 12.000 = IDR 180.000)

E. Calculation of Cost of Goods Production

1. Total Cost

-Investment Cost : IDR 2.065.000

-Production Cost : IDR 30.000.000

-Operating Cost : IDR 11.700.000

-Depreciation Cost : IDR 705.000.000

2. Cost of Good Manufactured

-Fixed Cost = Depreciation Cost+ Operating Cost

=IDR 705.000.000 + ODR 11.700.000

=IDR 14.405.000 / year

-CGM = (Fixed Cost+ Production Cost) : Total


= (IDR 14.405.000+ IDR 30.000.000) : 4.680

= IDR 9.488,247

= IDR 9.500

-Selling Price per Units


IDR 9.500 x 25% = IDR 2.375

IDR 9.500 + IDR 2.375= IDR 11.875

Selling price IDR 12.000 per unit



A. Labor Needs

One worker, the workforce required in this business plan is person to work in every
weekday. Business owners will also be at the outlet during business hours.

B. Necessary Skills

Worker that had confident in the culinary field to ensure every dish is served at the
highest quality. Labor’s ability in terms of dignity is also required to vacuuming the

C. Working Time

Open at 09.00 a.m. – 17.00 p.m. Every day. Holiday at Saturday.

D. Compensation System

The compensation system used is the awarding of salaries to employees who

dedicated to company once a month amounting to IDR 200.000. And for employees if there’s
working accidental there will be fund IDR 1.000.000

E. Personal Structure

This business plan is headed and run directly by me as the owner with the help 1
people that running of employee in its operation.


A. Needs and Sources of Funds

To start di business we need investing to capital. The funds will use to production
needs. Below is the breakdown of initial needs to run business at the beginning of production
Instant Grombyang Super.


Table 5.1 Investing

No Tools Amo Price per Units Total Cost Economic Depreciation

unt age

1 Cart 1 IDR 900.000 IDR 900.000 3 IDR 300.000

2 Stove 1 IDR 150.000 IDR 150.000 5 IDR 30.000

3 LPG 24 IDR 15.000 IDR 360.000 3 IDR 120.000

4 Wok 1 IDR 200.000 IDR 200.000 2 IDR 100.000

5 Grinder 1 IDR 60.000 IDR 60.000 2 IDR 30.000

6 Knife 2 IDR 50.000 IDR 100.000 2 IDR 50.000

7 Spoon 1 IDR 30.000 IDR 30.000 2 IDR 15.000

8 Cut Board 1 IDR 15.000 IDR 15.000 1 IDR 15.000

9 Blender 1 IDR 250.000 IDR 250.000 5 IDR 50.000

Total Cost IDR 2.065.000 IDR 705.000

Production Cost

Table 5.2 Production Costs

No Ingredient Amount Price Price per Month Price per Year

1 Shallots 1 kg IDR 25.000 IDR 100.000 IDR 1.200.000


2 Garlic 1 kg IDR 20.000 IDR 80.000 IDR 960.000

3 Dried Meat 6 kg IDR 600.000 IDR 2.400.000 IDR 2.800.000

4 Pecan 0,5 kg IDR 40.000 IDR 160.000 IDR 1.920.000

5 Ground pepper 0,5 kg IDR 30.000 IDR 120.000 IDR 1.440.000

6 Nutmeg 1 kg IDR 125.000 IDR 125.000 IDR 125.000

7 Cinnamon 1 kg IDR 36.000 IDR 144.000 IDR 1.728.000

8 Cardamom 0,1 kg IDR 36.000 IDR 144.000 IDR 1.728.000

9 Kluwek 1 kg IDR 30.000 IDR 120.000 IDR 1.440.000

10 Tauco 3 pck IDR 15.000 IDR 15.000 IDR 180.000

11 Coconut 6 IDR 30.000 IDR 30.000 IDR 360.000

12 Ginger 0,5 kg IDR 10.000 IDR 40.000 IDR 480.000

13 Laos 0,3 kg IDR 5.000 IDR 20.000 IDR 240.000

14 Tumeric 0,5 kg IDR 10.000 IDR 40.000 IDR 480.000

15 Lemongrass 0,5 kg IDR 15.000 IDR 60.000 IDR 720.000

16 Bay Leaf 0,1 kg IDR 5.000 IDR 20.000 IDR 240.000

17 Oil 1 lt IDR 30.000 IDR 120.000 IDR 1.440.000

Operating Cost

Table 5.3 Operating Costs

No Component Price per Units Price per Year

1 Electricity and Utility IDR 50.000 IDR 600.000

2 Gas IDR 50.000 IDR 600.000

3 Communication IDR 50.000 IDR 600.000


4 Employee Salary IDR 800.000 IDR 9.600.000

5 Maintenance of Tools IDR 25.000 IDR 300.000

Total cost IDR 975.000 IDR 11.700.000

The initial capital need to start a business Instant Grombyang Super is the amount of

Investment Cost + Production Cost + Operating Cost = IDR 2.065.000+ IDR 625.000
+ IDR 975.000

= IDR 3.665.000

B. Cash Flow Plan

Operational Activity

Increase By:

Fees Earning IDR 56.160.000

Total Earning IDR 56.160.000

Decreased By:

Investment Expense IDR 2.065.000

Production Expense IDR 30.000.000

Operating Expense IDR 11.700.000

Total Expense IDR 43.765.000

Cash Changes IDR 12.395.000

Cash Beginning IDR 3.665.000

Cash End IDR 16.060.000

C. Financial Statement Plan

Table 5.4 Financial Statement Plan

Assets Liabilities
Current Assets: Amount Liabilities Amount
Production Expense IDR 625.000 Accounts Payable -
Total Curent Assets IDR 625.000 Total Liabilities -
Fixed Assets Owner's Equity
Investment Expense IDR 2.065.000 First Capital IDR 3.665.000
Operating Expense IDR 975.000
Total Fixed Assets IDR 3.040.000

Total IDR 3.665.000 Total IDR 3.665.000

D. Income Statement Plan

Sales IDR 56.160.000

Total Income IDR 56.160.000

Operating Expense IDR 11.700.000

Production Expense IDR 30.000.000

Investment Expense IDR 2.065.000

Depreciation Expense IDR 705.000

Total Expense IDR 44.470.000

Net Profit IDR 11.690.000



1. Owner : Nugroho Adi Wibowo

2. Head of Franchise : Gabriel Khrisna Verwy Rahstya

3. Human Resource Development : - Ruwita Try Rahayu

- Tsinta Alfiyatin Ni’mah

4. Financial Manager : Agustin Ayu Wardani

5. Operational Manager : Alexandra Abieza Pinem Jocom

6. Marketing Manager : - Vera Nabila

- Karina Nindya

7. Administration Manager : Putu Dyana Puspaka Mahasanti

8. Monitaring and Evaluating Officer : Feby Melia Purnomo



7.1 Human Resource Manager


(LinovHR, n.d.) LinovHR is a product of PT Linov Roket Prestasi which is engaged in

providing professional business platforms with a strong focus on Human Resource
Information Systems (HRIS), Human Resource Management (HRM), Talent Management
and Payroll Service. LinovHR is an application or software product that is carried, capable of
being a solution to help manage HR and Payroll activities in a company.
The focus of the LinovHR HRIS Application business platform is;
 Manage employee data such as all company employee databases, attendance, leave,
employee overtime and periodic attendance reports.
 Helps manage payroll data such as employee salaries, pay slips, Jamsostek,
allowances, late fees, loans, bonuses, PPh 21, tax reports and others related to
 Analyze the personal abilities of employees and talents that you have with Talent
 Able to manage the employee recruitment process from start to finish in a detailed and
well-structured manner.

Attendance Application is an application that makes it easy for you, both as an employee
and as a management, to monitor employees, especially in attendance. With one click on
your Android device, you can perform timesheet in and out with accuracy. The features
contained in this software include Calendar, Time Group, Schedule Exception, Leaves,
Permission Request, Leave Request, Overtime Request, Timesheet, Time Definition.
 Calendar feature : Display Agenda, Events, Holidays with Calendar Features
The Calendar menu in the Solution Linov HR Attendance Software serves to display
all company holidays and events. In this menu, management can also set criteria for
employees who are entitled to have holidays or attend events.

Figure 7.1.1 Calendar Feature

 Time group feature : Set Employee Work Schedules with Time Group

Figure 7.1.2 Time Group Feature

Time Group is used to group employees who have the same working hours. Through
Time Group, you can manage employee attendance schedules and status. This
schedule will later be compared with employee attendance data to obtain attendance
status. Other components such as flexible working hours, tolerance for tardiness,
absence as an annual leave, Paid Overtime, Flexible Holiday Overtime, and Overtime
Rounding are also set on this menu.

 Schedule exception feature :

Replace Employee Work
Schedule with Exception
Employees who are unable to

Figure 7.1.3 Schedule Exception Feature


attend and want to change their schedule on another day or with other

employees' schedules can be arranged on this exception schedule menu. This

exception schedule menu makes it very easy for companies that apply shift working
hours rules for their employees.

 Leaves feature : Organize Leave With LinovHR Leaves Menu

The Leaves menu in the Time Management System in the HRD application functions
to manage the company leave configuration. In this menu, you can also specify the
leave quota, quota period, and which employees are entitled to receive leave.

Figure 7.1.4 Leaves Feature

 Permittion request feature : Req for a Work Permit with the Permit Request
Employees who want to ask for permission to arrive late, leave early or leave work
can be administratively managed in this Permit Request feature.
So that if there is a record of employee attendance that is not in accordance with the
working hours that should be, then the cause can be easily traced. Admin can manage
this approval request path by themselves.
 Leave request feature : Request and View the remaining Leave Quota through the
Leave Feature
Employees who wish to apply for leave can be done on this menu. Employees can
also view their remaining leave quota before applying for leave. Admin can manage
this approval request path by themselves.

Figure 7.1.5 Leave Req Feature

 Overtime request feature : Manage Employee Overtime Through the Overtime

Request Feature
The Overtime Request menu makes it easier for employees to apply for overtime.
Admin, in this case HR Management or other parties who are given the responsibility
can manage this approval request line by themselves.

Figure 7.1.6 overtime request feature

 Timesheet feature : Manage Employee Attendance with Timesheet Feature

The Timesheet menu in the LinovHR Attendance Software can help HR in managing
employee attendance records. Admins can enter employee attendance data for later
analysis and comparison with employee schedules, resulting in an accurate employee
attendance status.
In this menu, there are two types of timesheets, namely:
- Unprocessed Timesheet: The timesheet that has not been analyzed.
- Processed Timesheet: The timesheet analyzed. Displays the attendance status,
leave, and overtime employees.

Figure 7.1.7 time sheet feature

 Time definition feature : Time

Definition Function in LinovHR
Time Attendance
In calculating the payroll of each
employee, there are various
components in it. Time Definition is
a feature that regulates the time
component that will be used in
payroll calculations.

Figure 7.1.8 time definition feature

With LinovHR Personal Administration, messy employee data problems, lost CVs and
other problems can be resolved easily. In addition, LinovHR Personal can also manage
candidate employee data for your company, manage employee performance data, be it in
the form of rewards or punishments and various other conveniences that you cannot find
in any application.
 Personel details : General employee information is divided into several categories,
namely basic employee information, complete address, language skills mastered,
information on employee family members, and other complementary documents that
support personal information. All of this personal data can be input via the cloud-

based HR application from LinovHR, which allows HR staff to input it from any
device with the internet.
The management of the company can complete the data collection on the educational
history and work experience that the employees had before joining the company.
Educational background and work history are crucial to assess how far an employee's
ability is in his performance and knowledge.
 Assignments : This feature can display information related to the current employee
position or position along with the employment status. In addition, rewards or rewards
if employees get achievements and punishments or punishments obtained for poor
performance are also shown in detail.
 Assets : Companies usually lend a number of assets in the form of laptops or
smartphones to help employee performance. The borrowed asset is the property of the
company and must be returned to the company when the employee has completed the
performance period. The Asset feature makes it easy for companies to record all assets
lent by employees. The existence of company assets can be tracked and managed
 Time : The presence of employees greatly affects their productivity and performance
while working at the company. Attendance, permits, leave and overtime data are also
one of the components in calculating employee salaries. Thus the company must
record in detail the employee attendance data in detail, including data on leave,
permits and overtime. In the Time feature, companies are facilitated by recording
complete attendance, leave and overtime data. All actual and processed employee data
are then displayed in the processed timesheet table.
 Reimbursement : In addition to salary, reimbursement is the right of employees while
working in a company. This feature is useful for displaying all reimbursements that
employees are entitled to receive, such as official travel, health, and others.
Reimbursement data that have been claimed by employees are also recorded and
displayed sequentially.
 Payroll : Payroll or more familiarly called payroll is an obligation for companies to
provide it to employees in a timely manner. The Payroll feature in Personnel
Management functions to display all components related to employee payroll such as
basic salary, bank account, PPh 21, attendance data, to overtime of the employee.

LinovHR is a cloud-based HR application that is the best solution to solve various

problems faced by HR in HR data management. The complete User Interface and
features in the Personnel Administration module are a distinct advantage for the HR
Application from LinovHR from the aspect of managing data. As administrators, HR
staff can find and enter various information easily and quickly. The company's
performance and processes in managing employees are even more impressive.

To improve the performance, capabilities and leadership spirit of each employee in the
company, it is necessary to have a very good and mature plan and strategy to carry out
various training according to the needs, so that the human resources that are owned are
able to bring the company to global competition.LinovHR Training Management is part
of the HR software or application from LinovHR which makes it easy for you to plan
various employee training activities at the company. The feature that available are
learning checklist, budget calculation, development period, activity catalog, session,
development activity.
 Learning Checklist
The learning checklist consists of skills, competencies, development activities, and /
or learning tasks that employees must complete before the due date.
 Budget Calculation
For budget calculations, the admin is asked to input the development period and
calculation setup. All processes, from calculation to budget finalization, are carried
out in this menu.
 Development Period
The Development Period is the time span for a budget to be valid. The development
period will be used when calculating the budget.
 Activity Catalog
Activity Catalog makes it easy for HR Management to summarize the results of the
training carried out, as well as estimate how much total costs have been incurred.
 Session

If you want to make a training for more than one session, this feature can make it
easier for you to manage each session of the training that you have created.
 Development Activity
This feature helps you manage the training held by the company, such as the type of
training, duration, list of participants, costs required, and helps measure what skills
and competencies will be achieved through the training that has been arranged.

In LinovHR, the performance management module consists of performance appraisals or
reviews, goal management and feedback. By using the performance management module
of the LinovHR HR Software, the entire employee performance management process,
from determining work targets, performance appraisals to making reports or employee
review results, can be done quickly, precisely and accurately.
 Performance review : Performance Review is one of the features contained in
LinovHR performance management. Performance reviews are used to conduct
performance appraisals or review all employee performance.

Figure 7.1.9 Performance Review

The review process can be carried out in accordance with the predetermined employee
performance appraisal period. There are various types of reviews including Self
Review, Manager Review, Subordinate Review, Peer to Peer Review, Team Review,
Internal Review, External Review, and Custom Review.
 Goals and KPIs : Performance
Goals are one of the features in
performance management software that can
be used by a company or organization in

Figure 7.1.10 Goals and KPIs


determining and knowing the extent to which the company has made progress in
achieving its goals.
Meanwhile, KPI is a feature for assessing the results of employee work which is
carried out as a way to help each employee find out what they have been doing and
are working on so that it can develop further.

 Result individual performance : This feature can be used by companies to see the
results of performance reviews from individuals, divisional units and work
Later each result will have a performance score with a range of different ranges
divided into 5 types, namely Distraction (0 to 0.9), Under Performance (1.0 to 1.9),
Contributor (2.0 to 2.9), Achiever ( 3.0 to 3.9), Rockstar (4.0 to 5.0).

Figure 7.1.11 result individual


 Balanced scorecard : The Balanced

Scorecard is used to improve the executive
performance measurement system. With the
Balanced Scorecard feature the company will
know more about the extent of the
movements and developments that have been

Figure 7.1.12 Balance Scorcard achieved.

This feature will also greatly help companies to provide a comprehensive view of the
company's performance. In order for performance to be more effective and efficient,
accurate information that represents the work system is needed.

 Feedback : Performance Feedback is

one of the features available in
performance management .
Performance Feedback is used for all
employees to provide feedback for
colleagues, managers, and even for
themselves. Feedback process is
carried out once per predetermined
period. Figure 7.1.13 Feedback
Performance Feedback itself is divided
into various types including Self Feedback, Manager Feedback, Subordinate
Feedback, Peer to Peer Feedback, Team Feedback, Internal Feedback, External
Feedback, and Custom Feedback.

7. 2 Financial Manager

A. introduction
(, n.d.) or Manager is free accounting software for small businesses.
This application is almost the same as Microsoft Excel but more specifically to help financial
managers, because its features are immediately formed like an accounting account so that in
this application financial records are very neatly organized. Available for Windows, Mac and

Figure 7.2 1 Introduction


Figure 7.2.2 Manager Desktop

The Most Comprehensive Free Accounting Software

B. features that will save you time & money

general ledger Fixed asset management Customer statements

Cash management Capital accounts Remittance advices
Bank reconciliation Profit & loss statement Comparative reporting
Expense claims Balance sheet Project-based accounting
Accounts receivable Statement of changes in Bank statement importing
Accounts payable equity Recurring billing
Estimates & quotes Trial balance Cash-basis accounting
Purchase orders VAT, GST or sales tax Accrual-basis accounting
Billing & invoicing Multi-currency Departmental accounting
Credit notes Custom fields Payroll management
Delivery notes Customizable invoices Manufacturing
Sales orders Chart of accounts management
Stock & inventory Journal entries Email templates
Time & service billing Aged receivables Drill down reports
Billable expenses Aged payables

C. Display in the application

Figure 7.2.3 Summary Feature

Figure 7.2.4 Summary Feature

Figure 7.2.5 Report Feature


Figure 7.2.6 settings of

D. Advantages and Disadvantages uses

1. Can be downloaded for free
2. Provided a sharing forum for users
3. There is a guide for each menu
4. Language and date can be set
5. Application data can be shared
between users
6. Very complete features
7. Can attach documents
8. Real-time data changes
9. Can make a very complete
financial report
10. Can bank reconciliation

1. Cannot be used on cellphones
2. Cannot restrict user access when
sharing database
3. Need internet to share data base

7.3 Operational Manager

Figure 7.3.1 Oddo Logo


(Hartanto, 2018) Odoo (generasi pengembangan OpenERP) adalah aplikasi ERP (Enterprise

Planning) modern dan lengkap yang didistribusikan secara open source, didalamnya terdapat

berbagai program aplikasi bisnis termasuk Sales, CRM, Human Resources, Warehouse

Management, Manufacturing, Finance and Accounting dan lain sebagainya. Odoo/OpenERP

dibangun menggunakan teknologi framework open object yang memiliki kekuatan arsitektur

MVC (Model View Controller), workflow atau Alur Kerja Proses yang fleksibel, GUI yang

dinamis, antarmuka XML-RPC dan sistem pelaporan yang dapat dikustomisasi sesuai dengan

kebutuhan. Odoo (OpenERP) merupakan web aplikasi yang dibangun menggunakan bahasa

pemograman Phyton, XML, dan JavaScript serta menggunakan PostgreeSQL sebagai

database management systemnya.

Odoo versi 12 mempunyai modul standart sebagai berikut :

1. CRM Track leads and close opportunities.

2. Website Enterprise website builder

3. Project Organize and schedule your projects

4. Timesheets Track time & costs (komersial)
5. Inventory Manage your stock and logistics activities
6. Barcode Barcode scanner for warehouses (komersial)
7. Invoicing Invoices & Payments
8. Accounting Accounting, Taxes, Budgets, Assets (komersial)
9. Manufacturing Manufacturing Orders & BOMs
10. MRP II Work Orders, Planing, Routing (komersial)
11. Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) PLM, ECOs (ada versi komersial dan gratis)
12. Quality Quality Alerts, Control Points (komersial)
13. Sales From quotations to invoices
14. Studio Create and Customize Applications (komersial)
15. Point of Sale Tablet POS: shops and restaurants
16. Notes Organize your work with memos
17. eCommerce Sell your products online
18. Purchase Purchase orders, tenders and agreements
19. Helpdesk Track support tickets Upgrade
20. Employees Centralize employee information
21. Attendances Track employee attendance
22. Recruitment Track your recruitment pipeline
23. Expenses Submit, validate and reinvoice employee expenses
24. Dashboards Build your own dashboards
25. Contacts Centralize your address book
26. Appraisal Assess your employees (komersial)
27. Leaves Allocate leaves and follow leave requests
28. Discuss Chat, mail gateway and private channels
29. Project Forecast Project forecasts, resource allocation (komersial)
30. eBay Connector Sell on eBay easily (komersial)
31. Subscriptions MRR, Churn, Recurring payments (komersial)
32. Sign Send documents to sign online (komersial)
33. VoIP Call using VoIP (komersial)
34. Appointments Online appointments scheduler (komersial)
35. Website Live Chat Chat with your website visitors
36. Surveys Create surveys and analyze answers

37. Email Marketing Design, send and track emails

38. Marketing Automation Build automated mailing campaigns (komersial)
39. Lunch Handle lunch orders of your employees
40. Maintenance Track equipment and manage maintenance requests
41. Calendar Schedule employees meetings
42. Publish blog posts, announces, news
43. Online Jobs Manage your online hiring process
44. Slides Publish videos, slides and documents
45. Forum Manage a forum with FAQ and Q&A
46. Fleet Manage your fleet and track car costs
47. Events Publish events, sell tickets
48. Live Chat Chat with your website visitors
49. Repairs Repair damaged products
50. Android & iPhone Support for Android & iOS Apps (komersial)


Purchase/Manajemen Pembelian Order Pembelian, Penerimaan, Tegihan Pemasok

Manajemen Pembelian memungkinkan anda untuk mencari penjual dari
penawarannya dan mengkonversikannya menjadi pesanan pembelian. Odoo
memiliki beberapa metode pemantauan dan pelacakan faktur penerimaan barang yang
dipesan. Kita dapat menangani pengiriman yang partial di Odoo, sehingga kita masih dapat
mengetahui barang yang masih akan diantarkan. Odoo memungkinkan sistem untuk
menggenerate secara otomatis draft pembelian.

Figure 7.3.2 Dashboard Pembelian

Inventory Management Inventory, Logistics, Warehousing

Modul Inventory adalah modul persediaan dalam bahasa Indonesia. Persediaan,

kaitannya dengan aktivitas logistik sebuah perusahaan, merupakan suatu kegiatan yang
menyediakan stok bahan baku atau barang setengah jadi ataupun barang jadi demi
kelancaran proses produksi dan atau pemenuhan permintaan pelanggan

Figure 7.3.3 Dashboard Persediaan


Sales/Manajemen Penjualan Penawaran, Order Penjualan, Penagihan

Manajemen Penjualan memungkinkan kita untuk mengelola dan

mengklasifikasikan pesanan penjualan pada sistem struktural dan hirarki. Memungkinkan
kita untuk membuat pesanan baru dan meninjau pesanan yang sudah ada. Konfirmasi
pesanan dapat memicu pengiriman barang, faktur dan waktu yang ditentukan oleh
pengaturan dalam setiap pesanan. Intinya sales management berguna untuk mencatat
transaksi dan laporan penjualan Dalam modul ini penjual dapat mendapatkan seluruh
informasi yang dibutuhkan hanya dalam satu layar saja, dapat melakukan kontrol terhadap
pemesanan dan penigriman barang serta dapat mengetahui semua operasi yang dilakukan

POS(Point Of Sale) Antarmuka Layar Sentuh untuk Toko

Dalam dunia bisnis, Point of Sale (POS) dapat diartikan sebagai tempat kasir
(check- out counter) dengan mesin kasir (cash register). Sesuai dengan namanya, Point of
Sale merupakan titik penjualan (check-out) dimana transaksi dapat dikatakan selesai. Ini
adalah dimana pembeli dan penjual melakukan pembayaran atas barang/jasa yang sudah
diterima. Pada POS penjual akan menghitung seluruh jumlah harga yang dibeli konsumen
dan memberikan pilihan bagi pembeli untuk melakukan pembayaran serta mengeluarkan
tanda terima transaksi pembelian yang biasa disebut dengan Struk.

Figure 7.3.4 Dashboard POS


Invoicing Management Tangani pembayaran

Invoicing Management mendapatkan tampilan luas di semua faktur dan filter

berdasarkan status, Secara otomatis menautkan pembayaran ke rekening bank Anda
dengan faktur yang ada dengan mengimpor laporan bank Anda ke dalam sistem.
Sinkronisasi dengan 24000 bank kebanyakan di AS, Australia dan Selandia Baru. Impor
file dalam format: OFX, QIF, CSV, CODA.
Mengizinkan pelanggan membayar dalam mata uang mereka dengan pengonversi
mata uang otomatis dan mencatat untung dan rugi untuk setiap konversi. Pembaruan

tarif mata uang didasarkan pada frekuensi yang dipilih: harian, mingguan, bulanan. Kirim
faktur Anda melalui email dan tambahkan tautan ke Otorisasi, Paypal, Ingenico, Buckaroo,
atau Adyen untuk dibayar cepat, mudah, dan aman. Untuk tindak lanjut secara Otomatis
anda bisa buat langkah dan tindakan otomatis yang akan diambil oleh sistem jika terjadi
masalah pembayaran.
Untuk Pembayaran Batch Anda pilih beberapa tagihan vendor dan bayar semuanya
sekaligus. Bekerja untuk mengkreditkan sejumlah pelanggan melalui SEPA Direct Debit
atau token kartu kredit.

Manufacture/Produksi Manufacturing Orders, Bill of Materials, Routings

Dalam kegiatan perindustrian, Produksi atau Manufaktur merupakan aktivitas inti

dari suatu industri. Produksi sendiri dapat diartikan sebagai aktivitas yang saling
berhubungan untuk memproses/membuat suatu produk yang dimana didalam proses
tersebut meliputi perancangan produk, pemilihan material, perencanaan proses,
perencanaan produksi, manajemen, pemasaran, yang didalamnya melibatkan material,
mesin, alat, dan tenaga kerja. Mengingat pentingnya suatu kegiatan manufaktur terhadap
suatu industri, maka dari itu diperlukan metode-metode yang dapat digunakan untuk
menentukan aktivitas yang dilakukan untuk suatu produk yang dimana didalam aktivitas
itu melibatkan material, mesin, metode perencanaan,dan pemasaran atau biasa disebut
dengan manufacturing management.
Fungsi dari manufacturing management itu sendiri adalah supaya dalam proses
produksi itu bisa berjalan secara efektif dan efisien sehingga produk yang dikeluarkan itu
mencapai performansi produktivitas total sistem yang optimal, seperti; waktu produksi,
ongkos, dan utilitas mesin.
Disini Sistem Informasi Management berbasis Odoo membantu perusahaan
memanage semua kegiatan manufaktur mulai dari pemesanan, BOM, penjadwalan dll.
Terdapat 4 sub modul pada modul Manufacturing Manaement diantaranya: Manufacturing,
Planning, Products, dan Configuration. Berikut penjelasan dari setiap sub modul tersebut.

Figure 7.3.5 Dashboard Pabrik

Timesheet/Tabel Waktu Review and approve employees time reports

Modul tabel waktu dapat digunakan untuk mereview waktu yang telah digunakan
karyawan untuk dapat menganalisa hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan waktu secara lebih
efisien dan detail sehingga mengelola waktu karyawan secara tepat untuk mendapatkan
waktu yang lebih produktif.

Figure 7.3.6 Dashboard Timesheets

Discuss/Diskusi Diskusi, Milis, Berita

Modul diskusi digunakan untuk berdiskusi, pesan chat atau memberikan berita
kepada sesama karyawan pengguna Odoo dalam satu perusahaan tersebut secara real-time.
Chat dapat dilakukan ke pribadi atau privasi maupun chat langsung pada group.

Figure 7.3.7 Dashboard Discuss

Leave Management Leave allocations and leave requests

Odoo "Leave Management" memungkinkan karyawan untuk meninggalkan alokasi

dan permintaan untuk durasi mereka dalam beberapa hari.
Dengan memasang modul ini, durasi keluar akan dinyatakan dalam jam, bukan
hari. Dalam formulir cuti, bidang "durasi" baru (dalam jam) akan ditampilkan dan "durasi"

asli (dalam hari) akan disembunyikan.

Sebagai contoh, katakanlah bahwa hari kerja untuk seorang karyawan adalah 8 jam:
1 hari = 8 jam
2 hari = 16 jam
0,5 hari (setengah hari) = 4
jam 0,125 hari = 1 jam

Jika karyawan ingin meminta cuti satu jam:

dengan aplikasi Odoo "Leave Management" karyawan akan menulis 0,125
hari dengan modul "hr_holidays_hour" terpasang, karyawan menulis 1.0

Jika karyawan ingin meminta setengah hari:

dengan aplikasi Odoo "Leave Management” karyawan akan menulis 0,5
hari dengan modul "hr_holidays_hour" terpasang, karyawan menulis 4,0
Dalam hal jadwal waktu kerja didefinisikan untuk seorang karyawan, durasi (dalam jam)
akan secara otomatis diisi saat menetapkan tanggal awal dan tanggal akhir permintaan cuti.
Jika "Waktu Kerja" tidak ditetapkan untuk karyawan, tetapi karyawan memiliki kontrak
dengan jadwal kerja, durasi (dalam jam) akan secara otomatis diisi juga.

Figure 7.3.8 Dashboard Forecast


Productivity/Product Life Cicly Management Sticky notes, Collaborative, Memos

Fungsi utama modul productivity ini yaitu digunakan untuk catatan dan membuat
daftar tugas/pekerjaan yang harus dilakukan seseorang yang dapat dilihat kapanpun dan
dimanapun sehingga produktifitas lebih meningkat. Pada modul ini juga memiliki fitur
yang memungkinkan penggunanya untuk berkolaborasi sehingga daftar tugas bisa
diselesaikan bersama-sama team.

Expense Submit/Tracker Expenses Validation, Invoicing

Expense Tracker, aplikasi yang tersedia di Odoo, dan metode untuk

menggunakannya. Ini akan melacak pengeluaran atau pembelian produk yang dibuat
karyawan suatu organisasi. Karena melacak manual akun karyawan, pengumpulan tagihan,
dan penggantian merupakan proses yang membosankan, antarmuka Odoo yang memiliki
catatan internal biaya karyawan dalam tab terpisah dan peningkatan operasi akunnya
datang sebagai solusi mudah untuk melacaknya. Odoo juga memiliki beberapa aplikasi
penting dan berguna yang membuat ERP tidak hanya mudah tetapi menyenangkan.

CRM - Leads, Opportunities, Activities

CRM atau Customer Relationship Management. CRM adalah sebuah pendekatan
baru dalam mengelola hubungan korporasi dengan pelanggan pada level bisnis sehingga
dapat memaksimumkan komunikasi dan pemasaran melalui pengelolaan berbagai kontak
yang berbeda. Pendekatan ini memungkinkan untuk mempertahankan pelanggan dan
memberikan nilai tambah secara terus-menerus kepada pelanggan.

Figure 7.3.9 Dasboard CRM

Projects/Proyek Projects, Tasks Terpasang

Proyek adalah suatu penerapan ilmu pengetahuan, keahlian dan juga ketrampilan,
cara teknis yang terbaik serta dengan sumber daya yang terbatas untuk mencapai sasaran
atau tujuan yang sudah ditentukan agar mendapatkan hasil yang optimal dalam hal kinerja,
waktu, mutu dan keselamatan kerja. Definisi manajemen proyek yang lainnya adalah suatu
kegiatan merencanakan, mengorganisasikan, mengarahkan, mengawasi serta
mengendalikan sumber daya organisasi perusahaan guna mencapai tujuan tertentu dalam
waktu tertentu dengan sumber daya tertentu.

Figure 7.3.10 Dashboard Proyek


7.4 Marketing Manager

1. Online Marketplace
Merupakan perantara antara penjual dan pembeli di dunia maya. Situs marketplace
bertindak sebagai pihak ketiga dalam transaksi online dengan menyediakan tempat
berjualan dan fasilitas pembayaran. Bisa dikatakan marketplace adalah departement
store online. Contoh Online Marketplace yaitu Shopee, Bukalapak, Lazada, dan
Tokopedia. (Adani, 2020)

2. Hootsuite
(Wibowo, 2020) Merupakan salah satu alat manajemen media sosial tertua di pasar
yang menawarkan sekian banyak fitur yang bermanfaat. Alat ini memiliki rencana
gratis dan berbayar. Hootsuite berupa alat dalam website yang dapat digunakan untuk
mengontrol aplikasi marketing yang kita miliki seperti Instagram dan Facebook.
Dengan bantuan Hootsuite kita dapat mengatur jadwal upload produk kita di media
sosial yang kita miliki, Hootsuite nantinya akan mengupload produk dan juga caption
yang kita buat sebelumnya sesuai dengan jadwal yang telah kita atur secara otomatis.
Ini berarti kita tidak perlu lagi membuka sosial media kita untuk mengupload produk
kita. Berikut adalah link untuk mendownload aplikasi Hootsuite :
Cara menggunakan Hootsuite yaitu sebagai berikut :
 Buat Akun Anda
Sebelum menggunakan Hootsuite, Anda membutuhkan suatu akun.
Navigasilah ke hootsuite dan klik tautan Sign up. Anda bisa menggunakan
email dan kata sandi. Lalu klik Authorize dan Hootsuite akan memberikan
Anda opsi untuk menambahkan profil lainnya.

 Hubungkan Profil Sosial Media Anda

Semua pengaturan Hootsuite terletak di menu sidebar kecil di sebelah kiri.
Mengklik gambar profil Anda akan membawa ke layar di situ Anda bisa
menambahkan beberapa profil media sosial. Klik saja tombol biru dan pilih
profil yang akan Anda tambahkan.

 Buat Jadwal dan Masukkan Konten Anda

Untuk mengirimkan pesan Anda klik saja bilah di atas. Anda akan melihat ada
dua bagian. Bagian pertama mengendalikan ke akun mana pesannya akan
dikirmkan, dan bagian ke dua adalah tempat Anda memasukkan pesan,
gambar, tautan dan mengatur waktunya.
Link berikut ini merupakan tutorial penggunaan Hootsuite secara lengkap :

3. SociaBuzz
adalah influencer marketing platform yang pada dasarnya mengusung konsep online
marketplace yang menghubungkan bisnis dengan social media influencer. Hal ini
bertujuan untuk menciptakan pemasaran word-of-mouth di media sosial seperti
Instagram, Blog, Youtube, dan Twitter. (Priambada, 2016)
Berikut adalah link untuk mendownload aplikasi SociaBuzz :
(SociaBuzz, 2018) Berikut ini adalah cara menggunakan aplikasi Sociabuzz :

1. Posting Job

Anda dapat menuliskan atau memperkenalkan

produk yang ingin anda iklankan. Anda juga dapat
menuliskan kriteria influencer yang anda mau
misalkan jenis kelamin atau jumlah follower dan juga
umur yang sesuai dengan produk anda. Anda juga
bisa menuliskan ketentuan postingan yang harus
dilakukan oleh influencer dalam media sosialnya.

Figure 7.4.1 Posting Job


2. Dapatkan List

Ketika anda sudah memposting job dan segala

ketentuan influencer yang anda butuhkan,
selanjutnya anda akan mendapatkan list atau daftar
influencer yang sesuai dengan ketentuan yang telah
anda tulis sebelumnya. Dalam layer anda nantinya
akan tampil list influencer yang bersedia kerja sama
dengan anda beserta harganya.

Figure 7.4.2 List

3. Review Profil

Di sini anda dapat melihat data influencer secara

lebih lengkapnya. Anda dapat melihat jumlah
followers, engagement rate dan data lainya dari
influencer yang anda pilih dalam list.

Figure 7.4.3 Review Profile

4. Tentukan Pilihan

Selanjutnya anda dapat menentukan influencer

mana yang anda butuhkan, influencer mana yang
membanrol harga sesuai dengan keperluan anda,
dan sesuai dengan ketentuan yang anda inginkan.
Anda dapat memilih lebih dari satu influencer untuk
mempromosikan produk anda.

Figure 7.4.4 Determine The Choice


5. Bayar

Setelah anda menentukan influencer pilihan anda,

anda harus membayarnya melalu transfer ke rekening
SociaBuzz. Uang yang telah anda transfer akan di
simpan terlebih dahulu oleh SociaBuzz, tetapi anda
akan tetap bisa terhubung dengan influencer Ketika
transfer telah berhasil.

Figure 7.4.5 Pay

6. Klik OK

setelah transfer anda berhasil di terima oleh

SociaBuzz anda dapat meng“klik” tombol OK untuk
memulai kerja sama dengan influencer pilihan anda.

Figure 7.4.6 Click OK

7. Chat Via Whatsapp

Setelah tombol OK anda klik anda akan langsung

terhubung via Whatsapp secara langsung dengan
influencer yang telah anda pilih tadi. Anda dapat
menjelaskan lebih lanjut mengenai ketentuan posting
promosi produk anda pada sosial media influencer.
Lalu anda juga dapat menentukan jadwal upload
produk oleh influencer tersebut.

Figure 7.4.7 Chat WhatsApp


8. Klik Selesai

Setelah influencer tersebut menjalankan tugasnya dengan

baik, anda dapat meng“klik” tombol selesai. Kemudian
influencer barulah menerima uang endors yang tadinya di
simpan terlebih dahulu oleh SociaBuzz. Namun Ketika
influencer tersebut tidak menjalankan tugasnya dengan
baik jangan klik tombol selesai, anda dapat melaporkannya
ke SociaBuzz, selanjutnya SociaBuzz lah yang akan
memproses dan uang anda akan di transfer Kembali ke
rekening anda.

Figure 7.4.8 Click Done

Link berikut ini merupakan tutorial penggunaan SociaBuzz secara lengkap :

4. Editing Software
Dengan membuat konten berkualitas adalah salah satu cara terbaik untuk menjangkau
audiens target sehingga meningkatkan keterlibatan pengguna di saluran media sosial.
 Corel Draw
Sebuah program komputer editor grafik vektor yang berfungsi untuk
mengolah gambar dan banyak digunakan pada bidang publikasi, percetakan,
dan bidang lain yang membutuhkan proses visualisasi. (Kece, 2021b)
Berikut merupakan link untuk mendownload Corel Draw :
Berikut adalah link Youtube tutorial penggunaan Corel Draw :

Figure 7.4.9 CorelDraw App

Berikut ini adalah beberapa fungsi dan kegunaan dari coreldraw :

 Membuat Desain Logo
Sebuah perusahaan, website, toko ataupun lembaga membutuhkan
logo sebagai lambang identitas.
 Membuat Desain Brosur, Poster dan Undangan
Dengan Corel Draw kita bisa membuat desain lebih menarik, apalagi
dengan banyaknya pilihan font yang bisa dikombinasikan dengan
gambar dan beragam warna.
 Membuat Ilustrasi
Corel juga bisa digunakan untuk membuat ilustrasi, misalnya
ilustrasi produk yang akan diproduksi.

 Photoshop

Figure 7.4.10 PhotoShop Feature

Merupakan perangkat lunak atau software yang berfungsi untuk pengeditan

foto ataupun gambar dan juga pembuatan efek buatan. Banyak fotografer dan
juga perusahaan-perusahaan iklan yang menggunakan Adobe Photoshop
sebagai perangkat lunak atau software untuk mengolah foto dan gambar untuk
Berikut adalah link untuk mendownload Photoshop :
Berikut adalah link Youtube penggunaan Photoshop :
(Kece, 2021a) Adobe photoshop memiliki fungsi utama yaitu sebagai software
pengedit gambar atau foto serta pembuatan efek. Selain itu adobe photoshop
mempunyai fungsi-fungsi lainnya yaitu :
 Dapat mengkombinasikan dua gambar atau juga bisa lebih menjadi
satu gambar baru
 Dapat menghilangkan atau menghapus suatu objek pada gambar
 Dapat memberi dan merubah warna
 Dapat mengubah ukuran gambar seperti memperbesar atau
memperkecil ukuran gambar
 Dapat mempertajam gambar atau foto dan kualitas gambar atau foto

 Dapat membersihkan atau membuat gambar menjadi lebih indah

 Dapat membuat gambar menjadi kabur atau blur agar terlihat samar-
 Dapat meningkatkan tingkat kecerahan pada gambar
 Dapat untuk memotong gambar

Adobe Photoshop juga biasanya menggunakan pendamping Adobe Illustrator.

Oleh karena itu, kita dapat dengan mudah mengkombinasikan desain dari Adobe
Illustrator dengan Adobe Photoshop untuk menciptakan desain yang menarik.
Berikut adalah tutorial penggunaan Adobe Illustrator :

Tutorial Pembuatan Cover dengan Menggunakan Aplikasi Adobe Illustrator

1. Buka aplikasi Adobe Illustrator

2. Klik “Create New” untuk membuat cover


3. Setelah itu akan muncul opsi, Present Detail bisa diisi sebagai penamaan file
cover. Width diubah menjadi 18.2 cm dan Height diubah menjadi 25.7 cm dalam
bentuk centimeter sesuai dengan ukuran cover yaitu A5. Colour mode juga diubah
RGB untuk pemudahan pewarnaan. Tekan Create..

4. Cari Free Footage gambar grombyang di google

5. Di dalam shape kita gunakan square, line dan text dalam pembuatan cover ini.

6. Untuk memasukan gambar grombyang klik file => place

7. Setelah jadi klik export => export for screens


8. Dalam artboard nama file hasil bisa diubah sesuai keinginan misalnya “hasil”.
Export to adalah direktori tujuan file akan ditempatkan. Tekan Export Artboard

9. Cover pun jadi.


 Canva

Figure 7.4.11 Canva App

Merupakan aplikasi desain grafis untuk dengan mudah merancang berbagai

jenis material kreatif secara online. Mulai dari mendesain kartu ucapan, poster,
brosur, infografik, hingga presentasi.
Berikut adalah link untuk mendownload aplikasi Canva :
Berikut adalah link Youtube tutorial penggunaan canva :
(Nayoan, 2019) Ada berbagai macam desain yang bisa dibuat, termasuk :
 Desain Kemasan Produk
Canva dapat membantu untuk membuat desain kemasan berbagai jenis
produk, mulai dari label botol hingga kotak karton.
 Logo

Branding adalah salah satu hal terpenting dalam proses marketing.

Nah, logo adalah salah satu sarana untuk melakukan branding.
 Poster
Membuat iklan untuk sebuah produk, jasa, atau acara dengan menarik
dan mudah.
 Konten Media Sosial
Canva memudahkan untuk mendesain berbagai media visual yang
cocok untuk media sosial.

Berikut adalah tutorial penggunaan Canva sebagai media promosi :

Tutorial Pembuatan Pamflet dengan Menggunakan Aplikasi Canva

1. Download aplikasi Canva di Laptop melalui link berikut :

2. Buka aplikasi Canva kemudian klik sign up untuk mendaftarkan akun yang akan
digunakan, jika sudah memiliki akun klik login untuk masuk ke Canva

3. Kemudian login dengan memasukkan email dan password

4. Pilih template kiriman Instagram


5. Ubah font dan sesuaikan warna serta ukurannya

6. Klik unggahan kemudian uggah media dan pilih gambar untuh mengunggah gambar

7. Sesuaikan ukuran dan letak gambar

8. Klik ikon dan ketik logo instagram untuk menambahkan logo instagram

9. Tambahkan instagram, whatsapp, dan facebook untuk melengkapi pamflet

10. Klik unduh dan pilih pada file mana pamflet akan disimpan jika sudah selesai

11. Pamflet sudah jadi

5. Sosial Media

- Sosial media marketing adalah bentuk pemasaran digital yang menggunakan

media sosial dan situs web jaringan untuk mempromosikan produk atau layanan
- Ini adalah platform dimana pemasar dapat berinteraksi dengan pelanggan,
menyelesaikan pertanyaan dan keluhan, mengumumkan produk dan layanan baru,
mendapatkan umpan balik dan rekomendasi, serta membangun komunitas.
- Pemasaran sosial media melibatkan aktivitas seperti membangun kehadiran di
jejaring sosial, menyebarkan kesadaran merek, melibatkan prospek dan pelanggan
melalui konten, mengarahkan lalu lintas ke situs web, dan sebagainya.
- Iklan di Instagram

 Pilih Post to Promote

Pertama, masuk ke profil dan pilih pos yang akan dipromosikan. Lalu,
klik tombol Promote di halaman post

 Pilih Objective dan Action

Instagram dapat digunakan untuk promosi buat bisnis. Dengan
menggiring target untuk mengunjungi situs website, melihat profil,
mendapatkan petunjuk arah ke alamat tertentu, atau menghubungi
nomor telepon yang tercantum di akun bisnis.

- Iklan di Facebook
(Sholeh, 2018)
 Mengakses halaman Ads Manager – Creation
Untuk mengaksesnya dengan klik link berikut ini =>

 Menentukan Objective Iklan

Pilih Awereness > Brand Awereness. Kemudian muncul beberapa opsi
seperti berikut ini :
Campaign Name : isi dengan nama iklan.
Create Split test : Gunakan fitur ini jika ingin melakukan split testing.

Budget Optimization : menggunakan fitur ini untuk mengoptimalkan

anggaran pada setiap Ad Set.

 Menentukan Audience, Penempatan, Anggaran dan Penjadwalan


Figure 7.4.12 Advertisement


7.5 Administration Manager

Figure 7.5.1 Sleekr Logo

1. Brief Introduction About Sleekr

Sleekr is a software that helps businesses mainly small and intermediate business that
handle the human resources management. Initially, Sleekr was an application for the
internal benefit of the company which they worked on respectively in the fields of web
development and business processes because of the obstacles they faced related to HR
issues. The features in this app, include approval and access entitlement, employees mobile
application, petty cash, employees vacation, attendance and work shift of employees, etc.

(Sleekr, n.d.)
2. Sleekr Features
 Software Payroll

Figure 7.5.2 Software Payroll


Sleekr which is equipped with payroll software will assist users in calculating salary which
combines data automatically, where users only need 2 minutes to calculate payroll, then only
need 1 click to send salary and report PPh 21 to KPP. Users can use this feature to:
1. Calculate Payroll Automatically
2. BPJS Employment Contribution
3. Calculate the Pph of 21 Employees
4. Daily Allowance
5. Online Salary Slip

 Employee Database

Figure 7.5.3 Employee Database

From the employee directory and organizational structure that is always updated,
employees have policies according to their last position. Users are also easier to handle
promotions, transfers, to new employees.
1. Employee Directory
2. Vacation Policy
3. Claims Policy
4. Attendance Data
5. Contract Reminder

 Business Process

Figure 7.5.4 Business Process

Sleekr is equipped with the feature which make a business activity a lot easier. Users can
create electronic SOP and other comprehensive business policies that let the users have the
control in doing the business process. These are some functions of this feature :
1. Attendance Integration
2. Shift Rotation Schedule
3. Admin page
4. Multi Access Rights
5. HR Helpdesk

 Office administration

Figure 7.5.5 Office Administration


Sleekr HR software is equipped with features that make it easier to manage company
administration, from vacation, surveys, broadcasts to all employees, and much more.
Employees can easily apply for leave online, view the pay slips and income taxes that you
have deducted according to Indonesian Government regulations. This feature can be used for
1. Digital Petty Cash
2. Cash Advance
3. Leave Calendar
4. Employee Survey
5. Broadcast Message

7.6 Monitoring and Evaluation Officer Manager

(Trello, n.d.) Apakah Anda sedang mencari cara untuk mempermudah monitoring pekerjaan?
Apakah Anda sering lupa mengenai tugas, kelewatan deadline pekerjaan, atau tak bisa
memantau progress proyek kolaborasi yang sedang dikerjakan?

Tidak usah khawatir, Anda sudah datang ke tempat yang tepat! Pada bagian kali ini kami
akan membahas mengenai Trello. Aplikasi serba bisa ini merupakan solusi dari masalah-
masalah Anda di atas, lho. Tak percaya? Yuk, simak ini sampai selesai.

 Apa Itu Trello?

Trello adalah aplikasi kolaborasi yang memungkinkan Anda untuk mengatur berbagai proyek
dalam satu tempat. Dengan Trello, semua orang di proyek tersebut bisa tahu apa yang sedang
dikerjakan, siapa yang mengerjakannya, dan sudah sejauh mana ia mengerjakannya.

Anggap saja Trello adalah sebuah papan tulis yang penuh dengan sticky notes. Di masing-
masing sticky notes tertulis mengenai tugas Anda pribadi dan tugas tim secara keseluruhan.
Lalu, di setiap sticky notes tersebut juga terdapat foto, lampiran dari berbagai sumber, serta
kolom komentar.

Nah, bedanya dengan papan tulis biasa, Trello adalah papan tulis yang bisa Anda bawa ke
mana-mana. Anda bisa mengakses Trello lewat smartphone atau lewat komputer dengan

 Fitur-Fitur Trello

Trello mempunyai empat fitur utama di dalamnya: Boards, Lists, Cards, dan Menu. Kami
akan menjelaskan masing-masing fitur di bawah ini.

1) Boards

Figure 7.6.1 Boards

Boards akan menunjukkan proyek Anda sekarang lengkap dengan berbagai informasi
di dalamnya. Semua orang yang tergabung ke dalam proyek tersebut bisa melihat apa
yang ada di Boards. Misalnya, satu divisi memiliki satu board yang sama dan semua
orang di divisi tersebut bisa melihat semua tugas yang harus dikerjakan.

Oh ya, jumlah Boards yang bisa Anda buat di Trello itu tak terbatas, lho. Jadi, Anda
bisa menjalankan banyak proyek sekaligus dengan tim yang berbeda-beda pula.
Sangat efektif, bukan?

2) Cards

Figure 7.6.2 Cards


Komponen terpenting dalam Boards di Trello adalah Cards. Cards ini berguna untuk
menampilkan tugas dan ide-ide. Misalnya adalah hal-hal yang harus dilakukan, seperti
menulis artikel di blog. Atau sekedar sesuatu yang harus diingat, seperti kebijakan

Cukup klik “Add a card..” di bagian bawah Lists (yang akan kami bahas tepat di
bawah ini), dan berikan nama. Anda bisa memberikan nama seperti, “Tulis artikel di
Blog” atau “Jemput client di bandara,” misalnya. Tak ada batasan dalam pembuatan
Cards, jadi Anda bisa membuatnya sebanyak yang dibutuhkan.

Anda juga bisa memasukkan berbagai informasi terkait project di Cards. lho. Dengan
begini, anggota tim Anda bisa tahu lebih jelas apa yang harus mereka lakukan.

3) Lists

Figure 7.6.3 Lists

Lists ini merupakan wadah bagi Cards agar tetap rapi sesuai perkembangan proyek
yang sedang berjalan. Dengan kata lain, Lists ini untuk berfungsi selayaknya
workflow. Di mana tiap Lists yang dibuat bisa Anda kategorikan sebagai To Do (akan
dikerjakan), Doing (sedang dikerjakan), atau Done (selesai).

Workflow di Lists adalah fitur yang sederhana, tapi terbukti efektif untuk kolaborasi
proyek. Sebab, Anda bisa memasukkan Cards yang berisi tugas sesuai dengan
perkembangannya sekarang. Misal, Anda akan mengerjakan satu Cards di To
Do, jadi Anda bisa memindahkan Cards tersebut ke Lists Doing. Setelah selesai, Anda
bisa memindahkannya ke Done. Simpel, bukan

Namun, Anda tak harus saklek mengikuti contoh nama di atas, kok. Trello adalah
aplikasi yang memberikan kebebasan pengaturan sesuai yang Anda butuhkan. Jadi,
Anda bisa memberikan nama Lists apapun sesuai yang diinginkan.

4) Menu

Di bagian kanan Boards Trello terdapat

Menu. Menu ini adalah pusat pengaturan dari
Boards Anda. Anda bisa mengatur anggota
tim, filter Cards, atau sekedar melihat riwayat
aktivitas dari anggota tim.

Figure 7.6.4 Menu

 Manfaat Menggunakan Trello

Setelah Anda mengenal fitur-fitur dasar Trello, berikut kami jabarkan manfaat yang bisa
didapatkan dengan menggunakan Trello.

1) Penggunaannya Fleksibel

Trello adalah aplikasi yang super fleksibel. Anda bisa menggunakannya untuk
keperluan pribadi, kantor, hingga bisnis sekalipun. Trello bisa membantu Anda
mengurusi berbagai proyek bisnis dengan mudah melalui pembuatan Boards. Di mana
di masing-masing Boards terdapat berbagai Lists yang berisi penjelasan tugas secara
detail dalam bentuk Cards.
Dengan begitu, Anda dan semua anggota tim bisa tahu apa yang harus dilakukan,
kapan waktu menyelesaikannya, dan lain sebagainya dengan cara simpel. Jadi, tak
berlebihan mengatakan Trello adalah tools wajib bagi pebisnis.

2) Selamat Tinggal Sticky Notes Berantakan

Jika selama ini Anda terbiasa menempel sticky notes di meja atau di dinding, Anda
tak perlu melakukannya lagi setelah menggunakan Trello. Trello adalah papan
elektronik berisi sticky notes yang bisa Anda akses kapanpun dan dimanapun.

Anda bisa membuka Trello melalui aplikasi dari smartphone atau dari web di desktop.
Dengan begini, Anda bisa mengucapkan selamat tinggal kepada meja, kursi, atau
dinding yang penuh dengan sticky notes berantakan.

3) Mengetahui Kapan Deadline akan Datang

Saat Anda membuat suatu Cards di Trello, Anda juga bisa sekalian memasukkan
deadline penyelesaiannya. Apabila waktu deadline akan datang, Cards tersebut akan
otomatis berubah warna menjadi kuning. Dengan begitu, Anda dan anggota tim tak
perlu khawatir lupa deadline atau terlewat deadline. Sebab, Trello siap
memberitahukan kepada Anda secara real-time melalui email.

4) Checklist dalam Satu Tempat

Tahukah Anda bahwa Trello juga memiliki fitur checklist? Fitur ini memungkinkan
Anda untuk mengetahui dengan mudah semua to-do-list pekerjaan dalam satu
Cards. Anda tak perlu lagi mengingat-ingat langkah apa yang harus dilakukan atau
bagaimana urutannya. Sebab, dengan Trello Anda akan mudah melacak dan melihat
progress dari to-do-list tersebut.

5) Power-Ups untuk Meningkatkan Produktivitas Lebih Jauh Lagi

Dalam bekerja, Trello pasti tidak menjadi satu-satunya aplikasi yang Anda gunakan,
bukan? Kabar baiknya, Trello menyadari betul akan hal ini. Oleh karena itu, Trello
memiliki satu fitur unik bernama Power-Ups.
Dengan Power-Ups, Anda bisa mengintegrasikan aplikasi pendukung kerja lainnya.
Mulai dari Slack, Google Calendar, Evernote, dan masih banyak lainnya. Dengan
Trello, Anda tak perlu lagi klik sana-sini untuk pindah ke berbagai aplikasi karena
semua bisa diakses dalam satu tempat.

6) Ambil Inspirasi dari Orang Lain

Tidak tahu bagaimana cara membuat Boards yang optimal untuk kebutuhan Anda?
Tak usah khawatir! Di Trello, Anda bisa mengambil inspirasi Boards dari orang lain
hanya dengan satu klik saja. Dengan begini, Anda bisa menghemat banyak waktu
karena tak perlu membuat Boards beserta Lists dan Cards dari nol.
Mau mencari Boards untuk pelatihan karyawan baru? Ada! Boards untuk
kolaborasi dengan klien? Ada juga. Boards untuk merencanakan pernikahan? Oh,
tentu ada. Berguna sekali, bukan?

 Cara Menggunakan Trello

Sebelum kami mulai mulai penjelasan mengenai cara menggunakan Trello, Anda bisa
membuat akun di terlebih dahulu. Anda bisa melakukannya secara manual atau
langsung menggunakan akun Google. Tenang, Anda tak perlu mengeluarkan biaya apapun
untuk menikmati versi dasar dari Trello.

1) Buat Tim

Jika tujuan Anda menggunakan Trello untuk kolaborasi dengan anggota tim mengenai
suatu proyek, ini adalah langkah pertama yang harus dilakukan. Sebab, sebelum Anda
bisa menggunakan Trello bersama-sama dengan orang lain, Anda harus membuat tim
di Trello terlebih dahulu.

Anda bisa membuat tim dengan mengklik tombol + di bagian kanan atas halaman
awal Trello. Setelah itu, pilih Create Team.

Kemudian, Anda diminta untuk mengisi nama tim, jenis tim, serta deskripsi dari tim
tersebut. Setelah Anda mengisi semuanya, klik Continue.

2) Membuat Boards

Setelah Anda membuat tim di Trello, langkah selanjutnya yang harus dilakukan
adalah membuat Boards. Caranya adalah dengan mengklik Create a New Board di
halaman tim Anda.

Setelah itu, Anda bisa mengisi nama, tingkat privasi, dan gambar background dari
Boards tersebut. Tim yang barusan Anda buat akan otomatis ditugaskan di Boards ini.

Sedikit catatan mengenai tingkat privasi: Jika Anda memutuskan untuk mengatur
privasi ke Public, Google akan mengindeks Boards tersebut. Efeknya, setiap orang
bisa mencarinya di Google dan mereka akan memiliki akses ke Boards Anda. Jadi,
kami sarankan untuk mengatur tingkat privasi ke Team Visible saja jika memang
Boards tersebut merupakan proyek yang harus dikerjakan oleh tim Anda.

3) Membuat Lists

Setelah Anda membuat Boards, sekarang saatnya membuat Lists. Caranya yakni
dengan mengklik Add a list yang terletak di tepat di bawah nama Boards Anda.
Ulangi cara ini sampai Lists yang Anda buat sudah memenuhi kebutuhan.

Seperti yang kami singgung di atas, Lists di Trello umumnya berfungsi sebagai
workflow yang menunjukan berbagai tingkatan proyek Anda. Sebagai contoh, kami
menamai Lists dengan “Ide Artikel”, “Sedang Ditulis”, “Proses Review”, “Upload
Artikel”, dan “Selesai”.

4) Tambahkan Cards

Setelah semua Lists dibuat, saatnya Anda menambahkan Cards ke dalam Lists
tersebut. Kami akan membagi pembahasan mengenai cara menggunakan Trello Cards
ini dalam beberapa bagian. Sebab, ada banyak elemen dari Cards yang bisa Anda
manfaatkan agar pengalaman menggunakan Trello lebih optimal.

 Membuat Cards

Anda tinggal mengklik Add a card yang ada di Lists. Lalu, masukkan nama
sesuai tugas atau pekerjaan yang harus dikerjakan. Kemudian simpan dengan
mengklik tombol hijau Add Card. Anda bisa mengulangi cara ini sebanyak
mungkin sesuai kebutuhan.

Setelah itu, klik Cards yang barusan Anda buat. Anda akan menemukan
banyak opsi yang bisa Anda isi terkait tugas/pekerjaan tersebut. Tak usah
khawatir, kami akan menjelaskannya satu per satu untuk Anda.

 Menambahkan Siapa yang Harus Mengerjakan Tugas

Anda bisa mengatur anggota tim mana yang bertanggung jawab untuk
mengerjakan tugas di Cards tersebut. Cukup klik Members lalu pilih anggota
dengan mengklik foto profil mereka.

 Menambahkan Catatan dan Lampiran

Entah untuk kepentingan Anda pribadi atau tim, meninggalkan catatan dan
lampiran itu adalah satu hal yang tak bisa dilewatkan. Catatan bisa menjadi
pengingat mengenai detail tugas tersebut, sedangkan lampiran bisa berupa
file penunjang tugas tersebut.

 Mengatur Deadline

Anda bisa mengatur deadline dari tugas tersebut melalui opsi Due Date. Oh
ya, Anda juga bisa mengatur pengingat mulai dari dua hari sebelumnya,
hingga lima menit sebelumnya. Jika waktu deadline mendekat, Anda akan
diberitahu–baik dari email ataupun tanggal di Cards yang berubah menjadi

Menambahkan Label

Label berguna sebagai “pembeda” atau bisa juga sebagai kategori dari Cards.
Misal, di gambar di bawah ini, kami menambahkan label sesuai dengan
waktu artikel akan diterbitkan.

 Menambahkan Checklist

Seperti yang sudah kami singgung di atas, Anda juga bisa

menambahkan Checklist di Trello, lho. Checklist bisa berguna sebagai
panduan langkah apa saja yang harus dilakukan untuk menyelesaikan tugas
tersebut. Anda bisa mencentang langkah tersebut jika sudah Anda lakukan.

 Kolom Komentar

Anda pasti menyadari mengenai kolom komentar yang ada di dalam Cards.
Kolom komentar ini berguna untuk berdiskusi hal terkait Cards tersebut
dengan anggota lain. Anda bisa menggunakan @ untuk men-tag anggota tim
agar ia ikut ke dalam diskusi.

Melihat Riwayat Aktivitas

Tepat di atas kolom komentar terdapat Activity. Opsi yang satu ini
memungkinkan Anda untuk melihat riwayat aktivitas yang dilakukan anggota
tim terkait Cards. Cukup klik Show Details dan akan muncul daftar lengkap

 Memindahkan dan Menyalin Cards

Anda bisa menggunakan opsi Move untuk memindahkan Cards ke Lists atau
ke Boards lainnya. Sedangkan opsi Copy membuat Anda bisa menyalin
Cards beserta isinya ke Lists atau Boards lainnya.
Cara-cara menggunakan Trello di atas sangat mudah, bukan? Memang tak
berlebihan kalau kami menyebut Trello sebagai aplikasi sederhana yang
serba bisa. Sebab, dengan segudang fitur dan fleksibilitas yang ditawarkan,
Trello tetap mudah digunakan oleh siapapun juga.

7.7. Head of Franchise

- Microsoft Outlook

Figure 7.7.1 Microsoft Outlook

It makes sense to business people like me that all your emails, contacts, calendar and tasks
should be in one place and should all work together seamlessly across your PC and mobile
devices so you can be productive wherever you are. It also makes sense that you should be
able share all this across your team so everyone in it can work together better. But it turns out
that I am the only person who thinks this way or if I’m not, the people who build productivity
software and apps don’t think or work this way, which means that it is extraordinarily
difficult to find productivity software and/or apps that help you achieve all of the above.
Especially if you happen to use and like Microsoft Outlook and Android smartphones, as I
do. Bill Gates must have had a mid-life crisis a few years ago because Microsoft decided to
embrace the Internet, with the result that I can now sync Outlook emails, contacts, calendar
and tasks between my laptop and my Android smartphone. Making me faster, better and
hopefully smarter than ever before. If you're not a Microsoft fan, you're probably a Google-
ite. Even though I Google's Chrome, Gmail, Calendar, Tasks and Drive a bit clunky, you've
gotta love the fact that they all work seamlessly across desktop and mobile.

- Evernote

Figure 7.7.2 Evernote

I'm an ideas guy, always jotting down ideas, notes, doodles and lists. I used to do this in a
diary or notebook, but then I got smart and went digital using OneNote, but Microsoft was
too slow in embracing the online space. Another consultant put me on to Evernote which, like
Google, isn't pretty to look at, but it does work across desktops and mobiles. You can also use
it to save or bookmark webpages, digitise the text in images, and a bunch of other handy stuff
that really does help to keep your business and your life in order.

- Yammer

Figure 7.7.3 Yammer

No matter what you think of Facebook and Twitter, more and more businesses – including
franchises – are finding that social media has its place in the business environment too,
especially in team communication and collaboration tools such as Yammer and Slack which
enable teams to keeping in touch, share files and photos, track projects, solve problems and

coach franchisees no matter where they – or you – are. More than social media, these tools
will help your franchise develop a database of organisational knowledge.

- Expensify

Figure 7.7.4 Expensify

Travelling is always a part of managing a franchise network, and there’s nothing worse than
getting back to the office and having to find, collate and claim all your expense chits and
receipts. Expensify changes all that by making it easy to scan and categorise your expenses
on the fly and helping you prepare “expense reports that don’t suck”.

- Xero

Figure 7.7.5 Xero

Thanks to cloud-based apps such as Xero, gone are the days when franchisors would have to
either make personal visits or wait for monthly reports in order to keep tabs on how their
franchisees were doing financially. Apart from being a New Zealand-developed app, the

nicest features of Xero are its ease of use, clean design, ease of access across different
devices, cool reports and graphs, and ability to work with other apps such as Expensify and
Vend POS.

- Vonigo

Figure 7.7.6 Vonigo

“Millions of jobs have been booked and managed with Vonigo,” say the makers of this
business management and online booking platform. In a service business, time is money.
Vonigo is designed to save time by combining CRM, internal & client-facing scheduling,
work order management, estimating, dispatching, routing, GPS, invoicing, payments and
reporting, all accessible over the internet from any desktop or mobile device.


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