Edutainment Resource 3

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Edutainment resource part 3

Authentic Listening
Myriad big questions remain when it comes to the roots of Russia. And
the answers lie in legendary accounts of nomadic invaders,
(1)_______and Kievan Rus’ era.

A large group of tribes used to live across Eastern Europe. They all had
some mutual features: (2)_______ and (3)_______, and later scattered
to different parts of the world.

According to Nestor, the Vikings’ surrender lead to the governance of

Rubik and two brothers, and finally the birth of Kievan Rus, whose last
name emanated from a(n) (4)_______.

987 marked the abandonment of (5)_______, during which the Rus

prince commissioned (6)_______to investigate nearby foreign faiths. As
Vladimir and (7)_______tied the knot, which tightened the relations
between two civilizations, heralding the time of flourishment.

Yet, (8)_______over who would be the next ruler undermined central

power, together with the rise of rivals in different regions. Strikingly, the
invasion of Batu Khan who led (9)_______terminated Rus’s regime.
Each part was governed by disparate leaders, notably the western
regions by leaders who depended on (10)_______in lieu of destruction.
Word Form
1-As COVID-19 descended upon us, the economic progress of many
developing countries hit a(n)_______. (ROAD)
2-The ultra-wealthy seem willing to get involved in games of boasting
and_______to intimidate others. (MAN)
3-She put a(n)_______on the newly released laptop, the remaining cost
of which would be paid within 2 months. (PAY)
4-Increased financial investment by the government threatens
to_______working-class areas and uproot nearly half of the residents.
5-Music today with the emergence of different unprecedented genres
and styles has supplemented the growth of_______youth cultures.
6-The enforcement of the policy was followed by the rise
of_______activities from a stream of anti-government organizations.
7-A cavalcade of economic meltdown, mass layoffs, and cost-of-living
crisis did_______financial strains on low-income families. (DOUBLE)
8-Nationwide teacher activism and_______eventually prevented the new
wage policy from going into effect. (WALK)
9-_______laws and governmental controls may limit workers’ freedom to
change jobs in practice. (EMPLOY)
10-Families whose houses collapsed due to the earthquake will
be_______soon. (HOUSE)

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