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Definition Low Average High Counter vs High Counter vs Low

VPIP % of the time Voluntary Put money In the Pot x<15 15<x<20 21<x Check PFR/call pf 2b/limp and exploit Play more cautiously as they will likely be a nit playing very straight forward
PFR % of the time VPIP when raising x<12 12<x<16 16<x Check RFI/ft3b/ftcb to exploit when they open and 3bet by position Check RFI/ft3b/ftcb to exploit when they open and 3bet by position i fthey have a high f3b
3Bet % of the time raising an open (2bet) x<5 5<x<10 10<x 4bet, or peel the 3bet and bluff postflop on bad boards for villains range 4bet less, peel some stronger hands and 4b value almost exclusively
FT3B Fold to 3bet after raise x<40 40<x<60 60<x 3bet a wider range also check RFI, and look to flat monsters if they are folding a lot 3bet a more value heavy range
RFI SB Raise first in from Small Blind x<50 50<x<70 70<x peel and 3bet wide 3b a more polarized range
RFI BTN Raise first in from Button x<40 40<x<60 60<x 3b wider Sb, defend wider BB peel bb more than 3bet, 3b less from SB
RFI CO Raise first in from Cutoff x<28 28<x<40 40<x 3b wider SB, defend wider BB 3b less from blinds
RFI MP Raise first in from Middle Position x<15 15<x<25 25<x Flat more BTN, 3b more SB play tighter, attack low boards bad for a high card heavy range, bet value hands hard on good boards for their range
RFI EP Raise first in from Early Position x<9 9<x<17 17<x 3bet or flat a wider range play tighter from IP/MP, attack low boards bad for a high card heavy range, bet value hands hard on good boards for their range
CB Flop Bet the flop as the preflop aggressor (Continuation Bet) x<60 60<x<75 75<x Check raise, call/lead turns, depending on turn c-bet Donk bet bluffs that hit your range, check fold to flop float
CB Turn Bet the Turn after Cbetting the flop x<30 30<x<60 60<x Call flop and check raise turn more, depends on flop cb Lead turns more
FTFCB Fold to flop C-bet x<35 35<x<50 50<x Cbet bluffs constantly, also 3bet this player as they will overfold postflop Check back or double/triple barrel more
FTTCB Fold to turn C-bet x<35 35<x<50 50<x double barrel more Give up your bluffs,Double barrel a more value heavy range
RFCB Raise Flop Cbet x<8 8<x<16 16<x Flat flop raises to bluff turns, or 3b flops Fold to raise
CBF&F Fold after C-betting the flop x<35 35<x<55 55<x Raise bluff more Raise wider for value
Fold BB to steal Fold the BB to an open from CO/BTN or SB (late position) x<40 40<x<65 65<x STEAL!!!!!!!! Depends on postflop stats, tight postflop open wide and cbet a lot, too
Fold SB to steal Fold the SB to an open from CO/BTN (late position) x<65 65<x<85 85<x Steal wide 4b more if he is 3betting 15-20%, open lower if he has a jam stack, depends on postflop if he is flatting
3b SB vs Steal 3bet from SB vs a LP open x<9 9<x<17 17<x 4b more open tighter if has reshove stack (14-23bb) Fold to more 3bs, open wider
3b BB vs Steal 3bet from BB vs a LP open x<7 7<x<15 15<x 4b more open tighter if has reshove stack (14-23bb) Fold to more 3bs, open wider
Call PF 2B in BB Calling frequency in Big Blind x<20 20<x<35 35<x Cbet a wider range of boards Continue with more caution on high card boards
Float Flop Bet IPwhen Pre flop aggressor checks x<40 40<x<60 65<x Check with more value hands oop, check raise bluffs more often Be more cautious with medium strength hands when pot controlling
Probe Turn Lead turn after flop checks through out of position x<25 25<x<45 45<x Check more value hands, especially vs high fold to flop cbet, raise as a bluff more often Bluff less, continue with a stronger range and bluff catch less
Fold to Turn Probe Fold to turn probe x<30 30<x<50 50<x Probe as a bluff more Bet wider for value, bluff less

Polarized range: Nuts/Air

Condensed/Merged Range: Strong+Medium strength hands

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