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Low self-esteem cycle

Do you struggle with low self-esteem? If so, fill each section of this worksheet and identify the

root cause of your problem. If you feel as you have a good self-esteem, create an ideal scenario

that shows how low-self esteem develops and fill the worksheet accordingly.

Fig 1. Low self-esteem cycle


Past Experience (The bad thing you experienced in the past)

The bad thing from my past experience; I was a silent man too much, that makes me difficult to
make a new friends and I was not active participant in my social life. I didn't use time table
schedule to do my activity, any activity must have it's own time,place and should be reasonable in
our life. This whole was my past experience but now I already improve.
Negative Core beliefs (The negative belief you have about yourself)
I don't know how many year's i live in this world, if I know the time when died but I cannot I feel
negative when I remember this.
Situation you faced (Difficult situation)
The difficult situation I faced is war in my work environment that was difficult to do any activity
even at that time i stop my education it was boring.
Your thought (the way you interpreted the situation)
My thought was it happend due to God Acrimony

Your behavior (The way you reacted)
When i feel negative even my behavior will changed i prefere be silent my communication becomes
low with others and i will be aggressive due to some little problem.
Your Emotion (The way you feel about yourself)
If my feeling is not good or when i feel bad at that moment, I may make a decisions without
considering what i have to follow the steps.
Physical reaction (The way your body reacted
My physical reaction will be series and my face will be solemn and at the if body seen us shock

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