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Try to comprehend the major characteristics of tourism and hospitality and answer the following


At least 2 sentences and no more than 5 sentences.

What do you think is the impact of each characteristic of the Tourism and Hospitality industry on the

a. Customer Experience

b. Employees delivering services

c. Operations Managers

1. Intangibility

a. Customer Experience – customers are able to experience the industry’s services. Intangibility
impacts customer service by providing them convenience to their stay.

b. Employees delivering services – the employees will be more trained on how to enhance their
abilities in providing it. Also, it impacts them by making their customer satisfied.

c. Operations Managers - Despite the fact that services are intangible, operations managers still
need to create effective and standardized service procedures. To guarantee that the service is provided
consistently and up to quality requirements, they must build standardized methods and workflows.

2. Limited Lifespan

a. Customer Experience - Customers are likely to be satisfied if it provides what was promised and
within the allotted time limit. Customers can be disappointed, which might result in negative feedback
and lost loyalty, if it falls short.

b. Employees delivering services - Services with limited lifespans frequently need to focus on
production and efficiency. To make the most of the limited time they have at their service, employees
may need to optimize their workflows and procedures.

c. Operations Managers - To fulfill client expectations, it is crucial to maintain constant product or

service quality over the course of their limited lifespan. Operations managers must put quality control
methods in place to guarantee that services maintain an excellent standard throughout time.

3. Aggregability

a. Customer Experience - Customers frequently save money when services are packaged.
Customers can get a range of services at lower costs when services are bundled since operators may
provide discounts or packages.

b. Employees delivering services - Employees from several departments or service sectors may
need to work more closely together while providing aggregable services. As it involves excellent
communication, coordination, this collaboration may be both beneficial and hard.
c. Operations Managers - It might be difficult to coordinate the delivery of various services within
an aggregated service. To offer an effortless client experience, operations managers must make sure
that all service delivery procedures are coordinated.

4. Heterogeneity

a. Customer Experience - In heterogeneity service situations, managing client expectations is

harder. Depending on previous interactions or experiences, customers may have different standards
from one service provider to the other.

b. Employees delivering services - Employees may need to effectively manage their time allocation
while dealing with heterogeneity, balancing the various demands of various clients while making sure
that service standards are fulfilled and services are delivered on time.

c. Operations Managers - Risks linked to heterogeneity include the possibility of service failures or
inconsistencies that result in dissatisfied clients. To successfully address these risks, operations
managers must evaluate them and create mitigating methods.

5. Simultaneity of production and consumption

a. Customer Experience – Customers often perceive greater value in services delivered in real-time
because they can see the tangible results immediately. This perception of value can lead to higher levels
of satisfaction and loyalty.

b. Employees delivering services - The wants, preferences, and feedback of the consumer must be
given top priority by staff in these services. They must put the demands of the client first, actively
listening to their requests and modifying the service in real-time to accommodate them.

c. Operations Managers - It is essential to have the capacity to modify resources in real-time in

response to changes in demand or client requirements. To guarantee that resources like personnel,
machinery, and facilities are available and used effectively throughout service delivery, operations
managers must carefully manage these resources.

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