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A film by: GUS VAN SANT

Understanding the Self Prelims Performance Task

King Markwin S. Ombion

Movie Reflection


Cast: Will Hunting is a brilliant janitor who
Robin Williams (Sean Maguire) solves a mathematical problem that no
Matt Damon (Will Hunting ) one else has ever solved. Professor Gérard
Ben Affleck (Chuckie Sullivan) Lambeu discovered him, and he finally
Stellan Skarsgård (Prof. Gerald Lambeau) helped the janitor showcase and
Minnie Driver(Skylar) maximize his potential. After Will
Casey Affleck (Morgan O'Mally) Hunting gets jailed for assaulting a police
Cole Hauser ( Billy McBride) officer, his professor arranges for him and
Rachel Majorowski (Krystyn) to obtain therapy from Sean Maguire, a
Colleen McCauley (Cathy) therapist.
1.Apply the different perspectives
that we discussed in
GUIDE QUESTIONS: Understanding the self
(Philosophical, Psychological,
Sociological, Anthropological
and Eastern and Western) on the
character development of Will

2. Describe that changes

of Will Hunting after he 3.What is your
met Dr. Sean Maguire?
realization after
watching the film?
Philosophical Psychological

This type of film opened my eyes to the

behaviors and emotions of others; every
one of us has a unique experience and
Will's personality and actions have
trauma that we may use in our life. Will's
been shaped by his experiences from
experience was similar in that he used
childhood through adulthood; he is what he had learned in the past up to the
frequently frustrated and unable to present with these traumas, rage, and
manage his emotions, so he usually issues that may contribute to what we are
just lets them go and walks away. today as adults that we may pass on to the
Yet, given the people around him next generation. Because of his
who support and believe in him, as experience, he established an approach in
well as his self-awareness, he was which before someone can leave him, he
goes first to go since he was left behind in
able to fix his life mistakes and even
the past; fortunately, Dr. Sean Maguire
value himself or his existence and
enables him to change his behavior and
the people around him.
set his head on the proper path. It proves
that proper psychological counseling may
affect and improve someone's life.

Sociological Anthropological

The sociological perspective in Will is an orphan who is mistreated

good will hunting is due to his by the multiple foster parents who
society and environment, these adopt him; he lacks family and a
factors greatly affect Will's life and good environment. He lived alone in
character traits, such as in the past a filthy house in a rough
he was maltreated by his foster neighborhood till the age of 18. He
parents and lacked guidance, so established and expanded the values
when he grew up he applied those and standards in their neighborhood
behaviors, which is why he gets with his environment and the people
into fights with his friends all the around him, which built his
time. There is also discrimination, personality and made him who he
therefore he chooses not to leave his was as an individual. It demonstrates
comfort zone. I've also seen that that you are able to employ such
qualities in the culture in which he
their educational opportunities are

not equal.
Eastern and Western

I noticed in the film Good Will

Hunting that there are both
eastern and western principles
presented. Westerners are
regarded for being self-centered;
he don't care about how others
feel as long as he does what he
want, even if it means hurting
someone; they don't even respect
authority or seniority. On the
other hand, Easter values have
been expressed in the form of
loyalty and valueng his friends,
whom he loves and appreciates.

changes of Will Hunting realization
Will hunting, in my perspective, is a
contented man with an abusive After watching Good Will Hunting,
background and a lack of supervision. I realized several things, including
He was a man who had no direction the fact that, despite my average
in life; he was content to live his life
intelligence, I am fortunate not to
with his colleagues because he didn't
have experienced poverty or being
see any desire to break out of their
abused in my life. Also, you do not
comfort zones; he didn't even know
have to always follow others if it
what he wanted in life; and he was
always getting into arguments. Then does not make you happy; you have
everything changed when he met Dr. your own path. To sum up, everyone
Sean Maguire. Dr. Maguire's regular is unique, and I realized that not
counseling and realizations. Will everyone has equal rights and
hunting overcome against such opportunities in terms of education,
obstacles. It is explicit in the final part which is why your knowledge is
that he is now eager to start a new life, your most powerful weapon against
choose what makes him happy, others.
forgive and learn from his mistakes.
He manages his anxieties.
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