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Handout 1

The school dropout rate amongst children from our school has increased in the COVID scenario. Drop
out rate encourages delinquency, and even leads to juvenile crimes. Children tend to make bad
choices, get influenced by their peer groups, and make wrong decisions for their careers and family.
According to a report published by the government, the dropout rate at the secondary school level in
India is more than 17%, while the dropout rate at upper-primary (VI to VIII) and primary level is
1.8% and 1.5% respectively1.
The top causes cited for missing school are helping parents in domestic work, declining economic
condition, and lack of interest. Around 30.2% of the girls surveyed cited domestic work as the top
reason and around 36.90% of boys cited supporting parents as the top reason. Girls also faced
challenges because of poor sanitary conditions at school, family outlook toward education, early
marriage and so on1.
Source: Drop out rate at secondary school level in India is more than 17% claims study, ABP.
1. What are the causes of delinquency from school at the primary, upper primary and secondary
2. What can the school do to address the problem of dropouts at each level?
Handout 2
Company A grew twice due to increase in its product portfolio from 1999-2000. In the duration from
2000-2005, however, its growth declined by 10%. It faced stiff competition from a well-funded
competitor, faced severe regulatory issues and exit of senior management. To gain back its market
position, it introduced a series of 3 products, increased marketing spend by 30%, decreased costs by
12% and ultimately increased market share by average 5% in all categories.
1. Did company A detect its market failure problems accurately?
2. Did company A launch the correct measures to solve the problems?

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