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In this report, there are tactics, successful and unsuccessful points that Napoli has applied. Only Napoli was
analysed in the report, that is, what the opposing team did was not explained. However, the answers given or
not given by Napoli to the tactics of the opponent teams were examined.
Even though the report only includes Napoli, the people or institutions reading this article can apply these
plans and analyses to their teams and learn from similar mistakes made by their teams.
I also explained 1 feature in 1 time. Just mentioning it once doesn't mean it happens once in a match. I chose
this way in order not to prolong the report.
The report consists of 5 parts. In the first part, Napoli's formation preferences and transitions between
formations are explained. In the second part defending plans and in the third part attacking plans are showed.
In fourth, corners in defence and attacks were examined. In the last part, it was explained what the teams
should do against Napoli. There are a total of 40 points in the report. It is described all of them with pictures.
I hope you like the report. I would be very pleased if you would send me your positive and negative opinions
about the report.
Contact me:
Twitter- @manager_genius

Let's start…

1-Formation in Defence: They use an asymmetrical

formation like 3-1-2-1-3 in defence. One of the centre-backs
is aggressive, in front of the defensive line. The forward
centre-back wants to prevent the opposing player from
suddenly entering the penalty area. Lobotka and Zielinski
ahead of the defence. Anguissa is not a fast-paced player in
the centre. He is ahead of these two players as he has priority
on attack. Wingers and fullbacks are as far from the side line
as possible. As in offence, they try to play in a very narrow
area in defence as well.

2-Formation in Attack: Although the formation is said to be

4-3-3, they actually prefer 2-3-4-1 formation. While Napoli
are attacking, the defenders are quite ahead. Lobotka is in
front of the centre-backs. Di Lorenzo and Mario Rui approach
the centre. The distance between Min Jae and Rrahmani is
wide. Sometimes Lobotka happens in the centre. Offensive
players do not enter the opponent's penalty area. In this way,
they can maintain a continuous high-tempo game in a
narrow space.

3-Transition from defence to attack: While the fullbacks

close to the centre-backs move towards the side line, the
wingers come in front of them. In other words, they form a
semi-circle in defence. As Zielinski heads towards Anguissa,
Lobotka approaches the centre. Thus, almost all of their half-
pitch’s parts have 1 player. If the opposing team is unable to
come back or if they are pressing very well in the third zone,
they immediately send the ball to Osimhen.

4-Transition from attack to defence: The task of the centre

midfielders is to constantly disturb the players who come to
the centre. They try to steal the ball with intense pressing,
and sometimes they do foul. When all the players of the team
are in the opponent's half, they need time to return. As the
fullbacks pass into their own area, the wingers approach the
midfield and press on the player with the ball from behind.
As well, the formation turns into 4-1-5, but the front five
players are in the midfield and very close to each other.

5-When they lose the ball in midfield, one of the centre-backs

(but usually Min Jae) quickly approaches midfield and presses
hard with Lobotka, not afraid to foul the possession. They win
the ball most of the time, but even if they don't, they foul the
opponent, so the counterattack ends before it starts.

6-If there is pressure on the centre-backs while removing the ball

from the first zone, Lobotka comes back and takes the ball. If
Lobotka is under pressure too, Zielinski comes back. If the pressure
is still not broken, they do a long ball to Osimhen. They don't take
risks on defence. They don't want to lose the ball. Because at the
start of the attacking, many players are in the opponent's half.

7-They basically have 2 plans to survive the first zone press.

First, when pressure is put on the centre-backs and Lobotka,
they give the ball to Zielinski, who wastes no time sending the
ball to the wings (I explained this in the previous paragraph).
Secondly, Zielinski comes back and takes the pressure and the
defenders pass it to Lobotka. Lobotka dribbles directly to the
opponent's half without giving the ball to anyone.

8-When one of the centre-backs turns towards the player who

has the ball while the opponent is counter-attacking, the
fullback close to that centre-back very quickly gets in front of the
other centre-back. The other centre-back closes the centre
better, forcing the striker to run towards the forward defender's
zone. When they send the ball to the forward, the fullback
intervenes and steals the ball.
9-I said that they are successful in the attack between the
wing-centre passes, but sometimes they are unsuccessful in
this regard in defence. When the wingers come back and throw
the ball back to the centre with a single pass, they lose the ball.
When the wingers receive the ball, they should wait a while
and look around. Sometimes even if there is no opponent
following them, they panic and want to return the ball
immediately and they lose the ball.

10-While the fullback and winger press together on the player

who has the ball on the side so that the opposing team cannot
use the gap between the centre-back and the fullback, the
centre midfielder moves together with the opposing player
who tries to run behind. Most of the time, the opponent
player cannot get the ball out of that area, but even if he sends
the ball to his running teammate, the other Napoli player gets
the ball before his opponent.

11-When an opposing player hangs behind one of the centre-backs,

the other one immediately goes behind him and prevents the
opponent from receiving the ball. Many defenders do not do this and
focus only on their own area. Because timing is very important to be
able to do this intervention. If the defender starts moving before the
forward, he breaks the offside line. If the forward realizes this
advantage, he does not bring the defender close to the ball and

12-When one of the fullbacks is attacking, Min Jae moves into the
centre of the defence. Even if a player goes to the back of the
defence, an opponent can't get past most of the time thanks to a
centre-back as fast as Min Jae. Teams playing in the third zone
need fast centre-backs like Min Jae. I think the most important
part of Napoli's success is Min Jae.
13-When unexpected turnovers occur on the sides of their own
half, the centre-backs move to the wings. Lobotka comes back.
In such situations, the defenders' priority is not to win the ball.
To prevent the opponent from approaching the goal. Most of
the time, the centre-back sends the ball out and ends the


14-The wingers wait away from the defenders. Both Kvara,

Politano and Lozano like to get the ball from the line and enter
the penalty area. But this preference is making them
decentralized. It is the fullbacks who make the connection
between the wings and the centre. Mostly Di Lorenzo and Mario
Rui come to the designated areas and avoid the gap between the
wings and the centre.

15-Osimhen runs to the wings before the long balls. Because

if the long balls are sent to the centre, it is difficult to get the
ball between 2 centre-backs but when he goes to the wing,
he has less defenders and has teammates. Thus, the success
rate in long balls increases. Since at least one centre-back
approaches the wing, the winger can enter the penalty area
more easily when Osimhen hands the ball to the winger.

16-The height of the ball is high in long balls thrown towards Osimhen
into the penalty area. The priority is not getting the ball for Osimhen.
To ensure that the centre-backs do not pick up the ball. Since the ball
comes from above, Osimhen prevents the defender with his physical
superiority and makes the ball fall in front of him. Afterwards, he gets
between the centre-back and the ball. After that he has the
opportunity to shoot.
17-They use the area between the fullback and centre-back very well
with two passes. While the winger sends the ball to the player who
is close to the centre, the other centre midfielder approaches the
penalty area and suddenly starts running and send it to the player
running behind. The player who hangs back before the final pass is
usually not broken offside as he starts running before.

18-Napoli players are very close to the penalty area in attacks. If they
fail in their attack attempt, the player who regains the ball sends the
ball to the centre-backs instead of starting the attack immediately, and
the attackers come back. Even though Napoli seem to be on the
offensive, players need spaces to score goals. Therefore, they widen
the distance between the players again and start the second attack.

19-The three leading players alternately pressurize. This activity

makes the defenders panic. If there are three players left on the
defence, the intensity of the press increases. While two players
suddenly press on the player who has the ball, the other player is
standing by. If either player wins the ball, they immediately pass
the ball to the third player. Sometimes, while the defender sends
the pass to his teammate, the third Napoli player who is away
steals the ball and goes into the penalty area.

20-They use the same wing in the counter attack until the last moment.
Therefore, the opposing team focuses more on that wing. But the final
pass goes to the player running from the other wing into the penalty
area. Since the opposing team mainly defends the other wing, they
cannot see the player coming from behind and running into the penalty
area. The Napoli player who gets the ball sometimes shoots and
sometimes crosses to the forwards in the penalty area.
21-One or two midfielders run slower than strikers, while the
forwards run towards the back of the defence. If the striker takes
the ball in a place where the shooting angle is bad, he passes the
ball to his teammate behind. As the defenders stay between the
opposing players, their defensive resistance decreases.

22-They apply a triangular passing model that moves the fullback

away from the wing. One of the three centre midfielders makes a
vertical pass, the other a horizontal pass. The player in the middle
comes to the centre from the wing while taking and giving the ball.
Meanwhile, Osimhen runs towards the wing. The midfielder to touch
the ball lastly makes a long ball to Osimhen and Osimhen meets the
ball. Afterwards, he continues the attack with individual efforts.

23-There are three ways for offensive players to run between

defenders. Defenders are outnumbered on all ways. Napoli bring
one more player closer to the attackers to break this advantage.
In this way, the number of areas that the defender has to defend
in long balls done to the wing increases. Moreover, even if the
player in front cannot control the ball, the player behind has the
possibility to control it.

24-While Napoli defends, the wingers approach Osimhen.

When the opponent's fullbacks join the attack, the sides of
the pitch become defenceless. When the Napoli player wins
the ball in their own half, the wingers immediately start
running. The player who wins the ball sends a long ball to the
winger away from the opposing defenders. That's why
wingers are effective in counter attacks.
25-The centre midfielder approaching the fullback takes the
ball from him. As the winger moves to the line, the opposing
fullback moves with him. After the Napoli fullback delivers the
ball, he starts running behind the defence. There is a big gap
between them as the opposing centre-back is defending the
centre-forward in front of the penalty area and the fullback is
close to the line. Napoli fullback using this path enters the
penalty area crosses or shoots.

26-The fullbacks are positioned close to the penalty area in

attack. When the ball comes to the fullback from the other
wing and there is no space in front of him, he crosses. Before
these crosses, the forwards come back a little while close to
the centre-back and make a header. As the centre-back heads
towards the goal, they cannot prevent the strikers from
making a header.

27-The player who gets the ball at the edge of the midfield is trying to
dribble alone until the penalty area. He prepares to shoot as he
approaches the centre. If there is one or two opponents in front of
him, he shoots, but if the opponents who understand that he is going
to shoot, approach him, he does not shoot and gives the ball to his
teammate next to him and he shoots. Because while defending the
player coming from the wing, the opponent puts the forward in the

28-They have many players who can make a half turn around
themselves when they get the ball and approach the penalty
area without making a pass. To do this, the player approaches
his teammate who has the ball. He looks behind him before
picking up the ball. If there is no player behind him, he turns
behind without touching the ball and starts to go to the penalty
area. When it comes out of the stationary state and becomes
active immediately, the players around cannot think quickly
and make moves.

Corner-kick in defence

29-Almost all players stand in front of the goal, equidistant

from each other. They don't care much about the corner
organizations of the opposing team. If two or three opponent
players come to a point, they cannot prevent the opponent's
headers. It is not wrong to defend the area, but at least one
more player should come to the direction of the ball so that
the opponent is not given the opportunity to shoot.

30-There are one or two players outside the area close to the
goal. One player at the penalty area, one at the corner of the
box and one player at the far of the penalty box. If the
opposing teams approach the goal, the defenders can clear
the ball away from the penalty area, but other areas are
vulnerable. It is also very interesting that it is in the centre of
Lobotka's defence. Any opposing player matched with this
player can take a header.

Corner-kick in attack

31-They cross of the front line there. One is near the front
post, one is in front of the goalkeeper, and three of them
come from behind and move towards the ball. It is wrong
that there are no players in the rest of the penalty area.
There is another player outside the penalty area.

32-Another option they use is this: there is only one player

close to the goal. One player is at the furthest point of the
penalty area. One player is also outside the box. The players
are in different positions before the corner-kick. They gather
on the same line during the corner kick. The player on the
corner-kick sends the ball to that area. They mostly cross from
the air, but sometimes they can be effective by crossing from
the ground.

33-Formation in Defence: I think more interesting formations

should be tried against a team that does almost everything
perfectly. This season, they have always been superior to rival
teams, except for one or two games. The basis of these
superiorities is their offensive-based game play. Both wing and
midfielders love to enter the penalty area so in front of the
three defenders, there should be two defensive centre
midfielders. The remaining four players can also be wingers. In
other words, players who like counter-attacks running into
spaces and immediately moves to the opponent's half.

34-Formation in Attack: The centre forward must constantly

go to the sides. Napoli's wing defence is weak. The player in
front of the defenders must distribute the balls. The two
midfielders in front of him must make continuous runs into the
penalty area. That's why the 3-1-4-1 formation can be very
suitable for opposing teams.

35-Players must play in a wide-zones. Napoli is a team which

prefer to play in narrow areas. Teams playing at high tempo
cannot play at the same level in the wide fields. Napoli traps
opposing teams in tight spaces. If the opposing players keep
the distance between them wider, Napoli players will exert
more effort and get tired quickly.

36-They have numerical superiority in many regions because

they play in a narrow field. In this way, two or three Napoli
players constantly press on the player who has the ball and
they win it. In order to get rid of this, single passes should be
made especially in the first and second regions. Keeping the
ball too long makes no sense against Napoli.
37-You need to get to the opponent's half as soon as possible.
Napoli's defenders are four but almost all want to join the
attack. This is why Napoli's defence is less strong. Napoli
defence will be caught off-guard if the opposing team moves
into the opposing half without delaying a few passes.

38-As soon as you win the ball in the first zone, you shouldn't
be dealing with a short pass because Napoli will most likely
recover the ball. Instead, a long ball should be sent to the sides
of the opponent's half. Even if there is no player in that area.
Because both the fullbacks and the wingers are heading
towards the centre. Napoli players are often absent, both
behind and beyond the sides of the field. If the opposing
players are fast, they can easily start counter attacks from the

39-Centre-backs sometimes go to the opponent's half to carry

the ball to the opponent's half, and sometimes to increase the
number of attacking players. At least one centre-back does this.
Therefore, there is a space in the centre. If the opposing team
plays with 2 centre forwards, they will gain quantity advantage
in the centre. By passing each other, they can be successful in
their counterattacks.

40-The wing defence is weak. Because the wingers' defence is

not good. In addition, fullbacks are positioned in areas closer
to the defenders due to their offensive habits. It will be more
successful if the opposing team starts attacking from the wings
and enters the penalty area or goes all the way to the line to

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