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Date/Cycle Day: Friday, October 13th, Cycle Day D

Lesson Topic: Music Class Driver’s License

Grade: Third Grade

PA Academic Standards (Benchmarks/Indicators) or National Standards of Music

- MU:Cr1.1.3b Generate musical ideas (such as rhythms and melodies and tempo) within a
given tonality and/or meter.
- MU:Cr3.2.3a Present the final version of personal created music to others, and describe
connection to expressive intent.
- MU:Pr4.2.3a Demonstrate understanding of the structure in music selected for performance.
- MU:Pr5.1.3b Rehearse to refine technical accuracy, expressive qualities, and identified
performance challenges.
Instructional Objectives:
- By the end of this lesson, students will perform awareness of the characteristics of musical
sounds and silence by starting and stopping when appropriate.
- By the end of this lesson, students will perform awareness of movement and driving space in
music classroom.
- By the end of this lesson, students will individually perform their ability to perform with
various tempo/speeds.
- By the end of this lesson, students will create the form of their driving test.
- By the end of this lesson, students will be assessed on the objectives for Music Class Driver’s
- Screen
Opening/Introduction Activity
• T will begin with reminding S of their driver’s test today.
• T will ask all S to stand behind a drum to clear the driving space (S should not be touching
drums while back there).
• T will have pre-planned groups of students.
• T will read names of group 1 to come to the center of the room for driver’s test.
Learning Opportunities/Procedure:
• T will ask for student input as they come up with the three ideas for their driving course.
Ex. Highway, Normal, Traffic OR Traffic, Highway, Normal.
• T will choose S quiet hands to determine the order of the driving speeds.
• T will begin with initiating student imagination, before each groups test T will complete the
following with students:
- Opening the car door/shutting it
- Putting on seat belts
- Starting the engine
- Fixing the review mirror
- Grabbing the steering wheel
• T will sing the song three times for each group depending on the student creation.
• T will assess students’ performance according to the rubric listed in Assessment.
• When group 1 is finished with their test, T will tell S to go back to a drum and wait
• T will read names of group 2 to come to the center of the room for driver’s test.
• T will ask for student input as they come up with the three ideas for their driving course.
Ex. Highway, Normal, Traffic OR Traffic, Highway, Normal.
• T will choose S quiet hands to determine the order of the driving speeds.
• T will begin with initiating student imagination
• T will sing the song three times for each group depending on the student creation.
• T will assess students’ performance according to the rubric listed in Assessment.
• When group 2 is finished with their test, T will tell S to go back to a drum and wait
• T will read names of group 3 to come to the center of the room for driver’s test.
• T will ask for student input as they come up with the three ideas for their driving course.
Ex. Highway, Normal, Traffic OR Traffic, Highway, Normal.
• T will choose S quiet hands to determine the order of the driving speeds.
• T will begin with initiating student imagination
• T will sing the song three times for each group depending on the student creation.
• T will assess students’ performance according to the rubric listed in Assessment.
Closing Activity
• T will announce that she will hand out the driver’s permit (those that could use some more
practice driving time) and the official driver’s license (those at the end of the class) at the
door at the end of class.
• T will show what they look like on the screen.
Specific Differentiation Strategies/Adaptations:
• Using Go/Stop sign for the few times for students who need visual cue to move and stop.
• Providing feedback for assessment.
• T will formally assess by observing small groups if S have achieved all objectives with the
activity during the final Driver’s Test.
Permit (3-7), License (8-9) 3 (Always) 2 (Sometimes) 1 (Never)
Student shows understanding
of starting (driving) and
stopping at the correct times
in the song.
Student can find their path
and travel within the music
classroom space safely.
Student can adjust speed on
movement to match the
speed/tempo of the song.

Scores will be recorded via. print out sheet.


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