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Types of Angles

Transversal Angles

8 Obedience

In this lesson all the objectives were met, the students were able to define transversal angles and
investigate the relationship formed among a transversal and two or more parallel lines. The
methodologies used were; Inquiry based learning, Questioning and Discussion, the student’s
behavior was satisfactory and the class started on and the students settled and ready for learning

8 Respect
In this lesson all the objectives were met, the students were able to with 85% accuracy describe

what angles are in their own words and identify the types of angles, and they were also able to

create the types of angles using their body; arms. The methodologies used were; Inquiry based

learning, Questioning, Discussion and Collaborative learning and the student’s behavior was fair.

The class did not start on time because they had a session before mine and so the teacher asked

for a few minutes to wrap up their session, it took at least seven minutes to get the students

settled and ready for learning. The strength of the lesson was the class discussion on identifying

the types of angles and what angles are, the students did not brainstorm this information much

because they would have known this from primary school however, I saw it as necessary for

them to recall this information because it is prerequisite knowledge for the topic ahead, they are

going to learn. After the class discussion the students demonstrated using their arm the different

type of angles. Another strength was the class activity the students participated and completed

the activity with ease and everyone book was marked and checked; they were given the task to

identify the given angles by just the measurement of angle and also given the angles diagram

they are to label it with its correct name.

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