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With love, Benjamin (Translation completed)

Originally Posted on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Not Rated

Archive Warning: Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: M/M
Fandom: Original Work
Stats: Published: 2020-06-05 Completed: 2020-08-23 Chapters: 137/137
Words: 143315

With love, Benjamin (Translation completed)

by Jewel25


Vincenzo, Felix's grandfather, can't wait for him to leave San Diego. Everybody is
nervous about his appearance. The very image of the mafia... But Isaac seems more curious
about Félix's childhood and the family history that he seems to continue hiding from him.
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Chapter 1

This is a translation, from Korean to Spanish, of the work written by Top Jeong
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Mr. Felice 1

"Not at all, the packaging is very good. I like the way it makes the pot look brighter."

The customer picked up the small pot and laughed. He really seems to like the look and also seems to be
happy that the plant is in full bloom instead of half dead.
It was strange to be praised so much by a customer and also have them say good things about the packaging,
so he smiled and started laughing too.

It is nice. Now he feels like he truly is the owner of a flower shop. (And a pretty good one to tell the truth.)

"Thank you. Please come again soon."

The customer returned a light greeting and then held the pot with both hands.

Just when you think the sound of your footsteps is quite cheerful and you are feeling more than happy with yourself,
a new visitor, passing through the door of the store, causes the customer to stumble and offer a curt, "Oh, sorry."

Only then, from your spot at the counter, do you notice someone standing. Staring at him from the door.

He had to raise his head in an exaggerated way.

A man, with one arm leaning on the window, had intentionally collided with the new customer. The poor guy
was staring at him so intently that he almost dropped the pot on the ground. He apologized again and shuffled
down the street, shrugging his shoulders.

The cold Prussian blue pupils do not stop looking at him from top to bottom even though he is almost halfway down
the block.


Isaac, who was really harsh to scold him, yelled at him really hard from inside so Felix finally moved his
displeased gaze towards him.

"Why were they laughing?"

Then, he blurted out that kind of question.

The atmosphere was stiff but also seemed to be completely absurd.

God blessed.

"Because he's a customer."

"Well you never laughed when I was a customer."

"You don't have to treat them like that. Do you understand me? They are the ones who keep the business going.
What if the customer doesn't come back?"

But even though he said that, Felix's expression only got worse.
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"When I first arrived you treated me like I was a stone in your shoe! But now other people come
and... And you go and make eyes at them! Who gave you permission to laugh?"

"...Now you get jealous of a client too?"

"Yes. And do you know why? Because you laugh enough with anyone when that should only
be for me!"

Despite revealing a jealousy that seemed admittedly endless, Felix didn't even seem to know that
he was making quite a fuss so he just screamed and kept screaming.

"Felix." Unlike him, Isaac spoke with a rather calm voice... Although his face was approaching
the color of fire. He had even ended up swallowing saliva in a rather scandalous manner.
"You should..."

"I'm moving my office here!"

"...Wow, that's a new threat."

"It's not a threat, my secret dream was always to work in the middle of a flower shop. You know,
with the smell of the perfume of the plants, these pots and my beautiful omega, who is even prettier
than a flower, by my side "No. On my legs... With an apron."

Unlike his annoyed tone and cold eyes, he had a soft and pretty curve at the tip of his lips. Like that
of a kitten... It was an expression that made him feel a slight sense of existential crisis because
he was in love with just THAT gesture. But even with that small smile, the part of Isaac that still
reasoned normally began to say, Are you fucking with me? Why are you looking at Felix's charming
smile when you should be mad at him!? Isaac frowned.

It seemed like a difficult situation, taking control.

Felix, whose eyes are unusual, pouring that Alpha pheromone on him... It was killing him. He was
really close to giving up.
Isaac closed his eyes, he still had that scent on the tip of his nose.

"They're just clients, they're not interested in me. Plus, I have a wedding ring and a huge mark on
the back of my neck. Could you then... Stop being so sensitive?"

He didn't know if he had said something wrong... But the uselessly sensitive man he had as a
husband raises his eyebrows at him and makes the awkward energy fill the entire room again.

"Scusami, but I do this because I'm nervous. What happens if someone sees that pretty smile
you have and falls in love with you?"


"What happens if you are kidnapped again? What if someone hurts you? And Benjamin..."

"Stop those absurd thoughts, Felix! You're just wasting your time worrying."

Isaac's response was forceful, but Félix does not seem to want to listen:
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"I just can't help it! Look, I know you don't understand it now, but bad things always happen to me
and the people who are close to me. You've seen it before!"

"But that wasn't..."

"Or are you saying you don't even care if they take you away from me again?

"No, that is not..."

"I'm full of terrible thoughts. I even think that if I don't come here often...
I don't know, my head is going to explode. I must be going crazy again because I feel that thing again
that tells me something is going to happen.

Isaac was speechless... Felix really seemed unwell. And how do you calm a man who seems ready
to break in front of you when you're still embarrassed to open up? Then, before he could think of
something appropriate, Felix looks up and looks over the counter. Isaac followed him too.

For a moment, the feeling of worry turned into one of utter shame.

"Dear Benjamin..." He murmured as he leaned down to hold the card in his hand. "Here it is again."


Isaac's habit of writing a card to Benjamin was still latent. However, unlike the past when the cards
were piled up in his drawer, now he had the pleasure of delivering them in person...

Every time a word occurred to him, he wrote it down immediately and then put the card in Benjamin's
hand. It was beautiful that the child opened his eyes wide and laughed, as if he had just received a great
gift. Benjamin looks closely at the image on the colorful card and then asks you to read what it says
there. Isaac puts the boy on his lap and reads the card. Kiss her hair...

Giving cards to your child is an essential routine so Felix surely knew he was doing it. Why was he
talking about that now? Why did he seem so astonished?

"You've never... Given a card to me" He said "Isn't that kind of unfair too?"

Felix's voice was careless, full of pain, and getting lower and lower. Seriously, what was
happening with him today? It made him feel like he had a fog in his head.

"Felix, that's something that..."

"Love, Isaac."

He thought that now he should say something to her, but his lips immediately became all dry.
Félix continued reading the end of the card: "With love, Isaac" "With love..." And he blocked the
words he had already been rehearsing.

The blue eyes looking at him seemed annoyed again so Isaac swallowed a sigh again.

He never thought he would be jealous of this or that, but maybe he was still very inexperienced
with the subject of love.
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"Isaac...Would you ever write a letter for me?" Unlike the face that had a sweet smile, the blue pupil was
getting darker every time. "Would you write down your feelings?"

The thick scent of pheromones immediately caught his nose. In an instant, his eyes become blurry, his
heart starts racing, and intense heat reaches from his belly to his chest. He walked away... Because he
really felt like he was still a coward.

"Don't I show you my feelings even without needing a card?"

Isaac murmured this, ignoring the state of heat that kept growing inside him.

"Well, actually I need more than that." She grabbed his hands and pulled him so hard that he almost
ended up lying on her chest. Then he whispered, pressing his lips to hers: "Every day you are talking to
me with your body, that's true. Sometimes you tell me that you miss me and other times that you want

Her wet breath lingered on his lips even after she kissed him. And every time he whispered a word, a sweet
breath fell into her mouth and left a strong tickling sensation.

Isaac bowed his head a little more towards him. To tell the truth, he loved her pretty lips and her
perfect tongue. The way they felt when they were on top of him, so wonderful… I just wanted to kiss him
right away, even now. But Felix decided to make fun of him and walked away.

"But now, I want to receive your love separately. I want a card. A card that says <Love, Isaac>."

Isaac raised his eyes to him, he was more than drunk from his heat.

"Then showing you my love with my body will no longer be necessary..."

"I want it all...

Because I need to confirm even more that you are not going to let me go."
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Mr. Happy 2

The Alpha pheromones that felt terribly aggressive came from Felix who kept looking out the window.
Its sweet aroma, which is clearly thicker today, irritates Isaac's nose and then flows deep into his lungs...
And in his lungs it spreads to every corner of his body and makes him feel immensely hot.


That man is the Alpha he is bonded with so when his scent is in the air, spreading in all
directions, his body has no choice but to respond to him.
Isaac got a little closer to him and asked if he was okay, vomiting out his words so quickly that he
barely understood each other. Even if you try to pretend calm, the pheromones envelop your body
in such a way that your back already feels full of sweat.

"No, I feel angry every time I remember that my husband laughs with other men and talks with
other men and writes cards for other men..."

"That other man is your son."

"So what...?

Félix, who touched Isaac's chin with the tips of his fingers, placed his lips on his and then placed his
hand on his stomach to move it up under his clothes...

"It's still early. What are you going to do?"

The more he thought, the more absurd the situation seemed to him: First he enters the store and
then reveals a jealousy that seems childish. He screams and says he feels something is wrong... And
then there's the matter of pouring a bunch of pheromones on him!
It's annoying and he definitely can't understand it.

"I was wondering if I should let you know again the fact that you are my Omega."

"That's something I understand very well."

"Well, I'm sorry you forgot."

Isaac looked at Felix with wide eyes. Then, giving up, he looked up and kissed him. He leaned in
and opened his mouth to let her take him in that bright, charming, greedy way...

"I wouldn't forget something like that, Felix. Okay? You have to calm down."

"...Can I close the shop door?"

The subtle question posed immense temptation. Isaac swallowed so hard he even heard himself
again and it left a slight burn in his throat. It's too early to close the store, but... The truth is that he
already started to wet his underwear.
His cock, which has hardened from the movement of Felix's hips against his, is something he can't
ignore so easily.
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"I'm going to close until I complete my sales today."

It was a joke, but Felix got serious.

"If that's the case, I'll buy everything for a whole year."

"Idiot. If my husband gives me money, I highly doubt that can be called 'A sale.'"

Although there was no change in his attitude, with these new words Felix began to laugh
outrageously with his lips still glued to his face.
It's hard to bear the tickling sensation when your breath enters your mouth like that...

Isaac reached out his hands and reached behind him to hug him tightly. This time, his lips did not
stop at a short distance, rather, they seemed to be eating his mouth. Pushing each other until they
are against the wall.
Their tongues begin to tangle like snakes, going in and out of each other's mouths.
They suck... They suck. Isaac was the first to start but, the next moment from there, he was already
moving at Felix's mercy.

The kiss, which quickly turned violent, is like attacking each other. Saliva flowed from his open
mouth. The tongues go from Isaac's interior to Felix's... They move in tandem until the sound of
the rubbing and greed of their mucous membranes ends up being heard. It becomes obscene.

Felix began to back away again. The place they were heading to now was the couch next to the door.
They walk step by step without opening their lips and each new movement they make ends up
leaving a shirt or pants, socks and underpants on the floor.

The store was already closed and guarded by Tony, who realized everything that was happening
on the beautiful sofa next to the door. It is a piece of furniture made of dark velvet that almost didn't
fit in the flower shop but that Félix had insisted on keeping. Maybe because I had just this in mind.

The man, who now pushed himself towards the sofa with a slow retreat, barely separated the lips
that until then had been biting and sucking and began to caress her legs...

He has that look that says "I really want to fuck you"

"...I can't control myself when you look at me with that dirty face." There was no hesitation in
touching his body. It was sort of like the way she had to reconfirm the texture and shape of her
husband with each of her fingers. Isaac took a deep breath and just let himself be touched. "You
turn me into a hungry beast for your flesh."

The sensual voice rubs his ears so he gasps and chooses to start slowly moving his fingers up his
Oh my God, he was really choking. The heat is rising and his eyes are even a little redder.

Felix, looking at Isaac, kissed his throat and collarbone, pressing his lips up and down. His tongue,
which has become a little more violent than before, causes a lot of pain in her mouth when she
decides to kiss him. He sucks her tongue so much it hurts.

He pushed him because he couldn't breathe anymore.

When Isaac sucked in a huge gulp of air, he raised his hands and put them around Isaac's neck.
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of Felix. He sat on the sofa, hugging her waist...

Isaac, settled with his legs crossed on Felix's thighs, couldn't stop his back from trembling. Her
husband's hot erection rubs under her wet entrance so it doesn't cost her anything when she lifts him up
a little and then lowers him to penetrate him immediately. His heart was beating like it was going to

"Ah, ah, Felix. Ah, Felix..."

Isaac squirmed as he forgot all traces of his former shame.

"Isaac, spread your ass for me."

Then she kisses him like she can't take it anymore. They are lips soaked with saliva and with small traces
of blood... Isaac lowered his hands and adjusted his penis better with the tips of his fingers while
Félix quickly held his hips up. When she sees him, it seems as if she is silently begging him to fill her

Félix got in deep.


After stopping the movement of his body for a moment, Felix kissed Isaac's blushing cheeks
for a long time until he calmed him down.

"Move, move now."

"Don't be so impatient, darling."

Felix, who hugged his back, kissed Isaac's earlobe and then squeezed his butt with both hands.

Isaac decided to shake his waist slowly... Really very slowly. Every time she moves back and forth, the
penis filling her insides seems to hit right in the spot she loves. Feel ticklish. Even more, he wants that
man to push himself hard and hit him there as hard as ever. But Félix, who still didn't move, was only
caressing his stomach... And he didn't have time to get lost in caresses!

Finally, Isaac grabbed his hole with the hand he had been using to hold Felix's penis and spread it open.
There was no point in even pretending he didn't like her because they were already married. They had a
relationship and he had probably already noticed... That having sex with him made him feel like being born of

Soon, however, Isaac cleared away the thoughts that were floating in his mind. The sensation of the
mucous membrane being crushed spreads so much that it seems as if it were burning. Felix's low laugh
filtered through him...

"Yes, good, very good my love..."

If you add a long lick on the neck and a low voice, the hairs all over your body stand on end. Now Félix
was holding his hands to open her ass even more... It feels like having a fever.

The moment Isaac raised his irritated eyes to complain about the way she held his hands, he
turned white and then red and his face seemed to fill with lust as he screamed.
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"Now you can't blame me... Because you're doing everything, right?"



"Yes... Yes, I'm doing everything myself."

The temperature of the small tent increased every time he exhaled heavily and when he continued to
gasp and scream. The sound of wet skin slapping against each other became louder and louder, and
when they moved, the couch squeaked and slapped their legs so hard that it might as well have looked like
a brothel instead of a flower shop.

"Felix... Stop. I'm going to cum..."

But Félix dedicated himself to crushing her insides, excited by the idea of her ejaculating while he was

"Who was the boy that caused all this? Of course I'm not going to stop."

Isaac's skin, which became clammy and sweaty, felt more sensitive as he bit down on the bond mark...
Omega pheromones then filled his nose and mouth.
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Mr. Happy 3

//It must be clarified that the extra in the first volume called "Halloween Day" happens after
everything that happened in this second book//

Félix has been inhaling that beautiful aroma for a while now that excites and intoxicates him
equally...And that is definitely exciting too. His penis seemed to go deeper. Is Isaac's body
shaking? Because the armrest of the sofa is moving so much...

It didn't take long for Felix to push him all the way up.

"Ah, wait... No, no, no!"

Isaac shouted loudly, his hands trembling and his face covered in huge beads of sweat. He
held it as tight as he could and let his back fall all the way back. Felix then raised his head
towards his distorted face and even allowed himself to open his eyes a little wider.

"Oh shit...!"

Then, a fountain of white liquid spread over Isaac's belly as he felt Felix finish inside him. It was
the first time for the Alpha but Isaac had already ejaculated a couple of times while he trembled
and opened his mouth again to scream. Because of this, his entire body was filled with
semen and bodily fluids that made him feel disgustingly sticky.

"...I told you not to do it like that."

However, Isaac, who had collapsed onto his abdomen, still seemed to have the luxury of
scolding him with a loud voice. As if he couldn't keep up, however, his eyes began to flicker
and then only closed for a moment.

That really tired him out.

"I was in a hurry".

"And I wanted to be dry."

"I can't control myself that much, Isaac. My penis has feelings too."

After making such a stupid excuse, Félix heaved a huge sigh and ended up lying down too...

Whenever Isaac seemed close to finishing, I told him to stop so he could get out.
But it still seemed quite undignified to him to have to take it out before ejaculating, so he didn't
do that. On the contrary, every time they had sex, he always ejaculated deep inside
Isaac's inner wall. That... It made him feel better than any drug or medicine in the world.

When he met Isaac four years ago, it was the first and last time they had a "Knot."
It didn't mean he didn't want to do it, of course... But Isaac was afraid. When he occasionally felt
that Felix's genitals were more swollen than normal, he would make an extremely panicked
face and scream that he wanted him to stop.
Obviously, he had no choice but to accept.
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"Did it hurt a lot when we knotted last time?"

Felix, clearing his throat a little, kissed Isaac's forehead and laid him down to begin searching for
his underwear, which was scattered randomly all over the floor. Isaac, who gradually turned
over, spread himself to his full length and suddenly frowned at the unexpected pain.

"Yes, at that moment I thought my intestines were breaking... I even felt like vomiting. The truth is, it's
an experience I never want to have again."

A more honest answer than ever came from Isaac's lips. Felix raised his eyebrows.

"Okay but... Didn't you want a second baby?"

"Well, yeah. But we can have it even if we don't knot."

"Well, that's not such an easy thing to do. An Omega's body reacts better when..."

"Stop" Again, Felix's words were cut off relentlessly. Isaac seemed to have gone all stiff. "You
said it, it's my body. And I want to continue deciding about it."

Isaac, who seemed to have said all this with the greatest possible coldness, stood up as if propelled
by an unknown force. Felix heard how he made a short click with his tongue and then saw
how he started to shake hard... He seemed to be trying to strengthen his toes to stand up
straight so he had a hard time putting on his underwear and pants. Félix, who had tried to stay
out of the way so as not to disturb him, came closer so that he could at least hold on to him (If he
wanted to) I mean, after all he had ejaculated many times. Furthermore, he cried and moaned
for almost four hours.

"Thank you..."

"Then, what are we going to do?" In the end he lay back down on the couch, relaxing on his
back. He looked like an absolutely elegant person even though he was naked and stained. "I don't
want to force you, but it's a topic we're going to have to address at some point."

Isaac looked out the window, listening to Felix's growls. When they started it looked like a warm
sunny afternoon and now there was a cold dark sky. A scene that made him realize that time had
passed rather quickly.

"I really need time..."

"And isn't it better to overcome fears by facing them immediately?"

But, as always, Felix shamelessly responded to his words and rose from his seat to wrap him in his
arms. He seemed very strong, with marked muscles and big hands... But he was always terribly
tender with him. Even if he always seemed to think with his penis.
Once again, they were stuck in a sticky pink atmosphere that made the fever rise along with the
feeling of hunger. Hungry to be swallowed by those wonderful Prussian blue eyes...

But Isaac still decided it was better to stop there.

"...Benjamin is waiting for us."

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"You're right".

Felix responded bluntly, as if it were a matter of routine... After starting to live together, Benjamin waited daily
for Isaac's return. He still couldn't give up his habit of sleeping next to his grandmother, but he really liked to
come and wait at the door to say "Welcome home!" Placing a completely beautiful voice and a huge smile.

Then Isaac, who didn't want Benjamin to wait too long, was going to clean the store and close... Until Felix
decided it was better to go in, of course.

"But once we get home, I'm going to send the boy to bed so we can properly resolve our little 'argument'."

"I don't think my body can handle your convincing strategies."

"Not at all... I know how strong you are."

"Well I say no way."

Isaac refuted her words and shook his head. It was true that she had confidence in her body, but every time
she mixed with Felix she felt like she was completely lost. He gets more exhausted than he wants to admit. It
consumes you to the point where you feel like you may disappear and your body will stop responding to you
until all your bodily fluids dry from your skin...
His physical strength, everything he was taught in the navy about jumping, holding and fighting, seems to be
useless at his side. However, the amazing thing about this whole situation is that every time you see his
eyes, even after being with him all night and swelling several times, he can light up again like a bomb
with a short fuse.

In fact, sex with him is not bad. Instead of thinking he hates it, he feels like he's becoming more and more
addicted to the way he makes everything feel so intensely pleasurable.

Perhaps it is because he is an Omega or because they are linked, but he can feel their joy and feel their
pleasure to reach an ecstasy more intense than ever.

The more you take of a medicine, the more you become addicted.

The longer your body becomes pleasure-seeking, the harder it is to say NO.

"But isn't it that you wanted to show me that you could have my child even without my knot? I just, I feel like
finding out if it's true or not."

Felix whispered his demands again, his lips pressed to Isaac's ear and then his mouth pressed completely
against the back of his neck. He feels her golden hair constantly stinging his nose...

"So... Wait until after dinner."

It's a word loaded with shyness and embarrassment, but Felix finally has a satisfying smile on his

When they kissed, he seemed to feel again that time had passed very quickly. They always wake up first
thing in the morning, Félix exercises, takes a shower, then he goes to wake up Benjamin and they go
down to have breakfast all together. It's the beginning of a normal day...
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But it may not be the same tomorrow.

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Mr. Happy 4

Thanks to the bright sunlight, he frowned and turned his head to the side...

The space next to him was empty.

Isaac, who took a while to realize this, stretched out his hand and then raised his body slightly.
Even if you do it slowly, there is incredible pain that seems to be spread throughout all the bones and
muscles you carry, so the movement stops. He rolls on his back... A moan that came from the back of his
throat leaked out loudly so Isaac, who stopped breathing and exhaled deeply for a long time, preferred
to lie down a little longer.

He thought that maybe it was too late so he extended an arm across the nightstand. It was like a reflex,
holding his cell phone, turning it on and getting lost there for a long time and then trying to sleep for
another minute. Yet somehow, now no matter how much he moves his hand or spreads his fingers across
the table, he can't find it.
No way. Could Felix have taken his cell phone by mistake? As soon as he walked into the room last
night, he took it out of his pocket and... Or did he forget to take it out? Did you fall in the flower shop when
you took off your clothes? He actually thinks about it over and over again and the memories of picking up
and placing the cell phone on the table remain clear so where is it?

It was a time when I was thinking about the whereabouts of a cell phone with my head all dizzy.


Without warning, the door to the room burst open and a loud, happy voice could be heard. There's the
sound of his little feet as he runs towards the bed so for a moment, he forgets about his silly missing cell
phone and tries to sit up properly...
Isaac smiled at him, as if nothing had happened, and extended his arms toward Benjamin.

"Daddy daddy".

Benjamin quickly jumps up and throws himself into his arms. Isaac laughs out loud and hugs his little body
tightly. The smell of the fragrant child then flows comfortably over the tip of his nose...

"Benjamin, did you sleep well? When did you wake up?"

As he kissed the boy's cheeks in an exaggerated way, Benjamin smiled, laughed, and shrugged his
shoulders into a ball. Apparently that was tickling him too much for him to resist.

"I woke up because it was already daylight! But dad took a long time"

The boy, trapped in his arms, looks at him like he's mad at him for doing that.

"Sorry, I was really sleepy. I just woke up... Have you had breakfast yet?"

Uhum. I had breakfast with dad Felix and then we watched television. Dad continued sleeping."

"With dad Felix? Where is dad now? Is he still downstairs?"

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"He did not go to work."

"He's gone?"

There were too many doubts on Isaac's face. Sure, it's not strange that he has breakfast with Benjamin and
it's not strange that he watches television in the meantime... But he always goes to work late into the night.
Thanks to this, they often slept late and woke up late so... Was everything okay? Should I contact him?
Isaac was so worried that as he reached back on the table to look for his cell phone, he remembered that
he was lost.

"Ben, by the way. Have you seen dad's phone?"

He was caressing Benjamin's lemon hair, who continued to lie completely in his arms. Then the boy
raised his head and opened his eyes wider. He seemed to remember it for a moment and soon ended up
nodding vigorously.



"Over there."

Benjamin's little hand pointed to the bedside table. Of course it should be there, but now it was empty.

"It's not there. Do you know of anywhere else it could be, Benjamin?"

When asked again, the boy nodded again and exclaimed, "I know!"

Then as she descended from his arms, she pulled the box of Kleenex tissues that were next to the table
and reached her entire hand into the entrance rectangle. The Kleenex box was big enough
for his little fingers to move around perfectly. He fidgeted for a moment and then raised his hand again.

Unlike the first time he put his hand inside the Kleenex, Isaac's cell phone is there now.

Isaac blinked. And why was it in the tissues?

"I put it here."

When Isaac, who had been given his cell phone, sat on the bed, Benjamin immediately responded as if
he was very proud of himself.

"Why did you put it in the box?"

"I'll give it to you when you wake up. If not... If you don't wake up, you won't have a cell phone!"

"Poor me..."

Isaac, who looked at the boy, could not bear the urge to laugh.
Sometimes Benjamin hides things around the house and then gets excited every time people find
something on their own. The amazing thing is that Benjamin knows about every object and place without ever
forgetting them.
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Isaac continued to shed tears of laughter as he looked alternately at the tissues and cell phone.
It's nice that your child always exceeds your expectations of him, so you had decided to vent all your
feelings on his cheeks. Kissing him again and again and again.
As he did so, the boy shrugged his shoulders again and began to say that it tickled him a lot.

"But Benjamin... You can't put dad's cell phone anywhere else. I thought he lost it."

"It was not lost"

"Good. That's why next time you have to talk to dad in advance."

" Uhm."

"Since we have found the phone, should we go down now?"

"Grandma asked me to tell you that there is already food for you."

"Okay. Dad is really late today."

He thought he was going to waste more time if he changed his clothes, so he stayed in his pajamas
and went downstairs carrying the child against his chest. As I had told him, the table was tidy and full
of delicious food. In addition to what her mother had done, when the servants realized she was
coming, they came out with trays full of scrambled eggs and bacon. They had made hash browns
and tuna pancakes along with ham sandwiches, like a simple American breakfast.
When she sat at the table with Benjamin in her arms, the worker asked:

"What would you like to drink?"

Isaac immediately ordered coffee. Meanwhile, the child holds the crispy bacon in his hand and
begins to eat it in fairly small, leisurely bites.

"Would you like to eat eggs too?"

Benjamin shook his head.


"It's very early"

"Grandma said it was okay if I ate cookies after eating. I'm done eating.
I ate as much as this.”

The boy spread his arms and emphasized that he ate a lot. Isaac, who was silently watching the
boy asking for a cookie, soon let out a huge sigh.

"You're very good at talking. You already look like a big boy."

"I'm three years old."

"No, you're already four."

With three fingers open and extended toward him, Benjamin shrugged and said no,
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as if he thought that someone like him definitely couldn't be great.

He was still a baby after all so Isaac started laughing again. Finally, Benjamin's cookie,
his breakfast reward, was placed on a plastic plate in front of him along with a baby bottle
filled with figurines. Benjamin was interested in eating cookies with milk so he held the cookie
with both hands and then ate it wildly. As if it were the most delicious thing in the world.

Isaac, who looked at Benjamin, brushed the boy's hair back and then wiped his mouth full
of chocolate and cookie dust. Benjamin ate and he drank his coffee... Like a regular
morning, calm and relaxing, but Felix wasn't answering his text messages and he didn't
seem to be able to receive his calls either. Although he was worried again, Isaac focused
more on his child and the food in front of him.

The toast was good, at least.

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Mr. Felice 4.1

"I want to see my grandfather."

While Isaac was having breakfast peacefully with Benjamin, he was preoccupied with his own
He went down to the basement of his mansion, looking at the screen of his cell phone with a rather
sharp look. On the big screen with the sign for a video call, instead of Félix's grandfather
Vincenzo, there was the tough face of Lucca. A man known for being the "right arm" of the organization.

Felix is familiar with him, but he still found it annoying.

<It's a little difficult to do now. You have to wait.>

"Lucca, don't be an idiot and tell him to answer."

Frowning, Felix moves down as if his body was reacting on its own...
Depending on your movement, the screen also has a different angle so sometimes you only see
your face and sometimes your entire body. It seems that he is not in his grandfather's
mansion, it even seems to be a bit blurry. It's a space that reminds you of a factory or a closed
workshop, with old fluorescent lamps and you hear... A suppressed moan somewhere in the distance.

Felix sipped his coffee as he watched the scene unfold on the screen. Isaac liked light, fragrant
coffee, but he enjoys espressos, which are usually dark.
However, today, he is also drinking the same light coffee as Isaac.

He regretted not having ordered a vodka.

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Mr. Happy 5

"God, this is starting to bother me."

However, the hand that continued to bring coffee to his mouth ended up stopping. The camera that was moving
somewhere finally stopped, and then Felix completely twisted his eyebrows and moved his nose a little closer...
There was a terrible situation unfolding on the other side of the screen. So much so that I couldn't tell if what was
there was a person or a piece of meat.
It was someone who was crushed, lying on the ground and covered in blood. His grandfather had a stained bat
and when he swung it, a piece of something immediately fell out making a disgusting sound.
However, the subject still shudders unconsciously. He appears to be alive.

He swung the bat once more. The blood looked very red on the top of the wood, it was dripping and it looked like it
was splintering... Suddenly, BAM, BAM, the sound of the blows starts to seem very cruel. It's a horrible sight!
Like that of a horror movie.
Felix, however, only drank coffee again. He would occasionally check the time on his wrist watch and then make
a completely angry expression. How many minutes had already passed by this moment? And all for a fucking
dead man!

The man, who wiped the sweat from his face, threw the stick on the ground as if it no longer worked for him, and
then he just turned his body to look directly at the screen. His face had too many blood splatters...

<What the fuck do you want?>

He was never exactly a "nice" person, but he seems to be even angrier today. Felix started laughing as he put
the coffee cup on his office table. He just wanted to make a sound loud enough to be heard even in the place
where his grandfather was.

"How strange that you're still so active, Grandpa."

<Shut up, idiot! That's exactly the line I should start with!>

Felix's grandfather, Vincenzo Felice, screamed loudly as he threw his blood-soaked antique leather gloves into the
air. Then he moved again. The screen shook abruptly to the point where he could see Lucca in the background,
cleaning a misshapen mass of blood.

"Why do you torture a man so early?"

There was actually an eight-hour time difference between San Diego and Florence, Italy. It was now 10 in the
morning and there around 6 in the afternoon... That he seemed to have forgotten that definitely touched Vincenzo's
nerves quite a bit.

<Idiot boy.>

Grandpa walked straight through a sad, dark warehouse. He never seems to lose sight of the screen.
Félix, on the other hand, just sits and looks at him with his arms crossed against his chest:

"You also have to think about your age. You're not young enough to go and play baseball anymore."

<Well, you're not exactly a small and fragile child either.>

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When Vincenzo seemed to sigh, Félix drank the coffee in such large gulps that he soon finished it all.

Although he is his grandfather, Vincenzo was more like a father to him. His age is seventy-four years.
Seventy-five in three months... And he had taken care of Felix since he was forty-one. He showed him
the proper way to use a pistol and a combat knife from when he was young enough to be
believed to be the grandson of a mafia executive. As a teenager he taught him how to inflict death
on a person and also how to endure pain to deal with it when he got hurt. He loved him, as much as a
person like him could love someone... And obviously, affection is affection even if it makes you
grow up differently.
For example, after graduating from high school, an average person would live in a college dormitory
and begin to let go of their parents. After graduation, those same young people would enter a more
stable reality, get married and have a family and a nice job... For Félix, however, Vincenzo really
was everything. His family, his father, his house, his safe place, one of the few who understood him

And now, like one of those ordinary teenagers that he never was, he was scared of what he would
think when he started to open his mouth and discovered, that in reality he no longer wanted him to
get so deep into what he had decided to do with his new destination.

<So, what is the reason you seem so impatient today?>

Vincenzo, who had been silent for a long time, asked a complicated question instead of telling the
story he had with the bat and the corpse. Félix puts the completely empty cup back on the
table and leans back against the chair.

"Why do you ask when it's obvious you know?"

Vincenzo's eyes look naturally small. With a polite smile, Felix looked at him almost as if for the first
time: Dark golden hair, blue eyes, a straight nose, and even noticeable pink lips. A clear Alpha
atmosphere... It was a face that completely resembled his. Sure, his blonde is now gray
and there are some wrinkles over his face, but he's attractive to the point where it's terrifying.

He had always respected him, but on the other hand there was the fact that he had also been afraid
of him...

Remembering this, Felix opened his speech with his fingers still intertwined. In a short and simple word,
Vincenzo's eyes shone when he heard him tell the whole story of his new romance. Her husband,
her son, her house... And she definitely didn't want him anywhere near there. Something like "It's
not about you, it's about them."

<How come I was so wrong about you? You grew up to be the rotten man I so feared you would be!
If you start talking like that, if you start avoiding me like that, you'll only make me think that everything I
spent with you was a fucking waste of time>

"But... I'll be coming to see you soon. Don't take it personally, just think that I'm busy
enough now for a bigger, more elaborate visit. That's why you don't have to come."

<Are you going to stop me just because you're afraid I'll meet the child?>

"Look, when you come the FBI will be in front of my house because they are always after me, do
you understand? How are we going to control that then!?"
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If you normally feel like you are being watched even when you wash your underwear, what will happen
if this man arrives with his entire escort directly from the airport?

<They won't know I'm there.> However, Vincenzo responded as if it were a relatively simple matter
<I'll tell you when I land. You just have to go to the airport for me.>

"Please cancel the reservation."

<I'm going!>

In the end, Vincenzo's shouts only caused Felix to frown to a level that already seemed exaggerated. He
had to rub it with his fingertips to make it stop hurting.
Who can ever stop that damn stubbornness!?

"There is nothing you can do here. My men are at my disposal, not yours. My house is not like your
house in Italy so it will be very uncomfortable."

<I'll go and check for myself whether it's uncomfortable or not.>

"There's no space."

As he kept making excuses, suddenly a glass ashtray flew against the screen making a really loud
sound. Ugh... How I wish the phone screen would break.

<What do you say now? Is there no room in that big mansion for me?>

Instead, his voice came through the speaker very clearly. Félix was still staring at him, but he had turned
the volume control so that Vincenzo's screams wouldn't shatter his eardrums.

"I know you're not going to come alone, you crazy old man. You'll have escorts and armed men and
there's not room for all of them here. My house is not a hotel. And besides, all that fuss isn't good for
the kid. Are you trying of creating an unpleasant atmosphere for him? Benjamin still goes to therapy. Will
you be responsible if you scare him?"

<OKAY! I will select only those who look good so that they don't get scared.>

It was the moment when Félix's patience seemed to end completely... But Vincenzo seemed to have
left it behind even before him:

<I didn't say anything when I found out that you married the first Omega that sat on your penis, nor
when I found out about the child... But, do you still have so little trust in me as to ask me over and
over again not to? Oh?"


<And to all this, how do you know that the child is yours? Maybe it's just some random Omega who gave
birth to some random baby to trick you into thinking you were the father. Have you ever thought about
that? Maybe your Omega is a whore and that's it?>

The face of Vincenzo, who now revealed his true cruel heart, was full of anger.
Felix didn't look away. In fact, he was watching him so defiantly that it now seemed as if he
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The entire room had managed to freeze.

"You know what? Do whatever you want. Come or stay in Italy, bring a thousand men, come alone, it doesn't
matter to me... But don't you dare speak ill of my Omega in front of me. That man is my husband and the
father of my son so, even though you are my grandfather and even though I love you, I am not going to
allow everything you let out to come out of you a second time."

<Wow... You've become quite the son of a bitch, huh?>

Vincenzo had already thrown an ashtray before so now he had made a fist with his hand again as if he
wanted to throw something else... But Félix's voice appeared in front of his to prevent it:

"And finally, Benjamin is my son. Of course, I'm sure I'm the biological father... But if that weren't the
case, if he had been the product of another Alpha, Isaac's son would have been my son anyway." because
I love him. I love them both."


"Anyway, the boy is clearly my son. I assure you that no one can say no."
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Mr. Felice 6

Vincenzo was not exactly a friendly person. He was sincere with Félix and had taken good care of him, but
he was far from being a tender grandpa of those who gave money or sweets on the weekends. He was always
coercive and stubborn. She often scolded him and punished him quite harshly if he did not follow her words.
And this had not only happened with Felix! Noah had gotten a little of all of this, too. Even Tony and Jack.
Furthermore, due to his reputation as a mafia boss, his way of acting was what everyone expected: Cruel and

And they may be used to it, but he definitely doesn't want him to do the same thing with Benjamin or Isaac.
He had not the slightest intention of allowing him to be mistreated.

"Although I try to analyze it calmly... Why does it seem as if you are angry about the type of man I was
paired with? Besides the fact that I didn't know anything about the boy, can't you look a little happier for me
or. ..? Can't you at least think in a kinder way?"

Vincenzo's eyebrows suddenly knit together. Had he already said that the most difficult enemy of his entire life
was precisely him? Unfortunately, it's not just his appearance that freezes him, sometimes his personality
does as well. It's scary to mention his Omega so often because he puts on a cold expression and yet, unlike
a few minutes ago, he can't seem to raise his voice to complain again now.

Vincenzo took a cigarette out of his shirt pocket and as he put it in his mouth, he asked her.

<I'm not that kind of man... I mean, that was a little more HER style. Be kind.>

Whenever he seemed to think about his partner, whom he had lost many years ago, it seemed as if all his
energy and the strange murderous aura he had about him were just terribly drained from his body. He
spoke, with a broken voice...
Félix was not entirely angry with him, he knew well that it was just a phase. His prejudice against Isaac
and Benjamin would definitely change once he met and lived with them.
Until then, the truth is that I would rather see him angry and bossy than uncomfortable because of his sadness.

He tried to get back on topic.

"So, are you really coming? When?"

Even if he says over and over again that he is not going to accept him in his house, if Vincenzo has
made a final decision he knows that it is difficult to stop him.
Slowly moving his intertwined fingers on the table, Félix waited for a response that came in the form of:

<Next week.>

Vincenzo responded bluntly.

"You are coming very soon. It's not that I don't want to, but maybe I can't come to meet you."

<I don't understand. Won't there be a welcome greeting or maybe a cake?>

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"I'm busy... And actually, it would be better if you don't have much communication with my family
either. You know, to save us trouble."

Without hiding his uncomfortable heart, Vincenzo curls his eyebrows again...
Félix was also like him, but the stubbornness of his actions was very easy to confuse with something else.

<I wonder if you're trying to hide your omega and son for some reason other than the fear you
claim to have of me... Well, I guess I'll judge for myself when I get there.>

"If my grandfather wants to come, then I definitely can't stop him. But when you come I'm
sure the first thing you're going to do is judge everyone, look them over and start being cruel.
There's nothing I have to hide from you, I just don't like it when someone talks and treats my
omega like a bitch. I already told you, I don't care that you're my grandfather nor do I care who
your subordinates are, one wrong word and I swear I'm going to throw everyone out into the street.
It would be better to listen because this is the second warning.
There won't be a third."

<But not that...!>

"Oh, and when they come to my house I don't want anyone to smoke, not even you. I don't
have to remind you that it's harmful, right? I wouldn't want Benjamin to breathe that stuff so you
better practice quitting smoking."

"Quit smoking? You're fucking with me."

"Take it or leave."

And that was the end.

Vincenzo, in addition to not being able to control his temper, was addicted to imported
cigarettes so he soon returned to throwing a new ashtray at the cell phone. Fortunately this time
it flew over his screen and the video communication went out. In the end, after leaving the call,
Felix sighed for a long time and looked at the screen that had gone all black. The figure of
himself, sitting with his arms crossed, was reflected instead of Vincenzo.
"Next week…

It hadn't even been that long since he woke up but he was terribly tired.

A few hours later, the mansion was overturned due to the unexpected news of Vincenzo's visit.
Of course, it was a natural result. It was Vincenzo. That Vincenzo! The idea that the mafia boss
was coming left everyone nervous.

To all.

Noah packed up his luggage, his computers, and all of Benjamin's photos and said he had to go
on a business trip right away so Felix ended up locking him in his room. Jack and Tony were upset
all the time and sometimes he found his other men were crying. On the other hand, the maids and
servants were already busy cleaning the house with quite peculiar patience...
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An atmosphere that quickly turned into a disaster.

Isaac was calm and calm, with his usual face. Probably because she thought worse things
had happened to her than meeting her husband's grandfather. Whenever I asked him if he
was okay, Felix would decide something sweet like, don't worry about it or don't think too
much. He would kiss her head and when he saw him, his smile was definitely dazzling... But in
the end, it was obvious that he was worried about it more than he wanted to accept so they
always ended up talking about something else.

He knew that the coming storm was too big and that he probably should have never said
"Everything will be okay."
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Mr. Felice 6.1

"They are all ready?"

At Tony's heavy question, his servants responded with a sigh and a word similar to: "UGH."

A week after hearing the news that Vincenzo would arrive home, they prepared and studied
as well as they could.
While some cleaned the table and others fixed their uniforms, Felix had taken care of sending
some of his subordinates, including Jack, to the airport to receive the man... And Jack, held
the steering wheel as hard as if he were strangling someone. He moved like a robot, not hiding
his pale face and bulging eyes. Just like a cow being dragged to a slaughterhouse.

Although Félix was never exactly a "flexible" boss, he was in no way comparable to
Vincenzo. That is, Vincenzo Felice is the leader of the Italian mafia. He has been killing
and disappearing people as easily as if he were taking a nap and what's more, his business
was immense: Drug trafficking, weapons and money laundering. He was a man who had
already done everything even though he was close to retirement... An eminence among eminences.

Then, a few minutes later, an impeccably luxurious car arrived at the entrance of the mansion.

Tony swallowed hard. He had been taking care of Vincenzo before taking up his position as
Felix's guardian, but still, a meeting with his old boss was something that made his heart
race. Vincenzo had always been very popular for putting extreme pressure on all of his workers.

Tony clenched his fists and then opened them. He rubbed his sweaty palms on his pants
and began to shake his fingers as well so they wouldn't feel asleep. His lips were dry, but
instead of drinking water, he simply repeated a sincere prayer:

"God, please don't let anything bad happen while he's here. Please don't let anyone die...

Tony anxiously raised his prayers to the heavens and finally his eyes grew a little smaller and
he began to focus on what was happening in front of him.

Everyone had thought that Vincenzo would definitely be stopped at the airport checkpoint but
Damn! The mafia boss passed as a winner, and with a tourist visa. It was absurd to think about
that. Oh my God, tourist visa! A gangster had entered the United States without really making
any effort!

The car was still in front of the door and after a while, several other sedans stopped
behind it... That was the signal. When Tony ran towards them and politely opened the door,
Felix also took off with a more than elegant attitude. The normal. A model from some men's
magazine, with a beautiful physique and face, with an elegant outfit and hairstyle and those blue
eyes that almost made you fall to your knees. He was the one who focused people's attention
first... But then, they looked at the tall man dressed in a white suit who got out of the car. Another
handsome guy, standing so fluidly that it was even somewhat captivating.

The people held their breath and then began to look at Isaac, who was still
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with Felix. Walking without saying anything, with calm eyes.

They both looked at Vincenzo...

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Mr. Happy 7

Apparently he was an ordinary man on the outside... Although you can't think of him as an
old man over seventy. His appearance was imposing and his eyes and facial expressions
were also absolutely unusual. Plus, it felt overwhelming, like an Alpha.

Isaac is a little worried by the suffocating feeling. Cole was also a dominant Alpha, but this man
reveals a stronger and more dangerous aura than he had. So much so, that he even thinks that
if Félix hadn't marked him, then he surely wouldn't be able to stand the heavy smell that was
coming his way. It could have been very difficult.

The old man, dressed in a white suit and a light blue polo shirt, looks like a businessman. His blue
pupil is closer to black than Felix's Prussian pupil. He has wrinkles next to his eyes and some
around his mouth. Apparently, when he was young he looked a lot like Felix so Felix will
surely look that way as the years go by. He seemed to be in good shape. His physique was thick,
his face was beautiful, hair color, eye color, and general mood were the same as Felix. There
was no place that didn't look alike so, even if you don't ask, you can know precisely that he is
her grandfather. At the same time, however, many of its characteristics were completely
different. First of all (This is just for Isaac) Vincenzo is much more evil than Felix, because his
husband can smile softly and brightly. On top of that, Vincenzo is tougher because Felix is definitely
soft and very kind most of the time.

What felt completely different about Felix, more than anything before, was the scent that flowed
from him. A bloody aroma that never faded even though it looked nice and sophisticated. It
was also clear that the aroma of the expensive perfume did not completely hide this.

While Isaac looks carefully at Vincenzo, Vincenzo looks at everything around him.
Jessica Parker had walked up to her son's side and little Benjamin, who had his bottle in one hand,
was between Isaac and Jessica... However, as if Benjamin felt that the strange "grandfather's"
energy was more than unusual. , soon ended up hiding behind her.

"Grandpa, this is my partner, Isaac, my son, Benjamin, and my mother-in-law, Mrs. Parker."

Vincenzo, who looked at Isaac and Jessica Parker with eyes similar to those of a wild beast, did
not immediately respond until he seemed to properly assimilate the situation.

"Nice to meet you, Isaac SINCLAIR."

In fact, Isaac's last name was changed just on the day of the marriage. Now it was Felice...
And surely Vincenzo knew it very well.

"Are you Felix's Omega?"

"That's how it is."

"You look different than I expected."

This was Vincenzo's first forceful greeting. Then Felix's voice is heard, shouting saying
"Grandpa!" But the man just turned to Mrs. Parker without pretending to listen.

"You're his mother, huh? Nice to meet you. I'm Vincenzo Felice, Felix's grandfather."
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"Nice to meet you, Mr. Felice."

"Oh, ma'am, just call me Vincenzo. We're family now, aren't we?"

Jessica Parker, who was hardened by tension, blinked a lot as did Felix. That is to say, no one expected
the man to behave like a gentleman in front of her.

"Oh clear that if!"

Jessica Parker smiled brightly, holding the hand that the man had extended to ask for a handshake.

How terrifying.

With a friendly face and perfect manners, Vincenzo Felice seemed to know just what had to be done to release
all of Jessica Parker's nervousness... But while Jessica seems so in awe of Vincenzo, Felix is rather
If anyone can act completely different from how they look on the outside, it's definitely
Grandpa. He has outwardly perfect manners and can put on a face so kind as to make people fall for him. What
a hipocrite.

Felix shook his head, a bitter taste on the tip of his tongue. Anyway, nice or not, I was nervous...

And then:

"Oh my God! Are you Benjamin?"

It was because of Vincenzo's reaction that Félix discovered Benjamin, now hiding behind Isaac's legs.

It didn't take long for Vincenzo to kneel, with his arms open and an exaggerated gesture typical of Italians.
Ignore even the white suit he's wearing. Her eyes shone like a child's and her smile was bright and very pretty.
He even had a blush on both cheeks. Grandchildren are nice regardless of whether you are a gangster so
the atmosphere they have is the same as that of a common old man.

"Benjamin, I'm your grandfather, your great-grandfather. Are you coming with me?"

Vincenzo, whispering tenderly and beckoning, seemed so happy that Benjamin, who had peeked out, finally


"Yes, yes, I'm your grandfather! You can call me grandfather whenever you want. God, you're really very
sweet. Molto dolce. You really are Felix's boy, although I can't believe he was capable of creating something
so charming."

Félix couldn't close his mouth... He was just there, looking at Vincenzo with completely black eyes. Holding
my breath and thinking "What the fuck?"
Jack and Tony, who were watching, also had quite confused faces while Noah had been the only one who
jumped for joy and headed towards him.

"Look at that, grandpa. Doesn't it look like an angel? Doesn't it? It's pretty, very pretty."
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Noah, squatting next to Vincenzo, doesn't act any different than usual...
Then Vincenzo, with hatchet eyes, looks at the man with that expression that says get off so...
Only then, Noah became annoyed to the point where he ended up backing away.

"Benjamin, your grandfather also bought a gift for you. I didn't know exactly what you would like
to receive so I took everything I found. Why don't you see it?"

"Gift? Is it a toy?"

"They told me you really like Mickey Mouse, don't you? I brought a lot of those."

Vincenzo used a method that is not much different from what Noah used the first time, that
is, bribery. And Benjamin, who was infinitely innocent, looked at him with an excited face while
repeating "I want to see the toy! The toy!"

"Then come to your grandfather so we can see what there is."


But Benjamin, as he had already been taught, first looks at Isaac and then at Felix to ask for their
consent. When Isaac nodded, Vincenzo hugged Benjamin and picked him up so he could walk in
the direction of the mansion.

Felix still looks like he doesn't know what the hell just happened. Isaac, on the other hand,
watches Vincenzo walk with Benjamin until they end up getting lost in the entrance of the house.
When he then looked at the people who were still standing in an orderly and straight line, he
realized that they were all equally surprised by the kind "grandfather" that Vincenzo had
transformed into upon seeing Benjamin.

Was it really safe to just let him go?

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Mr. Happy 8

The man took the child as if he were a thief... He had given his consent, it was true, but now he really
wasn't very sure of his decision.

Eventually, Isaac clenches his fists and as he looks at his father-in-law's back, he notices that his mother is
staring at him as she begins to rub his arm with that expression that says "Everything is going to be

Vincenzo's men had decided to follow him immediately and others were carrying all his luggage. After a
while, Noah, Tony, Jack and Jessica followed the instructions to go check on him and only Isaac and
Felix remained in the mansion's garden. The silence floated as if it were terribly noisy. Isaac exhaled and
then let his fingers sink under his hair. No wonder: A man with a bloody expression had told him that his
last name was Sinclair and then excused himself by carrying Benjamin. There was no need to reflect
deeply on this as long as he recognized himself as a great-grandfather and expressed affection
towards the child so, he just tried by all means to put his thoughts in order and... Let it go.

Now, the heart that was heavy as if it had a stone, lightens... Just a little bit.

"I'm glad you seem nice to Benjamin."

"Benjamin is a boy anyone can love."

Isaac tried to make fun and smiled... But he still seemed different from the usual Isaac.

"I've never seen my grandfather get like this."

Felix muttered this as he looked at the door where Vincenzo had entered. It's really surprising to
think about that fact. Who could have imagined that Vincenzo would treat the baby like this? It was
publicly known that she did not like children, even when she was taking care of Félix.
Affection, nice words and hugs were rare. When she congratulated him, he would just go and
stroke her hair back, like a dog. It was about laughing... I was just trying.
Then his attitude towards Benjamin was so surprising that all he had to do was open his mouth.

"Is it because of age?"

Isaac shrugged when Felix asked him.

"Maybe it is."

He was only forty-one when he "adopted" him... And he had to deal with a lot of really annoying people
and scandalous rumors about the boy, his future, and the reason his father had abandoned him.

So, the Vincenzo who was now seventy-four years old was very different from the old
one... Because his situation and his emotions had changed with the passage of time.

So he hopes he can manage to be as friendly as he is with Benjamin, with Isaac.

Felix grabbed his husband's hand and headed towards the mansion, swallowing a really bitter sigh.
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Mr. Felice 8.1

Vincenzo's extraordinary affection for Benjamin was also revealed at dinner time.

Previously, Félix had said that his grandfather killed men like they were flies.
He also said that he was a polite person and that he especially cared about eating etiquette. But now,
with Benjamin sitting next to him, he became extremely excited when he ate, even with his mouth
open. He praised him for doing well, grabbed the fork and cut the food himself and slowly put it in the
child's mouth to the rhythm of "It's a plane."

Felix just looked at Vincenzo with a completely blank face instead of starting to eat dinner.

After he finished the meal, he sat the child on his lap, placed his little head against his chest and let
him eat his cookie, helping him hold it so he wouldn't drop it.
Then, Vincenzo, who also fed him with his bottle and played with all the Mickey dolls next to him, took
the boy to brush his teeth, put him to bed and tucked him into his bed. Still, she talked to him many times,
promising that they would definitely finish playing in the morning and in the end, she even ended up
planting a bunch of kisses on his cheeks.

He called Felix and Isaac directly to the library... He didn't have half the kindness for them that he
had for Benjamin. It was pure coldness, without any affection.

"As I had already told you, you really are different from what I expected to find."

When Félix and Isaac sat on the sofa in front of Vincenzo, the man opened his speech with an extremely
subdued voice.
Grandpa, who loved his little four-year-old great-grandson too much, seemed to have re-entered his
role as "Ruthless mafia man who hates all of humanity." So, Isaac, as expected, was nervous again. .
He had ended up swallowing dryly and in the loudest way possible.

"Are you telling me about yourself?"

"Well... I opened a flower shop a while ago."

"No, tell me about the day you, Navy Chief Cassey Patricks, decided it was a good idea to ride my
son. Reading it is not the same as hearing it from you."

Vincenzo spoke, informing in his cruel way that he had already done enough research on him.
Isaac slammed his mouth shut.

"Come on, I'm listening."

"No, wait... Are you proud that you searched Isaac's life for any information that would make
it easier for you to bother us?" Felix was sitting next to Isaac, holding his hand and about to go into a
deep mental breakdown. "There's nothing to say about that."

"I'm not talking to you."

"So what? How is that question important? More like, why are you interested?"

Félix, with his arms now crossed over his chest, leaned forward showing that this
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It was something that definitely couldn't be messed with. Vincenzo, for his part, narrowed his eyes
but never flinched or seemed to bow down at all.

"What are you doing loudly defending this guy? Do you think it's okay to encourage people to have
a child in order to bond!?"

"What the hell are you saying!? So idiotic, talking about my Omega like he's an interested

"No, it's not an 'idiotic' thing. You know what it is? Alphas like you who don't have a lick of common

Vincenzo shouted and clenched his fists at Felix. If there was something in front of the table
that I could have grabbed, I would definitely have grabbed it and thrown it at his head. Felix
raised his hands high.

"Damn, this doesn't have to be this way. I know why you're worried, Grandpa, okay? I get it. But
Isaac is the most wonderful person in the world. He knows me, better than I know myself. I love
him, and I know he loves me." love too... Let's stop this game of being so defensive with
each other."

But Vincenzo investigated Isaac's falsified identity very well, not just the name. The former
Navy captain he had there with him also belonged to the DevGru anti-terrorist unit and had as
many missions against his company as he had men working for him.
Felix would have been quite proud to tell him on his own that he was strong and as trained as
anyone, but he knew that Isaac didn't want to reveal it like that. In reality, he couldn't even tell what
was going on with him at that moment. From the beginning until now, Isaac has been sitting silently,
without any change in his facial expression and without moving his hands.

So, while Felix just tilted his head from side to side because he couldn't say or do this or that,
Vincenzo once again raised his voice:

"Don't be stupid, man! You know that in this company it is always necessary to think a little more
than the obvious. "Think badly and..." I'm in deep and so are you. In reality, as long as you're part
of this family, you must be more than attentive. The enemies are everywhere and acting like this, so
sentimental and trusting, you are only going to get yourself killed."

"No, you have to stop."

"But this is what it looks like. This is a world where we can only believe in the power we
have ourselves! Do you think I taught you to chase a person using only a rifle because I
was bored?"

"No but..."

"Look, Omega kid, I read everything and I honestly think you did what you did because you're
really smart and you were trying to get immunity. And how did you do it?"
"Well, getting pregnant with the idiot here!"

"That's enough, really. We don't have to keep listening to so much nonsense."

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Felix had managed to get angrier and angrier. He feels as if those words caused intense flames
rising from the bottom of his stomach to settle in his throat.
In the end, he grabbed the coat he had taken off and got up from the couch to end the stupid
meeting he had called them to... Until he felt them grab his wrist.

"Grandpa... You don't have to worry about that."

Isaac's calm voice, who was holding her hand, suddenly sounded unexpectedly. Félix turned his eyes
and looked at him carefully, because he couldn't believe that he had called him grandfather...
Isaac had always had the gift of turning the atmosphere into something icy in a matter of seconds,
and without really trying very hard.

"I understand that "loving" and "needing" someone can be something that is often confused...
But the truth is that I don't need anyone to save me or give me immunity, I just love his son too
much." Isaac's eyebrows rose quickly after his response. "Besides, if anything, I'd like to be
the one to save him."

It was a facial expression that expressed a lot of emotions, something that was completely
different from the usual Isaac. For a short time, Felix felt too stunned to respond as well.

"So I'm supposed to be relieved that you apparently ended up mating with a
stud? That's no better. Wasn't he the one who broke your arm and got you imprisoned?" Vincenzo
put on an annoyed tone again, although in reality it seemed more like an excuse to continue
digging into his answers. "You should have chosen a normal family, after all that's what I wanted for

"Come on! This situation will never change. I have chosen the person I want to spend the rest of
my life with, and I will never regret this decision. Even if the same situation were to repeat
itself, my feelings would not be different." "I would make him my Omega again, I would repair my arm
and tell him that I want to be his Alpha."

Felix made a sincere confession with a firm expression and a deep voice, something that caused
both him and his husband to stare at each other. Like lovers.

"How boring." With that said, Vincenzo seemed to deflate in the chair. He had an impressively
disgusted face, as if he had chewed a bitter candy. "You make it sound like coming here was a
waste of time."
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Mr. Happy 9

"You make it sound like coming here was a waste of time."

"And clearly it wasn't."

Vincenzo shook his hand again against Félix, who was openly sarcastic, and threatened to punch him if he
continued talking about him like that. However, he soon thought that there was no point in doing something
like that and as he let out a really heavy sigh, he settled for burying his back into the couch.

"Theron is looking for you. It would be dangerous for you to come to Italy or take your family there, like you
wanted... So that's why I decided to come."


Isaac, silently listening to their conversation, turned to Felix in an attempt to get him to explain. It was the first
time I had heard of that name and perhaps I wouldn't have thought so much about it... But her husband's face
has an immense shadow. It seems that there is even a lot of cold in his
blue eyes.

"... Why do not you tell me before?" His dark, heavy voice echoes in Isaac's heart, as if he had spoken a rude
prayer to him. "God, I just got married! If he knows that..."

Vincenzo, who was aware of how attentive Isaac was, raised his hand to ask him to remain silent
whether or not they ... But Felix opened his mouth anyway and asked in Italian what
were going to do it, holding his gaze, which now seemed to be filled with all kinds of memories.

"Well, I just turned it around for now. What else can we do?"

Vincenzo, wrinkling his brow, took an imported cigarette from his pants pocket and immediately put it in his
mouth. He seemed much more agitated than when he arrived in the morning. Even, he had a really old face... Is
it because of the lighting? His wrinkles seemed deeper, the shadow around his eyes was dark as well.
God, who the hell is Theron? And why did it make their atmosphere cool so quickly?

Isaac slowly rubbed his hands together as a terrible feeling crept up his spine. Felix also took a cigarette...

"Why are you suddenly looking for me?"

"I don't know... But tell me, who could ever know what's inside that madman?"

Vincenzo kept the cigarette in his mouth, answering bluntly. Felix didn't even look like he intended to smoke it.
He simply moved his fingertips all over the white paper and then crossed his arms on his chest.

A brief silence fell over everyone.

"I don't know what he wants, but I can bet it will never be a good thing... Hey, I got it that you're
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very happy now. And that only makes things even more screwed up! Look, I know you're not
the type to hide or run, but there's nothing wrong with a little extra care every once in a while.
Plus he is...more aware of "
Again, Vincenzo stopped talking suddenly. As if
Isaac than Felix was. He silently spits out the smoke, rubs his forehead and reveals a strange
tiredness that he did not seem to have when he began the interrogation. "I am a person on
whom hundreds of others depend. I must be strong for them so I cannot lose my composure
even if something happens to you... But I am afraid. You scare me, the child scares me."


"And you know why I'm saying it. I mean... Do you really see yourself winning against him? And I'm not
talking about how strong you are, but about what you're going to feel in your soft and stupid interior.
That's why I need "See for myself what your Omega was like."

Isaac only knew how to speak English, so he had to sit there silently without doing anything else. Félix
turned to look at him for a moment...

"I don't know what Theron is planning, Grandfather. And I don't know if I can do anything against him...
The only thing I can say for sure is that my partner is strong, spiritually and physically.
You already heard it. If something happens to me, somehow, he will know what to do.

Felix shrugged politely. In response to her words, Vincenzo only muttered that he then hoped
"Nothing would happen."

"Everything will be fine, I promise. Shall we go then? Grandpa flew from far away so he's
probably tired too. You have to go to bed."

As Felix stretched and lifted his body, Vincenzo clicked his tongue and said very quickly, "No


"I'm not done talking to you yet, man."

"We're tired, better tomorrow."

"Sit down!"

Felix sat up hard, so Vincenzo now looked at Isaac.

"Go away, get out... I'm going to stay talking to this guy so you don't have to be here. It's going
to be very awkward."

Although it was a forceful voice, Isaac couldn't move. It seemed like he hadn't actually
heard it.

"Come on man, long."

"Grandpa, call him by his name. Isaac's name is the new member of the family after all... Or
you can call him "Son-in-law" if that sounds cuter to you."
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Instead of Isaac, sitting blankly like a stone statue, Felix murmured from the side with a rather lively tone for
someone who a few seconds ago looked close to dying. The frown told him he didn't like the word.

"Che schifo." (Gross)

"...Just call him by his name and he will call you Vincenzo"

"No, you can call me "Mr. Vincenzo" if you want."

"Can he call you "Old Man?" Huh? How are you?"

As they began to fight among themselves, Isaac, who was still observing everything in deep silence,
decided to get up... When he bowed his head and politely said goodbye to Vincenzo to go rest, Félix
smiled with a sad and bitter face.

"I'll catch up with you soon, honey. Okay?"


Isaac, nodding, left the library with an orderly, slow step. He had a lot of complex feelings, and
furthermore, subtle emotions that were difficult to express in words also revolved around his heart.
They went around and around.

Isaac rubbed his chest and moved in the direction of the stairs... As usual, when Benjamin falls
asleep, the mansion is infinitely calm and silent. For men like Felix, Noah, Tony, and Jack, the day
continued even at 9:00 pm, but still, no one made a sound or moved. Even if he had already told them that
the child did not wake up easily. Therefore, silence hung in the spacious living room where it was not
even felt that anything had happened.

He was already crossing the hallway when, somewhere, a quick sound was heard. Equals footprints...
A thin young man flees into the distance with a pile of yellowed papers in his hands. As usual, wear a
loose t-shirt, long, wide pants, and rabbit slippers. When he called her name, her voice was so loud
that it made him stiffen his shoulders and stop walking. However, when he recognized Isaac, he quickly
smiled and almost jumped over.

"Hello Rambo. Were you with Grandpa?"

"Yes. I went out because... Apparently I had a story to share with Felix and I was just being in the
way. Are you going to go with him too?"

Isaac looked at the papers he was holding so Noah nodded.

"He makes people work non-stop. Apparently he wants everyone to do what he did when he was

It was when he laughed that an unexpected thought entered his head.

"Oh, Noah..."

Isn't it too impulsive...? He bit his lips.

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The question tickles the back of his throat. He had heard the conversation between
Vincenzo and Félix and there was... A name that stuck like a thorn between his finger.

"Are the papers for Theron?"

When Isaac said his arms again, Noah's eyes widened.

"Ah, do you already know about that? Well... Well yes. My grandfather suddenly had an unexpected
problem with him and he came here because he needed me... I should have noticed that he didn't come
for sightseeing! What an idiot."


"Well, it can't be helped. If they say... Theron, my grandfather and Felix will immediately go after him"

Theron's name seemed to be difficult to pronounce, because he said it in a whisper.

Isaac, who silently listened to Noah's words with his mouth closed, soon felt another terrible
Noah was easy to talk to, you said the right things, you smiled and he ended up getting
excited and revealing secrets here and ... At the end of his long story, Isaac exhaled.

Everything that was happening was enough to make his chest feel heavy.
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Charming. 10

The water was splashing.

Naturally he always goes into the pool when he's trying to calm his head. This is located on the second
floor of the mansion, right above the space that is the interior garage so it has a stunning view of the
ocean. The outdoor pool, designed to look down at a glance, literally makes the mansion feel like
a luxurious resort. It is his favorite installation... At noon, when the sun shines, he lies on a lounge
chair and reads a book while looking at the blue horizon of the sea. It's nice to relax, even if you don't
have a cold drink...
Isaac likes the quiet landscape and the atmosphere of the pool. Of course, he not only likes it in the
day, but also during the night. There are lights installed inside the water and outside of it so when this
light is turned on, the white color spreads and creates a different atmosphere than in the evening. He
no longer sees the black ocean, nor does he feel fear or anxiety. In its place there is only a totally
romantic atmosphere.

He wanted to move his body and overuse it until his head got cold... But, when he entered and sank to
the ground, he only seemed to melt.
He tried to shake it off and swim freestyle, then butterfly, and then he backed off and went back and forth
from end to end. Although it didn't matter what he did or what things he changed, he couldn't stop
thinking about the one they had called "Theron."
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Charming. 10.1

For a long time he had just been pacing back and forth along the quiet pool illuminated by
yellow lights. He was still trying to erase his conflicting thoughts and continue. Continue

However, Isaac's movements, which cut through the water and caused waves, soon stopped.
He changed his stance to turn around on the wall in front of him and... That's when he noticed someone's
feet and legs.

He was barefoot.

Isaac grabbed the wall and started squeezing his hair instead of swimming again. He was breathing
really hard so only then did he realize that he had been tossing and turning for a long time.

A tall man, who stood on the edge, looked at Isaac and quickly opened his mouth:

"I didn't know you were that good at swimming. I think they could even mistake you for a former
professional swimmer. Was your body always this flexible?"

"You're the first to say those words. What an honor that they come from you."

Isaac, who was too lost listening to the sound of Felix's laughter, just stood there looking at the waves
that the water produced and the small puddles that the drops formed on the ground...

It's been two months since they started living together. Haven't you swum in front of him yet? He
doesn't remember it. Sometimes Isaac has terrible nightmares about his father so he likes to go there,
sink to the bottom and scream at the top of his lungs until he sees little bubbles coming out of his
mouth and nose. However, the truth is that he spends more time lying on the bunk than submerged
in the water. When they went with Benjamin, he didn't have the conditions to swim because they
always spent their time playing together or taking care of the two of them on the shore.

Isaac sank for a moment and then rose to the surface, exhaling heavily. Felix was still there, waiting
for him to appear.
He reached out to caress her soaked head:

"You always surprise me, darling. Turns out you end up being a real expert at everything."

Isaac, embarrassed, raised his hands on the pool railing and pushed himself up until he was more
than half his body out. He swam enough, so his head that felt complicated and his chest quite
compressed, were much calmer now.
He had no reason to stay there anymore.

"Wait a minute. I want to get in the water too."

And to prevent Isaac from trying to get out, Felix just threw him away. Pam. Like a little boy who
was trying to do a prank that wasn't funny at all... However, when he raised his head out of the water
again and opened his lips to start complaining to her, she noticed his torso tightened under the soft
lighting of the pool. . God, it was a body that constricted his throat every time he faced it even though
he had seen it many times before. It caused him a fever.
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Then, still unable to look away from the impressive torso in front of him, Isaac realizes that Félix is untying
the linen pants he's wearing... They are completely thin pants that fall easily just by moving. the cords.
Isaac swallowed so hard he was sure it could be heard beyond his throat.

Felix, who had his hand on his pelvis, laughed and stared at Isaac. A naughty husband...

A complete and total spectacle.

"Felix..." Isaac, looking at him with his arm resting against the pool railing, called out to him, his voice rather
breathy for his liking. "The swimsuits are over there."

As he got even closer, Félix began to laugh quite heartily now. Isaac's face turned red immediately. He
can't deny it: That he was swept away by the man's dense atmosphere nor that he likes to see him
completely naked in front of him... Isaac, had lowered his face and was now rubbing his hot cheeks
again and again.
At that moment, Felix, who had obviously ignored her words about the swimsuit, jumped into the water and
submerged until his golden hair was scattered in all directions. Isaac rubs his face that had been filled with
water and then stands up completely to brush the hair out of his eyes...

He looked at Felix from a distance. He had entered the pool naked! I was really naked there!!

Although he sees him naked practically every day of the week, Isaac is a person who gets embarrassed
very quickly so now he is more than nervous. He is in panic.

"Why are you blushing like that, my beloved Omega?"

Felix, who had arrived in front of him in the blink of an eye, smiled and kissed his cheek
immediately. He kissed her nose and then kissed her lips... There was a slight drop of pheromones in
the air so she took a step back, as if it were a blow, and began to swim away from him.
But as he moves towards the center of the pool, Felix does the same and follows him.

"I made you angry?"

"Yes, because it seems like you really enjoy embarrassing people. What if someone comes and sees you?"
"You don't even have a swimsuit."

"Do I have to wear a swimsuit even if I'm in my own pool?"

"Noah or Jack can..."

"No. When I came here I closed all the doors and lowered the blinds. I promise."

His proud voice could be heard through the sound of the water... But Isaac seems to ignore him.

"Never mind that."

"My love, do you seriously think I wouldn't take precautions? I have no intention of showing anyone
that my husband is here. Wet, in the water and with only swimming pants... I would die of jealousy."
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Isaac looked at him with eyes full of surprise. Jealousy and possessiveness, that was just what I
saw in his eyes at every moment... After all, he is someone who always reveals what he feels.

"Since I fell in love with you, the truth is that I haven't stopped being jealous of every thing or
person that touches you... But you can't tell anyone about this, okay? It's a secret between both
of us."

Isaac sighed again. Emotions that are new to your heart make every corner of your chest tickle.
Felix caressed her cheeks, lifted her chin with his wet hands, and then drew little lines
across her mouth using his own. In the end, he stuck out his tongue and licked the water...

"But hey, you already know how crazy you make me."

"I just realized".

"So, should I teach you?"

Felix, who was now licking her lips vigorously, leaned his head and whispered this into her
earlobe. Isaac shrugged, his husband's wet voice turning the skin on the back of his neck into

"Ah, of course I must."

Moving along his neck, the lips that gently descended in a straight line stopped when they
reached the beginning of his shoulders and then, he began to suck and lick the drops that were
there, using the tip of his tongue...


The sound spreads strongly over the water and yet it seems that it is still not enough.
Felix sucks Isaac's shoulders even more eagerly while caressing his chest. His hand
remains still on a pointed nipple and along the way, he discovers that not only are his cheeks
red, but so are his eyes.
Felix moved his fingers over his areola... The caresses became denser with time and in
response to that, Isaac's torso began to shake little by little until it became uncontrollable.

"Oh, Felix, wait, not here..."

But the power he had to resist Félix, who was now holding him for a new kiss, was actually
completely weak. His thick tongue gently invaded her interior to rub her palate, giving her its
heat in an impressive way.

"Ah, ah..."

Tiptoeing in the pool, Isaac gradually begins to become as aroused as his husband is.
Suddenly he was there, sucking on Felix's tongue, squeezing his arms and running his
fingers slowly down his back... When his half-erect genitals began to rub against his groin,
then his head stopped spinning. It was as if all his nerves were focused solely on the pleasure it
offered him. In his mouth, in that perfect tongue and in those wonderful teeth that didn't stop
biting. The excitement increased every time I rubbed his mucous membrane and when he seemed
to want to swallow his tongue.
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He feels like his whole body is getting feverish even though the water is quite cold...

At that moment, Felix put his finger on the band of Isaac's swim shorts and quickly lowered
them to his knees. The pants fluttered in the water and then, they were already tangled on his
Felix lifted his leg and helped him take them off completely until he was as naked as he was.

The swim shorts floated until they were stuck in the corner.

"How does it feel to swim naked?"

"It's a bit embarrassing..."

Isaac couldn't respond with another word because Felix had put his tongue in his mouth
again... And he was absolutely willing to welcome him.
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Charming. eleven

Then Felix holds Isaac's waist and gently lifts her over the pool. Isaac, driven by the
sensation of floating, wraps both legs around Felix and begins to caress his wet hair again and

After managing to sit him on the stairs, Félix finally put his lips against his to start sucking and
sucking. He was one of those who said "Isaac" "Isaac" between each kiss and also one of those
who kept expressing how much he loved him with a typical slow sweet voice. Isaac raised his
eyes blurred by the heat and began to look at him: Felix's face, full of water, was truly beautiful.
His golden hair flowed along his sharp nose, making a more than sensual atmosphere around him.

Isaac lost his mind almost immediately and began to kiss a little more greedily than at the beginning.
Mixing his saliva with yours until it finally spilled down your chin...

Suddenly, he just broke away and said:

"You are sorry for linking up with me... Aren't you?"

Soon, however, Isaac seemed to begin to regret asking something like that.
Although it didn't seem like that was the case, his heart felt terribly heavy all the time.
Maybe it was because the conversation with Felix's grandfather had caused him to build up a
lot of pressure around his chest or maybe it was just because he was nervous, but now he can't
really choose his next words even though he had already rehearsed them before. Besides,
I had thought about it: Didn't they hook up because of the urgent situation with Cole? After that and
since they both had a child, getting married was the most natural thing.

He wanted to do it, but when he looked back, he was struck by how much this seemed like a "We
did it because it couldn't be helped" thing.

"Wow, why did you think that?"

Felix grabbed his wrist and asked this in a very low voice. He had a hard expression, completely
different from the one a few seconds ago. Isaac sighed:

"...When I think about it, it seems like we came together to save something, do you understand me? And if
that's the case, and if your grandfather knows as much as he seems, then it's normal that he doesn't trust us."

Felix's forehead was all wrinkled as Isaac confessed his worries to him with a rather bitter face.
He said no, several times...

"Isaac, didn't I tell you before?" The muffled voice spread dangerously over the water. "If I had
known that you were an Omega, I would have linked you to me immediately."


"I love you, Isaac. Even though I thought you were a Beta." Felix whispered, wet lips now on
Isaac's. "I was like, what if he's not an Omega? Beta and all, he would have held you until you
lost your mind. He would have given you enough pheromones to make you explode and then
somehow he would find a way to mark you. Omega or
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Beta, you had no escape from me..."

Felix confessed, with a face that was too gloomy for his liking. However, contrary to that and what he was saying,
his voice was gentle... So tender that you didn't even notice that there was darkness in it.

"What my grandfather asked, what he said... It was because he thinks he knows me well and he doesn't think
I'm the type of man to be serious with someone."

"Surely you weren't one of those."

"No, not really... But you made me change. Somehow, that's what I want him to see."

Isaac, facing his husband's bright smile, doesn't know how to respond to this new information. He was
sweet, the way he looked and the way he talked to her was always terribly sweet. And what do you do when
someone is treating you this well?


"No matter what they say, I wouldn't trade being your Alpha if my life depended on it. Is that okay with

"... Alright."

Speaking firmly, Felix grabbed Isaac's waist and lifted her into the air again. The sound of the water begins to
get louder when she walks with him and sits him on the pool railing to open his thighs as if it were a small
Then she just goes on to bury her face completely in his groin.

"Oh! Felix!"

Isaac, surprised by the sudden movement, leaned his body to try to grab his head with both hands. It
wasn't easy to control himself when he was holding him until he pulled his buttocks with such strange force! Plus,
there was the fact that she kept moving her tongue over his skin, sucking his penis that was already
completely swollen due to so many kisses and caresses...

In the end, Isaac had no choice but to bend at the waist, hug the back of Felix's neck, and grab his hair so hard
it seemed painful. That golden hair that shakes every time he licks it passionately.


When he burst out with an irresistible moan, Felix still had Isaac's penis almost at the back of his throat.

"Oh my god!!"

Isaac's moans became louder and louder as well. Felix's mouth, licking his penis, was truly obscene and

After rubbing the glans with the rough parts of her tongue, she closed her lips and pressed it further until a
sound similar to the splashing of a swimming pool could be heard. He trembled... And
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then his fingers began to press her head even harder. What an irritating pleasure!

The hips that Felix carelessly grips sway so hard that, every time he moves it even just a little, the roar of the
water makes the atmosphere unusually peculiar.

"Ah, stop, stop!"

But at the same time as he was complaining, there was the feeling of his penis... Being crushed and reaching
even deeper into that throat. He felt like he was losing control of his body when it touched his uvula.

Isaac's moans reached their peak so he didn't even know what to blame anymore. Was it because he
was very sensitive? Was it because he was doing so damn well?
Curse! That technique was impressive so, as soon as he imagined the shape of her throat, his mouth
and how he put it in until he touched parts he didn't even know, he ejaculated... He ejaculated so hard that he
thought it could be taken as an absolutely new experience.

Felix had quite a bit of accumulated saliva sliding from his mouth to drip onto the genitals he had managed to
remove. It was lustful... Looking at him with completely clouded eyes and discovering that he had swallowed

"Why did you do that?"

"It's your punishment for asking unnecessary questions."


It was a whispered response with a small laugh in the background, like a bad boy.

Isaac was still sitting on the edge, breathing hard but being absolutely aware of everything that was happening,
so he watched the way Felix came out of the water without showing the slightest effort, like a movie
Isaac was pushed back and fell to the ground as if he were a small wooden board controlled by his
husband. She couldn't erase the heat from her face or the trembling from her hands when she silently
adjusted her legs on either side of his waist and looked at him. He looked at Felix with more than excited
eyes. He was soaked so the water from his collarbone was constantly falling against
his face.

Isaac sticks out his tongue to collect a drop of water that was on the edge of his lips...

"Should I remove water from other places too?"

When he asked him impulsively, Félix looked at him as if he had heard the most wonderful word in the

"I didn't know you'd say that before me."

They were husband and wife so sometimes I heard him say bold words like that, but it was still quite
unusual. Félix ended up not being able to bear the emotion and began to pant as if he were also on the
verge of collapse. And he couldn't help it! When he was this honest he only managed to get the urge to eat
him until he disappeared...

Climbing up and placing his knees on either side of Isaac's head, he slowly grabbed his own penis and
immediately placed it at the base of his chin. Then, with the help of the pool water
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and his own fluids, he rubbed the glans to begin attacking Isaac's mouth...
The man swallowed his fingers and opened his mouth halfway, but Felix couldn't get it
all the way in. I just rubbed the sticky glans and tried to do the same as him...
But the problem is that I couldn't! Isaac, angry, turned his head and reached out to try to do
it another way so Felix just slid backwards, and then all the way forward again.

"You have to open your mouth wider."

Isaac opened it just as he had said and then stuck out his tongue...

The sweet smell of Felix's pheromones first irritated the tip of his nose before beginning to do
so with the rest of his body. He felt the heat increasing and he was starting to sweat like crazy...
So he hurried.
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Charming 12

The thin skin of his penis was smooth, the veins were visible. The shape was so different that all the
desires he had had for a long time suddenly boiled out of his chest...

Wrapped in several different emotions, Isaac grabbed the bottom with his hands, the top with his lips,
and then just wrapped it all around with his tongue. He shoved it into his mouth with a sound so obscene
that it was difficult for him to think of anything else.

It was truly scandalous...


I wanted too much to do it right, to make it feel good... However, the size is impressive.
He can't hold it with one hand and even if he pushes it "into the deep end", he realizes that he doesn't
even carry half of it. His mouth felt broken and full. He was finding it difficult to breathe properly because
he was blocked so what now?
When Felix did it, it felt so fucking great that it was hard to tell if he was walking in the same direction.

"Don't overexert yourself, darling..."

Wiping away the saliva flowing from Isaac's mouth, which was wide open, Felix murmured this in a
rather breathy voice. Isaac raised his eyes and tried to look at him carefully to see his expressions,
but it was difficult when he was so full of tears and sweat.
She's trying so hard, she really is, but her husband's penis seemed unable to control itself. It
was like it was adding more and more volume instead of making it go down so Isaac's lips were in
big trouble. I was eager to lick it, to take it to the bottom...
Why can he only manage to fill it with saliva? Ah, he feels so dizzy.
What happens if he sets off his pheromones? Can he bear it being like this already? God, what if he
was already drunker than he wanted to admit?

Felix's words, which seemed to have told him not to exaggerate, were left aside and he saw himself
dedicating himself to sucking his penis as if he were a puppy licking cream.

Isaac gently licked and sucked the white liquid that flowed little by little from the glans. He couldn't
stand it, so he held it with his other hand and shook it up and down... Felix was just looking at it.
And in reality, the deeper the gaze he feels on it, the more excited he becomes and the greater the
excitement of having it in his mouth.

The speed of the suction gradually increased. The sound is lost on his tongue and also seems to
sound from below.

"Ah! Damn. Isaac."

The man frowned and groaned in a rather loud voice. Then, without being able to avoid it, she held Isaac's
head and pushed it until his penis reached the bottom of her small throat. He ejaculated... The glans
touched his uvula so Isaac made a strange sound. He looked like he was going to vomit.

As soon as he realized what he had done, Felix quickly pulled away and lowered his hands to begin
checking her mouth.
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" Huh uh..."

"I'm so sorry, my love. Did it hurt? Are you okay?"

He stood up, stretched his arms and held him until he managed to lift him off the ground. He had
actually done it very quickly so I was impressed by that.
Félix is a dominant Alpha, it is true, but he still has exaggerated physical strength. He carried it as if
it had no weight at all.

"Just look, your skin is so cold. It's easy to catch a cold here."

Isaac, who was only blinking, had the feeling that he was being quite overprotected.
That is to say, he hadn't even felt pain or noticed that his skin was cold. It was a bit windy, but he
had too much fever to be able to act normally for several more hours. He had even laid down on
the floor!
Maybe he had his reasons to be worried. Although it is a summer night in San Diego, it is not at all
tropical. Plus, it's September now. At the beginning of this month, although the heat does not
disappear completely, it seems as if everyone's body temperature drops rapidly at night.

With his head dizzy and his mind remembering things about the weather and the date, Isaac didn't
notice that the place Felix was heading now was the jacuzzi. A type of circular bathtub next to the
pool that was always filled with warm water. Since it came from the bottom it caused huge bubbles
and a gentle current, so it also gave the illusion of being quite relaxing.

Felix enters the jacuzzi. To the bottom... At the moment when the emotion that had been
triggered until a few moments ago subsided, the man adopted a serious posture and began
to better examine her lips and neck. Isaac tries to tell him that everything is fine and that he should
stop worrying like that... But the warm water keeps hitting his chest, the bubbles keep swirling on
his skin, and that actually feels pretty good. It feels good when it hits her areolas and it feels great
when it bounces on her abdomen...
The remains of desire that had cooled burn again as if gasoline had been sprinkled on them.

"I think this place is pretty sensitive these days. Isn't it?"

"Oh, it's your fault for not stopping playing..."

Félix cannot see Isaac's nipple because it is completely submerged in the water of the jacuzzi, so
he takes a breath, closes his eyes and lowers his head until his lips are stuck to his chest.

Her entire pointed nipple was sucked into his mouth.

It's creepy how he can make you shiver just by playing with his nipples using his tongue and also,
it's creepy that he's dying from the simple touch of his perfect hands... His eyes blink again and
again and then, they seem to go completely black. His legs flex as if a current had been passed
through him and in the end, he just screams:

"Uh-oh, Ugh!!"

Felix seemed to want to get milk from there, although he clearly wasn't going to be able to get
any from it. The sensation between pleasure and pain was difficult to bear but, in reality, he had
not once thought about running away or telling him to stop. It was pleasant and he was excited
with all the sensations it gave him, with her chewing him and sucking him as if it were delicious...
These days, she feels that the more she is with him and the more she inhales his pheromones, the more sensitive she becomes.
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his body returns. And, among the places that he barely recognizes anymore, are his chest and nipples. At
first it was quite boring when I kissed him there, but now, it had become a terrible erogenous zone that
easily aroused him to pleasure. Something that makes your breath moist and makes your fingertips curl.

The inside of his anus tickles hard enough to make him twist his waist once more.

Felix continues with his areola... Every time he sucks on his nipple and squeezes it to make a lustful
sound, his hole compresses and relaxes just as if it were beating.

"Ah, Felix... Felix, that's enough."

When Isaac sobbed, Felix raised his face and looked straight at him. His eyes shine through the water

"Why? Do you feel too much? Do you want me to stop so you can stand with your penis like a broomstick
all night?"

Felix's question was cheeky enough to make her cheeks grow hot. But Isaac is honest in cases like this. I was
denying. He peeled back his eyelids and then spread his hole with his fingertips so he could see that he
needed it inside him…
Felix then rubbed her puckered entrance and began to spread her thighs to get a better view of her body.
Isaac leaned his back against the jacuzzi, hugged his husband's head and held his breath when he felt his
finger, which was slow and strong, hitting and invading everything inside him.
A short scream came from his throat, he also cursed and said that was enough... Although of course, Felix's
careless movements do not seem to falter.

He felt and rubbed, as if checking the inside for the first time in his life. A place soaked with a constant
sticky liquid...

If they were out there, there would have been an impressive bubbling sound, but as it seemed to sink
deeper and deeper into the hot water, it didn't sound. Instead, every time you move your hand, the
splashing of the jacuzzi becomes quite loud. So much so that it even stimulates your ears.
Isaac took a deep breath, his nose pressed into Felix's hair... Suddenly, two and then three fingers hit him and
completely filled his insides. Four wide-open fingers swung inside Isaac and then shook as if his hand were a
dildo. He bent his fingers, and pushed further so he could find his prostate.

Ah, Isaac's breathing became more urgent as he hit her inner wall. It seemed that it had even managed to
swell to an exaggerated point.

After that, the feeling of wanting to ejaculate was really hard to bear. Isaac moved his hand to his penis and
began to stroke himself. In his head it had occurred to him to grab it and squeeze it until the semen ran
through his fingers... But Félix stopped him first. He grabbed her wrist tightly and prevented her from
touching herself by all means.

Isaac's trembling eyes, when he raised his head, looked at that fierce-looking man.

"No. Today is not going to be that easy."

Isaac was about to go crazy. He shook his head, distorted his expression and opened his mouth to begin
panting in an almost exaggerated way. It was the same as saying that he didn't like what he thought or what
he did. Even if he wasn't saying it out loud.
Instead of letting go of her wrist, Félix took out the four fingers that were deep in her anus:
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"Uh, Mmmm!"

But even though his hand was no longer there, his anus seemed to remain open...

This sensation extends strangely until it makes him sigh. But it was only for a moment.
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Charming 13

Felix turned him over, placed him on the stairs and held his hips with both hands. His gaze was absolutely
fixed on the red meat inside the open hole...

"Have you tried to reach a dry orgasm yet?"

"Oh, that…"

"When was the last time? It was when we hooked up, right? I couldn't see it."

Felix spoke very quickly so it was somewhat difficult for him to understand his words. He was in a hurry, as if
he wanted to start immediately even though his penis was already right at the entrance...
God, he's so strong. Even when he only touches the edge, it seems as if his anus always opens a little further
than the limit.

Isaac shuddered, forgetting his shame, and leaned his hips back, trying to get it all in at once. He's very excited,
so he just wants him to hurry up and continue... But Felix seems to have something different in mind: He
grabbed his butt, stopped his hasty movements, and then leaned down to start teasing Isaac's neck. The
part that had his mark. He began to bite her skin, again and again until his wet breath spread over her flesh and
her throat tightened.

"Isaac, I'm dying to see you have an orgasm that strong. I told you, it's been a long time so you're going to do it
for me, aren't you?"

His head was blank... He asked her something, he knew it, but he couldn't answer anything that seemed
coherent so he just stood there, breathing. Inhaling deeply while she felt her husband's enormous hands on
her stomach and, at the same time, she discovered how his penis, larger than the four fingers he had had
inside, slowly penetrated until it went deep.


His eyebrows were bent due to the sharp pain he was experiencing in his waist, and yet, with the intense
pleasure that soon followed, Isaac leaned his back all the way forward and sobbed loudly. Incredibly strong.
He felt... That his whole body was melting into the water. When his penis went a little deeper, he even forgot
the correct way to breathe.

He spat out another wail.

In the mouth that never closes, saliva flows and spills until it drips down the chin. He can't think of anything,
he can't say anything. He just pant and pant just like a thirsty dog.
There is only heat and sometimes, also moans.
Felix grabs Isaac's ass and crushes it like he wants to break it. With the sound of the spanking, the water begins
to ripple and his hands shake without being able to stop it. It's already difficult to open his eyes, so he settles
for seeing the darkness of his eyelids... He wanted to speak, move his tongue and say "Felix, please stop, I
can't take it anymore." But he didn't dare to do anything even though all kinds of words were floating on the tip
of his lips. The sound, which could be described as "the sound of his flesh breaking", caused him to start sobbing

"Clap, clap" Every time he hits her and every time he violently stretches her inner wall with his penis,
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The strangest emotions and pleasures shoot in all directions until it becomes a disaster. Isaac, who
didn't know how to handle it, now couldn't do anything but cry...

It was beautiful to see him like that. The usually emotionless face is now flushed, with tears and saliva
escaping from his lips. Felix's blue gaze, watching him intently, became wilder and wilder thanks to this.

"If you make a face like that... I won't be able to control myself anymore."

There was the stinging sound of the water, the fierce noise of Felix's voice, the sound that penis made
when it buried itself in his ass and the sound of his heart in his head, all mixed together... And that made
him feel even more drunk. still.
Is tightened. The tight hole bites Felix's penis as if it wants to swallow it.

"Ah, damn it!"

Felix extended his arms around her neck and held her back a little further. With the desperate idea of
covering Isaac's lips with his own, he grabs his chin and makes him adopt a somewhat awkward and bent
position... The moan he releases into his mouth is as sweet as cotton candy. Like chocolate for a hungry
person. While sucking his tongue and drinking his saliva, Félix never stopped pushing himself back and
forth... It was so strong, so intense, that Isaac started crying like a baby and ended up in a quite complex
state. and regrettable.

"Oh, ah, now... Felix... Please... I can't take it anymore, it's too much... Ah! Felix!"

"Really? Do you really want me to come out?"

"...I can't Ah!"

Félix continued with the caresses and kisses... And then he felt the tremendous smell of the Omega
It was intense, very strong indeed. They filled his head so much that he couldn't help but start to sway
and see everything blurry.

Isaac was as scared as he was so the first thing that occurred to him was that he had to escape from there.
He tried to get his hands off of him, grabbed the railing of the stairs and put all his power into trying to
push Felix's hip away from his butt...

"Because you're running?"

"I'm... I'm pretty scared."

"It's okay... Everything's okay. You just haven't learned how to handle it yet." Isaac was forced to
stop talking when Felix linked his hands with his and began to kiss his neck again and again. "It's okay... So
don't cry anymore. I don't like how you seem so sad about something like this."

"Ah, ah, ah, Felix..."

"Here I am... The pheromone flow is going to calm down soon, I promise."

Felix bites Isaac's earlobe and then pushes his penis a little deeper... Isaac's body lost energy
immediately and he collapsed on the stairs so Felix grabbed him.
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He held it tightly enough not to let it fall. It was still inside him, and it seemed to have no intention of

"Felix, I... A little, ah, ah...

Isaac shook his head, still sobbing. It was too much, the pleasure transmitted was too much for
him to deal with. Every time he cried, the tears ran down his cheeks and soaked him completely.
His genitals were swelling more and more but Felix still held him. He was going to explode, he
was probably going to explode because Félix wouldn't let him touch himself and it didn't seem
like the semen was going to come out on its own. He was short of breath...
There is pleasure, happiness, pain, all accompanied by an irritating enthusiasm that he has never
tasted in his life. The toes of his feet, which were almost nailed to the stairs, were all curled in a
strange shape. Her hips and thighs hit Felix's groin so she was shaking like a grass against the wind.

Felix starts spreading his own pheromones this time.

"Ah, God... Ah, this is... Too strange."

"You're squeezing too hard. How can I believe you think it's strange when you act like that?"

It wasn't like he was doing it at will, so he had decided to ignore that sentence.
As the pleasure increases, the size of Felix's penis also increases and therefore his anus begins
to contract like crazy. His intestines tightened to follow Felix's shape, as if they were alive and
following their own instincts and then, some pain began to appear on top of the calm...

At the moment when the pleasure that Isaac could not bear flowed like an immense wave, he felt
a terrible orgasm pour over his body as much as over hot water. It was an unexpected reaction.
He grunted, and fell onto the stairs this time. Screaming and gasping so hard he even had to bite
his lips. It can't be controlled. How do you stand the feeling of wanting to cry if this feels just like
that?? His whole body was trembling and his eyes were white. His insides felt... So hot.

He heard the sound of teeth clashing together, but he hadn't realized it was his own sound.

Felix was right, she had already had an orgasm when she bonded with him... But it was definitely
the first time she cried so much. She couldn't understand what was happening with her body or why
her pheromones had gotten out of control like that or... How she felt so sensitive to him now.
Isaac gasped, as if trying to eliminate every trace of pleasure Ah! I was so excited!
He didn't know what to do, or how to do it, the heat just wouldn't leave him. Just, it was

Then Felix, who watched Isaac's reaction, held him by the shoulders and pulled him against his
chest again.
I was breathing so fast...

"Idiot! This is all your fault... Hmm, mmm! Thanks to you, I'm going crazy!"

"Do you want us to stop?"

"And stop fucking asking that!"

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Isaac had had too much intense sex since he met Felix, but now he thought that they were
definitely doing it at a speed he had never experienced. His entire body seemed to break
under him and, in any case, the pleasure extends to a degree that causes him to see bright
lights every time he closes his eyes...

The sex with that horned beast continued unabated.

Félix penetrates him deeply enough to make Isaac feel crushed and breathe so outrageously that
he doesn't even feel that the oxygen is entering him normally.
Meanwhile, her inner wall clenches and contracts as she feels the sudden onslaught of Felix's
ejaculation... Something that flows as if it's filling her intestines.

His entire body was burned in an instant.

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Charming 14

He couldn't even tell how much time had passed.

Although wonderful, the movement shaking him had finally calmed down and a warm sensation
spread throughout his stomach.

Isaac shrugged his shoulders as he felt a terrible burning sensation in his intestines.

"God, it hurts."

Isaac, who complained of pain, closed his eyes, breathing rather heavily for his liking. Lower down
in his pelvis, the throbbing erection doesn't seem to be able to last much longer. It was painful not
being able to ejaculate so now he feels terribly engorged.

Isaac, sitting with Felix on the stairs, submerged himself halfway while trying to at least look at his
fingers. There was no energy left in him so the rest of the eerie pleasure was completely gone
It was difficult to move quickly so he just floated. The sound of exhaustion reached his ears, his
head is dizzy and he couldn't even afford to open his eyes.

Felix hugs him from behind and then places his lips on his shoulders. I was quite, quite
worried about him.

"I said I'd like to see you have a dry orgasm, but I think you had a much more intense
reaction than I thought... You even got scared."

A young and pretty voice suddenly reaches his ears but Isaac can barely lift his eyelids. I
didn't know what to do, so I just... She tried to look at him even though her eyes were very blurry.
He touches her shoulders, with wet hands, then grabs her chin and also bites her earlobe until it's
wet. She kisses him and kisses him without rest and gives off that strange refreshing and
happy aura that characterizes him instead of being like a corpse. Just like him.

"But anyway... You were great. Completely gorgeous."

Isaac wanted to tell her that everything was fine and that in reality, although it hurt and he cried,
he had liked it a lot... But his throat is burning and his mouth feels numb enough to be able to do it.

Meanwhile, Félix is dedicated to washing her body with the warm water of the jacuzzi. Now
he was quite busy slowly stroking the swollen penis to remove the remains of the semen that had
accumulated inside. Felix, looking at the turbidity that spread across the surface of the water, also
pushed his finger into his anus and took out even more fluid than at the beginning. It was easy to
clean, although it didn't seem to be entirely pleasant to look at...

Isaac closed his eyes again. His body was a mess and he felt that if he stayed in that position one
more minute, he would definitely fall asleep. The semen is floating, his penis is up and he doesn't
really want to think about everything that just happened. It's satisfying, yes, but it's also endlessly

"It's almost there..."

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"...Felix, remember when you told me that you didn't want me to let you go? I'm not going to leave you
so... Whatever happens, you shouldn't leave me either, okay? Don't leave me alone... Don't leave
me…” As he lay on the stairs, eyes closed in a reclining position, Isaac murmured this in a rather
broken voice. "I, I will try to be better and do... Whatever you want so..."

Because he wasn't energetic, his pronunciation didn't feel clear enough for me to understand right
away. But when he was silent and understood what was happening, Felix stopped the hand that was
cleaning Isaac's body and stared at his face. It was like someone who hadn't heard.

At first, an awkward silence fell over the two. Isaac had fallen asleep for a second, but then the
little eyes opened again...

"Why are you...?"

But he couldn't finish speaking because Félix threw a kiss that seemed more like a bite.
A fierce kiss. Felix was quick to bite his lips and then hugged him gently. As if he were a little boy
instead of her husband. He opened her mouth, took her tongue and slowly licked all around
her mouth.
Only after a while, Felix stopped the movement with a roaring moan and looked at Isaac:

"Isaac, love, I told you everything was okay, yeah? Everything is okay. I'll never let you go. And if you
try to let me go, I'm going to lock you in the basement along with Noah and his dildos so you can
change your mind at the end of the line. traumas."

Felix had tried to tell a joke, but Isaac, who forgot all his words due to that dazzling kiss, just closed
his eyes and nodded.


"Besides, will you do what I want? Let's go back to that? Look how daring..." Felix spoke on his lips
before kissing him again. His smile turns darker and then, it even seems to turn a little sad. "It's just
that you're tired... Nothing more than that. You don't usually talk like that."

"It's... A feeling."

"Premonition. That sounds like something I'd say... It doesn't matter, it's getting colder, is it okay if we
go in now?"

Isaac said yes, but he only raised his hands without opening his eyes.

"I can't move, take responsibility."

"Of course."

And so, immediately afterwards, Felix did just what Isaac wanted. She put her hands behind her
knees and also under her armpits, something princess-like.

"Let's go to the shower".

"You have to... change all the water in the jacuzzi."

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"I'm glad I didn't do this in the pool. Imagine, moving all the water out of that big thing to wash it and
put chlorine in it. That's a little wasteful."

Isaac laughed out loud at the words Felix had said, incredibly that had also served to take away
all the thoughts that had suddenly come to his mind.
As always, with that beautiful and honest smile, Isaac erases his grumpy and nervous spirit
and rests his head against his chest.

He hopes no one finds them on their way to the room.

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Charming 14.1

The garden has been quite noisy since morning.

After a simple breakfast, Félix, with a cup of hot coffee in his hands, walks towards the garden to see what all the
fuss is about. There, strangely, are all the subordinates that Vincenzo brought. The men, who stood in a
perfect straight line, were quite varied. Some looked very blank and others had a completely expressive face.
The main ones were holding back their laughter and some others had a look like "I'd rather die than be

Félix, who looked at the boys from behind, took a step towards them while drinking his coffee. Only then, the men
who recognized Felix, seemed to snap their heads up and become even more "On guard."

He walked casually among them, without speaking to them, and reached the middle of the garden. However, he
couldn't move anymore and ended up hardening: His grandfather, Vincenzo, was pushing Benjamin's bike while
holding his back. The boy still couldn't pedal, his legs are short and his feet can't reach the pedals. It was the boy's
daily routine to ask someone to do it for him but, today, instead of Grandma Jessica Parker, Vincenzo is the one
who is holding tightly the handle of the bicycle (More like a tricycle). These have a handle that Adults can push for
children who cannot walk alone.

God, it's so strange.

Vincenzo, no one more and no less than Vincenzo Felice, is pushing a tricycle for a four-year-old child and he is
enjoying it! Felix almost dropped the cup of coffee he was holding in his hand.
He blinks and blinks and then rubs his eyes before looking in her direction, but the situation he was seeing remained
the same: Vincenzo and the boy, who was full of honest laughter, playing side by side. Grandpa grabs the
handle and goes all the way around the garden. Screaming and running. After a long and incredible view and
only by slapping himself, Felix was able to move on.

"Grandpa, what are you doing so early in the morning? I almost fainted from the impact."
Félix approached Vincenzo, who was still pushing the bicycle at a slow and calm pace, and then he began to speak
first. "I thought you were still sleeping. You weren't at breakfast."

But before he could say anything else, Benjamin leaned over the tricycle and started yelling "Dad! Dad!" As he held
out his hands so I could hold him. The baby's unique scent, like talcum powder and milk, disperses through her
hair as Felix leans down to kiss her head.

"Good morning."

The boy nodded vigorously while smiling at him.

"Good morning..."

But then the grandfather pulls the bike hard and separates the boy from him before he can complete his sentence.

Vincenzo looked at him hard. Something different from the charming look she offers Benjamin.
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"You didn't see me at breakfast, because I came down earlier than you. When did you wake up?"


" Um…You went to bed late.”

"I went to bed early. By the way, what is this? Why are you standing guard when you're just
playing with him?"

"I decide what and how to act when I go to play with my grandson"

"Well, I'm just saying that I don't approve of this." Taking a sip of almost cold coffee, Felix
shrugged his shoulders and gave Vincenzo a rather displeased face. "I don't want so much fuss,
and yes, this is the first warning, okay?"

Felix, who turned around to go back in, had barely taken his second sip of coffee when he
heard the impressive laughter that began to emerge from behind.

"Did you clean the hot tub?"

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Charming 15

"Yes, it's clean now. You can go in if you want and check it"

"And that Omega?"

"His name is Isaac."

"Is your OMEGA awake?"

To Vincenzo, who stubbornly calls his husband Omega, Félix shakes his head and says:
"Not yet".

I really wanted to tell him that what I thought was true. That all night, in hot water
of the jacuzzi, she had been making love to him an infinite number of times. Ah amazing , had a
reaction so Felix thinks about it while licking the rim of his coffee cup. Isaac is
fabulous, even when he says he's scared and starts crying. Oh, but in the end he showed a
reaction I've never seen before! He begged and begged, his face red and full of tears. His
body had trembled so much while I pushed him more violently than usual. Their
hands, his voice saying "Don't leave me" How could he not feel his heart beating so excitedly
If I remembered it just like that? His head was dizzy too ... And yes, he had been worried that it would hurt.
much at first but he couldn't control himself when he had it all to himself.

God , if he had not been exposed to the temperature of dawn, if he had not been
getting so cold, I would have hugged him again and again until dawn on the bunks.

I still seem to hear him say "God, it hurts" in that beautiful, innocent way and at the same time
finish, since it was difficult for him to walk, he had even let him carry him all the way to the shower.
Of course, although I had no intention of finishing it so quickly, at the very moment when
They entered the room and began to lay him on the bed, he noticed that he was deeply
asleep . Her chest was rising and falling so slowly and her eyelashes looked so pretty that she couldn't
wake him up. My God, , he couldn't wake him up but he couldn't sleep either because he had been very
concentrating on watching him breathe. I had never done that! And a few minutes before it was
time for breakfast, he fell asleep soundly with his nose almost stuck to his hair ...

Felix, thinking about everything that had happened last night thanks to Vincenzo, who asked about the
jacuzzi and for Isaac, rather than feeling ashamed of his actions, he can notice how the blood runs
accumulates immediately in the penis.
He drank coffee quickly to try to calm his emotion and also to fight with the terrible
need to run to Isaac and wake him up.

"I saw you... When you carried him in your arms as if he were a woman."

However, Vincenzo's impulsive voice and the sound of his tongue crashing against her palate,
listen strongly from one side. Félix was then forced to keep his emotion to himself.
what she had been feeling so she could focus solely on him:

"So? Isn't it natural that I carry my husband in my arms if he is tired? We are newborns."
linked and some newlyweds too. Not only that, but he is also my love
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"And that makes you proud?"

"Why not be proud?"

Although Felix smiled brightly, Vincenzo screeched as if he were tired of him.

"Where's the good thing about having him? He doesn't have soft skin and he's not pretty either. His
face isn't delicate and his body doesn't look like any Omega. I don't know how THAT can stimulate
you when I would be embarrassed."
Wo, wait. Don't compare him to other Omegas or start talking bad about him.
Because there is no other Omega who is as attractive as Isaac is."

"Like dad?"

It was at that moment that they both closed their mouths and immediately turned their gaze to
the ground. Vincenzo smiled at him, although he clearly had no intention of being so angry.

"We should talk about this later."

"Yeah, whatever you want. Benjamin quite likes playing with the tricycle... Oh, but he loves riding
horses more so I recommend you go to the stables I BOUGHT FOR HIM, later."

"Is that true, Benjamin?" When Vincenzo asks this of the little boy still holding the bicycle handle
firmly, Benjamin nods, his eyes bright enough and excited enough for him to bear it.

Vincenzo quickly knelt beside him. "Does my grandson like horses too? Oh my gosh, that's great!
Then your grandfather promises to take you right away to ride... Oh, but maybe I should buy some
bigger ones for me."

"You already have two adult horses, so please don't get him any more."

Felix frowned immediately. Even though he had only bought her one little pony for her birthday,
Noah had taken it upon herself to get her two more along with a bunch of annoying little sheep...

In reality, it wasn't entirely necessary for him to take it because he could do it later, but Benjamin,
who is excited by Vincenzo's words, seems so interested in going with the horses that he leaves
the tricycle behind and runs in the direction of the horses. arms of the man to tell him that he would
show him the easiest way and also, that he would tell him the name of each of the animals so that
they could be his friends.

"If my grandson wants to ride then we'll leave right away. Hey, you guys. Quick!"

"Dad, dad, let's go riding!"

But Félix, instead of seeing his son, looks attentively at the men his grandfather brought... They
had begun to move in a fairly organized way: One went for the car, the other checked all the exits,
one more says They are going to move forward to cover the perimeter and the other begins to pack
a large suitcase of what appear to be quite expensive weapons. Vincenzo just walks proudly
with Benjamin, who continues to wave his hand and say "Dad! Let's go!"
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"I'm going to stay and take care of dad Isaac, okay? Ben, go and ride carefully."


"Grandpa, I'll tell you again. Don't buy another horse!"

Of course, Vincenzo walks without turning to see him so it's just him... In silence and with
Benjamin's tricycle lying in the yard.

Felix, who rubbed his face, slowly turned his head to relax the muscles that were still asleep,
and then, he looked up... Well, this time, there are no obstacles to suppress his
momentum, right? So he moved, loaded with a good feeling, and decided to go up to the
room to wake Isaac.
Of course, you're following your penis' instructions.
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Charming 15.1

Contrary to Felix's expectations, Isaac had already gotten up, changed, and was about to enter
the gym.
In fact, as soon as he woke up, he tiptoed downstairs and spied for a moment on Vincenzo, Félix
and Benjamin. They were having a conversation in the garden, perhaps because of the boy...
However, they soon changed the tone of their voices and almost started shouting at each other.
Like it was a pretty heavy discussion. Fortunately, Benjamin, who was sitting on the bicycle
that Vincenzo was pushing, talked to them for a moment and managed to make the wild
atmosphere "Apparently okay" again. Maybe it had seemed a little strange to the boy yesterday,
but now he immediately approached Vincenzo and began to pull his hands to take him to play with
him. As if they had known each other forever.

Isaac wanted to go down to join them or maybe, just to say "Good morning" but it was true that he
felt a little strange to face Felix right after... Everything that had happened at the pool. His nape
and neck are completely painted red and if he sees him face to face... He had the feeling that his
skin would burn in a fever so powerful that it would even start to burn.

Going to train was the first thing that came to mind when the plans to go with Benjamin, Félix
and Vincenzo disappeared. Needless to say, he did it because he felt like that was what his body
needed to get back to normal. Fortunately the mansion has a 100% functional gym. He liked that it
had glass walls because he could see the sea while he was on the treadmill, the other side of
the wall was a mirror so he could check his posture very easily and also, there was a huge
television, music speakers, electronic systems and machines that are connected to a tablet. Quite
nice, to tell the truth.

Isaac began stretching and weight training. He always carried a lot of weight so with the
effort, it was easy for him to forget the strange things he had done with Felix that night.
He tried to be serious and continue with the same routines he did while in the navy. Up and down
and up and down.
Suddenly, however, he heard some footsteps next to him and the sound of a treadmill turning
off. When he turned his eyes sharply and turned his head slightly in the direction of the door, he
noticed that there was a strange person staring at him from the side. The short sound of his hot
breath is heard shooting slightly from between his lips:

"I thought there was no one."

The man, who walked in their direction with a slow step, said that with a rather heavy face... Unlike
Felix's servants, Felix seems to have pure hatred inside him. It was this guy who cast a bloody
gaze on Benjamin yesterday so, when he realized that, he subconsciously began to
have quite a grudge against him. That is to say, is it normal for an adult to look at a baby as if they
wanted to tear it apart?

He has a strong physique, he appears to be in his thirties. Stiff shoulders and black eyes, dark
brown hair, Alpha, possibly. He was one of the people that Vincenzo brought from Italy and is
also one of those who can be considered, "close." They call him Lucca and he openly calls
himself "Vincenzo's right arm."
Isaac completely stopped what he was doing and grabbed his things:

"I was almost done. Don't worry."

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It wasn't true, clearly... But I wanted to avoid being with him at all costs.
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Charming. 16

"No, no, stay."

Isaac wipes the sweat that falls from his head with a towel that he always carries in his hand. He
says no, and gets back up.
He finished the exercise a little earlier than planned, it's true, but it was more than enough for him.

"I see... That you exercise constantly."

Although he spoke quite quietly, his gaze was blatantly sweeping Isaac's entire body.
His arms, his legs, his neck and shoulders under his shirt. He also looks at his shorts... It was like, he
was trying to find something.

"I do it regularly, it's true." As he met her gaze, Isaac responded as curtly as possible. "Because
it is important?"

"It's because I don't think you're an Omega, to be honest. Oh, and that wound you have there looks
pretty deep. The one on your arm, what did you do to get it? You're a normal man, or so they say...
But I feel Curious about what you had to go through to open your skin like that."

The man asked all this openly, without holding anything back. It seems he did a background check
as well, but unlike Grandpa, he wasn't so happy with what he found.

"No. Because I've been exercising constantly since I was younger, my physique is like that.
And... Well, it's not like he did something great to hurt me. I think it just happened and that's it."

"Is that so? What envy, having trained since childhood."

Lucca continues with her eyes on Isaac's old wounds, on his arms and legs.

"You can still improve your body shape if you keep training, I mean, if that's what you're self-
conscious about."

"Um... You seem pretty sure of yourself, but don't think I didn't notice the fact that you didn't answer
me about being an Omega or not. Look, I've been with quite a few of them and I think I know
exactly what their pheromones smell like and also the way they look. And with you, I can't feel any
of that. Can you tell me the reason?"

The man's tone was close to callous. It wasn't exactly the way you addressed someone you
barely knew. He doesn't seem to have even the slightest bit of courtesy to give her since he seems
to have an absolutely intense prejudice against Omegas in the first place.
You can ignore it naturally, of course. After all, it's what he's done his whole life.

Isaac, who looked at the man one last time, now dried the front part of his hair as he replied:

"Is there a law I don't know about how Omegas should look? No. What is an Omega like in the first
place? What is Omega to you? A person or a thing that you can
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label it any way you want just because you happen to be an Alpha?"

Again, the look they gave each other was completely unfamiliar. It seems as if the hostility
has worsened to such a degree that even the atmosphere feels different.

"That's true".

"Well then..."

"I don't know why Félix fell in love with you. Is it because you're the rare specimen he needed to
hang in his display case?"

Isaac stopped again, although he had already walked towards the exit with the full intention of
stopping that meaningless conversation... It was a comment that he threw out as if he were
talking to himself, but that was heard with perfect clarity in the gym.

"...If you're curious why Felix fell in love with me, why don't you go and ask him directly?"

"I'm not that curious, I'm just thinking how easy it is to fool him." With a huge smile on her face,
Lucca spoke very calmly. "You just had to smile pretty at him, didn't you?"

"I have no idea what you want to tell me."

Isaac, who was perplexed, posed a direct question just like the words Lucca was throwing
out. Over the man's face, the sneer appears and fades so quickly that Isaac clicks his tongue
as if to say, Are you fucking with me?
The look he had given Benjamin disappeared from his mind and soon, he found a new reason to
hate him.

"Okay, what are you accusing me of?"

"Not being a fucking Omega, but a fucking liar. I mean, suddenly you show up with a child who is
conveniently the grandson and son of the most important men in Italy? It's strange."

"So the point is...?"

Lucca looked Isaac in the eyes.

"I was wondering if you brought an ordinary boy to make him look like Felix's son. Come on, I'm
not the only one who has thought that! Vodka looks just like water, but you don't realize it until you
try it. And How are you going to prove that this puppy is not one when they protect you so

"And why the hell do you care?"

"To be honest, I don't care who you are or what you're doing here. Water, vodka, I don't know if
you approached Felix for some reason or not."

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"But if any of you plan to cause harm to the boss, then that's a different matter."

Isaac wanted to tell him to put aside such useless and stupid worries, but Lucca just didn't listen.
It seemed like he had a horrible need to always interrupt Isaac.

"You seem like an ordinary man and in reality, I know that Felix is not a bad person."

"I'm glad you know that, I guess."

"There is another 'but'. The feeling I feel flowing from you is not very good to say..."

Lucca added this very coldly so, the conclusion Isaac came to was that no matter what he said or not,
he was not going to believe him. However, Isaac didn't care what he thought of him, so he wasn't
particularly interested in trying to convince him.

"If that's all you have to say, then I'll walk out. I can't find a real reason to continue the
conversation. It bores me, honestly."

It was at the moment when Isaac gave a simple response and walked away, that Lucca spoke again:

"Just give me a reason, and I promise you I won't touch my heart. I don't care if you're an omega or
his partner, and I don't care if Felix is his son or Benjamin is his grandson. What matters to me is the
boss." , everything else is the same piece of garbage to me."

"... Sorry?"

Isaac's eyes narrowed as he realized that not only was she threatening him, she was also
threatening his family. It seemed that that was the meaning of the look he had given Benjamin that
morning. Whether child or adult, grandson or great-grandson of Vincenzo... The result was the same
because they didn't care.
What a son of a bitch!

"I don't know what you're worried about, right? And I'm not interested. I've had enough problems in
my life without starting to worry about you too... But, remember, that doesn't mean I'm the type to stay
in Silence. I'm an ordinary person, but I love my family. And I'll protect Benjamin from you all the time
if that's what it takes! And if Felix is ever at risk, well... More Felix must never be at risk. Or you'll be
the first one I'm going to kill."

"Wow, so now you're the one threatening me?"

Isaac swallowed, but did not back away now.

"I hope you're doing well with the exercise."

There was no reason to talk more than this, and there was no need to worry so much about it.
Without looking back further, Isaac now walked past Lucca and crossed all the exercise equipment
to emerge on the other side. Meanwhile, the man was just standing there.
In the awkward silence, Isaac can feel a terrifying gaze on his back.

It was just a matter of holding it in for a few more weeks, just a few more weeks. And it wasn't even
like they would meet often anyway.
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Yeah, it wasn't... A conversation he had to worry about.

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Charming 16.1

Vincenzo, who is staying for about a month, spends all his time and energy playing with Benjamin every day.

Ben sometimes doesn't go to kindergarten, because he's still afraid of being alone in a closed place, so they
have taken him to visit all the famous amusement parks in the city: The San Diego Zoo, which had a huge
exhibit of pandas, Wild Animal Park, which was as wide as a safari, and Sea World, which is basically a
huge aquarium that Benjamin really wanted to go to because he wanted to "Feed the whales." They also
went out to sea on a ferry. Thanks to that, Noah, who usually didn't want to go out, had to swallow all his
annoyances because the boy didn't want to go there if he didn't go with him.

Isaac and Felix sometimes went out with the boy and the grandfather and many other times Isaac went
to the store throughout the day. However, Benjamin always seemed like an absolutely happy boy in the end.
When she got home she would jump into his arms, show him what she had bought for him and explain in
detail everything she had seen and everything she had done on her excursions. He is a child who talks
more than usual, he also seems to be a much more energetic child...

So as long as he's okay, what does it really matter if Isaac hates them all?
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Charming 17

You could say that at the same time Isaac was angry about the current situation, he also felt deeply grateful
to Vincenzo for making the boy's days special.
I mean, going to the zoo was definitely a lot more enjoyable for a kid than going in and out of a hospital for
psychiatric counseling.
It was clear that he was now, a happy child having a happy time.

Isaac laughed bitterly, looking at Benjamin sleeping in his arms: "Next time you want to go play, go to Dad

But the truth is that he also feels quite jealous and that can be completely seen in the timbre of his voice.

Soon, Isaac carefully kisses the boy's soft cheeks and settles him into his usual place. He kisses the
forehead of his mother, who is ready to stay with her son again, and then leaves the room, closing the door
very carefully.

Isaac stretched for a moment and thought it would be nice to go and read a book before going to bed so he
could keep his mind occupied with something else... But, before approaching the library, Isaac had to stop
suddenly: In front of the study, that was wide open, Vincenzo's angry voice could be heard. He was, more
like shouting.

"Do you think there's anything more important to me now than Benjamin!? Stop coming, man! No
matter how worried you are, I don't think I can listen to any more of your babbling."

The voice was quite aggressive so his companion only responded: "but..." in a rather small voice.

He tried to get a little closer and look through a line of the door, but he only found the silhouette of a man
who had a strong and quite robust physique. It wasn't until he looked at the top as well that he discovered
it was Lucca, whom he had met the other day at the gym.

It wasn't that strange for him to be there, but he feels like he's not completely comfortable with the idea.

Isaac tried to be quiet as he walked slowly away from there, placing one foot almost behind the other. He had
no intention of disturbing his anger so he thought the best thing he could do was climb the stairs
quietly and act as if nothing had happened.

"Theron's movements are quite suspicious."

However, with a word, Isaac stopped walking... Theron. That's the name he kept hearing when his
grandfather was arguing with Félix.
He tried to make his ears more sensitive so he even heard Vincenzo sigh.

"Theron's movements, in Italy. He's very far from us so what's worrying you? Do you think he's
coming? If he had that much balls, he would have done something by now."

The voice sounded quite annoying again and then even increased in volume.

"And Felix can take good care of himself, I mean, he's Felix."

It was at that moment that Vincenzo, who was speaking slowly, suddenly became completely silent.
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Like Isaac, they had all witnessed the sound of heavy footsteps. Tuck, tuck. On the right...

Vincenzo, Lucca and Isaac looked around as if on guard, but even then they did not hide their
surprise when Félix suddenly appeared and smiled at them.

Isaac looked at Felix with a feeling of surprise, as much as everyone else probably had, but he was
more embarrassed than anything. After all, he had been listening to the conversation between
Vincenzo and Lucca without permission.

"I heard someone said my name so, we came to investigate."

Felix stood near Isaac's right side and stared at Vincenzo and Lucca. It was evident that the silence
had exploded like a bomb, because no one said anything else.

"It is rude to listen to other people's conversations."

"The door was open and it is our house, we can listen to what we want to hear"

When Vincenzo, who narrowed his eyes, growled, Felix looked at Isaac to silently ask him if
everything was okay. Isaac then tried to explain to him that he was going to the library to read
and that all this had happened by accident, but before he even opened his mouth, Felix grabbed his
hand and took him with him to the sofa where Vincenzo was sitting... Of course, it was very
uncomfortable, but Isaac had to sit next to the man because he had no choice.

"If you want to talk about someone else, why don't you be more careful? Hey, don't look at Isaac
like that. Look at me anyway. I'm the one talking."

As soon as he sat down, Felix started scolding Vincenzo so he just raised his eyebrows with an
absolutely heavy look.

"Have you been to Disneyland yet?"

Then he quickly changes the discussion to Disneyland... A topic that did not coincide at all with what
was happening earlier. In fact, Vincenzo looked at him as if he had completely forgotten what he
had been talking about.


"Benjamin loves Mickey Mouse quite a bit, but you never took him to Disneyland? Are you kidding

Vincenzo, who now spoke like an excited man, slammed his hand against the tea table until the
cups shook and clattered together. Of course, Felix, he hadn't even blinked.

"It takes several hours to get to Anaheim from here. It's not a cheap neighborhood and it's hot..."

"It's hot here too."

"But there it is drier and we can get sunstroke"

"Enough with the meaningless excuses! We can go at night if you're such a sissy! They say even
late at night you can also get a ticket and be in a good place."
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It was a stubborn decision and therefore, it was the final decision. Felix frowned... He knew better
than anyone on earth that Vincenzo's stubbornness was difficult to ignore.
Therefore, even if they didn't want to, it was customary to do just what they wanted.

Which resulted, obviously, in them going to Disneyland.

However, no matter what Felix looks like, Isaac's eyes are terribly dark now.
It's clear that even the most unpleasant guys in the house will go to Disneyland too. Of course,
even if Vincenzo had swept all the theme parks with his servants and Benjamin in the last week,
Disneyland has a slightly different character. First of all, it is a major theme park. Secondly, there were
too many people. Other theme parks may not be as crowded if you go during the week, but Disneyland is
a place full of tourists all year round, 365 days a day, so if you want to take your baby, you have no
choice but to say yes.

He knows. But he doesn't want to.

After thinking and thinking, Felix looked at Isaac again. He sat neatly, with his mouth closed...
As if he was aware of her thoughts and asking for her opinion even though they weren't talking. He
knew that if he said no, Félix was going to support him.

But then:

"It is dangerous!"

Lucca spoke in a rather loud voice because he was obviously dissatisfied. He saw Vincenzo just like
Félix saw Isaac, as if there was no one else in the world but him.

"It's dangerous. You don't know how many people gather there."

"I've been in places with more people, and nothing has ever really happened."

"It's different. Isn't it a world-famous tourist destination? All kinds of people, from everywhere, gather."

"Well, that's normal. It's the Happiest Place on Earth after all." And I want to show
Benjamin a place like that."

"It's hard for us to stand guard!"

Vincenzo seemed to have no intention of losing his stubbornness, but Lucca also had a point...
He was her boss, after all, and it was her biggest responsibility.

"Do you see why I need you to go with us, Felix? It's a place where children gather, and if I can't go with
my grandson there once because of my safety... Then I definitely prefer to die" Then Vincenzo looks
again a helpless old man. He is silent and with his arms crossed, stubborn like a child throwing a tantrum.
It really gives the illusion that if he doesn't go to Disneyland once with Benjamin, then he's going to die.

"Well, we're not going. Sorry, but my husband wouldn't feel comfortable."

Maybe Felix didn't notice it or was fed up with it, because he just said what he wanted to say without saying anything.
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think about your feelings. This time Vincenzo grabbed a decorative vase that was on the table and held it
in the air as if he had every intention of throwing it at his head... However, instead of doing that, he stared
at Isaac and noticed that he was still an absolutely confused face.

He smiled:

"Well, if you don't want to go... I'm going to take the child and go alone with him."
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Charming 18

Vincenzo, who had started throwing a tantrum again, seems to have an incredible gift for
saying reckless things in front of Felix and in front of Isaac. After all, he was a man who had
never received NO for an answer... He had bought three more ponies for the boy for God's
sake! And who had complained?
Thanks to that, Felix sighed and took his husband's hands in his.

"Isaac, I'm sorry... But how about we go with him? He's so crazy that he's probably telling the
truth and will end up kidnapping the child while we're in bed."

Felix, instead of fighting Vincenzo as usual, asked Isaac this in the softest way possible...
Isaac had already thought that there was no way he could win anyway.

She turned her head and faced him:

"I don't mind. I wanted to take Benjamin with me and my husband but, if Grandpa goes with
us, I guess it will be quite fun. I think it will be a good trip and worth it."

"You're right, it's sure to be fun."

Contrary to what had happened a few seconds ago, Félix completely changed his words and
put on a much more enthusiastic expression than before.
Vincenzo then had no choice but to praise Isaac for his very accurate and understanding
thoughts and consequently earned a rather heavy look from Lucca.

"So, since we're planning to take a family trip, I'm going to ask the boy's grandmother if she
wants to come too."

"Oh, that seems like a good idea."

The offer to take Jessica Parker with them was more than unexpected. Isaac couldn't hide his
exaggeratedly wide eyes or his surprised expression so, for a moment, he just turned and
looked at him.

"Are you sure?"

"Of course. Or do you think she feels uncomfortable traveling with us? In that case, you can
tell her that it's okay if she declines the invitation."

And just like the first day, Vincenzo had transformed into the incredibly sweet and courteous
man instead of his usual cruel and infamous self. Isaac smiled immediately.

"No. My mother would really like to go too."

"Then I'm glad."

He shrugged and pulled his coat up until it covered his entire neck. Then, slowly, he rubbed
his fingers on his knees and, as he let out all the air he had inside his chest, he just turned around.
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and, he smiled at Isaac.

Oh. Vincenzo had a more supportive attitude than I had expected to see. Maybe it was common
for him, surprising everyone. Like when he was polite to his mother or when he showed that he
liked to wake up the child by kissing his head over and over again.

Isaac sighed too. He didn't like Vincenzo completely, but he couldn't say anything big like he hated
him either. On the contrary, he was always willing to give it a
chance. His direct but gentle personality was good and, unlike the strong tone he always put on
when I saw him with his grandson, his friendly attitude made you empathize with him. Even if it
was just a little bit. Plus, there was the fact that he looked a lot like Felix. Not only because of what
they look like on the outside but also because of what they are like on the inside. Being part of the
mafia must not be something simple so he understands that they will never be "Good citizens" But
his eyes, which still look blue, showed something of immense hidden affection.

Or, that's what I wanted to think.

"Lucca, tell Noah to come so we can talk to him about it too. He needs more sun or he's really going
to stink. Besides, I'm sure he's going to love the idea of going, right?"

When Isaac, who had been very focused on his own thoughts, paid attention to what Vincenzo had
said this time, his first honest reaction was to open his mouth almost completely. I was firmly
focused on the idea of a family trip so could it be that I had already planned it in advance?

"...Noah?" However, Felix raised an eyebrow to the point where it seemed somewhat painful. "The
car is already pretty full, don't you think? I mean... Jessica Parker is fine, but Noah?
I can't imagine Noah at Disney. You know how it is, for God's sake! He carries his laptop all
the time and is sure to go into the central sources to... I don't know. Control the roller coaster until it
explodes! He'll be in a daze all the time, and I don't want to be saddled with a world-class hacker
and an ex-navy captain who's sure to say things like "You poor thing, don't talk to him like
that" for a whole day... No offense, honey. "

Félix's forehead is all wrinkled and, if we combine all this with his strong ability to exaggerate, then
the perfect show is put together.

"Well... It's family."

"Damn. What happened to Noah at the zoo, Isaac? He stopped walking, lay down on the floor, and
started saying "kill me!" , it's really hot " !"

Despite that, Vincenzo's opinion remained firm.

"The boy likes being with him."

"Yes, but I'm the one who's going to have to drag him around."

"Huh? Where? Who are you going to drag?"

It was then that an unexpected youthful voice rang from behind so, now, everyone's attention had
been focused in that direction. ...
Noah immediately crossed the door and, in addition, Tony and Jack were right behind him, so the
number of people gathered in the room increased dramatically from one moment to the next!
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all to organize a family trip to Disneyland for Benjamin!

Isaac, who was listening to the discussion topics and looking at the characters who couldn't have
looked stranger, suddenly started laughing.

"You can't come, no one wants you."

"What's going on?! Let me know first so I can fight you at ease!"

Noah made himself very thin and sat between Vincenzo and Isaac.

"Anyway... Fuck why does Alpha suck so much? I can't breathe, really...
Ugh, I need to open a window or maybe fumigate."

Noah covered his nose with the shirt and then started waving his hand in front of his face as if he
really couldn't stand the bad smell.
Isaac noticed that, indeed, everyone who was there (And those who were going with them) were Alpha.
Alpha, Alpha, with that there were two dominant Alphas, three recessive Alphas, one Beta and two
Omegas along ... He didn't really feel anything, but Noah was an Omega who seemed quite
with a baby who was helpless to bear it. Tall, delicate, with a slim physique, and with that long, reddish
hair that definitely made him look like a pretty wild flower. Unconsciously, Isaac thought that this
was the typical image of an Omega. What Lucca was talking about when she met him.

Suddenly, a sharp scream brought him back to reality:

"Mamma mia! Disney? Are you all going to Disneyland? Really? It's great! I love it! I really want to
go!! I can go right? Wow, my grandpa is the best Who would have thought you would ever organize
something like that?

Noah, whose face had turned all red, screamed and started jumping in place. Like the reaction you'd
expect from someone like him. Vincenzo, who had been staring at him this entire time, said
something like "Don't shake anymore! , damn!" But it was useless. Disney land!
Woah!" Noah had already let his mind race much further than necessary.

"And why are you going to go if your stamina is shit? To lie in the middle of the yard waiting for Mickey
Mouse to walk over you?" Felix, sitting cross-legged, looked at Noah arrogantly before beginning to
shake his head. "It would be best for you if you just settled for a photo of the park."

Noah then stood up and opened his eyes wide as he shouted:

"Shut up, you fucking son of a bitch! How dare you trample on someone else's dreams? My fantasy
was always to go with Benjamin to Disney! I've been waiting for him ever since I found out he liked me
so you have no right to interfere!"

Noah, the beautiful wildflower,shouted out loud a bunch of swear words that Isaac didn't even
know, but which must have been very loud if it had caused Felix to cover his mouth as if he were
really indignant.
The fight only calmed down when Vincenzo spoke again.

"These animals haven't changed at all, they've been fighting since Noah was only five years old,
imagine that. What a great punishment."
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As if he was tired of seeing them do the same thing as always, Vincenzo just took a cigarette
from the small pack he had in his breast pocket.

"Boss, I have something to tell you."

Lucca's low voice filtered into the slightly stiff atmosphere. His gaze hardened, as if he wanted
to find a way to report something very important... Vincenzo, looking at him secretly, raised
his hand, lit the cigarette and began to take a deep drag.

No matter how hard the air purifier works, smoking a cigarette indoors makes it feel like
all the smoke is spreading throughout every room of the mansion.
Felix had told him that he smoked too much. However, since the first night he got here and
they went to the studio to talk about Theron...Isaac had never seen him do it again.

That means you're actually quite worried about something right now.
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Charming 19

Although Vincenzo had promised to quit smoking, he apparently thought it was okay to do so as long as
Benjamin wasn't around. Furthermore, his servants also had to stop doing it, which was "part of the
agreement" in the first place.
Anyway, if we return to the main topic, Lucca is the one who seems the most dissatisfied with all
these changes.

The man's face looked at Vincenzo with his lips in a completely straight line. Before speaking, he sighed
with all his might and repeated:

"It is dangerous."

His opinion was extremely simple. However, that short, concise word also manages to form an
awkward silence over the entire boardroom.

"Dangerous? You think we're going where exactly? A bar? I'm going to go see Mickey Mouse with
my grandchildren. What's dangerous? Mickey shooting little gloves? That midget witch throwing a
poisoned knife?" Oh, how scary."

Vincenzo launched a bitter rebuttal, but Lucca seemed to have thought in detail about the
situation approaching them. He opened his speech without any change in his countenance:

"Although there are guards at Disneyland, no one can be sure what will happen once they are there.
We also don't know what will happen on the way there or on the way back."

"We've been going back and forth all this time."

"But until now it was just the boss and Benjamin. Sometimes Isaac with Felix and Noah, one day, but
no more. The number of people never increased so, yes. This time it's very different. Mrs. Parker and
Noah, Isaac and Felix, Benjamin, all in such a big place. What happens if someone gets separated?
Even if we increase the number of bodyguards, it's too much responsibility and I can't carry it."

Vincenzo frowned at her sharp tongue and then raised his hand to silence their conversation.

Felix, who was listening, had an interesting face and Noah, who leaned against the couch,
only rolled his eyes before starting to laugh when he heard Isaac say, "And who needs your
protection?" With a loud and hard voice.
At that moment, Lucca's cold gaze, looking at Vincenzo, immediately flew towards him.

Isaac shrugged. He agreed with Vincenzo's idea of all going to Disneyland together. Despite
the initial objection, Felix immediately changed his mind and was willing to accept it with open
arms. Thanks to him! Vincenzo was a little more aspirational. So excited to be able to make
very good plans and bring everyone together.
That being said, there was no reason to be so attacked by Lucca, rather... There was no reason to
feel SO ATTACKED by Lucca.
He looked at him, as if looking at the very source of the disaster.

Isaac endured Lucca's gaze, took a long breath and continued:

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"I'm just saying that I can take care of my own safety. There is no need to increase the
number or make you carry a huge burden."

When Isaac said this word, although it was in a low voice, it caught everyone's attention.

"Look...Disneyland has security on its own so top notch, that's a plus.

You will have fewer threats than you can find anywhere else. Felix's bodyguard
is always Tony so he must remain that way. "He has the skills to protect it."


"Jack can be Noah's bodyguard and I will stay with my mother and Benjamin. I think it would
be enough to have two more bodyguards who could look into the distance from the street and
two more at some high point."


"It's better if you take care of Vincenzo completely, okay? Take two men too. Because the
first obvious move is that they are going to target him directly, from above or on the first
vacated path you find, so, they have to think that is in danger. Even when nothing
happens. But hey, I've seen you move and believe me that's not a good enough reason to
go in with a machine gun and in war mode. Unless you're crazy, you should start using
weapons short range."

However, even though Isaac's suggestion was already over, no one seems to dare to
speak. The room was quiet but Felix and Noah, Tony and Jack, nodded as if they
were absolutely convinced of the idea. Vincenzo's face was blank and Lucca was looking
at him as if she actually wanted to make fun of him.

"Well, I don't agree. You said you would protect Mrs. Parker and Benjamin, really? An

"Well yes."

Isaac responded without hesitation, but Lucca, who seemed quite uncomfortable and upset, looked at
Isaac with a more than unpleasant face.

"I think it's easier said than done. It's not enough with you. Who's going to protect you?"


"Don't say anything stupid! I don't even know what you do, you're a fucking recessive Omega
and you've been living your whole life doing who knows what part while I've been trying
hard to get here... So, "With what face do you come here to give me orders?"

"Lucca, shut up. You are just a guest and you seem to forget that Isaac is my husband. It is in your
best interest not to say inappropriate words in front of him in my presence and to maintain your
courtesy... Or else, I will have to find another bodyguard for my grandfather." "

Félix, who was listening to Lucca, could not tolerate it any longer and showed a really
annoyed face for him. As Felix's pheromones spread and spread, the sweat on his joints
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became more and more evident so that Isaac immediately understood that if he let go of his hand then
he was going to get up and begin to resolve the situation as he knew how. Hitting him.

Isaac was still looking at Lucca but he couldn't take his eyes off Felix. It was as if his husband was
waiting for just one more word, just one wrong move to throw himself at him... Isaac didn't want an
accident to happen.

"That's enough, we're not going to start killing each other just for this."

"So how about this? Let's fight, you and me. With nothing, just our hands."

It was an unexpected offer, so everyone who looked at them widened their eyes...
Except of course, for Isaac, whose expression was so difficult to decipher that no one knew for sure if he
understood it or not.

"When you knock me down, if you ever do, then I'm going to trust you.
Otherwise... I guess my reward will be seeing you ask me to stop."

Finally, the time came when Felix seemed to get too angry and tried to stand up again. Isaac held
him tightly and then even had the luxury of scolding him. He had a complete frown on his face.

"Are you going to leave us alone when you end up hitting the ground?"

"Of course."

Lucca responded briefly, looking at Isaac.

"Then I'll do it."

And this time, the answer that no one expected immediately came from Isaac's lips. It was natural that
the jaws of those who looked at them dropped almost to the floor. They had heard something they
never thought they would hear! Noah blinked and Jack stuck a finger in his ear as if he was
convinced he had heard wrong.

"You're crazy, you know that, right? You don't have a chance."

"Like I said, I did some exercise before."

"Do you want to do it in the garden? I don't want to break the table with your back."

"I don't think you can lift me up even if you try."

Isaac, who was attentive to Lucca's words, frowned and responded as if he was provoking him. The
man pushed him hard and then spat, "You'll regret it." But Isaac smiled, and then stood, looking at
the firm back of the man who walked like an angry animal. Throwing everything and even slamming
the doors.

"Isaac, are you serious my love?"

Felix urgently held Isaac, even before he could make another move. He grabbed his face and looked at
him, he seemed insecure because he wasn't one to fight just for the sake of it.
Isaac accepted the match without hesitation and perhaps it was not entirely a good thing that he was
so confident as to think that he would win but, nevertheless, he shrugged his shoulders and replied: "In
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Isaac, who gently pushed away Felix's hand, disappeared from the room, with a hard face.

"Shouldn't you stop him?" The first to speak, even in the awkward silence, was Vincenzo. "I
mean, he's going to fight my best man."

"I... If I had to choose the winner among those with the deepest spirit, I would choose Isaac."

In response to the question, Felix spoke in a quite decent manner. But whether he liked her
answer or not, Vincenzo did not say. He just wrinkled his face.

"What should I tell the child when he asks about his hospitalized father."

"God, don't start"

"They don't know Lucca! Even if the Omega kid is mega talented as he seems, it's impossible! No
one in the organization can beat Lucca!"

"Isaac is not from the organization."

Vincenzo was restless, but unfortunately no one listened to him.

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Charming 19.1

"That's it, stupid Alpha! Hey, Screw you! Did you hear me? Screw you, and your stupid
words about Omegas! Because Rambo is crazy! Really crazy!"

It was Noah who broke the awkward air for the second time. He is shouting and laughing
quite boisterously. As if he found it extremely funny.
He tried to run to the garden and, although it was already late at night, thanks to Lucca he
now had enough energy to stay up all morning. I was applauding. However, it was Felix
who stopped Noah's impatient steps even though the boy was just trying to run.

It was the Alpha's voice that was heard from behind. A voice making a secret offer to Vincenzo.

"Grandpa, I think it will be a very interesting sight, but it will end soon." Felix's eyes, which
were looking at Vincenzo with his hand in his pocket, seemed to be smiling quite mockingly.
Although of course his mouth didn't do it. However, Vincenzo did not know the meaning and
did not care about it. He frowned. "Let's bet. I say, we'll see a couple of blood clots fall and the
complete pride of Lucca. Grandpa, what dice?"
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The game of truth. twenty

"Let's bet. I say, we'll see a couple of blood clots fall and the complete pride of Lucca. Grandpa, what do you

Vincenzo answered almost immediately:

"Lucca is my pride! Him losing makes no sense."

"So you don't want to bet?"

"No one can beat Lucca, understand! I'm trying to imagine how it can be possible and the truth is that I can't"

"So you don't want to bet?"

"Fuck, seriously?!"

Vincenzo's face is distorted as he pulls a $100 bill out of his wallet. He complains, insults him and puts the money
in the palm of Félix's hand in such a way that it makes a huge sound.

"What is this? My grandfather's pride is only worth $100? How disappointing."

Felix, looking at the bill in his palm, mutters with an expression that screams he doesn't find this funny.
Once again, Vincenzo complained "It's too much!" But Félix pretended not to hear and took his wallet out of his
pants pocket. He took a handful of bills, hundreds of dollar bills, and said.

"I bet a thousand dollars on my husband."


"But I respect your hundred dollars... Because deep down you know perfectly well that this already has a name
written on the top. And it's not your man's."

Vincenzo, who was looking at Felix, who smiled and scratched his face, said that he was really crazy. He
opened his wallet again.


This time, he put a bunch of bills in her hands, much more than the $1,000 offered by Felix.

"I know it won't be like that, but if Lucca loses, give me all that money back immediately. Remember that I'm your

Félix began to laugh as he looked over the money he had given him. It was so much that his eyes shone like
a powerful star in the darkness...

Noah, who was watching attentively as the money came and went and then piled up into an immense little
package, began to shout over and over again: "Me too! I bet a thousand dollars too! No!"
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I have cash right now, so it's a verbal bet, okay? Ah, I'm betting on Isaac."

Vincenzo, overwhelmed by his grandchildren's very unpleasant behavior, accepted Noah's

"verbal bet" and then Tony and Jack, who also wanted to participate in the family activity, raised
their hands at the same time.

"We will also bet. We have 500 each but please combine it to equal your bet. We are with Isaac

"These kids! I understand it's the husband but why are they throwing so many flowers at him? I
don't think he's so... Impressive or superhuman."

"You're freaking out, aren't you, grandpa? God, you don't know the plans I have for this money.
So many and so many."

"Boss, we need a bonus."

"I also need it!"

Noah was loud, but Jack and Tony seemed to be much louder. Everyone was eager to bet because
they obviously knew a lot more than Vincenzo did. The man sighed and had no choice but to
overcome his discomfort:

"Is there any hidden ability in Isaac?"

The four of them, including Felix, began to look at him up and down. As if suspecting that he
was trying to set them up.

"There is no such thing."

"Oh, Grandpa! I told you all of his background. What else do you need to know besides that?"

"We just feel that Isaac is likely to win."

"Of course, a feeling."

Then Vincenzo got upset again:

"Well, Lucca is the best student I've had in years. He got up really early and was the last to leave.
His body is pretty tough and, I'm absolutely serious, I've never seen him get pushed to the floor
by anyone. Omega , Alpha or Beta... Also..."

"Well, I think it's about to start! I don't want to miss anything."

Vincenzo's long explanation, which emphasized how big Lucca was, was completely
ignored by all of them. No one seems interested in Lucca's career, much less when he is fighting

As if they were children again, Vincenzo watched as his grandchildren ran throughout the garden.
Screaming until it caused a great roar also inside the room.

The man, who watched them from a distance, disappearing as if an emergency occurred, had
to walk faster to catch up with them and be part of the game he had spent his money on. Maybe
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This was kind of ridiculous but... Just seeing Isaac, standing silently as if waiting for
him, Vincenzo's trust in Lucca ended up completely shattered.
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The game of truth 20.1

"If you're too nervous, you should quit."


"Come on, we both know you don't want to do it. It's just, your desperate desire to belong somewhere."

Lucca spoke, in the middle of the garden where there was only the cool breeze that is common on
September nights...
Isaac watches carefully as Lucca folds the sleeves of his shirt until they fit on his forearm. In the dark,
under the bright yellow lights, the shadows fade and make each of his muscles stand out perfectly. He
knew that he was the owner of a rigid and fairly well-trained body, but when he saw the thick biceps
covered in mass and the way they seemed to elastically stick to each of his bones, he began to get a little
more anxious than usual.

Isaac tilted his neck to the side.

"And how does it work? If your Alpha says to stop, should I listen to him and stop?"

As he tried to loosen his muscles, Lucca, who had clenched her fist to begin moving slowly
towards him, frowned once more and asked a question that had every intention of sounding mocking. It
was a forceful face, but it had emotions on the surface.

Lucca knows that even if he doesn't look like an omega, they all move on the same page.
Furthermore, it may be an advantage that this is precisely "Felix's Omega."

The fight hadn't started yet, although clearly Lucca was a man who quite liked to swing his fist in the air
every so often. Now he just wants to be patient and maintain a gentlemanly attitude. Someone who stays
away from violence... However, Vincenzo knows that when the fight starts and he smells his opponent's
sweat, he will become a battle dog and reveal to everyone how brutal his existence can be.

Lucca is wonderful... But nobody knows it.

Vincenzo likes his fighting spirit, which is cruel. Maybe it's because the man's violence was something
that could be completely hidden until the perfect moment arrived to unleash it. In fact, he moved like
a man who did not care in the least about the evil acts that could be carried on his back in order to please
him. He was one of the closest to him and therefore, he was also known publicly as his right arm.

Lucca is usually calm and serious but he was also destined to survive a fight. Any fight.

Isaac also rolled up his shirt sleeves, on both arms.

"No. Felix will surely stop us when he feels I'm going too far... He's like that."

A forceful voice, which looked and sounded like a stinger, rang completely in the almost empty garden.
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"Last chance to leave."

It was at the moment when Lucca clenched her fist and got into a defensive position, that the French
door connecting the garden and the living room opened. Vincenzo, Noah, Jack and Tony are settled
in the main chair so, inevitably, Isaac's eyes begin to move to look for Felix...

He was there, against the wall and with his arms crossed on his chest.

"Can you afford to avert your eyes in this situation?"

And then, Pam. Isaac frowned as he felt the tremendous impact of a fist against his

It didn't matter that they had no rules in place, he didn't expect her to aggressively lash out at him and
blame him for looking away.

"What's wrong!? Weren't you hell-bent on showing me that you weren't like all the other fucking
Omegas!? And look at you! So damn sensitive!"

It was a strong and direct blow to his nose so the blood began to drain immediately... Lucca's body,
the vision of Félix and other things disappeared from his sight in a moment.
He was alone, the sound of the wind blowing in his ear, the beating of his heart and his incredible fury.

Soon, however, this sound also disappeared.

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The game of truth, 21

Tuck, tuck, Lucca's fists clanged against his arms and his kicks landed again and again against his

Although they were defensive movements, the stinging pain from his fists spread in all
directions and almost at the same time.
He was fine at first but, once he clenches his fists and feels the terrible blows, moving through his
abdomen and arms, he forgets everything and just awakens his instinct.

The violence was escalating and the blood had begun to boil and boil until finally, Isaac realized
he was smiling. God, his head felt so dizzy.


Lucca, who barely raised his left arm, received such a powerful kick directly to the face that it caused
him to swallow saliva and begin to moan, even if it was silent. He began to step back in an
attempt to think of his next move, but as soon as he turned his body to the right, he had to start
covering himself again and concentrate solely on avoiding her blows. He couldn't attack, not even
He thought he was just going to start with a weird combination and that it wouldn't be a big
deal. However, as time passed, it became strangely difficult. Wow, he can't even breathe

He raises both fists and gets completely into the basic boxing position... Whenever he thinks
he has landed a correct punch, he discovers that he has not. That Isaac has already turned his
body to avoid the attack or that he is once again defending himself with everything he has. It
accurately identifies its attacks and avoids them by taking minimal action. However, it doesn't
seem like he's planning to hit him right away... He moves, as if he were rather measuring
his abilities and skills to finish him off. I was reading it...

That's when it started to feel a little strange.

His gaze feels quite penetrating. The black pupil, shining clearly in the darkness, seemed as
unresponsive as if it were a piece of coal. Although it was strange to see him express his
feelings, he is not lying when he says that it feels like staring into an abyss. It feels...

Unconsciously, he takes a step back.

Lucca, who managed to get away from it, wanted to forget that strange feeling that had been
left along her back so she had to try to hurry up the fight.
It was rumored that he was such a dominant Alpha that few dared to openly call themselves his
"Enemies." When he began to attack, he would not let go of his rival for anything in the world, so he
had also been nicknamed "The Dog"... But for one person As dedicated as that, being pushed by
an Omega was simply ridiculous. It was also something that pride did not allow.


However, Lucca, who was too agitated, had even forgotten that he was an Omega and that he
was also Felix's partner. He spat out a bunch of abusive words and shook his bloody fist
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Lucca knew martial arts and jiu-jitsu. His attack was fast and strong and still, he received a
kick so horrible that he felt as if he had broken his ankle. Tuck, Tuck, it was a continuous but
loud and resonant sound. A real attack sound.

The Lucca fight became increasingly desperate. Beads of sweat fell from the tip of his chin and
the breath he exhaled again and again had made his heart beat to the point of madness.


It was then that Isaac began to retreat, apparently occupied by a series of intense attacks
sponsored by Lucca. Isaac, who was avoiding a punch here and there, seemed to hesitate for
a moment and yet Lucca never lost focus. He raised his leg very high and then hit him under the
back of the head... Isaac backs away again and lets out a rather low moan that motivated Lucca
to jump on him. I was thinking about kicking him in the chin, so Lucca raised her leg very,
very high and, before doing anything, Isaac turned to the side to evade the attack.

Is it a failure again?

Lucca, who was looking for an attack that could cause a critical condition, began to clench his
teeth tightly. Isaac, distanced, slowly stretched his back and raised his arms as if he were
waiting for her to come to him to defend himself again... It was a threatening posture but, more
than that, there was the fact that his black pupil was becoming very strange. . Another time,
when he thought that it seemed like an abyss that was swallowing him, a chill rose and settled at
the base of his chest. At the same time, Isaac's counterattack began... He knew about military
martial tactics meant to kill, not confront. An art that uses techniques to overwhelm the enemy
and lower their defenses. Dangerous, of course. But now he was angry enough to
get to thinking.

Lucca swallowed. Cold sweat flowed like a small river and although he tried to stop it somehow,
nothing he did seemed to be enough to stop Isaac, who had also changed his spirit. At the
same time, of course, there was a gloomy foreboding when a Trasch was heard, as a bone
broke under his fingers.

Not much time had passed and he had already bent her arm in a horrible position! Lucca
lowered her back and fell... I couldn't move and I couldn't scream, because the nausea shot up
so fast that her eyes just closed. He was seeing everything white and then black and then Isaac
pulled his arm a little further and pressed it against his back to turn him onto his stomach.
Lucca tried to concentrate on his legs to get up and make another defensive movement but,
when he crawled up just a little, a thick and strong knee immediately impacted his chin until
making his head tingle too...

Damn, his eyes are wide open but, he feels like he can't really see anything anymore. On
the contrary, I was... Being quite sleepy. Is it due to excessive pain? There was even the
illusion that time had stopped.

He hadn't realized he was choking him until, in the blink of an eye, his mouth was filled with
the disgusting taste of blood and then he started vomiting... Or trying to. She squeezed
him so much that she felt like she was forcing him to swallow it all...
Isaac had his arms around her neck, squeezing and squeezing and squeezing until Lucca
seemed to stop breathing.
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Someone called him urgently and many other voices said things like "Stop him!" "Tell him
that's enough!" But the neck still tightens and even bends to the side. Creaks.

Lucca can't ask for help.

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The game of truth, 21.1


The man's body fell to the ground like a piece of paper. Isaac exhales.

He saw the man at his feet... Then, he slowly turned around and looked at his empty hands. His hands
stained with blood that had been on Lucca's neck.

What happened... Exactly?

I just wanted him to be in a lot of pain so how did he end up fainting?


Isaac looks at Lucca. He looks at his face covered in blood and vomit and takes a long, deep breath.

Fighting is a dangerous thing from the moment you realize your own nature. I was planning to hold off while
dealing with him, but when he hit the side and stretched out his leg, he just lost his mind. It was because of the
intense pain that spread on his face after a long time. It was because he felt so demeaned or.... Maybe,
it was also because he was in an excessively warm life. With a beautiful child and a husband who kept telling
him he loved him.
It may be that ordinary daily life is boring without knowing it. Maybe he's been waiting for this exhilarating fight
for a long time and this was just an excuse to do it.
Then, he also wondered if it was easy to lose his mind and fight sincerely after the slightest touch.

Many of his former special companions could not endure ordinary life and returned to the battlefield
within a few months or became mercenaries. It could happen... Was that happening to him? Was he going
crazy? Suddenly, the situation was enough to make Isaac panic.

"Isaac Felice!"

Only then did Isaac wake up and look at Felix, who was holding his shoulders. His eyes tremble without
knowing it... He felt like a child who had done something wrong and was now being punished by his

"I...I think it was a bit over the top."

Fortunately his voice was calm, but the anxiety and fear he felt now was completely reflected in his expression.

Isaac himself knew this better than anyone.

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The game of truth, 22

"I'm so sorry, Felix. I didn't..."

"No, what are you talking about? It was that guy who started first and you just responded. You didn't do
anything wrong. Absolutely nothing."

"...It was an excessive response."

"Otherwise, I would have hurt you. Look at me. It's much better that you did that. No one else matters,
okay? Only you."

Felix caressed his face and said that there was no reason to be so anxious and that he had done very
well. Then he just asked if something was hurting and asked her to open and close her fingers for him. He
grabbed Isaac's arm to check it in detail... He had seen how this limb became a deadly weapon so
now he was worried that it had also been fractured.

It wasn't that Isaac was guilty, but it was true that his reaction was exaggerated and that he could have been
killed if they had waited a few more seconds.

Isaac looked at him for a moment and then seemed ready to cry. He almost killed a man in his house. He
was never in danger and his life wasn't really at stake so he should have stopped.
He didn't even remember what had happened! In fact, the more he thought about it, the more he
believed that he was definitely going crazy so, he clenched his fist to hide his trembling, blood-stained fingers
and then, he just bit his lips. His face is completely pale so he looks like a patient who needed stability.

"Felix... I don't know what's wrong with me. I don't remember anything..."

Recognizing Isaac's condition, Felix began to caress Isaac's shoulders slowly up and down and then just
hugged him. This situation is strange and he really isn't liking it very much... As he hugged Isaac
and he murmured how bad he felt, he ended up moving him inside the mansion along with him.

"Everything's okay, it's okay. I promise I'll call Benjamin's doctor in the morning and ask what we can do
about it, okay?"


Vincenzo, who was looking at them without yet putting any sign of expression on his face, quickly
approached and shouted:

"You are...!"

"Grandpa, we'll talk later, okay? Now is not the time."

However, Felix stopped him with that voice that felt as sharp as a steak knife and only carried Isaac
towards the stairs... As he drags him, Isaac still looks so lost that Vincenzo can't help but look at him closely.
However, that was it. The man didn't even look at him or lower his head for him like he did when he said
goodbye. He seemed nervous and scared and the truth is that that was also very interesting.
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Felix's back grew smaller in the distance, but Vincenzo noticed how he leaned over him to pick him
up again in his arms with that "My husband is a helpless little woman" style that he hated so much...

"A helpless woman?"

As he spoke to himself, he noticed that the three remaining men seemed to be possessed by a ghost.
Looking forward and with their mouths completely open.
After what happened, Tony had immediately called the family medical team so, now, they were
wheeling a stretcher into the yard while a paramedic took out a neck brace.

Vincenzo still doesn't understand this situation, it seems like he can't believe it even if he witnessed it.
He is only standing and moves his eyes occasionally when the stretcher passes by.
He had to go out to explain the situation so he walked in the direction of Lucca and finally looked at him:
His chin and mouth are completely crushed and everything is full of blood.
They had to put a tube down his throat so he could breathe so, yeah. It's awful.

Only after realizing the reality did Vincenzo distort his expression. I was nervous.
He told them that they could leave with a wave of his hands and just like that, the paramedics, the stretcher,
Lucca and the lights of the ambulance disappeared from the mansion to leave them in darkness.

An awkward silence settled in the cold garden. Vincenzo, shocked, turned towards the mansion and
reopened the small door that led directly to the living room. Nobody moves.

"Tony, I want to ask, have you ever been hit by Isaac?"

Then Noah, who was standing there as blankly as everyone else present, suddenly screamed. I was

"What? He hit you and you never told me?"

"If he did"

"Why? What happened?"

In front of Noah, whose eyes shine and show infinite curiosity, Tony rubbed his neck as if it were a very
difficult story to tell... However, Noah continues with his eyes fixed on him.
He seems more than willing to fill his head with new gossip.


Tony mumbled breathlessly as he felt intimidated by Noah, who seemed to be dying to know what
was going on.

"It happened a long time ago, when I didn't know Isaac properly. I secretly took a hair from Benjamin and

Explaining what had happened when he was trying to see the results of a DNA test,
Noah suddenly shouted again:

"But how did you get out of there without dying??"

Instead of answering, Tony looked at Jack as if expecting him to answer for him. But in fact, Tony didn't
know either. How can he be alive? Excellent question.
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"I think the Isaac that time was the Isaac we all know. He controlled himself, because he knew him
and he didn't want to hurt him."

Without warning, Tony looked at Jack, who was speaking in a quite reasonable manner. He agreed with
her, shaking his head up and down, and then he remained completely silent again.
Looking back at the past and looking at what had happened now, he couldn't bear to shake hard. He was
completely grateful to Isaac for not losing his mind when he was with him.

Thanks God!

But then, Tony, who was thinking about those unfortunate events, starts thinking about the fight just now.
There was no way to know what had happened to the man because they were not professionals, but
everything broke loose because Lucca provoked Isaac, and Isaac, the frank but gentle guy who seems
distant, accepted the provocation. And he got quite aggressive.

Now everyone is quite uncomfortable and worried. Faced with the situation, even breathing feels difficult. For
example, Jack was still making a stupid face, Vincenzo was speechless, and Noah was...

"Isaac tricked us!! This whole time it was a trick to get us to love him and he was actually an Alpha idiot."

Tony faced Noah's gaze and couldn't help but stiffen his back.

"Really? That sounds stupid."

"But didn't they see the same thing as me? Even in the most specialized organizations, few people have
the ability to defeat Lucca. LUCCA, Lucca, the devil's bitch.
Less than 7 minutes had passed since they started fighting! Does this make sense to you?!"

Vincenzo sighed, pressing nervously on his neck that was becoming completely stiff as his blood pressure
increased. 7 minutes? Turns out it was actually only 6. It was 6 minutes! Including the time when Lucca stepped
forward and broke his nose. It must have taken a minute for Lucca to back away and four for him to just fight
back... He beat him in just a minute. An astonishing continuous attack, like a rapid-fire weapon. An Omega
child, damaged, obviously, but who defeated Lucca in an instant. Hitting so fast he didn't even notice it.

"So that's why they bet, right? They cheated."

Vincenzo, who looked at Tony, Jack, and Noah, shook his head and stood up to leave. Noah screamed, like
a rabbit that had been hunted.

"Grandpa, I'm sorry! I didn't know that"

"What are you talking about? This is quite interesting. In fact, I want to hear many more stories from that
man so come here!"

"What? But I don't know anything!"

"Come on, don't lie. Could there be something you don't know when you look like dirt on your finger?"
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of Felix? "Shut up and come here, or do you want me to break every one of your computers?"

Finally, Noah sighs, says goodbye to everyone and walks slowly behind Vincenzo's back...
Like a cow being dragged to the slaughterhouse.

Again, a heavy silence fell over the dark garden. Tony and Jack stayed there for a long time longer.
They couldn't move me, just stand and sigh... Forgetting that even, a few minutes ago, they had
won a bet.
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The game of truth, 23

Isaac was blank, drinking tea with hot milk and honey that his husband had prepared for him.
However, no matter how much he swallowed and swallowed, the truth was that it didn't even feel sweet...

The hand holding the hot cup was still cold as an ice cube. Felix's shirt was on top of him.

Her husband, who laid him on the bed in the master bedroom, sat in front of him and stared at
him for a long time. As always, he had a calm and small look, but he was still feeling very confused
inside. He looked embarrassed or maybe, he was afraid of what I might say.

Felix didn't like that.

"I really feel dirty when I remember it."

After spitting out his honest feelings, Isaac looked closely at Felix... It was a look that seemed to
shout out "What do you mean?" So he had to start explaining:

"That's right. It's disgusting that someone other than me can drive you so crazy." While looking at
Isaac, Felix muttered this like one of his typical strange phrases. Although in reality, he seemed
more serious than joking. "It was very, very, very, very unpleasant. It was uncomfortable since
Lucca hit you on the nose. I was about to end the duel on my own"

"I'm sorry."

"Don't say 'I'm sorry'. You don't need to say sorry and I don't want to hear it again. If you are in
danger again in the future and need to defend yourself, I wouldn't want you to come here and
show me your regret just because you tried to survive. You have to learn to be more shameless."

"Like you?"

"Yes like me."

He wondered if the warm tea with milk and honey had really helped him a little, because when
Felix nodded seriously and put on a serious expression, Isaac laughed.

"So, tell me. What did you feel being there?"

As he reveals his willingness to know the reason for Isaac's emotional change, Felix smiles
and adjusts his hands over his fingers.
Isaac was contemplated for a long time in silence until finally, he raised his eyes and looked at
him too.

"Why did you hit Lucca so hard?"

Isaac, who was laughing until a moment ago, soon erased any trace of emotion and left only a
deep and terrible sadness.

"I don't know... And that worries me because I almost killed him. I mean, I faced several enemies
that threatened my life and, in each of those cases... I felt the same as in the garden. That
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If I hadn't bent his neck, they would have killed me. And it is not true. Not this time." Isaac's voice,
speaking softly, trembles without knowing it... He always tried to pretend that everything was fine, but now
he is showing that it is not like that. That he no longer feels strong. "Since I graduated From high
school and entered the military academy, I have lived in the army and on the battlefield. That was my
whole life. No, actually, since Cole became my stepfather, I always lived through an endless war."

Isaac, who now confesses the kind of difficult life he had, seemed calm regardless of the inside...
Felix is angry again so he taps the nightstand with his fingertips.
It's hard not to feel irritated when you hear Cole's name.

"There wasn't a single day that I didn't train or shoot or feel like my life was in complete danger.
Honestly, the last few months I've been here have been the most comfortable and peaceful of my
life. Of my entire life."

"Is that so?"

"Yes, so... I'm afraid that I won't be able to adapt even though I want it so much. Besides, sometimes I
think, When will the fighting nature that has been hiding inside me suddenly come out? You saw it.
There it is." Isaac, who closed his eyes for a moment, had an atmosphere of agitation that seemed to
never end. His chest had risen and fallen again, very quickly.
"When I was on the battlefield, I always dreamed of being this. My dream was to open a small flower
shop and enjoy everyday life, and now, I realize that I can ruin it on my own... And, I feel , so anxious
and I'm... So scared."

Even though he had realized this, Felix seemed surprised as well.

"Honey... Like you said, you've lived a life where you had to kill to not be killed. It's something no one has
experienced before, something pretty hard, and something that can't be erased overnight."


"It's the same with me. Even if I had tried to pretend all this time that I was a seemingly normal and happy
person, the thing is... I just wasn't like that. I'm a bad person who didn't believe I could ever be happy."
Felix shrugged. "But you're helping me change that, aren't you? You and our son won't leave me
alone so don't think for a minute that we're going to leave you. Everything is going to work out... But
you don't have to pretend "Be okay when you're not okay just to meet someone's standards. You don't
have to pretend to be okay for me or anyone but yourself, or it's going to end up becoming unbearable."


"Also, if you had killed him... Me, Tony and Jack would have taken care of the body immediately. We
would have cut it into several small pieces and thrown it to the bottom of the sea.
As usual".

Isaac couldn't believe Felix's simple response so he just blinked even though the man was already
bursting out laughing.
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"Okay, I'm going to say it's a lie. It's a lie, honey! Now, don't make that expression."


"We would have fixed his face, put him in a little suit and buried him in a pretty nice place with the
epitaph of your choice."

"God, Felix!"

Isaac started to laugh too, although he didn't know whether he should say that what he had just heard
was ridiculous or scary.
He laughed for a long time, shaking his shoulders as if he was no longer nervous at all.

She gave him tea with hot milk and honey, put his clothes on him, put him to bed and told him that she
understood the things he had done in the past and the way he had reacted now. It is your
Alpha, your companion and your most precious loved one, who instantly eliminates your fear and all
your anxiety.

"I, I'm really very grateful..." Isaac, who had been laughing very hard, suddenly stopped so he could
mutter. "For having you."

Afterwards, he just looked down and drank the rest of his milk tea. It had quite a delicious fragrance
and a very mild flavor. So much so that his mind was definitely no longer cluttered.

"You're really good at saying nice things lately."


"And now I want to eat you."

Leaning over the man still holding the tea, Felix steps closer, closes his eyes, and slowly brings his
lips to hers. The sentence: "I want to eat you" are not just words, they are a warning. Lust suddenly
overflowed from his beautiful blue eyes as the nervous Isaac swallowed through his dry throat.

Her lips are red and completely wet and now, she is trying to fix her gaze on the movement of her
husband's mouth.
" Um.”

The low moan flowed as the wet and soft touch became a little more intense... Satisfied with the
reaction, Felix separated his mouth a little more and began to trace the contour with the tip of his tongue.

Isaac can't stand the feeling of excitement, and he can't stand the low laughter that flows to his ears.

"You taste like milk tea."


"Though you're much sweeter and more delicious than that."

Felix, who was lightly sucking on his lips, pushed his tongue inward and began to also lick his teeth
and Isaac's internal mucosa. God, it was too much... His tongue is
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moving as if trying to steal every bit of saliva that still tasted like milk tea.
Isaac took him by the shoulders and began to be part of the slow but sensual movement of his
tongue against his... The tip then turned towards the back of his neck so Isaac's head, completely
clouded, moved to the side to let him more space.

Félix began to kiss him until he reached his collarbone.

"You don't have to worry about anything, because I'm here with you... I'll listen to what you want
to tell me and I won't blame you for anything. Okay? You just have to... Share everything you carry with


Félix had whispered all this with his lips attached to the back of her neck, so that intense tickling
sensation makes her shrug her shoulders unconsciously...

"Your smell seems to be a little softer now. Do you feel better?"

"... Better than before."

Isaac breathed out his words as he now felt her licking his chest...

When he drank the milk tea, it still felt like his heart was being squeezed in a completely different way
than anything he had experienced before. It hurt… However, the moment he sank into the comfort that
only Felix could provide and let him listen to him, his feelings of anxiety and irritation disappeared as if
they had been created from snow.

When she kissed him, many of the thoughts that danced through her mind just sank...

"Yes? Then it would be better if I comforted you a little more."

"There's no...AH!"

He was trying to tell him that there was nothing that hurt anymore, but Felix, quite excited, took him and
picked him up to sit him completely on his legs. It bit her mouth and caused the cup to fall off the bed and
the nightstand to be almost thrown to the wall. Isaac's eyes narrowed and then turned white.

"If I don't hold you now... I feel like you'll melt and disappear."
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The game of truth, 24

"We can't... Have sex all the time..."

"Don't you like it when I comfort you like this?"

Isaac couldn't say anything. In fact, he's so good at this that the real problem is that he
suddenly starts to feel really overwhelmed.
Isaac, who was trying to reach her lips while her impatient hand rolled up his shirt,
heard her say:

"Do you want us to make it more fun?"


Isaac, with a moan that leaks out every time Felix's finger touches his nipple, asked this very
softly... The man was licking the back of his neck and collarbone, lowering his head over the
shirt to lick him all over.

"Why don't we try something like a truth game? One and then the other. Asking questions
that you have to answer very honestly."

"The truth game?"

"But the turn of the question only changes if you don't groan while you answer. Otherwise, I'll
keep asking."

Isaac furrowed his eyebrows at Felix who presented a strange rule for a strange game.
He said it was fine.
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The game of truth, 24.1

That same night, he walked in and stared at the entire room that was filled with monitors.

In a corner of the briefing room was the study of Noah, the perverted guy with quite an eccentric taste and
personality. There are multiple computers lined up and down and on the desk that takes up both walls.
Everything is full of laptops, tablets, cell phones, other machines and yellow papers. On the wall there was a
blackboard with a bunch of math beads, sticky notes, and all the remaining spaces were filled with
photos of distant people. It was a cold place and yet, these days, a very unpleasant thing has happened.

The reason his stomach feels like it's being crushed: Noah's hobby until now has been collecting dildos of
immense size and strange shapes. He arranged them by color, cleaned them and saw them as his greatest
treasure. Now, all of them have ended up in a box that is thrown under the table and are being replaced by
photos and photos of him and Benjamin. Framed and beautiful....


"There is no other person crazier than you."

As he looked around, he clicked his tongue and turned back to the desk. The board is covered with all kinds
of trash, wrappers, potato bags and boxes that give the illusion of having an entire nest of cockroaches inside.
However, Noah seems to be very comfortable in this kind of strange environment. The guy is there, with
his head all submerged in a jar of fried chicken. A little more to the corner from where he has all the other
garbage. He snores and leans forward more and more...

Felix, who was staring at him, raised his hand and slammed the table to shout:

"Wake up!"

Noah jumped horribly and stood up from his chair as if he didn't know what was happening.
He looked up... He has a piece of paper stuck to his cheek and there are still remains of chicken under his mouth.
He seemed half asleep so he just scratched his long, unkempt hair and then looked in all directions.

Noah was beautiful, like a porcelain doll... But he is a huge pervert and has a personality that is difficult to

The only Omega in the family, and he had to be that useless.

Felix looked at him in silence, but Noah didn't seem to want to move from there.

"And Benjamin?"

"Ha. Like I'd ever let my kid come here. I probably already have rats, fleas, and cockroaches running around
in every direction."

"Rats are... Friendly."

"But what will Isaac say when I tell him that you brought a bunch of insects to live with our little baby? If
they haven't kicked you out for that terrible obsession of yours, then they certainly will now."
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Felix, leaning against the door, spat this out as a dire warning so Noah, who had been almost completely
subdued, woke up immediately and began trying to tidy up his hair.

"I... I wouldn't let anything happen to Benjamin. I always take a bath so I can carry him!
What's more, I'll take a bath right now!"

Noah tried to quickly go to the bathroom, but Felix again told him to sit down and also to stay still.

"Do you think I would come here just to check on you for a bath? No, I have something to tell you before I

"What thing?"

Noah obeyed him and sat down. Anyway, he can't get out because Felix is standing right at the door.

"Theron, where is he now?"

Felix's question was very somber. Noah seemed to take a moment to analyze what he had heard and then
looked back at her face. The olive-colored pupils swung here and there.

"I don't know... Because I only investigated what Grandpa asked me to do."

"And you think I'm going to believe you? I know that when you investigate someone, you always do it to the

"My God, are you serious?"

Noah's murmur is ignored, but Felix raises his eyes anyway and fixes them on the papers that are now being
squeezed by those little fingers... Noah closed his eyes. Damn, now his head was starting to hurt.

"You're an idiot, you know? Because when you ask me for things like this it always means that you're going to
get deeply involved in situations that you should better ignore."

"What did you discover?"

"...I found him yesterday morning. His location."

"Where is?"

Noah's shoulders dropped and he blurted out the city's name bluntly. It was a secret he didn't really want to
tell, but one he couldn't escape. Everyone firmly thought that he was still in Italy when he was already in the
United States...
Then, Noah suddenly remembered the conversation they had had a few hours ago and also remembered...
That that place was quite close to where Disneyland was.

"Bloody hell! Why? Why? Why is he there when I... I really wanted to be with Benjamin at Disney for a whole
day? Why?" Noah was completely panicking, pulling at the reddish hairs that were all disorganized and
thrown forward. "God... I have
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to tell grandpa..."

"No, don't tell him."

Soon, Felix's response made Noah stop complaining and widen his eyes.
His face is completely blank... As if he's afraid I'm thinking about the same thing as him.

"What are you saying? No! Theron is very close because he must have come for you... Why do you
want to go anyway? It's not just going to be you, the whole family could be at risk! And? if Benjamin
gets hurt!?"

Noah started banging on the desk so Felix just frowned.

"Don't be confused, Noah. Do you think I've avoided him until now because I'm afraid of him? You
avoid shit because you don't want to get dirty. I'm not afraid of him so... I've decided I'm going to face

"But no... We're not going to be alone. Benjamin and Mrs. Parker..."

"You don't think I can keep my family safe?

"...Well, honestly, I think Isaac can do it better than you."

Noah's comment, who said that he trusted Isaac more than him, caused him to raise his eyebrows and
put on a kind of huge pout. However, Noah averted his eyes and leaned his head against his hand.
He seemed to have lost all his energy in a matter of seconds.

"God, I have a point to say that. Isaac was really scary to see yesterday... With him in charge, who's
going to want to even breathe near your family?"

"It's only natural that he would be like this if he was raised as a killing machine."

Noah sighed.

"Do not even say it"

"Whatever, just... Keep quiet and we'll be fine, okay?"

" Uhh
"By the way, Felix... Grandpa was very, very curious about him last night."

It was because Noah's voice hit his back that Felix's footsteps stopped completely...
He had gone toward the door, but now he was turning again, his eyes half-lidded.
Noah, who avoided her gaze for fear of making eye contact, didn't say anything else.

"What did Grandpa ask?"

Noah started rubbing the back of his neck.


It was at this moment that Felix approached him with an absolutely bloody and penetrating
atmosphere. Noah quickly backed away, pushing the chair back and extending the distance.
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"Hey! Stay there! Don't come close! Just... Just stay there... You idiot! Are you trying to
spray pheromones on me? Huh? You know how weak I am with Alpha pheromones!
You want to kill me!!?"

Felix looked down at Noah, but only clicked his tongue.

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The game of truth 25

Felix's pheromones had poured on him so much that Noah immediately tore all of his clothes and
threw them as far out of sight as possible.
Félix leaned against the door and repeated again:

"Come on, answer. There's no time. What did you talk to Grandpa about?"

"Damn! Well, I did everything we agreed to that time, okay? I gave him only the necessary
papers, I told him that I was a captain of the navy because they owed him some favors and I even had
the luxury of adding that he was somewhat weak... .But suddenly, LITERALLY, Sylvester Stallone
possessed him and managed to blow up Lucca! Tell me what you wanted me to do!!!!? I'm a
terrible liar! I tried to fake insanity and say maybe "It was an Alpha, but they all tore me to pieces!"

Noah looked like he was about to roll on the floor so Felix, thinking about what happened last night,
just scratched his chin and agreed with him.

"Well... But maybe you could..."

"Lucca's nose and jaw were completely crushed! I saw him when they took him away on a
stretcher and I swear I couldn't recognize him because his face was swollen, like a balloon."

Noah puffed out his cheeks to better explain Lucca's condition but, anyway, Félix just closed his mouth
and looked him up and down carefully.

"So, what exactly did Grandpa ask about Isaac?"

Then he repeated the same question so Noah shouted again:

"Why do you keep talking like it's my fault, you idiot? Look, Lucca had to be tubed in our garden,
right? So tell me if you wouldn't be curious about the life of the man who caused it!"

"So, how bad did you screw it up?"

The low voice was threatening... Noah, who was cursing and screaming while holding his head,
felt so angry with him that he soon began to hiccup.

"Well, I said everything!"

"I want the details."

Felix was hard to move. He was still there, leaning against the door with that look like a shotgun...

"I told him that Isaac was a former soldier who became a navy captain through his own merit.
He was in the DevGru, of course... But we all know that it's nothing compared to being part of the
anti-terrorism squad. Last night, Grandpa He seemed quite surprised by that but, it was also as if a
part of him had already sensed it before... Only,
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Well, he's stubborn enough to accept it."

Then Noah sighed and added that he hadn't said anything else. No Cole, no Benjamin. Nothing about the
destroyed flower shop and of course, nothing about the kidnapping.

"Good job."

"Thank you, it wasn't easy for him to... Wait, what?

This was an unexpected response so Noah stared at Felix for a few minutes and then simply
slapped his cheek again and again. But what the fuck? Why did Felix say he had done well?

"Good job why?"

"Because maybe our grandfather will trust him a little more. He can be very useful in case I..."

"That you...?"

"It doesn't matter."

Felix, who let out a new and deeper sigh, raised his hand to say that he was leaving... However, this
time he could not easily escape from Noah's study either. He turned:

"Noah, what Omega rank are you?"

The question he asked managed to make Noah laugh instead of worsening his temper.

"Hey, crazy! We're family and you don't even know that I'm the best Omega ever? My rank is equal to

"Can I ask you a favor?"

"And since when are you so kind as to do so?"

"Can you teach Isaac to control his pheromones?"

"What did you say?"

"Teach Isaac a little about controlling Omega pheromones. I don't know, I think it might make him a
little more confident."

"I have some time, but in general I'm a pretty busy person. You see." Noah, sitting arrogantly with his
arms crossed over his chest, suddenly remembered that he had actually... He had never seen
him do any of the things that all Omegas usually did. Even though it was a recessive and he was a
dominant. He rubbed his chin. "But before talking about the price, Isaac doesn't control anything? How
about the most basic things?"

Then, when asked in a low voice, Felix frowned and shook his head frantically.

"No... And since he has some mental breakdowns, I'm afraid that the time will come when he actually kills
someone. You know, it's not because of me... I just don't want to see him be sad."
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"Yes... Then count me in."

He tried to hide it, but Noah's excited eyes never lie.

Félix finally says goodbye to him and quickly crosses the entire information room... The sound of his shoes
falls loudly in the silence, but he has an ambiguous smile framing his face.
Last night a man almost died and he was worried enough calming down the culprit that he didn't have time to
think about how hard it really was. It had to be very strong for him and the truth is that... It wasn't. He felt like
a coward who ran and hid all the time. And how can a person like that be someone else's pillar?

So, while Isaac slept soundly, he alone walked and walked until he reached Noah...
And finally he talked about Theron.

Ah, now you just need to forget all that for a minute, look at your husband's face, hug him tightly and spend a
morning a little sweeter than the early morning was... However, unlike the expectations you had, Isaac,
who had already woken up, was lying almost on the edge of the bed. Thinking and remembering a lot of things
that are too complicated to be able to share.

Then, he let out a huge sigh.

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The game of truth, 25.1

Maybe, what happened at night was the key point to ignite all that anxiety. After all, a few hours ago,
they had been playing the famous "Truth Game".

"Is it normal for the rules to be this strange?"

Isaac had agreed to participate in the game... Although, now that he thought about it carefully, it
was true that it had some pretty unfair rules. For example, Félix didn't stop sucking his nipples even
when he still had his shirt on. While crying inside, Isaac felt like his anus was contracting more and
more so... Fuck! What chance did he really have in this? Why did Felix seem so frighteningly
good with his mouth?

The man was quite eager to suck on her pointed nipples until they made a disgusting sound.
They turned red and stood out terribly under his saliva-soaked clothes, so Felix just kissed him, bit
him and put his hand underneath so he could caress the other one too.

Isaac, who was sitting on her legs, already felt quite hot on his penis...

"The first question is ..."

"Ah... Felix, wait. No matter how much I think about it, this game is not going to benefit me at

Isaac, who prevented Felix from trying to ask his question, stared at him with his chest rising and
falling as if he could no longer breathe.
In fact, it didn't seem like there was anything interesting I could get out of him because I
already knew absolutely everything about him. Even if the unfair rules of the game were fully
intended to make only him do the talking.

Felix's playful blue eyes seemed to want to see inside him...

"No way. It's fair game."

"It's not! You're going to use tricks over and over again and you're not going to let me even try.
Besides, what can you ask me? It'll be boring like this!"

When Isaac quickly spits out all his insecurities, Felix opens his eyes for a moment and then laughs
quite heartily. It's interesting that now she can't find any sign of shame coming from her husband's
beautiful tongue.

"So, you don't want to play anymore, my love? Okay... I guess my ideas are boring"

Felix, whispering softly against her cheek... He's a complete and total cheater. Just find a way to make
your husband say Yes! What do you think of "A Fair Game"?

"Okay... But if it's my turn you have to answer my questions very honestly!"

It seemed like it was inevitable... But in fact, Isaac had quite a few things he wanted to ask
Felix. It was time to take advantage of this opportunity because, even if they were
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married and it was just something seemingly small, it felt like a difficult topic to bring up under normal
Felix just kissed Isaac again.

"I promise..."

"Oh... That part... Ah!"

Felix knows that his chest is quite sensitive lately so he doesn't stop bothering right there...
Every time he passes over his nipple with the tip of a finger, he closes his eyes and lets his
entire head fall back. Isaac's shoulders shook and became hard.

"I can start?"


"Why was your dream to open a flower shop?"

The first question was unexpected. Isaac is very embarrassed so he tries not to look at him more
than necessary. Felix twisted his nipples on his wet shirt... It was so painful that even the feeling of
arousal occurs unconsciously.

"Ah, ah, my God!"

He leaned his waist forward as moans drifted in and out of his mouth like breathing. Damn! That
meant that the next question was also from Felix.

"Oh, this... It's not fair!"

She looked at him, her eyes completely red and her mouth open. He looked like a child who had
had a very large piece of candy taken from him, so Felix just started smiling again.

"Which is the answer?"

"I... I stopped to take a rest in a meadow when I was at war. Many of my friends had been killed
and, so I... I just thought that if I survived... Then I would always be in such a quiet place." like
that. I wanted... To live a quiet life, surrounded by flowers and trees instead of corpses."

"I see..."

"Maybe it was because I was always looking at the desert but, that thought kept wandering without
disappearing from my head... Not even once."

Félix then caresses her face gently and then kisses her again with enough love...
Isaac thought he could take advantage of these small moments of weakness.
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The game of truth, 26

"Are you satisfied now that you can have your flower shop?"

After completely removing Isaac's shirt, Felix licks his prominent abs until stopping at the beginning
of his navel. The blue eyes that looked at her body were so lustful, it even felt like it was burning.

However, the answer was surprisingly simple. Isaac opened his mouth and said, "I am satisfied."
So once again, Felix, kneeling between his husband's spread legs, grabbed his penis tightly and
squeezed it.

"Ugh! Wait a minute!"

Felix grabbed Isaac's pants and pulled them down until they were resting on his ankles. After that, he
only had to move his boxers a little and bite the skin on top that was already starting to swell.

Isaac then pressed his mouth with the palm of his hand... But he still couldn't swallow the moan.

"It's... It's cheating."

Felix's eyes, which seemed to be smiling at him, suddenly flashed very wildly... His face was red as his
underwear also came down.

"Next question, how and when did you learn martial arts?"

"That was when I was young... Ah!"

Felix had begun to sweep his penis with his entire tongue. It went down his testicles and then just
stopped there. His testicles are quite hardened from arousal so they seem to cling tirelessly to her wet
That's when he bit his lips hard... Feeling how he put it completely in his mouth.

"Ah... Wait, Felix, that's a bit... Ah! Um!"

There was no point in staying silent when he was doing something like that. I mean, how could I
ever bear to moan in his presence? When his entire face was buried in her pelvis...
It was definitely a game he couldn't win no matter how hard he tried!

Isaac gasped again.

"You're not going to answer?"

But Felix makes this even harder when he starts slowly licking one of his testicles.

Oh God. It really felt very good when he did that! The mysterious pleasure that her mouth gave him
spreads from below and gradually rises until it presses on his chest.

He is losing, he did it from the beginning.

"Ah, when I was young... When I was ten years old... I learned boxing because it was what Cole
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wanted for me. And... Then I started with other sports but I wasn't as good at those as I was at
boxing... Ah, ah, Félix!"

As she now sucked on both of his balls, her thighs clenched at the dizzying sensation of being
completely absorbed into her mouth. I was... That strong illusion of being quite sensitive.
Something that teeters between pain, discomfort and complete pleasure...

"Go on."

He was quick to continue rubbing the flesh with his tongue until he made a rather bold sound.
His mouth was too hot for him to bear so his testicles even seemed to be melting into water.

Um... I... I also practiced judo and jiu-jitsu so... Ah... I practiced Krav maga in the
university. And Muay Thai..."

Felix stopped looking down and now focused completely on her face. His emotions were
completely revealed and the Prussian blue pupil, which was quite eager before, was now
stained with complete irritation.

Isaac's skill was amazing, that much was obvious. But it bothered him the way he had had to
learn to have it. Of course, he left the academy and was in the Marine Corps Special Forces,
but in the five minutes of his confrontation with Lucca, he used multiple martial arts skills
precisely and powerfully. That was proof that what he said now was true. A Marine can't fight this
hard that easily, but, this man, he's been trained hard since grade school.

"So... That son of a bitch was very determined to raise you like a fucking machine."

Muttering nervously, Isaac's genitals filled his mouth again. Of course, this time he was angry
enough to do it the right way. It's not a good idea to think about Cole Patrick when you have
sex. To think, it was exploiting Isaac's entire life from his school days to the damn present.

He wasn't acting normally so, no matter what Isaac said or how many times he yelled for
him to stop or stop... He seems to be in a really dark dimension right now.

"Ugh, Felix!"

As soon as his cock was sucked deep into his throat, Isaac trembled, leaning all the way
forward. Damn, he was even biting his lips hard to try to endure it. It was, almost tearing his
skin apart, and yet, no matter how much effort he makes, no matter how much he tries to
keep his moans to himself to beat her to asking his question... He can't do it right. Alone, you lack
practice to deal with it.

"Oh, enough..."

She looked resentfully in the direction of where her husband was, but he was only sucking his
penis with a face that was quite arrogant for her liking. Skillfully, she rubs his wet testicles with
one hand, licks his glans with her tongue, and then takes a deep breath.

It was terribly stimulating.

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Hot breath flowed from his half-open lips and his posture began to become more and more
disorganized to the point where he felt like he might slip.
It was so obscene. Having his genitals exposed to him and also constantly going in and out
of his throat.
" Uhh uh
, , Felix... Now, seriously... Stop."

As the movements of Felix's sticky tongue continued, Isaac cried and tried to pull his hair back. It
seemed that he couldn't bear it and also, he felt that at any moment he would really suffocate and
end up dying. However, Felix had his hands firmly on her hips. The man grabbed him so tightly that
Isaac, trembling and agitated, began to slide off the bed as if he were terribly sucked in.

In the middle of that embarrassing position, Isaac lowered his hand and tried to push him hard again.
However, even if he tried and tried, Félix never let go. He even grabs her hand tightly and then pulls
away only to start shouting:

"Why didn't I see you when I was younger!? Why didn't I know you since you were a child?"
I wish so much that you had been mine from that time and, before being tamed by that, by that
bitch. "I wish I had you first so none of the bad things that happened to you would have ever

Felix is very angry, so he had stopped all his movements while leaning against him as if he couldn't
breathe... Isaac's instinctive sense gave him the power to put his legs around his waist and his
arms on his shoulders.

"Ah... If that had happened... I would definitely have been very happy."

Isaac, spread out on the bed, murmured this a few inches from her chin. His pupils were
unfocused but it seemed like he could still think well... What would it have been like to know him
from a very young age, as Félix said? Would I have loved him too?
At the age of ten, Cole and his father married and began living together. Boxing was not optional,
it was an order. He had a good physique since he was little but every morning I took him for a run
for approximately two hours. He taught him all types of military martial arts, not self-defense
that is aimed at the general public but that which aims to kill.

It made him... Just like him. But he never thought it was strange.

He mastered martial arts and killed his enemies, just like Cole told him to do. Rebellion or
refutation was not something he could dream of because Cole was in an absolute position.
He was the leader. Sometimes he had to face scolding and receive severe punishment, but he
never complained. Now that he thinks about it, he may have been brainwashed in some way
because no matter what he said or how he said it, he did it.

And yet, the first time she disobeyed him, the first time she was free... It was when he gave her
the order to murder Félix.

"But thanks to you, I managed to discover what was wrong with him and what was wrong
with me... It was a miracle" Isaac stared at him, his eyes cold "You were my miracle."

In this situation, it was a very embarrassing word to say. Even more so considering his position.
However, it was something that could surely kill him if he didn't let it go immediately.

"Seriously, you've been saying so many nice things lately that I wonder if there aren't
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changed my husband."

"You do not like?"

"Is that possible? I like it... It's just that, when I listen to you, I feel like I have to hold you non-stop."

The low voice, lustful and excited, was pretty cool.

After that and as expected, Felix lowered his body again to bury his head completely in Isaac's
groin. That's proof that I wasn't lying when I said I wanted to support him.

His tongue lapped at his soaked hole as if he completely needed it to live, and then Isaac's thighs
began to tremble in small, repeated spasms.

"But you know what? The game isn't over yet. You can't moan."

Isaac let his head fall completely back again. Damn it! What absurd rules!
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The game of truth, 27

"Felix... You should give me a chance to ask..."

Felix started to laugh. "But what's wrong? Did you forget the rules? Well, how about this? You
can ask if you can make me moan, and I'm sure I'll never do it!"

Isaac's eyes then smiled as did his mouth.

"If you just moan? I mean, do you promise?"

Until now it was Isaac who always ended up acting the way he wanted because he liked to see his
husband feel good. However, now he wants to beat the guy who seems arrogant
enough to consider him a true rival. I knew what I had to do.

"Of course."

At the same time that Felix responded, Isaac, who had still been watching him too closely
from his position on the bed, instantly raised his upper body until he was settled on his elbows and
then began to lift his leg to place his foot on it. his penis...

Isaac looked at him, his eyes small and wet with tears. He reached out and gently
caressed her cheeks using his fingertips. He was growing a little beard so he spent a long time
playing with it.

"You promised, yes?"

When he whispered, Felix did too.


Then, Isaac's hands, sweeping Felix's cheeks, gently moved down to settle on his neck.

"Do you love me?"

He said it so softly and in such a tender way that Felix, completely lost in it and
unconsciously nervous, swallowed quite hard. Isaac slowly passed his fingertips over her neck
and then only touched her chest until he ended up caressing her nipples...

"I love you."

At the same time she heard him say that, she felt like she was choking on her own breath. Her
throat hurts so much, her face feels all red and, from one moment to the next, she is moaning
while looking him straight in the eyes...

"Oh my god, Isaac! That's so sexy!"

"Aha! You're moaning!! That's a moan! It's my turn because you're moaning. I won! Yes!"
I finally won!"

"Not that... Don't moan like that! Moan... With more desire. Something like that, I don't know: Ah, Dio! Si sente molto
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"And you did it again! Now that's two questions!"

"That's cheating!"

Isaac seemed so happy about his big little accomplishment that he started kissing him softly over and over again.
Pressing his lips against her cheeks until he managed to make a funny sound.
It was very tender, so suddenly all his emotions began to fall from his body until they disappeared.

Felix also began to laugh, thinking that it was completely impossible to go against Isaac's wishes.

Umm...I wonder what kind of things this beautiful man wants to know about me that he suddenly acts
like this."

Isaac gently caressed her cheek and, before properly reasoning about what he wanted or letting her
say anything else, blurted out the question: "Where are your parents?"

The sentence was simple and actually very basic, but it made all traces of emotion
disappear from Felix's blue eyes.


"You always mention your grandfather but you never talk about your parents. I want to know."


"Then answer"

"Did you do it to lower my penis? Because it worked"

"No. But if you tell me the story I'll make you want it again."

Felix, who watched Isaac pronounce a different word than expected with his all-"navy captain"
voice, collapsed again and began to laugh for the second time.
Felix pulled away, lay down next to her and opened his speech while placing his arms under his head.

"Well... My mother died when I was two years old. I was only able to meet her in photos, but she
looked just like me. She was identical to my dad."

"Your dad? Grandpa?"

"That's how it is."

A bitter emotion is now seen on the face of Félix, who reveals that he does not see Vincenzo as a
grandfather, but as a father.

"If so... Then your mother must have been very beautiful."

Isaac was trying to reassure him, but he just nodded.

"My grandfather says that he loved her a lot, and that she loved him a lot. Vincenzo gave her
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always everything she wanted so, when she told him she wanted to go study abroad, he immediately
sent her to the United States."

"So, your father..."

"Unfortunately, my mother didn't have the ability to properly judge a man. She took the first piece
of trash she found."

Lying down and looking at the ceiling, Felix's expression is difficult to decipher. Isaac, who heard
her story, also had a rather complicated face so he opened his mouth to try to make
conversation... But he didn't say anything.

"Do you want to hear more?"

The deep blue eyes narrow gently but Isaac's are wide open.
His pupil was cold, as if it was not a story he really wanted to air.

"Yes, I want to hear more"

When Isaac didn't break his stubbornness, Felix shrugged.

"She met my father in the United States... And he impregnated her. So she decided to be brave
and give birth to me. She never married so she was a single mother and also a minor mother... Ah.
My grandfather was very scared for her because he felt something was not right. She was his
little daughter, he considered her a gift... But he couldn't tell her anything because he thought my
grandfather would kill my father. And she loved him."

Felix closed his eyes as if he was just thinking about the next word he was going to throw out. Isaac
thought about it too: A minor girl who met a man, gave birth and did not tell her father.
A baby, with a man who seemed despicable.

"And my father never wanted anything to do with me when she died, so he just abandoned me
with Grandpa. I haven't seen his face since and, the truth is, I've heard so much about him that I don't
want to see him either."

Felix squeezed his eyelids. He doesn't want to think anymore and he definitely doesn't want to talk about it anymore.
It was a pretty ugly story.

"But you don't have to feel abandoned."

As she spoke to comfort him, Felix raised his eyes and smiled at her.

"Yes, I never felt that way. Rather, I was grateful that he didn't raise me... Oh, by the way, why do I
feel like I'm suddenly being comforted?" Felix suddenly reached out to start caressing Isaac's cheek. A
small and warm face, soft and beautiful "Thank you... Having you helps me a lot"

"I had a terrible stepfather and you had a terrible father... But I also have a warm mother and you have
a grandfather. That's great, don't you think? We were never really alone"

Felix, who heard Isaac's calm voice, put his lips in a straight line and nodded, "That's right..."
Said. "Isaac, I am also grateful to you."
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"Because you gave me a chance to live a new life, with you and Benjamin..."

Confessing this, Isaac just smiled.

A long time ago, she dragged him onto a yacht and made him sign a stupid contract. In the middle of the
conversation, he said that he didn't want an omega because he wasn't willing to have a child. Even when
he came face to face with Benjamin, who looked a lot like him, he never imagined that he was his and, in any
case, he was always infinitely attentive to him. She seemed to love him and accepted that she would take
care of him even if they didn't share blood.
He didn't have a "father" but he became a very sweet one. How can you not love this kind man? Isaac turns
his head to his cheek and begins to kiss him.

When the warm, humid breath and those soft lips press against his, Félix then lets out an immense

"Isaac, are you satisfied with the answer?"

"I think so."

When he responded, with his mouth still glued to her skin, Felix closed his eyes and said:

"Then you should turn me on again like you promised..."

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The game of truth, 28

"Then you should turn me on again like you promised..."

Isaac looked silently at Felix, who demanded this with a face quite arrogant for his liking.
As if he had been expecting me to do it this way from the beginning.
Isaac, instead of issuing a rebuttal or a simple NO, just got on his knees and extended his body to end
up with his face a few centimeters from her pelvis... Felix groaned briefly and then entered a state of
complete panic. Was I really going to do something like that? Now?
Without having to ask?

"Isn't it too much? You said you were hurt last time."

"Then help me..."

When he whispered, with his lips and tongue already on his pants, Félix narrowed his eyes and opened
his mouth a little wider. Isaac has no pants on so the soft outline of his genitals is revealed under the light
layer of his underwear.
It was the only thing he had managed to get on.

"And how do I help you?"

"Do not move."

Isaac seemed quite unsure of what he was doing, but he leaned a little closer over Felix's body anyway
and put his lips in direct contact with his penis. He wanted to pass it all the way down his sore throat.

Then, out of nowhere... A strong aroma wafted through the tip of the Alpha's nose. It was something that left
him with a fascinating and powerfully sinister sensation, so Félix, frightened, stops breathing and
opens his eyes in a very exaggerated way. His heart is pounding and the blood from his entire body seems
to drain and then surge.


"I'm doing it wrong?"

Isaac asked suspiciously as he felt that he didn't stop squirming... But Felix doesn't seem to have time
to respond. I was just looking at him, lying down and with his pupils quite dilated. It's like, a massive
injection of a terrible drug. His head was badly broken and his heart was racing and jumping as if he were
fleeing an explosion. The heat seems to rise rapidly until it fills the entire body and then, the sensation
of overwhelming emotion remains. Maybe... If I could see, smell and hear everything that happens around
me, all at the same time. Something more intense than ever before.

"Did you put omega pheromones inside me?"

Felix's hand reached out just so he could hold Isaac's chin... But he was trembling without knowing it,
quite strongly.
It was something unusual for him so her husband had only managed to look at it.

"I... I think so. I mean, I tried to practice the adjustment on my own so... Ugh, wait!"
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Even before his words were finished, his body made a strange turn on the mattress, his hands
ended up on top of others and, without knowing exactly how it had happened, Isaac ended up
hitting Felix's chest with his head... His eyes only opened. when he managed to realize that
they had managed to roll until they ended up lying on the ground. It hadn't hurt or anything like
that, but they pushed the bureau until the light on the lamp wobbled.


The moment she raises her head and looks at him, she can see him with a frown and quite
clenched teeth. What's wrong with this atmosphere? Somehow something seems wrong so his
shoulders start to get completely stiff.
Isaac, helpless, did not know that his pheromones could cause an effect like this. First of all,
how was he getting his pheromones inside him and how did that stop?

"I swear I tried to practice... I'm sorry! I don't know how to make it feel smoother."

Although he seemed embarrassed as he gave his explanation, Felix didn't seem to be listening
to him at all. He had a very creepy smile so, Isaac, he started to think that he was
suffering from his RUT just now. His blue pupil is intense and he can't seem to stop licking his
lips or mumbling incoherent words. As if he had his prey in front of his eyes instead of a human

Isaac shivered terribly and leaned back out of pure instinct...

"Felix, calm down a little."

But he just started laughing, pressing the tip of his thumb to Isaac's lips...

Then, when the man came a little closer and tried to check him, Félix lunged at him to
immediately bite the back of his neck.
" "

Isaac moaned unconsciously but yet even this sound seems quite ecstatic.
There was no hesitation when chewing its meat. Like a really eager person who also has
a hot breath while he bites and sucks and kisses and... He laughs.

"God, this feels so good. It's like... If your pheromones had gone deep inside me. More, much
more, stronger than when you had your heat. It's so... I didn't even know there was something
like this!" in the world! But it's very crazy and it seems to be so fantastic... It's like I have a lot
of strength and also so much desire to make love to you."

"Felix, can you try to calm down a little?"

"Then put pheromones on me and calm me down! Hahaha, wait, does that make sense? Can
you calm me down? Calm is a pretty strange word, don't you think? I feel like, I almost fainted."
My God! It's amazing to feel like I can faint!"

While saying strange words, Felix lowered his hand and tugged on Isaac's underwear again.
The fabric falls immediately so he begins to moan when he feels the cold air hitting his skin.
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Félix's blue pupil reveals the enormous desire he has to penetrate him right at that very moment
so she just settles back in, lifts his legs and licks hard from his penis to his
year. Lick and lick and lick without stopping.

"Isaac, today I tried to do it as gently as possible... But you're the one who did it."
ruined. "It was you who made me like this."

" Uhh , hmm"

Isaac twisted his back when Félix grabbed one of his ankles and began kissing him until he reached the ground.
each of his fingers...

"So take responsibility."

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The game of truth, 28.1


I literally felt like I was dead.

Okay, having poor regulation of Omega Pheromones is a bit... Suicidal.

It was his fault because he spilled them without realizing it and, besides, it seemed to be a really
exaggerated amount if he had gotten him to have a reaction like that.

Alphas are more faithful to instinct than Betas. The Alphas are quite manipulable if you know what to do
and do it correctly... I had already understood everything.
Isaac, who sighed and complained for a long time, raised one arm and completely covered his eyes. "I
have to get up," he thought. "I have to get up and go to the bathroom." But his waist doesn't move and if
he does, he's probably going to fall apart.

She was having sex with him until morning came. He fell asleep for a while and now when he woke up,
he realized that he is completely alone and with a clean t-shirt on him...
At least Felix is being very hygienic lately. I mean, he may be a drugged and crazy beast but the truth
is that since they got married he has been quite meticulous with him. He cleans it completely so there
was no trace of the semen...
In a sense, you still feel a little upset, worried, and nervous. It may be because the things from last
night suddenly flashed in front of his eyes like a movie.

At first, he just wanted to read... But he found Vincenzo and Lucca sitting in the living room and then, in
a moment, Felix, Noah, Tony and Jack also gathered. Following the Disneyland controversy,
Lucca subconsciously requested a bare-handed duel. Since it almost killed him, he ended up
agreeing to play a rather ridiculous "truth game" with Felix, who always cheated. On the other hand,
there is the thing of rolling all night on the floor with him...

Ah, blessed God! He should have put his pride aside and rejected the offer to fight!

Felix resented that Cole, who had completely plundered his childhood, was to blame for his growing up
as a fighting machine, so if this is the case now, does he really have a cure? Can he really... Not be
afraid of himself and continue with his normal life?

With his arm still covering both of his eyes, Isaac decided to think on his own about the same things
he had told Felix: When he was still in elementary school, Cole became his stepfather and began teaching
him how to fight. When he became a high school student, he held a gun in his hand for the first time,
and in his second year, he launched his debut mission. But how did he really feel about all that? He
never cried and he never said anything like "I don't want to die."
"I do not want to do this." Then they killed his father, and instead of telling him to stop, instead of telling
him what he thought, instead of screaming and shouting like he had wanted so much, he decided to keep
silent and carry on.

He could never put his feelings first.

In other words, maybe... Maybe I enjoyed it a little. Be that way. Acting so strong.

After entering the military academy and enlisting in the Navy, he rarely felt guilty while completing
Cole's personal missions. Mainly, the orders to kill.
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He always thought that this was most likely because most of the targets were drug dealers involved in the
weapons and drugs business. They were bad people so... No, even that would be an excuse to deny what
he really was.

The more he thought about it, the more complicated his mind felt and the more uncomfortable his heart felt...
The feeling of facing instinct is strange when you realize that perhaps, you never were and never will be a
good person.
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The game of truth, 29

Isaac finally got out of his bed... Very slowly. He was afraid to move his lower body because of the
throbbing pain spreading everywhere after last night.

Isaac, trying to ignore those pains, quickly changed his clothes and left the room.
There was still work to do at the flower shop and besides, he had to see his child to say "Good
Only by remembering that, you may be able to erase all your negative ideas and move forward.

The Alpha and Omega pheromones are still floating so they disperse immediately when you walk.

The morning feels strangely cold.

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The game of truth, 29.1

Instead of heading towards the dining room, Isaac stopped at the door of the room that was right on the
third floor. It was one of the rooms they used for guests, so he knocked a couple of times and entered
as soon as he heard a faint response...

The room was warm in the morning sun. A pleasant environment that did not fit with the monitor or the
oxygen tanks that were attached to the wall. Isaac looked around for a brief moment and then
approached the bed in complete silence.
The man's face, lying on the bed and looking at Isaac, immediately reflects a lot of strange doubts.
It seemed like he was asking how did you get here? And why are you here?

"Lucca, how is your body?"

As soon as he stopped, a step away from the bed, Isaac asked this in a low and slow voice, but
Lucca is simply surprised to hear it and looks at Isaac without blinking. Isaac doesn't wait for her
answer... First of all, because it seems to be difficult to talk when you have an oxygen mask on
your face.
His skin was incredibly messy. His broken jaw and nose were swollen and he has giant bruises
everywhere. He has padding and bandages as well and appears to have a cast on the back of his
shoulder that extends into his elbow.

Isaac is young, so he looks like a child who looks at Lucca like he's scared.

"Why are you here?"

His pronunciation was not clear and was quite clipped. In his current state, managing to speak could
be considered a great feat. Whatever you do for the moment, you will be in trouble. Talk, eat, move.
I knew it, obviously. However, he had no intention of revealing words of comfort or regret. There is no
reason to do it.

"I know you hate me, and I don't come here to ask you not to do it. Anyway, you're Vincenzo's
person and when he leaves you will too."


"Besides, I don't have any feelings for you. I don't like you but I don't hate you."

When he asked again why he came, Isaac hesitated and then fell silent. Curiosity was deepening about
Lucca's badly injured and distorted face.

"I didn't come wondering how hurt you were... Of course, I'm not here to apologize. If I
hadn't knocked you down, you would have done something like that or worse to me because you do
hate me. And quite a bit, it's obvious."

When Isaac's comments stabbed him, Lucca shook his mouth as if he had every desire to respond
aggressively against it. Isaac did not stop talking:

"I came to confirm."

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"What happened last night was because of a bet, and you were the one who suggested it. Since
I've taken you down, you're going to leave us alone, trust me, and let me take care of Benjamin
and my mother at Disneyland."

"Ha, I never thought I'd live long enough to see an Omega give me orders... It's amazing."

Lucca, who was silently listening to Isaac, grunted in dissatisfaction instead of accepting. His face,
which showed every one of his unpleasant feelings without filtration, was mixed with irritation and
anger. I thought he was... An infinitely interesting man and infinitely strong too, but if he admitted it his
self-esteem could collapse even more than it already was. And he definitely wasn't willing to
stoop to that level.

Isaac, who sighed briefly, blurted out something like, "Let's forget about it." So, only then, Lucca
allowed herself to smile mockingly.

"Pieces of garbage will always be pieces of garbage, no matter what they do or don't do. They get
together with other garbage and end up giving birth to... Pieces of crap."

It was quite rude to say something like that at a time like that, so it wasn't at all strange that Isaac
reached out and grabbed his neck as if he really wanted to kill him now.

"You must feel very manly talking like that, right? But I have seen so many Alphas, so many guys like
you, strong and believing themselves to be a big deal just because of the place and the condition
with which they were born... Offending and mistreating just because they see that the Omega or the
Beta have a smaller physique than they have. And the truth is I'm already tired."


"Interestingly, each of them thinks they are unique and unrepeatable, but they do things in a very
similar way. Speaking, acting, all their patterns are exactly the same. That's why I found the best way
to shut them up. Do you know what it is? "

Isaac smiled, so Lucca closed her mouth while she felt him press a little on her neck with the entire
palm of his hand...
Lucca was starting to get tired. His injured neck, his broken shoulder, a mask on his face... As soon as
he was crushed, cold sweat ran in immense drops across his skin.

"I always show them that I am superior to all of them. I hit them again and again until they don't even feel
like looking at me... Not without being afraid, at least."

"Enough... Ugh, ugh..."

"Lucca, listen carefully. Fighting you made me realize a nature I wasn't even aware of."

Lucca's mouth, previously closed, had opened so much that she had already begun to drool a lot. His lips
were turning incredibly blue so even if he tried, it was hard to get the moans to flow properly into his

"You have to be careful. Do you know what my husband told me yesterday? Even if you die there would
be no problem for me. You should already know... That you would be left at the bottom of the sea, right?"
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It's true?"


"So, if your life is not trivial to you, you better think carefully."


"Of course, you might think it's just an empty threat. But unfortunately I've murdered a lot more
people than you and for less than this. I can assure you that. Do you think you're going to keep
me up at night?"

The man's painful eyes widened so much that Isaac just pulled away and pushed Lucca's
neck all the way down, making a rather intense sound. Then, his expression became calm and
his voice calmed. As if nothing was happening. As if he had just talked to a friend.

Isaac finally raised his hand to warn Lucca to look back and overlook everything they had talked
about. At the same time, Lucca, who breathed rapidly, vomited a violent cough that caused
complete pain in his jaw and broken arm.

"To finish. Don't forget that Benjamin is Vincenzo's great-grandson... And if you ever speak ill of
him again or see him in a way that seems wrong to me, I will tell him right away. Just keep that in
mind... With "that you love him so much."

Isaac, who was still watching him tremble and suffer intermittently, turned around without waiting for
a response.

The sound of Lucca's cough is similar to crying... But Isaac just walked down the hallway until he
heard nothing more.
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The game of truth, 30

It was a bright day, unique in San Diego. The sun was at its peak and the air gave an incredible
feeling of freshness and stability.
Something infinitely light and refreshing unlike its heart.

Isaac didn't seem to have much energy to do anything and without thinking too much, he looked at the
blue sky through the window... He had barely taken a few steps down the hallway when he heard
someone coming almost running after him and then he felt the pressure. of thin fingers immediately
settling on his shoulders. When he froze and slowly turned his head, he then discovered that the
protagonist of that solid hand supporting his body belongs to Felix's grandfather. Mr. Vincenzo.

"My son, let's talk."

"... Sorry?"

As if telling a secret, his voice sounds heavy and very low. So much so that Isaac had to lean a little
closer to confirm what he had said.

"I want to talk to you."

"Oh... So, would you like to go somewhere where we can talk more comfortably?"

"No, it's not necessary. I just have something to ask."

Isaac shrugged. You can guess what he's about to say... About the fight with Lucca and the way he
had almost bent her neck. It's possible that he was curious about it, so he probably dug deep into
his past to find something he could use against him: Cole's adopted son, how he tried to murder Felix
under his control...
Isaac's heart was beating rapidly so he clenched his hands into fists.

There was nothing I could do now.

"Please tell me..."

"Would you be my successor?"

Vincenzo looked anxiously at Isaac, his eyes full of great expectations... Isaac, on the other hand, was
so blank that his eyes opened almost twice as wide. What had he said? Did you hear it right? No,
wait, what successor?

"... I don't understand".

Isn't this a completely different question than what you expected? While he remained silent, just
blinking and blinking, Vincenzo's face lit up so much that from one moment to the next he had him
almost on top of him, holding both of his hands with his.

"Let's go to Italy together! There you will have an easier time taking charge of all my business.
Oh, and you don't have to worry about Benjamin because we're obviously going to take him with us."
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"What do you mean...?"

"I had never found a man who was worthy enough of me so I was not comfortable with the idea of my
death... And yet, look at you! You are right in front of my eyes"

But Isaac was still thinking that it was the most absurd scenario he had ever faced in his entire life. He
can't close his half-open mouth.

"This silly grandfather."

While Isaac was struggling with the burden of a dull brain, Felix, who appeared from who knows
where, reached out and pulled his husband's clothes as hard as possible until he was back at his side.
He didn't like Vincenzo's hands next to Isaac's.

"Why are you interrupting me again?"

"Because my grandfather is making a ridiculous proposal to Isaac."

The voice speaking to grandfather was threatening enough to make the atmosphere feel heavy so,
Vincenzo, noticing this, adopted an attitude that could be considered "completely dissatisfied."

"What's ridiculous? It's an important position!"

"Why Isaac?"

"Who else? I told you and you told me to forget it so why are you complaining now? You can take care
of this and then pass the burden to Benjamin when he's older."

"And my uncle? Why not him?"

No matter how loud Vincenzo screams, Félix seems to be able to do it much louder.

"What? How can I occupy a guy who sits on the floor all day, rocking back and forth just because one
of his computer programs crashed?"
Besides, you know what it's like. He doesn't like any of that. "I'd be on a Swiss Alp milking cows if I could."

Isaac had gone from being confused to seeming hopelessly curious... What did his other son do for a

"Then ask the uncle's son"

Felix didn't even pretend to hear what he had said and muttered a new response out loud. Vincenzo's
face is even harder now.

"My grandson came out as crazy as my son! But hey, one is a teacher and the other is a
hacker... At least that's more useful."

Only thanks to that answer, he realized that Felix's uncle was Noah's father... And also, that he
was a teacher.
Isaac was amazed. The more you know, the more surprising you are. Something as big and powerful as
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the mafia, and no one wanted to deal with it... Where is grandpa's house? Will Noah's father live with him?
Will you have a partner? However, after a new noise, Isaac finally woke up from his thoughts and looked up.

"Anyway, I need a successor to pass on my business. It's something that has to happen at some point... And if
my successor is Isaac, I think he would be more than perfect. I mean, a former soldier! And not only That's
the best ex-soldier in the world! Let's go to Italy... If you study a little about what I do, maybe..."

"Grandpa, don't even dream of it. Taking my Omega and making him your heir. Are you crazy or what's wrong
with you?"

Although he was quite excited about the idea of his successor, this time Felix cuts the emotion of his words with
a voice that feels like a sharp knife...

"Why?! Your omega is stronger and more powerful than you!"

"I know, that's why I fell in love with him."

"It's not even going to affect you at all! I'm going to give him my business and leave him my fortune. Can't you
take it as a gift?"

"I work here... And if Isaac stops being with me I'm definitely going to die."

Felix responded strongly, but also quite stubbornly. Vincenzo looked at him as if he couldn't believe it.

"Where's your damn Alpha honor? Huh? I already told you, you can't depend on someone else to live!"

"Are you going to take charge if our marriage falls apart?"

"Then you are coming too!"

"My job is here, damn it!"

Isaac, who did not feel involved although they were talking about him, observed them with interesting eyes but
maintaining a cautious silence.

"Good!" As he thinned his throat, his eyes fell to Isaac's face as if he had suddenly remembered he was
there. "I'll ask you directly. What do you think of this, my son?"

Vincenzo asked Isaac this with an expression of infinite confidence. Thinking that he was definitely
not going to reject him. Standing next to him, Felix also seemed quite curious.
He had a penetrating and very uncomfortable look.

Isaac, who was receiving two glances at once, suddenly felt quite embarrassed.

"Grandpa, I'm sorry, but now I'm satisfied with my life here. I opened my flower shop not long ago and
Benjamin is just getting used to so much change to give him a new one. Besides, Felix already said it. He's
working here and I have no intention of walking away
of the."
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In response to Isaac's words, Felix angled his mouth. An arrogant smile and quite typical of him.
Vincenzo seemed disappointed:

"Oh really?"

"Yes... But, I'm glad that you seem to have a good image of me now, and I'm quite glad that you
thought I was the best candidate to take your place. I appreciate your trust."

When he answered calmly, Vincenzo couldn't help but put on a tremendously sad expression...
Isaac immediately feels like the villain of the story:

"Maybe I shouldn't say this but isn't this something Lucca can do?"

Recently, while squeezing his neck tightly, he had issued a forceful threat against him... But that
and this were very different things, and aside from his personal feelings, Lucca was quite good at
each of the things that included the grandfather. He was a good man who always put Vincenzo first and,
as his right-hand man, he would surely be better than anyone else at anything that had to do with
Unexpectedly, however, Vincenzo was only puzzled... It seems that his comments were inappropriate.

"Lucca is not my successor. He could never be."

After a brief silence, Isaac opened his speech with a new muffled voice:

"...I told you this because I thought it was Lucca who knew Grandpa's work better than anyone. I'm
sorry, I apologize if my comments were hasty."

It is difficult to know in detail what requirements are needed to be a successor.

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The game of truth, 30.1

At Isaac's apology, Vincenzo shook his head from side to side to try to tell him that everything was fine. It
wasn't particularly unpleasant and it hadn't bothered him either. However, when Vincenzo was
stroking his chin as he always did when he wanted to think, suddenly, on the other side, he heard
the sound of the curtains moving eagerly.
Then, movement begins to be seen... Isaac turned his eyes towards the direction of the sound, his face
hardened and absolutely attentive. The same thing happens with Félix, who seems to be thinking about
the same thing as him. Someone could have been listening to the conversation, deliberately or not.
However, when they confirmed the sight in front of them, they began to laugh as they noticed a small
body moving behind the large curtain.

It was Benjamin who was hiding, trying to get very, very quiet. Since his body is small, everyone
believes that he is a recessive Alpha or perhaps an effect of being a premature baby. Her hair is
curly, her hips are plump, and her short legs reveal her colorful shoes. Even the pants are cute,
they have bear-shaped prints and are corduroy, so he can move comfortably. He's laughing so Felix
can't take it anymore and starts laughing too.

Isaac approached Benjamin, hoping to find him. However, Vincenzo was faster than him so he gestured
to let him go instead.

"Hey, I think I heard something. Who's there?"

Benjamin slowly slinks to the side, laughing and laughing as he tries his best to cover his mouth.

"Oh, maybe a dog got in. Will we have to call the pound to come get him?"

"Boo! I'm here, grandpa!"

As Vincenzo kept turning around and around and seemed unable to find him, Benjamin shouted out loud,
making a loud sound with his feet as he spread his arms out. Only then, the man reached the boy and
hugged him quite tightly until Benjamin laughed happily... It was a dazzling and bright sound.

"I was hiding here, grandpa! But you didn't find me."

"Yes. Our little puppy hides very well! Genius, genius!"

"Shall we play again? I'll hide. Look for me!"

"There are rules?"

"Ujum! You close your eyes and count to ten." Benjamin kindly tells you the rules of the game and holds
out his hands so you can listen to him and see how to do "One, two, three, seven, nine and ten."

Vincenzo laughs at a boy who spreads his fingers and says that he must count properly even though he
still doesn't count well. Then, when he said he was fine, Benjamin quickly ran towards the
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other side. "Count grandpa! Count!"

"I'm coming!"

Finding a child in this spacious mansion might be a bit difficult, but if it's Benjamin, he might just shove his head
somewhere between the gaps, like before. A small lump that will be seen very clearly.

"I'm going to look for Benjamin. Meanwhile, can you think a little more about my proposal?"

Vincenzo, who had difficulty counting to ten slowly, walked in the direction where Benjamin had run and
then disappeared too... Isaac just looked at the empty space for a long time, the walls shining thanks to the
morning sun...
Oh. Actually, it feels even calmer now. As if nothing had really happened. Even about the night and the moment
he squeezed Lucca's neck.

How weird.

"How much do you think, my love?"

He was immersed in his own things so, Felix, who had noticed it immediately, put his head in front of his eyes
and looked at him intently before biting his nose. Only then did Isaac return to reality, making a small sound
of horror. Ah, his blue eyes are bright. They were beautiful, as if she could make him fall in love with her
at any moment and just by blinking her eyes. Eyes like the sea...

"It's nothing. I just thought, that no matter what happened, who I am or what nature I have... It would be better
if I just forgot about it and that's it."

As she shed light on his concerns, Felix smiled brightly and reached out so he could caress her cheek.

"As I said yesterday, no matter what you were before or what you are now, I love you... And I'm with you in

"Thank you."

"But, about going to the hospital..."

"Let's leave that for now, okay? I just want to be with my family today and that's it. It's a good day."

"Well... That's true."

It was a rather sweet whisper so Isaac smiled kindly and let Felix hold him in his arms for a moment. He
lowered his hand... They joined hands. Then they just intertwined their fingers.

Isaac walked next to him and looked at his perfectly joined hands. It was still kind of strange, but it was also a
pretty nice feeling. In the palm of his hand, Isaac feels that small beads of sweat are forming, causing his
skin to become horribly moist. However, Félix did not let go of him at all.

"In fact, I was glad you rejected my grandfather's proposal."

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As he was still paying attention to his wet hands, Isaac didn't hear him right away...
He looked up: Felix's side profile, walking ahead of the morning, is fascinating. He shines more clearly than ever
before and makes her see all of him. Straight nose, balanced lips and thin chin. Like a sculpture.

"It was a peace offering..."

Isaac smiled silently.

Floating on the infinitely choppy sea, the dark waves were making their rubber boat move again... Until, of course, Felix
found it and suddenly extended his hand towards it. He picked him up and held him firmly before hugging him.

"I just can't imagine being anything different than what I am now."

With a slight confession, Felix looked at Isaac in amazement although he soon smiled brightly again.

"Yes me too".

It was a bright morning with a strange feeling of calm. The sound of walking side by side was quite powerful but
also sounded quite good. Isaac exhaled deeply for a long time, spreading his chest.

Yes, it's a good idea. That thing about forgetting everything. The important thing is to hide his past because, more
important than that, there is Ben and Felix and the loving family he built in the present.

It was a sunny and beautiful day. A clear sky after a heavy rain.
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Traveling to Disneyland 31

Vincenzo's mafia is one of the world's leading criminal organizations based in Italy. A great family that
has a long history and that has been in charge of money laundering, financial businesses, drugs, arms
trafficking among many other things. They have government help so their net income is comparable to
that of large corporations.
It was literally a huge organization that no one dared to touch...

However, these days, there is one character who tries to infiltrate again and again to take possession
of each of the existing shares in the system: Theron William. He was the head of an incipient mafia that
was located in the center of the United States. That, of course, before moving to Italy. His grandmother is
said to be Italian, although he is born and raised in the United States. He moved to Italy for some
mysterious reason and entered a fairly small mafia organization.
Soon after, however, he became the organization's chief executive.

Theron had a deep network...

"Did Theron try to hack again? This garbage." When Vincenzo briefly explained the problem, Noah
immediately started working on fixing it. "I'm going to start doing a cleanup, okay? I'll also check each
of the ports."

"They say security is broken. Restore it quickly."

"Fucking mother..."

A few years ago, Noah designed the entire personal business IT security system at the behest of
Vincenzo. And actually, it was pretty good. In fact, Vincenzo not only took care of work within the
organization, he also carried out some larger projects on his own so he obviously needed greater security.
Whatever they could give you. What are they going to do if they were hacked out of nowhere? That
means it wasn't completely successful...
Vincenzo's subordinates were forced to move important data out of the system in a hurry and delete
existing data as well.

Noah held his head. He doesn't know how long it will take to repair it again or how much information
has already been stolen...

"What kind of trap did you set for us, you little slut? Just let daddy find you."

Sighing, Noah moved his hand across the laptop screen and began putting some codes into the font. I
wanted to do a rough estimate of the damage, the leak points, and start working on it, but there
wasn't much I could do.

"This is very well done... The poor man hired someone."

Checking the system, he found a gaping hole in Grandpa's fund list.

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While Noah muttered a bunch of strange insults and looked at the screen, Vincenzo could only click
his tongue.

"Is this something we can't handle?"

"We can... But he's fucking us hard. He's everywhere. I think, he's looking for something that's your

Vincenzo sighed deeply as Noah nearly cried in front of him, hitting the laptop to make it go faster.

"Everything that is there is my weakness."

"Oh, fuck. Fuck! Weren't these funds missing from the beginning?"

"Jeez! Look at me! I've done a lot of bad things in my life! But I'm not stupid enough to steal my own
organization's money!"

Noah finally raised his eyebrows and then raised his eyes as well. The hand touching the laptop
suddenly stopped…

"He's putting up obstacles... He wants something Grandpa. I'm sure he wants something you put here.
Do you have any lists?"

"Lists? Are you talking about traffic lists? Or a book?"

"Something similar?"

Rubbing his temples with his fingertips, Vincenzo choked and let out a scream that sounded terribly

"I have... old documents related to the government."

Vincenzo didn't want to, but he forced himself to be very honest with him. Noah's olive green pupil
shines with curiosity... He doesn't seem to have anything to say about it, so he just continues working.

So far he hasn't told Noah or Felix, but Vincenzo is actually already retired. At the same time that it
entered this new stage, the construction of a ledger that has all the government specifications began. Even
the oldest ones. It's not even computer data, it's a handwritten paper book... However, the original
ledger was copied and saved in data form for much easier organizational searching.

At first glance, the old book might seem like junk that was outdated. Thrown at random.
But now someone seems to have done enough research to know they have it.

No matter how old the ledger is, if it is revealed to the world, it will have a great impact not only in Italy but
also in the United States. A time bomb. The decision was therefore made for Vincenzo to become the last
manager to take over.
The reason for not immediately getting rid of the general ledger was simple: Even if it has been retired, it
is still a document that can serve as an organizational shield. It's very valuable. That's why more than half
of the people in the mafia business are waiting patiently for
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die or announce his retirement in a more formal way.

It has been less than about ten years since Vincenzo took over the ledger but, Theron, who
had a bad relationship with him, noticed the identity of the list and hacked it in a matter of a few
days. It was a secret, so as such it was difficult to find unless a spy had been planted inside the
house. And that made all the logic in the world. Vincenzo made everything as private as
possible so he was able to make the number of helpers smaller and, when he finally found one
of Theron's men, he locked him in a cellar and killed him with a bat.
Meanwhile, it was clear that he had passed on quite a bit of personal information to Theron.
Things about Felix... It occurred to him that Theron was looking for Felix and the ledger not only
to cause a big blow to the organization, but to cause damage to his heart.

Felix may be an idiot, but he was his son anyway. He felt like all the years were coming down on
him in a matter of seconds.

"God... It's ready. It wasn't easy, but..."

"So, did you keep the book?"

"Of course. I encrypted it where no one can easily access it... But you know what? It seems to
me that your previous assistant managed to make a copy of this, and I need it. It's hard to
find, I don't have a pass. Didn't he leave you the key?"

"Key? No, what kind of computer world is this that they have keys too?"

"There must be a key! Am... It's, like some kind of password"

Vincenzo touched his nose .

"Try the old building where we held our meetings. It was... A Korean man's place so his name



Myeongwan. It was the myeongwang building."

"It worked?"

"You have to wait."

"What about data copy?"

"Patience, patience... We're going to get Felix safe. I promise. Besides, Theron can't mess with
him just to try to take us down."

Vincenzo looked at Noah, who responded quite seriously. Their grandchildren looked like fighting
dogs so it was frequently rumored that they didn't get along when in reality, they both loved
each other. They trusted each other quite a bit so whenever it came to Felix, Noah didn't show
any doubts.
Vincenzo just wrinkled his eyebrows, as if he was in trouble.
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"Félix is not wanted by the organization"

"Ha, then why? I don't think it's because he's handsome."

"It's because he says it was Felix who killed Elena."

Vincenzo murmured this with a darker than normal face. His deep eyes became blacker and his wrinkles even
seemed to be more pronounced. Is it because of Elena's name...?
Noah looked him in the eyes and distorted his expression. He seemed quite upset.

"That's... Stupid. Why would Felix be the one who killed my aunt? Who the hell got her pregnant in the first place?
And took care of her? No, definitely not. So I don't want him to come and say that now!" killed her!"

"Stop, your voice is strong."

Vincenzo replied as he took a cigarette out of his inside pocket, as if he couldn't stand it a moment longer. The
door to the study was tightly closed but still...

"It's frustrating, right? This situation is... So... Ah! Damn! Poor aunt. She must be really sad right now."

Vincenzo couldn't say anything to Noah, because he felt like he was still grieving...

The secret that the world doesn't know is that American mafia boss Theron William is Felix's father.

Elena, Vincenzo's eldest daughter, died two years after giving birth to Theron's son, Felix.
She was a girl, she had just turned 18 years old. She couldn't tell anyone that she had a baby so she started raising
him alone...

Theron, a 22-year-old student at the time, fell terribly in love with Elena, who was also living abroad.

But it was not a situation they could deal with.

The Felice and the William, two families involved in the mafia, did not accept their strange relationship. Theron's Italian
grandparents were based in Sicily while Elena's family was based in Amalfi... They had a very old and lingering grudge
against each other. Very bloody.
It was said that their love was like that of Romeo and Juliet. Forbidden. Badly seen. Ultimately, the relationship
ended in tragedy when Elena died. Or rather, when they killed her. Romeo and Juliet had the same cruel end, that's
true. However, in this case, Elena died from giving birth to that bastard child.

Theron blamed herself for this all the time and so hard that she just couldn't accept the reality.
It was everything to him, his sunshine. Your heaven. The only one who could calm him down just by having her in his
arms so... He did what any Alpha knows how to do best when he loses his bond: He went crazy.

He hated the boy who had taken everything from him and finally, abandoned him.

Vincenzo went one day, looking for his daughter to take her back to Italy, and that was when they told him
everything. A tragedy, such a young woman... What father could have heard that news without breaking his
spirit? Even more so when there was a child he didn't even know, small and naked on the ground...
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Vincenzo raised Félix because he was his daughter's son and, furthermore, he was his blood. She couldn't throw it
away like her father did, or leave it to its fate, especially when it smelled so much like her.
She did her best to make him grow up well, like a happy child. Sometimes, like a father and many
other times like a grandfather, he carefully lifted his heart to make him feel loved and, above all, at
peace... Although he had to tell him the whole previous story.

"Noah, keep Felix safe. Or I feel like, maybe we can lose him forever."

While spitting out a large amount of gray smoke, Noah found himself in front of him. Opening his eyes
in a really exaggerated way.

"What do you mean?"

"I'm saying... It feels like that could be possible."

"No, don't say that... We're talking about Felix after all, aren't we?"

In the end, although Noah had said that quite confidently, he suddenly swept his chest as he felt that
his heart was beating too fast for his liking. He looked at Vincenzo, white as a ghost.

Because he is Alpha, Vincenzo sometimes shows impressive sensitivity to things that can happen. A
feeling similar to the one Felix sometimes has. They come true, so Noah is so scared it even hurts.

"My cousin will be fine... He will be fine because it is in his best interest to be well."

"Theron is acting so suspicious these days that I have no idea what he's thinking. I mean, it's hard to
figure out the inside of a crazy man."

Noah nodded and thought, he was definitely crazy. Not only because of everything that happened
with Félix and his obsessive way of being... But, because he knows things that the rest of the family
ignores and that he doesn't have the heart to say. First of all, Noah fervently believes that the enemy
who killed Elena was not Theron's damn family, but Theron himself. And his plan was not to abandon
Felix as a merciful man, rather he wanted to kill him.
Furthermore, Theron and Elena did not meet for the first time in the United States... Elena met
him a few years before she went to study, when she went on a trip with her uncles. It's just that she
never realized that.
Grandpa Vincenzo always tells how they met "romantically" abroad, that Theron saw her by accident...
No, Theron was following Elena because she was a Felice.
And, a few years later, when he learned that Elena was studying abroad, he traveled and deliberately
reached out to her.

Elena was definitely in love. She was young and adventurous and didn't know Theron's true
nature, but Theron did know her.

Félix asked him to investigate and discovered that Vincenzo's angle was that of a father who wanted to
believe that his little daughter was happy as long as she could. With a regrettable but
reasonable ending... But Theron was just a young mafia boss who sought to grow without caring about harm.
to others.
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Noah can't tell him that... Tell Vincenzo that the gift his partner gave him was someone
else's joke.

"I'll watch as closely as possible. Don't worry too much."

But Noah also remembers Felix's words. "I'm not afraid of him" "I'm going to face him" so he
secretly planted a GPS on him.
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The trip to Disneyland, what the whole family was waiting for, took place almost two weeks after
the fight against Lucca.
The plan was to have a quick trip without the slightest deviation.

They left inside a Rolls-Royce Phantom limousine, which was already synonymous with luxury. The
car has two seats in the back of the driver's seat and two more seats in front of them, which gives a
capacity for four people.
In the seats are Felix and Isaac, Benjamin and Mrs. Parker sitting opposite. Therefore, Vincenzo and
Noah had to go in another car. Of course, they both wanted to go with Benjamin to record every one of
his expressions when they entered the park for the first time, but, unfortunately for them, the boy
was sleeping soundly in Jessica's arms and they didn't have the permission or the heart to snatch it

Jack was in charge of driving the first limo while Tony sat in the passenger seat. Vincenzo's servant
was driving the other limousine and as co-pilot, he was carrying Lucca. In fact, the man is still pretty
badly injured. He still has bruises on his chin, nose and face, in addition to wearing quite a few bandages
that have not yet been changed. He seemed to have a lot of trouble walking, and yet he fervently
insisted that he would follow him to the very end of the world if necessary.

Isaac confronted him the same day he made the decision to accompany them, so he had no choice but
to accept. Lucca this time didn't say anything. He simply avoided her eyes as much as possible, and
thanked him. He promised that he would do his best.

Bitter feelings cannot be resolved in a couple of weeks.

Isaac, thinking for a moment about Lucca, soon let out a giant sigh and this time turned to look at
Benjamin. The car is huge and Benjamin, who is already more awake than before, seems very
busy playing this or that. He had a Mickey Mouse doll in his arms. The one Vincenzo gave him as
soon as he arrived at the mansion. It was made of plastic and spoke Italian, but Benjamin liked it so
much that he often hugged it and took it to eat and play by the pool.

"Hello dad, I'm Mickey mouse."

Isaac grabs Mickey Mouse's gloved hand as Benjamin holds him out for him, then watches as he
carefully sits him down next to him.

"Mickey wants to get home! There are other Mickeys there so... They're his brothers, right, Dad?"

"Yes. But I told you that you don't have to take it out of your backpack for anything in the world, okay?"
You can lose it."

Hugging Mickey Mouse tightly, Benjamin nodded his head many times and then murmured a small

Isaac sighed again. What are you worrying so much about? If the child loses it, it is more than certain
that Vincenzo will buy him two or three more of those dolls. The entire store if you feel like it!
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" Ecco
, topolino. "Questa è casa sua"
" Ecco,
topolino. Questa è casa sua",
" ecco
topolino. Questa è casa sua"

"My love, can you take the doll and throw it out the window? Thank you very much, I love you."

But unlike Isaac, who seems to put up with the strange voice of the "Italian Mickey", Félix, who was
looking at his electronic tablet and his cell phone at the same time, seemed to be in a rather bad mood.
Bad humor.
She had forgotten about it for a while, but her husband had actually made a huge fuss about this
from day one. All the items I had brought the boy were Italian, they spoke Italian, they said "I love
Italy" "Italy is the best" on each of their packaging so... I wasn't happy with it at all. He said that it
was a kind of "Intensive Brainwashing" and that soon his child would want to move to the place
where people commonly said "Ecco, topolino. Questa è casa sua" Just like his mouse.

"That's Topolino, that's his house."

"No Benjamin, don't say that. Mickey Mouse is not Italian, he is an American mouse. He lives in
the United States, like you and me. He thinks that Italy sucks and that he wants to live with his
mouse parents for all eternity."

"Felix... You do remember that you are Italian American, right?"

"I can't hear you, honey. I'm sorry. The trip just made my ears feel terribly clogged.
What a shame."

While listening to him complain, Isaac looked out the window until he noticed how two limousines
and three or four all-terrain vehicles began to move until they created a formation that left them
right in the middle... Quite exaggerated and much more dangerous than beneficial but What
could he do if it was grandfather's order?

At the end, still looking at the long procession, he shook his head and took Benjamin in his arms to
make sure he drank all his milk.
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Anaheim, the city where Disneyland is located in San Diego, is relatively close, two hours away when
there is no traffic.
There are many things to see at Disneyland so, there is a special request (from Noah and Vincenzo)
that it would be best to be there for a whole week so that they can completely relax.
They booked the entire upstairs part of a hotel inside the park, even though it was high season and
everything was already set aside in advance.

Each room could be used by one person, but the living room, lounge, kitchen, dining room and study
room are together. Isaac and Felix, who had been looking around, were simply going back and
forth to organize their luggage and check that everything was okay.
In the dining room, there was a lunch that had already been reserved. Thanks to the service that
Vincenzo bought, the food was so luxurious as to be comparable to what was served at Felix's
residence. However, it was correct to say that even in the face of the rather delicious-looking food,
Benjamin would not want to eat at all.
It was because he wanted to go to Disneyland as soon as possible so everyone cooperated to
finish what they had served him. Pancakes, fruit, cereal and milk. And after a packed meal, they went
straight to Disneyland without waiting.

The men divided. Some took the Rolls Royce to the parking lot and instead got two luxurious cars "Side
by Side." It was not a common vehicle so, while they were driving with them, people's eyes were
absolutely fixed there.
Vincenzo and Félix's men usually wear pretty smart black suits, but now they have Hawaiian shirts
because apparently that's their best idea of "Camouflage." Unfortunately the physique and the bloody
atmosphere seemed to be completely visible, even with the shirt or their hats with ears. They
were very scary, to tell the truth.

When they walked, people began to avoid them and turn around.

"Well... At least we won't have to worry about security."

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3. 4

They went to a themed dining room.

Her husband had a short-sleeved polo shirt, khaki shorts, light shoes, black sunglasses and
Benjamin in one arm. Holding an ice cream cone next to his mouth so he wouldn't throw it away.

People look at the strange family and the bloody masses of flesh in Hawaiian shirts that follow
them. Sometimes a woman will say something like, "Have you seen that?" "He's very
handsome, isn't he?" "Do you think he's an actor?" And yet, Félix has eyes for no one but
for the boy and perhaps, for his strange Italian doll.

Isaac laughed inwardly, watching intently as he explained this and that to Benjamin, who looks
around with rather bright little eyes.
Isaac is right behind him, with Jessica at his side. It feels refreshing to walk through the park
side by side because I've never been next to each other like this. Except, maybe, when I
was very, very young.

He realized that it was the first time he had traveled with her. The theme park itself is the
first time for both of us.

When he was a child, they couldn't easily afford a trip to a theme park like this and after
the divorce, his father tried to be indoors as little as possible so he couldn't even think
about going with him.

"It is a nice place".

"That's how it is."

"When I'm with you, I even feel like I'm a child again."

Isaac silently looks around, feeling the illusion that they have entered a colorful fairy tale book.
He couldn't easily tell her that he was glad he could come with her and that he was quite
glad that he had Benjamin to make this possible... If he hadn't gotten pregnant, he wouldn't
have been at Disneyland with this weird family of his. How? With what excuse could he have
come to this place by her side without feeling strange? That is, people go to theme parks
depending on their personal taste, but it doesn't seem like something that suits Isaac. Even if
she had the time and space, being in a place full of loud, little kids like a Disney theme park, it
was weird for a mother-son date, right?... You never thought this would happen, until your son
He ended up liking Mickey Mouse quite a bit.

It was a meaningful trip, he thought it was wonderful. That Benjamin could experience
incredible things like that. With his dad, rolling his little eyes and painting his cheeks red
when he started to laugh.

"It would have been nice if I had brought you here when you were as little as Benjamin.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry I didn't do that."

Suddenly, Jessica, walking next to him, opened her speech with a voice sad enough to make
him feel uncomfortable. I didn't know her mother would say that so it was really
surprising. On the other hand, it was much more so that their minds were so similar. I mean,
a few months ago I hadn't thought that going to the park with Benjamin was possible either!
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"Mom, it's okay. You don't have to apologize to me. We're here now, aren't we? And we can make
more nice memories, you and me."

Jessica Parker takes a deep breath and then exhales.

"Thank you for saying that... Like you said, I'm happy to be with my handsome son right now."
Jessica Parker's eyes look bright, like a girl's. "I love you, since you were born I have loved you
very much..."

"I love you too."

It really was a storybook scene. Walking through a beautiful place while feeling like his steps
were as light as his heart. Sometimes your mouth feels slack, like you could start smiling
at any moment and for no particular reason.
It was at that moment that Felix, walking forward with Benjamin, turned his head and looked at
Isaac... The look that penetrated the sunglasses feels so intense that it seems as if he
wanted to say something important. Then, he moved closer, tilted his face at an angle, and rubbed
his lips with hers. He said, "I love you too" silently, and then looked back and walked towards
another new attraction.

His mother was laughing.

Sometimes it is a big problem for him that his husband behaves in the same cute way as a child...
If there were no people, if they were alone, he would run up to him and kiss him a little
longer, but it's a pity that He had to endure his desire because he had many eyes on him.

At night, he should give her a deeper kiss as a gift... For now, however, he just wiped his mouth
with the palm of his hand.
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Disneyland has a lot to offer for a good time, starting with the fantastic Cinderella Castle, the Disney icon.
Everything is decorated with various themes and the characters act and greet very animatedly and then
begin to parade. They do it every hour actually.
It seems to be a fairly well-organized corporation when it comes to attracting tourists.

Benjamin really liked Mickey Mouse, Disney's main character, but that didn't mean he didn't get excited
whenever he saw someone else. For example, the characters from Toy Story, Car, Frozen and also the
princesses. You can immediately understand why a child would be excited to be there, full of famous people.
I didn't even know it could look quite natural.

Thanks to this, adults were forced to spend all their money on the baby. Vincenzo and Noah open and open
their wallet so Isaac, who saw them from a distance, began to be a little afraid about it. Worried that his
son would become terribly spoiled.

As a result, Mickey Mouse's round ears are on the heads of everyone in the family, including Benjamin.
They had cups, a bouquet of cotton candy and Lucca, Jack, Tony and Vincenzo's personal driver, had to walk
with both hands full of stuffed animals of all kinds. However, as a nice sign, there is literally no anxiety in that
As if I had really arrived at the happiest place.

As he walked, Isaac put the boy down so he could walk. He's already four after all so he should be able to do
it on his own, at least for a while. However, Benjamin remained still in his place and stretched out his arms to

"Daddy... I'm tired."

"Just from here to the booth over there. The one with the balloons, can you see it?"

"Daddy... Carry me."

He opened his arms to ask for it again so he had no choice but to lean down and gently place it back
against his chest... In reality, in all this time he has only walked a few small steps because the whole
family takes turns holding him. First Felix, then Isaac, then Vincenzo and finally Noah... But since Noah got
tired immediately, he was smart enough to buy him a stroller.

Now, reaching the position he had promised, the child went down a little more only to be back in his arms.
Although now they were Jack's. The man's head had a headband shaped like Mickey Mouse ears that lit
up when you touched it so Benjamin was absolutely fascinated with it.

A bear, with a little one who laughs again and again.

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"Benjamin, not people. That's rude." Isaac immediately approached Benjamin, who had a small toy
that shot soap bubbles with the push of a small button. He didn't like that he was doing it with random
people. "You have to do it the other way, okay?"

Fortunately, Benjamin responded "Yes!" With a gigantic smile and then he quickly changed
direction to start shooting the bubbles towards the sky... The little bubbles begin to shake in the
air, shining brightly when the sun hits them. Even the children who passed by them and the parents
of those children begin to try to touch them with the tips of their fingers.

Lucca, who didn't exactly look like the type of man to stop and play with bubbles, stood in front of
Benjamin and started playing with him. Showing him the way he could hold them without breaking
them and then he just took his son's toy and pressed it in such a way that he managed to make a
really huge bubble.

Isaac watched everything very attentively so, when he saw Lucca laughing, with her face wrapped
in bubbles, he just began to smile without realizing it.

"Now are you making eyes at Lucca, unfaithful sir?"

Suddenly, Felix stood next to him and exclaimed this as if he was really angry with him. However,
when Isaac turned to look at him, he could only see his beautiful blue eyes almost half-closed, his
eyebrows all flattened and... Isaac raised his hands and covered his mouth instead of saying
anything about his attitude. It was such a strange attack that he had no choice but to let out all his laughter.
Felix has a princess crown on his head that comes attached to a kind of braided blonde wig...

"What's that?"

"I don't know... Noah bought it for me because he says I look like Elsa. I don't know who Elsa is,

Isaac could only laugh again.

"It's cute."

"It is?"

Isaac holds Felix's hand, who now leans over him to begin kissing him.
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I was actually serious, Felix was really cute. Even if you stand still just looking at it, doing nothing in particular,
the air around you makes you feel like you might end up getting lost in it... And how is it possible that a
man wearing a princess wig can look so beautiful? first of all? Even though he is frowning...

Someone who is pretty will be pretty until the end.

"If it's too ridiculous, maybe I should remove it."

"No, it's really really cute. I even thought that... It would be nice to have a girl who looks completely like you. I
mean, with you like this, I can get an idea of what she would look like."

"That's not bad... Although I wouldn't care if you give birth to a girl or a boy."

"You're right".

Benjamin, who has a rather soft and calm personality, is very cute and actually already looks enough like Felix to
want to have an identical girl now... It's just that he can't help but think about how pretty she would be. So
beautiful. With hair that could be braided, just like what she's wearing. With his eyes and perhaps, with his
personality. Just like a real little princess.
As Felix seems to be able to see through his thoughts, he finds himself with his hand already on his cheek.

"I'm going to try every day, constantly until you're expecting my child again."

"That's a little extreme... Now we haven't planned anything and I already feel like I'm going to end up without a

As he looked at him, Felix smiled a little harder and then laughed. Knowing who he is, he's sure he'd start
making him a daughter right now if he could. Maybe...
It was like digging his own grave.

"Then you can't afford to look at any other guys, okay?"


"You just have to look at your Alpha. Just keep your eyes on me and that's it."

Felix, who is famous for being extremely jealous of him, makes Isaac just raise an eyebrow and look at him
like he can't believe what he just said. However, faced with his desperate gaze, he soon seems to have no choice
but to let out a tremendous sigh.

"Right, listen. I can only see you. You're so cute that no one else can enter my eyes. Even if I look at
someone else once, if I turn my head in your direction again... I think I'd forget about it." immediate."

When he answered in that honest way, Felix's eyebrows shook as if he couldn't believe what had just
happened. As always, when he talks to Isaac, he loses.

"God... I think my Omega is becoming a lot more sincere as time goes on. It feels like the flower seller who told
me not to come back to his shop anymore has
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completely disappeared."

"That's true. That may be the case."

When he said that, Felix grabbed Isaac's hand tightly.

"I was excited, when I saw you for the first time and you looked at me with a hard and reckless face...
But now, I am very crazy about the man who keeps showing that he loves me as much as I love him."

Isaac said nothing and began to laugh quietly. It seemed like everything was like that lately, smiles and little
laughs. Signs that Félix did not stop making changes in him.

"It was your fault..."

"Yes, so don't show my creation to anyone else."

"Nobody else."

In response to Isaac, Felix smiled contently and raised Isaac's hand to begin kissing it...

The sun was setting to a glow so cold that it soon seemed to turn everything red.
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The family trip to Disneyland continues with a friendlier atmosphere than expected. As they walked
down the street, they bought snacks, toys, and played together until it got dark.

Dinner was in one of the park's restaurants and this, obviously, was also thanks to Vincenzo and
Tony's special reservation. It wasn't difficult to sit with the whole family because they were on the
terrace, not inside. Plus, it was a great place because they could look around slowly and without being
bothered by anyone.

"There's another parade... The night parade is of lights so it says here it's worth going to see. Look,
it says it here in bold. "You should see this!"

After a quiet dinner, Noah looked at the park brochure as if he were reading a rather complicated
book. In fact, they had already seen the afternoon parade. Where the Disney characters came
together and danced to the rhythm of quite beautiful music. Benjamin was there, on Felix's shoulders,
watching them with wide, shining eyes. Shaking his little hands to greet every princess, monster or
giant mouse that passed by.

"And why are we going to see this other parade if we've already seen one before?"

"Grandpa, this one is different!"

"My noses are different."

However, thanks to Noah's intense desire to see the night parade, Vincenzo, who finished the meal
and was drunk on wine, complained... But he agreed to go. After all, Noah had started talking to
Benjamin so much about how nice and wonderful that parade was sure to be, that soon the boy
spread his hands and shouted, "I want to go!"
Noah knew better than anyone that Benjamin was the only one who could convince this man.

"Grandpa, can we go see sparkly Mickey?"

Vincenzo's response was more than obvious so it was established that their next stop would be
the night festival with shiny Mickey.

At night, the park seemed much more colorful. The buildings and decorations were so bright, you
even had to squint to see them better. The music continued non-stop so even though it was very
late, it was still packed with people.
Isaac walks through the crowd and arrives at the place where the parade will be. There were many
moms and dads so he immediately sat down on the floor and placed Benjamin gently in his arms... It
wasn't uncomfortable, rather, he liked being able to bury his nose completely in the boy's hair
and sniff his pretty and deep smell. Besides, I thought it was a lucky day.
For being able to spend a moment like this with your family without the slightest complication.

"Honey, the air is getting cold, do you want me to bring you a cup of coffee?"

While they waited, Félix whispered this next to his ear before moving on to adjust Benjamin's hat a
little better. When Isaac turns his head to answer him, a friendly gaze, in Prussian blue, captures him
as intensely as if it were the depths of the sea.
I hadn't noticed it, but I was already nodding yes...
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She didn't really want to drink coffee, but his voice, whispering sweetly near her cheek, had made
her think that it wouldn't be a bad idea to sit with him, drink coffee together and watch the parade
next to her child.

"Wait a minute, I'll be right back."

Then Felix stood up... Isaac unconsciously reached out to hold him.

"You go now?"

"What do you say? Of course now... I still have time, don't I?"

The parade began at 8 o'clock. There were still 10 more minutes left so, as Felix says, he still has
enough time to go and buy coffee. However, instead of moving, there is something that... It definitely
doesn't feel right.

"Are you going alone?"

"Sure... That was our plan all day, right? I'm going shopping and you take care of Benjamin."

Well, that's true... But the truth is, Isaac didn't want to let go anyway.

"No. How about we go together a little later?"

Something was really... Pressing on his chest as if a rock had been thrown at him. Isaac looked
visibly agitated and looked around again and again until he noticed how it was filled with more
people. Noah is in the front row along with Lucca. To Isaac's left are Vincenzo and Jessica, away
from the crowd... They had seen the afternoon parade and were absolutely convinced that
now they were just going to add lights so in reality, there was little point.
In addition, they were already tired from walking all day so they just sat on a bench, one next to the
other, and dedicated themselves to having a small conversation. At first glance, they looked
like normal old people, but then you looked around a little and you noticed huge men in Hawaiian
Everyone was busy, minding their own business because, actually, the atmosphere felt good...
But he was there, holding Felix's hand because he didn't want to let him go.

In fact, Isaac had no solid basis to retain him. Why did he feel so nervous right now when he was so
confident in his plan before? He had even fought with Lucca for this like this


"Don't go alone. Please."

Isaac, still looking around, says it again and then just clings to him so much that even Benjamin
starts to feel a little confused. Félix knows that expression, he is pale and cold and seems on the
verge of an anxiety attack so the only thing he can think of is to kiss him again.

"That's it. I'm not going alone, okay? Don't worry. I'm taking Jack."
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"That's it. I'm not going alone, okay? Don't worry. I'm taking Jack."

"Then tell him to go and you stay."

Umm…Actually, I want to go to the bathroom too.”

Felix smiled, but it sounded like a complete excuse so Isaac just held him a little tighter.

He shouldn't have said anything about the coffee, he shouldn't have said it was okay to watch the
show. Isaac shook his shoulders, spitting out a strong breath that soon turned bitter. His child
started hugging him too so he thought... Maybe he was being too exaggerated.

"My love..."

"I'm sorry... I'm just, really worried."

"You don't have to apologize, you don't have to explain what you're thinking because it's an
absolutely normal feeling... We are linked after all, you feel the same as I feel."


"I'll go to the bathroom, buy you a coffee and come right back. Don't worry, okay?"

Félix, who kissed his cheeks again and again to calm him down, tried to get up once more to
get going... Until he now felt Benjamin's little hand on his.
Possibly Isaac infected him with his strange feelings or he was nervous on his own. Whatever
it is, he squeezes it hard.

"Where are you going, dad?"

Felix leaned in again and looked at Benjamin more closely.

"I'm going to buy your dad Isaac something delicious to drink, because it's cold."

"I can go?"

"Well, no. Because now I need you to stay right here to take care of dad, okay?"
While I'm away."

Felix puts on a rather serious look and voice, but he leans down and kisses Benjamin's hair as if he
were just playing... Benjamin nodded, although he couldn't properly understand what this meant.

"Don't forget my coffee, you good-for-nothing!"

Then Noah intervenes from the side but Felix pretends he hasn't heard anything.

Isaac released him.

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Felix walks through the crowd so he can't see what he's doing or if he really called Jack to come with
him. At one point, his appearance quickly blended with the people, he was overshadowed by a group
of children, and there was nothing left of him. As if he had been absorbed by darkness.

He could only see, strangers and strangers wandering beyond his sight.

"Hey, Rambo.... What's wrong? You're really pale."


"Don't worry too much. We're in Disneyland, right? There's private security everywhere, even in the

But Isaac kept looking at the place where Felix had disappeared. The dark place, the people...
Noah, who is quite good at noticing the inside of a person, sat right next to him and held his shoulders
before also caressing his back.

"It's Felix we're talking about, right? He's a dominant Alpha that's hard to beat. Not to mention his
disgusting personality... Come on man! Cheer up." Noah sat up straight and growled, looking forward
as well. However, when he found no reaction, Noah shrugged and took out his cell phone to show
her what he had done. "And, I put a location tracker on Felix. With this you can see everything. Where he
is and how he is."

"... Oh really?"

Noah shook his cell phone and dropped it in his hand. As if to say that the possibility was there, if he
wanted to take it. Again, instead of a response, he only gets a vague smile.

"Daddy, when is Mickey Mouse coming?"

Meanwhile, Benjamin seems pretty bored sitting around. They're early and taking the front seat isn't exactly
a fun thing to do.
Isaac finally kissed her hair and then held her against him again.

"Soon. Let's wait a little longer."

"When will dad come?"

"Your dad will be here soon."

"Did you go buy coffee for me too?"

The boy immediately asks so Isaac notices that he heard the entire conversation. Looking at his little
blue eyes, so similar to Félix's, the man caresses him and kisses his cheeks again and on his head as
well. He nodded.

"I'm sure he's going to bring something delicious for you."

"I don't want coffee."

"So? Chocolate?"

"I want daddy Felix... Can you...? Can you tell him to come?"
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Noah had a huge problem on his hands so he tried to bring up another topic of conversation. He
asked him if he wanted to eat sweets with him and also what kind he liked... He always carried sweets
and chocolates in his coat so, everything he asked for, lollipops, a jelly bean or marzipan, he
took it out again and again doing that the child clapped and laughed.

Thus, slowly, the parade began.

It was a beautiful and dazzling parade, with music and many people too. The sounds of
cheering and applause could be heard around him, loud and joyful... But his mind was completely
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Felix never returned.

The noisy and colorful parade had already ended so the thousands of people who had gathered at the
place had also begun to disperse. When that happened, Isaac got up from his seat, handed him Benjamin, and
ran to look for him in the direction of the coffee stand. Noah, who was also quite frustrated, quickly moved
along with Isaac.

"Where are you going...? And what about Felix?"

"Grandpa, take the child, okay? Felix didn't come back from the bathroom."

Noah immediately took out the laptop he was carrying in his backpack and began to check the GPS he had
placed on Felix. In fact, even in the middle of the parade he didn't stop checking. The signal had stopped
moving in the same place for a long time. At first it was in the bathroom but then it was lost, just as if it had been
turned off.
He couldn't help but get nervous so he told Isaac to check if the same thing was happening on his cell
phone... However, Isaac just ran again. He crosses through the park that has already been covered in
darkness and then makes another turn.

Felix and the men who followed him don't return and the tracking device he put on him doesn't respond!

They rushed to the bathroom all together and... That's when they discovered that Jack and Vincenzo's personal
driver were tied up, back to back and completely unconscious. On the mirror they had written the word "I
am going to repair the fault" with something similar to marker.

"What happened to this?! Jack, Kevin! Wake up!!"

Tony screamed and began to untie the two huge bundles lying in the bathroom. They don't wake up, there is
blood on the floor and they don't seem to be beaten. In fact, their pulse is so slow that they believe they were
rather drugged.

So then... That blood...

Isaac's face, who looked at everything around him, is a complete mess. His eyes were darkened.
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Even knowing who was responsible for his rash actions and why, the truth was that it seemed almost
impossible to locate him correctly while there.

Every time he added more and more thoughts to his already quite confused head, Isaac's heart
became terribly heavy and painful. Although he wanted to talk to Vincenzo and Noah about the
situation, they seem minded enough enough to be able to be with him. And he understood it. I also
knew that I had to wait for this confusing scenario to calm down a little but, the truth is that as
time went by, things only got so tense that they inevitably destroyed everything behind them.

"Dad, uuh, uuh, dad, dad.... Da... Uh, dad." Benjamin was being lulled here and there because,
contrary to what was expected for a four-year-old, he too felt that the atmosphere was completely
unusual. He was stressed and scared so he just cried hard, with his little head all buried in Isaac's
chest. "I want... Dad Fé, uh...uhh."

"Benjamin, don't cry. Don't cry anymore. There's nothing to worry about, okay? Dad Felix will be here

"... Really?"


"For sleeping?"

"Yes... But it won't if you keep crying like that so, try to calm down a little."


Isaac answered everything quietly, with his lips glued to his son's soft hair and his left hand
patting his small back... Since he was holding the boy with one arm, he was sending text messages
with the other so he didn't really I knew if I was doing it right or if I at least understood it.

After sending around ten text messages, he quickly put the cell phone back into his pants pocket...

Lucca's cell phone didn't stop ringing.

He was elsewhere, investigating the extent to which they had managed to breach his security and the
ways in which they could repair it. However, when he picked up the phone and started
checking the notifications, his forehead began to distort more and more to the point where it was
already quite painful. Even his complexion was tinged red. He turned off his cell phone and
ran directly to Vincenzo. He began to speak in Italian:

"We have more problems."

"What happened?"

Vincenzo, who was listening to everything very attentively, distorted his expression as much as Lucca
was doing.
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"Isaac says the condition at the hotel is no better. The boys who were guarding were beaten too."

"What are you talking about?!"

"Isaac is taking charge for the moment... But it's bad. They were mistreated quite a bit and those who
managed to regain their memories said that the security we put in the attic is also lost. Some are dead."

"Ha, that fucking bitch."

A word he had never used came out of Vincenzo's mouth. His image was completely
different from what they had seen in the mansion so it inevitably made him feel quite uncomfortable.

It was horrible, holding Benjamin while he cried and then having to leave him with his dad because he
could hardly breathe anymore. In addition to feeling completely helpless and sad, both your chest and
head hurt as if they were going to explode... Your opponent may have been planning and
watching carefully from the beginning. Waiting for the right moment to attack. There was something
he overlooked. But what? As? When the fuck?

"Grandpa, I have something to say."

Noah, who secured the CCTV video while downloading other data, belatedly approached Vincenzo...
His face, which is usually pale, is now much paler. Dozens of times paler!

"What? Did you find something?"

Vincenzo was in a hurry to head to the hotel, but he still stopped and looked at him carefully long
enough to see the way Noah bit his lip.

"I haven't told you one thing... It's that, if Félix told Grandpa you were going to cancel the family trip and..."

"Felix? Stop talking like an idiot and tell me things properly!"

Vincenzo hit Noah on the head because he didn't speak well and also because he shook his
shoulders as if he were freezing to death. Only then did Noah open his eyes wide and, breathless and
quickly spitting out each of his words, he told her absolutely everything. That Félix had said that he wanted
to face him and that he was not afraid to go with him.

"I didn't know this would happen."

The voice of Noah, who is clenching his fists tightly, gradually loses its energy and then, reaches a
point where it breaks. I was crying, loudly and quite honestly. Just like Benjamin and as if he
were really very scared and sorry for everything.

Vincenzo just stared at him and then grabbed his shoulder to comfort him for a moment.
It seemed like he had lost his words and at the same time, he really wanted to kick him...

Noah cowered in place and sniffed, still looking crying. Lucca, who had also been moved by him,
hugged him.
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"Ah. Don't touch me. You stink."

"... I'm sorry."

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Tony is looking at Isaac like he doesn't know what else to do to comfort him. Isaac's eyes don't
blink. No. He even felt like he had forgotten the correct way to breathe.

Now, they had no choice but to tell her that the person who had kidnapped her husband
was possibly Theron William. Theron, Felix's father. The first name Vincenzo said when he
arrived in San Diego and they all talked together in the library. That time I was quite curious about
it because, when he mentioned his name, Felix's face transformed into something truly chilling.

When he saw Noah running somewhere with a pile of papers in his hands, he immediately
approached him and talked to him until he told him that Theron was his cousin's father...

The relationship between father and son was very bad. From what he could hear in the truth game,
Felix was very sad to talk about it and even seemed really disturbed when remembering it.
After that, I tried to be as empathetic as possible and comforted him by saying that they were the
same. That he understood it perfectly because his father and his were the worst, and that was
true... But he didn't know that they really were alike in everything! I mean, he'd been enough of a
son of a bitch to manage to kidnap him on a family trip. Additionally, they attacked the hotel and
annihilated most of the guards. What kind of disgusting human was he? Is he a person related to the mafia?
Noah had said it before, Felix was the best Alpha, a really dominant, strong and skilled one, so
what trick did he use to take him with him?

Sighing heavily, Isaac began to pack as much as possible while still holding on to his baby, who
seemed tired enough from crying to do anything else. Then, they got everyone out of there and
started executing some kind of "Escape Plan". Vincenzo and Noah, Jessica too...

They were in a hurry to get out of Disneyland as soon as possible, so when they headed to the car
and they started hearing the Pow, pow, pow, and then the explosions overhead... They all
looked so honestly confused that they stopped walking.

Fireworks fill the sky, one after another. Ultimately, the fireworks show is the highlight of
Disneyland nights. Benjamin, who was in his arms, suddenly raised his head and said something
similar to "wow". Above them, a colorful flame erupted once again, bringing out a dark mist
that completely shook the earth…
It was a spectacular fireworks show that colored the darkness. Even as Benjamin blocks
his ears with both hands, he raises his chin and opens his mouth and eyes wide, as if
possessed by the dazzling beauty that shines just as if it were only for him. Not only the child, but
also the adults were watching. Vincenzo, Noah all looked up at the sky without trying to get into
the car. However, soon Isaac forced himself to get inside the Rolls Royce and then stretched
out his hand for his mother to imitate him as well.

Unlike the trip there, Felix's seat was empty now... And it feels exceptionally large
too. Isaac looked at it for a moment and then looked out the window: The fireworks that
embroidered the sky in colorful shapes lasted a long time, even though the car had started to

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Isaac, still looking up at the sky, called his name a couple of times. It was a name that made him feel
good when he said it so he repeated it over and over again. All the time...

Félix... Fireworks make everything light up. Are you seeing them? The sound is so loud that it shakes
the entire city so... Are you hearing it? Are you seeing... That beautiful flame that fills every part of
the sky? If so, if you can see and hear the same as me, if you are alive, that is enough for me. I'll be
fine as long as you're fine.
I promise you that it doesn't matter where you are or where or who it is that has you in this

I will go for you.

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It was late.

Isaac left Disneyland with Benjamin and his mother and they looked for a place where they could
stop to rest. After all, the place they were staying was a mess and he couldn't let them be there.
Surrounded by corpses, blood, Alpha pheromones and broken things.

Therefore, unlike Vincenzo and Noah, who had planned to stay there a little longer to figure it out as
much as possible, Isaac was in the car. Watching her baby suck her finger and her mother close
her eyes as if she wanted a moment to think...
This time, Tony took care of everything, finding a hotel that actually wasn't all that far away.
It was a suite with two separate rooms, one for him and another where his mother and the child could
sleep. They had also gotten him a small escort... However, Isaac can't relax even being there.
From the moment Noah began gathering information to locate Felix, he knew he had to get ready to
fight a tough war. No, possibly it was before. When he entered the bathroom and discovered that
the floor had a lot of red stains and a strange message on the wall.

After talking to Tony, Isaac took complete care of Benjamin. It's very late, much later than his usual
bedtime, but Benjamin is still more than awake and also much more agitated than usual. He thought
he would sleep through the night because he had wandered around every part of Disneyland during
the day, but it seemed difficult for the boy to close his eyes. Because of what had happened with Felix,
she clung to him while crying and yelling, "Where's dad?" "Where is dad?"

Isaac swallows his tears, puts him in his pajamas and lies down on the bed to try to get him to start
sleeping. As always, he puts on a smiling face, tells him that he loves him a lot, that his dad will be
there any moment and kisses him goodnight and then leaves the room and leaves the way
completely clear for his mother, who looks at him. as if he wanted to hug him tightly and start comforting

Isaac didn't have time for that kind of look.

"Tony, I have something to ask you, okay?"

Isaac, standing at the door of the room and completely locked in his thoughts, gave a completely
strange look at Tony while he just waited silently right in front.

The request she had was simple: She wanted to go where Vincenzo was to start helping with her
husband's case. However, before he had an answer, Isaac was already getting ready and soon began
a quick walk towards the hotel reception. The carpeted hallway swallowed up even Isaac's loudest
footsteps and made every small echo fade away until there was nothing left...

As he walked down the hallway, Isaac clenched his fists tightly, then stopped moving. Suddenly, your
palms are clammy with sweat and your heart feels like it could escape down your throat. Isaac, who
sighed briefly, rubbed his fingers over his jeans and closed his eyes to try to calm himself. He was
nervous and quite scared and now, since he had stopped holding his son or smiling for his mother, he
felt like he was going to die. God, what do you have to do when you feel so bad at a time when you
should be calm?
Isaac, who covered his mouth one last time, moved quickly and took the elevator to go from
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immediately to the main door.

When she came out, the autumn breeze suddenly scattered her hair. The south has a desert
climate and the sun always seems to be up so it almost never rains. However, you can
completely perceive the difference between day and night. It was cold...
Thinking of new dangerous things, Isaac rubbed his exposed arms under his short sleeves and
then walked straight to the sedan waiting in front of the hotel parking lot. Tony was there, almost
running after him while shouting that he couldn't go alone... But Isaac went up, locked all the
doors and yelled for him to stay and take care of Benjamin and his mother.

As the sedan moved smoothly into the darkness, he began to cry... Although it was an
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On the hotel side there were no police or any kind of strange movement so, thanks to this, the
atmosphere was not all crowded... Although the air was still terribly heavy.

His shoulders were almost completely compressed as he walked through the hallways of
the hotel. Although now, unlike the first time, the smell of gunpowder floating in the air and
the bloody smell had intensified considerably. The air conditioning was blowing hard
enough to feel cold, but it smelled. It was a scent that made uncomfortable feelings even
stronger. A familiar and unpleasant aroma.

When Isaac reached the door, he realized that all the casualties and injuries had been
eliminated and resolved to some extent. Then, without even noticing the subordinates who
were still tidying up the room, he approached the place where Vincenzo and Noah were.
They were sitting in the living room, exchanging a couple of strange papers with Lucca...
Just like in the bathroom, the men have a terrible, hardened face, and yet when they see him
arrive they get up and open the doors. eyes as if they were trying to find the right words to
address him.

It was Vincenzo who started the conversation first.

"You're here. How's Benjamin?"

Isaac approached him, but only because he seemed worried.

"A little anxious, but it's okay. My mother will take care of it."

"I don't have the face to see her after what I put her through."

"She is strong" .

In response to Isaac's clear prayer, Vincenzo sighed briefly, nodded, and then fell silent again.
As if he had a huge lump in his throat that was rising until it turned a terrible dark gray color.

"Have you had any contact with Theron yet?"

Then he sat quietly and looked around until he reached Noah. The steady eyes that face
him are terribly black. So dyed that it was impossible to know their interior.

Noah showed him his laptop:

"He doesn't seem to be around so we're now waiting for him to contact us.
We trust that he will do so soon."

Unlike Vincenzo's other employees, Noah didn't seem to have any kind of energy or strength
about him. He was dull, with slumped shoulders and deep red spots under his eyes and on the
tip of his nose. Isaac nodded silently, watching the man sniff his nose as if it were still dripping
even though it was actually dry...
There was silence between them for a long moment but, somehow, Lucca was
completely still and closed off. Like a clam. None of them can talk easily, they just sit.
Listening to the second hand of the clock moving noisily. Tick tick tick.
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Then, Vincenzo's cell phone vibrated as if he had suddenly been sent a bunch of messages
or notifications for something important, and immediately afterwards, everyone stood up
straight and attentive again... There was tension in the room when Vincenzo answered the
phone without warning. doubt it Noah grabbed his tablet and started typing until he managed
to open the tracking program. His olive-colored eyes shone like I had seen Felix's shine before:
A predator with its prey in front...


Vincenzo, who put the phone to his ear, started the conversation.

"Long time no hear your voice, Mr. Felice."

He lowered his back and narrowed his eyes, as if trying to hear her voice in more detail...
Vincenzo's hand, placed on the table, curled and clenched into a fist while Isaac just leaned
in, trying to listen to the sound coming from him. of the speaker.
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Felix was looking at the man he found sitting in front of him. They ...
were both in a limousine with a structure similar to the Rolls Royce in which they took them all to

While trying to analyze everything that was happening, Felix slowly moved his bound hands and
discovered that his feet were also tied.
Curse , Before getting into the car he only lost consciousness for a moment. A minute maybe!
and now he was completely lost and carried like a sack... Or how much time had really passed?
Was it because of the drug they injected him with? When he confronted him, even before he cut
off his arm, he casually said something like "Bring the medicine" "Inject the medicine"
It was a pheromone inhibitor a hundred times stronger than the ones he had used before to calm
his heat so you could say that it was more of a weapon. No matter how hard he tried, he
couldn't use his pheromones to fight!

Shortly after realizing that absurd fact, Felix noticed that everything was getting terribly
dark, and when he opened his eyes again... There was this situation of sitting in
the limo in front of the mastermind of the attack. Ah, damn. It even feels like a truck has run
over it. ...

"Are you awake now?"

When the man who had all his attention on the window felt Felix's sharp gaze, he immediately
turned his eyes and fully faced him. They were brown eyes, pupils like stones that did not
reflect the slightest emotion. A face so dull that it made him feel depressed just by looking at
it... The last time he faced him was almost 10 years ago so putting him
at around 40 years old was the most logical thing. However, the appearance of the man he met
that time and his appearance now were absolutely different. How could it change so much? He
thinks it's definitely not normal.

"So ..."

"God, look at your damn face. You look like a bankrupt middle-aged businessman who just
found out his wife is pregnant... And he's also not the

The first word from Felix, who was looking at the man, was a stupid sentence that actually had a
point. He seemed like a very sad little man who was entering a much worse stage.

"It's the face of a man who no longer has anything."

There was no response as he settled himself a little better, his arms crossed against his chest and
his mouth in a curve that expressed complete and utter mockery.

"Then you need more doses Huh? Since you seem so active to say so much nonsense..."
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"I didn't know it before, but now that I see you... You look exactly like your mother. Maybe, you're
actually just like Vincenzo."

The man, who was still looking at Felix quite curiously, confessed his thoughts with a voice that
was too low. It was a tone as dull as his expression. It sounded boring.

"I don't care what you say and I don't care if I look like my mother or not... Just, tell me what you want.
Let's talk quickly and finish quickly too."

He tried to remember what had happened while he was at Disneyland. He went to buy coffee... No,
before that, he went to the bathroom. As he was drying his hands with a paper towel, a thin Omega
walked in and... He threw himself into his arms. She literally fell on top of him and hugged him as if
they were lifelong lovers. It was at that moment when Félix involuntarily grabbed him as well.
Jack and Kevin, who followed him, ran and took the strange omega off of him.

"Oh, I'm sorry. It was an accident."

The Omega apologized for falling against him and Jack responded with a pout. He hadn't really
heard well but, he was sure that the growling voice was threatening enough to scare anyone.

"Stop, I'm fine. Nothing happened."

Felix, who ordered Jack to leave him alone... He began to notice a little more about the Omega who
had a completely different environment and physique than Isaac had. He looked at him as if he were
an amazing creature: He had a pretty appearance and a shiny, slim physique, beautiful
wherever you looked at it. Her husband had a solid physique and considerable height so she felt, as
if she had forgotten for a moment like the other omegas until she had him there in front of her. Even
though Noah was also slim and pretty. She liked him, and that was completely illogical because
she had never liked anyone since four years ago, when she suddenly had a complicated heat cycle
and slept with an Omega. Ah... Isaac was fabulous. She had filled
him so much with her scent that she was always looking for him, she always thirsted for him... She
knew it was her destiny from the first kiss they shared so how come another man was
enchanting her so much? How come he wanted to take it so much...?

Take it...?

True, Isaac wanted to have coffee.

Felix soon began to blink and turned his head. Oh my God. Isaac was still outside, wasn't he? She
was waiting for him along with her son so... What was she doing in the first place?

He tried to hurry to get out of there but he couldn't move even a few steps. His head was
ringing as if he had a gong inside.

At that moment we felt it... Was the bad feeling I had about an Omega? Is a

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Felix screamed and approached them to try to warn them that something was wrong with him but, his body,
The one that had felt completely fresh before was now as heavy as a ball of concrete.
The headache began to get worse and worse until his eyes became unfocused. ...
deaf, dumb and it was hard to concentrate on one thing without feeling like I was going to explode so,
He extended his arm without knowing it.

Then Tak, someone grabbed his hand tightly and sliced his skin as if he were
looking for something important inside. Felix raises his eyes, but says nothing. Unlike
slim physique, it was a great grip...

"Wow, you're the best Alpha in the world, aren't you? Not everyone can take a
dose like this without falling."

Felix, who shook his arm as hard as he could, realized that Jack and Kevin were
disappearing in front of him as if someone was taking them away... Not only are they leaving, but
that the bathroom itself felt terribly empty and white.
I hadn't noticed it before but, at the entrance to the bathroom, just to the right, there is a strange door
that has the word "Cleaning" written on it and from there, several men dressed as janitors
They begin to come out the same as if they had already rehearsed it in advance...

He wanted to say something, but a different breath filled his chin and interfered with his words.
Teeth bit his lips... What was happening and why had he never done it?
experienced in your life? The atmosphere was very unpleasant and he felt, just felt as if
it wasn't him... That is to say, on other occasions it was pushed and hit against the toilet until it broke
his head, but now, he wonders why he is so helpless.

"Oh, my beautiful Alpha... I want you to follow me quietly, okay? Don't fuss and all."
It will be over before you know it."

It's hard to reach the other side while holding a man taller and bigger than him,
moving back and forth like it's melting... So ask for help. Felix, for
For his part, he was trying to get rid of those unpleasant hands that seemed completely rooted to
his fingers, but he is so uncoordinated that he doesn't even seem to know where they are or what they were doing
... The Omega had put his nails under the skin of his arm because the device he had brought close to him
He kept telling him that he had a GPS right in that part...

"What do you want?"

When the man asked, the Omega just shrugged.

"Let's get out of here to talk outside. I gave you a very strong inhibitor so it wouldn't be
It wouldn't be convenient for either of us if you suddenly lost your mind completely. If that
If it happens, I should give you more doses... And it would be very dangerous to take so many chemicals,
honey, do you understand?

"Something like that ..."

Shit, what was he wrong about? When did you inject it!? At the moment when
hit and held it in his arms, there was a tingling sensation inside his palm... Without
However, instead of pain or any other alarm signal, there were Jack's screams saying that
It was better for him to get out of there if he didn't want problems.
Félix looked down at his wrist and blinked, trying to focus on something even though his eyes were dark.
completely cloudy and almost dark ... In his hand, right where the tingling had been, were
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some pretty strange marks. It wasn't like he had stuck a needle in it, it looked more like a small button. A device
that administered drugs simply by pressing it.

"Look, I'll tell you why you should stop fighting. You have your Omega, your son, your grandfather and your cousin,
all inside the park. It doesn't matter that it's a theme park as protected as this one, right? Now You saw it...
Because I already reached this level and no one has stopped me. So what do you think will happen to them? Do
you think I'm not everywhere?
What can't I say Do it and blow your baby's head? "

It was a pretty obvious threat, the normal intimidation that his family would get hurt if he didn't stay calm.
... Félix tried, but couldn't help but laugh. Well, his family had guards and, more important
than that, they had Isaac. How could she take him seriously when the man she married carried a gun in his pants
pocket? It was very funny to imagine HIM beating someone like HIS PARTNER.

The Omega pushed his head down.

"I think you think my words were funny, but it's not an empty threat."

His voice became louder and louder while Felix's vision only became considerably blurrier. At the same time, he
felt himself being pushed back and then his legs being lifted up just as if he were a small child... He obviously
thought he could kick him and then, if he was pulled, he would crawl or find a way to run for help. Of course, it
was impossible. And his thoughts only remained that...

Then, the men holding him saw a small button-shaped machine under his shoes. He also had a GPS there,
maybe there were more on his clothes.

"Throw that in the trash! We'll see about the others."

When the Omega ordered it, with that absolutely forceful voice, the button was detached and thrown into the
trash without waiting for another moment. Felix looked in ...
the bathroom mirror, but he still didn't understand what he was doing. What did he have in his shoe? What did
he have on his arm?

It would have been nice not to be moved by pure assumptions and listen to Isaac's words about going together
after the parade was over. He should have sent Jack alone, he should have moved differently, he should have
left behind that idea of going after Theron, he should have held Benjamin and told him that he wasn't going
anywhere. He should have told them that he loved them once again. one more moment

It must have...

Felix sighed and... That was the last thing he did. Suspended they could no longer support the weight so they ended up
allowing themselves to be absorbed by that darkness that seemed like a curtain.
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"Didn't you say you were going to have it eating out of the palm of your hand?" for when

"Well... He's a complicated Alpha. The drug didn't do much for him."

With his back pressed against the seat, Félix remains with his head up and his eyes almost completely closed.
However, his pupils move, as if he was searching for something important in all of this...
brown look in front of him is completely annoying. Looking at him like that, so close, there was no
no corner that really seemed to be that of his biological father. But it was. He and Theron had
the same blood within their bodies, although the appearance, personality, atmosphere and
eyes were not similar at all. In the first place, everything about Félix was a maternal inheritance and,
as he grew up under Vincenzo's roof from the age of two, his behavior, voice and expression
facial features were identical to his. It became similar, a complete Felice. On the other hand, Theron is a
complete stranger. Damn. I would have preferred to die before being dragged away like that!
before him!

Thinking about it, Félix moved his head until it was pressed against the car window. Was
a different one from the first so how long had it been? It was quite dark so
It seems like he fell asleep for a long time... Surely they already discovered the bathroom disaster and now
They are investigating every part of the hotel. Ha, possibly Vincenzo is angry, Noah is
crying like crazy and Isaac ...

"Isaac must be very worried about me..."

It was when he spoke unconsciously that Theron looked at him.


Theron felt curious and confused to the point where he had included himself a little more against
he ... But then he quickly remembered what was in the report.

"Ah, you mean your partner? No wonder the drug didn't work well! You're linked, isn't it?"
TRUE? What a fool. I hadn't thought about that because I didn't think it was possible coming from you.
but, look at you. Linked with a little Omega slut! So formal." A thick air filled the
inside the car, it was an impressive anger that came out of every part of his skin until it mixed
completely with the smell of the flavoring... However, as if that did not seem to him
Surprisingly, Theron only sat up a little more casually. Challenging Félix, who shrank his
shoulders in pure frustration."Anyway. It doesn't matter if you have a partner or a child or a
nice happy house... What I want is more important."

That man, as well as the Omega next to him, look like a complete and total disaster. Throw
an atmosphere that says "I don't care about anything but what I want to do." So how much
The more you look at him, the harder it is for you to think that he is a mafia boss. It is more credible to imagine
who is the owner of a grocery store.

"What the fuck do you want?"

Then, crossing one leg, Theron put her hands on her knees and looked into the face.
angry that he had only for himself... He smiled:
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"Um... I see you have a desperate attitude too, huh? It's a lot to process and we're really just
getting started. It's not good to rush."

"Believe me, it's better to get rid of dirty things quickly."

"If so, I guess it's something that can't be helped." Theron, who did not blink even once, even
after hearing such strong words. He opened his lips again: "There are two things I want."

"Did you see the face of a clothing store? I don't do promotions, just one thing."

"Two things".

Theron pretended she hadn't heard him and continued with her sentence, she had an
impressive poker face that even seemed to be worse than Isaac's. However, although his
Omega did not know how to correctly express what he felt, his face was filled with a lot of
intense and beautiful thoughts and emotions. Theron, on the other hand, is literally a
machine with nothing inside of him.

"The first is a list. One that, curiously, is in the hands of your grandfather."

"... List?"
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"The first is a list. One that, curiously, is in the hands of your grandfather."


"Yes. You see, it's an old list and I'm not sure if it will be useful or not but, I know it exists. And I definitely
need it."

Unlike Felix, who was perplexed by the existence of something like this, Theron seemed convinced that it
was real and, more importantly, that it was very important. A list... No way. Did Vincenzo have secrets from
him? What a traitor!
Felix, who was quickly organizing his thoughts and memories... He couldn't find anything. There wasn't
even the possibility that it was there, buried somewhere in his brain.

Something Vincenzo didn't tell her but Theron knows... Interesting.

"To explain it better, apparently it has some big names inside. It's valuable, so I thought Vincenzo would be
so scared of losing it that he would take it to the hotel too...
You see, I didn't have any success. I mean, it should have been within reach, right? But there was nothing."

"Did you enter the hotel?"

"It was not difficult"

"Wasn't it difficult? You fucking idiot, what did you do?"

I had already thought he was crazy enough to follow him to a resort bathroom... But to the hotel? It was
obviously a proclamation of war.

"I like them to know of my presence."

Felix spit out an absolutely bitter laugh at his stupid comment, and anyway, he was sure that this
man was terribly determined and stubborn. Well, otherwise I wouldn't have left Italy and traveled hours
to California just to kidnap him inside Disney And you said he was the one with the desperate
attitude? Please!

"Look, I understand that it's important but things would definitely have been resolved faster if you had
acted differently and not like a rookie."

"I do things the way I want."

"Yes, me too... It's just that I thought you appreciated your pathetic life a little more to dare to act like that."

"It's funny you say that when the only life that's going to be lost is yours."

"God, how scary! Now I'm very scared. What will happen to me?" Felix leaned against the back of
the seat so he could get a better view of her eyes. "I want you to try, my
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little fox

"Felix, I wonder how much longer you can continue with such a shameless

"I was born this way, and I think I'll continue to act just this way until I die. Sorry, until
you kill me. I had already forgotten about that."

"Didn't you see what my Omega can do? Your pheromones, the greatest weapon you have,
have become unusable. Look at you! Even your limbs are tied. What do you really
have against me now? You should be begging in instead of threatening the air".

"I'm not afraid of losing myself..." And he really wasn't afraid of anything they could do against
him. He said they had suppressed his pheromones and tied his hands but what did it really
matter? He can honestly say that he has been through more terrifying things than that, and
none of them had him as the protagonist. "There are men worse than me... There are people
more valuable than me. It's just that you're stupid and you didn't realize it."

"What? It seems to me that you have a lot of faith in that old man..."

An infinitely powerful voice sounded from the back of his throat. His blue pupils are now
much more colored than before, like the deep sea. Theron frowned at the aura her son's
body gave off. It wasn't what he expected from a bound person and it was actually the first
real change in his expression since he woke up: "Actually, there is someone scarier than
my grandfather. If you touch me, you will die. If I die, you will die too." In fact, you're already
dead just for doing that strange act in the bathroom."

Felix's slow, threatening voice filled the interior of the car so much that Theron fell
silent and left her mouth completely closed. In fact I was very curious about that "If you touch
me you will die." A person stronger than Vincenzo?

Felix, who looked at him closely, suddenly smiled:

"You will see hell soon."

What fun.

"So be it."
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Looking for Felix 41

The car was absolutely calm. Sometimes there was a rattling sound when there was too sudden movement,
but otherwise it was as quiet as if everyone were dead. Nobody spoke. The car had no windows and
the driver's seat was divided. The interior was spacious, but there were no ordinary seats. On both walls
they had something like a long metal bench and fifteen men, completely uniformed and strong looking, were
sitting right there. There were no seat belts so everyone moved from side to side. There was a boy who
touched his fingertips all the time, one who cleaned his shoes and many others who had their eyes closed,
just as if they were taking a nap...

Those who remain with their eyes open only look at each other and then observe the subject sitting
next to Lucca. Some people knew him, others had only heard rumors: That was Mr. Felix's husband, Omega,
bonded, and now team leader.

At first they completely disagreed. They softened their reaction only thanks to Lucca's harsh words but, of
course, the complaints remained very firm.

"Do we have to follow the words of an Omega, seriously?"

"What is it going to help us with? Lose?"

"Just one more nuisance."

Or that's what they said... Until the man with the problem, commonly called by everyone "The Omega",
finally showed himself in front of them.

In a moment, all the dissatisfied boys hardened their faces and closed their mouths. There was more fear in
his eyes than the initial doubt and mockery.

"Is that an Omega?"

"I've never seen anything like it."

The guards, who swallowed too hard, looked at Isaac with an extremely confused look. What the
hell was that? He was wearing a black turtleneck, black pants, and a bulletproof vest clinging to a
muscular body. He looked quite cruel, with those black eyes and those reinforced leather gloves. Some
thought he was a cool guy and others thought it was a joke. He was holding a submachine gun, not a regular

While standing with Noah doing a test on his headphones, the viewers could only shrug their shoulders
and exchange silent doubts. There was a dangerous overwhelming feeling that made everyone fall silent...
It's scary! It's really scary! Everyone present held their breath and looked at Isaac. They couldn't
even ask anything because they didn't dare to! He was one of those who gave the illusion of being a born
leader and of having participated in a lot of bloody fights. Is that guy Felix's Omega partner? It was difficult

Boss Felix has really very unusual taste.

The boys, still nervous about Isaac's figure, walk behind him as if they were small cats fleeing from a
huge dog. They ride the same car and after that, some pretend to be busy with other matters while the
majority prefer to pretend to be asleep. It is a site
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awkward, of course... And it's hard to even blink when sitting in the same space. Only Lucca
seemed to be able to look at him and talk to him occasionally, but he didn't even look at anyone else
or introduce himself or at least say hello.

They can only, they sighed briefly, and wish to reach their destination as soon as possible.

Isaac knows what they are thinking so he sits up straight and looks ahead... Even if he is not a person
with many changes in his facial expression, his face is much harder than he thought it would be. It was
difficult, being there knowing the reasons. Isaac leaned his head against the wall and closed his
eyes like the other men had done. God, it feels like there are still hours and hours to go, like time
doesn't really pass. Is it accurate to say that they boarded the vehicle and assigned personnel as soon
as dawn came? However, from the moment he dropped Benjamin off at the hotel and told him he loved
him, he was ready to go out right away... And fight.

It was a situation that unfolded seemingly quickly... And it all started when Theron called.

Vincenzo was quite patient with Theron's orders and needs, trying to buy as much time as possible to get
Noah to find his location...
He was relaxed, speaking what was necessary but subtly lengthening the conversation until he
heard someone on his right say:

"I found it!!"

But Vincenzo couldn't celebrate.

<You don't think I can kill Felix? Do you think I'm going to stop just because it's my blood? He is your
grandson, but I don't consider him my son. What's more, at any moment I could think of putting a
knife in his neck while he sleeps and believe me, I would gladly watch him die.>


<So before you make me talk and talk nonsense, tell me who do you think is at a disadvantage in
this game?>

Vincenzo was the type of man who always acted with cold blood. Firm and imperturbable... But his mouth
curves whenever they respond to him in such an intimidating way. His face seems to be filled with anger
as he looked straight ahead, as if Theron was there.

<Please bring the list. And maybe, just maybe, I'll think of a good deal for you and me.>

"You're quite cheeky, aren't you?"

<Not enough. If I were, I'd say something like I'm sorry I left you with Felix 33 years ago>

Theron spoke slowly so Vincenzo was silent again. His voice, still heard through the earpiece, had an
eerie tone.

<I'll be honest. At that moment, I should have killed him. I guess I had a moment
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of weakness but you know what?... It's not too late to correct it. So, behave, give me what I ask for or I'm
going to strangle you with my belt. Strongly.>

"...My grandson told me what he thinks you did. More like, what I already knew but didn't want to accept
as reality. About Elena."

<...Be careful with that.>

"Be careful what? You're threatening to kill my grandson just like you killed my daughter!"

<It was because of Felix! Everything that happened was because of him!>

"It was you, you damned son of a bitch!"

Vincenzo's hand, which was holding his cell phone, shook strongly. So did the people who were listening to
their conversation.
Theron had been silent for a long time thanks to Vincenzo's angry shout, however, he suddenly took
a deep breath and opened a new sentence:

<I saved her, Mr. Felice.>


<I saved her, but now she pretends not to know anything while acting like a generous and loving
grandfather in front of Felix...>

Theron's voice, which had been loud enough to feel quite scandalous, dropped until it became very small...
Noah looks at Vincenzo as if to say, "Stop it already." But the old man's face, which was absolutely dark,
now also seems about to explode. The veins on his neck were even noticeable, throbbing and pulsing.

He was waiting for a new sentence from Theron, but he no longer responded.

I had just hung up the phone

The cell phone, the one that Vincenzo threw to the ground with all the rage in the world, rang and
crackled loudly before exploding into small pieces of glass. Her breathing is labored though Noah stands up
to grab her shoulder and offer her a glass of water.

"Calm down, Grandpa. That's what you want to achieve."

"Well, he's doing a good job."

Vincenzo grunted, but he had managed to take a large gulp of water until the glass was almost empty.
How angry was he if he was so red as to look purple? He didn't even seem to be able to talk to anyone or
at least raise his eyes...
When he clenched his fist once more, he raised his head and looked at the men sitting there. Noah,
Lucca and Isaac were in front. They were all close to him, in one way or another.

"Like Noah said, we have the location. We just have to prepare."

Lucca's low and heavy tone was heard throughout the room and after that, the sound of discontent
appeared one by one. Opinions were divided.
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"Grandpa, I want to ask you something."

Isaac, who had heard everything properly, opened his speech. It was an indifferent voice, as
always. As if you were having a regular conversation about the weather or gifts for
Vincenzo turned his eyes towards him:


"I want to go find Felix too."

"That... I don't mind if you want, but..."

"Then that's it."

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"Then that's it."

In response to Isaac's calm words, Vincenzo raised his eyebrows... It was obvious that he was overlooking
it, no matter what he said.
As a member of the mafia, it's not difficult to find a man who will fight for the cause, so will it be okay
to let him do whatever he wants? In the military and special police there are repression teams in charge of
handling hostages and the truth is that they operate very differently and under quite strange rules.

"Do you really think you can?" Lucca frowned and looked the man up and down as if he had forgotten that
all the scars on his face and arms had been completely caused by Isaac. "I mean, this isn't a
backyard fight, you understand? They're Alphas, and tough Alphas. Dominants for the most part. They're not
going to fight fair just for you and, sorry... But you're still an Omega."

Isaac thought about what he was saying, and nodded. He had been pretending his entire life that he was
a Beta, in the military and outside of it as well. For so long that things felt completely different
when he stopped running away and accepted that he was an Omega. And it's true... Being one of them was a
complete disadvantage in a world that seemed hell-bent on watching them die under the foot of everyone
else. However, he was brave, he was proud of himself and he was tired of everyone thinking that he was still
not enough.

"If you're afraid, you can stay."

"Wait son, Lucca has a point there. I mean, how long were you in the army acting like a real Omega?
You're strong, no one can take that away from you... But we don't even know if you can shoot properly
because we've never seen you do it." . Understand what I say?"

But the complaints could not be completed. In an instant, Isaac was already holding a Colt semi-
automatic that he had apparently been wearing on his belt the whole time... And he was doing it in front
of Vincenzo's face. The movement of releasing the safety pin and pulling the slide back was so fast that it
even seemed imperceptible.
He shot centimeters away from him... Actually, he could feel it passing by his ear. The posture was tense
and the muzzle was pointed precisely.

The air seemed to get heavier but Isaac was just there, holding the gun and pointing it at the man's head as
if he wasn't afraid of what might or might not happen. Right between his eyebrows.
It seemed like he would pull the trigger at any moment, as soon as he opened his mouth again...
Vincenzo's men gathered in the blink of an eye.

"What the hell are you doing? Are you crazy!?"

"Sir... Right now I'm going to prove how really good I am at shooting a person." His voice didn't
shake and was cold enough for everyone to feel it too. His black pupil didn't seem to show any
emotions while his poor opponent was already gnashing his teeth. "I wonder where I should do it to impress
them? In one eye? Or are they interested in seeing how I manage to put a hole in their teeth?"
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The blood splashes so much like that..."


But the man, with the gun pointed exactly at every part he mentioned, actually had a rather calm
atmosphere around him.

"Come on, put the gun down already."

"No. I'm going to delete all the dirty, stupid information this world has about Omegas on my own, I
promise. And if this is the only way to do it... Then I'm going to take it."

"Noah, for God's sake, do something then!"

Noah and Isaac seemed to be good friends so Vincenzo called him as a desperate resource.
But then "Tang" Noah threw his tablet on the table and caused a rather loud noise.
He was a silent man when he was in front of the computer but, apart from that, he was also famous
for his highly explosive personality. He raised his eyes:

"I'm also fucking tired of everyone talking about the Omegas like they're stupid. What's the point
of Lucca, grandpa? Because I can bet against both of you that no one can beat Isaac, no one can
bring Felix back anymore!" than him! And no one can find it but me!! Damn, grandpa! I'm a
damn Omega too! And the truth is I'm dying to see how it drills into your head or Lucca's if that can
wake you up. .. You, him, all the dirty Alphas talk a lot. Now they are going to listen."

The uncomfortable energy of Noah's words runs like cold water throughout the room so no one
really says anything. Even Lucca, who started the reckless attack on Isaac, simply sits and raises
his hands as if to ask for calm. He was nodding and accepting... Although everyone
thought he was going to react strongly after the obvious attack on his lord.

"It's enough?"

Isaac was the first to break the awkward silence.

"Well, that was certainly enough." In a still suffocating silence, Vincenzo's brief prayer flowed like
a sigh. "Wonderful attitude... I'm definitely going to take you to Italy when this is over."
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In the end 42.1

Isaac, still holding the Colt in his hands, dropped it too violently against the living room table. It was the
gun that Tony had in his belt when he drove him to the hotel, so he supposed he had to apologize to him
later for taking it without telling him anything.

Finally, Isaac sat down across from Noah. God! What are you doing? He doesn't have time to spend
fighting because his biggest priority is finding Felix!
Isaac straightened up and looked around: Everyone was completely blank so he thought, it would be
nice to learn how to crush people with words. Just like Noah. Elegant, beautiful and intimidating... But
Isaac could only do the latter.

One way or the other.

He began to focus on the problems ahead. Damn, they're in a great place. It is the largest port in
Southern California and many of the ships that dock at the dock come from abroad. How can you
inspect them all? Vincenzo's men were finding out if Theron had hidden inside a container or on a
ship... Although in reality, it was a bit difficult to get into all those protected areas as quickly as they
needed to.

Isaac looked at the tablet that Noah threw on the table and checked the route. Theron is close to
Long Beach, almost steps from the central highway. However, it was easier to believe the theory that they
would be looking for a sea route... But isn't it still strange? Why did Theron reveal her position? He
doesn't believe the story that he didn't know about the tracking, so it's like he wanted them to come
to him.

But what else could they do when her husband's life was at risk?

"So?" Vincenzo, who had his chin in his hand, looked at Isaac. "What do we do, Navy Lord?"

"There's no other choice, is there?"

Isaac answered without hesitation, but everyone else's looks seemed to be completely nervous.
Isaac knew that there was a possibility that this was just a trap to waste their time and that Felix
might not be there but somewhere further away.

But even the little crumbs of bread lead to some house, don't they?

"We'll leave right away."

"Well... Tony has the contacts. Fortunately this is Felix's trafficking territory so we can bring the arsenal
you need here"

Isaac, who was listening to everything very attentively, closed his eyes for a moment as he just nodded and
nodded... Then, he looked at him. An intense black pupil.

"But first, there is one thing I want to know."


"What is the list Theron is talking about? Where is it?"

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Faced with Isaac's direct question, Vincenzo raised his eyebrows slightly. His fingers constantly
tapped against the table "Tak, Tak, Tak" over and over again until it became quite annoying. After a
while, Vincenzo, who was still thinking about his request, ended up standing up. The people sitting
next to him stood up in unison.

"Isaac, Noah, can I talk to you in private?"

The man's voice was absolutely clear. He doesn't want to talk about the list there, and Isaac understands
that perfectly.

"Lucca, start getting the necessary weapons and men ready. Searching for Felix is the top priority so
Isaac is in charge. It's his mission so, if you see any son of a bitch who doesn't follow Isaac or acts
rudely, you go and you put a gun in his mouth. If necessary, kill one to serve as a warning."

Deepening the wrinkles under his eyes, Vincenzo ordered all this with a terribly stern attitude. Lucca
had no choice but to bow her head at the boss's orders, but even if she hadn't said it, it wasn't like she
felt very capable of standing up to him.

Not even he was that stupid.

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After a few more words, Vincenzo finally left the room. Isaac and Noah were right behind
him, silent.

As they walked, they noticed that there was a library that was not completely organized so,
Vincenzo's men, working as if their lives depended on it, were moving around... I mean, it
seemed to be better, but there were still much to do.
Vincenzo crossed the bustling library and entered his room. He closed the door to prevent
anyone from entering and looked at Isaac with really gloomy eyes. It was late and it had
been a very tiring day. Noah, standing next to him, also had tired cheeks. They were pale,
like a leaf.

"You never told me anything about yourself. I know I didn't give you the chance to but... I feel like you
lied to me."

Noah shrugged.

"It's not true... I told you I was a soldier."

"A soldier who rose to a high position thanks to his influence. He did nothing, he was just
a show. Weak, low rank, no mission under his command. He changed his name to appear
to be Alpha and broke my grandson's arm when ...What did you say? She accused him with
someone else." An intense pupil, like a blue sword, was returned to Isaac this time.
"Everything about you, I've been told or seen. Half of it has been false. So now you tell me."

"I was a Navy captain. I was a member of the DevGru team , anti-terrorist mission and


He was reluctant to have Vincenzo meddle in his affairs again. However, he was also quite
aware that at this point in the match, it mattered little what he revealed
or not.

"I'm waiting for you."

Vincenzo, sweeping his chin with his fingertips, seemed to have more complicated
than curious thoughts... It was quite awkward to confess to him.

"I didn't mean to hide from you... It's just that it's the past now and I'm not really interested
in remembering it. I was out of the military for 4 years and I don't want to be there again. I don't
want to be that."

"Well, at the moment only we know so... I recommend that you don't say anything. I don't
want you to let the word spread around no matter how comfortable you feel, okay?"

"Okay, sir."

Shortly after, Vincenzo, who still seemed to be having a rather intense debate with himself,
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He put his hand on his head and walked towards the bureau to get a small glass of water.

"Now... Let's get back to the important topic."

As if he understood her thoughts perfectly, Isaac nodded gently and tried to give her as much space as
possible... Almost against the door, Noah and Isaac sat in front of him, who had decided to almost
melt into the sofa as if he had lost all his energy. Then, he opened his speech without delay:

"And now, about the list Theron wants... Let's just say that I don't have the heart to give it to him. I
have no intention of negotiating with him in the slightest."

Vincenzo spoke so briefly about the list that it even seemed as if he didn't really care... However,
in an instant he cleared his throat and began to tell absolutely everything: The names he had, about his
retirement, how important it was and how Noah had encrypted it on his computer until, finally,
after a while, nothing more came.

"It's a dangerous list so it shouldn't be taken by Theron. Ever. Meanwhile, if he wants it enough to
threaten to eliminate Felix... Then we can assume that we have a huge problem and that the only
existing solution is to fight "Fight and win."

From the beginning, Isaac knew that Vincenzo would never negotiate with Theron. For nothing in
the world. However... Now it's her husband's life they're talking about.

"If I had been in Italy, I wouldn't have had much choice in getting around and Theron would have
found the book in a matter of seconds. That's partly why I came all the way to America."

Vincenzo's face, who reveals his deepest thoughts and circumstances, was a deep and almost sickly
It was Isaac, who started the conversation this time.

"So they knew there was going to be a war."

"It was a huge possibility, but Felix already knew it. We decided to bring in mercenaries and specialized
officers so that our skills would be similar to what Theron's men would surely have."

Actually... It was Tony who called the mercenaries on his own.

Felix was a member of a powerful Italian mafia family and, as such, was terribly proud. A person
who highly valued his image as a commercial entrepreneur interested in the arms business, so he did
not like to depend too much on someone else to maintain his security when he could do it on his own...
Then, came the forebodings and nervousness and when this happened, Tony contacted a
mercenary company that could fight hard, as long as they paid in advance...

Theron and Vincenzo were competing, one organization against another, family against family. God,
everyone was prepared except him! Fucking joke.

"Where is the list hidden? Can you take it out? Where are the keys?"

Isaac asked all this with quite deep eyes. Although it is old, it is a very important book
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and dangerous so I had to assume there was an original and a copy. I had to be curious
because it was important. And in fact, Noah also looked at him with too much doubt. To
him and Vincenzo.

"Grandpa, where did you put the original? Theron came in and couldn't find it so it must not be in
the hotel."


"But if he came, if he did all this and didn't see it, then you must have put it somewhere else in San
Diego, right?"

Vincenzo raised both hands to Noah, who kept asking where he was.

"The original is in Italy. I put it in a safe, and the safe itself is difficult to find. I only have the
key, I brought it with me"

"I'm glad. It's good that you're taking care of her, Grandpa."

It was when Noah said that that Vincenzo filled his glass again to the top. Of course, now he had
made it with pure golden cognac instead of water.

"I didn't say I had it, I said I brought it."

"What... The fuck does that mean?"

Noah asked. Then Vincenzo leaned against the sofa and moved his neck from side to side.
He shouldn't have any conflict, but his expression screamed trouble. What is he hiding now?

Because of this, Noah exhaled for a long time and screamed again:

"Fuck, talk!"
" Ecco, "
topolino. This is your home

Isaac's eyes widened and Noah asked with his face almost completely blank.

"The Mickey Mouse who won't stop repeating that stupid phrase?"

"The best thing in the world is Italian!"

"That's not important now! How do you put such an important thing on the doll, you crazy old man!?"

"No one knows! Who would have thought that the key to the box would be hidden inside the doll?
You didn't even notice!"

"That's... Does that make any sense? He could have lost it while playing! He's a four-year-old boy!
It bites his fingers! He could leave it there or decide to throw it into the sea. That was

Noah shook his shoulders back and forth but Vincenzo didn't lose the fight. In fact, he had
decided to shout louder.
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The noise of the two of them speaking in Italian was loud enough to make his ears tingle and
hurt... Isaac paused for a moment at the unexpected response and had no choice but to watch
their fight for a truly long time.
When he heard that Vincenzo asked the child to take good care of him, he had a bad feeling...
How could it be? How was it possible that he thought that the doll...?

"The doll... I think Felix threw it in the trash."

However, Isaac, who summarized the thoughts and memories about the trip in a couple of
seconds, spoke more calmly than necessary for such a moment.
Noah and Vincenzo, who struggled enough to hurt their heads, closed their mouths.

"Oh fuck."
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"...Long Beach is a great port, right?"

But Isaac was only thinking about the commotion that had taken place in the room before he
left and how surely all of Vincenzo's men were trash surfing. Lucca, sitting next to him, raised
his shoulders and asked once more so Isaac woke up and raised his head: Lucca's eyes,
which were staring at him, were bloodshot and there were quite deep spots under his
eyelids. It seems he wasn't the only one who hasn't slept since what happened with Félix. A
tired face.
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"Long Beach is big, it's true... But it seems like we're having good weather. Why?
Is there a problem?

Isaac asked, looking closely at the watch on his wrist.

"No... I just thought things might get complicated at the port, like you said. I keep thinking about it being
a trap."

Isaac turned to his right and looked at Lucca, who was still attentive ahead:

"Did Noah say something?"

But he knew that if Noah had wanted to tell him anything about the mission, he would have
contacted him first. However, Isaac asked if there was anything he was missing or overlooking. To rectify.
Lucca shook her head.

"There is nothing."

"Well then we have to move with what we already know... There are four vehicles and fifteen people in
each of them, right?"

"Yes that's how it is."

"Sixty men... Yes, we're going to have to split up. Lucca, you're going to take two cars to the port."

Hearing Isaac's instructions, Lucca only raised an eyebrow and immediately turned to him.


"We're moving around with the idea that it's a trap, that they want to attack us, and that Felix isn't where
Theron wants us to go... I'm sorry, but you have to lead them and be Theron's bait."

"...So you say you want us to act as if we were the idiots who fell into their hands."

"Exactly. If Noah manages to find the exact location, the plan may change... However, for now I only have

Isaac's voice became small enough to be heard only by him... It was difficult to try to organize thoughts as
complicated as the ones he already had but, still, finding Felix's location was paramount and they couldn't.
stay and wait for Noah to find him because that would only take up their time. And that was the least I
wanted to lose!

In the shaking vehicle, Isaac took out the cell phone he had put in his pocket. There was the alarm that a
text message had arrived in your mailbox so, when you move your finger to check, HIS name immediately
appears in your pupils. He couldn't tell Vincenzo or Noah but, Isaac was a person who had his own
contacts. The rhythm of your heart and
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Tension mixed within his body until he even managed to speed up the way he breathed. He
has a lot of unknown feelings inside him, but they all completely resemble impatience. Pressing the
glass of the cell phone, there was good news.
Fortunately! Isaac heaved a huge sigh as he typed his response.

It's Steve, NCIS's (Naval Crimes Investigation) vice president and former CIA agent, his mentor and
also a good friend of his. Inside Disneyland, shortly after Felix disappeared and they found
that whole mess in the bathroom, Isaac contacted him and started telling him everything that had
happened. From start to finish... I knew well that the influences of Vincenzo, a big mafia executive,
were great and completely useful but, unfortunately this is not Italy, he is not in control here. There
are several major agencies and truly capable people in the United States, and honestly, you
doubt you know them all. Therefore, since he was desperate and scared, naturally the first name
that came to mind was Steve...

When he was kicked out of the army for false accusations and the whole problem of his father and the
baby hit him, he was the one who helped him and was on his side the entire time. He was, therefore,
the only one I could believe in and the only one I could ask for help... And he responded very quickly to
the contact.

<I will help you as much as I can.>

The risk is inevitable since you are not informing the institution and secretly helping you with a personal
issue. Therefore, I was immensely grateful for their willingness. I would find an appropriate way to
thank him.

Isaac quickly moved his finger here and there. After typing a very long message for a long time, he
pressed the "Send" button and exhaled heavily. Then, pressing his fingertips against each other, he
noticed that the answer was already there. The phone rang and Isaac hurriedly looked at the LCD
screen. He read it:

The news that Theron came to the United States after Vincenzo spread early and in all directions.
Vincenzo entered the country with an excessively rigid attitude and for a change, he did so with a
tourist visa. Steve knew institutions that had monitored their every move so...

"Tell them to stop all the cars, let's change direction."

Isaac, who had been reading all the information Steve had sent, spoke so quickly that Lucca
was more than a little perplexed. He looked up, but at that moment he couldn't afford to explain it

"Lucca, it will be the same. Take two vehicles and go to the port. You have to be careful and
make sure they see you enter there, okay? Just be seen... Make as much noise as possible. I'll go east."

"What kind of information did you get from Noah?"

"It wasn't his."


"I know where Felix is."

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At Isaac's quick explanation, Lucca faced him with a look that screamed that she couldn't
understand anything at all. Again, I didn't have time to explain it.

"Listen to me and start moving. I'm going to talk to Noah now and I'm going to keep in touch
with you too. We'll talk again as we go, I promise."

Although he was still confused about Isaac, who finished speaking in an absolutely firm tone,
Lucca nodded once and stood up to begin executing his orders... He told the drivers of the
four vehicles to stop without giving any another explanation so now they were all at the foot
of the road. Meanwhile, Isaac plugged the headphones into his ears and turned them on.
Noah gave a quick response.

"What's happening?"

"Noah, I'm splitting up Lucca from here. I'm heading east to Los Angeles, not to Long


Noah was as surprised as Lucca.

"Long Beach is just a decoy, not a trap. Theron ran Felix out of town...
Exactly, they are heading to Palm Spring."

Noah was speechless. Long Beach is close to Anaheim, a port to the west, and Palm Spring
was a city located much further away, in the opposite direction. Considering the two areas to
be addressed, Long Beach seemed the most reasonable. Also, now traffic may be
reduced but, in a few hours, when they can't even move anymore, what should they do?
How are they going to solve it? It sounds like a big inconvenience. However, in the vicinity
of Long Beach there are many trucks transporting containers from ships. It would take them
a long time to locate one person among all of them so, yes... It was logical that more than
a trap to fight, it would be a distraction.

"How did you know? I mean, I'm tapping Theron's phone line, but it's hard to find the exact

"That... I'll tell you the details later."

"Okay for me"

"Oh, please contact Tony and tell him to bring more mercenaries. Let them handle
submachine guns if possible, okay? Meanwhile, Lucca will take two vehicles and head to the
port of Long Beach. I need to make it look like they're looking for something important like
this." "It would be better if they were there as long as possible."


His vehicle had also left the road and was now completely stopped on the side of the road.
The street was quiet and half dark. A dead city where no one lives...
Isaac, still in his original position, decided to close his eyes for a moment to fully
enter the atmosphere of his idea. Lucca was no longer there, nor were any of the men,
so it was just him. Him with his strange thoughts about next steps.
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It wasn't until she heard Noah's voice in her ears again, that she took a deep breath and was able
to calm all her growing excitement.
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Four. Five

"I just called Tony... He said he'd contact some really good mercenaries."

"Thank you."

"Can I ask what happened?"

"I got the information from an acquaintance of mine."

“Ah…” Noah was silent for a moment, as if trying to find the right words before continuing. "I'm late this time. I'm
glad it was so helpful but, I'm mad at myself... It feels like I failed."

Isaac shook his head without hesitation even though Noah couldn't see it. He answered "No."

"Your skills are top notch... It's just that this time I figured it would be faster if I inquired with some local
institutions. As soon as Theron entered the country, quite extreme surveillance began. Not only for him, but
also with Grandpa".

"Wow, I imagined it, but when grandpa finds out he's going to be very angry..."

"I know."

"Hey, when I found out Theron was near Disneyland, I thought it was definitely dangerous but I was really excited
to travel... Sorry."

That was true. It was Noah who seemed completely excited about the idea of the trip and the fact of going
with his entire family... But he didn't think it was his fault.

"It wasn't you... If anything, it was my fault. I was too excited to go after beating Lucca. I wanted him to see that my
plan would work and that I was really good at what I did but, I think it would have been better be quiet."

"Oh, no, no, no, no. Don't you dare say that, Isaac asshole!" Noah was angry with his sudden regrets so he
raised his voice until it almost sounded like he was shouting. Somehow, he hates hearing Isaac say it's his
fault. "Do you want me to hit you? Huh?"
"I'm going to hit you with my damn laptop until you stop saying stupid things!"

"Oh, an interesting word." Isaac had started laughing. "Okay... I don't think so, it wasn't my fault, okay? So don't
blame yourself either. Let's forget everything and just move on."

"Yes, good."

"Did you find the doll?"

He felt that Noah was still quite angry with him, so he changed the subject to another important thing...
However, instead of a concrete answer, Isaac only heard a rather painful moan. So much so that he began
to press his forehead with the tips of his fingers again and again until he felt a burning sensation on his skin. It was a
key to an important vault. A
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book that could cause very strong wars, worse than the ones they already had now. And because he
was looking for him, Theron chased him here and took Felix away.
Vincenzo's confession, of putting the key in the Mickey Mouse doll, was a complete and total shock to
him. In fact, his ears wavered for a moment and he thought... That maybe he hadn't heard correctly.

She couldn't remember if her husband had thrown it away or not, so she thought and thought about it
all morning until the flashes finally came back. The boy left the doll at the hotel during the afternoon.
He knows this because when they went into the room to eat and then prepared to leave again,
the boy, who saw the spacious and fluffy bed, put the Mickey doll in the middle and said "I'll be back.
You have to stay here so that daddy doesn't." I threw you into the sea, okay?"

And covered him with a blanket.

"Why don't you take him? Didn't you say you were going to be together all the time? Dad was just

Benjamin shook his head.

"But... I don't want to lose him. And if he stays lying down then he's going to be fine so I'm going to
leave him there!"

Benjamin got out of bed with a completely determined look. He's so cute when he starts acting like a big
kid, so naturally, Isaac started smiling pretty big.

In other words, the Mickey doll was not in the trash, but in the bed...

When they received the news that Félix had been kidnapped and that they had also entered his
room and started a commotion, they quickly ran to another space so they forgot to check the place.
Vincenzo couldn't help his complexion turning completely gray when he heard that.
He lay down on his back on the couch and began rubbing his eyelids until his eyes almost stung.
Well, that was a thousand times better than swimming in the municipal garbage dump.

Anyway, as soon as Isaac's call ended, he stood up and said:

"No one is going to rest until they find the damn doll!! Do you understand!!?"

The movements of the servants, who were still too busy organizing and discarding broken and
shattered objects to replace them with new ones, all stopped at once... No wonder Vincenzo also ran out.

The man, who thought he would be safe with Benjamin, looked like a complete lunatic.
Throwing things, destroying pillows and almost reaching into the toilet while cursing everyone but himself.

"Don't worry... We'll find him soon. I mean, we're professionals."

"I'm still very worried about it."

"He'll be fine. He shouldn't have hidden it in such a ridiculous place to begin with."

And then, Noah, who had clicked his tongue as if he was quite annoyed again, suddenly shouted
something resembling a long "AAAH"... Isaac's eyes widened thanks to this.
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"I've checked the information you gave me. It's true, it's in Palm Spring... But, it's a little further away.
On the mountain side. A two-story house."

Immediately after saying that, he began filling her cell phone screen with plans and photos of the
house and Palm Spring. A great skill, without a doubt.

"Noah, please send the images to all the men who are going with us."

"What is the estimated time of arrival?"

"Well, I think I'll be there in about 20 minutes. It's far, but if we get off the road we can go through the
surrounding towns and save ourselves a few kilometers."

Some time ago, Isaac was hanging around near Arizona. He had been hiding here and there for four
years so it could be said that he had quite a bit of experience with strange routes...

Palm Spring is just a few steps from the mountain range so he figures that if they go a little further, then
they will be able to see perfectly how the vast wasteland unfolds. Right where the house appears to be
located. It's wide and shady, the paths can easily be covered because there's too much dirt and
dust hanging around so that's probably why Theron chose that place.

"Wooden house, two floors, two entrances. One in the front and one in the back... There is nothing
around it so you won't be able to hide or attack by surprise."

"It is bad."

"I'll try to get closer to the door and send you the photo... It has a warehouse included, it appears to
have been an agricultural building but everything points to it being closed a long time ago. The
warehouse is very large and can be dangerous too. You have to be attentive."

"Thank you."

But all he heard was the sound of the keyboard and touch mouse. Nothing more than that. I could
almost see his concentrated figure, with his gaze completely fixed on the monitor and his eyebrows all
together and flattened...

Isaac, looking at the watch on his wrist, narrowed his eyes a little... It was almost time for the sun to rise
and as Noah said, covering up seemed to be a practically impossible matter. He can't understand what
Theron is preparing and therefore has no specific plan to deal with it. Furthermore, Felix has
been held hostage and Tony still hasn't sent the mercenaries or additional subordinates...

Isaac, thinking about several things at once, blinked and looked at the opposite wall. There were no
windows in the vehicle, they didn't even have a door so it was difficult to tell the color of the sky... But
it was like I was still looking at it despite all that. Then, from one moment to the next, he lowered his
eyes to the phone: Although he couldn't sleep all night, the face reflected in the glass didn't even
seem to be tired. He is still a man trained in military life and with a period of insomnia that can
last a few more days.
Like a person at a picnic, Isaac sat up straight and looked back and forth at the
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photo that Noah had sent. It's like he's trying to put the whole building in his head at once!

About 10 minutes passed until, as if he had some kind of extreme boredom level, he
stretched out his long limbs and raised his waist.
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Standing with his head slightly tilted, Isaac looked up and down at the men who looked at him with a
completely hardened face. They had seen the plans and the photos a while ago.
a while.

"It's your job to memorize it perfectly because when you enter the building, you will be guilty if something
goes wrong for not knowing where everything is... The place is a farm house that is now almost abandoned.
There are no places to hide "So it will be impossible to infiltrate us secretly. I want shooters inside
who can execute an immediate move if they sense any kind of signal... If they can't do it, it would
be better if they told me now so as not to waste time later."

Isaac, despite being armed with an extremely strong personality, spoke in a low voice and with a very
innocent face. As usual… The look that flowed from him was something that had never been seen before.
Like a sharp blade, all black and cold.

Since they're locked in with him, the pressure seems to be crushing enough for everyone to keep their heads

"What will we do then?"

One of the mercenaries, sitting inside the car that was still stopped on the shoulder of the highway,
was visibly nervous. He asked very carefully about this, so Isaac answered while raising the submachine
gun in his hands to make it crash against the wall.

"There are two entrances to the building, one in front and one in the back... And fortunately, we have two
very sturdy vehicles here with us"

The sound of swallowing saliva through their dry throats was heard loudly here and there.
It meant he wanted to drive the cars through the gate... How crazy! This is why mercenaries and retired
soldiers don't mix!

Isaac nodded, and then put on his glasses.

"The team is going to split up. Did you hear the plan?"

Isaac pressed the microphone to his ear and waited patiently until he could hear Noah's words. The
explanation he gave was also brief and concise.
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Felix woke up again after falling asleep... It feels like some kind of sleeping pills were put in him.
He blinks, his eyelids completely rigid.
He looked around... It was a big space but it was full of mold so immediately after this he
assumes that it hasn't been used for a long time and that he is there. Abandoned.

The smell of dampness and dust pricked the tip of his nose... Because the electricity doesn't
seem to be supplied properly, it's dark so there are portable lights in all directions.
Broken and worn furniture and pieces of old fabric that roll around randomly and form a
spooky atmosphere, as if it were a haunted house. In contrast to that, the laptops and other
equipment sitting on the wooden tables in the middle of the room look state-of-the-art. Objects
that definitely don't match the old, shabby space it's in. It's really uncomfortable.

Félix, who was looking at the light coming out of the laptop, then turned around. One of the laptops
is running some kind of program so the screen is illuminating the inside and outside of the
building... Each section of the screen is divided into sixteen columns of four lines, top and
bottom. It was so bright, it looked like they were installing some kind of CCTV.

Felix moves his neck. He takes his time to find a place where he can run and prepare thoroughly...
However, his thoughts are completely impulsive. He was sitting on an old wooden chair. The
wrists, which were placed on rigid armrests, were bound with heavy leather straps. His ankles
cannot move, they are tied to his legs. It is difficult to stand up straight so Felix shakes his hands
again and again without getting a result.

After checking his condition, he turned his eyes and looked around again. He thought a little
more calmly. Large, dark space, multiple computers. CCTV visible on laptop monitor. You
can hear how many people move from one place to another... But this place doesn't seem like a
place where you would hold meetings. Is it a building? Or is it hidden in a different location? It
was not easy to draw a conclusion about it.

He raised his body and also raised his waist to move... Then, he notices that there is movement
near him.

The door opened.

"Oh, are you awake yet? What a beautiful moment."

It wasn't Theron's voice but rather that of someone very different... He's completely stunned so
he doesn't know if she's asking him a question or if it's more of a statement. Maybe it's
different and it's a joke.
The man who entered was thin. Bright brown hair, round eyes and a curious look. The man was
Omega, he could know it even if he didn't remember it because his pheromones were
spreading very quickly. It also made the atmosphere feel weird… It was an atmosphere that made
me feel like I was floating.

It was an impression that was difficult to describe.

He was looking at the Omega who was walking towards him... But he couldn't seem to
remember anything that happened in the limo. Theron was there too. A middle-aged man with eyes
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"What are you going to do? Do you just want to keep me here as a hostage?"

Felix's voice, who hurriedly asked questions, was broken and broken. Just as if he had gotten too
drunk the night before... Even after blinking and shaking his head, it seemed that his condition
had not returned.


The Omega, anticipating any of Theron's moves, turned his back on them to face the table full
of laptops. He was standing, typing something important while Theron just watched...

"First of all, I want you to know that you are not in a hostage situation."

Theron stood up straight, hands shoved in her suit pocket. In a different way, Felix leaned back
against the wooden chair and let his head tilt to the side. He was tied up, but it was still a position
that felt very lazy. He looks at Theron and listens to her words, he does nothing else. If he could
move his hand, he would have covered his ears or maybe...
Torn off. How unfortunate.

"You bet that someone who cares more about you than Vincenzo will come to take you, although
unfortunately I don't think that's possible. I'm in a completely different place than they think. So this
way, we can work without problems."


Félix doesn't really care what they do with him, because the words "Work without problems" were
making a lot of noise to him. If he's not a hostage, then what is he?

"I had mentioned it in the car. There are two things I want."

"Yes, it seems so... But your two wishes don't interest me so, I decided to ignore you."

"Really? Then listen carefully. I..."

"It doesn't matter what you want, it will be the same for me. I'm not interested and I have no intention
of listening."

"Well, I don't care if you listen or not then. I'll just have whatever I want to have and that's it."

As in the car, Theron has an impressive poker face. A poisonous style that goes all the way to him.
Felix raises his head and looks at him with thin eyes...

"You shouldn't be proud of this, it's just because my pheromones are laced with pills."

Felix's eyes were cloudy, but his voice was firm and quite sure... Then, the Omega intervened only
to say:

"Stop fighting and that's it. We're just going to collect your blood..."

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The Omega, who suddenly arrived at his side, uttered a rather unexpected word so Felix, who was exchanging a
menacing glance with Theron, immediately turned his head. The idea of a blood collection sounded pretty terrible to
his taste.

"Don't worry. I'm an expert in this field. I won't let it go to waste again."

"Wait, what do you mean by that? You're going to draw my blood? Really?"

"Well, we saw each other a long time ago and only from a distance... But let's say I'm something like a doctor. I
was a researcher."

But at that moment, I couldn't hear any of his words. Nothing entered his eyes, other than the thick needle that
was being brought closer to his skin...

"What are you doing!?"

He tried to get out of there, moving his fists from side to side and also moving his back.

The omega looked at Felix and laughed out loud:

"I take back what I said in the car... I'm glad to see you with so much energy. You know what? When I saw you in
the bathroom, I thought you were quite handsome but, now, when I look a little closer, I realize "You're actually
completely my type."

"I do not know who you are"

"No way, haven't you recognized me yet? I think maybe we went a little overboard with the drugs. Can I see
your pupils for a moment?"

Felix fiercely opened his eyes again when he felt her hands right on his cheeks. The man started to laugh
again and then squeezed him harder than he thought... He slowly lowered his fingers until they stopped on
Felix's forearm, where there were some perfectly healed and clean wounds.

"Let's see, we met for the first time in the bathroom. At Disneyland."


Félix looked at him... There, smiling and saying that it had been in the bathroom.



Just before meeting Theron, when he was going for coffee? A strange man bumped into him and... Wow, he started
having the strangest thoughts ever. He lowered his head for a moment and discovered that there was a strange
button in his hand and then...

"What a son of a bitch"

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"You really seem confused... Even though I've been right under your nose this whole time."

It was at the moment when the man lowered his eyebrows, that the needle of the syringe began to dig into his flesh
at a truly impressive rate. Felix lets out a UGH without his knowledge and closes his eyes.

"I wasn't going to do it so abruptly... But you see, I need a lot."

The man murmured this lightly and then pushed the plunger of the syringe back to cause it to begin filling. It
was a pretty messy move so Felix's blue pupils began to glow with complete fury. Same as fire.

"How dare you... Do something like that?" It was then that Felix, who was completely angry, gave more strength
to his arm and pulled him forward. "Damn it, let me go already!"

"Honey, if you do that you could break the needle. Stay still, okay?"

The man, who had just collected a lot of Felix's blood, took the time necessary to arrange all his equipment and
then return to the table to write down who knows what in a rather small notebook... Felix, what could he not
do? practically nothing to resist, he just exhaled a huge breath of cold air while shouting and letting out a lot
of insults in Italian and English.

The Alpha's thin breath flows wildly over the large, musty space as Theron just stands there. Eyeing the blood
before shrugging.

"You're dead, you damned bastard!"

"Well we must hurry then."

Felix, who was too attentive to Theron's callous voice, distorted his face a little more and clicked his tongue until he
made a truly tremendous noise. However, Theron, who had been ignoring his every word for quite some time now,
muttered as if he was talking to himself. With a very low voice:

"I plan to make a clone."


Felix was honestly shocked by the strange confession so he blinked again and again. It was a word that had come
out of Theron's mouth so easily that she even thought it was a joke... But it didn't seem like it was.

"That's crazy..."

"I want to revive Elena... And you are the only one who has inherited her blood so having you here is necessary.
Of course, this will be an even greater success if I also manage to get Vincenzo's book."
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"...Clone Elena? How can that be possible?"

His pupils, which continued to shine as if they were made of glass, looked attentively at Felix as if his ideas
were too big for him to understand.

"We've done it before... And I've been very successful."


Staring intently at Theron for a moment, Felix suddenly began to laugh quite heartily. He had a huge smile
so he even had the luxury of being exaggerated.

"You... You must believe we're in Star Wars or... Hahaha." Felix, who laughed as if he had watched a really
good comedy show, suddenly threw his head back. "Now it won't be Elena, but Alice."

"What the hell are you saying?"

"It's a zombie movie, but you're too boring to know about it so forget it."
Then he finally stopped laughing and looked once more at Theron. "What a stupid conversation...
Although it was fun, I admit it"

It was a fact that Theron had gone completely crazy. I mean, it was obvious to everyone that this guy seemed
to have been quite obsessed with Elena for a long time... But from that to this it's already a bit of an exaggeration!
The truth is that they had even given him chills.

"It's not crazy. I'm an expert..." The Omega says. "Well, using a more detailed method to clone humans
is not possible yet. Come on, we should even do this in private! I was once caught and stripped of all my titles
thanks to the law but, luckily I have Theron... He "It allows me to study and be myself. Without filters.
But in exchange I must give it to its Elena."

His breath spills over his head as if someone had dumped cold ice on him from above until it was completely
soaked... He really has seen everything, from the slightest to the most disgusting and terrible that society had to
offer, but It's very different to deal with people who seem terribly good and serious about what they do.

They are not empty threats... They are going to revive their mother.

This is the first time he has felt this anxious since he was kidnapped by Theron...

With a strong feeling that everything was going downhill, Félix bit his lips until he almost heard them thunder under
his teeth. He had already said it, it was highly creepy so the skin on his forearms started to get goosebumps
from one moment to the next.

"I'll explain... To make a clone, we first have to start with something called "Cell Division." In other words,
make a baby. A beautiful girl who will grow up to be our beautiful Elena."

"Fuck. What the fuck are you saying?"

He's going crazy, he's definitely going as crazy as he is just hearing her words...
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With his head lowered, Felix exhaled deeply a few times. The fist that she had clenched even
began to tremble and her nails were hopelessly digging into her palm... She had joked
before, but she had actually seen a lot of science fiction movies on television, and it seemed that
Theron's stupid plans would have success in one way or another. It wasn't a matter of
thinking much to know that they already had a plan and a fairly organized way to carry everything

"Do you think my blood is really going to help you? It doesn't seem like it's enough."

"Oh, are you up for more jabs, darling? I have some extra blood in case I need it. I'm a careful

The Omega then showed him a blood collection bottle and a thick, refrigerated bag that was
completely painted red.

He took off his gloves and then returned to Theron and Felix. Standing right in the middle...

"I still think you're right that it doesn't seem like it's enough... It would be better to collect some of
your semen as well."

The man licked his lips as he said this so Felix didn't know if it was necessary for the
investigation or if it was more his personal needs... No, he didn't want to know. I didn't want to think
about that. I didn't want to hear him talk! Every time he opens his mouth, he gets so upset that his
head feels like it's going to explode. God, it's so annoying. Really, all those negative emotions,
irritation, anger, sadness, everything comes together and burns your skin until it hurts.

"I feel like a lab mouse."

"You are right about that."

The man laughed out loud.

"Damn bastards."

"How happy I am to be able to work with my beautiful Alpha. I'm already looking forward to the
moment of real action. What's more... Theron, do I have time?"

The subject, who had an impressive anxious expression, asked Theron this without daring to look
back for fear of receiving an unfortunate word. However, he looked at his watch and replied,
"Yes, but not much."

"So I guess I only have about 10 minutes... No, 15 minutes. Can I play with him?"
I'm dying to collect his semen... The semen of the man I saw only once when I was researching
our organization in Italy. In the distance... Just one look. Alpha, young and handsome. Oh, it's
exciting and so crazy."

The man whispered as he slapped Felix's knees tied to the chair with his palms. It was difficult
to tell what he was saying, revealing his desires without hiding in the slightest.

Although her eyes were fixed on him, Felix's blue pupil turned red with anger. A horrible wrath!
However, the man spared no effort to rub the inside of her thighs with his fingers and then his knees.
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"Do whatever you want, but you only have 10 minutes... And you need to clean up before the helicopter


"I'm not planning on staying here. I have to go get that book."

"Where does so much confidence come from? Why do you think a person like you can be so

Felix, who thought it was ridiculous to have endless confidence in such a situation, clicked his tongue
again although Theron ignored him. Just... The man turned around and began to close each of
the many laptops in front of him.
If you try to get a list from Vincenzo, you wonder what exactly he will do to solve it.

"Do you want us to try making a pheromone bath first?"

"Even if you use your drugs, you don't stand a chance."

"Don't you remember what happened in the bathroom?" He laughed and pressed his knees a little
more into Felix's groin. "I say, you really liked me that time..."

"If it's not my omega I can't smell or react to you... If it's not him, I can't love any other man"

Felix looked at his opponent with a distorted face. It's an expression that seems to indicate "You'll be in
danger if you keep touching me." But the Omega acts like a person who is not afraid...

In fact, he had already started to unbutton his pants.

"Oh, poor me. You're bound and you don't respond to other pheromones. What am I going to do?
Don't be boring, man! At Disneyland I used an inhibitor mixed with an aphrodisiac. Would you like us
to try it again? Now I've improved the dosage so I'm sure you'll be able to enjoy me even if you already
have a partner."

"Just keep your fucking mouth shut and let me go!!!"

Roaring like a caged lion, Felix clenched his fist again and shook himself. In the movement,
the Omega can perfectly see the jewel he wears on the ring finger of his left hand. A platinum ring
that shone beautifully...

"How beautiful."

But when he extended his fingers to touch it, Felix shouted this time:

"Don't touch me if you don't want to die!!"

"You're still very impulsive, huh? Relax, it's no big deal. I think your problem is that you lived very
conservatively all these years. Having two sexual partners is not a crime."

"The problem with this is that you are a damn coward who can't stand up to me unless it's using
medication and drugs... There are limits to my patience so I'll tell you."
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again, get your fucking hands off me!"

Felix's voice finally managed to make the Omega shrug. It was the first time.

"Patience? No... I say, you're really afraid, right? Because now you feel how terrible it
is when your body doesn't respond. Being tied, helpless and not being the predator, is not
typical for Alphas." ... You are afraid because you were always the cat and now you are a
tiny rat trying to dig to get out. Because you no longer know what to think, what to say and you
are no longer the powerful Mr. Alpha!"

The Omega unzipped Felix's pants... He put his hand in as if unsure but still grabbed the
flaccid penis with his entire palm. The man's blue eyes now hold discomfort as well as anger.
His face turns white and then, his eyes lower to see the flesh that is now being held by
someone else.

"Wow, it's big... And you don't have an erection. How big will it grow later? This is really
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The sound of his pants falling was heard.

His hands rushed up and began to masturbate him up and down...

Felix wants to scream, but instead finds that his head is almost completely hanging off the backrest.
It was full of pheromones and other strange smells... Which instead of making him feel excited
was making him very nauseous.

"I told you... Not to... touch me."

"So what's up with that voice, Mr. Alpha? It doesn't fit what you're saying at all."

Had he already put an aphrodisiac on him? It's so strange, his mind is blurry and his words
don't come out the way he wants...

However, while he continued to feel those hands running in all directions, cold and wet...
He perfectly heard a voice shout "Down!" And then BAM, there's a huge explosion.

The building, which had been impressively silent since he opened his eyes, made a sound
so loud that it even seemed like it was going to collapse. Dust flies in all directions and the
lamps begin to move back and forth. The man who had placed his head between Félix's legs
suddenly raises his face and leaves his hands resting against the floor.

"Was that an earthquake?...Hey! What was that...?"

However, his words could not be completed.

They hit hard, again and again until the entire building moves again as if it were really an
earthquake. Things are falling, upstairs they are screaming.

"What!? What's wrong?!"

The boy, still sitting between Felix's knees, screamed loudly until Theron reappeared in the
distance. Instead of answering their questions, he quickly goes to the nearest computer and
reopens the program that divides the screen into sixteen parts.

"What the hell…?"

Theron shook his neck and uttered a strange word. Not far from the living room, a large gunshot
is heard.
Unlike Theron, who was quite anxious about the loud noises and the constant rumbling of
the walls, Felix was looking closely at the screen: Two huge vehicles had crossed both
entrances of the building and, not satisfied with that, had continued their course until destroy
some walls and also a few people. The sun has not yet risen so he cannot clearly understand what
is happening in the dark. But it's bad.

It looks like an impressive sight. A raid.

Theron's men, who had been too busy packing to keep watch,
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They realized the situation and responded hastily. However, the attack by several armed men
who jumped out of the back of the cars was by far better and faster. The damn ones had machine

Due to the shooting, the surroundings quickly turned into something resembling an abyss. Fire
flashed and flashed at the end of their weapons. It seemed to illuminate the dark space with a
spark that bounced from one end to the other.

"What happened! You said they were in Long Beach!! You said you saw them!!"

Theron, who was looking at the screen, contacted someone somewhere and inevitably raised her
voice to the tone of an absolutely frustrated scream. It was the first time that his voice and his face
seemed to agree. Each of his emotions were revealed very harshly until they left him a pale tone.

Meanwhile, the men who entered with the vehicles quickly took over the space. Theron's
subordinates attacked using whatever they had within reach so the gunshots grew louder and
the building shook once again. Explosions, screams and so many blows are heard that soon there is
even the illusion that they are in the middle of a real battlefield.

Felix kept looking at the screen...

The men who got out of the two trucks are covering the entire ground floor and now, they are going
up to the second one. You can't tell how many mercenaries or subordinates there are, but the team
moves as bullets fly back and forth.
Because the first floor became a war field, most of Theron's men move upwards in a desperate
attempt to escape... However, it is not a spacious room like the first floor is, but a corridor with
quite narrow corners.
It didn't seem easy to find the way out.

Felix then showed quite honest feelings of anxiety. Looking at the screen, there was one thing he
had realized: This room was on the second floor... And the approaching gunshots and screams
only confirmed the theory.

Felix, who was still clenching his fists quite anxiously, couldn't take his eyes off the screen.
He shook his head forward, trying to get a better look at the faces of the men who entered
the second floor... In fact, the guys were wearing black clothing and bulletproof vests, wearing
glasses, and carrying long submachine guns. They all looked exactly the same, so it was hard to tell
who was who. However, in Felix's eyes... There is one person who stands out from all the others.
The black-haired man who leads the team. The one who walked calmly down the hallway holding a
rifle and pointing forward. Sometimes he signals with a gloved hand and other times he sends
some men across the hall. He is tall and has a trained body, he is terribly skilled with a machine
gun and he shoots... As if they were ducklings at a fair. Just like at the flower shop that time.

The man would pierce their heads with a bullet or, on the contrary, catch them and bend their
limbs in an instant. It broke their necks. His movements were terrifying, even looking through a
small screen. He swept the hallway in an instant and, barely breathing, walked without stopping
and deftly changed cartridges.

Félix, who was attentively looking at his husband's figure, swallowed all the saliva that had
been accumulating inside his mouth... His heart had begun to beat faster and his breathing had
become very harsh.
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His moving image was clearly visible on the screen. He walks calmly, killing enemies like an expert man
who is just doing his job...

Theron contacted someone again. Everyone has seen enough and is sure that the door on the other side
will open at any moment. Some of his men entered from the south side and stood at the entrance while
holding their weapons. Some others began to pack things in a hurry and meanwhile, Felix just looked at
them, with his eyes wide open... He seemed to be waiting for the moment when he opened the door and met
her dark gaze and her beautiful face.

The emotion of waiting is similar to pleasure...

"Oh my God, so scenarios like that turn you on?"

As he was packing his suitcase, the omega boy turned his head towards him and asked something that seemed
completely strange. Felix looked at the man and then... He noticed that he was looking at his groin.

Damn! He had forgotten about it for a moment, but his pants were still down and his body was clearly exposed. A
while ago, that damn omega took off his clothes and masturbated him... And now he had a huge erection in
front of everyone!

"Oh no, no, not now. Why now? Down! Down!!"

Felix seemed to be in serious trouble... I mean, he got an erection from thinking about Isaac. But as soon as that
man sees the scene he's going to cut off his penis!

"God... You seem to have a lot of energy, don't you?"

Nervously, the Omega tried to put his hand on Felix's crotch... He was trying to touch him because he
couldn't actually believe the size of that thing. It was horribly erect, almost throbbing.

But he stopped before he got there...

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The old wooden door broke along with the sound of a bang. At the same time, you could see
dust, the red spark of several detonations, and a pile of dead men at their feet...

The guy in front of them, as soon as he entered the room, pointed the gun right at Theron's
head. It seemed like she knew him quite well although in reality they had never even
exchanged a word...
All the guys on the second floor, the ones who broke the door outside and the ones obeying
Theron inside, had pretty good weapons in their hands. However, no one could pull the trigger
because they were aiming at each other.

The tension completely fills their throats.

"I heard they were headed to Long Beach... I see they're smarter than I thought."

Theron opened the conversation first. It was an atmosphere that seemed to be as unstable as
a bomb, but yet, the man who was at the forefront and still pointing the gun at him, remained
completely and totally silent. Not only did he not respond, it seemed like he hadn't heard
Theron's sentence in the first place.
Although she was aiming at him with an unwavering posture, her gaze was not directed towards
him: Just a few steps away, Felix was sitting, his body completely tied up and his face pale as a
sheet of paper. The Alpha was also looking at him.


Felix opened his lips to call him... But Isaac's gaze trembles anxiously and falls on his groin.
He's obviously looking at his penis and he's looking at the Omega trying to touch him. Doesn't
exactly seem like the best scenario for a reunion.

"Wo Wait, Isaac! It's not an erection!... Well, it is. But not for what you think I have it!"

Felix was shouting too urgently. It was truly the most embarrassed moment he had
ever been in his entire life! His hair was all stuck to his skin, cold sweat ran all over his forehead
and it was so much that even his shirt was wet.

It seemed to him that it was exactly what he was thinking.

"It's because of you! It's because the way you shoot and kill people is absolutely
incredible! I was watching you on the screen, the whole time. It was because of that, Isaac! I swear!"

"Isaac? Is he your partner?"

Theron spoke again, but Isaac continued to look alternately at Felix's penis and at the Omega,
who was still standing next to him.

The Omega notices. She makes a strange expression and then smiles at him... She raises
her leg and begins to slowly rub his penis using her knee.
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"This man here, he's really good at standing up his dick at a moment's notice... Doesn't it hurt? I mean,
if he were my partner I couldn't stand him getting like that with anyone."

"It was never about you, you fucking slut ba...! Ah!"

As he screamed, the Omega crushed Felix's genitals with his knee... He squeezed his testicles and
then: "Ugh!" He moaned so much that he quickly opened his eyes and looked at Isaac.

"Wait! It's not because I wanted to make that sound that I did it! I mean, I want to... It was out of

Isaac's black pupil, which is looking at him as if he wants to say something important, is
cold and completely dull. Dark... Her husband, his penis, the Omega above him, it felt like he
had lost all his energy in a matter of seconds. Something similar to having been injured.
The Omega, who watched everything very carefully, seemed to be enjoying it too much.


But when Felix screams loudly and the man still doesn't respond, that's when Theron notices how lost
Isaac's mind is...
Silently, he gave orders to his men. Just a couple of movements with his fingers... But the guard
hastily draws the gun from its holster and "Tang, tang, tang."

Some men standing behind the door fell to the ground.

Isaac, who was also in their sights, was shot so hard in the chest that he jerked and suddenly lost
his focus. As he fell to his knees, someone ran up to him and hit him on the head with a gun.

"Isaac!!" Felix, who opened his eyes terribly, screamed loudly and tried to get out of the chair.

He wasn't someone who could lose so easily, he would never have allowed something like
that to happen... But now it seems like he doesn't even have any intention of fighting. As if all his
intentions had gone and only a lot of darkness was left in front of him...

It seems stupid... But Isaac is really falling. A man who is stronger than anyone else is injured and
lying on the floor.

"We have a new prisoner."

Theron, gun still pointed in his direction, quickly looked around before ordering him to be taken away...

With that single word, the guards dragged Isaac and also the other men who had fallen to the floor
and led them to another room... Their bloodshot eyes fell on the eyes of Felix, who was watching
everything. A hand with a wedding ring was clenched to the point where it had started to shake. Her
nails dug into her palm. The blood seems to be rushing to his head because the rope on his arms
tightened as if it could break.
Then Theron, who seemed impressed, looked at Felix a little closer... Even the veins in his neck have
begun to stand out.

"That's your partner? Is he really an Omega?"

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"Wow, he even came right here. Interesting."

Who'd say? A unique omega, with such character and such war skills. A perfect and absolutely
precise machine.

"I think... If I steal it from him, I will be able to obtain all the information I need more quickly.
What do you think?"

Felix, who was still looking at him, then curled his lips.

"I think... That if you touch even the tip of his finger, I'm going to kill you. I'm going to... Open
your stomach even if you're still alive and I'm going to force you to see the way I take out your
organs to crush them. "I promise. Therefore, it would be good not to think about anything that includes

His blue eyes trembled and even his voice had begun to sound scary... But Theron, who looked at
him for a truly long moment, seemed to enjoy this as much as the Omega was doing. He even had
the luxury of hitting Felix's cheeks with the tips of his fingers.

The feeling of helplessness he experiences is so great that he fully trusts that he has never felt
anything like this in his entire life.
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There was dust everywhere. The dawn, where the clear blue sky spreads, illuminates the room to a
certain extent...

Someone came in while the dust was flying.

Nobody really knows, but the man started losing his mind a while ago... Just like in the garden, just like
when he was with Lucca.
His arms above his head were fully extended upwards with a rope that was grabbed from the ceiling.
Both of his ankles are tied, one to each end of the table, and he feels like he can't speak.

God, where was I? And his men?

The person who looked at him for a moment, held a syringe in his hand and then stabbed the needle into
his shoulder. He can't lift his head, it felt heavy and cloudy almost as if it were difficult to keep his mind
in the same place.
The man, the one with a thin physique who had just given him an injection, ordered the other two
men who were next to him to help him move him... Then, they sat him upright and extended his arms
even further.

You came because of Felix. He repeated himself to try and come back to reality once he discovered the
true situation. You came for Félix, you came for Félix...

Recently, the operation turned out to be quite contradictory. The casualties and injuries were
considerable so being alive is actually quite surprising.

Wow, that was such a dick.

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Fortunately, after catching the leader of the raid, the rest of Theron's men were able to quickly flee and
ended up saving their lives.
The job was done, but it almost became a different situation.

The man, hanging from the chair with his arms fully extended upwards, was impressive. His hair, clothes and
the gloves he wears are all black. He was said to be the leader of the team, an army guy... And he really pushed
everyone with great skill.
Also, he may have given up very easily, but as soon as you stand in front of him you suddenly have the horrible
feeling that you are going to die.

The man seemed to be asleep, so one of Theron's assistants had to tell him several times, "Wake up." "Wake
up." And hit the wall to get their attention.

Finally, he blinked:

"You slept..."


"It's been 10 minutes. Wake up."

But the man was still in the same position so he had to approach him...

"Open your eyes, it's time to wake up."

The man slapped his cheeks just a little "Dad, Dad"... However, since there is no reaction, the intensity
increases. "Dad, Dad, Dad."

The black hair shakes every time it hits his cheeks and, the third time he does the same, the imprisoned man slowly
raises his eyes and straightens his head: He looks... So different from a while ago. With eyes deeper and blacker
than an abyss.
It was a black obsidian pupil that scared him so much that it eventually made him back away.
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5 years ago. fifty

He can't fix his greasy hair. He wishes he could reach up and press his temple to stop the pain, but
he can't do that either... He just starts sweating and sweating like a complete madman.

Felix closes his eyes and then discovers that the entire room is starting to spin. He tilts his head back
and lets out a truly tremendous sigh...

It seemed like the main reason was drugs. The pheromones are so pressed inside his body that they
cause enormous disturbances within him... As time goes by, the pheromones that do not circulate
accumulate in his body in such a way that a strange type of poisoning is emerging in him. .

The pheromones of a dominant Alpha are superior to those of a normal Alpha. Higher grade
pheromones have the power to crush the spirit of the lower one while controlling an Omega's mind
and causing sexual arousal... So, for a higher ranking Alpha, it can be considered the greatest
weapon and at the same time , also something to be completely careful with.

That's why pheromones are poisonous to your body if they build up in your circulation.

He's dying, but no one seems to pay attention to him... That's why his hair is so greasy and his eyes
have become blurry.

In other words, long-term inhibitors do not work unless they are administered in an Omega. The inhibitor
doesn't completely suppress the alpha gene, it just... You can't make a medicine that works
perfectly because it's a fairly complex mechanism. Yes, there is a drug that temporarily suspends
RUT, but not all pheromones.
Theron said they had made a pretty successful Alpha Dominant inhibitor and that's why he had the
luxury of administering the drug inside him... Eventually, the headache and then the dizziness came.
Nausea, tremors.

When the headache started was when he watched Isaac being dragged like a dog to another room.
It was, from the moment he observed what he had caused and experienced the enormous
feeling of self-destruction towards himself along with defeat and imminent guilt.
Something he tried for the first time in his life...
Oh, he's in terrible pain. It's so horrible! The pheromones that had been forcibly suppressed mixed
with anger and sadness so that it now seemed to be boiling.

Sweat and sweat and sweat...

Then, the door opens and someone quickly enters the room: Theron, who began to walk in front of
him silently, raised her eyebrows and then also opened her mouth.

"Are you okay? Because I have to show you something very interesting."

Theron approached, just one step, mumbling all this in a voice so low that it was difficult to tell if
he was talking to himself or not.

"Interesting. I'm dying to know what it is... Literally."

While answering him in the best way possible, Theron turned one of the laptops
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which was divided into sixteen spaces. Then, it changes the sixteen spaces to an
extended screen that shows you a single setting: A room, with an unconscious man right in
the middle. Black hair, black suit, both hands tied above his head and hanging from a rope
that was on the ceiling... And another man was leaning against him, stretching out his
hand as if he wanted to wake him up. He hits it, but every time he does it his head just
shakes back and forth.


Felix, looking at the screen, pressed his teeth together on his lips until he finally made
them bleed. His face had not been revealed, but he could understand at a glance who it

"Your partner. An Omega that is bonded to you."

Theron, who ended up sitting at the table in front of her, opened her speech while focusing her
gaze completely on the screen. Felix was still biting his lips, so he didn't answer.

"We gave him a "Confession Inducer." It's a type of anesthetic, so it causes him to talk a lot."

"...Did you put medicine inside it?

Felix's voice broke. Theron shrugged.

"I think it's a hobby of mine to fix everything with medicine."

Felix looked up fiercely. It was a fact that in recent years, the scope of the distribution
of illegal drugs had expanded to extend throughout the world. It is not strange that he knows
or has all kinds of drugs to do practically anything he wants.

"So, this is all because of Grandpa's list?"

In response to Felix's grating question, Theron responded simply:

"Yes... If you tell me where Vincenzo is hiding the key and the whereabouts of the
ledger, then I will let him go. Of course, if he doesn't answer correctly, his nails will fall off one
by one or his fingers might come off from his nails." hand."

"He doesn't know anything..."

"Well, Felix, I really wish I could believe in you... Anyway, I guess if it's the truth I can use her
crying to make YOU call Grandpa, begging for him to give you the key."

Felix looked away again. The man is still slapping his cheeks to wake him up and, a step away
from him, he can see another boy leaning against the door. He's holding a dagger in his hand
so Theron's words about cutting off Isaac's fingers come to him again.

"Unless you want to hear your partner scream, of course."

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Felix, who was silently listening to their talk, closed his eyes for a moment due to a new
headache that seemed about to explode. However, even dizzy and dazed, Isaac's figure
remains completely bright in his mind.
Oh my God. Can she just stand by, staring at the screen while he suffers? Can you continue
standing and watch it start to bleed? Is it really the only way? Beg and ask for the key?

"Well, then should we listen to what your omega says first?"

Theron can tell exactly what he's thinking just by taking a look at "his son"...
He was sweating, staring intently at Isaac on the screen as if no one else existed but him.

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The man kept hitting his partner's cheeks so he thinks... All he has to do is get out of there, go to that
room and peel the skin off that bastard before taking out his eyeballs to crush them with his foot.

Isaac raised his head.

"Sir... He seems sick. I mean, at first he didn't look like this. Then he seemed to faint, it was only ten
minutes but it still seems strange to me. Should we stop?"

The voice of the man who hit Isaac's cheeks came through the speakers quite loudly. Theron, who was
still looking at the screen, just clicked his tongue and came a little closer:

"Then first ask your name, age and job. That way we will verify your status."

Theron ordered this immediately, although her voice still sounded terribly dull and flat. He also has an
expression that says "It can't be that important." "Let's get this over with." But on the contrary, the Omega,
who had arrived in the room as soon as he heard Felix's voice, was quite curious about the sudden
outburst that Isaac showed.

He looked at the screen too...

"Can you hear me?"

At that moment, the man on the screen grabbed Isaac's hair and lifted it up so that his chin could be
up. He shouted, "Do you hear me!? What is your name and your age?" The same question Theron had
Isaac, who was looking around as if truly confused, finally looked at the man and sighed. He still doesn't
say anything.

"What's your name!?"

The man, with Isaac's dark hair between his fingers, shook him back and forth quite forcefully... That
was the moment in which Félix committed even more strongly that he was going to cut off that man's
wrist and arm. damn fool.

Isaac's lips are open. He didn't seem to be able to speak fluently so for a moment, it seemed like he
was just thinking about something important or just ignoring it. He repeated again:

"What's your name!? How old are you!?"

Isaac suddenly shot the man with a truly atrocious look. It's chaos, just like when he first saw it just now.
They weren't normal eyes! Rather, it was a pupil that sank so coldly into his chest that it could be felt
even by the people on the other side of the screen.

An unwavering, sharp and horrifying look.

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The man, who was still holding Isaac's hair, was surprised by the sudden change in atmosphere
when he faced him. He waved his hand to control it again but, Isaac, who was staring at him, finally

It was a precise and clear answer. A firm voice:

"Kaysid Patricks, 20, Navy captain."

For a moment, Felix's head stopped spinning. You understand exactly what you're talking about...
And it is precisely for that reason that his jaw fell to the floor!

"It's happening again."

"What the hell are you saying?"

But Félix was completely attentive to him, his forehead was quite wrinkled...

Kaysid Patricks. Isaac wouldn't have said something like that just because.

"Ask again. What is his name? What is his age? No, don't ask him his age, but the current year."

"And why should I...?"

"Just tell your fucking man to ask him again!!!"

He said he was twenty... Isaac is twenty-five now so what he says was five years ago. She met
Isaac for the first time four years ago, so it's before that... His face doesn't seem to say much, but her
heart jumps wildly at the thought of him being lost now. And not like in the garden! God, he can still
remember him saying that he was scared, that he didn't know what he had, that he didn't remember
anything... And how is he going to help him now if that's the case?
Theron and his Omega, standing next to him, are apparently unable to understand.

They just look suspiciously at Felix.

"Ask again, motherfucker! Ask him what his name is and what year it is now, you idiot!!!"

When Felix starts screaming, the boy on the other side of the screen hears the sound too...
He was perplexed to hear a voice different from Theron's so he didn't really know exactly
where to move... However, Theron ordered the man to do exactly the same thing so, looking at the
camera one last time, he had no choice. I nod and return to Isaac.

"Name, answer right now what your name is... And what the year is."

Isaac heard her question.

"Kaysid Patricks. 2014."

His answer was as clear as his voice... It wasn't something fake. You are answering truthfully.

"2014? What the fuck is that? What happened?"

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"He is sick."

Unlike the Omega, who shook his head and muttered as if he thought this was a joke, Felix spoke
quickly and in a rather distressed manner. He thinks he's in some
kind of place... The one he was in five years ago.

A mission?

Did Isaac's brain send him on a mission again?

"What the fuck did they inject him with!!!?"

"It was just anesthetic!"

"He had never been so...!!"

But he couldn't finish the sentence...

It was an instant, just a brief moment in which they had been distracted arguing about Isaac but, from
one moment to the next, the man in the room began to scream at the top of his lungs.
Isaac had released the straps from his wrists. He grabbed the rope that was above him and at the
same time he stood up, he kicked the wall behind his back to give himself momentum and jumped
very high until he managed to make a type of swing that took him directly towards his body.
The guy had his neck trapped between Isaac's legs. His body was very twisted, strangely
twisted as he fell to the ground accompanied by the sound of the vertebrae in his neck breaking in

It literally happened in the blink of an eye.

The other man's eyes widened, he still had the dagger in his hand but it seemed like he had forgotten
how to handle it. The fact that the man died like that had caused him to make a rather stupid face
and, unfortunately, had frozen him right in place.

Isaac held onto the rope again and swung his entire body so he could attack him in exactly the same
way as the previous man. However, after blinking for a moment, the guy managed to hold the dagger
up high and bravely jump in Isaac's direction... A bunch of swearing starts coming through the
speakers as he grabs his wrist and then. ..Clack! He bends her in such a way that he manages to
break her hand in a rather scandalous way. His feet are still tied so it seems difficult to move to
undo him. The subject takes this opportunity, takes the dagger and makes a significant wound to his

Blood was splashing everywhere.


Felix screamed as he watched his blood disperse across his clothes... But it doesn't seem to matter
how much he screams or complains, Isaac doesn't listen. He was only focused on defending himself
and attacking with everything he had, even if his limbs were tightly tied and his mouth was filled with

Felix, irritated, clenched his fist in such a way that his entire wrist shook violently. His skin turns horribly
red from the pressure of the straps against him as he mutters "Sons of bitches..." But then, when Felix
shook his wrist once more as if to
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appear in the room, Isaac reveals himself again in his point of vision. Looking at the opponent with
shining eyes, he jumps again, bending his knees until they are almost close to his chest... The dagger
seemed to get closer to his nose again when he grabbed the rope again and Bang! The rope that
connects Isaac to the ceiling falls, accompanied by a pile of rubble and garbage. White dust flies in all
directions along with fragments of worn beams and tree branches that should not have been there
in the first place.
There was nothing on the screen because of the dust so Felix gets so nervous that he swallows
quite hard. Theron urgently contacted her man... But where is Isaac? I couldn't take my eyes off it, even
though it was just a vague screen with nothing visible.

Suddenly, faint movements are seen in the distance. You can also hear someone's breathing...
Neither Felix nor Theron could speak because they were looking at the screen while pursing their lips
quite tensely.
The dust, which was slowly spreading until some parts became clear, was raised due to someone's
blows and then, Isaac appeared. With his feet free, his hands full of blood and a dagger between his
fingers that he then threw against the glass of the security camera as if he had always known of its

"Don't fuck with me... What is that person?"

The Omega muttered as he looked at the fractured screen with a face full of shock... Theron stands next
to him and yells for someone else to start preparing his men to rush to the north wing. Félix, for his
part, can only remain silent. He just watched Isaac cut all the straps binding his wrists and ankles, kill
two men in less than ten minutes, and break a security screen with a knife before leaving the room.

Blank face, cold eyes, a different atmosphere... Compared to the current Isaac, this one was a little
more mechanical and direct. Cruel, indeed. A killing machine that Cole created since he was a child.
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Isaac... Did he look like this before they met? Before raising Benjamin? Felix, who was attentively
watching the screen, swallowed once again and too hard...
Isaac, the moment he turned around and looked up, showed him a completely impressive black
pupil. Cold, as firm as his tight shoulders and the hand holding the dagger he had just retrieved from the

The man quickly moved towards another room, Felix could tell this because of the outside camera...
The door opened with a single slam and immediately afterwards a bunch of men with short-range weapons
appeared. They were the officers running under Theron's command. Strong, prepared, and yet they
accomplished nothing before Isaac's expert hand: The dagger flew straight into the center of the forehead
of the man leading the company. He couldn't scream or react, and without realizing it his knees were
already bent and his arms were completely dead at his sides. But first, a second before he
fell to the ground, Isaac held him in his arms, grabbed the gun he was holding and then, standing with the
corpse as a shield, he pulled the trigger again and again until he was lost again in the smoke. . Félix
couldn't hear the shots because he didn't have a microphone, but he could see the sparks and
cartridges from the gun flying here and there.

When he is shot, the man with a knife to his forehead is shaken like a person with epilepsy. His back
turns to tatters and blood begins to flow in spurts although Isaac, still looking straight ahead, only holds
him a little tighter and shoots without trembling.

He knocked the man over as he entered a new room.

The three or four guards, the ones who had rushed in their direction to catch Isaac, were wiped out
in a minute, even though they had quite specialized and modern weapons... However, despite the
marvel of their abilities, their expression was still insensitive. It's like you're walking through the park
at night, your normal everyday life.
And that's pretty creepy.

Looking around one last time, Isaac placed the pistol firmly back in his hand, discarding the empty
magazine and replacing it with a new one in quick and precise handwork.
Very different from other occasions.
He was about to leave but, just before that, stopping walking as if he had remembered something important,
he turned around and looked closely at the camera. Like he did before Theron's men came in to try to
kill him.

Felix, who had been staring at it for a long moment, tried to carefully analyze it again but
only ended up feeling frustrated. Licking his lips with the tip of his tongue, he watched Isaac hold his
Beretta and point it directly in his direction. And as he pulled the trigger, he thought he heard the
sound of an impressive explosion and then, just as he had been doing, he left the monitor in darkness.


Nobody was talking. Theron's face, staring at the black screen, is as pale as his own possibly is,
and the Omega's face, still at his side, definitely couldn't be considered better. Felix was so
nervous that he shook his wrists repeatedly.

"What does your partner have?" Finally, Theron's voice rose into the air at a terrifying rate.
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"Is there any abnormality in your memory?"

Felix shrugs, not seeming willing to say anything about him.

"He must be crazy... Even though we gave him drugs, I can't remember a confession that
went this badly."

"That's right, I've never seen any behavior as excessive as this! Completely insane to tell
the truth."

Theron and her Omega were debating on their own, but each of their words only
caused Felix's eyes on them to cool until it finally seemed like something very
exaggerated and terrifying.

"First, every medication has side effects. Even if nothing had happened until now. Second,
they hit him on the head with a blessed weapon and third, they tied him up like a pig to start
interrogating him about something stupid!! There is a lot of things in there that could have
caused his condition, you pieces of shit!" As Felix was screaming, he nervously spread all his
hair until it rested on his face. You're not an expert, so you can only speculate and worry.
"Whatever he has, he seems to be at some point five years ago... Fighting. At that time he
and I hadn't met so I don't think he knows who I am. Besides, as you've seen so far,
he has the special ability to kill people like they were rats in a bucket because he was a
navy captain.

This is their mission, and we are right in the middle."

Felix, who started talking about his Omega, had an exceptionally low voice so Theron closed
his mouth. An impressive problem had arisen in an unexpected place so it is normal to
be very upset.

"I assure you that you will not stop Isaac because he is not even Isaac now. His only
weakness is that he is an Omega... But unfortunately he is now bonded to me so even
if one of your Alphas sprays pheromones on him, he will no longer will react. He won't even
be able to smell it."


"My pheromones are the only ones that can leave him defenseless... Ah, but you stopped
them, right? That bitch screwed everything up so thank her because soon we are going to
meet with your guards to tell the stories of our death and have contests about which was
the worst"


"It means there's nothing I can do. We're gone to hell!" As he moves his fingers on the
wooden chair, he laughs out loud as if he found it very funny and, at the same time, terribly
absurd. "Oh, he's literally going to cut off my penis. What's up with this?
What a bad ending... Well, at least I have the satisfaction of seeing the real hell unfolding
right in front of me and burning you in its flames."
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He heard the sticky sound his feet made... It was what was formed when you stepped on blood.

As he walked through the first floor, he came to an open space that seemed to be quite familiar. A place that
made him feel horribly uncomfortable, although he didn't have the time or patience to think about why.

There were countless guys with guns but I couldn't figure out their identities or motives either. However, he was
sure that he had to fight them if he didn't want to end up dead. Yes, it's always been this way. If you don't do it,
they're going to kill you, and that was the absolute truth of the war.

Isaac turns around, the Beretta is completely firm in his hands... His ability to shoot is famous because it
never deviates and because it always does so right between the eyebrows.
This situation has happened countless times. Some as a team and others being completely alone. However...
Now it was as if a part of him felt out of place.
Something was wrong, but it didn't seem to be the case so it was a huge contradiction.

When the shooting ends, little 20-year-old Isaac stands almost at the edge of the house and looks around once
more... It was certainly a huge space. The ceiling is quite high and the walls seem too old to withstand so much
movement. In fact, it's already collapsing on him, and he hasn't actually put into practice half of the
things that were in his training...

Wow, how strange.

The morning was bright and came completely through an immense hole in the wall. It was a dazzling
light... Where is this place really? Who are the guys from before?

Isaac, who thought about it for a long time, frowned and placed a hand on his chin... There is nothing. He has
no idea. He doesn't even know how he lost his memory in the first place! The last memory he has is from
when he left the Dev Gru barracks. It was time to return to Washington and take a short vacation after his special
mission... But why is he there then? Did they send him somewhere new without asking his opinion? He's in the
middle of a weird place with enemies he doesn't know and he can't even see his men anywhere... He was
confused so he guesses he has to get out of there first and call Cole. If you let him know that there is a
problem with your memory, then he will definitely take care of it.

Thinking about it, Isaac put the Beretta back. The surroundings are quiet now so it seems safe to start moving...
But at that moment, another strange feeling of incongruity came to him so quickly that he opened his
eyes quite exaggeratedly. This time there is something wrong with his hand. It means, He's feeling it! He was
wearing fairly thick gloves but underneath them, on his left hand, there was something uncomfortable that didn't
match his tastes at all.

Isaac, who was looking at his hand, took off his glove:


His expression, looking at the bare hand, was similar to seeing a ghost: A silver ring that he doesn't even
remember and doesn't even know why he's wearing, fits perfectly on his finger.
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cancel. Obviously it is something made to order. Damn, when did he get engaged? Or does she have a
lover she doesn't remember?
Doubting himself, he shook his head quickly and said "No." No way. He has never liked anyone in his life
and honestly, he can't see himself dating a man or woman and being that serious.

How pathetic.

From a young age he practiced martial arts, firearms control, and many other activities that made it
virtually impossible for him to meet people or date. It was even worse after joining the army so what the
hell with the ring on the ring finger? Furthermore, the design is not simple and it does not seem to
be something cheap. Platinum, with a lot of diamonds embedded. It was an engagement ring or a wedding
ring... Honestly, the design wasn't bad. Far from being bad, it was quite nice. It has an F next to it...

Isaac, who touched the ring with a strange uncomfortable feeling on his fingertips, soon hesitated and
yanked it off. His name doesn't start with F so... Maybe it's not his. Maybe someone he cared about died
and he took her ring so they could recognize him... Similar things had happened before, although it's still
strange that it fits his finger so well.

But, since it wasn't his anyway, then it wasn't worth thinking about it too much.
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When Isaac tried to throw the ring from his fingers, he felt like he was emptying a part of his life too. He can't hide
his feelings... And the same goes for the marks on the ring, which are carved strongly on his ring finger... Just as if he
had been wearing it for a long time, just like a belt.

Something that does not seem to have formed in a matter of hours, but of days.

"...I must be crazy."

Sighing heavily, Isaac looked at the ring one last time and put it in his pants pocket instead of throwing it into the
rubble. He doesn't remember anything about it so even though he seems reluctant to get rid of it, I couldn't use it
again. How can she put on a ring so carelessly under these circumstances?

Isaac, who used the black glove again, took a deep breath and began to shake his entire body.
How to throw away negative energy and useless thoughts. Especially here on this battlefield

He looked around and walked to find a quick exit with a quick step... However, he suddenly stopped moving and
looked back again. Why was all this happening to him?
It was a strange sensation and an unrecognizable emotion. It was also a tenuous feeling, like when he first woke up
in the interrogation room and discovered that he didn't know anything.
A sensation that had spread strongly just before he freed his bound limbs and walked out of there.

He couldn't stand the feeling of incongruity so he just observed the space and even had the luxury of looking at the
camera that was pointed right in his direction. Then, mechanically, he ended up moving the gun and pulling the trigger
to break the chamber a third time. However, the feeling did not disappear. It stuck, like a tag on his chest. A thorn...
Something that is so stuck that it makes you have a strange anxiety and causes you to look back over and over
again... Waiting for someone who never comes.

If he takes one step and walks out the door, it would be wrong. But why? They are irritable emotions that prevent
you from continuing with your mission.

It seems that it is important to stay.

It seems that something has been left behind...

Standing like a defeated man, Isaac blinked a few times and finally, his legs moved with long strides into the
house. At first it was slow, step by step, but from one moment to the next it began to accelerate until it ended up
running. Instead of leaving through the broken door, he returned to the bloody space with the bodies and the
bright sunlight streaming in behind him.

Hopefully it's the right thing to do and your body makes sure you do or find that important thing you apparently
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Felix, who was closing his eyes to endure a gradually worsening headache, was fainting. He lifted his eyelids
that already felt terribly heavy and tried to regain some of his energy so as not to sleep... Then, the
Omega guy who had been hovering around him all this time, leaned over, lifted his pants and looked him
straight in the eye. the eyes. His eyebrows were furrowed.

Suddenly the sun was shining, and a clear, beautiful light began to flow from the window behind him. A
transparent and intense light even though it is barely dawn.

Felix looked at him:

"What? Do you have something to say?"

The voice of Félix, who opened the conversation for the first time, revealed heaviness and anger in equal parts.

"No, I just wanted to tell you that it's great."


"Your Omega... That you linked up with a guy like that."

"Everything that's happening is bullshit." It was when he said that, that all the anger finally came out. The man
shrugs his shoulders and his hands start to shake again. "And I completely blame you for that."

"Your Omega interrupted all of Theron's plans, so it's more like the other way around. I mean, I've been
trying to get information about the key she wants so much, for years and years... But you ruined it. I tried to get
data by interrogating man, but it didn't work either. He killed everyone and left me with nothing."

The Omega gave a long sigh. He seemed to be very sad while he was telling it, but Félix was laughing a lot:

"Well, how bad".

"It should be for you. What will you do? Your Omega seems to have run away from home. Do you think
someone with memory problems will come back to you?"

Felix couldn't tell him anything, but he was worried about the same problem.

Isaac, who came out of the basement, seemed terribly energetic, dealing with all the enemies without a
moment's thought. He couldn't even count how many shots he fired or how many he received directly into the
vest. As always, without changing his expression, he put a bullet into the head of the guys blocking his path
and broke the wall of some more rooms. Thanks to him everything was turned into a disaster and more than
half of the sixteen screens turned black. Until the end, his movements and objectives captured by CCTV
were clear. An honorable exit for someone who had lost five years of memory.

For him, there should be no reason to stay in a strange place so Theron, who noticed his will, finally ordered
his men to withdraw immediately. Now in
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Instead of trapping Isaac, he seemed to realize that his people shouldn't die for something like that.
The casualties were already numerous enough to still have the luxury of increasing it by two more digits. The
number of subordinates who had been dragged along with him decreased by more than half.

And anyway, he has the most effective hostage right there, Félix Felice.

Isaac, who had been holding the gun for a long time in his hands, finally realized that the men were gone
and decided to do the same as them. The old farm, with blood and corpses, was terrifying... Theron saw
what was necessary: How he lifted and inspected the weapons of the dead, how he took a small pistol and
put it in his belt and also, how he looked around very carefully. until you give up.

It was Isaac's exit that Felix saw, without taking his eyes off the screen that was still working. He pulled out a
gun, fired it in their direction, and along with sparks and flames illuminating the space, the screen went dark
and Isaac disappeared from view.


Felix was silent and then stopped breathing. He closed his eyes, as if he were terribly exhausted...

If Isaac came out, what will he do? His memories are gone, five years. If you realize the reality, that time
has passed, how will you accept it? To return to? You may have to figure it out somehow, but will it be
Numerous questions have entangled themselves within him to end up complicating his mind. No, before
that, will he be able to find it again?

No. It won't be able to.

When he fell in love with that bitch Omega, he couldn't find him for four fucking years so if Isaac goes into
hiding again...


Horrible words hovered on the tip of his tongue, scaring him into analyzing his thoughts and thinking of a
world that didn't have him.

"I'm sorry... But if Theron leaves this place, you, the main hostage, will move in with us. If you think
things are bad enough, then add the fact that your Omega will never hear from you again. Even if he
recovers his head."

"God, your squeaky voice is giving me a stroke, shut up already."

Felix's fierce tone sounded like a real threat so, only then, the man closed his mouth and shrugged his
shoulders. Soon, however, he took out a small vial from his pocket and shook it in front of him as if he
were playing with its status.

Strong anger spread across Felix's face.

"Theron is getting ready to move and doesn't want to hear you talk."

"So, are you going to put the pheromone inhibitor back on me?"
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"I'm curious about how powerful a dominant alpha pheromone like yours can be, but I guess I'll see later."

Felix laughed again.

"When I get my pheromones back, you won't even be able to stand in front of me to watch the show."
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"When I get my pheromones back, you won't even be able to stand in front of me to watch the show."

"Having security is good... However, I don't think you're in the best condition for that."

The man, who curled his lips at a strange angle and then laughed, took out a syringe and put a needle
on the hub. Like the first time, he was filling her with clear medicine until it filled the entire length
of a tube... God, if she lets him do that again, she won't be able to resist it. His head hurts terribly
and his hair won't stop dripping. What will happen with more doses?

Felix spoke nervously, telling him to stop, that he didn't feel well and that it was a terrible idea... But
the Omega just reached out and took his arm. Because his fist was clenched tightly, blood trickled
down to his forearm when he stung it without even the slightest care.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Were you going to say something else? Or are you finally going to stay as quiet as
your partner?"

The Omega's light laughter flowed towards his ear. Félix closes his eyes, he is terribly dizzy but...
He smiles. He always shows a smile when he hears how people see Isaac.

"There is always a reason to be silent..."

Actually, there are many reasons. Seeing Isaac's reaction when he woke up and his movements when
killing, his way of walking... He noticed that he actually seemed to be on alert all the time. A child,
indeed. But the best of them. Someone who, although he had lost five years of important memories,
continued analyzing and planning. Guided by instinct like an intelligent creature. He was a
man of few
words and millions of actions. And like her husband, she figured she had to act exactly the same...

"What are you saying?" Since Félix seemed to want to justify his partner's strangeness, the Omega
had no choice but to laugh openly in front of him. He touches Felix's stiff forearm with his fingers and
unties it to release pressure. A dirty move. "And are you going to explain to me about that?"

Only then did Felix raise his blue eyes and look at him.

"I wanted my Omega to save me. I was waiting and hoping for him to arrive, putting on my best worried
face and yelling "Run to me." "Save me"... "Sometimes people
remain silent to ask for miracles."


He looked like he didn't understand, and made a stupid sound with his mouth.

"You really ruined everything."

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There was a tremor in Felix's tone as he spoke... The man is agitated so his voice trails through
the air until it sounds much more dangerous than it actually is.
As soon as he heard it, his knees trembled and he stepped back.

"Oh, and one more thing... I was waiting for the best time to be alone with you. Like now."

Slowly, Felix whispered once more as he gave a fascinating smile to a terribly scared man…

Then, from one moment to the next, he rested his leg on the leg of the chair, leaned back a little
more and, taking advantage of the fact that he had untied his hand to apply the medicine, he turned
half around. It was a complicated move but not impossible.
The Omega, standing with a syringe in his hand, had no time to escape or think. Felix used his
weight to crush the wood under his knees so the legs of the chair creaked with an impressive noise
as he finally gave way. As he fell apart, all he had to do was stand up and stretch out a leg to make
the Omega lose his center. Confused and still thinking about what had just happened, he fell
on the table and then shouted:


Soon, tears began to flow down his face because, in addition to throwing it, Felix had managed to
penetrate his arm with a piece of the broken wood...
As if the wound was quite deep, red blood spreads on the dusty floor. The man screamed and
screamed like he was going to die, but Felix couldn't enjoy it because his wrist was still attached
to the armrest. There are also straps stuck hard to his chest and legs.

The Omega, who was gushing blood due to the piece of wood stuck in him, cried and began
crawling on the ground like a snake. He seemed to be looking for his syringe because his arm
extended in the direction of his medicine cabinet... However, before he got it, still crawling in
the white dust with the pieces of the chair, Felix grabbed him by the neck and pressed his head
against the floor. . Puck. A dull sound. A mercilessly crushed face and a disfigured nose.

"Hurt hurts!!"

But Felix kept slamming his face into the ground, again and again and again until his voice was no
longer even visible amidst all the dust and blood.
When Felix picked him up, he finally showed him a smile.

"Do you understand me now, asshole? Sometimes people stay silent before doing things like this."

If Isaac didn't let his mind seem upset and shocked, then he wasn't going to either even if he
was in a state where he couldn't think of anything.

The Omega's squeaky nose sounds almost as loud as Felix gnashing his teeth. He hated him so
much... Hitting him didn't seem to be enough and it never would be enough, even if he grabbed
him with both hands and broke his neck.
" Due...."

It was when the Omega complained again that the door behind him opened wide with a loud noise.
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truly harsh sound... The man who was walking with a quick step crossed the entire mess and then, he stopped
a step away from them and looked at them.
Theron's eyes were wide open, and the gunmen behind her seemed to have the same expression.

"Is this bitch important to you?"

Felix, who was looking Theron up and down, tilted the tip of his lips at a strange angle and asked this quickly...
But he didn't answer with the haste with which she thought he would. There wasn't any movement really. As
if he had remained in the form of a stone statue

He looked at Felix.

"Speak up! He's the only man crazy enough to make the Elena clone you so desire." Felix raised the
Omega's bloodied, swollen, mangled head and screamed.
"Look at it!"

"So? You think if you take him hostage you'll be able to get out of here like nothing happened?"

"Just challenge me."

And Bam! Felix pulled the piece of wood out of the man's arm... The Omega, lying on his face, cries and
screams so loudly that he begins to feel a little pitiful.

"Next time I'm going to bury it down his throat."


"You have to think, Theron. And you have to think quickly... Or maybe you weren't so eager to see my mother
after all."

Theron's pupil, who was looking at Felix carefully, looked like that of someone completely angry. He
seems to think about it over and over again and in the end, he comes to the conclusion that he can't beat him.
It's because he doesn't deny anything Felix said, he couldn't say he didn't need it. If that man said he would
build someone's limb from scratch or build his own eyeballs, I would believe him very honestly. What's
more, he would trust him with his life. He is the only one who can do such extensive genetic research without
getting into legal issues. The only person who can make the things you always dreamed of come true.

He couldn't make it disappear now and in front of him.

However, as soon as he follows Felix's words, he is sure to be overwhelmed with pride. Just listening to him
speak I already felt like I was boiling with fever.

The number of survivors is quite small, not to mention the other considerable damage that he and the house
received. And in the midst of that, you still have to face that problem.
The man broke the chair and stabbed him. The blood was flowing so fast that Theron definitely
didn't know how to respond or in what way to react. What his heart said was very different from what his brain

The Omega tried to gasp for breath for a moment.

"If you agree, just back off."

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Felix had once again pointed the wood in the direction of the Omega's body so, only then,
Theron's eyes widened and her lips parted...
However, before he continued speaking, the "Dudududu" of a helicopter was heard in
the distance. At first it was weak, but within a couple of seconds it was so strong that the
windows of the old building shook as if they were going to break. Theron, Felix, and the
Omega who was in their blood-covered hands ended up looking out the window.

It was a dark figure... More men dressed in black.

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It was like someone was screaming.

The gunshot sounded louder than ever before and ended up making his head completely dizzy.

In the middle of the shots, Félix lowered his body until his chest was pressed to the ground and then
tried to move a couple of centimeters forward while shouting: "What the fuck is happening this time!? Fucking
mother! Fucking mother!!" The harsh, abusive language hovered on the tip of his tongue as he continued to
advance further and further until suddenly, a few meters from the door, a strong hand began to hold his
shoulder... The eyes of Felix opened ferociously when he thought that it was surely Theron or one of his men,
standing right behind to try to break his arm.

It looked big so I was honestly scared by it.

"Boss! Boss! It's me! Oh, it hurts! Don't squeeze my hand like that!!" The man shrugged as he tried to get
Felix to release his grip. It was painful, even if it didn't match his physique..."It hurts me, sir!"

Only then did the man seem to be able to breathe freely for a few seconds. He looked at his face and his black
clothing combined with that bulletproof vest.


"Yes, it's me! We brought some weapons!"

It hurts him to keep squeezing him, so he lifts his hand from his arm and tries to shake it a little to avoid
continuing with so much numbness.
Felix clicked his tongue.

"What happened?"

"How do you ask that? I came because you asked for support. Isaac called for help from his transmitter!"

"Isaac...? Did Isaac ask for backup?"

"That's how it is."

"They shouldn't have come."

"What are you talking about, sir? Of course we were going to come if you needed us!!"

As he held him to be able to take him to a safe place, he could notice how the house continued to
resonate terribly around him. He had even reached a point where he seemed to have the scandal right inside
his head.
In fact, as soon as they broke through the window and although they fled quickly, the guys who came as
support for Theron seemed eager to tear them to pieces as soon as they were careless for a moment so... It was
obvious that screams and explosions would be at the command of the day.

"Now, first of all, take this first."

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As they followed the other guards out, Jack gave her something wrapped tightly in his coat... It
was a gun and a long-range headset. Félix frowned, but began to place the device in his ear
without saying anything else. Thus, when I pressed a small button at the bottom, something
began to be heard. A voice that cries and complains.


Screaming in an attempt to make his voice clearer amidst all the noise, Félix finally grabbed the revolver
that Jack had handed him and pulled the safety catch so he could take it out. He pointed straight
ahead at the same time he heard someone say:

"Felix? Felix , are you alive? Hello, son of a bitch!! Are you that handsome but completely
stupid Felix Felice?"

"I'm so..."

"Didn't you say that there were few dominant Alphas who were as dominant as you, you idiot!?
You always go around, pretending to be the fucking master of the world, with your Barbie
hair and your... Your stupid weapons and your stupid men and your stupid face. How do you let
yourself be trapped by Theron? Bastard, idiot, unhappy, damned useless son of a..."

"Okay, enough."

Noah's words seem to be tearing at his ears so Felix speaks one more time to try to avoid all
of that. Blasphemies and shouts. Speakin' insults like it was his fault!

"Listen... I have a plan."

But when Félix pronounced that word, the shots began to be heard even louder through the
headphones so the communication was cut off... His cousin's reckless language again reached
his ears along with a lot of worried words.

"Felix? What was that sound? Are you okay? Hey! Are you okay?"

"Sorry, I was shooting."

"Damn idiot! Do you want me to have a seizure? Before you shoot, tell me you're going
to shoot! Crazy. Demented bastard!"

"For God's sake, will you stop being so loud?"

Felix, who still had the gun in his hands, had fired in the direction of a person who was trying
to attack Jack from behind. On the other side, in the middle of the floor, was the Omega,
weakly crawling to escape. There was blood around him, spreading widely as if it were a small
stream that he couldn't notice so Felix, with a blank face, just watches his useless struggle
intently before smiling.

However, he came back to reality when Jack asked him:

"Who is that person? He looks very bad."

"It's not important. Rotten fruits no longer need to be preserved."

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Felix responded quietly and quickly walked over to the table that had all the laptops, desktop
computers loaded with security devices, and yellowed papers. It was a dazzling table, modern and
full of cutting-edge technology... But Félix threw all this on the floor as if he were looking for
something more important there. His eyebrows were wrinkled and his forehead was dripping with
A moment ago, Theron had hurriedly prepared to leave the house so it seemed logical that she
would have taken his blood as well.

"Where are you, Noah?"

"Over your head."

"On the helicopter? Really?"

"Well, I couldn't think of anything better."

"Find Theron. The bastard has my blood in a damn syringe."

"Blood? What blood? Like blood?"

"I'll tell you later."

Felix crossed the table and continued searching through all the cluttered documents. There were
syringes, gauze, medicine, but he couldn't find anything that could be important or useful. Rather,
chasing and finding Theron seems to be the only possible way out at this point. And how is he going
to get out of here undetected when he has Noah riding in a gigantic helicopter?

"Anyway... Isaac? Where is he? Are they together?"

As Felix walked towards the door, Noah finally brought out the question that was stuck deep in his
throat. In fact, Isaac was a person he wouldn't have to worry about tango... But it's strange that
he can't hear his voice.


"... He's fine?"

"I have a little problem with Isaac. We have to find him."

"Wo do you need to find Isaac? What are you talking about!? What do you mean you have to
find Isaac!!?"

"I think he left."

Noah was silent for a long moment. It seems like a stupid thing for him to believe so he really can't
even understand it. He can't even imagine it! Why would the man who seemed so desperate to
find Felix just walk away?

"What did you do to my brother-in-law?"

When Felix heard this, he hesitated for a moment and then became incredibly nervous.

"They fought?"
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"It's not something like a fight, it's a real problem. Isaac's memory problem..."
When he left the hallway, Felix rubbed his brow with his fingertips... It's so hard to explain something like
this to him! So much so that he inevitably began to sigh. "What happens with him is that..."

But his answer didn't end...

There was a man dressed entirely in black at the end of his field of vision. A tall guy, pointing a gun
while looking him straight in the face...
God why is he still here? What happened? What caused you to return and ask for help?

Félix lowers the gun... His eyes are wide open and his name is on the tip of his lips.


But the moment he calls out to him and extends his hand, the guy pulls the trigger...


A bullet passed through Félix's shoulder with such a great impact force that he ended up irremediably
falling to the ground.


At the same time, his servants immediately counterattacked. Tang, Tang, Tang. Gunshots filled the
hallways and caused them to go completely deaf in an instant. Jack was scared and shocked so he
instinctively raised his hand with the gun and pointed it at him...
But he couldn't do anything.

What was he doing?

My God, what was he doing?

He was her lord's husband so he was also her lord now. It was Benjamin's father, his friend...
And the person who had shot Felix.
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He was her lord's husband so he was also her lord now. It was Benjamin's father, his friend...
And the person who had shot Felix.

Some men said:

"Jack, shoot right now!"

But there was also that painful voice that screamed:

"It's Isaac!! Are your eyes bad? Oh, damn, weapons down!"

"Sir, are you okay? Your arm looks..."

"It shouldn't move."

"Don't you understand or what's wrong with you!? If someone shoots him, even one shot, I will put a
bullet in his head and throw him into the sea!! Did you hear that right, idiots!?"

Revealing a new dangerous and stinging anger, Felix screamed so loudly that it seemed as if
his blood might explode. Jack lowered his gun... It was a situation he couldn't fully understand, but if
the boss said "Guns down" then no one could disagree with him.

He obeyed him.

"...What's wrong with Isaac, sir? Why are you pointing a gun at us? It doesn't make any

It was Jack who bravely asked the question everyone had stuck in their throats. Why did he shoot
them? Why was he acting like he was terribly angry with them? But instead of responding, Felix
took out his men and began running in the opposite direction of the attacker. Apparently their main
plan was to flee before he ended up shooting them again. And what's more, flee down the stairs.

"Isaac shot? Why did Isaac do something like that?" As he listened to the agitation of men running
down the second-floor stairs, Noah asked about Isaac's condition again and again before
shouting, "Damn it, tell me!!"

"I don't know! Look, Isaac came for me, a man from Theron hit him in the head with a gun.
Then when he woke up... Oh, when he woke up he said it was the year 2014!"


The sound of surprise inevitably came from the earpiece.

"Calm down. Okay? I'll explain the details to you later... I have to get everyone out of here first so I
can go back for him."

Felix talks to Noah, moaning and breathing too hard while Jack, who still doesn't have a clear idea
of the situation, just holds him too tightly... His eyes
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The blues seemed to be watching the steps carefully, but their minds were filled with thoughts of Isaac.
Why is Isaac here? Wasn't he running away? Why did he come back? That is to say, his purpose
seemed to be to escape from there as quickly as possible because that was why he had started
breaking all the cameras on the first floor...

So why is he in the house?

Why didn't he kill him even though he had the opportunity to do so?

Although he was going at a fast pace, his head was completely crazy. No matter how much he thought
and thought or how many times he repeated the above scenario... He couldn't find an answer that
seemed logical to him.
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It was about the time they came down the stairs that Jack, with a frown on his face and a bead of
sweat on his brows, began to breathe a little harsher and faster.
He seemed honestly angry at all of this.

"Sir, if Isaac thinks we are the enemy then we have no choice but to fight too."

Only then, Felix, who completely woke up from his thoughts, opened his eyes impressively
and looked at him:

"What are you saying? Are you going to dare point a gun at my Omega? Huh?"
"You want to go against my orders right in this situation!?"

"Oh no, it's not like that sir. But, at least we have to defend ourselves, right? Boss, Isaac is not
shooting a toy gun and he is not an insignificant man either! It's Isaac!"
Jack cried. "We shouldn't be running! We should fix it"

When Jack screams, Felix slams his hand against his head making a loud "WAP."

"Idiot, we're running because I'm afraid of Isaac. Do you understand? I'm afraid of him because
he can't recognize me, because he's very strong, and because I don't want to die. He shot me!!
In the same fucking arm!! Why?" not run away? Do you have a better idea?"

Jack complained again at Felix's hasty words: "You must be the only Alpha in the world who
escapes from his Omega out of fear."

"It doesn't matter what you say about me... I'm a coward when I meet a man much stronger than
me. Omega or Alpha."

"What if you use pheromones?" Noah spoke again after a long moment of silence...
But at the same time he did so, the sound of Felix's weak voice began to fill the entire space.

"Do you think if I could use pheromones correctly we would be in this situation?
Do you think I wouldn't have tried it already? I just can't!"

"Wow, what was it? An inhibitor? I've never heard of anything that completely
suppresses an Alpha's pheromones."

"I don't know. I don't know what it was, or how he did it, but I'm sure it happened minutes
after I took a pill."

"Then maybe..."

"Give me a moment and shut up." Felix spoke sharply, looking back as he tried to hold his breath...
Why did Isaac stay inside? It's a good thing, of course. But where was he and what was he
doing? Although of course the fact that he was there and not lost in who knows where was
too reassuring. "If you have nothing to do,
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chases Theron. "He said they were going to come for him by helicopter."


"Yes, it seems strange to me too."

In fact, when he heard the buzzing overhead he had thought it was Theron's men instead of his
own... But no. So, if he wasn't in a helicopter and if Noah couldn't seem to locate him anywhere,
what had happened to them? Curse!! And just when you don't have time for things like that.

"Look, I can look for him together with Lucca... This will take some time because he went right to the
other end of the city but, it will be much easier this way. You need to focus on Isaac because,
outside of him being our family, we can't "leaving alone someone who is like a time bomb waiting to

Thanks to Noah's voice, Felix stopped moving like a caged lion and sighed deeply before saying:

"I'm scared, Noah."

"What do you say? Are you going to leave Isaac alone? Do you want one of those mercenaries who
don't know him at all to come in for him? Is that it!?"

But Felix just closed his eyes.

Isaac, the one from five years ago and the one from now, they are both absolutely mad at him. He
didn't tell any of them what happened with his penis right in front of him, nor what he had thought of the
Omega in the bathroom. Because of him they hit him with a gun and because of him he collapsed.
The figure that fell to the ground, with distorted eyes, was caused by him. And it didn't matter how or
when, if he was on drugs or any other circumstance that gave birth to this problem... At the end of it all, it
was his mistakes.

"So how are you going to calm him down?"


"Dear God, it's your Omega! You need to take responsibility!"

"And who said there is no responsibility on my part? I am absolutely responsible...!

"I just need time to think."

"And you think we have all the time in the world or what? Ask me to do something now and start
moving too before instead of a plan of action we have something to regret!"

Noah's urgency and accusations led Felix to inhale and exhale a bunch of times, like a deflating
balloon. Having his cousin's character right in the middle of a difficult moment made the pain in his
head and his shoulder increase significantly. It's so much that it feels like it's going to explode, so he
presses nervously on his temple and forehead.

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Jack's worried voice was heard so, only then, Felix shook his head silently and chose to open his
eyes again.

"Guys, get out of here. Noah says that Lucca is somewhere so, follow his words and find
Theron together."

As if he were carrying a really heavy load on his back, Felix's shoulders fell forward and then
seemed to become very small. Jack looked at him again, this time without doubt:

"What is the boss going to do?"

"I have to go to Isaac, I already said it. Somehow, I will convince him and bring him back to us so...
You guys just have to bring me good news. Help Lucca, listen to Noah."

"But sir, are you serious that you are going to enter alone? What happens if the next bullet enters
your head?"

Jack asked this with a tone almost as anxious as the frustrated Felix had and yet, before offering him
words of encouragement or making him feel calm about the mission, Puck, Felix had begun to hit
his back hard again and again. until making Jack bow his head... It seems like he wants to say
something important, but at the same time he can't do it. Felix's hand is quite rough and hurts.

"Sir! You have to let me help you!" Jack cried, rubbing his neck that had already begun to hurt after so
many slaps. "Let me be your bodyguard or at least let me give you a bulletproof vest so you can be
safe! I don't have Tony today so I'm frustrated about what I do or don't have to do."

"Well, then I accept the vest."

"Great! I don't know if this will suit the boss, though." And after that, Jack quickly took off his bulletproof
vest and laughed as he handed it to him. He seemed even more scared than Felix was. "This will be
fine, I promise."

But no one could be sure.

First of all, he planned to enter without weapons. And would the man understand that he didn't want to hurt him?
What would happen if he still decided to attack and to even the situation he said he wanted to fight with
his bare hands? The vest wasn't going to stop him from breaking his neck... But he accepted it. And he
agreed to let Jack help him put it on. She wrapped her arms around his vest and turned her back to

"Please do a good job and find Theron. It doesn't matter how long it takes to get her back, but do it."

"Okay. Please take Mr. Isaac back home."

Pretending not to see Jack, who was seriously saying goodbye again and again, Felix turned
around and re-entered the house. He stepped on the stairs... This time he was completely wet with
sweat so he started rubbing his palms on his pants. However, all the time he moved with a firm gaze.
Like one of those people who are always arrogant and confident and are not afraid of anything.
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If they had seen his face, they would surely have seen that he could not erase his expression of tension
and fear.

"Noah, don't forget to contact the emergency facility and... If something happens to me, if I don't
come back after a while, Benjamin..."

"Shit. If you get out of there, the first thing I'm going to do is rip your fucking mouth off so you'll stop
saying stupid things." Listening to all the insults he had to offer, Felix wrinkled his eyebrows and made
his eyes a little smaller. The sound of Noah's tongue flowed as if he was scolding him. "Felix. Even if
your pheromones are tied up right now... Isaac loves you. And sometimes you just have to trust that."

It was ambiguous whether they were words to comfort him or to encourage his courage. Although really,
it wasn't like he could be comforted anyway.

As he climbed the stairs, Felix spread his hair forward. It was something he did whenever he was

"However, logically speaking, do you think I can catch Isaac? He was a special fighter after all and...
Well, there you have Lucca."

"You're right, I could break you into many places and leave you without a foot... But, are you going to
die that easily? Are you going to just give up? Then all this will be in vain."

"...When Benjamin asks, tell him that I died when I fought fifty men.
Huge and armed. Russians. The Russians are intimidating so that will sound great."

"Idiot, survive so you can tell the boy about the way his dad Isaac humiliated you for the thirteenth

Felix smiles, bites his lips. He seemed like a desperate and lost man. So much so, that his blue eyes
even began to move quite anxiously.
Unfortunately, Noah was right again. He had to fight and protect his family... Although it was scary to face
an Isaac who perhaps hated him.

Instead of a loving look, he was going to give her a cold look. Instead of telling him that she loved him
and wanted to have a girl with him, she was most likely going to start asking, Who are you and what
are you doing here? And also, will you be able to face his gaze when the temperature is low and your
body wants to feel his heat? Will he be able to look directly at him without feeling pain when he
points a gun at him again? Will his memory return correctly? Will she have her husband in her arms
again? These are questions that make you sink infinitely and turn around and around here and there.

And so, he finally reached the bottom of the stairs and stood in the second floor hallway. It was an empty
place, so much so that his footsteps seemed too loud.

It was in front of the room where he had been tied for a long time, that his walk finally stopped.
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Someone called his name out of nowhere.

The Colt's muzzle was facing forward, ready to attack at any moment...

As Felix whispered his name, his black pupil became almost as expressionless as his face was.

Like a ghost, Isaac stood behind a wide table filled with all kinds of strange equipment that was
also scattered on the floor. He just looked around, pacing here and there until Felix approached the
broken door and started calling out to him.
By this time, he was already aiming the gun and extending his arm in a straight line. Expecting...

He exhaled for a long time.

"Isaac, let's talk, okay? You wouldn't shoot someone who doesn't even have a gun, would you?"

When he asks this, in a serious attitude and with his arms in the air to convey the message that he
was telling the truth and that he was not willing to fight... That's when it finally came to light.

"How do you know my name?"

He asked with a rather serious tone... It was the first voice he had heard since he got there. A tall,
strong man, someone who was possibly the enemy but who had enough guts to talk to him...

Meanwhile, Felix looked confused. She didn't remember the kind of voice he had when she first met
him in the middle of the battlefield four years ago... However, since they met again, he had
always used soft words and a not so serious tone. This man speaks in a very masculine and deep
way so it is certainly strange.

It's Isaac, but it's also like... Facing someone who is completely different.

"Isaac Sinclair, listen to me... You have a problem with your memory right now. The time you
think you are in is wrong. It was 5 years ago."


"I mean, you've lived five years longer than you think. Your mind is bad, you're sick, and... They
beat you."

He tried to explain it as briefly as possible, but Isaac's gaze was getting colder and colder to the
point where it was unbearable. She just looks at him like she thinks he's crazy. An expression that
makes you afraid to even breathe in the same space.

"Isaac, I... Fuck."

Félix pressed the switch on his ear, the one he had connected to a device so he could
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communicate with Noah. He took it off, and immediately put it in his pocket. Felix wasn't about to
offer the entire gossip to Noah like he had with Cole... So when he turned it off, he imagined him sad
and rolling on the floor while insulting him a bunch of times.

"I don't fucking believe you."

The man who had been watching Felix for a long time suddenly opened his speech and reloaded
the pistol. Félix nodded, agreeing with his words:

"I know, believe me I can understand you..."

"You don't know anything about me, or what I think."

"There are... Many ways to prove that I'm honest. But first, put down the gun and let's have a
decent conversation. Just the two of us, no tricks."

When Felix spoke about this, Isaac, who had all the aura of a potential assassin, slowly lowered
his arm and said something like "Okay." And he dropped the gun on the table with a truly dull
As he had pointed out, the idea of threatening someone who didn't even have one with a gun could be
considered quite tricky... There's no reason to be afraid of him.

"So, what are you going to prove and how are you going to do it?"

Isaac silently tapped the tip of the gun against the wood and then raised his face to look at her
expression. Felix, quite unconsciously, reached out his hand to try to touch his...

"Well, would it be very surprising if I told you that I was your bonded Alpha?"

Isaac's eyes widened enough that it was considered normal.

"You are my Omega, and I am your Alpha."

Without wasting any time, Felix added the word Omega in one fell swoop as if it were his winning
card... Isaac's poker face, as hard as a rock, had somehow become so unstable that he thought there
was stopped breathing. His complexion was too white.

"Has no sense..."

"It doesn't make sense now because it happened in years you can't remember."

As someone who was afraid to confront Isaac, who treats him as if he were a suspicious person,
Felix becomes a very soft man and tells him everything with an honest smile. But, as you try to appear
confident for him, you notice that his mouth is already trembling hard. Isaac's gaze seems to be full
of disbelief. Is it just disbelief? It seems to be something unpleasant combined with anxiety plus
many other contemptuous feelings and eyes that say "You're crazy." So, inevitably, he grieved again.

Even if he tried to be patient, his chest felt very heavy... His heart beats very fast as he looks at a
figure he didn't know. Regardless of whether he is her husband now, is this Isaac bound to fall in love
out of nowhere? It reminds her a little of the first time she met him at the flower shop. The first time she
looked at him and talked to him. When he asked her for a bouquet...

You feel bad, stuffy, unfortunate, sad and alone. A mix of good things and things
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bad. Strange feelings that were difficult to express with normal words.

Because I loved him so much. Because I wanted to hold him tightly and breathe in the scent of his hair...
But I couldn't do it.

"Do you know I'm Omega?"

Isaac asked this with his eyes full of confusion. Felix just nods.

"Because you're my Omega."

Isaac's black pupil trembled slightly as the man responded without hesitation...
Five years ago, Isaac was completely hiding the fact of being an Omega so it is clear that Felix's word must
have surprised him. Plus, he didn't just talk about her gender, he told her that he was an Alpha, HIS Alpha,
so it would be natural for her head to be more dizzy than usual.

"Can you see the mark on my neck?" Felix asked, folding his shirt to the side so his skin was clearly
visible. "Look, your neck has the same sign."

"That's ridiculous."

"So how else do I prove to you that you're my Omega?"

It was when he asked in this desperate way, that the man clenched his fists and walked around the table...
Oh, he had started to walk towards him so, standing in a loose position, leaning against the broken door, Felix
feels that he air becomes considerably heavy. So strong that he involuntarily takes a step back...
Although it is not surprising that Isaac wants to do that to be closer to the man who claimed to be his
Alpha, the reality is that to a certain extent, it was quite scary.

And then... Pam!

Accompanied with the sound of breaking wind, his fist passed in front of his nose and slammed into the
If he had wanted to, if he hadn't decided to take it out on the wood, his nose bones would have been
completely crushed. Damn, he didn't even realize he was going to do something like that!

Ignoring the cold sweat on his back, Felix swallowed hard...

"Please, let's just talk about..."

"Of what? That you're my Alpha? My bond? Then I should at least be able to feel your pheromones,
right? But I don't feel anything coming from you!"

His fist trembles wildly so that Felix feels like he could decide to kill him at any moment... His eyes shine
with rage, they analyze him. If you hit correctly, it is obvious that you will be seriously injured. Maybe he'll
bend his neck or throw him off the second-story railing. Be that as it may, and feeling terribly nervous about
it, Felix had to raise his arms again.
I was very tired, sore and had a dry throat. By now, you don't have the slightest idea what to do or how
to do it.

"How can I show you that I tell the truth?"

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"If you really are my Alpha and bonded to me, shed pheromones on my body...
Then, maybe, I'll believe in you."

"I can't do such a thing as...! Ugh!"

It was when he quickly spat out his answer that one of Isaac's long legs spun in the air and then,
Puck, kicked him in the side with such intense speed that, despite wearing a bulletproof vest,
he was invaded by a terrible pain.

His breath stops...

The commotion was so great that Félix retreated down the hallway holding his abdomen
and vomiting a completely violent cough. Saliva drains like blood from his shoulder...
If he hadn't used Jack's bulletproof vest, then surely his ribs could have been broken in a
second. Even now, with protection, it's clear he has a bruise

When he meets Isaac's eyes and notices that he actually perceives him as an "enemy" that
must be eliminated quickly, his grief increases in level. Shit And he can't even defend himself!
How could I ever hurt your face or your body? In reality, I would rather take ten more
bullets than do anything against him at any time.

You can't help it, even if you don't raise your fist or your legs, you have to beat it somehow and
get it home.

As Felix steps back, wrapping his hands around his abdomen, Isaac sees him again,
gains momentum, and runs to attack him. He seemed to be so absent...

"Isaac! Please!!"

But he doesn't listen.

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Felix turned his body as he watched that big fist fly directly towards him. They shouted together.
So in the end, Isaac's fist, which slid away from Felix, sounded like a rock as it slammed squarely
into the wall. And as expected, the wall proves that it cannot withstand the man's blow and breaks
like a piece of paper.

"Oh shit"

Felix looked at the broken wall with incredibly wide eyes. Isaac was upset. He flailed wildly as he
tried to free his fist that was trapped in the wood.

"Oh, God... I mean, Isaac, please, can we talk? We don't have to use violence. I mean, you can,
but I can't! Don't you think that's unfair?"

Felix, whose back was completely stiff, spoke so fast that he could hardly be understood. No
matter how deep it was or how stuck it seemed, it was definitely a matter of minutes before his fist
came out of the wall.

"Why can't you? Are you afraid?"

With an absolutely dubious voice, Isaac shook himself once more.

"Why? Because you're my Omega, for God's sake! You're the person I love the most in the world
and I... Damn, don't hit me again!"

Felix took a step back, although his legs were terribly shaky... At this moment, the pain in his
shoulder had caused the headache to be even worse than at the beginning. So much so that he
found himself screaming as if he were horribly injured.
It was an impressive sharp pain, as if something was trying to break his head from the inside to get
out of there. His eyes turned black and when he felt like he was finally going to faint, at the precise
moment his knees buckled, Isaac extended his leg and kicked him.


In the blink of an eye, he noticed how the back of the floor moved under his feet and then, without
realizing it, he already had his head pressed against the floor and his arms motionless on either side
of his torso... However Even before he could complain of pain, Isaac crushed his chest with his
knees until his ribs cracked.


Felix was breathless, pale, and with his eyes almost completely closed. She couldn't even
speak or gasp so, when she felt Isaac relax the pressure and get off of her, her first natural
reaction was to stretch out on the floor and take a fairly deep breath.
Isaac leaned forward and grabbed his cheeks tightly, crushing him like a rubber ball and whispering:

"I don't know who you are... But I'm terribly angry with you. Very, very angry. I could even hit you
and shoot you in the head, and it still wouldn't do any good to control me."

Isaac's words, thrown into the air, contained an absolutely specific feeling and
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familiar towards Felix so, he, as blank as at the beginning, finally seems to have some light in his

"...Wow, are you serious? Are you hitting me because you're angry about what happened, my love?"


"No matter what happened with that Omega, none of what happened was because of that bitch...
It was because of you. It was just a physiological phenomenon, okay? Oh, just look at you. I'm
sure there's a part of you that understands me. Why else would you pout so much? "I'm sorry
for what I did and I'm sorry that because of me you went crazy later and killed everyone... Even if I
apologize, I won't solve it I know, but there's no harm in trying."

In response to Felix's comments, Isaac found himself pressed so hard against the ground that even
the bones in his back seemed to bend until it caused him terrible pain. Worse than the ribs and head.

"Ouch, that looked really bad, I understand! What I did was wrong and very unfair to you!"
Ouch, Ouch... I was a terrible person until I met you. I played a lot and I admit it but I haven't turned
to anyone else since I met you. That Omega was... Well, in the bathroom I liked it a little bit but that
was only because... AH FUCK! Why are you squeezing my shoulder like that!!? I still haven't finished
telling you what happened!! It was wrong, what I did was wrong and I am so sorry. Sorry, forgive me!!
"I like no one else more than you."

"It's not enough... Nothing you say is enough"

"What did you say? Ah! Well, okay... It might work so, Isaac... Be guided by those emotions, okay?
Are you sorry? You're really angry because you got jealous... Because, you You're getting back at me
for showing my penis in front of another man. That wasn't fair, it can't be fair to you. Come on,
Isaac. Feel it. You're sad... Because you were very nervous and worried about me and
when you arrived, I was with another man right under your nose and... Oh God, why are you

It was unconsciously, but it was true that Isaac had a lot of small transparent tears running
down the length of his face.

Maybe... Really and just for a moment, I was managing to make him come back.

"My love..."

"God, shut up."

But then he crushed Felix's mouth with a large and completely heavy palm. He doesn't know what's
going on, or what's going on with his emotions. And it definitely gets worse when he has
someone as loud as him in front of him! So that's why he shut her mouth before everything got much,
much worse. Felix, on the other hand, has no choice but to blink.

"This must be a trick."

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"I can't even smell your pheromones, but now it turns out it's true and you're my Alpha? It's funny. How
did you plan something like this?"

Isaac, still sitting on Felix's chest, suddenly distorted his face almost completely...
A short moan left her lips as she hurriedly tried to lift the hand she had placed on the man's mouth.

Tried once.

Then he tried again and again

Gosh, his hand was very strong.

"Let me go!!"

Faced with this sudden situation, Isaac screamed with all his might, breaking his expression until he
seemed truly desperate... But Felix, like a man who could not hear any of her complaints or displeasures,
held her wrist firmly and never let go. Actually, his lips press against his palms. They bite his skin, over
and over again.

"Let me go!!!"

Isaac's voice became louder and louder. Even the emotions that he didn't seem to have on him
before suddenly begin to overflow from his chest until he seems a little embarrassed.

It wasn't just kisses and bites, he was licking between his fingers so softly that it was no wonder he was
scared and tried to move away from him...

A sharp anger is revealed on the man's reddish face, but Felix has an almost imperturbable
expression... His palm and fingers are sucked as if it were a rather delicious candy.
Alone, he licked and sucked madly so that his black glove, with two fingers cut off, quickly became wet
with all his saliva... Ah, the man seemed to be in a hurry to put his nose and lips between his fingers to run
his tongue over them. . He seemed so expert and was so delicate that...
It actually felt very good.

Isaac stopped breathing and chewed his lips. He shuddered, revealing a mysterious anger that made his
emotionless face suddenly turn even redder than it already was. However, Félix, who was still focused
on his task with that hand, looked at him carefully and finally smiled: Isaac was kneeling and his
heart was racing at an exaggerated speed. The empty hallway seemed to have been filled with the
wild breath of the two, mingling as if they had never fought in the first place…

They looked at each other as if they were going to kill each other.

To be precise, it was correct to say that Isaac was watching him as if he wanted to put his knee in his mouth
while the other was watching him as if he wanted to penetrate him right there.

At the moment when they looked at each other in silence, as if time had stopped for the two of them, Felix
suddenly laughs and blurts out: "Your Omega pheromones feel peculiarly rich today."

The feeling of joy shines at first glance, but unlike that, Isaac is not happy at all. Of course, Felix knew
why. The anger, anxiety and frustration that he was forced to feel just now, was something unknown to a
navy captain as trained as him...
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Félix was not going to stop there until he managed to get his memories or his instinct out.

He was a printed Omega so doing the right things, touching him slowly in a key spot or eating his mouth,
should turn him on enough to bring up something else. That is, just by kissing him he already has a
sweet and stimulating pheromone touching the tip of his nose. He already feels so anxious...
He smelled it, licked it with his tongue, sucked it, tasted it, and soon the situation was already out of control...

The pheromones that have accumulated in your body were trying to escape from your system so,
unexpectedly, you feel the same damn headache from the beginning again. God, I was so dizzy...

Inside his body, the heat, which could not be cooled by anything in the world, boiled to the point where it
seemed as if it had melted all his organs. He exhaled and inhaled, but even that air was very hot.

"Isaac, do you want to know the problem I have?"

"... Which problem?"

"My Omega. Thanks to you... I'm dying."

As if those had been the key words or the button of some internal machine, a tremendous shock of heat
settled in an instant at the base of his chest until he stopped breathing.
Isaac, who frowned, seemed to feel more confused than ever before because, for the first time in all this
time, he tried to go down...

“Hey, hey…” But before that, Felix held his arm and pulled him hard. Thanks to this movement,
instead of fleeing, Félix manages to make him stay completely still. "My RUT is here..."

With a dark look, Félix began to laugh. Isaac's wrist was squeezed so hard it almost felt like it was
breaking his bones.

It was a beautiful smile, but he looked like a beast

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Isaac couldn't understand what was happening now. He raised his eyes, closed his eyes, and then he
couldn't remember anything at all. He didn't understand the situation he had put himself in nor the
reason why he had done it right in the middle of the battlefield.

I couldn't hurt that guy... I just couldn't.

He had not escaped because of his intuition, which told him that he had lost something important. It
was a pretty futile affair, but it seemed to be what he needed to be okay. Your valuable thing...

He didn't know it exactly, but that man felt like the treasure.
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A loud gunshot sounded just outside.

Someone was fighting.

Distinguishing between friends and enemies seems to be difficult so Isaac, who cannot do that, crosses
the inner space very quickly. Lowering your head before the terrifying noise that the battlefield

The wall was full of bullet holes and there were blood stains in every direction.
Isaac, who was looking around, happened to enter a strange room where he noticed a rather unusual
conversation: He fired, but the counterattack never returned. The blonde, that handsome man who
stood out from the entire crowd, got up with impressive speed and took all the other guys down the stairs
on the north side. He escaped very quickly, to tell the truth. As if facing a time bomb that should not be
stepped on.

That was just a strange thing among a sea of ridiculousness.

Of course, since he opened his eyes, a lot of things existed within his reach that he
definitely couldn't understand... Although nothing beat that blonde beauty who ran down the hallway
and escaped just as if she had seen a ghost. It was kind of funny so she started thinking about him
a little further than necessary... However, upon realizing this, she soon shook her head and went back
to concentrating on her own thing.

As he looked through the mangled bodies and dust, he thought that these were definitely not
military or terrorists. Perhaps, they may just be mercenaries. And why would mercenaries be there?
It is still doubtful. A situation that he does not remember at all and that, the more he thinks about it, the
more it destroys his head until it causes him pain.

Isaac, who clicked his tongue, walked in front of a wide table through the corpses. It seems that they
were in a hurry to leave because some equipment and laptops were still in place. He wondered if there
might be a possibility of finding some clue or key, but the more he looked the less he found. Obviously,
they had already taken all the important equipment and that was just a pile of garbage...

It was when he was looking around the table that he heard some rather irregular footsteps in the distance.
It was the sound of one person's movement, not several, so Isaac, who was paying attention to the
changes, slowly raised his head and came out from his hiding place. Looking through the door that led to
the hallway and always keeping his guard up. He raised the gun...
The footsteps approaching him gradually grew until they almost reached his position. Who knows who is
there or why they are there... But the fact that he goes through life so calmly worries him. That is, he
does not know if he is an enemy or an ally. Finally, after a few seconds, he discovered that the man
coming down the hall was the same blonde guy who ran quickly to get away from him.
And besides, she was calling him a name that no one knew except his father. It was a situation that,
more than fear, was causing him a lot of curiosity. Who is the guy? What is he doing in that place and
why does he know his name is Isaac? All kinds of questions and doubts begin to reach your head to
such an extent that they even make a big mess...

He comes out, asks him.

And now he tells him that he is an Omega.

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Wow, how did he discover all the secrets he had? Secrets, which were also deeply hidden in a place that
not even he could easily find.

The man was just there, screaming and pretending to know more about his life than anyone...
Unfortunately talking a lot seems to be his main problem and because of this, he couldn't believe that they
were related in any way. It's not credible that from one moment to the next he decided to maintain a
relationship with someone so unbearable, right? And besides, he didn't like it when a guy like that spit out
such sensitive words like "Omega and Alpha linked" because he definitely wouldn't do shit like that.

In the end, Isaac fought really relentlessly against him, but the man had no way to defend himself even if
he seemed to coordinate his movements perfectly. He's clumsy, stupid, has an expression of pure fear
that doesn't get away with anything and, somehow, he retreats, avoids and defends himself... But he
never attacks. He doesn't run away, but he talks nonsense.

"My love..."

Oh, that looks bad.

In a word, her pretty eyes seem to be able to reveal a lot of sad feelings that she would have
preferred to avoid in the first place.
It's weird and sticky and sometimes feels like a beast. The beast that does not let go and that
makes him desperate to die, but that still feels terribly his...

The blonde boy, looking at him, uttered a strange word accompanied by "My RUT is here"... And then,
the atmosphere became completely different from what existed before. It doesn't seem like a fight to
live and it doesn't seem like something where both parties beat each other to death, but... A hungry
demon against a human. A demon that dies for him. And of course, that turns the situation where she
tried to escape from him into a rather "special" confrontation.

Her eyes are already rolling... He goes down, holds her wrist, bites and sucks on it and then starts
drawing little lines with his tongue... Her wrists were exposed over the rubber gloves and were
starting to fill with marks and drops of saliva.

Faced with a situation he couldn't even imagine, Isaac stopped thinking straight and let his guard
down... Suddenly, as if expecting him to do that, the man grabbed Isaac as tightly as he could and
quickly turned around to leave him lying on his back. soil. PAM. He falls with a dull sound and immediately
feels a painful stab on his waist...
Isaac, who frowned for a moment, had changed his position without realizing it. Oh my God. When had
that happened? So while Felix seemed completely lost in it, Isaac took advantage of the moment to
strike with the hand he felt most agile.


He hit his fist exactly on the lower part of the waist to try to get him to move out of his way, but the
man only managed to make a rather short moan... He heard a murmur as he put his mouth on his
wrist: "It hurts, no." do that." And she looked at him, with those stunning blue eyes. "You have to be nice
to me."
So, Isaac, grunting, quickly grabbed him by the neck and moved him around until he ended up spinning
around once more and BAM! his back fell to the ground again so he had even allowed himself to make
a too sad face. It also seemed like he was about to let out a moan of pure pain but, the stubborn man
closed his mouth and swallowed his complaints...
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The blue pupil absorbs it.

He eats it.

He seems to want it so much that suddenly there was a terrible thirst that he couldn't control with anything. It
felt like it could burn him to death and make him die if he didn't calm her down, and for a change, just at that
moment, Isaac also noticed a faint but unique smell. Something sweet, that stimulated the tip of his nose...

"Now are you the one who's scared?"

Lying on the floor, face up, the man looked at him and smiled as if his teeth were also beautiful jewels...

Isaac distorts his expression, takes a breath and decides to face him. Felix holds his wrist as tight as possible
so he can't move. She can't do anything when she decides it's okay to suck him again. When he outlined his
fingers and palms and pulled them to bite them as if they were a delicious meal.

He felt, that if there had once been a man trained to deal with all this, now he was definitely not there.

Oh, God. It is awful.

However, Felix, who seemed to have no idea about Isaac's confusion, chuckled and spoke:

"They put inhibitors in me... My pheromones were running in my body and were poisoning my blood due to the
intentional suppression... But my Omega's pheromones have freed me.
You always save me, my love. Even when you don't mean to and you want to beat my ribs to death."

Isaac, who faced his face, swallowed hard.


In his mind, Isaac hasn't experienced a full heat cycle yet so things like Alpha, Omega, and Pheromones
don't seem to fit together well in a single sentence.

Confused as ever, he didn't notice when Felix reached out again, grabbed him by the neck, tilted his back a
little, and Bang! This was the second time he managed to flip him over and cause his back to fall to the ground.

"Fucking mother"

The curse rolled off Isaac's tongue, and he was trying to get up using his knees.
But Felix, proving to be faster than that, grabbed Isaac's wrists, grabbed them in his hands, and raised them
above his head so he could press him to the floor.

"You must feel it too... Don't you?"

"Let go."

"My pheromone. Little by little, it's coming out so you should be able to tell."
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But Isaac lifted his legs and began to move like a fish out of water. It wasn't an attack, nor a
threat... Not coming from a man who had already proven himself to be infinitely strong.

"I have many things to teach you."

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Isaac's voice seemed to be drowned out by his infinite fury. The same one that was present in the
darkened pupil that kept looking at him... It was because Félix leaned over, put his knee between his legs
and rubbed his groin vigorously. From back to front. However, while he was doing it and as he did
not encounter any reaction that he could consider favorable, he bowed his head and pushed his face up
to her ear. Then, he whispered as if he were telling a rather complicated secret:

"Aren't you wet here?"


"You're already wetting your underwear, right? Because I feel like your pants are terribly

Isaac couldn't spit out any rebuttal when he was so thirsty and so hot. He wanted to moisten his
dry lips with his tongue but he couldn't even do it properly. I tried to take short breaths in and out, but
they all ended up looking like pure gasps.


Then, the man who had approached his face, took a deep breath and lowered his body even a little
more... Until his nose was pressed against the back of his neck. He breathed very deeply, as if he was
trying to get as many pheromones into his lungs as possible.
Isaac, like a stone statue, could not move even one of his fingers. He didn't even think about proper
ways to remove his hand from her wrist or how he could throw it away...
Although I wanted to. The aroma, which tickled the tip of his nose, was gradually becoming thicker and
thicker. It was a strange smell. A fragrance that makes you lose your mind and blurs your eyes.

A sweet and quite familiar smell.

He's getting dizzier and dizzier as his head and entire body shake, and suddenly Isaac realizes he can't
breathe anymore. The heat is impressive and his groin, which is still pressed against that man's
knee, had heated up to a truly exaggerated level. He feels like he's boiling, even the right
side of his chest is boiling.

"Yes, you already stood up."

He smiled, and began to rub her groin and thigh harder. It was a lustful move...

Casey definitely wouldn't have let a battle opponent do this to him. Never.
It seemed inconceivable and completely and totally crazy... But now, with my mouth half open and
my hands at my sides, the truth is that it felt like too exciting an experience. He likes it, being pushed
by the heavy body of a man who seems about to start eating.
She doesn't know what to do with the overwhelming feeling and it is more than clear that she doesn't want
to reveal these strange feelings towards him. However, the man who was looking at him as if he were
licking his mouth from a distance had already noticed his condition and had a long smile on his face:

"I can't know... But I'm sure your hole is soaked and leaking."
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"It sure is delicious. God, I want to open you so badly with my fingers and get inside you."

It was at the moment when the man uttered such obscene words that "Ugh!" Isaac moaned and
ended up chewing in and out of his mouth. At the same time, he stopped breathing, his waist
bounced and rose while his chest rose and fell as if he had begun to feel intense pain.

Felix bites the back of his neck...


"Oh my god, this is really... Isaac, wake up my love. You have to wake up and come with me."

The pheromones crushed his entire body... Not only that, but they seemed to drill into his head
and make him shake just as if he were experiencing a seizure.


"I'm here, baby. I'm here."


But contrary to his kind words, the man bit the back of his neck as if he wanted to tear the skin off in
pieces. Then she simply parted her mouth, raised her face, and devoted herself completely
to looking into his eyes. Spreading all its hot aroma over her hopelessly wet skin.

Isaac realized almost instantly that this seemed to be a tactic to pour pheromones on him. How else
would he feel like he was being crushed until he exploded?
Alphas and Omegas are told from a young age that there is a bonding method
commonly called the "Pheromones Shower." Something that consisted of spreading
pheromones to excite or mark the loved one.... But from that to causing pain in the head and cramps
in the extremities, it could be said that there was a long stretch. Isaac shook his head, vomiting
a rather labored breath that made him think he was running out of oxygen. It was cloudy. His
limbs only trembled and then, he gasped as if he were experiencing a new pain. The man was
clinging to his hands and saying something in a sad voice... However, it seemed as if his ears had
gone dark and he didn't hear him properly.

Alpha Pheromone showers hurt when you fervently refuse to receive them, he seemed to
understand now.

"How can you do that to me?" Isaac speaks with a thin, trembling voice against the ear of a man
who hugs him tightly. Because his head seems to be hopelessly crushed by it, his
pronunciation is unclear and his voice sounds too divided. He didn't know if he could understand
it, but he tried. "Me a little..."

He was excited, feeling her pheromones on his nose and also on the tip of his mouth. It wasn't
common for him, but as he pointed out, there was already fluid in the center and back of his
butt. His cock was rising hard and his body was shaking under an overwhelming amount of
pheromones that were overwhelmingly unwieldy.
The excitement and lust that rose to the top of his head became
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quickly into a state that went far beyond reason and good judgment.

With that hand still on his wrist, he couldn't help but shudder every time he felt her breath or
perceived the cruel treatment of his groin... However, he was no longer angry. He's anxious because
he wants me to rub his body some more. He wants me to touch him, to spread his legs and put
his fingers in so he can feel how wet he is... And that wasn't him, but rather his body's desires. A
body that recognizes it and is enveloped by Alpha Pheromones in such a way that it seems to
run in the direction of pleasure and instinct.

A body that was not his.

"My RUT is here... But you look even worse than me. You really are very excited, aren't you? Do
you want me, my love...?"

He took Isaac's trembling as if he were accepting it. She smiled brightly and, after a few short
seconds, leaned against him and bit the back of his neck again. Oh, God, the blonde man had
a powerful, shining face. Furthermore, like a deep and calm sea, the blue pupil is as good as he is.

Isaac licked his dry lips with the tip of his tongue and let out a moan that actually sounded very

"My Alpha, huh? If it really is like that..."

"Yes that's how it is?"

His blue eyes flashed sharply as he spoke. Like an increasingly ferocious and fearsome
The creepy feeling and thirst get worse when you try to deal with it in a proper way:

"... Test it."

"How do you want me to do it?"

"You already know how."

His tight penis, which had been resentful due to so many touches to his thighs, revealed its
excitement by shaking vigorously. It's terribly hot, hard and big... But the man who was rubbing
her thighs non-stop, strangely makes a rather confused face.

"I will only do it if you tell me you want me to do it. Very specifically"

"Ha, really? You're pretending to be kind and attentive in the middle of this? Even though you already
have me like this?"

"Of course."

"If I say NO, are you sure you won't touch me? Would you let me go?"

"Of course. I'm not one to force people to do something they don't like. If you tell me no, then I
swear I'll break up."

"Um... You talk a lot, but you're not as idiotic as you seem."
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"But I am very worried, because I am a man and, furthermore, I am the man who received the RUT."

"...I don't completely hate him. Don't you think I would have broken your neck by now otherwise?"

“I won't go any further than this if you don't give me permission to do so…” However, the man still talks about
“Giving Your Permission” with a rather confident smile. An arrogant smile on a stupid pretty face. "Our first
meeting was something like this. There was a loud noise outside, but it felt like we were the only ones in the
whole world. People who had nothing to do with anything else."


"At that time, like now, I asked you if you liked it like that or if you wanted me to stop... And you, you drove me
terribly crazy."

He reached down with a hand and caressed his chin... Isaac continues to take longer and longer breaths.
Close your eyes... He couldn't even speak anymore and he definitely can't think calmly. It feels like being
wrapped in a terrible fever.

"Can I kiss you, darling?"

Suddenly, his low voice clung to his ear to such an extent that it caused him to open his eyes... That man's
blue gaze was beautifully bright and it felt like it was squeezing him in some way.
Damn, was I really going to add one more crazy thing to the list? In this situation, was it okay to kiss opponents?
Even if they are so maddening and annoying?
Although he thought it might be a mistake, Isaac heaved a long sigh and nodded.

"Kiss Me..."

The man has a fierce and charming smile as he lowers his head.
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Lust and RUT 61

"Hmm, hmmm...Um!"

Beads of sweat fell to the ground.

She closed her eyes and tried to breathe deeply, but the sound of his mouth against hers echoed in
an empty and silent hallway... Is it okay to say that he is eating it like a hungry dog or
should I rather say that it is similar to a horned beast? Ah, it's so violent.
As if they were fighting on a battlefield, as if they were far away even though their backs were on the
ground. ...

It's so stupid and strange.

Even though all the guys who pointed guns at him escaped from the building, there are broken
things around them and there are also hundreds of corpses...The man turns him over, places his
bare forehead on the floor and makes him extend his arms completely forward. And it may be a closed
space, but it is still a strange place and not at all suitable to have that "Type of relationship".

A man places his hands on his hips and raises his butt. The man who was the enemy in the place
that should have been destroyed a few minutes ago.

To explain it in simple words, it was clear that she had abandoned all sanity at the exact
moment she said "Kiss me" and let it push itself deep into the inner wall of her anus until it looked like
it could burst her stomach.
His head, his limbs, and the back of his back melt with a violent pleasure that is difficult to explain.
Saliva flows from her open mouth and moans begin to sound like desperate prayers.

"Oh oh, a little... A little slower..."

A trembling voice rises towards a man who wildly raises his back and enters him to the rhythm of
"puck, puck, puck" and his own labored breaths...
He stretched his arms forward and begged again. It was a tumultuous movement, as if he were
trying to catch something or crawl to the exit door. Felix then held Isaac's arm in his hands and pulled
him completely back while penetrating him with such force that he thought there was definitely a
possibility that he would leave the hole open.
Oh, dear God, how can he penetrate it with that giant penis? As far as it goes? You can't measure it,
of course. Still remember that one: Can I kiss you? His question was the beginning of martyrdom. He
consciously accepted and anyway began to regret it too quickly. It hurt so much and yet the
word "Rejection" did not exist inside a head that was already completely hooked on its pheromones.
He wants you to keep going, to get in there and make you change into a shape that suits him.

She looked into his eyes: pupils that reminded her of the depths of the sea. Something as cold
and beautiful as the ocean, but at the same time seemed to emit heat. A blue flame, right in his

"Open your mouth a little more, darling."

So he is obedient.
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Stick out your tongue, squint your eyes and... The next moment, the face of a man too
passionate completely covers his field of vision.


Their kiss was totally different from what he had imagined. In his confused mind, this was his
first kiss. The first time I joined my mouth with someone else's and tasted a different flavor,
The first time he felt warmth from another flesh, ... He was inexperienced and clumsy and yet, from the
the first moment he touched him, he bit his lips violently and sucked all his skin with his fingers.
tremendous desire. Inside and outside. It hadn't been planned, of course not. But when
His lips touched it and he discovered how sweet it was, his tongue became naughtier and he sucked on it.
saliva as if it were his water. He wrapped his tongue around hers, bit her lower lip, and then
He did the same with his chin. ... The sound of saliva trailing down your throat is so loud
who does not know if he is really doing something good or something bad and yet, it is so much that
It leaves his open lips and drips down his chin.
Soon, his tongue is sore enough that he can try to continue
using it ... The man rubs the roof of his mouth and brushes his teeth to relax him. He kisses her
lips, bites it and caresses it and then sucks it in a truly sweet way, a wonderful and sensual ... Was a
movement, so it didn't seem strange when the oxygen stopped being
enough and began to breathe with his mouth open.

He was so excited that his body became hot as if he had been put into a fire.

The man's tongue was sweet. His saliva, the one that falls inside him, is quite rich and the more
swallows, the more he seems ...
to need it His first kiss was so sexy that soon he was lying in a messy state, and suddenly, he
He felt impatient. He took off his vest, dropped his weapons, and then extended his hands to
start taking off his clothes too. Tum, Tum, heavy equipment falling to the floor sounded so far away
like in a dream. His hands were skillful, his eyes were quick.

Damn what was he doing?

Had ... So much desire to relieve a little of the thirst for the unknown, mixed with an infinite
passion towards a strange man.

It was when she sighed heavily that Félix raised his head slightly and touched her wet lips.
from Isaac with the tips of his fingers: "Armando you are very sexy... Since the first time I saw you
come in, I wanted to take all this from you with my hands and throw it in the trash. one by one until
leave you naked on me. But this... Wow. You are beautiful, Kaysid. You are really beyond
from my imagination. Beyond any other damn man in the world.

And he kissed her eyelids, with a deep smile nestled right on his mouth.

Unlike the wild kiss before, now it goes soft as a feather. He gives her a light kiss and
careful here, one more on the nose and then, he separates and tells him that he loves him with all his
heart so Isaac inevitably feels so dizzy that he takes a deep breath. He realizes
how he cups her cheeks with both hands, how he gently kisses her on the lips and how
put your tongue inside him again ...

Isaac gives him permission to do absolutely anything he pleases.

"You're the love of my life".

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Isaac bites his own lips.

Despite the fever and the inability to control himself, the embarrassing and embarrassing feelings quickly rise
up in his chest until he can't take it anymore so, he tries to at least breathe and pretend that everything
is okay with him even though it's hard to look him directly in the face. without feeling like it's burning.

However, the shame that made him avoid her gaze and remain on guard recedes when his wet lips move
down to her neck, across her collarbone, and fall directly onto her chest.

His face was painted deep red in an instant.


An unbearable moan burst out of her mouth as the man moved a little lower and bit down on her nipple. Even
his waist began to shake with an impressive tingling sensation...

While holding Isaac, he sticks out his tongue, licks and rubs his nipples until he seems to want to get something
out of there. He absorbs and absorbs and at the end, when he seems too tired, he crushes the nipple with
his wet lips.
Every minute, a moan that seemed not to be hers leaked from her throat as she wondered: Since when the
hell are her nipples so damn sensitive?

Isaac seemed to burn under so much excessive stimulation...

"Ah ah ah ah."

While holding Isaac's thin shoulders to prevent him from escaping, he licks, bites and sucks until they
are swollen. ... And when one nipple swells enough to look red and throbbing, then he
moves to the other side and starts all over again: Licking and sucking and then it gets so intense that it starts to

"Oh ah..."

It seemed like he had every intention of melting her nipple with his mouth. He even bites like a hungry child
while caressing his entire body with his other hand. It's like a beautiful porcelain doll. As if he was appreciating
its beauty or as if he was trying to engrave the shape of the curved muscles one by one as he passed his
fingers. Just touch and caress over and over and over

The tingling and warm sensation spread over his sensitive skin, and fire ran through every part he had
touched. He felt like he was being eroded by so much heat, from his throat to his lips, to his nipples...
The man followed the lines of his muscles until he ran out of breath to
repeat his movements and then he stood up.
Every time her heart beats, her bright golden hair sticks to her chest. Her eyes are fixed on him and she wants
so badly...

So much desire for him to make love to her.

"I can not take it anymore ..."

Finally, a sob-like word leaked from his mouth and caused him to lift his head, revealing blue eyes that
glowed with greed. There was a mischievous smile peeking at the tip of his lips.
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As arrogant as ever.

With a glance, he grabbed Isaac's pants. Then he unbuckled the buckle and removed the belt.
to lower the fabric to his knees Isaac ...
looks at the scene with his eyes wide open: watching carefully as he takes off his pants,
how he lowers his boxers and leaves his penis exposed for him. Alone, I was looking. Maybe everything

This is a dream. He doesn't feel uncomfortable nor does he think it's surprising enough even though
It's a naked man lying under a strange guy. Even though they are about to
making something stupid, it doesn't feel like a mistake I ... Rather, it seemed so familiar that Isaac
was honestly amazed.

"Sorry, I can't seem to stand it myself either."

"I can see ..."

"I didn't want to leave anything to chance... But I think I failed."

Perplexed, Isaac knit his eyebrows together and leaned his head forward a little further, ... I could actually
understanding perfectly what he was talking about. It seems that it is difficult for him to control his
movements after taking so many inhibitors so, if he had been a level Alpha
inferior, a different Alpha, would definitely not be talking to him at that moment. to say
In truth, he seemed to be trying quite hard to remain "Okay."

"You're driving me crazy"

And suddenly, he raised his hand and placed it on her chin to raise it once more.
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The tip of a finger was inserted inside her beautiful red lips. The transparent saliva had
accumulated enough that it was now beginning to flow so Felix, who had watched his every
move carefully, grabbed Isaac's ass and spread it in the air:


"Because my pheromones were completely squeezed by the inhibitors, I'm having a hard
time controlling them so they still can't do what I ask them to do. Even my RUT came without
warning... You see. It's the same as being sick "

As he murmurs all this with a completely serious face, he leans forward and touches Isaac's
penis with his wet fingers. I was rubbing it. At one point it was just going up and down as his
rough hands swept up and down until it came to a complete stop on his balls.

It was just an ejaculation, but it was an impressive ejaculation. Something that was probably
going to take a lot of work to clean. However, as if he had read his thoughts, his finger slid
down his spine and then descended a little further so that he could caress his testicles, rub his
perineum and reach the entrance that was already terribly wet. He began to rub his
stomach vigorously until the semen spread.

"You're really wet... Do you like it when I play faster? Would you prefer that I tend to your
nipples? Well, I could do all that right away... But I'm worried that I'm going to hurt my boy."


"Can you stand it?"

Whispering sweetly in an attempt to calm him down, she ended up pressing her finger around
his swollen hole. He moved slowly, going down and then up again so he could rub her hips
with both palms of his hands. Oh, it's torture. It looks like he wants to put his penis right there,
but it's also like he doesn't want to.

It only mocks your need.

"Oh, quick!"

This time, Isaac begged as if he were a child. The man in front of him is experiencing a rather
intense RUT and pheromones are jumping at him from different directions... However, with his
mouth half open, he smiled at Isaac's words and spoke again:

"This is exciting. Some things feel interesting because your memories are gone.
It's like the first time, for both of us." Felix seems very skilled at saying embarrassing
words, but he still laughs out loud as if he thought it was quite a funny business.
"It excites me when you talk to me too harshly and then it seems like you wish me dead.
Ah, it makes me think that I met you again. When we first met, do you know what you said to me,
my love? "You can do whatever you want with me.""

"... That?" With your toes completely planted on the ground, knees bent, and
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Hips shaking in the man's hands, Isaac stopped and tried to look at him. "I?
You're sure?"

It was a clearly pale and nervous face so the blonde man, who faced that kind of expression,
smiled brightly.

"That's right... I can't forget you, talking casually with such a messy face."

"Not that..."

"Please tell me again."


"You can do whatever you want with me."

With a lingering look, he rubs her wet butt and then moves her fingers up and down inside
her hole. Although he showed quite impressive patience for someone in heat, his gaze was
persistent and filled with exaggerated lust. Eyes that say that it's not enough to hold him like
this, that it's not enough to kiss him and that he can't keep pretending to be relaxed all the time.
That doesn't seem like him.

"Of course, I have never hurt you, you have never been harmed... And I have never done with you
what I wanted. Believe me, my mind is too rude and obscene to allow me to have so much
freedom. No matter how crazy you make me every time you speak, no matter how much you
provoke me, you are more valuable than all that."

He licked Isaac's chin the length of it, rubbing his face with his soaked hands. Afterwards, unlike
the words he had just said about "Never doing with him what he wanted." Two fingers entered it
so suddenly that it began to sound like a squelch.
He opened the hole to the maximum and entered completely.


Isaac's thighs trembled as if he were having a spasm and his toes clenched so tightly that his
heel lifted off the ground. His finger, which slid almost completely inside, rubs the inner wall
quite hard and causes a crackling sound that fully entered his ears.

You don't even need to look at how wet it is, the sound tells you everything.

He moved his fingers quite flexibly, in and out. It's not so extreme as to damage the mucous
membrane of its inner wall, but it still does it with a lot of power...

In the position they are in now, Isaac can see how swollen his veins seem to be, the line of blood
running down the middle, and the tendon that seemed quite prominent. His forearm strong, those
fingers hitting again and again against her inner wall. So hot that he keeps still, but holding his
arms like he can't take it anymore.
Isaac was dragged down in one fell swoop and then immediately covered her lips with his own for
a sloppy, hot kiss. His tongue is tangled with yours and the wet sound flowing from all directions
is considerably obscene. The tip of his tongue keeps sweeping over his mucous membranes,
agitating him until the sound coming out of it seems so wet that it overflows like water.
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"Isaac, when you moan with that serious face, it only makes me more excited." As he spoke against
her mouth, he found himself lifting his lips slightly and kissing her chin as he breathed in that
delicious, arousing hot breath. He whispered: "Well, to be honest, it makes me hard that you threaten me
and try to kill me! It's as exciting as a good role-playing game."

"Like a pervert..."

Isaac looked at him with clouded eyes and spoke so softly that he seemed to speak to himself. He kissed
him, and he felt like he agreed with that word.

"Well, if you say that, then should I show you how perverted I am?"

It was a mischievous smile that looked totally like that of a bad boy. The next moment, without saying
anything else, he pushes another finger in and quickly shakes it inside her until it curves.
He began to lift it. Her sudden movements caused him to tilt his head back and open his mouth wide.
In this way, the moans flowed incessantly as well as curses and some gasps so desperate that
she inevitably found herself reaching out to grab his arm again:

"Oh, ah, ah, stop..."

When Isaac cried, Felix pushed his finger a little deeper until it made a new cracking sound and suddenly,
he just pulled his hand out. PAM. When the fingers that fill her inside come out so suddenly, it strangely
feels as if the hole she had already opened cannot be closed again.
Isaac can't hold his breath. He gasps and gasps and raises his eyes to pour out on his
companion a lot of feelings that were difficult to explain, even using abusive language. But how wet
would your insides have to be if you left your fingers and forearms wet? When he raised his hand, the
viscous liquid flowed down the line of his skin to create a rather morbid sight. There even came a time when
he doubted that the liquid on him was really his. However, in the next instant, he pulled Isaac's thighs over
his legs and lifted his hips.

"What are you doing?"

Isaac was amazed and tried to raise his upper body to flee, but his movement was a little slower
than his. So much so, that Isaac was forced to hold his knees until they touched his chest...

He swallowed.

The man had decided to put his tongue against her wet hole, causing her to bend halfway and raise her ass
as high as it would go. He rubbed it, as if he was building his own entrance with the help of his hot, soft
tongue that melted everything around freely. It was a completely different sensation from having his fingers.
Like, a living creature and

As he moved and swayed her inner wall with the help of his mouth, his eyes turned completely white
and his jaw dropped open although he couldn't even speak or say anything about it. It was embarrassing
and also, it was difficult to bear such an impressive sensation.
He was squeezing and sucking, as if he wanted to drink all her fluids...

A harsh blasphemy leaped from her mouth toward him. I wanted to ask "Why?" "Why are you
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doing this?" But in his head he couldn't even make the right words form to make a sentence. He just
screamed and screamed again... Because the feeling of ejaculation skyrocketed as he sucked on her
inner wall and sucked on her anus.
His heavily swollen genitals rubbed against his own stomach and stained him with a light-colored
sticky liquid. Isaac then raised his trembling hands and wrapped them around his own penis, but the
man grabbed his wrist long before he could do anything:

"No, no. Are you trying to take the easy way out? Aren't you being rather greedy?"

"Oh, wow. This is... Let me go!"

"Isaac, when you like something you become arrogant and dry... Why don't you think about me a
little more?"

He grabbed Isaac's wrists, saying words that seemed incomprehensible to him. The hands holding
her knees disappeared and her legs trembled in the air. But again he saw her place his face on her
butt as she let him taste a little more of the smell of her pheromones.
Thus, as he chewed the folds of her hole and pushed his tongue to a peak, the hideous nuclear
bomb-like pleasure and excitement spread as if it had every intention of burning his body. Tears
flowed terribly from Isaac's eyes and spilled to death on his lips. It felt like every time he pushed his
tongue in and out, his whole body melted and shook to death. She couldn't take it anymore so
immediately after that she begged and begged for him to stop, but he never listened. I had no idea
how he was getting so expert at licking against the inner wall of her body and sucking on her like a
doggy, but it was awful. "Slup, slup," the sound of sucking on the sensitive skin of her anus stimulated
his hearing. It seemed crazy. His body trembles so intermittently that it seemed not to be his own.
Still, the thought that something was missing came to his mind as quickly as his teeth to his flesh.

"It was enough. Something more... I want... I prefer you."

Isaac, who was almost insensitive and unenthusiastic, said a word like that between absolutely
labored breaths so, only then, the man raised his slightly blurry eyes and as if drunk said:



"My name is Felix. Call me that."

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Felix threw his name out of nowhere causing him to completely shake. Is it because he is
really his bonded alpha? I mean, it was definitely a name that seemed to make a lot of sense.

Then the man just raises his lips at a strange angle and starts kissing now on the upper part of her body.

Isaac shrugged.

"You mean you want me to put my penis in now?"

Then he took off his shirt as if it were hindering his movements and revealed the wonder of his
exposed torso. In fact, it looked quite nice. As beautiful as his white face and blue eyes...

Isaac looked at the body up and down so Felix, who quickly noticed Isaac's mischievous eyes roaming
over his abdomen, drew a soft line over his lips:

"What are you doing? It's embarrassing."

But even though he said it, he doesn't seem to be embarrassed at all. It doesn't even match the
word "Shy." He actually seems to be doing very well and his stupid smile on that completely
shameless face proves it.
It was then that Isaac sighed for a long time... Although he continued watching anyway. This
time, he watched as he unbuttoned his pants and unzipped them. She looked at his well-defined
pelvis and his bulging penis under a pair of dark boxers. In fact... You may have tried to back away
without your knowledge from the latter because... Because it is quite overwhelming in size. Actually,
what the hell is that?

Felix suddenly grabbed Isaac's ankle and pulled him forward forcefully.

"Where are you going to run, darling? Haven't you wanted to run for a while?"

Even the embarrassed Isaac can't even respond correctly to something like that.
Meanwhile, Felix, licking the back of his lip, seems to be tired of waiting for him.

He pulled down his underwear, just a little... But just enough to make his penis appear clearly before
him and cause saliva to go down his throat in a dry slap. It is extremely blank. That monster
seems to reach beyond his navel!

"I changed my mind, I would definitely never let you do whatever you wanted with me."

"Oh, he's not that big. He just grew because he loves you."

"Okay... Nice to meet you. I'm out of here."

I mean, it doesn't matter that he's an omega, how could he ever fit that into his body and handle
it perfectly? Yeah, he had no problem with her claim that he was her Alpha and her liaison and all that
ridiculousness before. It was hard for a while but, again, every time he tried to refuse, a strong feeling
would occur telling him that this was all true and that "They belonged together." But if you put
something like that in your body it's going to kill you!
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The moment Isaac tried to back away to look for his clothes, Felix held him again, grabbed his
ankle tightly, and then just licked the sole of his foot with the full width of his tongue.


Oh, it tickles him so much and gives him so many creepy emotions. He wanted to kick his feet out
and run, but it's not easy to move when his head and body are so soaked in his "Alpha

"That... Just wait..."

But he licks her soles as if he finds them something completely delicious and then calmly
attends to each of her toes. He bites and sucks deeply so there is a moan that escapes into the
air. It feels like a different stimulus than when he shamelessly licked her hole. It's...
Even something quite rich. Let him suck on the dents and your toes, bite from the soles to
your heel and then go up and suck on your ankle until he makes your waist shake... It tickles,
it feels so sweet.

As you bite and lick, your body heats up and warms to an irresistible sensation.

"It tickles...Stop."

"You really like it when I kiss your feet." Felix pursed his lips and kissed the arch of her foot until
he ended up on her ankle. "Because that look you have now is the same one you have when
we're in bed."


"I know where to lick so that you start to tremble. Where to put my tongue so that you run out of
breath, the point that hurts, the one that makes you scream, where to massage... I want you to
know, that I know everything about you."

Isaac, who looked into her blue eyes, could not respond. You feel like your throat is very tight and
you can barely breathe. With a nice smile on his face, the man in front of him looks at him too
softly, without blinking. But for the next moment he grabs his thighs and opens his knees again
until he is almost carrying him.
As if afraid of doing the wrong thing, the man slowly rubbed his penis. On the glans slightly wet
with pre-cum. His hand, every time it moved up and down, made a rather irritating sound...

Isaac heaved a short sigh without knowing it. Gosh, his penis is so big and thick that he can't
even hold it with one hand. However, as strange as it may seem, the idea of wanting to flee
disappears in a second and instead, he feels his belly tighten with excitement. What the
hell is going on? He supposes it might be his pheromones because how else could he want
something he previously feared!?

While thinking about this, Isaac curls his toes and looks forward again. Then he grabs his
thighs and lifts them until his knees completely touch his chest. In this way, Félix
gently released the glans that he was rubbing with his hands and placed it between Isaac's open
buttocks as if that had been the signal he had been waiting for so long.
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The flesh rubbing gently between your skin makes it feel as exciting as it is terrifying.

"Are you still afraid?"

That's when Felix, who had only been frowning and raising his eyebrows, bends over and holds Isaac's chin in
his hand to make eye contact.

"Open the mouth."

"Why so suddenly...?"

"I want to make you feel good."

Whispering with a beautiful smile, Felix leaned a little closer and then kissed him. She tilted her head, bit his
lips and stuck out her tongue so she could run the tip all over him... So soft and slow that the saliva fell and began
to drip to the rhythm of "tuk, tuk, tuk."
Felix pulled away, but made his saliva also drip and go directly into Isaac's open mouth until it completely
moistened his tongue. Felix's saliva felt a little different than what he had tasted a while ago. A flavor with
added aroma. It smells so sweet and tastes so good that your body literally warms up to the point where you
feel like you are drinking alcohol. His eyes are unfocused and his body seems to be the victim of an intense

Their saliva is definitely alcohol.

"What does it taste like?"

When Felix asked and looked at him carefully, Isaac raised his blurred eyes and made contact with him
again. However, instead of opening his mouth to complain again, he raised his head and asked:

"Give me more."

His mind is lost in a breathtaking mess after tasting the sweet taste of the pheromones that Felix throws
on him. His pheromone was already impressive on its own, but passing it directly into your throat is a completely
different sensation than breathing through your nose and feeling it on your skin. It seemed like even his
own heat cycle could get to him... The bitter little bite of her pretty lips against his, the way she sucked him
and then pushed her tongue into his mouth, it was amazing and he liked it a lot.


In response to Isaac's hasty kiss, Felix responded happily, touching his chin even as he had Isaac's arms
around his neck as he drank his saliva and begged for more. Like a hungry man.

Isaac seemed to be very impatient so he started gasping for air. She sucked on his lips again and again and
then, she almost seemed to scream... She had only swallowed a few drops of saliva, but she already felt very
hot. He didn't know what to do with the fire rising faster than when it licked his hole. He shakes his waist,
rubs his penis and sees him doing the same still attached to his anus. God, what is all this?

"What did you do... With me?"

When he exclaimed in a sigh, exhaling a mixture of hot air that merged with Felix's breathing, the man
laughed and said:
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"Love you, darling. Only you can taste all of me. Only you, can know me completely. No one
else. You are my Omega after all."


"Later, when you can control your pheromones, give me a taste, okay? I can't wait to swallow you
so much."

But Isaac seemed incapable of listening to anything and simply pressed himself a little closer to him

"Okay, but hurry up..."

"If you want to do it quickly, you have to tell me exactly what you want."

With an infinitely relaxed tone, he is so annoying that he doesn't even seem to be in his RUT...
Only then did Isaac remember what he had said and beg:

"Anything! You can do anything with me! Anything you want..."

"Oh, I really can't resist that kind of face."

The genitals, which only stuck to his butt, were pushed into the slippery hole in a single pull.
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It was a sudden insertion.

From his mouth, a cry of surprise briefly erupted until his limbs went completely rigid. However,
unlike the sudden reaction of his body, his hole, which has been soaked for a long time,
opens without a single problem and Felix goes almost all the way in.

As if he had waited a long time, its soft entrance swallows the thick penis until it reaches the
testicles, causing his abdomen to harden from the strange sensation of a foreign body. At the
same time, however, the excitement of having him so close hit him until it spilled out
of his head.

A very strange thing

But, as that penis fills her interior and infiltrates her bowels, the agonizing breath ends up
coming out in desperate blows...

Then, Felix stopped. It seems like he's gotten enough inside of him even though he's still
pushing and pushing to the point where the fear arises that he might burst.


Hanging around Felix's neck, Isaac unconsciously called to him and breathed in deeply his
scent... Cold sweat ran down his forehead and wet each of his fingers until they became
absolutely slippery. Needless to say, the state his crotch was in.

"Did I hurt you?" asked Felix, who was as agitated and crazed as Isaac. "Are you OK?"

Only then, they stared at each other: It was an impatient face unlike the one he had shown him
a moment ago. A passionate look mixed with sexual desire. Really, it looks like an Alfa
going through its RUT.

Isaac, who faced Felix's true heart, looked as if he could tremble at any moment. An instant
when he even began to think that it was really surprising that he had stopped. He
smiles, brow furrowed, hand reaching out to cup Isaac's cheeks and stroke his chin. With a
low voice that hits his entire neck...

He's actually... Very affectionate. A calm voice that did not match a man whose reason was
completely left behind.

Isaac moved his gaze along his hand. So when you try to be very specific with your path and
go up his torso so you don't miss anything, you can see the back of his head. A long, thin neck
leading to tight, manly shoulders. There's a sign there, an engraved seal that looks more like
a tattoo. It would mean... That a sign like that is also on the back of your neck, wouldn't
it? But he can't imagine it yet so he doesn't say anything.

"Can I move now?"

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While his eyes remain fixed on her neck, Félix slowly raises the upper part of his body and
moves forward a little more. His shoulders, arms and chest muscles, tight with tension, make
him divert his attention and bite his small lips at the tremendous impact.



Felix smiled.

"Okay, but I'm not going to stop."


"Jeez... I really think I'm going to die."

With a very low voice, Félix put his arms under Isaac's knees and raised them in the air to try to
extend his glutes better... The man had to endure the feeling of pressure in his stomach every time
he pushed. back and then forward briefly.
He thought his hole had been torn, but it didn't seem like that was the case. Just push and push
in again and again without worrying about anything else...
He pulled it back a little and then went deeper so that every time Isaac gasped like a person choking
on air, he felt like he was hitting deep enough to reach the far wall of his stomach.

Finally, it ends in a slight moan:

"So deep...!"

Words came out that I didn't know I would ever be able to say. A complete and total complaint.
But Félix, as if he hadn't heard anything, leaned down and managed to cross his legs over
his abdomen. Isaac's body seemed to be bent in half, completely at the mercy of the man who was
touching his ear with his lips:


And after lightly licking her earlobe, Félix lowered his lips and leaned down until he was able to
lick the place where the mark was engraved and the omega pheromone was flowing... Ah, it's
delicious and it makes his head turn in all directions just with have a little It makes your vision blurry
and you definitely want to bite into it.
Gently, he chews the skin on the back of her neck and breathes deeply between each new action, as if he
wanted to swallow her aroma... His body is dizzy so he comforts himself by licking her pheromones just as if
they were his honey or a delicious sweet. He sucks it and then chews it.

"You're driving me crazy, Isaac. I love your pheromones, I love absolutely everything about you."

Felix's voice sounded in his ear in a truly amazing way... He moaned madly with his hands.

knees almost reaching his shoulders and that look that said "Give me more" "Give me a little more."
And, as if that were not enough, in the middle of this, Felix moved faster without stopping for even a
second to breathe. He shakes his back and shouts:

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Isaac tried to keep his shoulders as tight as possible, however, it's hard when he still has that man
sucking on the back of his neck, inhaling his pheromones, and pushing his penis into his inner wall.

The Alpha's gesture was really very intense, dazzling and threatening. The muscles in his arms
seemed ready to burst as did those in his waist and abdomen. His power to push using the
strength of his stomach had caused him to shake as if his entire body was broken. His legs
on his arms shook in the air. Oh my god, could there be another moment that felt this good in the
future? Had you experienced anything like this before? At one point, the feeling of self-destruction
ran through his head when he thought that he really liked what was happening to him too much... The
way he was being torn apart.

Tears trembled on her eyelashes every time he pounded her ass and rebuilt her inner wall with a
powerful penis. I mean, I couldn't even tell it to stop! No, he didn't even think to tell her to stop in the
first place. He was not bothered or afraid that it would break his body and in fact, it should be the
opposite. It had to be like at the beginning. Feeling fearful and scared and wanting to escape.

The speed with which he shakes him is stronger than he thinks so his mouth moves on its own to

"Oh, mmm, stop... Please stop... Ah, ah, ah, stop, stop, stop, stop."

So Felix, who looked at Isaac strangely, raised his lips at a funny angle and stretched out his hand
to block Isaac's mouth and stop Isaac's sound. He wasn't being rude, but he did crush him hard
enough that he couldn't hear him at all... The man gasped.
God! The heat and body odor flowing from her palm makes Isaac roll his eyes, stick out his tongue,
and lick her hand.


Felix let out a short moan.

The man licked his middle finger, on the palm and in each fold, and suddenly, with the tip of his
tongue still restless, Isaac discovered a foreign body that caused him to stop each of his actions
until Félix raised his palm to look at it. also. Only then does the identity of the object come into view:
On the left ring finger, there is a ring. Something simple but elegant in design, diamonds embedded
in it and an I next to it. A beautiful ring that made Felix smile in a charming way.

"Yes, you probably saw the same thing on your hand, right? They are rings with the same shape...
"You chose them when we got married."

Isaac couldn't say anything so Félix ended up laughing and then, with his other hand, he took his and
watched her carefully: Although he took off his clothes as if it were bothering him, he never got rid
of his black gloves. It was as if she wanted to hide something from him...
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Felix, who looked at Isaac's clenched hand, simply clicked his tongue. Isaac didn't want to take
off his gloves for the world.

Still stuck in his hole, Felix ordered in a low voice. "Let me check." But Isaac looked at him with a
face that said "I'd rather die first." And yet, although I had every desire to give an answer, it was
not easy to say something. It felt like his throat was completely tight and dry. There
is no ring, because he had taken it off. However, this man seems to be taking one's existence
for granted so he wants to look for it.

A wedding ring... And the ring on Felix's finger is obviously the same as the ring he took off!

It was a beautiful and unique design, so there was no question about it. Did he really have a
problem with his memory? So how much did he forget?

Isaac, who had been doubtful until now, squeezed his shoulders tightly and stopped making air
flow into his lungs... The memories don't come back, but he was still worried about the ring that
wasn't there. Then Felix, the quick-eyed man, looks Isaac up and down and then stretches out his
left hand and raises it to a very exaggerated point. He grabbed it. He took his glove and
stretched it completely...
Isaac pursed his lips and raised his eyes to the stubborn voice transmitted to his ear. "Stretch your
fingers, Stretch them!" I couldn't take off his gloves when he clenched his fist so hard.

Suddenly, Felix reached out and grabbed Isaac's wrist to make him stay completely
still. He couldn't even resist a grip that big! The glove, which easily fell to the ground, made a dull
sound and finally left his entire hand exposed... There was nothing on the left hand that the
man held so tightly. By far, there is only a trace that he was wearing a ring because there is a
patch of lighter skin going around.

"... Where did you put it?"

His voice, asking questions, was unexpectedly kind. He already knew he wasn't going to find
him and thought maybe he should explain everything to him, but again, as if he had glue in his
mouth, Isaac couldn't speak even to say the simplest thing in the world. Your lips are dry and
chapped. How could I take it easy when it's a wedding ring? He's sure to be angry!

"Did you take it off?" At the moment when Isaac regretted everything he had done, Felix asked
again. "Did you throw it away?"

However, at a silent response, the man sighed briefly with a more than disappointed face.
Suddenly, he let go of her hand.
Oh... Will he be angry or sad? Maybe he's going to stop and try to find it somehow...
What if he cries? He doesn't want me to cry. And it's strange because it should be the same.

"Well, if you threw it away... We'll have to order a new one."

However, Felix just fixed his disheveled hair and then laughed. It was a reaction that did not match
any of his previous predictions. I mean, he doesn't seem angry nor does he seem like he wants to
blame him, it's just... The same crazy man talking quietly to him.
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penis still buried in his anus.

However, seeing his reaction, he soon reached out with clumsy fingers and gently caressed
Isaac's waist and belly:

"It's not something that could be helped. No wonder you were surprised to see the ring...
After all, you lost your memory."

"I still..."

"I don't care about the ring, Isaac. It's enough for you to stay by my side without disappearing.
I just want to let you know that you had the same ring as me, that I am your alpha, that you are my
Omega... And that I love you very much."

Felix said all this as if to conclude the topic... Isaac closed his mouth again, looked at him
intently and then, with his eyes almost half-closed, he sighed and rubbed his forehead, which was
already almost completely furrowed.

"Even if I don't remember you?" The question contained emotions that seemed to be guilty.
A sad sound. "I don't remember you. Wouldn't it be better if you gave up?"

However, Felix simply responded:

"You said it before... That I wouldn't let you go, no matter what happened. And I said, 'I'll
never let you go.' Even if I have to lock you in the basement."


"It's okay, it doesn't matter if you don't remember me... I won't let you go because my feelings
are stronger than this." The rough hands that caressed the lower part of his chest and the lower
part of his belly, wandered here and there until they stopped at his ribs. "Even if you never
remember me, I will always love you..."

Isaac's chest trembled.

"In the... pants pocket."

In a simple word, Felix, who was caressing her nipples with his fingers, stopped.


"I didn't throw it away. I took it off my finger and put it in my pocket."

As he seemed to have been surprised by this revelation, Felix settled himself a little better
on the floor and reached out to grab Isaac's pants that he had thrown next to him. He began to
search inside him...

" Um..."

After briefly going through his pockets, he soon blinked like an excited child who had found
a valuable treasure. In the end, on the tip of his finger, Felix showed the diamond ring while
smiling beautifully. Truly beautifully. It was an innocent laugh that didn't go well with his face. How
can he show such a happy feeling all over his face?
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That damn.

She said she didn't care about the ring and he had been moved enough to tell her the truth.
Now all his words feel like a lie.

Isaac continues to look at him carefully, but Felix just squeezes Isaac's left hand and then puts the
ring on it. Oh. When he first noticed the ring, he didn't even feel like he cared...
But it is true that it is the correct size. Perfect, like it wasn't small or big or too tight... And besides,
it hid the white marks on his finger perfectly.
Isaac exhaled. She honestly felt like Cinderella when she found the glass slipper that fit her foot
perfectly. No, Cinderella would never feel that way. And she definitely didn't have a sex-addicted
prince penetrating her when he found her after the ball! Rather, it was a complicated emotion
that was difficult to explain in words... But, when the unexpected, wet and hot heat spreads
over the finger with the ring, the difficult emotions quickly disappear.


Félix had decided to lick her ring finger until his mouth was full... The heat of his lips was
transmitted everywhere as he rotated the ring with the tip of his tongue, sucking until it made a
sound similar to a click.

"I'm not... I just think it's much better that you wear my ring."


"Then, in the future, never take it off again."

It was when Felix murmured this with a small laugh, that he grabbed Isaac's pelvis again, pushed
the penis he had pulled out halfway, and then, BAM. There was a slight pain in his waist. A
desperate throbbing that makes him chew his lips and start cursing.

Isaac grabbed Felix's wrist, his eyes filling with tears.

"So suddenly... If you do something like this..."

"It wasn't suddenly, did you forget that we are having sex?"

Felix angled his lips, pretending to be relaxed when in reality his pupil was a dark blue. A hungry
look that revealed his eager and absolutely excited spirit. Then, he lifted Isaac's legs and raised his
back in a hasty movement that made him enter all the way again...

"Puck, Puck," Isaac's black hair drags on the floor every time his cock hits him. It shakes him from
place to place until his buttocks touch his groin and swell red, and yet, instead of being painful or
terrifying, the thrill quickly explodes and burns at the top of his head.

Ah, he's going crazy.

"No... Ah, there, a little more..."

He was pouring so much of himself into his body that he didn't even know exactly what he was
saying. Felix grabbed Isaac's hand, put his finger deep in his mouth and sucked it hard. Again he
was playing with the ring finger on his left hand, the one with
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a diamond ring... It seems to be completely lost. At first it wasn't noticeable, but he was drunk on his omega
pheromone and ended up turning his eyes white.

It was fun to see him lose his dignity. At least for a second.

Felix played with his fingers in his mouth, rolling his tongue and moving it back and forth until saliva flowed across
his palm and wrist.

"Felix ah, mmm, stop..."

It's so strange. It's the same thing he felt when he licked her toes and the soles of her feet... A dizzying sensation
that made him shrug and gasp. He didn't know when his fingers and toes became so disgustingly sensitive.


The movements of Félix, who sucked his finger like a really hungry person, became increasingly stronger and
longer. So much so that he felt his genitals begin to tremble on his stomach as a sign of a new and stronger orgasm.

He released a new moan and an impressive shot of semen onto Felix's thighs, with his fingers still stuck in his
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The tight muscles of his thighs were harder than rocks so they seemed quite difficult to
move on his own. Isaac tries to push him at least a little, but the next moment he seems to
start screaming because of the tension that is still inside him. It was an unconscious act.

"Isaac, do you know I'm still inside? I need you to calm down because when you scream
you squeeze my penis and I can't move. I'm going to hurt you."

Felix's words were quite clear, but he couldn't even understand it correctly:

"Oh, oh, no more..."

Isaac raised his fingers and tried to hold on to Felix's knee. He wanted to grab anything to try and
calm himself but, again, his muscles prove to be quite tight and smooth so he keeps slipping
instead of anchoring himself to it.
Isaac writhed out of control...

"Ah... You're squeezing again. Ah, damn it!"

Felix, who was frowning quite a bit by now, seemed to have become very tense at this kind of
situation. He had no intention of breaking his body in two so his worry prevented him from acting
the way he wanted, although in reality his penis seemed to not pay attention to his brain...

The next moment, Isaac's inner wall was filled with an endless burning sensation. A strange pain
that made her understand that the man was ejaculating inside her. And in a quite
exaggerated way.
Isaac then tried to shake his body. How difficult it is to breathe, moan and move your head
correctly when you are in this type of situation! His mouth and throat were incredibly dry so, now
that he finally came and it was all over, he could possibly get some rest to calm down... And yet
Isaac's unassuming wish did not come true: The slippery, hot body fluids Felix's cock stopped
leaking from inside his hole when his anus began to get blocked by his penis. It swelled, so
Isaac began to be afraid of it.


Isaac looked up and gave him an incredibly alarmed look even though Felix was just moaning
rather wildly. God, his penis was really swelling and swelling like crazy! It was different from
just getting worked up to hardness. More painful. Isaac's back and belly bounced as if in a
convulsion and suddenly, a truly awful moan came from his mouth. His shoulders and arms
trembled like little twigs. The tips of his fingers, which were trying to hold on to Felix's thighs,
turn terribly white and at one point, he no longer seemed to be able to even scream. He can
barely breathe properly, and for that he has to leave his mouth open

"I'm sorry, Isaac... I'm sorry."

With a completely passionate face, Felix frowns as he says a bunch of words that sound
somewhat pitiful and complicated. However, it is difficult to hear well what is
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saying when you feel... Like your intestines are swelling or like your stomach is going to burst. It
was quite painful and to be honest, I was really afraid of that kind of feeling.


Isaac murmured weakly, exhaling his breath in a very ragged manner. Again, the man in front
of him says "I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Although they felt like a bunch of empty words… The feeling of
adding volume was as strong as the feeling of pressure inside him. The shape of Felix's
genitals, which swell uncontrollably, seemed to be carving their shape into his inner wall with fire...
No, it seems more like he is breaking it so, Isaac, trapped by infinite fear, found himself forced to
tremble with an absolutely white and distorted face... But Isaac's reaction was very different
from Felix's. The man, who stopped completely and inflated his genitals, seemed too excited for
his own good.
It was a face that told him that he was at the peak of sexual pleasure.

Isaac, agitated, closed his eyes tightly and bit his mouth. The genitals, still swollen, made him
experience a fearful and eerie sensation that would even fill his stomach. His heart was
going very fast. When he cried, without fully opening his mouth, Felix's voice, previously full of
pleasure, seemed to have become completely sad. His words saying "Sorry" were as dull as they
were pitiful...

It was at the moment when he wanted to scream that Isaac, who was gasping like a small
dying animal, suddenly opened his eyes wide. At what point have the swollen genitals reached so
that it now seems to adapt to them? Suddenly, contrary to the pain, a mysterious pleasure
passes through his entire body. It's like a sharp shock that is very different from all the joy I had
felt until now.
He had to breathe, but he still couldn't seem to do so. He only made little "Ah, ah" sounds with his
fingers digging into Felix's skin and his feet completely curved. Then, from one moment to the
next, his own semen gushed out until it made a tremendous mess on his chest.

"Wow, Isaac... You said you hated knots, remember that? But you already came again."

Felix laughs with a beautiful smile on a face that is choked with pleasure. He seems endlessly
amused by the experience. Isaac, on the other hand, shook his head and had a look that
showed he didn't know the reason for so much pain.
Felix's gaze was strangely kind as he asked:

"Is everything okay? Does it hurt a lot?"

"Not so much... But... Oh, are we done?"

"Finish? But Isaac, do you know how dirty you are now?" He chuckled and leaned his upper body
until he also extended both hands to rest on the ground. Only then, when she stroked him, did it
seem to make him release some of the pressure that was crushing his stomach. "My omega
surprises me more and more because of how strong he is...
But I can't let you go in that state."

"It is not necessary to..."

But the final words that he added without energy were quickly extinguished when Felix opened
his lips and kissed him quite hungrily. He attacked his mouth, his neck, then stuck out his tongue
and licked the semen that dripped on his chest and on some lines of his ribs... Isaac shook his shoulders.
Although he tried to hold on, when he licked the cloudy body fluid that was spread across his
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stomach, Isaac began to moan again and again with a quite powerful voice. It was incredible to
look at his face, his lips glistening with his sticky cum.


"Because you are mine. You, your saliva and your bodily fluids. Every part of you is mine. Even your
tears, even your pheromones."

"Please stop".

"Stop? My RUT has just started. We don't have time to stop."

"And... Your shoulder?"

"I've been worse..."

Felix smiled casually and licked it once more, with his shiny white lips...

Then Isaac felt as if he had no more rebuttals against him and so, after a few long minutes without
moving at all, the penis that was completely trapped in his hole deflated and began to move until it
slowly withdrew and came out of his body completely. ...The semen that was inside her anus began
to fall from inside her at an impressive speed when Félix, with a quick jerk, held it so he could
accommodate his butt against her thighs.
Oh, it's horrible. It's so much that he feels like the flow of hot semen is causing a puddle.


"Isaac, you are a good boy. What an obedient body." Then Felix, who was still looking at his trembling
figure, lifted Isaac's ass slightly upwards and inserted his fingers so that the semen that had gone deep
inside finally began to flow. "You really wanted to swallow me, didn't you? Look how you suck me."


"Your stomach is probably full of my semen. Isn't it? Can you feel this little lump here? That's what I
caused with my knot."

Speaking bluntly as usual, Felix sucks, kisses and bites the sensitive skin on her neck until it turns red.
Maybe this was her own way of trying to calm him down. Who knows?...
And then, although she had been looking at his face all this time, she suddenly lowered her eyes and

"Isaac, what do you want me to clean first?"

His smiling and beautiful face... It suddenly darkened until it looked malicious. Like an Alpha with horns.
She had no intention of touching his penis again, it was true... But suddenly she had really wanted to
make him cum a few times.

Felix's cold finger swept across his flaccid penis.

"From here to here, is that okay?" He murmured as he began to caress his glans and slowly descended
until he reached his testicles. Delineating the contour and the middle as if
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soon he would have decided to make random lines and circles "And I will do it until you melt."


"And I'm looking forward to that moment."

And, as promised, Felix put so much time and care into his body that he actually thought he was going
to start leaking again. He stroked his penis, ran over his testicles and touched every corner and
groove of his ass until it was completely blank.

In the world in which he lived only with Felix, there was only the lustful and obscene air. Pleasure
and joy, there is nothing more... He can't even see the blood on his shoulder, hear the noise of
gunshots, helicopters or the screams of the men who, by that moment, are outside the building.
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"Oh-uh-uh , uh , there. More more..."

Isaac sobbed, lying on the floor of the house. He couldn't even remember what the situation was
or how he got there again, with a man on top of him who looked like a damn dog. He was just
biting, sucking, tingling with his fingers as he ejaculated over and over again on top of her

His pheromone filled the hallways, his head and soaked him completely until he fell into an even
more intense cycle of heat...

"Isaac, Isaac... Thanks to you, can you take responsibility for driving me terribly crazy?"

Like a ferocious beast, Felix bites and sucks him from head to toe while releasing pheromones
that make Isaac, who is almost weakened enough to keep up with him, collapse without
hesitation before him as he lets himself be carried away by his own cycle. of heat.
Worse yet, it was Isaac himself who begged him to move even more, to hit him even more, to
reach even further.

"Are you okay? Your insides open like it's going to break... Does it still hurt? I can't seem to
breathe, or think. Why is my omega this perfect? It shouldn't be this way. You shouldn't make
me so bad... Isaac, tell me what you're doing to me. I fall in love with you whenever you cry and
scream like that..."

With a sweet voice, whispering and licking his ear, Isaac looked away and cried as much as
he wanted to. Without stopping to think. And every time he did, Felix smiled happily and
ejaculated while knotting himself inside her inner wall until things managed to get faster and much

For this reason, the man shook inside her ass until it was filled again with hot semen that
crunched and splashed as if it were the most beautiful music in the entire world. He moved
deeper and directed his movements in such a way that he thought... How much he would like to
make her cry.

It was a crazy moment.

Felix in his RUT and Isaac, biting and licking that beast's mouth until the lust-filled time seemed
to repeat itself over and over without stopping.
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It was cloudy.

He moves his eyes that aren't even focusing properly and looks around for a few minutes, even
though there is no particular shape in front of him. No, it's actually not a big problem that his
field of vision was blurry. The most important thing is: Where are you and what are you doing
there? His limbs were really heavy, as if a cargo truck had run over him.

Ah, damn. What happened and how did it happen?

She stumbled over her memory so she tried to force light into her head, even though it felt as
wet and spongy as a cotton swab.

So, soon everything became quite familiar.

An Alpha. Someone he met on the battlefield and who intended to know him and remember him.
At first he fought him but then he suddenly told him that his RUT was here and... Remember...
That his body was not obeying him correctly. The pheromones he exhaled seemed to have given
him a fever until he felt as if his body was on fire. His head melted with increasing thirst and
desire, and in the next moment, he became entangled like a beast whose eyes were filled with
lust. He ejaculated and ejaculated and ejaculated and, he cried. He cried beneath a violently
shaking Alpha. It was so intense that possibly their own heat cycle exploded at the same
time... A very strange love story.

He was moaning, so he bit his lips. He moaned, gasped, screamed, howled and then also
chewed on the mucous membrane of his lower lip until finally all of this stopped... Oh my God.
The more he thought about it, the more he felt like banging his head against the wall and insulting
himself. However, all he did was let out a gigantic sigh and open his eyes while trying to lift his
upper body...


However, as expected, it was impossible to move his abdomen in a correct manner. His arms and
legs, his waist, everything is so rigid that he even thinks that the word "paralyzed"
would fit him a thousand times better. The muscle pain is terrible and began to spread rapidly
from one place to another as if he had participated in a terrible fight. Severe pain. Not only
that... Both of his wrists were tied in front of his chest in a very strange knot.

But what...?
Isaac, who waved his hands too hard, soon gave up and decided to leave things just as they
were. Everything hurts him, so he is certainly helpless.

"This way it will be difficult to escape again."

Suddenly, there was a harsh voice traveling to his ears right from behind. Isaac couldn't help
but harden his shoulders and put himself on guard... Although he doesn't have to look back to
know who it is. It was a voice he had heard for a long time, the same one that had caused him to
fall into a strange stage of self-destruction and go into an almost affectionate mode... But did
he say "Again"? That word had caused him to frown into a funny grimace.
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"It'll be hard to break my arm too. HA! Make that better."


"That was your plan! Isn't it? That's why you shot me!"


"But FYI, I'm left-handed! If you want to break something, just break my left arm. My right arm
has had enough of you!"

Isaac finally turned to the voice behind him. It was difficult to tell if he was serious or if it was a joke, but
then his eyes, those that were completely blue and large, immediately filled his field of vision
until his head went blank. Damn, he was still a beautiful and hauntingly beautiful Alpha, gorgeous
enough to make your throat burn and you stop breathing just by looking at him. A man who cannot
be easily surpassed by anyone and who holds his head with one arm, revealing his flawless upper
body... He smiles, and his Prussian pupil seems to be warm enough to tickle the upper part of his
chest. .

He doesn't know why, but he really feels like he has a huge crush on him.

"Um... You say I broke your arm and escaped?"

His voice was terribly raspy, but Felix still seemed to like it a lot:

"Yes... I acted like a gentleman in love, but you hit me, broke my arm and then you just ran without
looking back."

"...Free my hands."

Isaac sighs heavily, but Felix pretends he hasn't heard anything at all so he leaves his arms wrapped
around her waist to make her head fall against his chest...

"If I do that you'll escape right away... So no. I'm not going to fall for that game twice."

"I don't want to escape, I swear."

But Felix seemed unable to listen to Isaac's complaints so, instead, his arms reached forward to
cling to him a little more... He kissed his neck, his ears, he could feel his hot breath and also, his hair
stinging his cheeks as he reached down to now grab the pants that were right next to him.

When his arm disappears from his hip to have a little more freedom in his movements, Isaac feels
very cold and an intense feeling of emptiness that makes him feel somewhat ashamed...
Meanwhile, Félix puts his fingers in his pants pocket and then, he takes out a small device that he
immediately puts in his ear.

"Noah, Noah? Answer me."

While calling someone, he once again puts his arms around Isaac's abdomen and tilts him so that
his back is gently resting on his chest. He caresses his arms up and down and tells him to try to sleep
for a while to rest his body so... The coldness, the one he felt when he walked away to grab the
pants, disappeared in an instant and quickly caused him to go into a cold. heat. A friendly
sensation that seemed to tickle
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every part of your skin.

"Damn son of a bitch! Crazy!"

Isaac, who had tens of thousands of strange thoughts when he heard that voice, leaned his back a
little more to pay his full attention... He was surprised by the sharp profanity that had managed to
come through the receiver, so he turned his eyes:

"Slow down. If I go deaf from your damn voice, I swear I'll sue you." He seemed quite upset with that
person, but he still didn't think they had a bad relationship. "How did the mission go? How was your day?"

"Ah, wonderful. It's good that you asked. We had a nice day eating cookies all together. That day was
amazing!! That's how the fucking day was!"

Isaac was listening to Noah's bad words and thought, The day? It would be a good option to ask
about the day, it is true. That is, when he met Félix and mixed with him... Maybe it was yesterday? It
seems like it was in the afternoon so that meant their "love story" lasted an entire night. Isaac moaned
softly, realizing that he had been with him for several hours AND having sex! Of course, she could
blame it all on the heat cycles, hers and his. But it's still horribly embarrassing! Even more so because
he wasn't interested at first, because he was the enemy and they were in a broken house... And
because, that meant he was no different from other omegas. He lost all reason and just let himself go.
He asked for more.

The more he thought, the more his face burned and he couldn't lift his head.

"You could have come looking for me."

"Damn, you spread all your damn alpha pheromones enough to keep anyone from entering the building
for a month, and now I'm the one to blame? You took so long to get in touch! You're such a son of
a...!" "

Noah shouted something he didn't know when he pulled the device out of his ear and gave a long, tired
sigh. Noah's harsh words are hard to hear even at times
like that.

So, he let Noah be angry alone.

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No matter how much time passed, Noah's energy was not lost even once... Although it was true
that he was cursing with increasing difficulty so, only then, Felix was brave enough to put the
device back on. the ear.

"You are very temperamental today."

"Damn! Thanks to YOU I'm having a stroke!"

"You're pretty loud, really. I don't have time for this so I'll ask again. How did the mission go?"

Felix cut off Noah's words completely, as if he didn't have enough time to absorb more information
after that whole strange situation with Theron, the Omega, and what happened with his heat.
There is a brief silence in the air so he responds:

"Have we ever failed?"

Noah's annoying response led Félix to click his tongue and then, as if he were really looking forward
to it, he simply grabbed Isaac's waist again with both arms in an attempt to start caressing him
again. Isaac, unconsciously and meanwhile, tries to put his fingers on his to reciprocate the
caresses... But he realizes that his wrist cannot move so, sitting with his back to him and still not
being able to fully maintain his pace of the conversation, close your eyes and try to put some
order in your head.

He had to stand still while Felix talked to Noah, putting on the same serious face he saw the first time.

"Well. I would like to talk more about it but first, I want you to do me a favor and send a helicopter
and make a reservation at the hospital. I have to take Isaac for an inspection."

"Does he remember you yet?"

"... See you."

After that short response, Felix looked at Isaac as he ignored a new wave of offended insults traveling
directly towards his ear. Soon, however, he took off the communicator and turned it off so
he could put it back into his discarded pants.
Isaac does not have the ability to stand up or sit down properly. He still can't look directly into Felix's
eyes so the thoughts remain just that...

"Oh, it's hard to look at you in this state without getting nervous."

He was literally looking at him as if he were a little dog that he had scolded for making some
mess, so Isaac, who seems a little embarrassed by all this, lets him come up to him and touch his
back as much as he wants. He moans... It seems like he's been so excited about the pheromones
that he's still a little sensitive and sore about it. Like everything inside and outside stings or burns...
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"Does it hurt? It's still swollen."

His fingertips touched Isaac's head quite carefully, as if he were handling a very delicate ceramic
container. He analyzes it, checks under his hair and suddenly, he has a complete expression that reveals
anger, irritation and anxiety. Quite a lot of fury. So, as he continued to look and tenderly review his
wound, Isaac could not say a single word. He couldn't even remove his hand to make him stop playing
or at least try to get away from him. Has anyone ever taken care of him with such an anxious face? Suddenly
this kind of question arose to which, of course, the answer was no. In reality, he has rarely received this
kind of kindness from others, and although his father was a very friendly, loving, and caring person... He is
gone, so there was no one he could compare him to.

A person who reveals pure affection is touching a part that hurts. And how had he been injured in the first
place? That is, he was not weak enough to have scars or bruises.
He wasn't the type of person who liked to receive comfort, kindness and those other things so, of course,
the kindness and tenderness he was giving her became something more and more unknown and even
something he avoided... But now, although he is worried about Felix's eager hands, he did not push them
away. He doesn't remove his fingers, nor does he do anything other than let himself move from one side to the other.

"... OK." After a long time, whispering with seemingly dry lips, Felix laughed silently and said, "We have to
hurry. We will go to the hospital and I will order a thorough medical examination for you. Helicopters are
coming so start dressing yourself."

However, Felix begins to help him with his clothes as if he were a child who needs to be held by the hand. He
lifts Isaac up, spreads his arms and legs and even asks him to tilt his head a little for him... And so, when
the sound of the helicopter comes from the distance, Felix grabs Isaac's cheeks and brings his face
together to Lightly kiss the tip of his nose.

"It's strange... You're just like my Isaac, but you're gone. It's confusing and annoying."

It's a word he can't understand, so Isaac doesn't say anything.

"Here we go."

Then suddenly he looked up and, taking Isaac's hand and holding it firmly in his, Felix, who now decided to
intertwine his fingers with his to make it more difficult for him to flee, took a straight step forward so that
both of them could begin. to walk down the dark hallway. His back, while he is just a step forward, is vaguely
carved into Isaac's retina.

It's beautiful, so it seems like just the right moment to make your heart cry.
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"So, where is that bastard now?"

As soon as he got home, the first question Felix asked after removing the bandages, taking a bath,
and changing his clothes was precisely about his damn father. It was the first time Noah had seen
him after everything that happened at Disneyland and the cabin, but the man seems so full of
irritation and fury that he can only play along and not say anything to him.
After all, he was never a man to waste time on kind or welcoming words.

"Don't know."

"...Excuse me? Didn't you say you already had it here with you or something like that?"

"I don't remember telling you anything like that. Actually, I couldn't even find it the first time... It
was Isaac who found its location. Not me."


Noah, who sat in a fairly relaxed position on a wooden chair, nodded his head as he touched the
screen of his laptop: "He said that a person helped him with that, and it was actually quite helpful."

Felix narrowed his eyes. What contact did Isaac have that was good enough to find something that
Noah couldn't see either? He must be a great man if he was able to find the precise location,
so he can't help but wonder again and again who he is. And where is it from?
Well, it's not like it's something completely strange either. Of course, he was a navy captain so he
may have had a lot of connections scattered here and there. It's obvious that this is someone who
works in the navy.


"Ah, I have no idea. I'm very jealous so I erase all the names and faces of other men as soon as Isaac
mentions them or introduces them to me. It helps me sleep." Without realizing it, he shook his right
shoulder, moved it up and down, and moved closer to Noah until his face was almost completely
pressed against his monitor. His body still seemed quite uncomfortable to him, but there was
still too much work to do before he would regret it. "Find out where Theron is and do it now. Even if it
takes all day and night... He has my blood."

Just thinking about the things he could do with her, Félix stood up with a visible tremor in his spine and
drank a glass of whiskey until it was less than half full in just a few seconds. Noah, who was staring at
him, also sighed as he let all of his hair fall forward.

"We always knew he was crazy."

"Damn, I still can't believe it. Noah, not only is he crazy, he was planning to make a clone of Elena!
How could he come up with something so stupid like that?"
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Noah's sigh sounded quite powerful as he analyzed his cousin's words:

"There are a lot of crazy people in the world, honey... People worse than you and me."

"So that's why we have to locate him. I don't think he decided to return to Italy as if nothing had
happened, so he must still be around here."

"How can you guarantee he didn't give up? I mean, he would have done something by now."

Noah, who leaned back again, looked suspiciously at Felix as he swished his drink back and forth
before swallowing again.

"Because... He's a very obsessive guy. He can't give up on Grandpa's list. Why is he so interested
in it in the first place?"

"He'll think it's the best way to crush you and Grandpa. The organization. Something crazy like that."

As he listened to Noah's words, Felix shook the glass once more to make the ice beat together...
The man's elegant lips stretched for a long time, as if he wanted to speak, or drink, or bite his tongue,
but I wouldn't be able to do anything like that.
His pupil, on the contrary, shone with impressive strength. Like a person who felt joy in the expectation
of being able to hit his enemy.

Of course his plan wasn't for it to slip out of their hands. He never thought that Theron would be able
to get out of there once Isaac arrived... However, the conclusion he came to was the fact that Theron
was smarter than he had imagined. Tie him up, drug him, turn everything around

A sneaky son of a bitch.

"How is Isaac?"

Noah glanced nervously at Felix, who was still too focused on his plans against Theron to think about
anything else. However, only after hearing Isaac's name did Felix's blue eyes escape the madness
they were in and shine with a completely different light. Although it was not a very pleasant flash to say
the least.

"They did different tests... There is no trauma, except a fairly mild concussion. They couldn't tell me if
his problem was thanks to this or more of a psychological issue, it's just that... They can't know for
sure when they will return their memories".

Noah frowned and rubbed his chin for a long time... The issue of his memory loss had affected
them in many different ways and the most obvious to all of them was that he had lost all control of his
pheromones. Even the betas, who are barely affected by them, escaped from the hospital without
daring to even enter the hallway... Noah didn't need to take any extra measures for this, obviously, but
he was very worried that Isaac might get hurt.

They thought that when he was exposed to Felix's pheromones, he would be stimulated enough so
that his memories would slowly return, but it was all in vain. Apparently, not even a RUT had made him
come back.

He was safe in the small space they had found for him, but it was a shame he still hadn't recovered his
lost memories. Even more so, when he had things really
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important in them.

"Why don't you take Benjamin with you?"

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"Why don't you take Benjamin with you?"

Noah, who had been worried for a long time about what he should or should not do, opened his
speech carefully and waited... But Felix shook his head almost immediately. The sound of ice
hitting your glass added tension to the enclosed space.

"I didn't tell her about Benjamin on purpose. Maybe it might be even harder for her to deal with
the shock if we add that she had a baby. I don't know."


"But when I told Isaac that I had lost my memory, he already knew that I was an Omega. When I
told him that he was linked to me, he became passive and started connecting the dots. It seemed
to me that he let his guard down..." His expression, seemingly shocked to the extent that was
possible, is still clearly visible in front of him when he closes his eyes. "However, it is not
Isaac. He is a strange and unknown man and if I tell that person that he has a son, isn't it obvious
that he may react in a confused way? Furthermore, it may be a blow to Benjamin. Imagine
that your father , the one who doesn't stop saying he loves you and the one who hugs you every
day, becomes a different person from one moment to the next and can't recognize you.
What if he looks at you strangely? What if he says he doesn't remember you? ?It could be a
deep scar for the child and he doesn't need that."

Noah's face darkened at Felix's explanation.

"That's… I guess it's a possibility."

Noah, who really loves Benjamin, is shocked to hear that the boy could be hurt.
He definitely doesn't want that to happen either, so he remains silent as he watches Felix empty
the glass of diluted alcohol with ice over his mouth. The burning sensation that warms your throat
rises to your tongue despite being frozen.

"Then think about that and get ready, because we're going home."

When Felix put the empty glass on the table and changed the topic, he opened his speech
and let Noah absorb the information slowly.

"Wo, what do we do? Should we move the servants or something? Benjamin and Grandpa
could be in danger if Isaac..."

"But I'm not going to keep you in a hotel forever. Nor are we going to be in this damn rented
house while we wait for answers to fall from the sky. The truth is that we are more exposed here,
all of us. An enemy site."

"Now..." Noah had thought that returning to San Diego wasn't the most prudent thing to do
because they hadn't finished the job. However, it was also true that staying in a hotel made
security difficult. "So when do we do it?"

"It is better to find some stability for my husband, so we will stay in the
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hospital for at least a few nights."

"I hope the memories come back in the meantime."

Noah said that quite anxiously, but Felix stood up without responding. Maybe he had to meet Vincenzo
to tell him about the current situation and see if Benjamin and Mrs. Parker were okay...

Ah, there were so many things to do and really no time.

"Find Theron."

"I'm looking for..."

"Since his mercenaries were exterminated, he surely has little material and weapons. There are not many
places where he can hide."

"It's easy to say."

Noah shook his head, but seemed more focused on his computer than fighting.
He was going to say something else, but Felix turned his body before that. Holding his jacket in his hand and
leaving his lips in a straight, silent line.
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69 In the end

It was a busy morning.

The nurse shook her head as she walked down the hall and looked at the medical notes.
She had a plate of food in her hands, a bowl of medicine, and she was absolutely willing to take
it to the patient who had just been admitted yesterday before signing his discharge sheet.

He was in front of the door to his room. Before knocking, the nurse, who usually checked the
watch on her wrist to know when her shift ended, sighed briefly and then closed her eyes for a
moment. She has the face of a woman who's been working all night so it's obvious she's tired
enough to want to go home soon.
However, he just shook off his laziness and knocked on the door.

"Mr. Sinclair, it's time to eat. I'll also check your serum."

The nurse, who opened the door with difficulty, looked around and observed the slightly dark
room. Everything is silent and the curtains are half drawn so the inside of the bed is not visible.

"I'm sorry son, but you have to take the medicine on time."

The nurse lowered the curtain a little, asking for patience on the patient's part and to please try
to bend over at least a little to put the tray down... But she couldn't continue speaking.
His round eyes were wide open because there was no sign of the man who seemed to be
quite sick before. The nurse, surprised, looked everywhere and walked to the bathroom to look
for him there too... But everything was silent.
His tired face became darker and darker. Damn, what is he going to do? It is said that there is
a problem with the patient's memory so he was thinking all kinds of dangerous thoughts at
that moment.

The nurse looked at the sheet again. It's like no one existed there in the first place.
That was perfectly arranged. He put his hand... He doesn't even feel the heat. His head was blank.
What had he done wrong? He checked the vital signs at the bedside. The machine would not turn
on and off in the dark. The doorbell was broken...

Oh my God! His face quickly turned white. The patient escaped!

"The patient! Security, my patient is missing!"

Screaming with a real voice of alarm, the nurse left the room while looking for the guard or any
doctor on duty. It was definitely a quieter night than usual but there were nurses in front of the
rooms all the blessed time. She was guarding the desk but, well, there were a lot of sick
patients and she had to go fix an oxygen pump. No way! Also, since the patient's husband is
not a normal person, does that mean that everyone inside the hospital is in danger? Or... Sure!
He has a bodyguard, he has to tell that man first.

The nurse, who was very scared, ran to the desk and started calling her family.
Hopefully, the patient would show up anywhere and be fine... But she already has an impressive
crying face.
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Benjamin, who was away from his father for just under a week, cried quite hard as soon as he saw
Felix enter the room and extend his arms towards him.
It seems like the little boy has been feeling really anxious since what happened at Disneyland, so
Felix obviously has a hard time calming him down properly and keeps rocking him and carrying him here
and there while telling him how sorry he is and telling him. kiss the head over and over

It was urgent to find Theron, of course... But her son is much more important than all that so she makes
a huge change in her schedule to be able to be with him.

The boy doesn't want to let go of him for anything in the world, so he sleeps next to him and wakes
up only when he feels a huge cascade of kisses fall on his skin. He wants to act normal, so he
has breakfast and watches TV with Benjamin, like always. They bathe, talk about their toys and at the
end, they go to play together.
As soon as he saw Felix last night, the boy cried and cried until his eyes were terribly swollen and red.
However, unlike yesterday, he was full of energy enough to run five laps around the table without falling
once. He goes to a corner, gets ready and throws a ball at his dad while laughing happily.

The phone rang as he told his son to spread his hands... The name "Noah" was shining on the

He felt quite worried about the reason that had forced him to speak at that hour and, of course,
when Benjamin runs up to him to give him the ball and throws himself at his chest to tell him that he is
also very hot, he must force his lips to make a smile.

"What's wrong so early?"

"Hey, fuck you. How would you live without me, you piece of shit? I want you to think about that a little
bit before you answer anything else. You know what? I think I was the one who saved you in your past
life so show a grateful face. You're lucky that..."

"God, get to the f... Get to the point."

As far as possible and still with the boy hugging his neck, Felix tries to cut off the speech of the
great savior of the world to move on to the important things... But Noah was excited enough to talk
and talk without seeming to want to listen to him or one second. It's strange, often that man is
asleep at this hour.

"Well now, thank you for existing. We all thank you. Tell me what's wrong."

"I found Theron."

Noah, who spoke very quickly, laughed out loud as if he couldn't believe it either. It's crazy!
And yet, in contrast to what he wanted to shout, the soft smile that spread across Felix's mouth doesn't
seem to want to disappear easily. Benjamin had decided to run away with a ball bigger than his body in
his arms.

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"Near Los Angeles. Tony contacted a company that hired mostly mercenaries and that
apparently turned out to be owned by him. It has part of its headquarters right in that area."

Félix, who received a ball thrown by Benjamin, had to put his cell phone on speaker so he could
extend his hands towards the boy again and let him throw himself hard at him.
He was laughing out loud, apparently loving the impromptu "hotel game." Felix laughed too.

"Maybe because he was born and raised in the United States, being based here is easier than
getting around in Italy. Plus, he has a lot of contacts because his grandfather was also a
member of the Sicilian mafia."

Felix's voice is soft and gentle, but the boy can't understand the conversation at all so he moves
a little closer to try to listen. He's pretty angry and nervous so he tries to be very careful with
his voice when he tells her to do it again.
Benjamin runs to the corner again, with the ball covering almost his entire face. It's quite
funny and nice that a ball can make your child so happy, so he doesn't stop and laugh again.
The ball flies into the air again and Felix, who received it gently, gave him a thumbs up and
told him that he was doing quite well. Therefore, even with a small compliment, Benjamin
seems so excited that he didn't know what to do. If your dad seemed to like your pitch, then he
can surely do better next time!

He went for the ball again:

"Get ready to go out in a bit."

"Okay, Lucca is coming too."


After a rather "friendly" conversation with Noah, Felix got up and repositioned the boy against his
torso so he could talk to him... It seems like a very clear day to catch someone and, perhaps,
kill them.

"Benjamin, love. Is it okay if you come home first? I'll come as soon as I finish my work."
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When she told him that she had to stay there a little longer because of work, Benjamin revealed a completely
sad face, without hiding it. He pouted quite big and soon it seemed that his eyes had managed to fill with tears...

Félix held the ball with one hand so he could throw it there and devoted himself entirely to hugging the child who
had turned into a small trembling ball.

"Hey... But you like spending time with your grandpa and grandma, don't you? Plus, that way you can take care of
the house while I go pick up dad."

"If I go home... Will you come with dad next time?"

The boy's eyes shone at Felix's words. It seems like he certainly misses his dad Isaac quite a bit.

"Yes, I will. And what about Disneyland? You really liked it, right?"

The boy nodded.

"Tony told me that you were really sad because we didn't get to see all the attractions so how about this? Besides
taking dad, I promise we'll come back next month.
We are going to go through everything, no matter how long it takes us to do it."

With such a generous offer, the child has no choice but to nod his head many times.

"To Toontown?"

"It will be first place."

Toontown, at Disneyland, is a popular theme location for having an exact replica of Mickey Mouse's house and
also the houses of all his other friends. The boy said he really wanted to meet him and was honestly angry that
he couldn't do so on his first visit. Something natural for someone who considered himself Mickey Mouse's number
one fan.
Benjamin then raises his little hand, understands the fingers and shows his little finger to Felix to the rhythm of a soft

His son's fingers are so cute and chubby that Felix immediately raises his hand and puts his pinky finger right
around his.

"Benjamin is a very strong boy, isn't he? So I trust that you will take care of your grandparents as well as they
will take care of you. And after Dad's work, we are going to have a ball game much longer than the what we had
today, okay?"


"My brave boy."

Felix kisses Benjamin's soft cheeks again and again until he begins to laugh and squirm wildly in his arms. Then,
she takes him to Jessica, who was giving them space
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necessary waiting patiently in another room.

"Did Mr. Felice find the doll? He seemed a little upset about that the other day."

Jessica opened her speech as if she didn't know how else to start talking to him... But Felix, who
hadn't heard about some kind of doll, immediately approached him to ask a little more about the topic.

"Doll? What doll are you talking about?"

"Oh, I guess they haven't told you yet."

When she realized that Felix didn't have the slightest idea about this, Jessica looked a little
embarrassed in front of him. His gaze was quite anxious as he ran everywhere so, Felix, who was
trying to take some of the tension out of the atmosphere, just smiled at him with a rather soft
face... Although of course, a lot of doubts arise about this.
Vincenzo is looking for a doll. What the hell does that mean? Upon returning to the hotel, he had
seen the man walking quickly while holding a trash basket in his hands, but he didn't really say
anything. His mind is somewhere else, as always.

"What happened to him?"

"It seems like she wants to find a Mickey Mouse doll that she gave to Benjamin when he arrived from
Italy. I heard something about it, but I'm not entirely aware."


"I'm worried it's something bigger than it seems. I'm sorry to bother you with that too! I don't know,
maybe it's nothing."

With a worried look, Jessica cautiously blurted this out while Felix just laughed and nodded.

"It's just Grandpa being Grandpa. Don't worry too much about it... Actually, I wanted to thank you.
For taking care of Benjamin. You know, it seems like it was hard."

"Not at all, I'm used to it... But please be very careful."

"I'll have it."

Then, as he extended his arms to hand the boy to Grandma, he kissed Benjamin's cheeks one last
time before immediately heading for the exit.


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As she walked toward the sedan that had been waiting in front of the hotel's front door, her golden hair
blew up in the wind until it stung her eyes and cheeks.
Although the air was blowing quite powerfully, the feeling it left all over his skin was cool and quite
welcoming. However, unlike the bright and sunny day, Felix had a cold and hard face. Not even playing
ball with his son had managed to calm him down properly...

"Jack, let's go to Noah first. Lucca is waiting too."

Jack, who gripped the steering wheel with both hands, seemed to have no facial expression. It was an
appearance that matched his mood perfectly.
The other day, he was one of the men who participated together with Lucca to catch Theron and
defeat him... However, the guy suddenly disappeared among all the mess and hid as if he were a huge
rat. Jack was as proud as Lucca so it was only natural that the tantrum he was throwing was intense.

"I won't make any mistakes this time, sir."

"It wasn't your mistake."

"It was. I lost the guy who kidnapped the boss."

Jack pressed the accelerator to the floor, still with his hands tightly gripping the steering wheel and his
head held high... This time it seems to be a life or death job so, Felix, who was looking closely at
the man who seemed to be burning with will and anger, he shrugged his shoulders and began to

"You make a very strange voice when you get all serious 'I won't make any mistakes.'

"I'm serious!"

"Okay, I understand, so drive well. The dead can't fight."

Unlike Jack, who has a lot of power on his shoulders, Felix bangs his forehead against the window
over and over again until he makes a rather hollow sound. Yesterday morning, he was so focused on
hugging Isaac that he couldn't think about anything at all, so now, a day after all that, he realizes how
slow his mind was and runs with the same urgency to find him. And it was difficult when he still had
the feeling of what happened! Isaac is still in his body. The spilled pheromones are floating in his
nose and his lips seem to still feel warm in his mouth... But he doesn't have it there with him.

It's not just that he's angry, but he also feels that time is running out.

"Don't fuck with me..."

He was his biological father. After all, Theron was her damn father and for this reason the mafia
granted him a kind of "sacred indulgence", as a rule that was implicit. Therefore, although it could
be considered a crime in the eyes of the organization, he wanted to kill him so badly that he even
became uncontrollable and stupid. He was kidnapped because he was dealing with a selfish desire and
even Isaac was injured and lost his memory, because of him...
So he thinks he won't back down. He won't back down and pay for everything he ruined. Double, triple,
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a hundred times more. All as long as he can put an end to the tedious relationship he still has with
Theron, forever.

Felix sighed.

Sometimes he also wants a quiet and ordinary life. With a boring and ugly job but with
Benjamin on his arms saying that he is very hot and that he wants to play...

Remembering the night he spent with him, lying down and holding his little hand until he seemed
to have no more nightmares, Felix closed his eyes and sighed deeply.
Isaac not being by her side made for a truly sad moment.
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As soon as they arrived at the meeting place, they discovered that Lucca had a gunshot
wound to his arm almost at the same level as the wound Felix had. However, he did have
bandage on. Like Jack, Lucca lost all his pride a few days ago against the main enemy, so it
doesn't matter if they see him licking his wounds and feeling sorry for himself.

"I don't want any complaints or questions, everyone is supposed to know what we have to

Felix takes off his coat and utters a short but absolutely terrifying word. Then, just like Isaac
had done, he put on a bulletproof vest and a belt into which he put all his favorite weapons.

Again, all the men, except Tony, greeted him as if he were their mission captain and looked
quite tense and worried. Like preparation before an intense war. An atmosphere of anger
and tension instead of the previous tiredness.

Felix slowly walked to the truck while Lucca and Jack followed him as if it were a silent plan.
Noah will be with them giving coordinates and Vincenzo and Tony will be in charge of
taking Benjamin and Jessica safely to San Diego.

Or that was the idea.

"We can talk?"

Just before opening the back door, Vincenzo spoke in a rather low voice while leaving his arms
fully extended in the air. As if he were asking for mercy not to die.
Felix sighed quite heavily.

"What are you doing here?"


"Grandpa should be looking for the doll before coming to face me."

As soon as he got home, Felix heard the story of the Mickey Mouse doll, from beginning to end.
Of course, Noah explained all this as slowly as possible but with a rather complicated face.
It was obvious that Vincenzo hadn't found the stupid doll yet and also pretty clear that he
didn't seem to want to admit blame that they were all about to go straight to hell.

"I just want to talk about my idea, damn it!"

However, without the others being able to notice, Félix abruptly dropped his palm on Vincenzo's
shoulder and squeezed it until it caused intense pain in his bones. It was a non-verbal threat,
but one that had caused him to frown to a peak.

"This isn't the time, really. Just get out of here and do what I'm telling you."

But Vincenzo, who bit his tongue while looking at him with a really hard expression, faced
him without letting his guard down until Félix had no choice but to relax his lips until he pretended
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smile. The hand on her shoulder fell to her back.

"Hell, it doesn't matter anymore. You and I are too much alike. After all, was there any other man
raising me?"

"I understand... But I think that blaming me is not..."

"I blame you, so keep quiet and get out of here. Grandpa has to find the doll and stay safe, okay?
I'll take care of Theron."

After answering, Felix jumped towards the vehicle without waiting for another word from Vincenzo...
The man goes blank, but with a lot of emotions that seem difficult to describe.

His son turned his back on him.

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Sitting in a rather noisy vehicle, Felix was chatting with Lucca, Jack and a few other subordinates. Noah's
information was perfect and accurate, so there didn't seem to be any kind of major problem...

They were halfway there.

Suddenly, a strange sound came from his right side: Lucca was sleeping so he was snoring like a
wild animal. On the other side, someone was tapping on the wall to see if the vent was on and then, for a
change, Noah's voice started to get really loud from the device in his ear.

He seemed restless.

"What's wrong, Noah?"

The bustling sounds of the car mix with his own voice and the constant blows of the air conditioning. Felix's
patience was reaching a dangerous limit.

"Oh, shit. What do I do? What do we do?"

"First, calm down."

Noah's voice seemed quite overwhelmed by whatever was happening. Felix clicked his tongue and
found that he was experiencing a horrible panic attack so he asked to breathe along with him. Slow. Soon,
the young man's sound goes beyond the limit until he ends up exhaling in a really long way.


"Isaac escaped from the hospital!"

At first, Felix felt a little deaf. It was certainly a difficult subject to believe.

"...What...? What are you talking about?"

"Disappeared without a trace!!"

Noah speaks loudly and in a tone of complete pain, but Felix can't even let out a single moan. His throat
seemed to be tight and burning... It felt like a bucket of cold water had been dumped right on top of his

Jack and Lucca, who had woken up to the man's insistent question about the map, raised their heads
and raised their words to him... But he didn't even notice it. Felix fell, barely holding on to the seat.


"The nurse came in this morning and found the bed empty. I got a call from one of the men we put in to
take care of him and he explained everything to me. He said he didn't know anything.
That they closed the hospital to check the floors but he was definitely not there. Felix! No this!"
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"How did he run away?"

"Through the window. I didn't want to believe it either, but..."

"What were the fucking guards doing to make him escape!!!? What were they doing when the only order was
to keep an eye on him!!? AH! Those idiots!"

Not surprisingly, Felix acted as if he had suddenly decided to explode. He stands with his hand over his face
while he screams and curses over and over again until it gets to the point where it's unbearable... And then, for
a change, a really impressive pheromone started coming out of him, causing Jack to and Lucca, who were
right next to him, opened their mouths as if they wanted to start asking about the reason for the anger.
They didn't, of course. They didn't even have a chance.

Only Noah, who started crying as if he couldn't breathe properly, was able to make Felix's anger subside at
least a little... Although he still looked like he could bend the necks of every man in the vehicle if he wanted to.
And without really making the slightest effort!
His face was red, his veins incredibly marked...

"Find them."

"... I'll try."

"You're not going to try. Find him. First of all... I can't do anything anymore so the plan remains as is. I'll go
after Theron first and then I'll run with you to go after Isaac."

Pretending that he had not heard Noah's painful moan, Felix turned off the device and fell onto the seat in a
really heavy and wild way. Leaning his back against the wall so he can let his head fall and close his eyes...
His chest rises and falls until it causes a deep gasp that sounds more like a grunt, AH! The inside of his
head is a mess! You feel dizzy, nauseous, and so confused that instead of calming down, it feels like your
lungs are being crushed to a dangerous degree.

Isaac's last appearance before her eyes was eerily calm. "I'll be back soon, okay? There's still someone I
need to chase." And when she said that, the man nodded charmingly and closed his eyes at her touch. He
thought he was quite peaceful and that maybe, possibly he had started to believe in him... But he disappeared
overnight. He walked away from the hospital without a trace, as if he had evaporated. He can not believe it.
Where did he go?

"Ah, damn. Damn."

"Boss... What happened? Do you want us to... Stop for air?"

Jack called him from the side, but soon his arm was filled with Lucca's fingers, who pulled him to tell him to
leave him alone... It's not good to talk to him in such an unusual atmosphere, so a heavy silence It was pressed
upon all men.
No one opens their mouth because no one is stupid enough to do so.

A time that felt long like eternity.

"...Umm...We need to change strategy." Felix, who had his feelings churning like waves in a violent sea,
murmured this in a surprisingly tired tone. Then, he opens his eyes and lowers the hand that was covering his
head to reveal a blue pupil filled with irritation and intense anger. "They can use any weapon and they can kill
the person they
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they want to kill I don't care, just... Kill everyone and do it as soon as possible.
"I don't want to see anyone dying."

The voice, which sank into his throat, was cold enough to make everyone stunned in place.

"As soon as you find the blood sample, take it with me immediately. It's the top priority.
And Theron... They can kill him, I don't care."

Lucca and the other boys, those in front, showed surprising emotions at the new order...
After all, before he had asked them to bring him before him first.
Again they show a heart weak enough to refuse.

"If he dies, tell me right away. I need to check it out for myself."

The boys nodded silently at Felix's voice.

And then he just sat down again.

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The man's steps were quite heavy. An absorbing sound over the long hotel corridor...

And four guys of good physique and considerable height were walking right behind him.

Like an executive from some major company, he was wearing an elegant but rather tight-fitting suit. A tie, dirt-
free shoes, and argyle socks. He looks like a nouveau riche working for a large, newly-opened
company. On the contrary, the other four men who go with him seem more like the "ordinary" type. They have
weapons hidden in their pants, mostly pistols.

The place where the stranger finally stops walking is in the penthouse, on the highest floor of the hotel.

He was in front of the double doors of the room... The action of pressing the bell with a gloved hand was as
fast as the movement of removing the pistol that was placed inside his jacket.

However, contrary to his expectations, there was no reaction inside. He can't even feel movement.

There was a throbbing vein on the businessman's forehead.

He looked back and sent a signal with just one of his hands: One of the boys quickly stepped forward until
he was at his level and held the doorknob until finally, after a few silent movements, the door of the room he
was in opened. Locked, it opened with a loud click.

The five men took out their weapons at the same time and entered the room...
The double door closes with an almost sweet and melodic knock, but it is enough to make them all
nervous... Each of them looks around with tense shoulders and nervous hands, but, contrary to their
expectations of blood and crying, the interior of the penthouse is unusually empty.

"What the fuck?"

A low moan flowed between them.

"They told us clearly that they were here."

"You're sure?"

"Yeah, sure. Arthur told us that they were planning to leave the hotel right after the boy had lunch so that's


The man could not finish giving his explanation.

Suddenly, right next to his heart, a highly impressive opening had caused the flesh to detach from its bone
and the blood to spill out until it fell in small drops.
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on the floor.
The man stares blankly at the appearance of the hole in his chest, turns his eyes and the
next minute, collapses against the carpet to the rhythm of "Fuck!! What is that?"

Along with the profanities and panicked screams, the men hastily hid behind the furniture in the
room. Then Tack! A new bullet flies from a wall and crashes terribly into the next man, leaving
half his head open.

The three remaining men then pointed their weapons in the direction it flew. Pay attention.
Head up but fingers terribly trembling...
After passing through the entrance and the hallway that led to another room, they could see a new
spark that caused the wooden door to explode into quite a few pieces.

A sound is heard from inside...

"What the hell is going on? Were they waiting for us?"

The man, who had taken the initiative to go first, asked all this with a voice full of doubts and terror.
The rest of the men in the room looked at him with a pupil almost as darkened as it was

"Sorry, I'm not sure what's going on. I contacted Arthur just an hour ago and he seemed pretty
sure about everything."

The two boys bit their lips and shook their heads. Has no sense. Thanks to this type of
information, they were able to raid the hotel a few days ago, when the whole family went on
vacation to Disneyland. The person who called himself Arthur was quite loyal to them and they
believed absolutely everything.

He had told them that Felix was on his way to catch Theron.
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Upon learning of Felix's plan, Theron arrived at the hotel to murder his family. One threat for
another, possibly. However, unlike his son's behavior, who liked to do everything in a loud and
disorganized manner, he only brought a few close friends.

In the room is Vincenzo, Félix's four-year-old son, and his mother-in-law. What image! A
normal woman, with a useless child who only drools and eats. Furthermore, Félix took
everyone he could with him. His friends, his cousin, even Vincenzo's right-hand man, that
Lucca guy. He planned to crush them all in such a terrible way that he would surely have
nightmares for all eternity...

So what is all this?

The guys I had are falling like mice before a cat that is invisible. A sniper, hiding behind the
room like a damn coward.

I could see his hair... Black. Short.

"It's one... It's only one! Don't panic and get back on your feet!"

Theron, driven by a terrible fury, fired quickly and accurately enough to empty all the
ammunition in his weapon before he could realize it. He lowered the handle, tried to carry it

It was just as he said. There is only one.

There is only one point where bullets fly towards them. Single side. In fact, it was easy to watch:
A man's hands that have just turned to point the gun shoot someone into a pool of blood
who sweats like it's rained on him and then just convulses. The shock could have come
from excessive bleeding.
Theron leaned back on the table and looked at him, clicking her tongue at the disgusting moment.
I didn't know that things that were easy to plan would turn into something like this. Of course,
Felix's subordinates were part of the weapons business so it was pretty obvious that they would
have some pretty cool toys. He had also given his men generous support, of course. But he had
been overconfident. His weapon was simply a pistol with a silencer against a man who took down
three without showing fear or hesitation.

A creepy man, but very calm indeed.

Theron spits on the ground and pulls the cartridge back. Who the fuck is he? The names of
Félix and Vincenzo were the first that appeared in his head. I mean, they've been opponents
for a long time and they were the strongest fucking men I'd ever met. However... Neither of them
seemed to be the cause or could have smelled his horrendous dominant Alpha
pheromones in one fell swoop. So...


Theron thought and thought until her forehead began to hurt. And then, he heard a click... And he
saw the man responsible for all this. A figure that had been forgotten until now but that he saw
only yesterday, when he kidnapped Felix and held him hostage in his cabin. The same one who
had killed all his mercenaries and the same one who almost killed him.
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"Exactly, son of a bitch."

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"Exactly, son of a bitch."

The man looked in that direction, with a very deep and cold black pupil. It's definitely the Omega linked
to Felix! So a shocking tremor passed through him at one point due to the nature of the situation.
Rather, because of the only person who can make this feel like something unfavorable.

He remembered it very well, so Theron swallowed with a rather dry thud. Didn't Felix say there was
something wrong with his head? A memory problem or something stupid like that... And it was because
of that that he went out of his way that time, forgetting even the things he had gone looking for.
To her husband, to her people.

"Oh my God. Look at nothing but situation."

Whatever it was, the odds of emerging victorious were not good. Theron gripped the gun tightly in her
hands and swore abusively over and over again until suddenly "Pack!"
With a loud impact sound, blood splashed straight from the neck of the man next to him... But the
enemy had hidden again. A precise shot that pierces your artery in no time. His eyes are wide
open. The pale face and trembling lips. The heavy sound of the man's body, choking on an
endless flow of his own blood and falling to the ground as he lies dying, is quite difficult to
Theron, who heard the knock but saw no movement coming, broke out in a cold sweat within

He grabbed the gun with one hand.

"Boss, Fuck!"

The boy, who was still standing next to him, began to tremble with nerves as much as Theron was
doing... Of course, he hadn't realized this until he discovered that his breathing was definitely faster
and more suffocating.

It was because he noticed that the man was playing hunt. Hiding in the shadows, moving forward
to make them retreat.

Felix's Omega was not an Omega, it was a damn thing that was leaving him until the end to
dedicate himself first to killing each of his subordinates. One by one. The only one still breathing
was a guy who couldn't even use his arms. He had shot him so bad he could swear he heard his
bones snap in half.

"Mercy!! Mercy, I beg you! I will surrender, please! Please have mercy on me!"

The man, who was on the verge of shock due to excessive bleeding, screams and moves in a
rather monstrous manner. Legs in the air. Dilated pupils. A blue face on a trembling body, like
the branches of a windswept tree. He's not exaggerating. After being shot so badly and bleeding
like a piece of beef, not to mention the death of three of his co-workers, it's obvious that he would
be more terrified than anyone in the world.
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The loser began to crawl on the floor, with the help of only one hand...

The room was silent. Only accompanied by the screams of the man crying for help saying: "I won't do it
anymore! I won't do it anymore!" While making a pulsating noise with his body every time he tried to

His scream disappeared after gunshots rang out one after another. I slammed into him until the man's back
was painted red and his breath sank in a shocking vomit of blood.

Theron changed the cartridge... It's the last one.

"Why don't you come out now, you bastard? I'm the only one left! Come out and look at my face!"
Theron, who pushed the cartridge as hard as he could, was forced to speak... But he sounds shaky. "Are
you trying to kill me like them? Why don't you just go out and fight face to face like a fucking man!?"

Then Theron frowned. Until then, only the suffocating silence was hanging over the room, strong enough to
make him feel like he was alone with the air and the furniture.

"If you're here, it means you already have memory. You're no longer on your mission or whatever that fool
said about you. You're already here, sane."

Although he said it as if he was very sure about it, in reality it was somewhat doubtful. I was just relying on a
mere assumption.

"... Why do you think that?"

Only then was a clear voice heard from afar so Theron raised her face. At first glance, after calmly thinking about
the matter, the first thought he had was: Wow, has he always spoken like that? When he started killing everyone,
that time he woke up after being injected with the drug, he heard his voice through the speaker and... It was
definitely a lot deeper than now.

"If you still didn't remember, you wouldn't be so specific. You wouldn't be at the hotel... And you would have killed
me already. You could have done it the first time you saw me and pointed your gun at me. But you couldn't. You
just talked, you hesitated. ..And you hid again."


"Is it because I'm Felix's father? I mean, you hate me. But he's your partner and the father of your child. Killing
me isn't your thing, you don't want to make him sad, right? Surely you thought about that and decided that
just "You're going to capture me."

And although he asked, this time he didn't have an answer. He didn't open his mouth so Theron clicked his
tongue again. With just a few questions, he was able to become fully aware that the Omega not only
remembered what was happening again, but also recognized him as her husband's father. So easy to read...
And that only meant that his newly regained love made him unable to act with his head.

"Enough. If you have something to say, go out and do it. I'm going to keep the gun down."
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Theron slowly placed the Beretta on the table and showed her hands raised. Click, the sound is
heavy as he walks away and paces everywhere, as if trying to prove that he no longer carried a
weapon and that he could be trusted... However, silence flowed beyond the door. Theron took a
leisurely lap around the table and then walked into a room.

Doing that was like betting on nothing... But he really had every confidence that his opponent
wouldn't shoot. A game he could handle perfectly because, in addition to being his father, he
is not a threat.
Isaac is not Kaysid. And he doesn't seem like a person who would shoot someone unarmed.
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"You have more to say than me..."

Then, a tall man, dressed all in black and with gloved hands holding a glock, appeared
unexpectedly to his right.
Theron kept her mouth tense and in a straight line, looking everywhere as if she expected to see
Vincenzo and Felix appear too...

"Me? Talk? Instead of having something to say to you, I want to ask: What are you going to do with me?
Are you going to drag me to your husband? Are you going to take me to die at the hands of Vincenzo?"

When asked directly, the man, who was still staring intently into Theron's eyes, only managed
to say, "No." He put the gun on his waist and held out his hands so he could see them too.

Theron shrugged: "So?"

"I would like to ask first... Why are you doing all this? Be that as it may, you are Felix's father
so why are you attacking him?"

His question was surprising. No, I should have expected it from the beginning to tell the truth.

"Felix is my Omega's main killer. The only woman I truly loved."


"Maybe we can say that Felix was innocent, but Vincenzo made him guilty."

The expression of Theron, who is actually responding quite innocently, hardened from one moment
to the next although all this time she seemed to be running without any apparent change. It
was because his honest feelings arose from within his heart.

"How can a child be guilty? That's hard to understand."

"Could be, if you don't know the story."

"I know, and I still don't understand it."

Theron looked at him unpleasantly, as if she thought he was completely stupid for not
empathizing with him. But Isaac was still facing us and with an absolutely serious face.

"It's hard to believe in me after what you heard from the Felice family... I understand.
They always make me look like the damn villain. In every one of their fucking stories." Theron,
who looked at Isaac as if he had suddenly begun to burn alive, finally sighed and opened her
speech: "I am not what you think... I am not what you think."

"Is your story different then?"

"Very different".
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"Talk. Maybe then I can understand a little about what you're thinking."

Theron looked back at Isaac, who asked about his story without flinching or looking away.
He ignored his anxiety and obeyed him. He opened his mouth:

"Elena didn't have to get pregnant in the first place. It was something that could simply result in
a very difficult situation for both of us. She was young and her body was very weak... I know it
was my fault, I understand it perfectly as well as I understood it that time. So I apologized to her.
I recommended she put an end to it... But she didn't listen to me. "If you have a child, Vincenzo is
going to find out." I told her. She was very stubborn about having a child." It began with a sigh.
Revealing the past that had been buried for a long time now.
Theron bit her lip as if that were her only way to contain her fury. As if
an obsessive urge... Isaac waited in silence until then, after a while, Theron spoke again. "But
Vincenzo realized it immediately. We were enemy families and the idea of having a child between
us was inconceivable. Elena was stupid and told me that she was going to have the baby no matter
what. I don't know what she was expecting, maybe compassion. ..But he only received an
aggressive response in return. "I don't want to see you have his child, so don't even think
about bringing him." He then told her to go back to Italy or else, he threatened to kill her, her and
me. and the child."


"He wasn't merciful. He wasn't going to listen to Elena, much less me. That's why we had to
keep running even after she gave birth. If Vincenzo caught us, literally, we and the child were going
to die." Theron, rubbing his chin and lips with the palm of his hand, as if he needed time to breathe,
seemed rather uneasy. The very large pupils mixed in feelings similar to anxiety and fear. He
was even shaking slightly. He didn't really seem to notice, of course, but he had a voice that
revealed his true distress: "From that moment on, he started getting sick, and sometimes he started
seeing and hearing things that weren't there. His father would kill us like that." that fear made
me cry and cry. Every night."

Theron took a couple of involuntary steps. He paces back and forth in the living room, as if
he's trying to get rid of all his annoyance and obvious anger. He had a hard face so, Isaac, I could
feel a little bit of everything that was going on with him at that moment. She looked at him,
as if she were waiting for him to do something. At least one wrong move that would give him a
reason to attack. A hand slides over the handle of the weapon but Theron, who has fallen
completely into her memories, continues to move.

"She... She really cried and cried like crazy. Every day."


"Instead of getting better with time, things got worse and worse until they became unbearable.
I was sick of this whole thing. Tired of having so much anxiety and fear because of her. I couldn't
even walk to the corner without feeling like I was "They watched and she became so visibly sick
that she infected me and I went crazy. Her obsession began to go too far and in the end, she
didn't even trust me."

Theron, who sighs and spreads her hair forward, looks much more exhausted than she seemed to
be the first time. He also seemed to have a much older face...
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Every time he talks about the past, he feels helpless and angry.

"What did you do then?"

Isaac, who was just listening to the story with his mouth closed, suddenly threw out a somewhat aggressive
question. Theron shook her shoulders and then looked at him again.

"What did I do?"

"Yes. For the woman you loved so much and your son, what did you do?"

His question was concise and clear. However, Theron just looked at Isaac with his mouth closed.

"It may sound like an excuse, but I was... On the edge. The situation overwhelmed me and I... I did it for
her, you know? All I could do was hold her while I listened to her get out of hand. At that point "At that time, I
was young and Vincenzo... He destroyed me. He caused me to kill her." It was a dry voice. Unlike the feelings
he seemed to have harbored until now, the new revelation caused him to break into an expression of
desperate crying.
He screamed... And yet, the waves of sadness were not completely accepted by his body.
"Vincenzo was the culprit, Vincenzo pushed me into despair without hearing our story first. That's why I
hate both Felix and Vincenzo! I hate that he talks about us and I hate the stupid love story he always tells! He
took everything from Just... Just saying, "My baby, my baby, I have to take care of my baby. You have to
protect my baby." I hated it, I hated listening to her so much."


"Can you know my feelings? Seeing her like that, hearing her... My baby, my baby. That wasn't my Elena. I
didn't even know what was more important to her! I had...! I had to get rid of him since the
beginning! I should have done it long before! Since he came out of her and started crying! I didn't want to
see the damned child! I never wanted to be his father!

Theron opened his eyes and looked at him as if Isaac was the man who pushed him off the cliff and then
yelled at him as if he couldn't take it.

"But, you know what's funny? The boy I killed her for, the one who stole Elena from me, the boy I wouldn't
stop bothering about went with him! I threw him down, but he picked him up! And I thought " Oh damn!
How do you do that to me, you stupid old man! Didn't you hate him enough to threaten us?"
But he picked it up! I wonder why he suddenly changed his mind. When Elena died, did he realize something?
Did he reconsider? Did he feel sorry for the boy?"

Theron, who had been raising his voice for a long time, exhaled before distorting his gaze… Then, he
suddenly laughed.

"I don't know why Vincenzo raised him, but don't be fooled by him. You better watch out because he's an old
man who knows when and how to hit your back." Theron, who had been suffering, looked back at Isaac with a
rather strange smile before beginning to sweep him from head to toe. "You said you didn't understand
me. Do you understand now that you heard my story? Can you understand a little of my pain?"

Suddenly, he asked this with a complete mocking tone. Even if all is lost in the past,
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It seems to bleed as much as if it had never closed.

"Unfortunately, I still don't understand you. Maybe because our idea of love is very different."

The response was unexpected, so Theron closed her mouth.

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Isaac was honestly surprised to hear him speak. Who knew Felix's father was like that? Is
there any corner that looks like it? She still remembers what she was told when she gave birth to
Benjamin: "A child is always like his parents. It is something that cannot be hidden." A baby
always says "I look like my father, I look like my mother." They are similar. , but they are
not exactly the same. The proportion of the resembling parts are different, but the
similarities between the father and mother are visible in the child... However, Felix apparently
expelled everything from inside him. From appearance to personality. He doesn't look like that
guy at all.

"So is that the reason?" While continuing to think and stare at the idiot Theron, Isaac asked
this in a rather low voice. "You ended up hating your son for something as stupid as that?
You even kidnapped him, and all for what? Why did you want to tear him down and ruin him
as much as possible? You couldn't do it, so you even planned something that would allow
you to come for him." his four-year-old son... How unfortunate. I really can't believe it."

Isaac's gaze grew sharper as anger reached his indifferent face. Theron noticed an
impressive change in his mood so he unconsciously squeezed his shoulders.

"No, I don't know any of your feelings. If I had been in your place, the story would have been
written in a completely different way. It wouldn't have hurt my wife, much less my child."

"It wasn't because I wanted to do it! I had no chance against the big mafia boss named
Vincenzo! I didn't know what to do, or where to move. I really felt trapped."

Theron is silent... The words are still bubbling inside her throat but she can't say anything
about it. At least not as it should. Just like a moment ago, he looked at Isaac just as if he was
asking for some compassion from him and yet, Isaac didn't mince his words as he began to
spout his every thought:

"Even if I had faced someone like Vincenzo, I wouldn't hate my own son.
Never, no matter what happened or what didn't happen. Also, if it is the child that was born to someone
you love, you would protect him even more. You would love him even more because he is a piece of him!
Ah, I think so differently from you. How can I understand you?

"Hey, I don't..."

"You're a coward. The only thing you could think of when everything got difficult was to escape."

Isaac, watching Theron as if he were exploring a little more into her gaze, moved forward one
step at a time. Moving silently, just like a cat or a lion... Theron tried to shake off the sting of
tension that was digging into her back.

"Arthur, it's Felix's bodyguard who was taking care of me in the hospital. The guy you bought. I
heard him talking to you, talking about Benjamin. He clearly said his
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name and said you wanted to kill him!"

"That is..."

Theron, who was trying to say something, sat down, overwhelmed by Isaac's powerful impulse.
Anger and fire. Furthermore, there was the fact that he had started clenching his fists at the sides of
his body.

"That is because ..."

"Now, let me tell you my situation. Mr. William." Isaac took another step forward and began to speak
in a truly calm voice.

"Your situation?"

Theron raised her eyebrows so Isaac just puts a finger to his lips to ask for silence.

My partner, my Alpha bonded to me and who I am married to, was threatened "Listen...
for you. He was injured by you and kidnapped by you. And not only that, but now I have heard
plans to kill my son and my mother, so I am going to ask, what should I do?

"Is it my fault that your Alpha is incompetent?"

"The question of asking was not literal. It would be better not to say anything."

Isaac stepped forward again, blocking Theron's growl with the palm of his hand as he placed it against
her face. Isaac was squeezing her mouth so hard that escape was definitely not possible!

"You have stated that I will not kill you so let me tell you that is wrong. You touched my husband and
also my son, I am not good enough to let go of someone who threatens and puts my family at risk. Do
you think that "It hurts? You think I think I should let you say goodbye? I don't give a damn that you're
my Alpha's 'biological father.'"

Isaac's tone was slow, but it had the power to frustrate him to the point where he even felt very
scared. The black pupil, which was still fixed on him and whose depth is invisible, also makes him
begin to sweat from his eyes until it ... Theron inhales, trying to ignore the cold droplets falling on her.
is lost on his cheeks.

Isaac is not done yet

"But I can turn you over if you want. Although unfortunately he's not as ethical or morally
conscious as I might be."

When he removes his hand, the first scream he hears is Theron saying, "Are you threatening me

However, instead of responding, Isaac only moved silently.

"Did you hear me threatening? When you threaten it is with a purpose. Wanting something,
getting something, and unfortunately there is nothing I want from you."

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"I just want to let you know that you touched the wrong person..."

It was when he finished speaking that Theron truly felt the danger he was in. However, the instant he
tried to push him away to go straight for his gun, Isaac moved faster than that until BAM! He smashes
his fist at impressive speed against it and hears the sound of a bone breaking. His breath catches
and he falls to the ground, feeling so much pain that he couldn't even do more than stay on his knees
looking at his hands. However, this did not stop Isaac, who now landed a powerful kick straight into
his side.
Theron, swaying, spits out a truly terrifying moan that sounded somewhat pitiful. I couldn't escape
his blows and now I definitely couldn't breathe.

Broken ribs , most likely. An intense feeling that had caused his eyes to
they got a little blurry.

Theron got up and counterattacked in the best way possible. He was sweating so profusely that
he soon felt so drenched that the breath hitting his chin felt cold. His face is completely blue...

"You will see hell soon."

Suddenly, the warning rushed through his head. Felix told him when he kidnapped him from
Disneyland, inside the limousine. He said... That there were other characters besides Vincenzo who
wouldn't stay still if he touched him. Did he really mean this child? Your printed omega, your
companion... Theron finally understood everything.

Theron, who managed to escape his fist, tried to reach the gun he had placed on the table. He
threw himself forward even though Isaac was almost on top ... The man's shoulders stretched
of him to the maximum point. With the tips of his fingers, he touches the corner of the table until he
can't fight anymore and falls to the ground again. There, Isaac's heavy boots fell on his neck.
Choking him until Theron was forced to spit out air

"I won't kill you here, relax. It's not because I can't kill you, of course."

A low voice landed on Theron's head, and she continued to struggle to stand again and again
until Isaac ends up kicking her in the mouth. Unlike the previous sigh, what he does now is spit out
The scary thing about this is that he wasn't fighting with all his power. It's like a cat is playing with a
mouse or looking at its liver before eating it.

"Do you know how I killed the man who had been bothering me forever? Very simply, I pulled the
trigger of the gun against his body over and over again until he fell apart. I didn't want him to
live or breathe for another minute. Imagine it Opening my eyes, even just a little, made me sick.

"Oh... So... You want to kill me? Do whatever you want. Ya... What's the point?"

Theron, lying on the ground, is crushed some more by Isaac's boots.

"I'm not going to kill you".

Isaac responded calmly.

"Because ...?"
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With her hair completely spread on the floor, she opened her eyes and looked at Isaac one last time. ...
There was a mixture of anger and madness that she had never seen before.

"I will make you have a useless body. You will not be able to walk or use your arms anymore. You will be left
alone, breathing while you watch everything around you turn frozen. No talking, no screaming, just breathing
and feeling how I break your bones." until I get tired.
Living distraught and miserable in a hole in my house while I show you Felix from time to time so you can
see how happy he is. Even though you didn't want it to be."

As soon as he finished speaking, Isaac pressed Theron's shoulders until he felt them creak.
A life that flowed under the sole of his shoe.
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The sound of bones breaking one after another continued for a long time yet. Theron's shoulders
are distorted in a rather strange way but he can only scream and scream as if he won't be able to
take it another minute.

"It wasn't enough for you to throw Felix away when he was a baby, was it? You had to
tease him and tease him like you were a fucking mosquito on his head! He can't talk about you
without making a completely sad face... Wow "I guess that's why I can't control myself this

Isaac complained as he lifted his leg only to drop a huge military shoe onto Theron's left arm.
It's one kick after another until the cruel sound of his bones breaking is heard again.

"But you know what? There won't be anything to bother him in the future. He'll be stronger and
happier too. I'm going to take care of that."

And then, Puck, his boot moves until it breaks his knee and also the parts under it. Soon, the
ganglia in his ankle and toes shattered to bursting in a shocking wave of blood and small
splinters of yellowish bone... But even though Theron screamed and gasped to the point where
he rolled his eyes, Isaac continued to tear him apart. ...As promised. After all, he had said that he
was going to turn him into a useless body.

Finally, Isaac, who broke his ribs and face, turned his eyes and watched as Theron's spirit faded
to nothing.

Isaac's face, looking at him, was almost empty of emotion by the time he said:

"I love Félix, quite a bit... And that's why I'm thinking about making him happier than anyone
else to keep him away from things that could cause him harm. I'm the one who protects him.
Please don't forget that."

The voice, still flowing wildly in the empty room, dispersed to complete silence... That was the last
moment Isaac faced Theron.
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"I found some kind of cooler that had the blood in it. But fucking Theron is invisible from anywhere."
It was Lucca who was talking to Félix. He has an impressively hard face that was dripping with blood.
Although it wasn't his. "Just look at what you wanted."

Felix, who had blood spatters on his gloves and sleeves, silently looked at the bag offered to him
and immediately opened it. The refrigerated bag had a stack of test tubes with red blood next to a label
with his name. How much had that unfortunate man taken from him exactly? Felix,
counting the number of test tubes available, took them out one by one and threw them under his feet.
"Chang, Chang." Every time he threw them, the glass bottle broke and red blood spilled across the
floor until it mixed with the blood that already soaked the cobblestones.

After breaking all the tubes, Felix clicked his tongue in annoyance. This solved a problem.

"Where are you hiding, rat?"

After talking to himself, Félix threw away the case that had the test tubes and took off his gloves in
one fell swoop. They are sticky so he also throws them away along with the blood...
Everything was full of reddish fluids and the unpleasant smell of gunpowder and corpses. There were
arms here, heads there, and yet Felix and Lucca stood in the middle of it all to have a rather strange
conversation. They were the ones who turned the area into hell after all, there was no reason to
be sad.

"Is there no one in the building?"

After taking off his gloves and wiping his hands, Felix, who continued to replace the magazine
of the machine gun with a really agile movement, asked this with a rather heavy voice. Lucca
nodded. He took off the glove with his teeth:

"I already killed everyone, from the basement to the roof. But no matter how meticulous we were
or the places I went into, we couldn't see or hear Theron. I wonder if she came out before we started.
Like a scared puppy ".

He was thinking that he would feel better after catching it, but his fever started to rise when he said
that it seemed like it wasn't there. Felix, who was moving on the basis of incessant bad words and
curses, became nervous after fixing the weapon and looking around.
If that was so, then there was no reason to stay in a dead space.

"Well, we're going to have to look for it a little more, right?"

"We need to clean this up first, I'll tell the men to do it and then I'll contact Noah."

"That seems fine to me."

After listening carefully to her words, Felix left the room and walked down the hallway that led directly
to the exit... Although he was more angry and anxious than ever before.
The more you think about it, the more your head throbs so going down the stairs to the first floor is all.
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a torment You have to press your forehead with your fingertips to remove the feeling that your eyes
are going to pop out.


Suddenly, someone ran backstage so Felix had to stop and look back. Five or six men, including
Lucca, were also following him so they all looked honestly confused by the voice. Jack also had
blood on his head, but that wasn't the strange thing. Why is he running like he's running away
from someone?

"Boss! Noah wants to talk to you and he says it's very important!"

Before asking "What's wrong?", even before Felix approaches him to get a better look, Jack
speaks with a completely white and trembling face. The man was so uncomfortable with the
screams that he immediately frowned and covered his ears with both hands...
Although it's not like I can scold Jack either.

"What is it?" Felix, who was looking at Jack with unpleasant eyes, clicked his tongue and took a
couple of steps closer to him. "God, that's why you have to breathe through your nose!"

Jack, who had been running for a long time, had a white-blue face and wide-open eyes. As if I were
going to die from one moment to the next. I still couldn't get the oxygen inside well! There's no
point in asking him what he was going through when his chest was rising and falling like crazy.

With a trembling attitude, the poor man put his hand in his pants pocket and took out an earpiece...
Before reaching this house, he was given the news that Isaac had left. Felix got so upset by
this that he turned off the headset and threw it on the ground as hard as he could.
After that, when he couldn't contact him, Noah, who was surely frustrated, must have talked to
Jack instead.

Félix, who noticed the stupidity of his action, took the tiny machine from his hand and put it to his
ear. He turned it on.

"Now, Aaah... Noah aaah me... said that..."

"Okay, okay, shut up and breathe."

Then Felix just looked at her white face carefully while motioning for her to shut her mouth once and
for all. Then he constantly called his cousin's name until he heard a loud beeping sound that
caused him to close his eyes and hold his ear.
Unfortunately, the distance between Jack and Felix was too small so the man with trouble breathing
also distorted his face.

"Ah, fuck."

"Isn't this what the idiot who took off his headphones deserves!?"

At the same time, Noah, who is famous for shouting until his nerves are on edge, speaks as if he
is really nervous and rushed. Felix was forced to sigh for a moment.


"It's a relief that you answered! I threatened Jack with putting a dildo the size of my
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forearm if he didn't reach you in less than two minutes"

"Really? How cruel. But isn't a dildo the size of your forearm a little small?"

"Yes? I also have one that is shaped like an open hand, maybe that one..."

"Just tell me what you were going to tell me, you sick little boy. Or I'm going to take the earpiece off again."

As he walked down the stairs again, Felix clicked his tongue... Ah, he couldn't get over Theron not
being there even though they had traveled for hours just for that! However, when he opened his mouth to
speak about it, Noah shouted:

"Isaac is on his way right now!

No wonder Felix's pace stopped. God, even the guys who were following him had to brake.

"What did you say?"

"Are your ears blocked? Isaac is on his way!"

"What do you mean?"

His voice rose without his knowledge. It's logical, you know what it means, but your head is overloaded
and you can't believe it. What happened? How could that be possible? Since early in the morning, he
disappeared from the hospital without leaving any trace, so why is he going there?
Only? With someone?

"You found it?" In his dazed mind, countless questions occurred to him that kept piling up and
piling up until they became something terrible. His head was in a daze so logically he felt pretty dumb
too. "Noah, tell me, what happened and how did it happen? How come Isaac comes here?"

It was necessary to calm his head that was spinning and spinning, but his heart was beating so much
that he could hear it in his ear.

"I don't know exactly how it happened. First I wanted to inform you that Isaac was on his way. Plus
it's your fault! Because you were the one who took out his headphones!"
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"I don't know exactly how it happened. First I wanted to inform you that Isaac was on his way. Plus
it's your fault! Because you were the one who took out his headphones!"

Noah said all this quickly as Felix looked almost too intently upward.
Watching the air as if Noah were right in front of him.
The man raised his voice again:

"Oh, and there's something I want to add. When you look at Isaac, put on your best innocent face, get on
your knees and beg for forgiveness. Understand? I wish you the best and bless you. I'll be praying for you."

Thinking about Noah's strange comments, Felix suddenly feels like a person condemned to die.

"Why are you suddenly praying!!!"

"I repeat... May God bless you, my love."

"So, are you saying I'm in danger? Real danger? Noah! Hey, Noah!!"

And from one moment to the next, the house seemed to sink into a rather terrifying and icy air... However,
and very unfortunately, Félix's words continued until the end. Noah cut contact first so no matter how much
he screamed or cried, the answer he wanted was never going to come. The man had to swallow all his
complaints and turn off the device.

"What happened, boss?"

"Nothing. He... Made some strange threats and then cut off contact. A real

His head is dizzy so he doesn't notice how shaky his voice is. Much less that now he looks like a scared
and unprotected child.
Felix continues walking in the middle of the stairs, then stops. He breathes wildly to the point of shaking
his chest and then ends up holding onto the railing as if he's afraid he's going to fall. He was so restless that
although he thought he had to calm down, over and over again while looking at the ground, he couldn't
do it even if he tried his best. Why couldn't he?

Stifling a scream, Felix touched his greasy forehead and then scratched... But he soon raised his eyes.

He doesn't know what awaits him, he only understands that Isaac is coming here and Damn! Had
Noah meant to tell him that he wanted to kill him? It would have been wonderful if he had informed her if
she had her memories back or not! Noah stopped talking to him without even telling him anything about it
and then there was that "God bless you" thing.

"Damn, what the hell...?"

He muttered, quite dissatisfied with himself and with his heart working with all its power. What did he
do wrong? Did you make any other mistakes? Was there something he had already remembered? And
because he couldn't know for sure what it was, his anxiety grew and grew out of control until he
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became uncontrollable... And, as he always did when he was nervous, he put his finger in his
mouth and began to chew.

Suddenly, however, he pulled away from her hand and began to look carefully at the guards who were
still watching him as if they didn't know what to do to cheer him up.

"What are you doing? Leave right now! Quickly!"

Felix's order was quite simple and direct but, with all the words he threw, his expressions, his
finger and his pale face, Lucca, Jack, and the other boys who were behind him, made a rather
stupid expression.

Was the boss okay?

Jack stepped forward: "Are you sure?"

Only then did Felix open his stunning blue eyes even more and shouted:

"Are your ear holes blocked? I said it ends here! You're done with the job, now all of you go to the exit

"We haven't cleaned anything so, the corpses still..."

"And since when are a couple of dead bodies a problem? They're not going anywhere. Do it
later! Isaac is coming here right now, didn't you hear? So move quickly and leave!"


"...You know what? You better stay and I'll go. When Isaac enters the building, tell him I went to Vegas
and I'm never coming back. No, if Isaac isn't Isaac, Isaac will turn you into a sieve first before you can
say something. You're right, let's continue with the escape plan."


"It's clever, right?"

He didn't know what to say, neither he nor the other men... I mean, was that man really Félix Felice?
Recently, he entered without hesitation and took control of the building in just a second. It was incredible
that the person who had killed everyone was... So afraid. A creepy, dark and cruel arms dealer. A man
who is a mafia official, loses his mind when it comes to his Omega and transforms into an incoherent
idiot who runs everywhere and shouts "Run away, Run away! Isaac is coming!!"

Jack and Lucca look at him with narrowed eyes.

"I don't know about you, but I don't want to follow him anymore."

However, when Felix's voice rang up the stairs, the men who had been in the first assault and
observed the things Isaac was capable of, cried and screamed and decided to give in to total panic.
They had to run. Isaac's name is very, very scary, so people stop talking and obey the Alpha.

Noah had said he was going to pray! And he never prayed!!

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Felix, who was anxious and worried like a young man going through final exams, arrives
with Jack and takes him by the hands.

"Jack...Noah scared me."

"... OK "

"Does this mean Isaac is angry enough with me to jump out of a window just to come
after me?"

This was definitely Noah's fault. If your warning is sincere, then something must be done.
But what should you do? THAT!?
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Shortly after all the people left the building as if they were escaping a ghost, someone entered.

The man looked around in quite amazement. There was gray dust on the space barely lit by the late
afternoon sunlight. Other than that, there was just a strange silence.
Blood stains on the floor, broken furniture and discarded weapons. It was scary because it wasn't a
scenario I had expected. I had no clear idea what the brutal power battle between the mafia had
been like, but it seems that it was final and cruel.
As he looked around on the first floor, he slowly pulled out a semi-automatic pistol from his waist.

There are dead.

With a lot of nerves, he crossed the room again. The black boots he was wearing seemed heavy at
first glance. However, surprisingly, there was no sound in his footsteps.
Although the man is not short in stature or physique, he looked everywhere in the room without
even noticing a notary. However, when he couldn't find what he was looking for, he went straight to
the stairs leading to the second floor.

It was when he stepped on the first step that an incredible smell, something that suddenly slightly
irritated the tip of his nose, suddenly reached him until it even entered his lungs. As he realized, he
raised his eyes and was on guard in an instant. It is a smell that can be distinguished even if it is faint. A
scent that makes your body react reflexively because it is familiar. It's sweet and uplifting... It flows from
the second floor above the stairs, as if guiding you.
So, every time he climbed the stairs one by one, the smell enveloped him more and more strongly.
Sweet, very sweet. A scent that made you want to inhale more, but if you do, then it will definitely
make you lose your mind.

He walked down the second floor hallway, gently pressing the tip of his nose so as not to obsess
over the scent. The second floor
... wasn't much different from the first floor either. There is air filled with
the smell of blood. Corpses, weapons and fragments of broken furniture scattered in a terrible and
disorganized manner. But he doesn't seem to pay much attention to those things. Alone, he
walks and walks, following the smell that pulls him almost forward. Like an invisible rope.
Then, almost at the end of the hallway, he finally stopped at a small metal door. It was closed, but it's
amazing how thick it smells now and how intensely that fragrance flows through every gap. This is
a difficult situation for him.

As he clicked his tongue, he didn't hesitate to grab the door handle and turn it until it made a terrible
squeak. What appeared in front of him was a small room. The surroundings were messy, but not
as messy as it was outside. It looked like a warehouse. Cleaning tools and other sundries are
piled haphazardly on a wall. And in the middle of that, there was the person he had been looking for so
long...The man, sitting on a wooden chair, tied up, not moving and not speaking, slowly looked up as
the door opened almost completely. The room was filled with a dark smell that made him dizzy
and made him worry almost to the point of madness. It is the only pheromone that can get into your
throat, hang around your nose and even inside your mouth. It smells sweeter than anything else
in the entire world.

Inhaling deeply, he entered.

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The sound of the door closing behind him sounded very distant even though it was a few
centimeters away from him. The man, still sitting in the chair, staring as he entered the room,
analyzed him carefully and then swallowed. He looked hurt.



Finally, the broken voice, the one that called him by name, made him feel an intense chill
running up his spine. Obviously it was due to her pheromone...Her body, which has
already melted, reacts to him as it has done from the moment she met him.
Isaac walked in their direction.
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When she got close enough to face Felix's knees, she raised her hand and brushed his hair away from his

He was a weak man. Fearing to make him angry and as if he were still a small child, he put himself in that
strange situation while throwing a bunch of pheromones around as if they were breadcrumbs. Isaac
has no choice but to let himself go, even though he knows the man better than anyone and understands
that this is just a stupid trick.
Isaac didn't let go of the gun he was holding in his hand, just looking at him. It was as if he didn't know
him, as if he were a complete stranger... Because he was touching him in all directions while Félix, still
pretending to be in great pain, sits in silence and breathes slowly...

Isaac, who was still looking at the man up and down, extended his fingers and wrapped his bright
blonde hair between them... He opened his lips, lifted his tongue from the roof of his mouth and faced him:

"Were you waiting for me?"

When asked, in a really low voice, Felix closed his eyes for a moment and said:

"I have no choice but to do that. I'm tied."

"And the others?"

"I don't need others, I came on my own." He responded with a really lazy voice, turned his head and put
his mouth on Isaac's wrist, who kept running his fingers down his face as if he wanted to engrave the shape
of his cheekbones, the heat of his skin... Therefore, When his lips touched her hand, a tingling
sensation spread terrifyingly until it made her tremble.
"Because I was trusting that you would come to save me. From the beginning until now, I have
completely believed in you"

"I may have come to kill you."

"You please." With the ridiculous sound of laughter, Felix pretended to be absolutely calm and convinced of
his words... Although the truth is that he was scared to death just a few minutes ago. "You're not capable."

He licked her wrist... And because it was a closed space with no sound, you could perfectly hear the way he
made his saliva dance.

"I actually wanted to shoot you." Isaac sighs at the excitement he feels every time his tongue goes up and
down his hand... "Maybe, on a leg."

"Me? Were you going to shoot?"

"Yeah... Because you put your penis in front of that, pretty cute Omega. Was your penis always this
easy to lift?"

Isaac asked rather coldly, looking at Felix with his eyes slightly closed, perhaps due to the new intensity
of the pheromones. The difference between the temperature of his hands and the temperature of his voice
is so noticeable that it is impossible to know which is real, so the man
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Tied up, he opens his beautiful blue eyes wide and looks at Isaac. It was a vague face, like that of a
person who cannot believe what he hears. Maybe it had really surprised him...
She watches him, blinking and blinking until the next moment her lips curl. She couldn't seem to take it
anymore, so she hugged him.

"What are you doing? Weren't you tied up?"

"I was pretending to be tied up... To catch you when the time was right."

"That's evil."

"I'm always evil. You're not new to standing up to me."

Then Félix pushed Isaac's waist hard into his arms and held him until he ended up sitting on his lap, with
his legs open on either side and his small face facing his. Then the gun slipped from his fingertips and fell to
the ground with a loud sound.
And dry.

"Ah, you already dropped the gun? Does that mean I won?"

"You don't think I can beat you because I don't have a gun?"

"No I dont think so".

Félix gently shook his head and then slowly caressed her back, as if this was what he had missed the most
all this time. He hugged him tightly and then kissed him on the chin... Isaac is an obedient kitten on Felix's
lap, his legs shaky and his arms draped over his shoulders.

From the moment he entered the room and closed the door, the heat gradually increased until it
became something he could no longer bear.

"Your memory... You have returned perfectly."

"... Yeah"

"Then let's talk about what happened, my love. Yes?" Felix whispered, touching under Isaac's eyes with
his fingertips to remove a couple of small tears. Her voice was pleasantly sweet as she looked at him
and also, as she smiled. "I mean, talking about your anger at seeing me put my penis in front of another
guy can reinforce our love... And I also love that you're jealous."

"Do you love almost getting shot?"

"Should not?"

Isaac clicked his tongue, thinking that his husband was definitely a complete lunatic. I mean, I didn't
know that being jealous was a good thing. It was absurd and completely stupid, but that didn't stop laughter
from immediately flowing to his ear.

"It's okay to be angry. It's okay to be jealous. Rather, I like that you're jealous of me... It makes me feel
irresistibly excited."

"...I don't think it's normal to feel like this."

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"It's normal... In some circumstances." He grabbed him and exhaled all the air he had accumulated
in his lungs as he hugged Isaac's waist again as tightly as possible.
Reaching his hand under her shirt to trace the delicate bones of her spine.
"But you should know this... I don't like anyone but you, I don't feel excited with anyone but you. If
anyone other than you touches me, my penis won't move. I promise you."

"... Liar"

"At that moment, I was very excited to see you on the screen. Looking for me. I went crazy for you,
armed and with that pretty face"

"That's a bit... You were kidnapped so it seems a bit strange to me."

Isaac frowned at such an unexpected confession. No matter when or where or the situation he was
living in, was he really excited to see him killing people? Is that something normal?

"Okay, I actually didn't know it would stop me. But what could I do if my husband was making a
cute face even when he killed a person?"

There was nothing to say about Felix, speaking as if he was dealing with a baby while pouting. It's
crazy! Then Felix hugged Isaac's back to have him a little closer, and when his heart came close
enough to touch his, the heat in his body increased ten times more than he had thought.

"Isaac, I will never be turned on by anyone but you, my perfect Omega. The only man who makes me
turn on." With a face full of pent-up emotions, Felix smiled brightly as he brought out his
insides "hidden fetishes." "But it won't happen again, I promise." And then he apologized in a
terribly kind voice and rested his head against Isaac's chest. Like a child on his black shirt...

So, as he rubbed her forehead, her golden hair moved slowly before his eyes. From here to there. A
bright, soft color... Isaac raised his hand, still looking at it quite carefully, and the next moment,
he put a finger through his hair to start playing with it.

"You promise?"

"Yes I promise".

At the end of his words, the heavy feelings that were trapped in the middle of his heart disappeared
to such an extent that a sigh unconsciously escaped from the tip of his lips.
When she saw him with the Omega it was for a short moment, but she felt as if her head was
absolutely empty and boiling. He couldn't think about anything else, not even Theron. He had
forgotten that he was pointing a gun at him and that's why he ended up knocking him out. And it had
been shocking in many ways! Because in the first place, he was raised to act by excluding emotions
and rationally judging the opponent's movements so he never thought... That he could be distracted
by something like that, by a man. But it turned out to be more than enough. When faced with
something he had never experienced before in his life, his reasoning went haywire and there
was nothing he could do to stop it. I was emotionally distracted. Felix was a prisoner
and of course it wasn't his fault, but his instinct only screamed that his Alpha had no pants in front of
another Omega... And that he also had an erect penis.

She lost her mind over Felix. He got jealous...

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He wondered if it was normal to have those feelings. He was afraid that he was not the same man as always and
that being in love had turned him into a completely different and absurd person. How much confusion did he have to
endure in one short moment? No one would ever know. But through intense emotions he had never felt before, he
thought he was going to twist the barrel and hurt Felix so he had to grab the handle with both hands. It was a
terribly unpleasant feeling! Fierce jealousy towards Felix and the fear he had of going crazy and shooting... And
those feelings mixed until it was even difficult for him to move me again.

He couldn't even make a sound. I didn't see, I didn't hear. And when he stood like a stone statue not knowing
what to do, the darkness came with a dull pain. He felt himself lean towards the ground and he honestly thought it
was the best thing that could have happened to him. It was better to be able to escape the storm of emotions that
were difficult for him to handle. It was better if he wasn't the one who took charge, it was better if he disappeared, it
would be better if it was someone who could shoot...

While telling him all this in a low voice, as if to talk to himself, Félix expressed a feeling of confusion and intense

"I'm sorry. It's all my fault. That your memory happened, that you were Kaysid..."

"It's not your fault, it isn't at all. I should have controlled myself better."

"No, I'm sorry for making you feel this way. I like that you're jealous, but from that to making you suffer... To
prevent this from happening in the future, I'll do it right next time, I'll be the best husband ever, so …” Felix sighed
briefly as he buried his lips into her neck.
His breath on her skin, it feels exceptionally hot. “Don't run away again.”

Her desperate words flow silently and make Isaac's heart beat a little faster.

"I will not flee."

"Do not forget me".

"That didn't happen because I wanted to..."

"It's good to have you again."

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Felix put a little more strength into his arms, encouraging them to hold Isaac even more firmly.

God , man makes him the happiest person in the entire world. It's like a little poetry. His
sweet voice whispering that she was happy to see him, his eyes, his lips, his beautiful hands ...

"Were you sad without me? Did you cry a lot?"

While Isaac was joking about this, Felix, who was holding him as if he were his beautiful little boy,
suddenly made his shoulders completely rigid and his face hard:

"Well...Do you remember when you came for me?"

"Yeah, well, some things."

"Like what?"

"Well, I remember you had a penis..."

"Wo, honey. I don't talk about that." As she listened to him repeat the same accusatory words and
noticed how he avoided her gaze, a huge smile began to form on her face until it illuminated it
completely. "At that time, you and I started fighting."

With a calm but determined word, Felix looked at him with his eyebrows completely lowered until
Isaac raised his hand and covered his mouth tightly, looking at him as if he had scolded him or
perhaps, as if he couldn't believe it. It wasn't until this man caressed her wrist that she let out an
impressive exclamation resembling "It's not possible!" But it only manages to cause the hand that was
holding his back to go up a little higher. He moves slowly, as if he knows exactly where to touch to
warm him up.

"And then he had sex..."


"But Kaysid was all for it! Ask him if you don't believe me!"

"Damn beast!!"

At Felix's laughter, so clear and loud, he somehow felt as if he had lost an important game. How could
that be possible? How on earth could I ask if...?
And then, the fever spread throughout his face and neck as he felt perfection in the way she caressed
him so carefully. His mind fills with stupid questions and he thinks... He just thinks that he will melt if he
doesn't stop it.

"Your skin is already red. Did you know that? It reveals how excited you are right now, even more
than embarrassed. How cute. My husband is really very cute. You really like it when I caress you,
don't you?" "

"Wait, Felix... I still have to tell you something."

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"Okay. I'll listen to what you have to say."

Felix responded dryly, listening and looking at him although he was more focused on arranging
his shirt to one side to leave his chest and shoulders exposed.


When he heard that name, Felix stopped touching her bare skin and dropped his arms
completely to his sides. Maybe he was really shocked and confused but that didn't stop him from
continuing to kiss just above her collarbone. After all, it would be a waste not to.

"If I told you that I took care of him before you, would you be mad at me?"

Isaac, who could barely hold his breath inside his lungs, asked carefully and acted as if he were
afraid. The blue pupils bored softly into his. Then, with his lips, he leaves a
very loud kiss on her shoulders and asks briefly. "Was you?"

"Yes. I discovered his whereabouts and also his plans. Thanks to that, my memories came back."

It was in the hospital. He couldn't sleep well because he had been doing tests and MRIs all day and then,
before dawn, he heard the content of a long conversation. By chance, obviously. But if you think
about it again, you can honestly say that it was just something that was considered a stroke of luck.



They plan to go kill Benjamin.


There aren't many men guarding





Unknown names wandered until they reached his ears. On the other side of the door, the man on the
phone spat the word "Kill" so many times that it stuck in his mind like really long, hard thorns. His heart
shook and his insides turned upside down. His head began to hurt so much that he got up, ran hard, and
stuck his head in the toilet to start vomiting. It was early morning and there was nothing inside his stomach
so he spit out all his gastric juice and saliva... But the disgusting feeling is still there. His hands, holding
on to the toilet shook violently and due to vomiting, the energy also disappeared. Is it because of that
or is it because of such a crackling headache? It's... Because they are talking about killing a child
that his arms, legs and body trembled as if he were too afraid. His breathing also became harsh and
rapid so Isaac, sitting on the ground, exhausted and pale, closed his mouth and held his breath. I
was hyperventilating.
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sound of the second hand of the clock on the wall was hitting his ear senseless over and over and over
again until he felt like he would die. From head to toe, he was drenched in cold sweat and the tremors
began to look more like strong spasms.

When he calms down a little and raises his head ...He remembers most of the things he didn't before.
he could.

Everything was unexpectedly clear.

When he got out of the shower after washing his entire sticky body, the first thing that caught his attention
was the stain on the back of his neck. It was a neat, perfect brand. The brand created by linking up with
Felix a few months ago ...

Her husband.

His Alpha.

Isaac, standing in front of a damp mirror, breathed again. He felt calmer, more firm in his steps. Then, he
opened the shower door and felt that his face had also changed.

"Before I found Theron, I thought I had to take care of that first."

The fingertips that were stroking Felix's hair became trembling as he talked about what happened at
the hospital. Felix, who seemed to be angry, or like he didn't really have the energy from the beginning,
raised his head and asked "What did you do?"

"He's your father. Whatever the case, he's your father and I was afraid that I would treat him badly and that you would..."

"Did you think that the injury you could do would be comparable to what he was doing to us until now?"

Isaac shook his head, looking like he was about to cry. "It's because I thought you cared that I went over it
again and again."


"I left it last."

Felix laughed heartily at Isaac's innocent but incredibly eager voice. He held his cheek, caressed it
and kissed it until it caused a sweet sensation on both his skin and the lips that touched it. As if savoring it,
Felix sticks out his tongue and slowly licks the contour of her lips before asking:

"Did you kill him?"

It was something forceful. A voice that didn't match his soft actions to his mouth.

"No. I kept him alive."

"I would have killed him. So I shouldn't have to see him again."

It was also a response that seemed quite common for him, but Isaac puts his fingertips on his lips and
presses lightly to make him stop talking.
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"I didn't kill him, but you'll never be able to see him again."


"I want to show him how happy you are now. The way you smile brightly and the way you live even
though he had wished you were dead. I wanted to show him, really bad... So I arranged it in a way that "It
will be easier for you to be able to do it, but without disturbing."


"You're not bad, Felix! It wasn't your fault, anything that happened! You were a child and you were innocent.
You are not responsible for what happened to your mother or your father's actions and you don't...! "


Felix's wet breath passed over his fingers as he squeezed them a little more.

"Have I said it today?"

"What thing?"

"How much I love you".

The deep blue eyes that were completely restrained trembled strongly until they gave the illusion of being in
the depths of the sea so, facing her husband, Isaac showed a soft smile.

"I, I don't know... I think I heard it one day. Once? Yeah, it was once. So I want to hear it again."

Their lips touched over their fingers. Once, twice, and then their lips touched completely and parted to let
him pass. Felix, firmly holding the back of his Isaac's neck
, He tilted his head crosswise and sucked on her lips as if he had a lot of trouble.

"I love you, Felix. I love you so much. I love you, I love you, I really love you."

A sweet confession flowed with warm breath through their intertwined lips until Felix moaned in a complete
state of pleasure. He couldn't stand the fever anymore even though it had only been two days since he
touched it. ... Actually, I felt very hungry, as if I had missed it for years.
It was the same as Isaac, who also showed irresistible lust. A silent man who was now tugging at his
shirt to let it fall to the floor. That he kissed him and licked him just as if he had transformed into someone

Isaac, sitting on her lap with his legs wide open, lifts his waist so she can begin to pull down his
pants. His body, of its own volition, gets excited every time his palms went down his belly, his pubes
and his legs so that his penis swells as if it were going to burst. The moment you thought he was at the
limit , Felix's ...
hand squeezed her butt. He grabbed it, extended it with a strong movement that caused him to let out a
terrible scream and start drooling.
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"What should I do? I want to get inside you right now."

With his tongue licking Isaac's chin, whose head was almost hanging back, Felix gasped deeply.
He hugged him, grabbed his ass, licked and sucked on his neck until Isaac, breathing
deeply, sat up to hold his shoulder and gasped:

"Ah, don't wait. It doesn't matter what, just... Aaah, Felix!"

Felix, drunk with desire, reveled in the incredible pleasure that made him feel like he was almost
moving alone.
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Finally, Isaac hugged her head while savagely sucking every part of her breast. His hand loosened the buckles on
his pants and pulled down the zipper as his hands slid through the clothing that was almost completely down. Then he
caressed her butt and rubbed her hole...

"It's so wet. Wow, it's been so long since you lubed up like that."

Felix closed his eyes as he licked her nipples with the tip of his tongue. There was nothing he could do against her
wishes. He wanted to be inside, so inside... So much so that it drove him crazy and made him scream.

His body, already totally excited to feel him, didn't stop when he bit into him until an unstoppable moan flowed between
Isaac's lips.


That was just the beginning.

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When he opened his eyes, he found that his surroundings had already changed completely. I was
in a strange room. Something spacious, luxurious and clean. Quite nice, to tell the truth.


The moment he turned around to find out where he was, a strong pain spread throughout his
body until the air was knocked out of his lungs. A twinge in the lower back and buttocks,
followed by that horrible heaviness in the extremities.
Isaac frowns, begins to complain, and then feels an impressive tingle running up his neck
and jaw. Ah, it feels terrible. Even when he screamed and cried during
the other 'hard sex' sessions, it didn't seem to be as extreme as what he was experiencing
now. So, as he remembered everything that had happened in the warehouse, Isaac heaved a
long sigh.

That damn beast.

Then, the air fluttered around him as he heard the sound of the door opening. Isaac, who
raised his hand and covered his eyes for a moment, swayed a little more and then dropped
both arms to his sides. As expected, Félix approached with a glass of water.

"When did you wake up?"

Unlike him, who hasn't even been able to wash yet, her husband's appearance is
absolutely wonderful. She was wearing a bathrobe and had the smell of shower gel and flower
As I watched, Isaac took the glass of water and sat down. He creaked, but that didn't mean
he was willing to admit that he felt terribly tired. He drank water first and because of that, he felt
a little more alive and refreshed. At least, not like at the beginning.

"Where we are?"

"It's a hotel."

"When we arrived?"

"A few hours ago, my love. You didn't wake up at all."

"I fainted?"

He seemed worried about that, but Felix laughed instead. His hair is not dry yet so the feeling
of coolness flowing from it finally forced Isaac to drop his shoulders and let himself go with
the situation.

"I guess it was pretty intense."

"Just a little".

"How awful".

"You know, before I left here I heard some complaints from Noah that made me angry.
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I called Grandpa to apologize to him." And he was telling the truth, he had really done a lot during the
time when Isaac was half passed out, half asleep and not waking up. He looked around for an excuse. In
reality, he had no the energy to speak in a more "And I'm going to tell you in advance that Benjamin,
my mother-in-law and my grandfather are fine and serious.
"They are all relaxing together on the beach."

"Is everything really in order?"

"Very well. I told them we were going to arrive tomorrow."

At the final words, Isaac raised his eyes instead of drinking his water.

"Tomorrow and not today?"

Yesterday it was already late when he went to look for Félix. There, before starting to kiss him and tell
him that she loved him, he said "Just once." But the love story he started with lasted until dusk, dawn,
and then took him to a hotel while he was unconscious. And yes, it was probably late now but he would
like to be in San Diego right away. Is it really good to be there after all the disaster they faced? Isaac, who
was measuring time, stared at him for a while.

"We're in a hotel to relax, my life. Because you need to rest and because I want to take advantage
of a little of this to pamper you as much as I want."

However, he only received a sigh in response.

"We can not do it ".

As Isaac said this to Felix immediately, the man's triumphant expression faded so quickly that Isaac
pretended not to have seen it.

"Don't we have to check that things are in order? We have to see our baby and, besides, your work
has to be done piled up like a mountain these days."

"Love, the important thing now is you. I want you to take a break and go to sleep. Can you at least grant
me that?"

"Okay... I understand the point you're getting at"

"Oh, but there's still one problem left."

Felix suddenly knit his eyebrows together and clicked his tongue as he took Isaac's empty glass and
placed it forcefully on the nightstand. Isaac, who was staring at him, also put on a puzzled

"A problem?"

"Do you want to listen? My grandfather put a key to the safe with important lists and materials
and a USB copy inside the boy's doll. You know, the annoying doll he gave to Benjamin saying it was
made in Italy."

"Haven't they found it yet?"

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"You already knew?"

Isaac nodded. Although Vincenzo, tired and with a pale face after so much searching in the trash
can, was the only thing that came to mind. Also the way she screamed to find the doll and how it
looked like she could start crying at any moment. But since then, things have happened so fast
that I didn't have the head to think about him... However, if he talks like that then it's obvious
that they still can't find him.
Isaac clicked his tongue a little.


"He looked everywhere from the hotel to the trash, but I guess he gave up and left.
Everything is over."

"But there's still the copy, isn't there?"

"Actually, it was lucky that the text itself was not lost. Of course, the key to the safe and the
original file are gone so it has been very annoying not being able to open the box to read it
and feel a little bit of, you know, some calm.

"...Did they ask Benjamin directly?"

Felix shrugged.

"Do you think it would help?"

"I will call".

Isaac stood up really quickly for the sole reason of grabbing his cell phone. Anyway, it wouldn't
hurt to say Hi to your son and also to his mom ...

Isaac tries to press the phone-shaped button and then thinks about Benjamin. The most animated
child in the world and who really likes to receive video calls. So, after fixing her body and hair
that was terribly messy, she presses the button that has a little camera on it and puts on her best
happy smile. First, Isaac called his mother to say hello briefly and then asked her to hand him
Benjamin. It was wonderful to hear the boy's voice, running from afar while shouting "Dad, Dad!"
To then see his little round face completely glued to the screen. It's so charming and so pretty!

Immediately, Isaac pursed his lips and laughed loudly without even knowing it. His heart felt very
warm and inexplicably full.

"Benjamín, are you home? Are you behaving?"

"Yes! When are you coming?"

"Tomorrow my love. I will sleep one more day and I will go with daddy Felix."

"With daddy Felix? Is daddy Felix there?"

Benjamin opened his huge round eyes a little wider and asked again and again until Félix
suddenly pushed his head in front of the phone and shouted:

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When Felix did that, the boy's laughter overflowed loudly.

"Dad! You scared me, dad, what are you doing?"

"Huh? Dad? Dad is... Well, I went to feed the whales."

"Wooo! I want to feed the whales too, dad! Did you give them rice?"

"Ujum, with meat. Ouch!"

Isaac, who watched Felix respond naturally about the "whales" gave , He extended a hand and gave him
a pat on the back that was heard on the other side of the world. The man had no choice but to
fake a smile.

"Benjamin, tell daddy Isaac what you're going to do with me when we get there tomorrow."

"Ah! Ah! Play ball!!!"

"Play ball all day!"


Lying on Isaac's lap, Felix had a conversation with the boy for a long time.
Talking about the game, his day, the food and cartoons too. As if they were in their own little world.

In the past, I could only see his face from time to time, not every day. He was running away from
his adoptive father, running here and there and hearing his voice maybe once a month. The
child's expressions and tone are now so happy that he just wants to go through his cell phone to
immediately run and hug him tightly.

But, trying to calm the initial emotion, Isaac cleared his voice and said quickly:

"Benjamín, I'll ask you something my love, okay?"

Benjamin, who heard his father's voice, responded bravely:

"Ask anything, Dad!"

This time, he puts his nose in front of the camera until only one huge blue eye is visible. Isaac smiled,
laughed and began his question:

"Do you have the Mickey Mouse doll your grandfather gave you?"

"Nope. He's gone."

And he put on an expression similar to a pout. Is it because it really hurt him a lot to lose the doll
that his grandfather bought? Benjamin really liked the doll, perhaps because it was very special or
because it was the first Italian gift. After all, he even took him to Disneyland and was very determined
to try not to let anything happen to him.

"Don't worry, love. Dad will get you a much better one that's also silent."

The one who spoke now was Felix, who was lying with his chin buried in Isaac's thigh.
The boy nodded and answered "Yes" but he still can't erase his sad expression.
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"I liked him a lot because... Because he had yellow pants."

"...Huh? Yellow pants?"

"There was no way, Grandpa said he had the basic Mickey Mouse outfit. Red pants with
two white buttons. Yellow shoes and white gloves."

"That one had white shoes."

And there they discovered that the grandfather brought him two versions.
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Vincenzo's important doll wore red pants, white gloves and black shoes. The one Benjamin had worn
had a yellow jacket and shorts. Also, Grandpa had told Felix that if you looked closely, you could
notice that the first Mickey mouse had a slightly... Strange ribbon around him. It is not an ordinary
ribbon, it is quite shiny. It was a ribbon with a large cube stuck in the middle. Something that stood out
a lot for a child's doll. Apparently Vincenzo fixed it and put the key and the list in the bucket.

Vincenzo couldn't be happy that he had lost the wrong doll because when he got home, the right
Mickey didn't have the ribbon or the cube!

"The doll your grandfather told you to take care of was that one, not the one with the little yellow suit."

"Yes, but I don't like that one..."

"Where is the ribbon and the bucket that Mickey Mouse had?"

When asked about the tape on the doll, the boy waved his hands to show that it was empty and
said, "I don't know." Isaac rubbed his lips and nodded. Frustrated with everything that was happening.

"Do you remember the cube, honey? Did you see it?"

It actually seems very impulsive to ask questions about this to a four-year-old who may not care much
about the appearance of his toys. Even if you ask the appropriate questions, it may all end up being
a waste of time in the end.

"I don't like it because... Because that's not Mickey mouse."

But Benjamín gave an unexpected response so Isaac silently touched the screen to see him better.
The same thing happened with Felix, because he lifted his head from Isaac's thigh.

"Ben, what do you mean, love?"

"Mickey Mouse doesn't wear a big shiny thing with a ribbon! I don't like Mickey like that, that's why I
didn't wear him."

Isaac felt a little confused, more than anything, because Benjamin's emotions were changing
rapidly as he grew older. He firmly said that he didn't like it, that he didn't want the Mickey tape, and
then he got angry. A child with a soft, kind, pretty personality... He seems quite upset and determined
to continue acting like this.
Isaac, who had never seen him behave that way, murmured "Benjamin" to try to calm him down, but
it only caused the boy to suddenly look infinitely sad. Her eyebrows lower and her mouth forms a huge
pout before she begins to cry.
Wow... I didn't want... Grandpa to be sad because I don't like that doll then, so I didn't tell
him... Umm... Wow

"I understand."

"Mickey Mouse doesn't use a yellow ribbon!"

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"Yeah, yeah, Mickey Mouse would never wear anything like that. You're right."

The more he talked, the sadder and sadder Benjamin felt. His expression gradually turned into an
expression of pure crying and there even came a time when he could no longer even speak.
" Ahhhhhhhhh.
I took that tape off and... And when... When we got home... Uuuh , Grandpa
saw Mickey Mouse in my room and... And he asked me about the tape but I didn't... Ahhhhh, I don't
want me to play the tape again. She's ugly and I hate her!"

"Ben, don't cry. Love, look at me. Don't cry, okay? You didn't do anything wrong, it was good that you
didn't take that doll and it was even more wonderful that you lost one because now daddy won't have
to endure two. You just have to Ecco Topolino" all the time. You made dad very happy!
tell me "Where did you put the tape?"

The boy was crying, but when he heard Felix's strange imitation, laughter came out for some reason.
His face was strangely distorted to support the laughter and then, quickly, the tears began to fall again.

The boy bowed his head. "In dad's backpack."

The next moment, an unexpected response appeared.


"Throw it away dad! Throw it away because Mickey hates it!"

"Yes, dad will throw it away. But what backpack?"

"The backpack that Dad takes to work. Mickey Mouse hates ribbons."

The boy responded innocently and once again emphasized the horrendousness of the tape before
crying as if he had been scolded again. Isaac had to explain for a really long time that the boy hadn't
done anything wrong while Felix, being Felix, leaned out of the bed enough that he ended up falling
off it quite hard.
The mattress shook and the screen vibrated for a moment, but Isaac pretended not to notice.

Felix managed to take the intercom.

"Noah! Fuck, shut up! Check Isaac's backpack right now. What do you mean, "What's a backpack?"?
The list is in the backpack Isaac takes to the flower shop. Benjamin just told us. Find him quickly and
make sure you tell Grandpa not to hide anything else in my son's dolls or I'm going to hide a bump
in his...! Okay, no. Don't tell him that.
Come on! "What's wrong with grandpa that makes his great-grandchildren have the same
habit of hiding things?"

As he listened to Felix talk on the phone, Isaac continued to comfort the boy and be very, very kind
to his little Benjamin.

"Benjamin, when I get home tomorrow, do you want to go buy a new Mickey Mouse doll?"

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"Let's choose a doll without ugly ribbons."

Although tears are still around his little eyes, the smiling child's face was definitely very
beautiful. Even in complicated situations like these.

"Dad, I have a gift."

"A gift?"

In this way, Benjamin quickly turns the subject around and runs around forgetting that he cried and
got angry a while ago. Every time he does that, Félix makes fun of him by saying things like "He's
crazy." but he was a child after all. You change your emotions quickly and forget about problems to
focus on something else.
Isaac, who was worried about how Benjamin was crying and getting grumpy, said he could give it to
him tomorrow when everyone got home... But the boy wants to show it right away.

He disappeared.

Seeing the blank screen, Isaac waited patiently for the boy to return. He calls Felix and pats the side
of the bed so that he can sit next to him so when he returned, Benjamin colored his cheeks red
when he saw both of his parents. Together and waiting for him.

"Dad! This is the gift. I made it."

Then he took out a paper that he had in his little hand. Big and folded perfectly in half: At the
bottom, he drew circles with a jagged stick underneath. They were more or less like human
forms so that means they are two people. And below is a smaller circle with a body made up of similar
sticks. Two parents and their son. While Isaac quickly understood the figure, Félix continued
looking at the screen with small eyes. Then he put his hand under his chin and looked at the photo
quite seriously. He bowed his head.

"Are they flowers?"

"Is it the two of us and Benjamin?" Isaac responded, punching Felix's shoulder to get him to shut
his mouth before he ruined it. "TRUE?"

Benjamin barely nods, with a very, very shy face.

Felix said: "Oh yes. Sure. Now I see it. What a fool I am."

And above, the crooked writing clearly said <Love, Benjamin. Your dear Benjamin.>

Isaac, calmly reading the boy's words, holds his mouth when he feels a low sound flow down his
throat without his knowledge. His eyes were hot and he could also feel his heart beating very strongly.

Suddenly, the image of the cards she wrote for him and the hundreds she was never able to give
him came to mind. She also remembers the last few months and the letters she read to him non-stop.

<Dear Benjamin>

All of his cards began with that phrase... And now they have returned to him in a beautiful and
unexpected way.

Isaac lowered his head and squeezed his eyes tightly so Felix moved a little closer so he could
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hug him. When he did that, his eyes became even hotter and he couldn't help but sob.

Benjamin, holding a large card over the screen, tilts his head and asks "Dad?"
So when he looks up, he sees how the boy's nose and eyes were big and filled the entire screen.
Approaching to see why his father was crying.
Isaac laughed out loud and shook his head.

"Is very pretty."

"Don't cry, dad."

"No, I don't cry."


"I like it a lot, baby! I like the drawing and I like how nice you wrote. Thank you."

"I'll give it to you tomorrow!"

"Well thank you very much."

"You must come tomorrow."

"Of course, love."

"Can I go now?"

The boy, who laughed fondly, pointed his finger at the screen to see if it was okay to press the
"End" button. Isaac, who knows the baby who gets a kick out of watching the screen turn off with
the touch of a button, waved his hand toward Benjamin to say he was okay.

"See you tomorrow, Ben. We love you."

"Me too, bye!"

Isaac sat for a moment and looked at the screen... It seemed like he could still see the image of
his boy and his cards spread out.

"You're crying?"

Felix asked, as if joking from the side of the bed. Isaac then looked at him: The man, still with his
wet head and bathrobe, looked at him with infinite tenderness... With a face that looked quite similar
to his little Benjamin's. He hugs his husband's torso and smiles happily. However, when he
did, the tears came even more.

"I'm so, so happy... Um... When that happens it's hard to stop crying."

"Let me see". Félix, who raised his face and stared at Isaac's eyes reddened by tears, approached
to kiss his forehead, his nose and finally, his lips. Sucking until he could absorb the sweet aroma
that flowed through his half-open mouth. "My love... I will make you so happy in the future, that you
will surely cry a lot more."

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Kissing him softly, Isaac raised his arms and wrapped them around his neck so he could bring him a
little closer.

Inside the room filled with morning sunlight, there were whispers of unbridled love running between the two.
A sweet moment, a sweet family...
It was a warm and happy moment.
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My new family 81

In late October of last year, the day after Halloween and early November, Isaac went to
the hospital in San Diego with a completely pale face and a husband who kept saying, "They
didn't have to go that far." by an assumption." However, through a blood test and also a urine
test, it was determined that she was indeed expecting a baby. The second baby.

When Vincenzo arrived home again, with a visitor visa in one hand and a stack of suitcases
with gifts in the other, Félix kidnapped him and immediately took him to the library to
start talking to him. It was only three and a half months after all the drama had been resolved
so Isaac seemed very embarrassed when he told the man that he was expecting another child
and then tenderly ran his hand over his abdomen to show him a small curve that was
clinging to his abdomen. clothes. It was really small... But it was enough to generate a lot of
emotion in the whole family. (Though no one was really surprised.) I mean, they were having
sex every day and she didn't get him pregnant? Wouldn't that be stranger? Furthermore, when
he went to rescue him, his RUT and the Omega's heat cycle exploded at the same time
until they were stuck in the middle for over a day. After that, regardless of the time and
place, the excessive acts of affection from the two were so effusive that it even turned out to be a little awkw

Everyone in the mansion welcomed the news. It was fun just thinking about it! He was
expected and he was very loved, particularly by Noah, who stayed by his side the entire
time, saying that it was important to prepare to welcome the newborn. Things like organizing
rooms, buying cots and furniture, attending induction courses. So, because of this, the
mansion gradually transformed into an atmosphere similar to an immense nursery. With huge
bears in which her husband sank to rest his belly and try to get his baby to stop moving. And
that's not to mention Vincenzo sending floral offerings non-stop! So, of course, "the nursery
house" was also "the garden house." With pink and yellow flowers here and there... Although
Felix was dissatisfied and complained non-stop about sending "such useless things."

Of course, big fights broke out between the two where there was also a lot of shouting.
The conversations between "Dad and son" ended when Vincenzo's monitor broke into
several pieces or Félix's cell phone collapsed in a corner until the screen turned black. However,
when Isaac concluded in a harsh word that he should leave him alone, Felix ended up giving
in and accepting the pots and wreaths. And how could he also start fighting with his pregnant
husband!? It did not make sense!

The mansion had to be left open for days so that the sun could come in and then, before the
week was over, the flowers were so well cared for and beautiful that they did not wither but
the petals began to fall until they made a huge carpet. Again, and again, month after month for
nine months.
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As in the previous months, from very early in the morning Félix's mansion was full of large wreaths,
bouquets and flower pots that said Congratulations! It's a girl!
Tony, who was opening the door again and again and again, suddenly made his eyes huge as he
watched the endless parade without understanding exactly what was happening.

The lord of the house (although for a long time he didn't want to be called that) and Omega who got
involved with Mr. Felice, has a small flower shop in the center of the city so he would surely be
very happy with all these gifts! But there is hundreds and hundreds! This is already an exaggeration! Do
you really want to turn this mansion into a flower garden? In addition, there are also gift boxes wrapped
in colored paper, diapers, clothes, bibs, bottles, many many bottles.

Tony, who was looking at the gifts that filled the mansion with nothing particular to say, sighed heavily and
scratched his nose.

Vincenzo Felice was the one who sent all this and also seemed to have threatened him by saying that
"The second installment would be much lighter." Yes, of course.

An oversized banner with the words "Welcome Baby" was placed unannounced right in front of
the front door, and there were balloons! balloons everywhere. Oh my God! What a mess! So Tony,
apparently nervous, put his hand on his head and took out a handkerchief to start wiping his sweat-filled

Isaac started having contractions during the early morning and now, he has just given birth to his
second baby.
He was pale as a sheet, with his hand on the man's hand who kept caressing his belly while he said he
was fine. That he could wait a little longer... But Félix ran to the hospital pretending not to hear anything
he was saying and the little creature was born first thing in the morning. The Alpha was so nervous that
he lost count of how many times he had been yelling at the doctors to do their job right! But he was lucky
that both Isaac and the baby were healthy and well.

The child who was born was actually a girl. A beautiful baby girl who looked a lot like Felix.
Isaac often said that he wanted a girl who looked like his husband, so when he finally held her
in his arms and heard the perfect way she cried, he was so happy that he even started to cry too.

The Felice family was celebrating!

The news that a baby girl had been born safely made the atmosphere feel pleasant and incredibly
moving. Benjamin was now an older brother so finally and after staying up practically all night, he had
managed to fall asleep in the arms of Jessica Parker, who actually also seemed incredibly anxious for
her son and granddaughter. Noah, who had become more sensitive lately, was so happy that he appeared
with his face soaked with tears and his mouth full of unbridled sobbing. Not only them, but also everyone
who stayed in the mansion anxiously waiting for the news seemed out of control. Alright?

Was he born well? How much did it weigh? How much did it measure? Then Vincenzo handed out
wreaths, gifts and banners, which was...Honestly terrifying. An anecdote to tell.

Vincenzo would have flown right away even if he had a lot to do in Italy.
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I wanted to see the baby and I definitely wanted to do it now... But back to the initial topic, the
huge banners surrounding the entrance of the mansion and the flowers that filled the house were a
bit, quite severe. When Felix sees him, it's obvious that he'll walk over and start ripping things off or
setting them on fire. Something like that. He will stubbornly stick out his tongue and tell you that it
is too much to have wreaths, flower baskets, pots and more flowers and gifts scattered here and there.

As he looked around, Tony rubbed his chin in embarrassment. Once Vincenzo wants to do
something, he can't get rid of his tireless will. Yes, that's the truth. There was nothing he could do
but let Felix and Isaac go back and fix it on their own.

In the middle of this, the only person who doesn't know anything and is very happy with it, is Benjamin.
The boy who runs through the flowers as if he were a red-faced puppy. Even after sleeping for so
many hours.

"Benjamin, you're going to get hurt if you run like that."

"I won't do it!"

After breakfast, Jessica said she was taking Benjamin to the hospital so she had to organize her
itinerary. There were a lot of things to pack! A lot to do! Tony drew today's tasks in his head and smiled
as he received another shipment.
Unlike his face, which was relaxed, he felt like he could vomit from pure stress.
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Felix wasn't so "damned" that he would make a bad impression and not greet the nurses every time they
entered his room. However, now he's busy enough staring at the small artifact in front of him to take
care of something else.
The man looks and looks so much that his forehead is wrinkled, his chin is at an angle, and his eyes
are wide open. He looked terribly serious. So much so that even people are starting to be afraid of him.

The place where he directs his gaze is at the clear plastic crib commonly used in hospitals. It is small and
allows you to clearly see what is inside and in what form, even if it is at a distance... And inside, there was
nothing more and nothing less than a small baby.
It's actually so small that you're afraid to touch it. He was less than five hours old, with a head the size of his
fist and a torso a little larger than before. Closed eyes. It's amazing that there is a nose, mouth and
everything that is on an ordinary face in a space as small as your head! In addition, sometimes he yawns,
squirms and makes very strange gestures that make you wonder if this is normal. He seemed to do
everything a baby could do, even if it was just a "little thing."

The baby's head is covered with a newborn cap, however, a closer look reveals the thin black hair on
top. It is curly like her mother's but black like her husband's.

Everyone said the baby looked too much like him. High nose, big eyes and lips pretty enough to be
human. The same chin line, a mole on the right side, and yet Felix couldn't really figure out any
resemblance he shared with the baby. The doctors and nurses said that he looked like them so it must be
like this... However, the man was looking at the baby with a clear expression of discontent: The baby was
asleep, with his eyes closed and his chest rising and falling without stall. But why are there so many
wrinkles on his face?

"God, what are we going to do with you, little pumpkin?"

After looking at the baby for a long time, Felix was talking to himself without knowing what he was doing.

"In your eyes... Every child looks like a pumpkin."

Felix looked away.

"Have you seen? Who knew there would be so many wrinkles on a baby's face."


"Is it just his face or is his whole body wrinkled too? I thought he wasn't human. Do you know how surprised
I am?"

"Were you...surprised?"

"Because it's ugly."

"Hey, stop it."

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Felix, who shook his head, raised his hand and brought it a little closer to his baby's. As he said,
he is really surprised by this. a lot. The first child that Félix met, the first with whom he truly
lived, was Benjamin. His Benjamin. When they met, the boy was already three years old and
then he turned four and then five and always, day or night, he was charming, soft and adorable.
Other kids didn't smell like him or smile like him. He thought all children were like that. But
wasn't a newborn baby completely different from what he thought? A head the size of a fist, tiny.
A different body, bulging eyes like a frog, wrinkled skin, it even has a lot of hair covering it! Like an
animal! Sometimes on TV I would watch commercials and cartoons and the babies would look
soft. Why does this baby look like this?
He looks like an alien. Well, not so much like that. He just thought it looked strange. Besides,
she was so tiny, but the sound of her crying was so loud that it made him dizzy and made his head
hurt... However, as soon as she left Isaac's body and the man hugged her to his chest, the girl
stopped. crying and began to moan for milk.

It was pretty, but being a newborn is ugly

"As time goes by, she's going to gain weight and become prettier... Plus, she's a very pretty girl for
a newborn baby."


"Don't tell her that... The baby is going to be sad."

"He can't even understand me."

Speaking lightly, Felix carefully pulled the thin blanket that was over the girl's body.
Yes, he complains that she's like an ugly beast but he's also pretty confused because he loves
the baby. In fact, he is so crazy about her that if someone else calls him "Ugly." So it's definitely
going to make blood and bones flow.

"I wanted him to look like you, but the only thing he looks like is your black hair. Everything else is
a pumpkin."

"That's... Umm."

When Isaac complained, Felix raised an eyebrow and then walked up to him. He knelt down,
extended his hand...

"If she had been more like you, I'm sure I wouldn't stop calling her 'Pretty'. 'You're as pretty as your
dad.' That's what she'd be saying."

Isaac smiled hugely as he listened to him mutter and mutter as if he was seriously sorry that he
looked like him. In fact, it's impossible to take your eyes off him when, in addition to looking
incredibly handsome, he says things like that while still caressing you.
Félix began to highlight the bones in his cheeks.

"I don't like your face, honey. When will you fully recover?"

Isaac's face seemed to be quite pale and also very, very swollen. A moment ago she gave birth and
was in pain all morning so, although he thought she was cute, her tired appearance was
unfamiliar and he suddenly found himself giving her a little pat here and there.
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Swollen face, rough skin. Wow, small red eyes are a shame.

"In a few days, I'll be back to normal if I rest a lot. When it was Benjamin, it took me too long because I had no
one to help me. I think I looked like a dead person even after a month."

"...When you gave birth to Benjamin, did you do all these things on your own."

"... Well yes."

"It must have been a lot harder."

The blue eyes, the ones that were watching Isaac intently, became so sad that Isaac smiled silently and let
the weight of his face fall into his hands.

"At that time I didn't even think it was difficult because the only thing that was important to me was protecting
my baby. Now, I have my husband by my side." A tender, small voice sinks into a soft sigh... The caresses that
Félix gives him were sweet and relaxing so Isaac closed his eyes in silence and settled down on the bed a little
more. "But yeah, it was a big deal and... I don't want to go through that again."

Felix's lips stuck to his forehead, descended to his nose and then, slowly, rested on his lips to kiss him many
Isaac exhales, opens his mouth... His heart beat a little faster in anticipation of the next kiss.

Even though he lived with him for more than a year and already had two children, Félix's kisses still make him
infinitely nervous. So much so that he even feels like a child kissing his crush for the first time. So perfect. Its
heat, its aroma, its pheromones. Feeling... So loved and also so loved by him.


He unconsciously breathed on his mouth, causing Félix's lips to contract in a much softer and more tender kiss...

The man's teeth bite Isaac's tongue, and then he moves slowly in all directions. Rubbing his skin as if they
were the wings of a butterfly. Isaac moaned and opened his mouth a little more, and his Alpha took it upon
himself to raise his arm and gently hug his shoulder in the hope of deepening it as long as possible...
However, at that moment an immense scream was heard, causing him to Isaac will start laughing. Felix frowned
and then raised his head:

"Wow, she's a girl who doesn't know how to capture the atmosphere, huh? We're going to have a lot of problems
in the future if it's like this now."

But he reacted really quickly to the baby's crying and from one moment to the next he was facing his crib. He
unwrapped the cloth it was rolled in and looked at the state of his diaper first.
Isaac, who was quite enjoying the scene, was far enough away to feel that he had no choice but to look at his
husband and see how much he was doing.

Then, immediately afterwards he threw a mocking smile.

"It's a pumpkin." "She's ugly." But even if he pretended to be a scary father, the little girl cried and turned into a
charming father who wanted to do everything on his own.
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"Are there green stripes on the diaper?"

"That means it's wet right?"


Felix smiled, rubbed his chin and looked carefully at the baby's legs. It seemed difficult to change his diaper when
he made quite careless and violent movements and, even more so, when he had to remove a diaper smaller
than the palm of his hand.
Isaac, who was very attentive, almost laughed at so much drama and was about to offer his help... But Felix
changed his diapers himself. Alone... Although the next moment it seems like urine is dripping down his legs
non-stop so something must have gone pretty wrong.

"Is there another green line in front of his diaper?"

"It looks wet again."


"I have to change it again. Damn!"

Felix looked at the diaper, with a new bright green stripe, and the next moment a bunch of strange, Italian
curses began to float in all directions. But, instead of giving in to that, she took off the dirty diaper and threw it in
the basket next to her. His expression is very tragic as he placed a new diaper and muttered the instructions to
himself. And who could ever think of it? That the arms dealer Félix Felice arrived one day and started changing
diapers for babies. And in front of him! Ah, is it normal to think that his clumsy look suits him quite well?
Actually, his heart is beating pretty hard just because he's cute and because he cares for the baby in his own
weird, weird way.

It's the kind of thing that most people who know him won't believe!

After a long time trying to change the baby's diaper, Félix had decided to take a thin cloth to tie his little arms
in a desperate attempt to make him stop struggling. The man exhales for a long time and looks at the baby as if
he was quite proud of what he had managed to achieve... But the baby just squirmed again and cried really
hard. He had already soiled his diaper twice in a row, so Isaac assumed he was hungry now.

"What do you only know is being hungry and having to urinate?"

"That's a baby's job."

"Because he's a beast."

"Give it to me..."

But again, although Felix moaned and complained a little, he scooped out the liquid formula without asking for
help from anyone but his hands. He put in the pacifier... Although to do all this he also acted as clumsy as when
he had to change the diapers.

Isaac, watching his movements one by one, suddenly remembered the moment when Benjamin was born. It was
a completely different situation than now, he had escaped from Steve's house and had no one who could help
him with absolutely anything. He felt threatened by Cole so much
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how he felt threatened by the rest of the world so he couldn't even stop for a minute to think. As soon as she had
the baby, she wrapped him in a blanket and ran around again until she ended up visiting her mother's house. God!
It was a moment, so difficult... Actually it was always like that. Exhausted and sad. Looking at the sleeping baby in
her arms as she thought about what she had to do because she couldn't even fathom the idea that it would be nice
to have someone by her side. That is, since he had always been alone, he believed that this was his natural state...

Thus, Isaac, who had remembered what he had experienced a long time ago, silently grabbed the blanket that
covered his waist and lowered it so he could feel his empty belly. It was an unconscious movement because...
He had unintentionally felt sorry for the things he had put his poor Benjamin through. For the love that he surely
didn't feel even though he tried so hard. He had to flee without anyone congratulating him, without doctors or
nurses, just him and his hands covered in blood while he held his son and said "I'm sorry." "I'm truly sorry."

But now, there was Felix. His mother, Noah, was there, and Vincenzo was there too. And just by thinking about
them for a moment, he felt strong and also quite at peace. It is a very important thing for someone who has
just given birth, their loved ones and their family next to them as they tell them how much they love them.

Isaac pulled the blanket back up.

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"Be careful with his head and... Exactly. Make sure he doesn't swallow air."

Felix was holding a small bottle of liquid newborn baby formula... Damn, why does everything he does
seem so damn charming? Is it because it's wonderful to see a tall, thick-built man feeding powdered milk
to a helpless-looking girl?
Placing her against his chest while telling her "Open your little mouth." "You are doing it very well."


"Tell me."

I couldn't remember exactly what I was trying to tell him, I just... I wanted to call him. Call him and confirm
that the man in front of him was indeed his Alpha. But Isaac was so tired that he just blinks and lies back
down. With the phrase "I love you" resting right at the back of his throat... And then, out of
nowhere, there is the sound of someone knocking on the hospital room door. "Tack, Tack, Tack"
until the sliding glass finally opens with a shrill "Beep" sound.

Although the curtain was hanging on one side and there was an advertisement for "Baby Resting." stuck
right on the handle, unexpected footsteps begin to approach although neither of them had given their

Felix looked in that direction, frowning with something resembling tremendous fury.

"Who dares to...?"

"I'm here!! I came to see the new little princess!"

Felix's rough voice was buried in the hustle and bustle that suddenly formed in the room. It was Noah
who came in, screaming as if it was actually his own home instead of a hospital. His eyes flashed
maniacally as he looked at Felix and his baby as if he were missing them.
to eat.

"What the hell are you doing here?"

"What the hell are you doing? You think having a child is an everyday thing? It's not like that, you have to
take a photo! A test for the family!!"

"Loud boy. The girl is trying to... Don't do that!!"

When Felix sees Noah trying to take a photo of the baby with his cell phone, Felix reveals his teeth and
starts growling at him. Just like a mad dog. However, Noah quickly pressed the button, a flash
appeared and then, without being able to avoid it, he got a photo of the man holding the baby and at the
end, when his eyes met Felix's and before he could say anything More, he stood next to her and took a
photo of the three of them.
Felix shrugs but Noah approaches the baby, singing and pretending not to know Felix, who is looking at
him like he wants to start biting his head. He smiled, and opened his arms so he could pass it to him...
But the Alpha is holding the baby in the air as if it were a banana and Noah is the annoying monkey
who wants to get it. A rather childish and... Annoying attitude.
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"Aren't you going to greet Isaac?"

It was when Felix, who was showing his unpleasant feelings with his grumpy face and his newborn
baby in his arms, asked something like this that Noah, who would have slapped or kicked him in any other
situation, said "Oops!" And now she ran towards him.


"Noah... I'm sorry I worried you so much last night."

"Not at all. Thank you very much Isaac! You really fought a lot. Having a child from the same idiot
twice seems very complicated. And you always give birth to such beautiful children!
Come Venere, the dea della bellezza. "Giving your gifts to others."

Noah, who went to the entrance just to pick up some packages and then returned with his arms
full, put a large box of pastries on the table near the bed where Isaac was lying.
Then, he thanked him and congratulated him again.

"Oh... This wasn't..."

"Isaac needs a much bigger prize than cakes. Living with Felix seems like a great feat, but you did a
miracle by giving the family adorable children, right?"

"I suppose that..."

"So I'm going to live with you forever because I'm worried about the education that demon might offer you!
Yeah, you're welcome."

Noah speaks quickly, but Felix pretends not to hear him at all. He was so excited about the girl that Isaac
just smiled and then started laughing at the obvious fight to hug her...
And so, while Felix and Noah fight and scream non-stop and the little baby begins to scream loudly,
Jessica and Benjamin open the bedroom door and enter almost at the same time. In fact, they
arrived with Noah directly from home to the hospital. But on the first floor of the maternity building there
was a beautiful, large pond so Benjamin, who had found a turtle in the middle, asked to see more and feed
the fish until time ran out of them.

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As soon as he looked at Isaac, the boy, who opened the door to the hospital room with a strong impulse,
he jumped up and ran to hug his dad with great enthusiasm.
Benjamin, who had a recent birthday, suddenly became taller and thinner. Every day they discover something
new about him, he no longer wants to drink milk and his baby face is disappearing. Every time he sees his
child grow and grow until he brings out more of the characteristics of an Alpha, he feels proud and... A
little sad. It seemed like he was a baby just yesterday and now he feels like he won't be able to hold him
forever. God, when did he grow so much? He's still small, that's true but... He feels like he's looking at a big

Isaac felt sorry for this.

"Dad, does it still hurt?"

The boy asked, leaning his head against his chest as he stroked him again and again until his hair was
untangled. He seems to remember all the times he complained in the wee hours of the morning so
sitting in a hospital room may give him the impression that things are still bad with him.

"No, it doesn't hurt anymore."

Isaac shook his head and patted Benjamin's back tenderly a few times before making space for him between
the sheets. Benjamin seemed relieved and only then began to smile.

"Benjamin, were you worried about dad Isaac?


"But you said you saw the turtles first. If you are worried about Dad, go to Dad first to see if everything is
okay. I mean, seeing turtles is nice, but what would have happened if Dad was still in pain? First of all you
should see if he doesn't need you."

Felix, who had handed the baby to Noah and was now listening intently to Isaac and Benjamin's conversation,
suddenly opened his mouth and began chatting with the boy as if he were scolding him for not coming
up immediately. Benjamin screamed, moaned, and looked up to begin defending himself.

"It was important."


"There were two turtles."

"Wow. Two."

"Yes, there were two. They were sitting on a rock and one swam up!"

"I asked if you liked turtles more than your dad, that's not a valid answer."

Yes, he understood the question of whether he liked turtles more than his father, but it seemed to him that
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First he had to talk about the turtles he had seen down there. Felix raised his eyebrows as a sign that it
was Benjamin's turn to speak before the court, but he said nothing. Only five years old. What is the
benefit of me scolding him like that? In the child's head, everything is so jumbled that he can only wrinkle
his forehead.

"What is a valid answer?"

Then, this time, he takes a sentence that seems quite strange to him and asks as Felix places a hand
under his chin: "An answer that makes me feel satisfied and that answers my question correctly."


"Family is more important than turtles, Benjamin. You have to know that from now on.
Think about it a little and when you have an acceptable answer, come and let me know. Capisci?"


Next to him, Noah clicked his tongue, muttering things like "That's very exaggerated." But Benjamin
soon extended his arms towards Felix so that he could now carry him. He forgot the conversation and
looked back at his other father.

"And the baby?"

"Uncle Noah is holding it. Would you like to see it?"


Isaac, who had been quite attentive to their conversation about turtles and family, responded with a smile
and encouraged the boy to go there... Noah then bowed to Benjamin as he let the baby gently cradle
against his chest and, showed it:

"She's your new little sister, Benjamin. Isn't she pretty?"

Wooow. "She's very small, isn't she, Dad?"

Benjamin looked at the baby with incredibly wide eyes and flushed cheeks. He seemed so excited that it
made Isaac's chest feel warm and full... They are brothers facing each other for the first time. Family,
as Félix had said. And it doesn't matter that the girl is too tired to sleep without getting up! Even if it is the
first meeting. The first meeting of the children who will live as brothers for their entire lives. Also, is it
because your child is next to your newborn that he wants to cry so badly? So cute, smart and big.

A real big brother, looking at the baby with that wild glow that his father also has most of the time.

His first two children.

It was at the moment when he was looking at the children that a small, soft voice came to him from the right:

"How do you feel, love? Are you okay?"

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Suddenly, Isaac raised his eyes and looked at Jessica Parker this time. She seemed anxious and worried
so she ran to him immediately instead of going with the baby. He sat on the bed and reached out to
take her hands and start rubbing them up and down. Then, not caring about the environment, he even
checked the state of her face and handed her a bottle of water as well.

"I'm dead."

"It must have been hard for you, you waited all night and early morning too.. But I'm so glad you and
your baby are safe and well."

"You didn't have to worry so much. Did you sleep?"

"How was I going to sleep, love? I waited until the news came... But then I was so excited that I couldn't
sleep either. I'm still happy and relieved that you're healthy and that you gave me a perfect, pretty
granddaughter like her." "

The baby was asleep as if he had passed out... Although the noise is loud and Benjamin talks to Felix
as loudly as if they had a speaker. Noah gently wiped away the powdered milk that flowed from his
lips with a wet wipe and the child jumped around him without a single sign of boredom, as if it were a
wonder or a very happy scene.

"I remember... When you first came to me. Holding a baby less than two months old tightly even though
your fingers were shaking. I don't even want to think about how bad your face was." Jessica, looking at
him, suddenly brought up the topic of the past. "You suffered a lot... But you have always managed to
look beyond all that."

Isaac smiled, but his jaw had begun to tremble as he listened to her. She is his mother after all, and
she cares about her son and his happiness first. He remembers the difficult moments he faced
throughout this journey and tries to be there for him just as Isaac tries to be there for his.

Isaac, feeling embarrassed for crying, squeezed her hands for a moment even though she brought them
up so she could place them right on his cheeks.

"It's completely different now, right?"


"You look so happy... You look happy, so now my heart is relaxed and at peace."

But that only caused the tears to come down so hard that he almost felt like he couldn't breathe anymore.

"Yes... I'm happy, mom. I'm really happy."

At Isaac's response, Jessica smiled quite brightly. Maybe even her son's tears had infected her too...

If a child is happy, a mother is happy too.

"I am too, baby. I will be as long as you are."

"Thank you... Um Can you... Keep helping me even if I seem happy?"

"You don't have to ask for it."

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Jessica suddenly hugged her son and let him cry against her shoulder as much as he wanted. He stroked her
back gently and listened to her sobs until they became little "hiccups." If there was no mother to hold him before,
now her hands were there to hold him.
If there was no mother to take care of him during the birth, now she was going to stay until she thought it was

"My boy is so brave."

Isaac, capturing the gratitude and overwhelming feelings for his mother, held her affectionately until
he felt less fatigued than he had initially and finally, he relaxed.

The birth of a new family is also the birth of new happiness.

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It was around the time Isaac had finally fallen asleep, that Noah's cell phone suddenly rang.
The man, who was aware that a noise like that could be annoying for a newborn baby as small
as the one in his arms, picked up the phone almost by reflex and answered. Although the
next moment he showed his back straight.


The word that came out of his mouth made the entire family stand completely rigid in the hospital
room... There was only one person in the world whom Noah called grandfather. Alone, to Vincenzo

"No, I didn't forget. I was trying to contact you just now. Well, oh wonderful! The baby is so
cute, you should come to... Okay. Yes Yes. Of course, of course! Very pretty!" Our
Benjamin is pretty too, of course. But the princess is too pretty... Video call? Right now, wait a

In fact, Vincenzo had told her to contact him as soon as she went to the hospital, but she had been
afraid to do so. Finally, Vincenzo, who couldn't wait another minute, called first and Noah had
no choice but to comply with all his requests. Then, looking to the right and back to the left, he
shrugged again and looked intently at the "New Dad."

"Hey, grandpa wants to make a video call."

There was a slight tension on his face when he spoke to Felix. He said nothing. Whenever
Vincenzo and Félix made a video call, they screamed and fought with each other as if they were
animals in a circus. Then they get angry and end up breaking something. Especially when it comes
to a topic that has to do with children.
Vincenzo Felice is a well-known mafia executive so he always acted like one. When he met Félix it
seemed like he could work well at his side, but... When it's on the phone...
They just scream and fight and scream again and, that's it. Maybe because they release frustrations
that they cannot resolve when faced with each other. Who knows? Now Vincenzo's desire to see
the girl is intense and of course they know that.

Noah asked Vincenzo to wait for a while, then immediately switched to a video call and connected.

"Okay, that's it."

Vincenzo's face then appears on the screen. He looks grumpy and terribly imposing, as usual.

<I heard that the new baby is already born, my son. Congratulations. You worked hard.
Having contractions seems difficult.>

And there they discovered that the one who was called "My Son" had been Isaac and not Felix.
He, barely awake and sitting up in bed, seemed more confused by the strange title than anything
else happening around him.
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"Thank you Grandpa".

<Now that I have seen my great-grandson and great-granddaughter, I have nothing more to wish for. It would
be fine for me even if I died tomorrow. I think I can close my eyes and go to heaven with all the angels and our
Lord Jesus Christ and...>

"Now please!"

Felix and Noah simultaneously booed Vincenzo, who seemed to be writing something resembling a
will. He frowned, but fortunately he didn't raise his voice or get angry, he just pretended not to hear the criticism
from his two grandchildren.

<I look forward to seeing the children from the front. Even if Felix does something stupid and makes me
angry, rest assured that I will arrive.>

"Yes, don't worry about it."

<You already gave me two grandchildren, you are the only one I can trust. I'm glad to have you, the only
head in which sanity exists, having these useless grandchildren here.>

Felix, who was sitting next to his husband, wrinkled his brow at her strange "father-in-law gossip." He
stood up and approached to try to stop him. It seemed that until now he had been very determined to
pretend that he couldn't hear him.

"Well, then we..."

<Oh, by the way, I left a couple of gifts at home because they wouldn't let me send the flowers to the


Isaac's eyes widened at the words "flowers" and "gifts." Noah, who was holding the cell phone, shook his
head at what he had said and spoke:

"It's not hard to send flowers to the hospital, it's hard to send a THOUSAND flowers to the hospital, grandpa."

Félix seemed to release all the air from his lungs in less than a second:

"No way, you sent flowers again? Really?" When Vincenzo heard the news of the pregnancy, he almost created
a huge garden inside the house so he had definitely had enough of that for an eternity. "Grandpa, I know
you want to congratulate us, but please don't turn someone else's house into a forest. How many times
have I told you that?"

<Does it say your name or what? I sent it to the new baby!>

"Yeah, they're not for me."


"But you sent them to the house I live in."

<Well, that's different.>

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"I told you last time! Okay, okay, you want to congratulate, you want to send a gift.
Do it. But then send money! Money! Why are you so obsessed with flowers?
They take up space, create garbage and dry out over time. "We already have too much with the flowers and
pots from Isaac's shop."

<Oh God, just shut up!>

When Felix expressed his unpleasant feelings and spoke, Vincenzo finally began to fight with him. He
opened his mouth, raised his voice, and his hand rose involuntarily. But then he turned his head and realized
that Jessica and Benjamin were also around so, much to his chagrin, he forced himself to clear his throat and
put on a smile.

<I apologize. My son is a guy who doesn't have much idea about romance, that's all. He is a monster who
only knows money, typical of him.>


<Also, do you think I only sent flowers for the baby? There are many other things!>

"Well, okay. Thank you for the flowers, water, soil and everything else. Are you happy?"

However, Vincenzo was now too busy greeting Jessica to think about anything else so, it was only after a
REALLY LONG conversation with a REALLY LONG and affectionate greeting to Benjamin, that he finally
asked to see his great-granddaughter.

The baby was asleep as if she were a stone so, although she woke up to the sound of the nervous war between
Vincenzo and Félix, she decided to roll over again and start dreaming again... Vincenzo sees the baby
asleep on the fabric that Félix has in his hands and, immediately after that, he becomes so
happy that his eyelashes fill with quite a few tears. He takes out a tissue and wipes his eyes as well as
his nose.

"I know you were disappointed that you couldn't see when Benjamin was born... But now you can be with
the princess."

Noah, who was holding the cell phone, said all this with a huge smile. He had already heard how sad she was
about not being able to see Benjamin since he was a baby so he would surely consider this a great

<She's beautiful... Have you chosen a name yet?>

Vincenzo, who had been staring at the baby all this time, actually asked a great question. There was silence
among everyone present and it happened at the same time that Noah and Jessica's eyes had focused on
Isaac. He had forgotten about it until now, but when he thought about it, he realized that he didn't have one.

Isaac sighed briefly, rubbing his cheeks up and down again and again.

"I haven't decided yet."

<Not yet? Why?>

At Isaac's simple response, Vincenzo asked him without hiding his enormous astonishment. Jessica and Noah
also seem to have the same opinion so Felix just shrugged.
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"I have to... Register her before leaving the hospital so, a decision has to be made now.
Although I don't really have a name right now. I don't even know of a name that sounds pretty!"

<How can it be? So what did you do in these months?>

"Honestly, I was more worried about not throwing up."

Then Isaac got an idea... I mean, it's kind of weird but he doesn't think it's bad. You just have to ask
the people there about a name that seems meaningful and beautiful to them and then they would all
decide something together and be equally happy. Felix doesn't care and Vincenzo said it was

"Everyone must say a name and... We are only going to vote for the one we like the most."

"Can I say a name for the baby, Dad?"

The first to show interest was, of course, his little Benjamin. When the topic came up, the boy
was the only one to raise his head, walk towards him and take his arm. It even seems like his blue
eyes are shining like never before.

"Have you thought of something yet, love? What would you like your little sister to be called?"

"Tony Stark".

"... Oh ok."

Following Mickey Mouse, Tony Stark was his favorite character. The most powerful avenger of all
time! Laughter breaks out here and there at the childish response.

"Well, Benjamin. Tony Stark is a male name. The baby is a girl so we have to give her a name that
suits her."

Isaac responded seriously, but he had pressed his fist to the corner of his mouth so as not to
start laughing too. Benjamin seemed a little disappointed, but he still made a second proposal.

"Peter Parker."

"That's a man's too."

"What about Captain America?"

"That's not a name, well yes... But it's that of a character."

Benjamin, who had been naming various Marvel heroes, ended up making a huge pout with his
mouth. Why couldn't his brother have a cool name? Is it wrong to want him to be a hero?

"Benjamin, baby, it's a girl. So give me a name that isn't a boy's name. If next time your little brother
turns out to be a boy, then I promise I'll name him Tony or Steve, okay?"

"My little brother? When? Can you give me a brother now?"

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Then, as if excited again, Benjamin simply moved a little closer to him and placed his little ear on Isaac's belly,
waiting for his new little brother.

"Oh, no... I didn't mean..." Isaac quickly got into trouble so he didn't know what to say anymore. He just
wanted to comfort him, not promise the boy a man brother! "No, that's..."

"Next year I will give you a brother."

Felix, who was next to Isaac, responded very seriously so that all eyes were on him.

The man only raised his eyebrows:

"What do you see? I already made two of them, didn't I?"

"Are you a dog or what? Do you want to have a third child next year? Without thinking about Isaac's body?"

"He would love to have another child of mine, just ask him. He told me before they arrived."

"Wow, you stupid son of a bitch Isaac, and I was feeling sorry for you because yesterday you were screaming
that you were in a lot of pain. Surely you can fight while giving birth, huh? Huh?"
In that case, raise your fists and fight me!"

Noah hit Isaac on the shoulder, not even hard, but Felix's eyes have become fierce in an instant. He was just
looking at Noah like he was saying, "Apologize." But Isaac, who actually always talked to him like that, just
started laughing quite hard. And who cares?
Anyway, Benjamin's face is a little brighter now that they have promised him that when a boy is born, then
they will definitely use a hero name.

"Now, we have to get serious."

After that, several names were spilled toward Isaac. Vincenzo threw out Italian names, Noah listed unusual
and unisex names, and Jessica only recommended a common girl's name, something simple. Anyway, it felt
like they had named all the girls' names in the world and that, even if he went through them carefully, there
still wasn't a single one that he really liked. All the family members thought about the baby's name but in
the end they couldn't decide at all! Plus the baby started crying because he was so hungry, so what kind of
discussion can they have when everyone seems so "enthralled" watching Felix diligently shake a liquid formula
while settling it against his chest?


Although they regretted not being able to decide on a name, the family had no choice but to leave to give
them some privacy. Even Vincenzo had also hung up, although of course, not before asking to be notified
when the decision was made.
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When Benjamin, Jessica, and Noah returned home, the spacious hospital room felt absolutely
empty and peaceful. The noise had disappeared immediately and the light began to seem so dim
that, from one moment to the next, Félix felt so comfortable that he even felt sleepy.

I was sitting in a chair, soothing and feeding a whimpering baby who was sucking on the bottle
making an impressively loud sucking sound. Then, with the baby against his chest, Felix began
to sing. It was a small sound that didn't match his face or the shape of his arms at all, so Isaac,
paying absolute attention to his intonation and lyrics, laughed silently and just watched: Cooing
and feeding the baby milk. into powder as if he had been doing this for years even though it was
the first day. A quiet and peaceful moment with her husband and her newborn. Almost as if
they were in a painting, so beautiful. He also thought that it could be considered a perfect
moment even if his body still felt numb and tired to death.

"We have to name our baby."

Felix opened his speech as if he thought Isaac might forget him if he didn't remind him.


But soon, looking at the baby who was eagerly sucking on the pacifier of the milk bottle without
opening his eyes, Felix simply fell silent again. It seems that he either can't think of many
options to offer her or that he's just thinking carefully while taking care of the girl... Still, the
problem is there and they have to solve it before she is discharged.

After taking the bottle from the baby, Félix adjusted her so that she was resting on his shoulder
and then, he supported her and began to pat her back. Curiously, every time Félix's hand hits
the lump that forms his girl's body, the size of his palm covers her entire torso and part of her legs
so they may think that he is a bit rough or rough, although in general , he is kind and very, very
cute. And so, a little later, the baby contracts and vomits a small sigh that causes Félix to
start laughing as if hearing her burp was the cutest thing in the world. Soon he placed her in
his arms again and did a lot of strange things just to get her into the crib: He's clumsy and seems
afraid, but he does things I couldn't even imagine. He changes her, feeds her, lulls her, she's
practically attached to her all the time so she can't take her eyes off... Because the man looks
cooler than ever before and she wants to remember him forever.

Félix, a father who is more wonderful than anyone in the world.

He looked and looked at his Alpha as if he were trying to burn it into his cornea and then he
suddenly noticed that Felix had fallen asleep too. His head is against his shoulder and his arms
are almost melting at his sides, it even seems that he has already started snoring. Poor. She
couldn't sleep all night, not even in the early morning, and now that it's even late, she's been taking
care of Isaac and the baby so eagerly that it didn't even occur to her to ask him if he was
okay. But now, he guesses he couldn't hold it in. And it looks like it could fall to the ground if you
don't remove it! Isaac, who put on a huge smile and laughed, this time sat up a little to rectify the
state of the baby lying in the middle. The girl, in a transparent plastic crib, also slept without
any difficulty. She is quiet and small, she is no bigger than Benjamin's Mickey Mouse doll and
yes, her face is wrinkled and covered with a lot of hair! But that's not
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It means that it looks like a beast!

Isaac slowly got out of bed and then walked over to the wall so he could look out the large teddy-
curtained window. On the other side, there was a wonderful view of the sun, palm trees and
luxury buildings. The hospital was close to the beach so it was a beautiful sight to see
the sea beneath the clouds. A blue haze that extends as far as the eye can see, like everything in
San Diego, California



Isaac muttered subconsciously and looked at the baby again. Cool down, darling. The land that
made him find all the wonders that he can enjoy now. California, San Diego. If he had not come
here, if he had not taken the risk, he would not have been able to see Felix again.
He would not have fallen in love again, nor loved again, nor would he have been free
or experienced a moment as divine as this.


The moment he murmured this in a really low voice, the baby, who had been sleeping very
well until now, just squirmed. As if he were answering Isaac's call.

"Do you like that name?"

And although the baby obviously couldn't respond, he had managed to make it squirm again
until Isaac began to laugh.

"Callie" (which sounds like Cali) wasn't exactly a peculiar name. It is actually among the names that
are widely used in the United States, regardless of whether you are a man or a woman. There
must be many and many Callies and there must be hundreds of meanings to this...
But Isaac wants to name her Callie because to him, her meaning is California.
In reality, he also thought about naming him "Diego" for San Diego, and if you analyze it, it
could be much more significant than Callie... But he can't have fought with Benjamin over his
idea of calling him Tony and suddenly going and naming the girl a male name. Spanish, like Diego.

"San Diego" comes from the word Sant or Sanctus, whose origin is "Santiago" but which becomes
a word that means "Holy" like the river "Sant Jame" or "Sant José"... And now Since he cannot
give the girl any of those names, the second child of Félix and Isaac Felice will simply be called
It was a somewhat ridiculous name and meaning, but nevertheless, no one questioned it or refused

The baby was white like the sun on the streets and her eyes were like the overflowing blue sea.
She was definitely California beautiful. A bright and passionate girl like her name.
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Felix narrowed his eyes at Isaac.

"Do you know how long I've been patient so far?"


"I know you kept score as much as I did, you're not going to say something stupid like you don't
know, right?"

Isaac was in trouble because of his fierce question. In fact, he was right, he knew it very well...
It was last year: Isaac had gone straight to the hospital the day after Halloween. He was not entirely
sure of her condition so they sent her for a blood and urine test and as a result, it was determined
that she was expecting a baby. Isaac couldn't take it in for a while, like a man struck by lightning. I
mean, was he pregnant? Really pregnant? It was true that last time Felix's RUT and his heat cycle broke
out together.
He was in love with the man and they mixed their bodies non-stop until it became night and then
night again. Weren't they literally tangled like animals? They didn't even use contraceptives, for
God's sake! Most omegas were supposed to have a 99.9% chance of getting pregnant, that
was clear. But it was a recessive Omega. That meant that even though he was an Omega, he could
be considered the brother of the Beta and therefore, quite irregular.

It was when she met Félix for the first time, five and a half years ago, that she realized how fertile she
was with him. That time it was only one night and I had already left him with a baby in his belly!

During this new stage of their life they had mixed for a long time, days and nights, a condom once
but then a whole week without using it... And in the end everything continued without any change. In
fact, they always said they wanted to have a second baby. "Hey, let's try today."
"Hey, wouldn't it be great to have a girl?" But, no other opportunity was given. He had come to think that
there was something wrong with him and then, in a consultation with the doctor, he was told that he
had actually been lucky. Just knowing that it had been a miracle to give birth to Benjamin was a great
shock to him. A recessive Omega needs more care, so does that mean you won't be able to have a
second? He didn't say it, but it was a problem he was constantly thinking about.

When he said he was pregnant, his family and the people around him, those who heard the news, were
in an uproar with joy, so congratulations were immediate. Nights and nights of partying! But Isaac's head
was blank. I could not believe it. Something similar to what happened with Benjamin, although this time
he couldn't even feel the realism. He reached out and caressed her flat belly.

A second baby.

But soon after, morning sickness started to become a serious thing, and whether I wanted to or not, I
had to admit that it certainly was. I could feel it. I had forgotten because a considerable time had
passed since I had given birth to Benjamin, but it was a fact that the symptoms were exactly the
Isaac was a person who suffered from severe morning sickness. There is a saying that says that in
the second pregnancy the nausea is very different and that you enjoy the moment a little more. But
unfortunately, even on his second time, he had to suffer horrible nausea and absolutely
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tired and upset. When he was at the table, he suddenly held his mouth and curled in place. When
he was with Benjamin, he would suddenly hold his mouth and freeze in place. Isaac couldn't stand
the smell of food, or the smell of perfume, or sometimes he couldn't even stand his own.

Felix didn't feel good about all this either.

As time passed, Isaac showed that the nausea did not improve but gradually worsened.
And, although she was pregnant, she lost so much weight that she had to be in the hospital almost
too frequently to be given an IV. Noah often joked about this saying that the blame for all his
troubles was definitely Felix and that he would be fine when he took a vacation away from him...
Although the truth is, from the beginning of this whole problem he proved to be a father and a
Absolutely wonderful husband. However, although he said he suffered from a symptom slightly
similar to Isaac's morning sickness, the biggest annoyance, the problem that was at the top of the
pyramid and could put their marriage relationship at risk, was that they could not have sexual
relations. .

Before going to the doctor's office to get confirmation, Isaac said they were going to give up sex
and well, his words were coming true quite faithfully.

Recessive Omegas have a really high risk of miscarriage. Because this could mean not only the death
of the fetus but also that of Isaac, they couldn't even allow themselves to do "erotic things."
Furthermore, Felix himself felt nervous and worried so for the first time in his life and very surprisingly,
he did not complain or insist and did not even try to make a move against him. Furthermore, as if
that were not enough, not only did her husband seem sick but his own condition collapsed
overnight... Felix's morning sickness lasted longer than expected and made him act so dramatically
ill that the period of "Felix's unexpected good behavior" also increased.

Eventually, when the morning sickness subsided a little and the bathroom was no longer occupied
24/7, Isaac was reluctant because "his belly was really huge." Oh, actually Benjamin was much bigger
than Callie, but it was uncomfortable and difficult to move around like that so she only had her
husband's hands going up and down calmly throughout the pregnancy. Obviously massaging it
completely was boring compared to usual so I could only consider it a "useless child's game." Not
being able to touch that round, fluffy wonder of a man only became a terribly painful situation for Felix.
But damn! I didn't have the heart to tell him that! He was beautiful when he was pregnant, but it was
even more precious to have his family complete and safe. Did he enjoy making it difficult for
her? Abstinence depended entirely on Felix.

"I masturbated. You know? Since I was a high school student, I have never masturbated
so much or so hard. I mean, I would touch myself every time I saw my erotic, pretty Omega, holding
his tummy lying on my bed. That made me cum. my heart.
I deserve a prize, right? Because even when my RUT arrived I endured it by taking

"Well well done. Congratulations."

"What do you think of this matter, Isaac?"

"That was... It's very unfortunate."

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Isaac felt ashamed, so he avoided her gaze as much as possible. Of course you know how sad the
situation was. Not only during pregnancy, but now after childbirth, her body has not fully
recovered and that caused her period of withdrawal to drag on and on until it honestly
seemed endless.
In fact, what Felix has endured so far has been very useful and has helped him improve a lot. It
also helped her baby to be born and develop fully. Everyone who knows him is honestly in awe of
him! How surprising. Family members know that Alphas are weak against instinct. Among them,
Félix is obviously much more so. The most imposing dominant Alpha among all his species. It must
have been a problem and yet, for almost a year, he was very patient and very cute and... What if
his patience has already exceeded the limit? If it were, it would be natural. Clear.

But if you touch him, wrong, if you turn him on the wrong way, then you'd have to deal with it all at
once, and that's a little... Scary.

"Let's start slow..."

In reality he wanted to answer that he would try... But his lips had already begun to swallow him as
if they had a life of their own. Isaac sat on the couch involuntarily, gasping as Felix's lip hooked
onto his as if they were pushing to the limit. A fierce and fervent kiss, as if showing the end of
all his self-control.


The open lips overlapped one another and at the same time the wet tongue entangled and
reached almost to the throat. Such a passionate and unexpected kiss caused an eerie feeling that
caused him to freeze in place. Isaac, who couldn't even close his eyes or blink, gasped lowly
and looked up. Tilting his head back in an attempt to get him to let go. However, as if he couldn't
afford a moment away from him, Felix followed him determinedly and licked his lips rather hungrily.
He rubbed his tongue, again and again until a wet, sultry sound came out that echoed loudly
between the walls. Isaac's body seems to recoil, unable to do anything but hastily raise his hand
and grab Felix's shoulder until his nails dig into it. It feels as tight as wood.

In Felix's hand, Isaac's shirt fell apart.

"Now, wait, wait a minute. Slow..."

Félix, who runs like a beast blinded by carnal desires that has no more reason to have control,
licks him, caresses him completely and does not seem to hear anything except his own
breathing. Not the complaining or the hitting, not even the bustle outside... Well, it's not so strange
if we think back, wasn't he the one who was hungry after just a week of no activity? But
this time it was almost a year. It wasn't a level he would endure so even if he was struggling so
much, there came a time when he became hopelessly crazy about Isaac.
That's why the man sighed briefly, regretting that he hadn't been able to escape earlier or have
enough strength to punch him. Then she felt her husband's mouth bite her neck, run his fingers
over it, and close her eyes as if trying to concentrate before she exploded.
You like this so what can you do about it?

I hope you can get up in the morning.

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"Isaac, you must have suffered a lot for the baby."

Felix spoke, biting the slightly swollen lips of the man in front of him.

"Haha I know... But you helped me."

Isaac touches Félix's back, who descends from his lips to his chin and then passes along his neck so he can
also bite the back of his neck. No one answered and Isaac was left breathless. Her physical state throughout
the pregnancy was so crazy that she can't keep up properly this time, even though it seemed like she was
somewhat back to normal.

Her husband's smell is quite strong. Its heat is in your fingertips... It's a burning sensation after a long
time without having absolutely anything. His belly was very tense and his penis and the hole in his butt, which
clearly remembers the joy of having him enter it, is getting wet little by little until he fears he is falling into
Omegas are very instinctive, obviously after Alphas. They detect the pheromone and respond
favorably to it... And as proof, now your body is as excited as
Never before.

How scandalous.

"If every time you were pregnant we could have sex, it would be lovely and I would be fascinated."


"But I don't want to go through this, this DAMN HELL YEAR again."

Snarling, Felix sank his teeth into the back of Isaac's neck and then into his collarbone. At some point
during her stay in the hospital, she confidently said that she would make her give birth to her third child, a boy...
But now she says she doesn't want to and growls like a child who is afraid he won't have his favorite
candy for bedtime. have dinner. He smiles without asking about her feelings and begins to leave a lot of
small marks on her skin. He chewed and sucked and then chewed again. Isaac stopped smiling. He hugged
his head...
That face is buried under his neck and hands are digging under his thin shirt constantly. They rise higher and
higher along his belly and he slowly traces Isaac's ribs until, at one point, he rolls up his shirt and touches
every corner until he stops at a nipple that seems as small as a grain of rice.

"Cute, my husband is very cute."

With clumsy fingers that seem to have found a priceless treasure, Felix begins to rub it.


"Your body is so sensitive."

Felix laughed softly, sliding his tongue from his neck to his shoulder and then lower and lower until Isaac
dropped his head and opened his mouth. Oh my God! How excited he is about all this! He's even biting his
lips until they turn an incredible red color.
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bright and it seems that the sweat has decided to start falling until it blocks his vision. There was also a
moan that broke out as if she couldn't stand it and the nipples complained, getting harder.

It just can't be. Her expression, her voice and her sensitive body are driving him crazy!

Felix uses his arms to hold him with all his strength. Then, he pushes Isaac's torso back and leaves
him spread out the full length of the couch so he can pull down his pants. His penis is erect enough to
start throbbing so Isaac's hot breath comes out in the form of an impressive scream... However, it
was when he was rubbing his groin and chest at the same time that Felix began to feel hot inside. the
tip of your finger. Something wet that caused him to stop all his movements and raise his head.


While looking at his finger, Felix let out an unclear sound with an unknown meaning. She looked at
him with eyes clouded by all the accumulated lust and suddenly blurted out:

"I think you finally managed to give milk."

"...Huh?" His head went blank at Felix's comments. "...Has it come out yet?"

"Well, there's something on my finger. Look."

Félix showed him his hand: The sticky water drains away as if to prove that he is not wrong.

"Oh my God"

"Ha, No more expenses! I mean, No more formula!" Only then did Felix laugh... Although Isaac was
honestly embarrassed. It was true, the viscous liquid that was on those fingers came out of her
nipples. Felix rolled up Isaac's shirt, which had begun to slide, quickly lowered his head and then brought
his lips closer until he murmured against her skin: "So that means I can..."

"Wait a minute!"

Isaac was scared and tried to cover himself with his hands.... But his nipple is in Felix's mouth. And not
only that! He's also eating her entire areola.

He sucked it.

"Wait, wait Felix!"

Isaac shouted to stop him, although Felix obviously didn't obey at all. He just licked and bit until he
looked much hungrier than little Callie.

"You're driving me crazy, love..."

Felix, who licked and sucked her breast without a second's hesitation, murmured this in a low voice that
was quite broken due to pleasure. It's sticky. The taste of her milk is sweet as is its smell and it
melts on the tip of his tongue until it makes him lick and lick brutally as if he were getting addicted
to it. Curse. It's so sweet! She hadn't even thought in her wildest dream that Isaac would have this
sweet breast milk.
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"Ah, ah! Wait a minute, ugh, Felix!"

Isaac screamed with all his might. His cheeks and ears are really red so feeling Felix licking
and licking so obscenely only makes him so much worse.

"I love your milk, you really didn't know this would happen?"


Isaac shook his head. In fact, recessive Omegas can almost never produce milk so Isaac figured
he was no exception to this damn rule. When she gave birth to Benjamin, she had to replace
breast milk with powdered milk because not even a small drop came out.
This time it was the same. Even after having the baby there was no breast enlargement
or breast milk formation. It was just the swollen tip and the pain... That was all. Therefore, he
believed that stimulating and waiting was a waste of time so he didn't do it. The doctors told
him there were exercises he could do, but was it really a problem? I mean, at least the girl was
As he did with Benjamin, Isaac got special powdered milk and expressed that the only
important thing was that the baby was eating well until she was nourished... And after two
months without problems and thanks to constant effort, he managed to make his Callie grow
well and she got a little chubbier. But now, breast milk is building up to drop.

"It doesn't make sense anyway because I'm a re... Ah! Felix, stop. Ugh."

Isaac groaned blushingly, bowed his head and said he couldn't believe it. But those were his
final words because Félix put his tongue to her chest as if he were really eager to continue
making love to her.
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The nipples he used to bite and suck are now gently rolled between his fingers. His body seems
too sensitive to any of the stimuli he gives it so he just closes his eyes and starts to shake. It was
by reflex. His shoulders hunch and his thighs seem to start wobbling from side to side. Her toes
slid as if trying to push the couch forward but Felix wasn't even thinking about anything but her
pretty breast. In how erotic it was for him. After holding him, he bites and sucks again, making
Isaac reach a peak of excitement and ecstasy...

He was about to ejaculate.

"Ah, ah Felix... I can't take it anymore. Not anymore..."

"Yes you can..."

"Stop... Ah, please stop."

"But what if I spill breast milk? That's something we can't afford after waiting so long, right? Besides,
I want to see how crazy you can get. How loud you'll scream."

Felix, who sucked until his nipples turned incredibly red, ended up taking off Isaac's pants until
they ended up completely lying on the floor... And on the couch, the two men who touched each
other and undressed without measuring a little His sanity began to tangle like wild beasts.
Long, strong legs mixed together and torsos that were soaked with sweat and milk touched.
There are hands that touch and arms that hold each other and that seem reluctant to let go
again. The lips, which tangle while exchanging a deep kiss for two, remain in close contact
until they are lost in a quite devastating heat.
Hot like the fucking morning sun.

"I don't think I can take it anymore, what should I do? It's been a while since I made love to you
so I wanted to be very nice... But it seems that unfortunately, I can't afford to do it like this."

Felix murmured that with a face like a hungry beast. His blue pupils are already dark and his
fingers seem to be trembling quite desperately. Isaac, lying on his back on the couch in a
completely closed room, nodded his head. Breathing as hard as her fatigued husband was...
From the moment he began sucking on her breast and biting her nipples, she wished that she
could somehow heal his hot body until he felt better.

"Ah... I feel the same way too."

It was when he spat that out with a truly hot breath, that Felix raised one of his thighs as if he
couldn't stand it a moment longer. He places the man's legs on his shoulders and watches
as they tremble in the air the entire time they were waiting for him... And, the next moment, Félix
grabs Isaac's butt and spreads it so he can start inserting his penis into it.

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The heat of his member is felt too clearly inside him. It's so damn tight... His penis seemed to
stick perfectly to her mucosa as it moved slowly, as if it were digging its own path to get to the
point it was looking for.
Although Isaac's field of vision had blurred and his breath reached a point where it could no longer
escape through his throat, Felix was still in a hurry to move his penis, never stopping, without
thinking about anything else and bouncing his penis hard. back against the furniture. Its inner wall
softens over time and swallows your penis until it reaches more than halfway. Wrapping it
gently and then squeezing it angrily again and again and again until it becomes unbearable. Was
there a hole as incredibly shameless as this before? The squeezing and sucking motion made
Felix let out an impressive exhale.

Isaac didn't know what his body was doing so it was strange to see Felix click his tongue and then
stop to say:

"I'm going to go crazy."

At this word of complaint, Isaac blinked with eyes absolutely clouded with lust...
But Félix seems unable to do or say anything else. He just stands there, looking at Isaac's
naked body. His legs spread wide open and the hole that ate his penis swollen to the root. His
belly is tight and his head seems to be full of sweat... It was true that he was feeling an
exciting and terrible pleasure but, beyond that, there was the feeling that the pressure would
finally make him burst. I couldn't even breathe properly!

"Slowly, slower..."

Isaac sobbed, barely inhaling. Even though it had been a significant time since they had such
intense sex, it was only natural that it would be difficult if he pushed himself inside in a
completely desperate and powerful way. Felix moves back and forth constantly, and
when he stops, he leans back and kisses just above Isaac's cheek.
He looks like he's afraid of causing you some kind of pain but at the same time, he has that kind
of charming look that makes you fall to your knees in front of him without the slightest effort. Touch
his cheek gently and then touch his chest.


She called him by name while twisting the nipple between her fingers...
He squeezes, and then squeezes more until he produces a moan similar to an intense "Ugh!"
His waist rises. A tingling current spreads through his limbs, and then the feeling of cumming
grows so much it's honestly creepy. Stimulating to death but difficult to endure.

Unlike Isaac, Felix just laughed heartily.

"Here. It's been leaking this whole time you know?"


"Are you too excited?"

With a really broken voice, Félix explained in great detail each of the things he could see in him.
It was embarrassing to hear. Then, applying force to the palm of his hand, he covers her entire
chest, places the nipples between his fingers and begins to massage them until they become big
and fat. Every time she does it, every time she rolls those beautiful nipples with her nails, she feels
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excited to a point he thought he would never experience. Isaac thought that the irritation, caused
by the skillful movement of his palms and fingers, was unbearably good so the word "More" rose to
the top of his throat... However, in the end, the only sound that came out was escaped his mouth
was a nervous "Aah!"

Seeing Isaac's reaction and thinking that it was truly wonderful, Felix constantly rubbed his chest
as if he wanted to squeeze every drop out of it. And when her fingers were soaked in breast
milk and semen, she brought her palm to her mouth and licked it so thoroughly that it even caused
her to tremble. He cleans himself, bends over, bites and sucks on it. Blessed God!
It seemed as if a beast blinded by lust had possessed him.

"Ah, ah, don't make that noise anymore Felix, ah, please..."

Puck, puck, puck, Felix's movements were becoming infinitely radical. Isaac gasped beneath him
as if trying to get a little more air and shook his waist like a whore. Felix felt like his heart was pounding
quite hard and his penis seemed to tremble every time he moved in and out.

An unbearable pleasure spread from inside his hole so he thought he was definitely
going to go crazy. He is so happy! So damn hungry!

Isaac's sore ass is wet, his waist is raised, his penis is filled with cum and sticky liquid is flowing
from his chest as strongly as ever before... It was lustful and decadent. So much so that if he had
seen himself in the mirror he would surely have fainted from the shock.

An unusual image.

Isaac, who was sobbing and moaning with an intense and desperate expression accompanied by a
bright red face, looked more like a woman who was about to go crazy.

"Isaac, Isaac... Oh my God, I'm really so crazy about you."

Félix, who was voraciously sucking the breast milk that was dripping down to his navel, suddenly
looked up, raised his head and held him so that he could get up and finish in his lap... Félix did
not even take out the penis that was in his interior wall.
Isaac trembled slightly at the stimulation caused by the twisting of that penis inside his body and then,
as soon as he realized the way he was sitting, he looked forward and turned his eyes in Felix's direction.


"So that I can touch you more pleasantly."


"But you have to open your legs more, my love."

Felix pushed his knees into Isaac's thighs and forced his legs apart. Isaac's knees spread wide
and his abdomen curves so deliciously that he can see his groin with complete clarity. This way, he
wouldn't be able to close them even if he died of

"Umm... This is a bit..."

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He wanted to say that it was embarrassing, but again the sound of complaint got stuck in his throat and
choked him... Now his whole body was trembling, his eyes seemed to roll back in his head, and his genitals,
the ones that are exposed, trembled in the air on the verge of to explode.
His appearance is terrible, so obscene that Isaac ends up biting his lip and squeezing his eyes shut.

Isaac sat more comfortably on his husband's thighs. He groaned and leaned over when he felt like he
couldn't keep up, and in the end, to support a body that is likely to collapse, he puts his hands on his knees
and seems to try to find stability. The sound of his flesh hitting his butt was making him so dizzy that
he couldn't even move anymore.

"Ah, ah, Felix, please... Ah, stop."

She wanted to get up, but all she could do was hold her knees and then Felix's knees as she curved her
back completely and stuck out her chest more for him. It was so much and so much that I felt like I would
collapse. Tears shot in all directions and saliva also began to drip.

"Isaac, cry more. Cry. Even if you do it all night it seems insufficient so don't stop my love." Whispering,
he raised one of his hands and began to massage her chest even more. "It's leaking so much..."

Under the nipple, sandwiched between Felix's fingers, the liquid flowed downward until it completely soaked
his fingers. Isaac just rides on his penis and also screams:

"Felix!! Ah, ah, huh, that... There, Oh my God! It's right there!"

Her broad thighs trembled as if in a convulsion. Isaac shakes his head, cries and screams... And that was the
moment he lost all his energy and fell forward. He can't breathe, so Felix hugged him tightly and made him
lie on his back again. However, there was no rest at all. Felix crushed Isaac's thighs with his palms and
spread his knees almost wide.

His cock went in and out again and again and again, so hard that her limbs trembled without hesitation. At the
same time, semen overflowed from Felix's penis and caused Isaac's ass to fall terribly against the couch.
There is the sound of liquid dripping to the ground, wet breath sticking to his ears, and a sweet voice mixed
with sweet laughter.

Breathless, Isaac squeezed his eyes shut. Her face, earlobes, and neck are all fiery red... Felix licked
her neck for a long time, still squeezing her breast with both hands.

"I will never get tired of seeing you... You are beautiful."


Isaac called him with a trembling voice so Felix, who laughed satisfactorily, reached down and grabbed his

"Cum now, love, do it in my hand."

"Ah, ah, no, please... Ahhh."

"Would it be better if we came together?"

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Felix, whispering sweetly as if caressing Isaac's ears with his mouth, shook Isaac's penis
vigorously until the movement of raising and lowering his abdomen and waist became much wilder.
The Alpha's penis completely fills his inner wall, swells and makes him experience a
stimulus strongly transmitted from one side to the other that leaves his head completely
empty. He felt like he was going to die when he squeezed her chest!
His humming breathing came out randomly due to a terrible stimulus, a pleasure and arousal
that was difficult to bear. Her eyes are swollen, but she can't cry and if she does, it just looks
like sobs. He didn't know what to do with the current that spread every time he felt it push and push
until it removed his intestines. A chill from head to toe that made him look broken and at the same
time, feel like he was going to die.

He loves it so much, he's probably going crazy.

It was at that moment that a thin line of semen shot out from the tip of his penis, making him have
an impressive sensation of heat that also spread inside his inner wall.

Then, only after the burning sensation soaked his anus, it feels like time finally managed to stop
so Isaac, who leaned towards Felix's chest to try to touch him, lost his energy and his limbs fell
limply again. . His heavily set eyelids seemed to never open again.

"I love you. My Omega."

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Bonuses 86

Four-year-old Callie Felice was a bright little girl. Determined, capable of getting the things she
wanted without making the slightest effort. He has such a tender way of behaving and acting that no
one says NO to him. Not even once.
When Benjamin was four years old, he was a strong child but also very sentimental. If they told him no,
he would cry and throw a huge tantrum, but he tended to forget about it relatively quickly. Callie wasn't
like that. If he wants something he remembers it even after a few days and gets it with his own
brave efforts. Although they were born to the same people, they were two children with really
different personalities. The same thing happens when playing: For example, Benjamin likes to play hide-
and-seek, play ball, ride his bike, and ride horses. Callie likes to play a little, in a different way. Just like

"Now Uncle Jack is my little dog!"

She doesn't like horses because they're honestly scary so it was better to mount her uncles and tell
them to start crawling. It seemed like a very difficult game for characters like them, but if the girl
opens those beautiful round eyes and asks to be carried on their backs, there is no choice but to
accept. It is something that cannot be avoided.

Therefore, men with strong physiques are always crawling here and there because she wants them to.
Kind of like, a kind of routine.

Today it was Jack's turn:

"Little Miss Felice, I can only play for 5 minutes today. Okay?"

Jack, who had been crawling around the house to the point of pain in his flesh, begged for mercy.
But how short is 5 minutes really? Callie didn't know that people found it so difficult to play with
her because they never refused or complained about her activities so, as beautiful as she was, she
just smiled in her usual angelic way. If she does that, it means they'll play as much as Callie wants.

It is one of those typical gifts of dominant genres.

"Ride me!"

At Callie's command, Jack crawled until he couldn't crawl anymore.

"Where are we going?"

"Hahaha. No! You shouldn't talk because you're a little dog."


It's frustrating when the girl, with the blue eyes and pink mouth, so fervently encourages him to
pretend to be a dog. But what can you do if you have already started playing? She has no choice but
to say yes and put on her best pleased expression.

Jack is a dog, at least for a few more minutes.

"Doggy, do you want to eat snacks?"

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How long has he been crawling? When she felt her knees hurt, Callie asked something nice in that tiny
baby voice. Jack didn't say anything, he hadn't forgotten not to answer. But the next moment, the
girl, with a small, agile hand, threw the cookie she was holding straight to the ground.

"Did you want to eat a cookie? Now I'll give it to you, eat it because it's very delicious."

The girl's expressions were beautiful... But seeing the cookie lying in front of her face, Jack felt so
honestly confused that he said something like "Huh?" With a final short sigh that led him to extend his
hand. The child shook her head again.

"No. Dogs don't have hands! With their mouths! Like that, yum yum yum."

Callie's confident voice made him cringe. Now they were playing dogs so it's normal that he wants her to
eat with her mouth and not talk. After all, she's a four-year-old baby and they're just Felix's workers. He
doesn't have the strength that Isaac or the boss seems to possess because if he did, he would have
yelled "Get down!" And he would have refused to continue... And therein lies the real problem.
None of them are capable of being firm. They just see the pretty girl with the collector's doll
appearance and pretend that her attitude is fine. Although it obviously isn't. And how to correct something
when they just smile and accept everything?

"Doggy, don't you want to eat?"

Callie looked honestly hurt so she tilted her head and looked at Jack, with those stunning, warm


Jack laughs, in that way that Felix always says is very fake... He sees a new cookie fly towards him and
this time, he eats it.

"The little dog eats very well. Do you want another one?"

Here's the second problem: From start to finish, Callie doesn't show even the slightest bit of malice. It is a
pure and childlike radiance, a beautiful and dazzling spark. However, for Jack, who has to be a dog for
today, it is difficult to accept this "innocent."
Jack shook his head as he shook his mouth full of cookies and then Callie smiled. He smiled honestly.

"Callie, here you are."

Callie turned her head at the sound of her name. She never stops her movements when she begins her
games, but this time she stops and jumps off Jack's broad back without even giving it a second thought.

"Little brother! Are you back from school yet?"

"What did you do? Did you bother Uncle Jack again?"

"No! We played doggies! Right, man?"

The boy turned quickly and looked at Jack carefully, as if trying to find something wrong with him.
However, the man only raised his eyebrows, smiled brightly, and said:
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"Yes of course". So Benjamin smiled as if he were honestly relieved and walked, holding Callie's hand again.

Benjamin, who turned 9 this year, was very mature for his age. Innocent but serious personality. A brilliant
charisma. At school, he was nicknamed "Knight." With bright blonde hair and a beautiful appearance that
resembles that of Mr. Felix. The boy, who had the complete atmosphere of Isaac, became a little guy that anyone
could love. Of course, the same was said for her only intelligent four-year-old sister, Callie. Black curly
hair, strong and dominant. Much more striking than anyone else. The only thing that resembles Isaac is the
color of his hair, so it's an interesting thing.

However, Benjamin was the only character in the world that Callie obeyed perfectly. What's more, he
always said that he was the best in the entire world. It has always been Benjamin's job to scold the girl and
tell her that this is not an appropriate way to act...

"If you bother my uncles, I won't buy you snacks."

"Yes. I don't bother my uncles anymore."

Benjamin talks like a decent brother, and Callie nods vigorously as she walks with him...
Jack laughed and smiled: Felice children are always like that. In fact, Jack, who was massaging his hip, recalled
other scenarios as he watched them leave. Now he has to go to Tony and take care of other things, but he
thought it would be nice to listen to some of their chatter and witness them getting ready. He stretched to his
maximum again, feeling proud of himself for getting to play so well with Callie today. Even though it was a bit
painful being a dog.

Now her nature is hidden by her innocence, but in a few years, after becoming a high school student, Callie will
surely begin to show her true stubborn, greedy and strong personality. Finally, when she's a teenager,
Callie would qualify for an expensive school and... Yeah, I figured she was the type to beat up boys who dared
to bother Benjamin. Because he would surely still have a soft personality. Then she would be the girl who
crushes them non-stop! Callie Felice! A superheroine! And a few years later, as an adult and if her imaginations
are correct, she should inherit all of Félix and Vincenzo's businesses. Defeating several opponents and
defeating the eldest son, who was going to want to focus exclusively on studying.

Best dominant Omega ever!

At home, people realized that, that the girl not only had Felix's damn personality, but also very organized
goals. Even the character was quite similar! (Even if it was not revealed externally).

But Jack, who only imagined a future not yet written, disappeared from sight, making a small noise with his
shoes while his heart was very proud.
The children would be successful, no matter what they wanted to do.


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