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Unit 6 NA1 Vocabulary and Grammar


basketball: sailing:
play volleyball: skateboarding:
football: skiing:
tennis: go snowboarding:
gymnastics: surfing:
judo: horse riding:
ice skating:

Actions (verbs)
bounce: run:
carry: jump:
catch: swim:
kick: throw:
weigh: score:

Sport vocabulary
win: fast:
lose: fit:
start: hard:
finish: practice:
train: race:
dance: quickly:
compete: spectators:
Adverbios de modo
Modifican verbos.
Responden a la pregunta ¿Cómo? en una frase.
Suelen ir al final de la oración.
quick: fast:
beautiful: hard:
Se quedan igual:
quiet: high:
Adjetivo + ly:
Cambia de palabra: qood:

I can’t run quickly. (Yo no puedo correr deprisa.)

Children in Arroyo can swim well. (Los niños en Arroyo pueden nadar bien.)
José Juan walks very slowly. (El hombre viejo anda muy lentamente)

Carmen always does well in exams. (Ella siempre lo hace bien en los exámenes.)

1. Complete with the Adverb of Manner.

a) Carlos dances (beautiful).

b) Marina always gets 10 in tests because she work very____________(hard).

c) Some students can’t sit _____________(quiet).

d) Pablo can swim ______________(fast).

e) These questions aren’t hard. You can answer them ____________(easy).

f) Fran walks very ____________(slow).

2. Choose the correct answer.

a) Coral always does good / well in exams.

b) Fabiola reads fast / slowly. She can read a book in a day.

c) I can / can’t hear the teacher. What is he saying?

d) The teacher can’t kick a ball. He plays football badly / well.

e) The students arrived to the classroom quickly / quietly.

f) My dad sings beautifully / fast. He can be a singer.

Can + Verbo (poder, saber + verbo)

Saber hacer algo: I can speak English. Yo sé hablar Inglés.

Poder hacer algo: Pablo can surf. Pablo puede surfear.

Can You can use my pencil. Tú puedes usar mi lápiz.
Pedir algo o permiso:
Can I help you? ¿Te puedo ayudar?

They can't call me. Ellos no pueden llamarme.

Negatives: can't/cannot
I can't hear you No puedo escucharte.

Can you do gymnastics? ¿Puedes tú hacer gimnasia?

Preguntas: Can ….?
Can Carlos snowboard? ¿Podéis vosotros snowboard?

Short answers: No, I/he/she/it/we/they

Yes, I/he/she/you/they can.
(respuestas cortas) can't.

1 Complete the sentences with can or can’t.

1. An elephant __________ jump.

2. I’m sorry. I ___________ hear you.

3. My mobile phone has got a great camera. It ___________take beautiful pictures.

4. Linda is four years old. She ____________ walk and talk.

5. Alex ___________help you now. He’s working.

6. We ___________go to the park. It’s a nice day.

7. I’ve got a racket. We ___________ play tennis.

8. My son is only three years old, but he ____________ ski.

9. She doesn’t understand you. She ____________speak English.

2 Write questions with the words below and Can. Then match the questions to the


1. Rafa Nadal / play / baskeball a. No, it can’t.

2. the boys / dance / well b. Yes, I can.

c. Yes, she can.

3. your mobile phone / work / in water
d. No, he can't.
4. My mum / skateboard
e. No, they can’t.
5. you / open / this window
Must/Mustn't + Verb
You must go to school.
Must: I must feed my cat every day.
(Tú debes...)
People must fasten seat belts in cars.
You mustn’t kick the ball in basketball.
Mustn’t: We mustn’t be late.
(Tú no debes...)
Students mustn't cheat in tests.

1. Complete the sentences with must or mustn’t.

1. You’re tired. You ____________ go to bed.

2. Students ___________ eat during the lesson.

3. I ___________ burgers and pizza. I'm on a diet.

4. You ____________talk during the exam.

5. The film starts at 11.00. We ____________ be late.

2.. Match the sentences in A to the sentences in B.

1. It’s very hot today. B
a. They must eat.
2. Laura doesn’t know about her surprise party.
b. You must remember to drink.
3. Next week is Dad’s birthday.
c. They mustn’t go out tonight.
4. The football players are hungry. d. We must buy him a present.
5. The boys have got a test tomorrow. e. We mustn’t tell her.
3.Complete the sentences with must or mustn’t.

1. Shh! We _________ be quiet.

2. I ___________ tidy my room once a week.

3. You __________ sit there. It’s my chair.

4. Rabbits __________ eat chocolate. It’s very bad for them.

5. You __________ bounce the ball in basketball.

6. We ________get some money. I’ve only got 20€.

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