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1/18/22, 2:58 PM Mystery Queen

Mystery Queen
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Christie was probably the most successful writer in history. She wrote 78 crime novels, six
other novels, 150 short stories, four non-fiction books and 19 plays. That represents two
billion books sold: more than William Shakespeare!
Christie became a writer by accident. She was bored when her husband was away in the
First World War. Agatha was working in a hospital dispensary (which is where she learned
all the information about poisons that she used in her books). She decided to write a novel
to pass the time. She chose a detective novel because she loved reading them. Her first
novel, The Mysterious Affair at Styles, was an instant success. Each book had a new
ingenious plot. Readers loved the books, particularly because Christie always gave the
readers all the information they needed to find the solution.
Christie loved travelling. When she became rich she could go all over the world. She used
the travels in her writing. Agatha Christie died in 1976, but her stories are still immensely
popular. Many have been adapted for film or television.

Questions :

1) Who was 'Christie'? __________________

[ ]A famous car driver
[ ]A famous singer
[ ]A famous writer

2) What was her first name? __________________

[ ]Sandra
[ ]Agatha
[ ]Sarah

3) She only wrote novels. __________________

[ ]True
[ ]?
[ ]False

4) Christie became a writer because it was her favourite hobby. __________________

[ ]True
[ ]?
[ ]False 1/3
1/18/22, 2:58 PM Mystery Queen

5) Why did she know a lot of things about poisons? __________________

[ ]Because she was ill.
[ ]Because she worked in a hospital during WWI.
[ ]Because her father was a doctor.

6) What was the title of her first book? __________________

[ ]'War'
[ ]'The Mysterious Prison'
[ ]'The Mysterious Affair at Styles'

7) Her first book was not a success. __________________

[ ]True
[ ]False
[ ]?

8) Why did readers like her novels? __________________

[ ]Because they could find who was guilty.
[ ]Because her books contained great love stories.
[ ]Because the story was easy to understand.

9) What did she do when she became rich? __________________

[ ]She travelled a lot.
[ ]She drank a lot.
[ ]She ate a lot.

10) When did she die? __________________

[ ]In nineteen seventy-six.
[ ]In nineteen eighty-six.
[ ]In nineteen sixty-six.


1) A famous writer
2) Agatha
3) False
4) False
5) Because she worked in a hospital during WWI.
6) 'The Mysterious Affair at Styles'
7) False
8) Because they could find who was guilty.
9) She travelled a lot.
10) In nineteen seventy-six.


1) "Christie was probably the most successful writer in history."

2) "Agatha Christie..."
3) She wrote 78 crime novels, six other novels, 150 short stories, four non-fiction books and 19 plays."
4) "Christie became a writer by accident."
5) "in a hospital dispensary (which is where she learned all the information about poisons..."
6) "Her first novel, The Mysterious Affair at Styles, "
7) "...was an instant success. "
8) "Readers loved the books, particularly because Christie always gave the readers all the information 2/3
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they needed to find the solution."

9) "Christie loved travelling. When she became rich she could go all over the world."
10) "Agatha Christie died in 1976."

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