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Gayri safi yurtiçi hasıla (GSYİH), bir ülke[2] veya ülkeler tarafından belirli bir zaman diliminde

üretilen ve satılan tüm nihai malların ve hizmetlerin piyasa değeri’nin[3] parasal bir ölçü’südür.

GDP is an indicator of a society’s standard of living, but it is only a rough indicator

because it does not directly account for leisure, environmental quality, levels of
health and education, activities conducted outside the market, changes in inequality
of income, increases in variety, increases in technology, or the—positive or negative
—value that society may place on certain types of output.
The standard of living is all elements that affect people’s happiness, whether these
elements are bought and sold in the market or not.

Pareto efficiency
An allocation of resources is pareto optimal if reallocations which make any individual
better of without making at least one individual worse off are not possible.

Opportunity Cost: The cost of forgoing the next best alternative.

Forgo, utility, yield, diminish, feasible frontiers, autarky, deciding in favor of something

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