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Hawler Medical University

College of Nursing
Community Health Nursing
4th stage
The lecturer: Assist. Professor
Dr.Kareem Fattah Aziz
Lectures (C) family health
Family: A fundamental social group in society typically consisting of one or
two parents and their children.

Community: A group of people living in the same locality and under the
same government.

Family health: can be defined as possessing the abilities and resources to

accomplish family developmental tasks.

Types of family

1- Nuclear family consists of husband, wife one or more children.

2- Joint extended family includes members of nuclear family and other
relative’s aunt, uncles, grandparents, and cousins, are all parts of extended

3- Blended families/ are formed when parents bring unrelated children

from prior marriage in to a new joint living situation because of
marriage or homosexual living together. or man and woman living
together without marriage.

4- Single parent families are formed when one parent leaves the nuclear
family because of divorce, separation or death.

Characteristics of family:

1- Every family is a small social system.

2- Every family has its own cultural values and rules. 3-
Every family has its own structure.

4- very family performs certain basic functions.

5- Every family moves through stages of the life cycle.
Roles of the family

1- Child socialization /activities in the family that contribute to the

development of the child’s social and mental capacities.

2- provide role /provide goods and services needed by the family.

3- housekeeper role/include services in the home that contribute to the
pleasure and comfort of the family members.

4- Kinship role include assistance during the period of crisis. 5-

sexual role /requires mutual participation of both partners.

6- Therapeutic role assisting family members to cope with the

problems and providing emotional support.

7- Recreational role /providing aspects of relaxation and personal

development to the family.

Functions of the family

1- Generating affection ‫ المودّة‬/ affection is generated between

parents, children and among members of generation.

2- providing personal security and acceptance /the family provides a home

base with stability that allows family members to develop naturally in their
own way.

3- Giving satisfaction /family members enjoy life with each other through
satisfying activities.

4- Ensuring continuity of companionship‫( الرفقة‬kindness) among family

5- providing social placement / prepare family members for them
place in the social hierarchy.

6- control and sense of what is right within the family, family members first
learn rules, rights, responsibilities of human society.

Characteristics of healthy families:

1-A facilitative process of interaction exists among family members.

3- Individual member development is enhanced.

3-Role relationships are structured effectively.

4-Active attempts are made to cope with problems.
5-There is a healthy home environment and lifestyle.

6-Rugular links with the broader community are established.

Unhealthy family:

An unhealthily family has not recognized the value of establishing links with
the broader community This may be because of:

1-A knowledge deficit regarding community resources.

2- Previous negative experiences with community services.

3- Lack of connection with the community because of family
expectations or cultural practices.

Family health practice guidelines:

1-Work with the family collectively.

2-Start where the family is.

3-Adapt nursing intervention to the family’s stage of development

4-Recognize the validity of family structural variations.

5-Emphasize family strengths.

Principles of family health care:

When community health nurses want to implement family health care, they
have to follow certain principles given below:

1- Establishing good professional relationship with family.

2- Proper health education and guidance should be provided to family
to take care of themselves according to their needs.

3- Obtain relevant information about family to identify problems and set


4- Improve health status of family.

5- Health care services should be provided to the family
irrespective of sex, age, income, religion n and etc.



1. Children’s Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2009. Public Law 111-
3. Accessed May
15, 2015.
2. Harrington M, Kenney GM, et al. 2014. CHIPRA mandated evaluation of the Children’s Health
Insurance Program: final findings. Report submitted to the Office of the Assistant Secretary
for Planning and Evaluation, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Ann Arbor, MI:
Mathematica Policy Research; August
2014. (1.032
MB). Accessed March 22, 2016.
3. U.S. Preventive Services Task Force. Visual Impairment in Children Ages 1-5: Screening.
summary/visual-impairment-in-children-ages-1-5-screening. Accessed March 22, 2016.
4. American Academy of Pediatrics. Recommendations for Preventive Pediatric Health
AL.pdf (394.89 KB) Last updated 2014. Accessed March 22, 2016.
5. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Preventive Care for Children. 26 Covered
Preventive Services for Children.

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