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Ways To Prevent Social Loafing

Sometimes when we work together as a team, things just seem to click because we
can reach our goals and come up with creative plans together. But I beg to differ
where there are times when we are on just fizzles. This is when members don’t get
their work done that has resulted to the team’s goal does not reach or succeed.
However, there is a plenty way to overcome this problem if you notice social loafing
on your team. Firstly, we have to create a clear assignment by clearly outlining
straightforward goals, objective and duty to manage the workflow more effectively
within a team. When we gave task within a team instead of relying on the group to
self-regulate, we obviously can sense the accountability in each team member. Thus,
it provides more guidance and motivates the team members to take and be
responsibility for their duties. We should never start a project without having a clear
objective because everyone has a need for clarity. So, leader is responsible to
explain and walk the talk afterwards effectively for the group members to attain the
goals that has been set together. Secondly, increase supervision. This can courage
them to maintain their productivity and effort when working in a group setting as we
keep reminding each other of performance expectation, tracking progress and
checking in about their contributions to ensure that everyone is on the same path
and does not deviate from the original assigned work. Hence, its important to monitor
both the overall group output and individual input so that everyone are contributes
fairly and can carry out a higher quality work before submitting it. Thirdly, divide into
subgroup because when the number of group bigger, people most likely to assume
other members to do the job. Thus, it is better to keep it small as they know there is
no extra help around to contribute more. Each subgroup can work in specific task
where feelings of obligation and commitment among members can be attain. Lastly,
provide individual recognition. If we honestly acknowledge their contributions and
enhancing the visibility of the work that they did, they will definitely feel more
motivated and productive to strive for personal excellent and be more confident to
express their opinion openly since they know the team members are there to support
them. By giving people a voice, in time they will feel more connected to the task.
Making everyone aware of individual actions can create overall appreciation for each
person’s actions.

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