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Crochet Diddy Hedgehog by Sarah Lyons

Round 1

Using larger hook and body colour:

5sc in adjustable loop – do not tighten yet

Make a bobble in the loop as follows:

Yarn over and pull through the next sc as usual (3 on hook)

Yarn over and pull through last 2 loops on hook (2 remaining on hook)

Yarn over and pull through last 2 loops on hook (3 remaining on hook)

Yarn over and pull through the same hole (5 on hook)

Yarn over and pull through last 2 loops on hook (4 remaining on hook)

Yarn over and pull through the same hole (6 on hook)

Yarn over and pull through last 2 loops on hook (5 remaining on hook)

Yarn over and pull through the same hole (7 on hook)

Yarn over and pull through last 2 loops on hook (6 remaining on hook)

Yarn over and pull through the 6 loops on the hook

Make sure the bobble is pushed to the front every time

Tighten the starting loop as usual = 5sc and 1 bobble

Round 2

2sc in each sc of the round (and the bobble) = 12sc

Round 3

(1sc, bobble) 6 times = 6sc and 6 bobbles

Round 4

2sc in each = 24sc

Round 5

(1sc, bobble) 12 times = 12sc and 12 bobbles

Round 6


Round 7
(1sc, bobble) 12 times = 12sc and 12 bobbles

Round 8


Round 9

(1sc, bobble) 12 times = 12sc and 12 bobbles

**this is the end of the bobbles**

Round 10

1sc (to finish off the last bobble)

Chain 2 (counts as 1HDC)

23 HDC all the way round and slip stitch into top of chain 2

Round 11

Chain 1

24sc in the row below from the back (to the left of the HDC post – but not the post) and change to nose
colour yarn on the last sc catching the ends in the next round.

Round 12

Change to smaller hook

24sc in the ‘inner’ of the two rounds (the sc from the last round)

Round 13

(2tog, 6sc) 3 times

Round 14

(2tog, 5sc) 3 times

Round 15

6sc, 2tog, 4sc, dec, 4sc

Round 16

6sc, 2tog, 3sc, decrease, 3sc

Round 17

6sc, 2tog, 2sc, decrease,2sc

Round 18

6sc, 2tog, 1sc, decrease,1sc

Round 19

6sc, 2tog, 2tog

Round 20

6sc, 2tog

Round 21

2tog once more then finish up by cutting the yarn and threading onto a needle, picking up the outer strand
of the last 6sc and pulling up gently. Pull the end through the body if your needle is long enough, wiggle
it around and pull up until the nose is the shape you want and secure tightly.

Embroider a nose and eyes with black or brown wool and you’re done. Huzzah another recruit!

B. Amigurumi Crochet Octopus Pattern


1. Magic ring, 6sc (6)
2. [inc] x6 (12)
3. sc in each stitch around (12)
4. sc in each stitch around (12)
5. in each stitch around (12)
Cut yarn and weave in ends on all seven legs.


1. Magic ring, 6sc (6)

2. [inc] x6 (12)
3. sc in each stitch around (12)
4. sc in each stitch around (12)
5. sc in each stitch around (12)
DO NOT CUT YARN – you are now going to join all the legs together.
For the next round (joining legs) you will be working into SIX stitches only on each leg.
6. sc in 6 stitches on each leg, ending with 6sc around leg EIGHT – for your last 6sc, count 6 stitches
back from the original join so that you end in the correct place when crocheting on leg EIGHT (48)
7. BLO sc in each stitch around (48)
8. [dec] x24 (24)
9. [2sc, dec] x6 around
10. [1sc, dec] x6 (12)
11. [dec] x6 (6)
Cut yarn, thread needle and run through the outside loops of the last 6 stitches, pull tight then
weave in.


Flip leg section over.

You will now be crocheting into your unworked stitches on the legs.

To avoid having large gaps in you work where your legs join, you will be working a decrease stitch over
the gap between the legs.

You may find you are not working a decrease into a proper full stitch, don’t worry, just ensure you attach
the first part of your decrease into the leg you are currently on, and end the decrease on the adjacent leg.

If in doubt, you will see you have 6 obvious crochet stitches and half stitch / gaps either side. Work
decreases into those gaps.

Count 6 full sc back on any leg and join your yarn to that stitch.

1. [6sc, dec over leg gaps] x8 (56)

2. [5sc, dec] x8 (48)

3. [dec] x24 (24)

4. [2sc, dec] x6 (18)

Lightly stuff the legs (legs only!)

The body is made using staggered increases to avoid the hexagonal increase lines you would normally find
in standard circle increasing.

You may wish to use your stitch marker here if you aren’t already!

5. [2sc, inc] x6 (24)

6. [3sc, inc] x6 (30)

7. 2sc, inc, [4sc, inc] x5, 2sc (36)

8. [5sc, inc] x6 (42)

9. 3sc, inc, [6sc, inc] x5, 3sc (48)

10. [7sc, inc] x6 (54)

11. 4sc, inc, [8sc, inc] x5, 4sc (60)

12. sc in each stitch around (60)

13. sc in each stitch around (60)

14. sc in each stitch around (60)

15. sc in each stitch around (60)

16. sc in each stitch around (60)

17. sc in each stitch around (60)

18. sc in each stitch around (60)

19. sc in each stitch around (60)

20. sc in each stitch around (60)

21. sc in each stitch around (60)

Place safety eyes between Rows 16 & 17, 10 stitches apart

22. 4sc, dec, [8sc, dec] x5, 4sc (54)

23. [7sc, dec] x6 (48)

24. 3sc, dec, [6sc, dec] x5, 3sc (42)

25. [5sc, dec] x6 (36)

26. 2sc, dec, [4sc, dec] x5, 2sc (30)

27. [3sc, dec] x6 (24)

28. [2sc, dec] x6 (18)

Stuff the body

29. [1sc, dec] x6 (12)

30. [dec] x6 (6)

Cut yarn, thread needle and run through the outside loops of the last 6 stitches, pull tight then weave in.

Embroider the face with your pink and black scraps of yarn and you are done!

C. MINI BT21 CROCHET PATTERN by PaigeeCrochets

“I Love This Yarn”

3.5 mm hook

Make “fluff” by brushing out acrylic yarn with a pet slicker brush, for clearer instructions you can find the
video tutorial on my Youtube Paigee


Yarn: Pink, Black

Fluff: White

Using Pink

R1: 6 sc in magic circle (6)

R2: inc around (12)

R3: [sc, inc] repeat around (18)

R4: [sc 2, inc] repeat around (24)

R5: [sc 3, inc] repeat around (30)

R6-13: sc around (30)

R14: [sc 3, dec] repeat around (24)

R15: [sc 2, dec] repeat around (18)

R16: [sc, dec] repeat around (12)

R17: dec around (6)

Cut yarn, sew remaining hole shut


Using Pink

Chain 1+1

R1: sc 4 (4)

R2: [sc, inc] repeat around (6)

R3: sc around (6)

Leave tail for sewing

Sew left ear down

Use White fluff for ear detail

Sew Cooky’s face using Black


Using Pink

Chain 1+1

R1: sc 4 (4)
R2: [sc, inc] repeat around (6)

R3: [sc, dec] repeat around (4)

Leave tail for sewing


Using Pink

Chain 1+1

R1: sc 4 (4)

R2: [sc, inc] repeat around (6)

Leave tail for sewing


Using Pink

Chain 1+1

R1: sc 4 (4)

R2: sc around (4)

Leave tail for sewing

Use white fluff to make heart around tail


Yarn: Yellow, Black

Fluff: White, Tropical Pink


Using Yellow

Rnd 1: 6 sc in magic circle (6)

R2: inc around (12)

R3: [sc, inc] repeat around (18)

R4: [sc 2, inc] repeat around (24)

R5: [sc 3, inc] repeat around (30)

R6-13: sc around (30)

R14: [sc 3, dec] repeat around (24)

R15: [sc 2, dec] repeat around (18)

R16: [sc, dec] repeat around (12)

R17: dec around (6)

Cut yarn, sew remaining hole shut


Using Black

Chain 1+1

Rnd 1: sc 4 (4)

R2: [sc, inc] repeat around (6)

R3-4: sc around (6)

R5: [sc, dec] repeat around (4)

Leave tail for sewing

Use white fluff to make Chimmy’s face

Use black yarn to sew face details (tropical pink fluff for tongue)


Using Yellow

Chain 1+1

Rnd 1: sc 4 (4)

R2: [sc, inc] repeat around (6)

R3: [sc, dec] repeat around (4)

Leave tail for sewing


Using Yellow
Chain 1+1

Rnd 1: sc 4 (4)

R2: [sc, inc] repeat around (6)

Leave tail for sewing


Yarn: Fire Red, Black

Fluff: Yellow


Using Fire Red

Rnd 1: 6 sc in magic circle (6)

R2: inc around (12)

R3: [sc 2, inc] repeat around (16)

R4: [sc 3, inc] repeat around (20)

R5: [sc 4, inc] repeat around (24)

R6: [sc 5, inc] repeat around (28)

R7: [sc 6, inc] repeat around (32)

R8-9: sc around (32)

R9: sc 16, ch 2, sl st in first st of round (count as new end of rnd) (18)

R1: [sc, dec] repeat around (12)

R2: dec around (6)

Sew remaining hole shut, join yarn on other half

R1: sc around (18)

R2: [sc, dec] repeat around (12)

R3: dec around (6)

Sew remaining hole shut

Needle felt mouth with yellow fluff

Sew face with black yarn


Using Fire Red

Chain 1+1

Rnd 1: sc 4 (4)

R2: [sc, inc] repeat around (6)

R3: [sc, dec] repeat around (4)

Leave tail for sewing


Using Fire Red

Chain 1+1

Rnd 1: sc 4 (4)

R2: [sc, inc] repeat around (6)

Leave tail for sewing


Yarn: Turquoise, Black

Fluff: Grape, Arctic Ice


Using Turquoise

Rnd 1: 6 sc in magic circle (6)

R2: inc around (12)

R3: [sc, inc] repeat around (18)

R4: [sc 2, inc] repeat around (24)

R5: [sc 3, inc] repeat around (30)

R6-13: sc around (30)

R14: [sc 3, dec] repeat around (24)

R15: [sc 2, dec] repeat around (18)

R16: [sc, dec] repeat around (12)

R17: dec around (6)

Cut yarn, sew remaining hole shut


Using Turquoise

Chain 1+1

Rnd 1: sc 4 (4)

R2: [sc, inc] repeat around (6)

R3: [sc 2, inc] repeat around (8)

Leave tail for sewing

Needle felt ear details with Arctic Ice fluff

Needle felt nose with Grape fluff

Sew face using black


Using Turquoise

Chain 1+1

Rnd 1: sc 4 (4)

R2: [sc, inc] repeat around (6)

R3: [sc, dec] repeat around (4)

Leave tail for sewing


Using Turquoise

Chain 1+1
Rnd 1: sc 4 (4)

R2: [sc, inc] repeat around (6)

Leave tail for sewing


Using Turquoise

Chain 1+1

Rnd 1: sc 4 (4)

R2: sc around (4)

Leave tail for sewing


Yarn: Turquoise, Grape, Orchid, Black

Fluff: Tropical Pink, Black, White


Using Turquoise

Rnd 1: 6 sc in magic circle (6)

R2: inc around (12)

R3: [sc, inc] repeat around (18)

R4: [sc 2, inc] repeat around (24)

R5: [sc 3, inc] repeat around (30)

R6-13: sc around (30)

R14: [sc 3, dec] repeat around (24)

R15: [sc 2, dec] repeat around (18)

R16: [sc, dec] repeat around (12)

R17: dec around (6)

Cut yarn, sew remaining hole shut

Using Turquoise

Chain 1+1

Rnd 1: sc 4 (4)

R2: sc around (4)

Leave tail for sewing (sew around)


Using Grape

Bobble: [y/o, pull up loop, pull through 2] repeat 4 times (5 loops), pull through all

Chain 10+2

Row 1: [bobble, sl st] x5

Leave tail for sewing


Using Grape

Chain 1+1

Rnd 1: sc 3 (3)

Leave tail for sewing

Sew hole shut, attach tail

Use tropical pink fluff for heart nose

Use black and white fluff for eyes

Use black yarn to sew nose details


Using Orchid

Chain 1+1

Rnd 1: sc 4 (4)

R2: [sc, inc] repeat around (6)

R3: [sc, dec] repeat around (4)

Leave tail for sewing


Using Orchid

Chain 1+1

Rnd 1: sc 4 (4)

R2: [sc, inc] repeat around (6)

Leave tail for sewing


Yarn: Toasted Almond, Brown, Black

Fluff: Brown, White


Using Toasted Almond

Chain 4+1

Rnd 1: sc 3, inc, turn, sc 3 (8)

R2: inc 2, sc, inc 3, sc, inc (14)

R3: R2 but replace “inc” with “[sc, inc]” (20)

R4: R2 but replace “inc” with “[sc 2, inc]” (26)

R5-9: sc around (26)

R10: R2 but replace “inc” with “[sc 2, dec]” (20)

R11: R2 but replace “inc” with “[sc, dec]” (14)

R12: R2 but replace “inc” with “dec” (8)

Cut yarn, sew remaining hole shut

Needle felt shooky’s mouth with brown and white fluff

Sew shooky’s eyes and eyebrows with black yarn


Using Brown

Chain 1+1
Rnd 1: sc 4 (4)

R2: [sc, inc] repeat around (6)

R3: [sc, dec] repeat around (4)

Leave tail for sewing


Using Brown

Chain 1+1

Rnd 1: sc 4 (4)

R2: [sc, inc] repeat around (6)

Leave tail for sewing


Yarn: White

Fluff: Black, Pink, White


Using White

Bobble: [y/o, pull up loop, pull through 2] repeat 4 times (5 loops), pull through all

Rnd 1: 6 sc in magic circle (6)

R2: [bobble, 3 sc same st] repeat around (12 sts, 3 bobbles)

R3: [bobble, inc] repeat around (18 sts, 6 bobbles)

R4: [inc, sc, bobble] repeat around (24 sts, 6 bobbles)

R5: [bobble, sc] repeat 4 times, sc 6, [bobble, sc] repeat 5 times (24 sts, 9 bobbles)

R6: [sc, bobble] repeat 4 times, sc 6, [sc, bobble] repeat 5 times (24 sts, 9 bobbles)

Repeat R5-6 once more

R9: [bobble, sc] repeat around (24 sts, 12 bobbles)

R10: [dec, sc, bobble] repeat around (18 sts, 6 bobbles)

R11: [bobble, dec] repeat around (12 sts, 6 bobbles)

R12: [bobble, dec3tog] repeat around (6 sts, 3 bobbles)

Cut yarn, sew remaining hole shut

Use white fluff to cover RJ’s face

Use black fluff to make face details

Use pink fluff for blush


Yarn: White, Greybeard, Black

Fluff: Black


Using White

Rnd 1: 6 sc in magic circle (6)

R2: inc around (12)

R3: [sc, inc] repeat around (18)

R4: [sc 2, inc] repeat around (24)

R5-7: sc around (24)

Change to Greybeard

R8-10: sc around (24)

R11: [sc 2, dec] repeat around (18)

R12: [sc, dec] repeat around (12)

R13: dec around (6)

Cut yarn, sew remaining hole shut


Using Greybeard

Rnd 1: in magic circle sc 2, switch to White, sc 2, sl st with grey (4)

R2: sc, inc, switch to white, sc, inc, sl st with grey (6)

Leave white and grey tail for sewing

Sew Van’s face using black yarn – use black fluff for circle


Using White for left arm, Greybeard for right arm

Chain 1+1

Rnd 1: sc 4 (4)

R2: [sc, inc] repeat around (6)

R3: [sc, dec] repeat around (4)

Leave tail for sewing


Using White for left leg, Greybeard for right leg

Chain 1+1

Rnd 1: sc 4 (4)

R2: [sc, inc] repeat around (6)

Leave tail for sewing

D. We Bare Bears ( Panda) by amiguruku

Start with white

R1: 6 sc in magic circle (6)

R2: inc around (12)

R3: [sc, inc] repeat around (18)

R4: [sc 2, inc] repeat around (24)

R5-R7: sc around (24)

R8 : (sc 7, inc) x 3 (27)

Change to grey

R9-R10: sc around (27)

Change to white

R11-R12 : sc around (27)

Change to grey

R13 : sc around (27)

R14: [sc, dec] x 9 (18)

R15: [dec] x 9 (9)

R16: dec x 4, sc (5)


Legs x 2

R1 : MR, 6 sc (6)
R2 : sc x 6 (6)
Arms x 2
R1 : Chain 3, sc start from the second chain from hook (2)

Ears x 2
R1 : MR, 3 sc

Place eyes between R7-R8, 5 stitch apart, place mouth between the eyes

Place blushes below the eyes

Sew arms between R9-R10
Sew legs at the grey part on the bottom

E. Bear Amigurumi by Vii Crochet yt



Project material


Brown Yarn White Yarn

2.5mm Hook Size

Bear Button Eyes

Bear Head

R1 -make a magic ring -10 sc into the magic ring -pull the string -slip stitch

R2 ( increase stitch ) -Chain 1 -Make 2 sc into each stitch around ( 20 sc total ) -slip stitch

R3 ( increase stitch ) -Chain 1 -1,2,1,2 sc around ( 30 sc total ) -slip stitch

R4-R10 ( 30 sc total ) -Chain 1 -1 sc into each stitch around -slip stitch

R11-12 ( Decrease stitch ) ( R11 20 sc total ) ( R12 14sc total ) -chain 1 ( count as 1st sc ) -make 1 sc into
the first stitch -skip 1 stitch -make 1 sc into stitch 3&4 ( 1,1,skip 1 stitch, 1,1, repeat the process around )

Bear Ear

R1 -Make a magic ring -chain 1 -6 sc into the magic ring -pull the string -slip stitch

R2 *chain 1 *2 sc into each stitch around *slip stitch

R3-R4 *chain 1 *1 sc into each stitch around *slip stitch

Bear Nose

*Make a magic ring *chain 1 *make 10 sc into the magic ring *pull the string *slip stitch

Bear Body

R1 *make a magic ring *chain 1 *make 12 sc into the magic ring *slip stitch

R2 *chain 1 *make 2 sc into each stitch around *slip stitch

R3 *chain 1 *1,2,1,2 sc around *slip stitch

R4-10 *chain 1 *1 sc into each stitch around *slip stitch

R11- 12 ( Decrease stitch ) -chain 1 -make 1 sc into the first stitch -skip 1 stitch -make 1 sc into stitch 3&4
( 1,1,skip 1 stitch, 1,1, repeat the process around )

Bear Hand

R1 *make a magic ring *chain 1 *make 8 sc into the magic ring *pull the string *slip stitch

R2-6 *chain 1 *make 1 sc into each stitch *slip stitch

Bear Leg
R1 *make a magic ring *chain 1 *make 10 sc into the magic ring *pull the string *slip stitch

R2-4 *chain 1 *Make 1 sc into each stitch around *slip stitch

Crochet Octopus by Croby Patterns

YARN: For this pattern, I was using some DK weight 100% cotton. Perfect for this project is a DK weight
yarn from Paintbox cotton collection. You can find it HERE. The yarn is great for amigurumi toys because
it’s easy to work with, the strand is nicely twisted and it’s available in 56 shades.

CROCHET HOOK: I was using a 3 mm or D and 3.5 mm or E/4 crochet hook (HERE!).

OTHER: And of course a yarn needle (HERE!), stitch markers (HERE!), a pair of scissors (HERE!), two
safety eyes and a small amount of synthetic stuffing (HERE!).

st/sts – stitch/stitches

ch – chain (VIDEO)

sc – single crochet (VIDEO)

sc2tog – single crochet two together

sc3tog – single crochet three together

ss – slip stitch

hdc – half double crochet (VIDEO)

hdc3tog – half double crochet three together

dc – double crochet (VIDEO)

dc3tog – double crochet three together

BLO – work into back loops only

FLO – work into front loops only

The pattern is worked in continues rounds.

How to read a pattern:

If the number is written before the stitch 3 hdc work 3 hdc into the same stitch. If the number is written
after the stitch hdc 3, work hdc into next 3 stitches.

Repeat what is written in the () as many times as it’s written right after the (). For an example: Repeat (2
hdc, hdc 1) 5 times. It means that you have to repeat the sequence work 2 hdc sts into the same st, 1
hdc into the next one 5 times. And you will get 5 additional stitches by doing that.

Use stitch markers to mark your first stitch of each round.

Skill level: Easy


The octopus is made in three simple steps. We will start with the main part which is the body. From
there on, we will continue and give the octopus 8 long arms. And our last step will be, to make two tiny
eyes and attach them to the body.


Take the yarn and the hook (3.0 mm) and create a magic ring.

Round 1: 6 sc sts into the magic ring. = 6 sts.

Round 2: Work 2 sc into next 6. = 12 sts.

Round 3: Repeat (2 sc , sc 1) 6 times. = 18 sts.

Round 4: Repeat (2 sc, sc 2) 6 times. = 24 sts.

Round 5: Repeat (2 sc, sc 3) 6 times. = 30 sts.

Round 6 – 12: Sc 30 sts. = 30 sts.

Begin stuffing the head/main part.

Round 13: Repeat (sc 3, sc2tog) 6 times. = 24 sts.

Round 14: Sc 24. =24 sts.

Round 15: Repeat (sc 2, sc2tog) 6 times. = 18 sts.

Round 16 – 17: Sc 18 = 18 sts.

If you are using safety eyes with a screw and a stopper for this project, please jump to the “EYES” part
and read the instructions under number 3.

Round 18: BLO! (very important!) Repeat (sc 1, sc2tog) 6 times. = 12 sts.

Continue stuffing the head.

From now on work in both loops.

Round 19: Repeat sc2tog 6 times. = 6 sts.

Cut the yarn and fasten off, but leave a long tail for sewing. Thread the needle, use the yarn tail, and join
all the remaining sts together. Make sure you entirely close the opening so the stuffing will not start
coming out of the octopus.

Now go back to round 18. There are 18 undone front loops that we will use as a base for our octopus

Round 18: FLO! Sc 18. = 18 sts.

From now on work in both loops.

Round 19: Repeat (sc 2, 2 sc) 6 times. = 24 sts.

Round 20: Repeat (sc 5, 2 sc) 4 times. = 28 sts.

Round 21: Repeat (sc 6, 2 sc) 4 times. Ss into the last one.


Arm 1: Ch 29. Turn and start in the 2nd chain from the hook. Continue working into the chain Ss 2. Sc 1.
3 sc. Sc 2. Hdc3tog. Hdc 5. 4 hdc. Hdc 3. Dc 4. Dc3tog. Dc 3. Skip 2 sts on the octopus body. 1 ss into next
two sts.

Arm 2: Ch 29. Turn and start in the 2nd chain from the hook. Continue working into the chain Ss 2.
Repeat (2 sc) 6 times. Hdc 3. Repeat hdc3tog 4 times. Dc 5. Skip 2 sts on the octopus body. 1 ss into next
two sts.

Arm 3: Ch 29. Turn and start in the 2nd chain from the hook. Continue working into the chain Ss 2. Sc 3.
Hdc 2. Repeat (2 hdc) 4 times. Hdc into next 6. Repeat hdc3tog 2 times. Dc into next 5. Skip 2 sts on the
octopus body. 1 ss into next two sts.

Arm 4: Ch 29. Turn and start in the 2nd chain from the hook. Continue working into the chain Ss 2. Sc 3.
Repeat sc3tog 2 times. Hdc into next 4. 2 hdc into next 3. Hdc 5. Dc3tog. Dc 2. Skip 2 sts on the octopus
body. 1 ss into next two sts.

Arm 5: Ch 29. Turn and start in the 2nd chain from the hook. Continue working into the chain Ss 2. Sc 3.
Repeat (2 sc) 3 times. Hdc3tog. Hdc 3. Repeat (2 hdc) 3 times. Hdc into next 5. Dc3tog. Dc 3. Skip 2 sts on
the octopus body. 1 ss into next two sts.

Arm 6: Ch 19. Turn and start in the 2nd chain from the hook. Continue working into the chain Ss 2. Sc 3.
Hdc 2. Repeat ( 2 hdc) 4 times. Hdc 5. Dc 2. Skip 2 sts on the octopus body. 1 ss into next two sts.

Arm 7: Ch 19. Turn and start in the 2nd chain from the hook. Continue working into the chain Ss 2. Sc 3.
2 sc. 3 hdc. Hdc 2. Hdc2tog 3 times. Dc into next 3. Skip 2 sts on the octopus body. 1 ss into next two sts.

Arm 8: Ch 29. Turn and start in the 2nd chain from the hook. Continue working into the chain Ss 2. Sc 3.
Repeat sc3tog 2 times. Hdc into next 4. 2 hdc into next 3. Hdc 5. Dc3tog. Dc 2. Skip 2 sts on the octopus
body. 1 ss into the last one.

Leave longer tail for sewing. Take the yarn needle and sew all small parts between skipped stitches and
the last dc stitches on the arms. Fasten off a hide all the yarn tails between the sts


Create an eye base from the yarn. Take the 3.5 mm crochet hook and create a magic ring. Work in
Round 1: Ch 1. Work 6 hdc sts into the magic ring. Join the round with a ss.

Close the magic ring, fasten off and hide all the tails. Attach the eyes to the eye bases.

There are two ways how to attach the eye bases and the eyes to the main part/body.

You can use a hot glue gun.

You can sew the base to the main part with a small amount of yarn and a needle.

This third option will work only if you are still working on the body and the eyes you will attach are the
amigurumi eyes with a screw on one end and the plastic stopper that prevents eyes from falling apart. In
that case, create two eye basis first, then attach them to the body with the eye screw going through the
eye base first then push it through the stitch on the main part. I would go with round 17. Attach the
stopper. (TIP: I would take a hot glue gun and attach the small amount of glue around the stopper, so I
can be sure the eyes are not going

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