TOEIC 閱讀B 試題

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our comp any spent more than a month 16 This month only, Heavenly Gym is

enhancing product quality, and ------­ offering new members the full use of its
the contractors are now satisfied. facilities, including the swimming pool,
(A) fortunately for as ------- as $30 a month.
(B) fortunate . (A) little
(C) fortunes (8) much
(D) fortune (C) far
(D) less

Harper Pharmaceutical is pleased to

_______ that all of its workers are eligible 17 Those ------- wish to attend the
for membership at the nearby health international education conference in
club. Seoul should register this month.
(A) maintain (A) when
(B) announce (B) what
(C) involve (C) whom
(D) tell (D) who

As our charity event had such high 18 Because Ms. Baker ------­
attendance, we have reached our disappointment with the service, the
donation -------. floor manager has been keeping an eye
(A) destination on the staff's behavior for the last few
(B) opinion days.
(C) organization (A) shows
(D) goal (B) is showing
(C) will be showing
(D) showed
Japan's annual trade surplus is in
excess ------- $2'00 billion and is
expected to get bigger next year. 19 If you want to get a job quickly, it is
(A) of critical that you be ------- for all job
(B) over interviews.
(C) by (A) promptly
(D)than (B) promptness
(C) prompt
(D) prompter
After reviewing proposals for the road
construction project, the president
decided that Dr. Kim's was the most 20 ------- my dismay, Ms. Saito gave a
------- choice. dismal presentation even though her
(A) appropriateness ideas were not that bad.
(B) appropriate (A) About
(C) appropriation (B) To
(D) appropriately (C) On
(D) For

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