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Support local Filipino Artist and Fund local Filipino Artist

Our artwork is a tribute to the hard work and creativity of local Filipino artists, as well as a
representation of the rich cultural heritage they represent. We want to raise awareness about the
importance of supporting local artists and their work as advocates for Philippine Visual Arts. Our
hand-drawn art conveys a strong message about the importance of supporting local artists by
incorporating elements of Filipino culture such as our currency, a person with a megaphone, and
our flag.

The government must play an important role in promoting the work of local Filipino artists.

By investing in the development and recognition of local talent, the government can help to
ensure that the Filipino people's unique perspectives and traditions are shared and appreciated for
future generations. This investment not only helps the art community grow, but it also helps to
preserve Filipino culture.
However, government funding is not the only source of support for local artists. We can all do
our part to ensure that Filipino artists have the resources they need to continue creating
meaningful and impactful works of art. This can be accomplished by purchasing their works,
attending exhibitions, or simply sharing their work with others.

Finally, our artwork advocacy is a rallying cry for local Filipino artists and their work. We can
help to promote the growth and preservation of Philippine Visual Arts by recognizing the value
that art brings to our culture and society. We can all help to ensure that Filipino artists' creativity
and talent are celebrated and appreciated, whether through government investment or individual

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