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love this clap back by Lin. : clevercomebacks


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love this clap back by Lin.

8015 Submitted 5 hours ago by redeffectiveness
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This post was submitted on 17 Aug 2023

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[–] druule10 • 633 points 4 hours ago

52.8k · 902 comments
3. We enforce quality control
That tatto says "I have no idea what this says". Found this online
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4. No circle-jerking
[–] AppropriateScience71 • 235 points 3 hours ago

1 of 25 17/8/2023, 4:36 pm
love this clap back by Lin. : clevercomebacks

That would be hilarious if a tattoo artist did that and the person 5. No racism/sexism/homophobia
didn’t know what it meant.
6. No Doxxing/brigading
No, wait, that sounds horrific. But super funny if the tattooed
person knew it.
7. Moderator discretion is FINAL
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a community for 5 years

[–] ExplanationAlive5254 • 127 points 3 hours ago

Saw a post awhile back. He wanted a Japanese character as

a tattoo. After he went home, one of his japanese friends MODERATORS
asked, why did you have a tattoo of “Ramen”
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[–] patapawn96 • 56 points an hour ago

at least it’s ramen. you can just say you really love
ramen �
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[–] justPassingThrou15 • 26 points an hour ago

or you could say it's a bilingual pun, and really he's

gay and loves Raw Men.
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[–] AppropriateScience71 • 12 points an hour ago

I can 100% see overseas tattoo artists doing that to

tourists. Ok, it’s back on the funny side.
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[–] SoupForEveryone [score hidden] 35 minutes ago

They know. All these idiots stories are mostly made
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[–] doogly88 • 24 points an hour ago

My wife lived in Japan about 25 years ago and it was still

rare and cool to have english text on your clothing.
She laughed when she saw this super hip young guy in some
shopping area and he was dressed in all black, leather
jacket, wearing a hat that said “Old Fart’s Wife”
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[–] MarBuh [score hidden] 20 minutes ago

As someone visiting Japan, I have an entire collection of
incredibly fucked up English writings �
"Say no to rasism!"
"Manual Therapie"
"Normal - Litte Hot - Hot"
"Person who belongs to anti-social forces are not
allowed to use the fitness room"
All of it (sic)
As someone from a non-English speaking country I've
never seen so many botched attempts at English.
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[–] goes231even [score hidden] 17 minutes ago

"Person who belongs to anti-social forces are not
allowed to use the fitness room"

2 of 25 17/8/2023, 4:36 pm
love this clap back by Lin. : clevercomebacks
I need this shirt
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[–] ZellNorth [score hidden] 17 minutes ago

I’d definitely rock a hat that says “old fart’s wife”
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[–] Natural-Ad-3666 [score hidden] 25 minutes ago

I once had a shirt made that said “I am a dumb American
and I have no idea what this shirt says”
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[–] notheretoargu3 [score hidden] 22 minutes ago

There was an artist in landing years ago that supposedly lost
their license and business doing things like that to dumb
sorority sisters.
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[–] spreadilicious [score hidden] 37 minutes ago

"That's a cool tattoo what does it say?"
"I have no idea what this says"
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[–] Yugan-Dali • 75 points 2 hours ago

No, it’s actually well written, 患得患失, but I have no idea why
anybody wants that on their arm: “when they haven’t gotten it,
they’re obsessed with getting it; once they’ve gotten it, they’re
worried about losing it.” It’s never been used to describe a
healthy mindset.
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[–] snootnoots • 57 points 2 hours ago

I saw a guy with a tattoo in Japanese, nicely done, very

pretty font, but it read “don’t forget to eat” �
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[–] Yugan-Dali • 19 points 2 hours ago

Good advice!
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[–] SirSkittles111 • 5 points 2 hours ago

Carbon monoxide poisoning made him do it, why

japanese? Never question it
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[–] JackfruitSilver858 • 3 points an hour ago

A man after my own heart

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[–] bloonshot • 19 points an hour ago

that's a long fucking english sentence to be four characters

in another language
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[–] PuTheDog • 45 points an hour ago

It’s an idiom, the literal words meaning are “worry gain,

worry loss” these things are often taken from poem or

3 of 25 17/8/2023, 4:36 pm
love this clap back by Lin. : clevercomebacks
ancient text and not 100% can be translated word for word
w/o diving into a bit of context. Heck, English has tons of
these, “bells and whistle”? “Bob’s your uncle”? “Whole 9
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[–] potatoaster • 21 points an hour ago

It's an idiom. Like how "penny-wise, pound-foolish"

means something more complex than the words convey
directly. A more direct translation of 患得患失 is "worries
about gains and also worries about losses".
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[–] bloonshot • 6 points an hour ago

that makes a lot more sense

given the repeated structure and letter, i'm
assuming 患 would mean something like "to worry?"
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[–] Cweeperz • 7 points 1 hour ago

Ye, in this context. It also means to contract (a

disease) in 患病, or a safety hazard in 隐患, or
to amplify the badness of a difficulty in 患难
(meaning a serious difficulty)
Actually, I've never seen that character mean
"to worry" in everyday speech. It seems like it
only means this in this one particular situation
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[–] GANJENDA • 6 points 1 hour ago

患 means "to worry" almost only in ancient

Chinese. It's the abbreviation of 憂患 (also
means to worry).
Whatever, both 患 and 憂患 for the meaning "to
worry", are not frequently used currently.
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[–] panzerkampfwqgen • 11 points 1 hour ago

Mandarin be like that sometimes

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[–] Yugan-Dali [score hidden] 39 minutes ago

Classical Chinese is extremely concise~ plus I’m
explaining it
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[–] RedGoldenYellow • 4 points an hour ago

Yes, the Chinese tattoo is a chinese old saying to describe

"irresolute" or "indecisive", it's not a literally positive
comment especially for people.
It reveals a ridiculous truth, some sports players totally don't
know what these Asian characters tattoo's meaning before
they make it. Most of them just playing "Jump on the
bandwagon" show. Seems that's disrespectful of that

4 of 25 17/8/2023, 4:36 pm
love this clap back by Lin. : clevercomebacks
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[–] No_Secretary_1198 • 90 points 3 hours ago

Fluent in Mandarin and Cantonese here and its relatively hard to

translate the kanji in context with each other but it roughly
comes out to "I'm the only one who will suck my dick for free"
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[–] druule10 • 19 points 3 hours ago

Well played, you got me laughing. Thank you for that.

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[–] LMGDiVa [score hidden] 34 minutes ago

He lost me when he said Kanji. Kanji are Japanese,
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[–] rub_a_dub-dub [score hidden] 25 minutes ago

japanese and chinese are basically the same thing
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[–] LMGDiVa [score hidden] 24 minutes ago

No... No they arent.
Not even close.
hell even TW Chinese(Mandarin) and Mainland
Mandarin, and Cantonese are different.
Japanese is dramatically different.
That's like saying German French and English
are the same thing because they share some
alphabet stuff.
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[–] rub_a_dub-dub [score hidden] 17 minutes ago

today i learned that you have to use /s for
even the most obviously sarcastic
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[–] misosoup05 [score hidden] 34 minutes ago

It says kung pao chicken. Guy automatically shows his tats when
ordering in a chinese resto
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[–] warfaceisthebest [score hidden] 9 minutes ago

No. The tattoo is actually a famous phrase in China, the
translation would be: worry too much about what you get, and
what you lost.
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[–] happyboy12321 [score hidden] 45 minutes ago

5 of 25 17/8/2023, 4:36 pm
love this clap back by Lin. : clevercomebacks

it says "me purposefully spreading misinformation on the

internet" source: trust me bro
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[–] ahmadtheanon [score hidden] 5 minutes ago
According to google images, "to suffer from black"
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[–] MammothTaker • 914 points 5 hours ago

I feel bad for Lin, really seems like an example of "Don't meet your
heroes" He's a class act to react like this
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[–] HelenAngel • 145 points 2 hours ago

Absolutely- very classy & mature response!

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[–] Castod28183 • 120 points 2 hours ago

It all worked out in the end. Kenyon Martin made it to the finals
twice where he got smashed on by Tim Duncan(4-0 in 2002) and
Shaq(4-2 in 2003) and Jeremy Lin played literally 1 minute of 1
finals game in 2019 and got himself a ring.
Jeremy Lin will be remembered as a nice and humble guy that
won a championship, as well as the Linsanity legacy.
Kenyon Martin won't really be remembered much at all outside of
fans of teams he played on.
Sadly Jeremy Lin will also always be remembered for that time
A.I. crossed him in LA and then stepped over him. Lol.
Still...Much love for Lin.
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[–] PaladinXHaze • 46 points an hour ago

Allen Iverson crossed and stepped over Tyronn lue*

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[–] Castod28183 • 11 points an hour ago

You sure as shit right...I'm a little drunk...The rest of it

is correct as far as I know.
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[–] UpcycledSkateArt • 15 points an hour ago

How the hell do you confuse Tyrone Lue and Jeremy

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[–] praisedcrown970 • 12 points an hour ago

They both have dreads

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[–] Castod28183 [score hidden] 53 minutes ago

Wasn't even that, just been drinking and
made a mistake. Lin/Lue, just a little fuzzy
memory even if I wasn't drinking.
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6 of 25 17/8/2023, 4:36 pm
love this clap back by Lin. : clevercomebacks
[–] Castod28183 [score hidden] 54 minutes ago
What part of "drunk' don't you understand? It's
after midnight, I'm on long change...It's my
long weekend...
Also...Lue/Lin 3 letters, starts with L...Not a
hard mistake for a drunk person to make.
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[–] CommunicationClassic [score hidden] 42 minutes

Lol youre good man, have another for me
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[–] badwithreferences • 3 points an hour ago

It makes sense you confused them because they

both have dreads
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[–] Castod28183 [score hidden] 51 minutes ago

Not even that...Lin/Lue...Been drinking a bit
and just confused the names. No harm
intended. Even sober I might have made that
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[–] monark824 [score hidden] 49 minutes ago

Dude I’m halfway buzzed too and I already believed
you and locked it into my core memory. AI vs
Linsanjty was GOATed �
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[–] Castod28183 [score hidden] 45 minutes ago

Lmao. My mistake.
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[–] Possible-Day6744 • 19 points 1 hour ago

Lin was 13 when AI crossed Lue, lol.

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[–] blazikenz • 6 points 1 hour ago

I thought I was trippin lmao did AI step over Lin in a

basketball camp or something?? Lmao �
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[–] Castod28183 • 1 point 1 hour ago

Read the comments. I already admitted I fucked up.

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[–] RheagarTargaryen • 6 points 1 hour ago

Lin will always be remembered for “Linsanity”.

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[–] THINK_ABOUT_BALLS • 2 points 1 hour ago

Seriously. Nobody remembers that he won a ring lmao

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7 of 25 17/8/2023, 4:36 pm
love this clap back by Lin. : clevercomebacks
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[–] lockwolf • 5 points 1 hour ago

And to a small portion of us, that professional NBA player

that played DOTA
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[–] Onedweezy [score hidden] 32 minutes ago

This fan obsession with rings really has ruined all basketball
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[–] BW4D - Trusted Bot Hunter • 14 points an hour ago

MammothTaker is a bot
Comment copied from: r/clevercomebacks/comments/zsobkv
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[–] ABrandNewDoomsday127 [score hidden] 13 minutes ago

Growing into an adult is partly realizing your heroes may be
failures in more ways than you may have realized. I had plenty
of heroes growing up who are either dead, old junkies or
otherwise mentally fucked beyond anything they once were.
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[–] HauntingPerspective2 • 302 points 4 hours ago

Lin went to an Ivy League school. He’s a smart dude. He can play.
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[–] MusicalElephant420 • 80 points 4 hours ago

Bro was a Harvard Hooper for a reason! �&�

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[–] Castod28183 • 328 points 4 hours ago

It's a stupid argument anyway. Dreads go back thousands of years

and were stylized by many different cultures.
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[–] Ted_Rid • 72 points 2 hours ago*

Yep, as a white guy I had dreads for many years until I felt I
needed to present a bit more professionally.
The reasons? My hair's naturally curly for starters. I could make
a crop of dreads overnight tonight if I wanted to, and they're
easier to care for and (ironically) look "neater" compared with
uncontrollable curls, which are much more high maintenance and
expensive in terms of product.
But also it's a style common in goth, industrial and crusty punk
communities, all of which I was involved with.
Last up, being Australian I don't even have a conception that
they're a specifically African thing. It's very multicultural here
but not where people of African origin are concerned, so other
than Rastas (just one subculture among many) I've never even
seen dreads as specifically racial at all.

8 of 25 17/8/2023, 4:36 pm
love this clap back by Lin. : clevercomebacks
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[–] KombatDisko • 18 points an hour ago

Also Aus, i just associate dreads with the beach and people
whose sole identity is going to Splendour
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[–] Ted_Rid [score hidden] 41 minutes ago

True, surfers. Dreadies are a cross-subcultural unifying
force for good :)
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[–] mab0roshi [score hidden] 38 minutes ago

Either way, it's a fuckin hairstyle. Why people gatekeeping on
hairstyles? Let the man do whatever he wants with his hair. Who
gives a shit?
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[–] ritabratachaki [score hidden] 8 minutes ago

This is what I don't get. I understand cultural appropriation and
all but trying to gatekeep something so universal as dreads is
beyond stupid. Chinese, mongolians, Indians, Persians a lot of
cultures all over the world had dreads. There are 3000 year old
Hindu gods and goddesses who are depicted with dreads.
But in America
for some stupid ass reason.
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[–] CoffeeWillMakeMePoop • 97 points 3 hours ago

Kenyon just got his ass, politely, handed to him.

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[–] StaticFanatic3 [score hidden] 53 minutes ago

this was like 6 years ago
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[–] AssMcShit [score hidden] 49 minutes ago

His ass was in transit all this time, just got delivered
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[–] SimpleCanadianFella [score hidden] 44 minutes ago

And the refs still didn't call him for traveling.
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[–] Living_Promotion868 • 179 points 3 hours ago

Funny thing is he probably DIDNT have Kenyons poster, and just

added that bit to make it sting extra. No one had Kenyon's poster up
anywhere lol
Also Kenyon's Chinese tattoo doesnt even make sense, its like he
typed some shit on google translate and went to a tattoo shop with it
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[–] SydneyRei • 44 points 2 hours ago

9 of 25 17/8/2023, 4:36 pm
love this clap back by Lin. : clevercomebacks

I had a Kenyon Martin poster. I had like 20 nba posters from that
era as a kid. Not saying it was my favorite but I had one.
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[–] Aimismyname [score hidden] 28 minutes ago

hey lin, how's it going
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[–] Yugan-Dali • 26 points 2 hours ago

No, it a pretty common expression 患得患失 for someone who is

greedy and possessive. I don’t know why he wants that on his
arm, though.
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[–] DeadSeaGulls • 7 points 1 hour ago

It's probably a reminder to himself not to only "worry about

gaining, and then worry about losing" and instead appreciate
what he has, when he has it.
Personally, I'd have picked something like "love what you've
got while you've got it", but maybe hearing that phrase was
the first time the sentiment was put it into perspective for
A real live, love, laugh of a tattoo though.
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[–] Living_Promotion868 • 3 points 1 hour ago

This is why people from harvard usually charge $400/hr

for people from university of cincinatti to talk to them.
Off the court, kenyon doesnt even have the credentials
to sit in the same building S jeremy lin
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[–] SnowDay111 [score hidden] 16 minutes ago

Kmart was a popular player when he played for the nets. Known
for his vicious dunks from Jason Kidd passes. I wouldn’t be
surprised if Lin did have a poster of him.
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[–] beyondthef • 32 points 2 hours ago

If anyone is curious, the tattoo is a Chinese proverb which translates

to "Afraid of winning, afraid of losing". It means to be afraid of not
getting what you want, and living in fear of losing what you have.
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[–] mochi_chan • 6 points 2 hours ago

Is that supposed to be motivational?

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[–] hey54088 • 24 points 1 hour ago*

Nope, it’s never been used in a positive context.

Source: Australian with Taiwanese parent, so trust me bro.
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[–] mochi_chan • 7 points 1 hour ago

I speak Japanese and these Hanzi don't have great

connotations when converted to Kanji, my Google
Translate did not give me good connotations. The
Japanese equivalent of it paints in a very negative light

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too (the same saying is used in Japanese to mean the same
thing). this is why I was asking.
Also hello Australian person from the internet, I hope you are
enjoying the winter while we melt here in the northern
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[–] hey54088 • 4 points 1 hour ago

Cheers mate! I am from Brisbane and it’s currently

23 Celsius or 73-74 Fahrenheit. So it’s pretty mild.
But Melbourne is a different story, the winter there
is really brutal with our insulation (pretty much
I am working in Singapore right now so it’s always
summer here year round.
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[–] mochi_chan • 2 points 1 hour ago

Oh dear, I am in Japan, and we have been

melting our asses at 34-35C for the last few
weeks until a typhoon hit us.
I hear Singapore is always terribly hot.
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[–] goodestguy21 • 4 points 1 hour ago

I hear Singapore is always terribly hot.

Your assessment is accurate.
It's either terribly hot, or terribly wet, or in
worst cases, both.
Sometimes during monsoon seasons when
you get a week stretch of thunderstorms
the air actually cools to 20-23°C, otherwise
it's usually around 28-32°C
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[–] GoHappyNeedo • 6 points 1 hour ago

I love how this thread totally changed

subjects :D
Greetings from Denmark where it's
currently 15°C (which we consider
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[–] icedgrassjelly [score hidden] 49 minutes ago*

this idiom has got a negative connotation to it.
basically its when u gain something, u are afraid of losing it
at the same time. for example, people often use it in the
context of relationships - being always afraid of losing that
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[–] mochi_chan [score hidden] 45 minutes ago

Why would anyone want that as a tattoo? ... but he also
seems to be an asshat.

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[–] icedgrassjelly [score hidden] 40 minutes ago

beats me �
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[–] easyeyebrow1 [score hidden] 54 minutes ago

LOL, native Chinese here. No, not at all. It’s basically saying
“I’m a pussy and can’t do shit”.
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[–] mochi_chan [score hidden] 48 minutes ago

Haha, The Japanese equivalent means the same thing
and is written the same way (I think it came directly
from China)
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[–] SauerCrouse51 • 13 points 4 hours ago

Clean burn. Cue up Kelso!

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[–] ElectronHick • 28 points 4 hours ago

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[–] Thuyue • 32 points 2 hours ago

Dreadlocks aren't even exclusively bound to a "people" culture let

alone to skin color. They go back for centuries if not millenias and can
be found through several cultures around the world (Europe - the
vikings, Asia - Hindu and Buddhist etc.)
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[–] Bromora • 4 points an hour ago

I BELIEVE dreadlocks were also in Ancient Greek culture? But not

super confident in my memory on that one
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[–] Pyrollusion • 4 points an hour ago

Yeah I think some of the first depictions come from the

Minoan civilization on Crete
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[–] SoWokeIdontSleep • 14 points 3 hours ago

More like classy comeback, kudos on him

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[–] Darenzzer • 13 points 3 hours ago

This is an old repost but still one of the greatest clapbbacks

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[–] projecteverestvictim • 44 points 4 hours ago

12 of 25 17/8/2023, 4:36 pm
love this clap back by Lin. : clevercomebacks

There are legit instances where cultural appropriation is offensive.

This isn't one of them. Martin absolutely looked like the clown in this
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[–] FickleClimate7346 • 6 points 3 hours ago

Can you name one?

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[–] Heated13shot • 29 points 2 hours ago

Dressing up as a native American with the ceremonial

headdress and all, but not giving a shit to actually get
anything accurate and instead base it off a 50s cartoon.
Bonus points for hollering and such during.
Selling products as "authentic XXXX" when it's not authentic
in the slightest and is made by a bunch of people never
trained in the authentic way to make it. These also applies to
theme places where everything is a caricature instead of
actual being from that culture. (fun fact, outback
steakhouse's making involved no Australians, Australians
don't care though)
wearing things that are supposed to have significant
meaning inappropriately, like wearing a wedding dress as a
evening gown, funeral attire as party stuff, wearing a turban
as a comedy skit. getting a close Whitey example is hard as
we disrespect our own culture constantly. like, wanted to say
Christian cross nipple rings or something but I bet they
exist, sexy nuns and shit are common too.
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[–] DeadSeaGulls • 0 points an hour ago

american flag toilet paper.

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[–] cheerileelee [score hidden] 33 minutes ago

There are a lot of comments here pointing out instances of
"offensive cultural appropriation" when in reality much of
those acts are more along the lines of cultural sharing or
appreciation - even if not "authentically executed". Context is
everything here as to whether something is offensive or even
cultural appropriation in the first place.
An example of true cultural appropriation would be like the
Chinese government systematically and repeatedly claiming
Korean cultural products, land, and history as its own through
various CCP state-sponsored attempts such as the Northeast
ences in an attempt to revise their country's historical image to
appear much grander than it is was in reality. According to the
CCP, since ancient Korean kingdoms were supposedly Chinese,
Korean history is actually Chinese history and Korean people are
actually Chinese, and anything Korean is actually Chinese.
The context of an ongoing attempted eradication of an entire
culture by a deliberate state-sponsored campaign of historical
revisionism is why I would consider claiming Kimchi is Chinese
cuisine to by much more offensive cultural appropriation than
some examples we've seen here.
If somebody celebrates Día de los Muertos despite not being
Mexican without any Mexican people and with non-authentic or

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accurate customs , that is not cultural appropriation. If somebody
celebrates Chinese New Year without any Chinese people and
with non-authentic or accurate customs or, that is not cultural
appropriation. Wearing cultural clothing of other cultures is not
cultural appropriation, nor is wearing costumes depicting other
cultures. The very existence of Westernized or Americanized
versions of things is not cultural appropriation - and food dishes
like Chicken Tikka Masala or Chop Suey are not cultural
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[–] probono105 • 3 points 2 hours ago

i honestly cant think of one maybe like using a tradtional

dance or something that is for respecting something very
specific to them but completely out of context. I then tried
to think about something that i would maybe be upset about
and there really is nothing i can think of that would offend
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[–] ademptia • 1 point 2 hours ago

Black women not being allowed to have their natural hair or
dreads in the office bc it's "unprofessional" and then having
white models walk runways with the same styles and it
being lovely. Just one example out of many
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[–] TsLaylaMoon • 4 points an hour ago

An office environment and a runway environment are

not the same
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[–] FickleClimate7346 • 6 points 2 hours ago

That's not cultural appropriation (because dreads have

existed for hundreds of years, plus it's a hairstyle which
nobody owns) it's discrimination
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[–] nerdKween • 3 points an hour ago

A better example would be Kardashians getting

their hair done in a traditional cultural Black braided
style and claiming it as a new trend.
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[–] hattmall [score hidden] 40 minutes ago

When and where can black women not have dreads in
an office? IMO that's like classic professional black
women hair style. I definitely go back to Max the
Attorney on living single, but feel like it's been normal to
see black women with dreads in professional settings for
a long time, at least in the south.
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[–] poutinegalvaude • 0 points an hour ago

Non-Latine people dressing up for Dia de Muertos thinking

14 of 25 17/8/2023, 4:36 pm
love this clap back by Lin. : clevercomebacks
it’s latin Halloween. Americans celebrating cinco de mayo thinking
it’s Mexican Independence Day.
It’s less about the celebration and customs and more about
taking elements of a culture, misconstruing them, and using
them without knowledge of the full context.
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[–] Datdude1980 • 6 points 4 hours ago

Got em’
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[–] TsLaylaMoon • 6 points an hour ago

It's a dumb argument to say dreads are only for 1 group of people
when they go back through all of human history and have been worn
by thousands of different cultures.
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[–] Brugor [score hidden] 57 minutes ago

Dreads is like a true world heritage thing. All cultures have don
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[–] alKememaro [score hidden] 53 minutes ago

Mans didn’t kill him with kindness. He burned him alive with love and
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[–] Mass-Chaos • 12 points 3 hours ago

Funniest part is when he said he had Kenyon Martins poster on his

wall growing up
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[–] Living_Promotion868 • 13 points 3 hours ago

Its funny because he probably didnt and just said that to make
Kenyon look like a clowno
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[–] Alone_Bus9997 • -1 points 3 hours ago

No shit.
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[–] Camiljr [score hidden] 46 minutes ago

Your fucking culture does not own a fucking haircut, get over
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[–] Chrysos-89 • 14 points 5 hours ago

damn thats not a clap back thats just sad

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15 of 25 17/8/2023, 4:36 pm
love this clap back by Lin. : clevercomebacks
[–] Unlikely-Rutabaga110 • 11 points 4 hours ago

Another post that should’ve been on r/murderedbywords

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[–] WantsLivingCoffee • 5 points an hour ago

What was K Marts reaction to the clapback?

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[–] gerardatron [score hidden] 33 minutes ago

“Wasn’t really saying it to him, Martin said. I was just making a
blanket statement, which I probably should’ve reached out to
him. The man has dreadlocks and I thought it was hilarious.
Nothing more, nothing less than I thought it was hilarious. I made
a statement... Wording was probably bad that I used. Said he was
trying to be black. Wasn’t my intention to be racist or anything like
that. But nah, I thought it was hilarious. I thought it was nothing
more than us getting a laugh and joke out of it and people took it
to the next level. People been on my page taking it to the next
level — on the post and video I made, ‘racist this, ‘N’ word this,
uneducated that. Ah. ‘N’ word eh, black man, yeah. Uneducated?
Graduated from high school and college. Racist? Far from it. So
nah, none of the above. It was meant to be a joke that got out of
If I ruffled Jeremy Lin’s feathers or if I made him feel the way, I
apologize brother. Reached out to Jeremy, haven’t heard back from
him. Like I said, I’m a grown man and I can admit when I’m
wrong. When things get out of control I can admit when I was
wrong. My wording was bad. Is it still funny that he has
dreadlocks? Yes!”
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[–] OlderAndAngrier [score hidden] 20 minutes ago

What a bozo
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[–] LMGDiVa [score hidden] 38 minutes ago

Since when the fuck are dreads a black only thing?
Dreadlocks have been on human heads for at least as long as
humans have had long hair and not had a means to care properly for
Dreads are ancient like... before the first farms ever existed ancient.
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[–] GGFrostKaiser • 3 points an hour ago

The first evidence we have of dreadlocks comes from Shiva statues

from India. If any people can play the appropriation card on
dreadlocks is not black people.
If you do it in a respectful way, you can highlight the beauty of
different cultures to other people. Everybody wins.
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[–] Atworkwasalreadytake • 3 points an hour ago

I think it’s funny that black people are trying to claim dreadlocks.

16 of 25 17/8/2023, 4:36 pm
love this clap back by Lin. : clevercomebacks
They’ve been worn by so many cultures that they really are
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[–] ChuckVowel • 3 points an hour ago

The “had your poster up on my wall” is such a deliciously subtle way

of ending it with “you old.”
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[–] here_for_the_lols • 3 points an hour ago

Kenyon Martin is a fuckwit for dis one

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[–] hexapawn [score hidden] 44 minutes ago

There's a reason some of us call him "Legendary Lin".
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[–] thats_mah_purse • 2 points 2 hours ago

Yeah, if I was Lin, I would definitely use the pictures of Martin but the
text would’ve been far less polite.
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[–] BW4D - Trusted Bot Hunter • 2 points 1 hour ago

the OP redeffectiveness
and MammothTaker
are bots in the same network
Original + comments copied from: r/clevercomebacks/comments
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[–] noogooyen • 2 points 1 hour ago

Classic “teachable moment”. Classy response by Lin.

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[–] strikerdude10 • 2 points 1 hour ago

Bro went to Harvard, I think he'll win a battle of wits against 99% of
the NBA
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[–] DisingenuousTowel • 2 points 1 hour ago

Wow, Lin has some serious class.

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17 of 25 17/8/2023, 4:36 pm
love this clap back by Lin. : clevercomebacks

[–] fuqer99 • 2 points 1 hour ago

Do blacks not consider talk like this racist? Like, they fucken throw
the race card every chance they get, turn around, and say shit like
this about Asian people all in the same breath.
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[–] hayasecond • 2 points 1 hour ago

The Chinese on this dude’s arm is not that positive. I don’t think he
understands what it means
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[–] irsute74 [score hidden] 50 minutes ago

Everything is always about races in the US. And people wonder why
there is so much racism there. Can't any man have dread locks?
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[–] Loose-Recover-9142 [score hidden] 33 minutes ago

I've probably seen this one on Reddit 10 times now. This is going to
get reposted for the next 20 years isn't it?
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[–] hesawavemasterrr [score hidden] 17 minutes ago

This is the polite Asian way of saying " Thanks. I hope your day is as
pleasant as you are."
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[–] BigBilliard400 [score hidden] 11 minutes ago

Kill’em with kindness.
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[–] EyeHaunting2396 [score hidden] 10 minutes ago

As a south African we all think American blacks are the most racially
insecure people of the planet, they really want everything to be racist
so they have something to complain about
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[–] nonlinear_nyc [score hidden] 5 minutes ago

Perfect. Cultural appropriation is when the oppressor uses oppressed
traits. Without oppression, it's about appreciation for other cultures.
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[–] Puzzleheaded-Bee-838 • 3 points 2 hours ago

Guy with the shaved head having hair opinions...

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[–] mitchmarners • 3 points 2 hours ago

It’s Chinese for “arm”

18 of 25 17/8/2023, 4:36 pm
love this clap back by Lin. : clevercomebacks
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[–] _TIVIT_ • 1 point 3 hours ago

I love how he’s playing the race card with a last name like martin
meanwhile Lin’s got more pure blood ancestors than chins in a
Chinese phone book
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[–] jordan3257 • 8 points 3 hours ago

... umm you do know why that part is not really kenyons fault
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[–] joshuaiscoo155 • 4 points 2 hours ago

Neither was it Lin's

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[–] joshuaiscoo155 • 3 points 2 hours ago

Neither was it Lin's

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[–] saltyanddisrespect • 2 points 2 hours ago

when will american finds out even in the deepest Borneo forest or
deepest nugini forest or even on many no-mad sea-tribe also had
dreads.. thats just from what i know from my country, imagine how
many more in other culture across the freaking earth. what lim said
is the real cultural appropriation.
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[–] Unlucky_Code_5657 • 2 points 2 hours ago

Funny how most OG Africans don't even claim dreadlocks as theirs or

get mad at other races for having them like these guys.
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[–] TsLaylaMoon • 5 points 1 hour ago

Why would they. It's ludicrous for anyone to claim a hairstyle to

1 group. Anyone that does that obviously has no clue.
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[–] InfamousChemist9516 [score hidden] 57 minutes ago

Nobody wants to be black ... Not even Black people
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[–] TomorrowNo3218 • 2 points 3 hours ago

he speaks ebonics fairly well for someone of his color

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[–] Slovka [score hidden] 58 minutes ago

My man hating on another’s mans hair style Gay af could have
critiqued his game instead he choose a haircut�

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[–] Dubshpul • -2 points 1 hour ago

19 of 25 17/8/2023, 4:36 pm
love this clap back by Lin. : clevercomebacks

Cool response but you really shouldn't have locks or braids if your
have straight hair, that's how you get severe damage and have to
shave it.
Protective hairstyles like that are generally harmful to hair it's not
meant for.
Also I think if people around you of a certain culture are telling you
"hey that's not okay to do" you should just not do it. That's the
respectful thing to do. That applies to the tattoos and to the
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[–] maggie195 • 5 points 1 hour ago

What is so offensive about wearing locks or braids? I dont get it.

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[–] Dubshpul [score hidden] 48 minutes ago

tl;Dr I'm not Black so I may be wrong on some parts, but it's
cause white and non-black people used to ridicule Black
people for having them but decided it's okay for them to wear it
now cause they think it's trendy.
The reason, in the US at least, for non-Black people to be
wearing predominantly Black hairstyles, is because Black people
for decade (and even to this day) are not taken seriously if they
have any of their natural or protective hairstyles, primarily in
places of business or education.
I'm not Black, so I'm not speaking on the behalf of that
community, but from what I've been told hair is something deeply
valued in Black American culture. Slaves would use it to help hide
food or to make maps, and post slavery, it was used as a form of
self expression. Historically, white people would degrade these
hairstyles, calling them "dirty" or "nappy". Businesses would even
refuse to consider Black women hirable unless they straightened
their hair.
Because of all of this, seeing white or any non-Black people now
wear these hairstyles is really bothersome for many Black people
because it removes the style from its roots in necessity and Black
self expression that was ridiculed for so long being appropriated
for the very people who ridiculed it.
Think of it like, if you're in a classroom and everyone made fun of
a sweater you decided to wear that was a present from your late
grandmother, then those people who laughed at you or ridiculed
you come to that class wearing something extremely similar and
everyone praises them for it.
It's the hypocrisy and lack of genuine understanding and respect
that's hurtful.
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[–] myserg07 [score hidden] 32 minutes ago

It’s just hair my guy no one gives a shit..
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[–] lackingakeyblade [score hidden] 29 minutes ago

black people have different hair textures that can
withstand such styles and specialized products.
people who dont share that same texture will
damage their hair if they do the same style with
same technique. to me its not about culture. its
about whether u want damaged fucked up hair or
not lol.
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20 of 25 17/8/2023, 4:36 pm
love this clap back by Lin. : clevercomebacks

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[–] Mugros [score hidden] 23 minutes ago

They don't have Chinese tattoos or dreads "out of respect", they just
think it looks cool.
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[–] International_File30 [score hidden] 18 minutes ago

This can’t be classed as racism can it? Cause there is no whites
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[–] OcassionalUser [score hidden] 52 minutes ago

How can he appreciate the culture if he call them “dreads” and not
locks; then to intentionally change you’re natural hair pattern to get
these lice is crazy. No other culture had locks that where styled like
this. It’s a played out narrative that you ostriches continue to push
with your heads u def the ground
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[+] rnickson695 comment score below threshold (3 children)

[–] CoffeeWillMakeMePoop • 1 point 3 hours ago

Hey Kenyon, how’s Bob Huggins these days?

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[–] Empress_Succoria • 1 point 2 hours ago

The tattoo says “suffering from gains and losses”

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[–] UnderstandingHot3053 • 1 point 2 hours ago

Why do individuals feel that they need to defend whatever cultures

people associate with them rather than just saying "I don't care, it's
individual choice"? You can have whatever cultural traditions you
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[–] mem737 • 0 points 1 hour ago

Unfortunately, I do not think individualisms is as popular as it

once was.
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[–] Loudstealth • 1 point 1 hour ago

Thats a clap back right there! My boi JLin�

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[–] Sekshual_Tyranosauce • 1 point 1 hour ago

21 of 25 17/8/2023, 4:36 pm
love this clap back by Lin. : clevercomebacks

This is old af. But I still love seeing it. Dude has class. Want to see
another one? Look at some of Grant Hill’s clap backs.
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[–] draynaccarato • 1 point 1 hour ago

Classy reply!
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[–] CuriousCryptid444 • 1 point 1 hour ago

His dreads look good

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[–] MickeyTheDuck • 1 point 1 hour ago

Just asking, like Asian people are quite ok with people enjoying our
culture like wearing kimonos Hanbok or cheongsam(Qipao) etc etc.
But why westerners or Americans specifically are so obsessed with
cultural appropriation?
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[–] skawn • 1 point 1 hour ago

Because Westerners are all about making money off of those

appropriations to the point where they're okay with disrespecting
other cultures in order to make a buck. Look at all the
Westerners who have culturally appropriated Christianity to the
point where what they worship is more about funneling money
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[–] HeyWiredyyc • 1 point 1 hour ago

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[–] Fast-Specific8850 • 1 point 1 hour ago

I never thought much of him when he played. Now I think even less
of him as person.
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[–] orangeman1026 • 1 point 1 hour ago

Boom Roasted
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[–] firnien-arya • 1 point 1 hour ago

Goddamn, kill'em with kindess huh. Top tier clapback.

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[–] cats_suck [score hidden] 53 minutes ago

Absolutely smoked his ass
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22 of 25 17/8/2023, 4:36 pm
love this clap back by Lin. : clevercomebacks

[–] BostonDodgeGuy [score hidden] 45 minutes ago

Looks like you also enjoy reposting bot.
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[–] The_Nefilim [score hidden] 44 minutes ago

He didn't stoop to K. Martin's level by being insulting and passive-
aggressive; he kept it classy, and I respect that.
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[–] Double0 [score hidden] 41 minutes ago

Kaaaay Oooh!
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[–] Aggressive_Chain_920 [score hidden] 31 minutes ago

Kill em with kindess
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[–] tttthrowaway551 [score hidden] 30 minutes ago

Kill em with kindness
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[–] stellinini [score hidden] 28 minutes ago

omg I dislike how you loook
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[–] new_cannibalism [score hidden] 25 minutes ago

kenyon martin talking about ja morant said what???
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[–] ActualWhiterabbit [score hidden] 23 minutes ago

I remember watching Lin play, he could have gotten stabbed on the
court then drawn a foul for bleeding everywhere.
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[–] WitleKidz [score hidden] 8 minutes ago

Repost bot
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[–] Beginning_Sir_1070 [score hidden] 8 minutes ago

Dude forgot he was trying to that to a guy that was matter than he
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[–] EaterofLaw [score hidden] 7 minutes ago

23 of 25 17/8/2023, 4:36 pm
love this clap back by Lin. : clevercomebacks

Blacks be wack.
Scorpion and frog.
It's their nature.
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[–] tombillyboojoo [score hidden] 6 minutes ago

Love his reply . Class act . His mum must be proud
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[–] Disastrous_Finish678 [score hidden] 3 minutes ago

This has gotta be the classiest callback I've ever seen, I know he felt
ashamed reading that
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[–] LeoIzail [score hidden] 2 minutes ago

Painfully respectful. Awesome
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[–] redconvict [score hidden] 1 minute ago

Remember when Twitter went ballistic over an Animal Crossing player
for having the "wrong" hair in similar fashing to this post?
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[–] Almighty_Vanity [score hidden] just now

So, by this Kenyon person's logic, we're all trying to be Mexican when
we eat tacos and burritos?
Or be from a tribe when we get tattoos/piercings?
Culture is meant to be shared.
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24 of 25 17/8/2023, 4:36 pm
love this clap back by Lin. : clevercomebacks

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25 of 25 17/8/2023, 4:36 pm

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