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What are the types of value?
E-Learning Career by Team Goseeko 07/07/2021

Hiring News

Types of Value:

There are different types of value as follows:

1. Scrap value
2. Salvage value
3. Market value
4. Book value
5. Assessed value
6. Distress value
7. Replacement value
8. Potential value
9. Monopoly value

Types of value
1. Scrap value:
Scrap value is the value of dismantled materials of property at the end of its utility period and
absolutely useless except for scale as scrap , Scrap value is usually considered as 10% of cost of
construction and Scrap value is also known as junk value.

2. Salvage value:
Firstly it is the value of built up property which one estimates at the end of its useful life without
dismantling .
This is generally accountant by deducting depreciation from its new cost.

3. Market value:
Market value of property is value when one can sell it in the open market at particular time
In an open market the property is offered for sale by advertising in daily newspapers and all
necessary steps are adopted so that every person who desires to purchase the same can make an

4. Book value:
Firstly book value is the value of property which one shows in the account book in the particular

5. Assessed value:
Assessed value in the value of property recorded in register of municipality in order to find amount
of municipal taxes to be collected from owner of the property

Types of Value in Valuation | Capitalized Value | Year's Purchase [HINDI]

6. Distress value:
Distress property is the one when one sells property at a lower price than the market value at that

7. Replacement value:
Therefore it is the present value of property or [portion thereof if these have to be replaced at
current market rates.

8. Potential value:
When property is capable of fetching more return due to its alternatives use or by advantageous
planning, by provide some development works and such inherent value of property is called
potential value.

9. Monopoly:
Lastly in land is scarce little remaining for scale or certain properties pass special advantageous with
respect to adjoining property due to its location.
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