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Di Susun Oleh:

Kelompok 4


1. Agnela Amisha Dewi (F1E123086)

2. Della Nursaifa Aslam (F1E123069)
3. Fadhila Putri (F1E123108)
4. Imelia Amanda (F1E123083)
5. Syarif Hidayat (F1E123095)

Ruang 003

Dosen Pengampu: Ernanda, S.Pd., M.A., Ph.D.





Dengan memanjatkan puji syukur ke hadirat Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, atas
Segala limpahan rahmat dan karunia-Nya kepada saya sehingga dapat
menyelesaikan Laporan yang berjudul : “Skimming”.

Saya menyadari bahwa di dalam pembuatan laporan ini berkat bantuan dan
Tuntunan Tuhan Yang Maha Esa dan tidak lepas dari bantuan berbagai pihak
untuk itu Dalam kesempatan ini saya menghaturkan rasa hormat dan terima kasih
yang sebesar-besarnya kepada semua pihak yang membantu dalam pembuatan
makalah ini. Saya menyadari bahwa dalam proses penulisan laporan ini masih dari
jauh dari kesempurnaan baik materi maupun cara penulisannya.

Namun demikian, saya telah berupaya dengan segala kemampuan dan

pengetahuan yang dimiliki sehingga dapat selesai dengan baik dan oleh
karenanya, saya dengan rendah hati dan dengan tangan terbuka menerima
masukan, saran dan usul guna penyempurnaan laporan ini. Akhirnya saya sebagai
penulis berharap semoga laporan ini dapat bermanfaat bagi seluruh pembaca.

Jambi, September 2023


KATA PENGANTAR.......................................................................................................2
DAFTAR ISI.....................................................................................................................3
BAB I.............................................................................................................................3
a. Background...........................................................................................................3
b. Problem Formulation...........................................................................................4
c. Purpose..................................................................................................................4
BAB II...............................................................................................................................4
I. The definition of skimming..................................................................................4
II. What is the difference between scanning and skimming...............................5
III. What is the function of skimming...................................................................5
IV. What is an example of skimming....................................................................5
V. What are the steps in skimming?........................................................................7
BAB III.............................................................................................................................8


a. Background
Bahasa Inggris merupakan bahasa universal yang digunakan dan dipelajari
oleh seluruh negara di dunia. Menurut Farida Rahim dalam buku Pengajaran
Membaca di Sekolah Dasar (2008), skimming adalah teknik membaca dengan

cepat untuk mengetahui isi umum atau bagian suatu bacaan. Artinya skimming
merupakan membaca keseluruhan bacaan secara cepat untuk mendapatkan
gambaran umum keseluruhan isi bacaan. Menurut Soedarso dalam buku Sistem
Membaca Cepat dan Efektif (1991), skimming berarti mencari hal-hal penting
dari bacaan itu, yakni ide pokok dan detail penting dalam hal ini tidak selalu di
permukaan tetapi terkadang di tengah atau di dasar. Artinya, skimming yaitu
teknik membaca cepat untuk mendapatkan ide pokok yang mungkin berada di
awal, tengah, ataupun akhir bacaan. Skimming dilakukan dengan membaca
keseluruh tulisan secara sekilas dengan cepat namun, tepat dalam mendapatkan
gambaran umum.

b. Problem Formulation
1. Apa yang dimaksud dengan Skimming?
2. Apa perbedaan skimming dan scanning?
3. Apa Fungsi Skimming?
4. Apa contoh contoh skimming?
5. Bagaimana langkah langkah melakukan skimming?

c. Purpose
1. Menjelaskan pengertian Skimming.
2. Menjelaskan perbedaan scanning dan skimming
3. Mendeskripsikan fungsi skimming
4. Memberikan contoh skimming
5. Memberikan langkah langkah melakukan skimming



I. The definition of skimming

Skimming is the other technique of fast reading. Skimming is the act of
glancing through a text for gathering a basic idea about that text. For instance, if
you want to read an interestinv articel on the newspaper and you do not have

enough time to read more than one article, you will skim through most of the
article to decide exactly which you want to read. Skimming will also save a great
amount of your valuable time if you know how to skim a text efficiently

II. What is the difference between scanning and skimming

Scanning dan skimming mempunyai perbedaan yang berbeda, yaitu:

1. Purpose: Skimming is used to quickly get a general idea or content of the

text, while scanning is used to look for specific information in the text
2. Use: Skimming is used to read text that is not previously known and
understood, while scanning is used to look for information in text that is
already known.
3. How to read: When skimming, we read quickly without looking at details,
whereas when scanning, we read in leaps and bounds and look for
keywords or specific information
4. Relationship: Skimming and scanning are interrelated, where skimming is
often done before scanning to get a general overview of the text and
determine the information that needs to be looked for when scanning.

III. What is the function of skimming

1. To see what is in the news on a website or on a paper

2. To look through a text to decide whether yoh want to rrad it or not
3. To look through the television guide/program schedule to plan your
4. To see through a catalog to choose an offer
5. To go through the options after searching something on google

IV. What is an example of skimming

Skimming is a speed reading technique used to get a general idea of a text

without reading each word in detail. Berikut ini adalah contoh penggunaan teknik
skimming dalam menganalisis paragraf:

1. Having Information and Communication Technology (ICT) subjects in schools

really helps people become technologically literate. It has been proven that many
elementary school age children are already able to operate computers.
Unfortunately, this subject is considered unimportant by most parents. As a result,
children do not understand teachers' explanations at school and always get low

The main idea that can be found from this paragraph is….

a. ICT lessons help support a more technologically literate society.

b. ICT lessons are not important because they make children get low
c. Society is becoming technologically literate because in schools it is
mandatory to learn ICT.
d. Parents consider ICT lessons not very important for their children.

2. Paragraph Example: "In the 21st century, technology has become an integral
part of our daily lives. From smartphones to smart home devices, we rely on
technology for communication, entertainment, and even basic tasks like shopping
and banking. The rapid advancement of artificial intelligence and automation is
reshaping industries and the job market. As we navigate this digital age, it's
essential to adapt to these changes and embrace lifelong learning to stay
competitive in our careers."

When using the skimming technique to analyze the paragraph above, you can
quickly identify the main points without reading every word in detail:

1. The 21st century and technology's significance.
2. Dependence on technology for various aspects of life.
3. Artificial intelligence and automation's impact on industries and jobs.
4. The importance of adapting and lifelong learning in the digital age.

By skimming, you can gain a general understanding of the topics discussed in

the paragraph without delving into each word or sentence.

V. What are the steps in skimming?

Actually, skimming techniques can be applied in any language, but this time we
will focus on skimming examples in English.

1. Read Headings and Subtitles

The first technique of skimming is to read the title and subtitle of a

reading. Headings and subheadings usually provide an overview of the topics
covered in the reading. By reading the title and subheading, you can determine
whether the reading is relevant to the topic you want to know or not.

2. Read the Beginning and End of the Paragraph

The second technique of skimming is to read the beginning and end of the
paragraph. The beginning of a paragraph usually contains an introductory
sentence that provides a general description of the topic discussed in the
paragraph. Meanwhile, the ending of a paragraph usually contains a concluding
sentence which provides a summary of the contents of the paragraph.

Example: If you want to find information about the benefits of exercise,

you can look for articles that have a paragraph starting "Exercise has many
benefits for the body's health". By reading this introduction, you will get a general
idea that the paragraph discusses the benefits of exercise for body health. Then,
you can read the end of the paragraph to find out a summary of the contents of the

3. Reading Keywords

The third technique of skimming is to read key words from a reading.
Keywords are usually words or phrases that often appear in the reading. By
reading keywords, you can find out the main topics discussed in the reading.

Example: If you want to find information about Indonesian history, you

can search for articles that have the keywords "Indonesia", "history",
"experiment". By reading these keywords, you will get a general idea that the
article discusses Indonesian history, including experiments that have been carried



1. Skimming adalah teknik membaca dengan cepat untuk mengetahui isi

umum atau bagian suatu bacaan. Artinya skimming merupakan membaca
keseluruhan bacaan secara cepat untuk mendapatkan gambaran umum
keseluruhan isi bacaan.
2. Fungsi Skimming is to see what is in the news on a website or on a paper,
To look through a text to decide whether yoh want to read it or not, To
look through the television guide/program schedule to plan your evening,

To see through a catalog to choose an offer, To go through the options after
searching something on google

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