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Yth. Ketua Program Studi Bahasa Inggris FKIP UKAW Kupang
Di –Tempat
Nama : Enggelina Tsun
NIM : 17133581
Program Studi : Bahasa Inggris

Dengan ini mengajukan judul penelitian untuk dipertimbangkan dan selanjutnya sebagai
bahan penelitian Skripsi, Adapun judul yang dimaksud:
 Title : An Analysis of The Characters and The Characterization in
“The Time Machine” Novel by H. G. Wells

 Research Problem :

1. What are the Characters in a Novel

 Aims Of Study :

1. To analyze the characters in a Novel

2. To analyze the characterization in “The Time Machine”
Novel by H. G Wells?

 Research Methodology :

1. Research Design : The research design is descriptive qualitative research

2. Research Subject : The research subjects is the novel “The Time Machine”
Novel by H. G. Wells
3. Research Instrument : The research instruments are observation forms and
documentary study techniques
4. Research Procedure :
1. The researcher reads the Novel more than one time in order to understand the whole
2. The researcher marks and notes the sentences on the paragraph related to the
characterization of the characters.
3. The researcher finds out the characterization based on the note.
4. The researchers classify and tabulate the data.
5. The researcher reports the result.

Corliss. John. The Ciliated Protozoa Characterization, Classification and Guide to The
Literature. 2013

Riani, U., Mukhlis, Subyani. (2006). Analisis Tokoh Dan Penokohan Dalam Novel Sepatu
Dahlan Karya Khrisna Pabichara.

Demikian permohonan ini dibuat, atas pertimbangan dan kerja samanya diucapkan
terima kasih.

Kupang, 18 Juni 2020

Ketua Program Studi Hormat Saya

Yakob Metboki, S.Pd. M.Pd. Enggelina Tsun

NIS: 165110047

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