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Week 1
ICT in the Context of Global Communication

Name: ____________________________________________________________ Score: ____________

Grade & Section: _____________________________________________________

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SHS Teacher III

Department of Education • Republic of the Philippines


Information and Communications Technology (ICT) often deals with the use of
different technological inventions like mobile phones, telephones, computer, Internet,
and other devices, as well as software and applications to locate, save, send, and
manipulate information. ICT has greatly contributed to how easy our lives has been
today. Our gadgets have become part of our necessity that we check on them after
we wake up. It made communication easier. We can use cellular phones that are
designed for communicating with other people even they are miles away from us. It
has also assisted us in our work since there are Internet-based jobs. It has
revolutionized our education and in the modernization of our economy.

The World Wide Web

The World Wide Web is an information system on the Internet that allows
documents to be connected to other documents by hypertext links, enabling the user
to search for information by moving from one document to another. It was invented
by Tim-Berners Lee. The World Wide Web browser software, such as Microsoft's
Internet Explorer/Edge, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Apple's Safari, and Google Chrome,
let users navigate from one web page to another via the hyperlinks embedded in the
documents. These documents may also contain any combination of computer data,
including graphics, sounds, text, video, multimedia and interactive content that runs
while the user is interacting with the page. The Web has enabled individuals and
organizations to publish ideas and information to a potentially large audience online
at greatly reduced expense and time delay.

Types of Web Pages

 Web 1.0 or The Web. It is the first stage of the World Wide Web evolution. It is
a flat or stationary page since it cannot be manipulated by the user.
 Web 2.0 or The Social Web allows users to interact with the page, the user
may be able to comment or create a user account. Most website that we visit
today are Web 2.0.
 Web 3.0 or Semantic Web. The semantic web provides a framework that
allows data to be shared and reuse to deliver web content specifically targeting
the user. Search Engine will learn about you and your habits from each search
you perform and will gather details about you from your previous activities like
likes and social postings and present the answers as per your preferences.

Below is a comparison of Web 1.0, Web 2.0 and Web 3.0:
Communication Broadcast Interactive Engaged/ Invested
Information Static/ Read-only Dynamic Portable & Personal
Focus Organization Community Individual
Content Ownership Sharing Immersion
Interaction Web Forms Web Application Smart Applications
Search Directories Tags/ Keywords Context/ Relevance
Metrics Page Views Cost per Click User Engagement
Advertising Banners Interactive Behavioral
Technologies HTML/ FTP Flash/ Java/ RDF/ RDFS/ OWL

Features of Web 2.0

FOLKSONOMY allows users to collectively classify and find information using
freely chosen keywords (e.g. "tagging" by facebook). Tagging
uses the pound sign #, often referred to as hastag.
RICH USER dynamic content that is responsive to user input (e.g., a user can
EXPERIENCE "click" on an image to enlarge it or find out more information)

USER the owner of website is not the only one who is able to put
PARTICIPATION content. Others are able to place a content on their own by
means of comments, reviews, and evaluation.
LONG TAIL services that are offered on demand rather than on a one-time
purchase. This is synonymous to subscribing to a data plan that
charges you for the amount of time you spent in the Internet, or
a data plan that charges you for the amount of bandwidth you
SOFTWARE AS users will subscribe to a software only when needed rather than
A SERVICE purchasing them.


Because of the wide capacity of Web 2.0, it has helped in creating dynamic
online platform sites. Online platform is a specially developed platform using Internet
technology. Online platforms have revolutionized access to any information. Online
platforms currently include, but are not limited to:
Let us go through them one by one!
1. Presentation or Visualization Platform allows you to present and share
presentations, infographics and videos with other people. It is used to
communicate information clearly and efficiently.
2. Cloud Computing Platform is also called as “The cloud.” It is the practice of
using a network of remote servers hosted on the internet. Instead of using your
computer’s hard drive, you store and access your data and programs over the
3. File Management Platform is used for the storing, naming, sorting, and
handling of computer files. Allows you to convert and manage files without
download in the software tool.
4. Mapping Platform is a transformation taking the points of one space into the
points of the same or another space. Uses GPS to detect location and used for
5. Social Media Platform is a computer-mediated tools that allow large group of
people to create, share or exchange information, interest and the information
shared can be in the form of ideas, pictures, videos or anything that you want to
create and share to virtual communities. It can be in the following platforms:
Social Networks. These sites allow you to connect with other people with
the same interests or background.
Bookmarking Sites. These are sites that allow you to store and manage
links to various websites and resources.
Social News. These are sites that allow users to post their own news items
or links to other news sources.
Media Sharing. These are sites that allow you to upload and share media
content like images, music, and video. Media sharing sites can be specific
for video sharing, photo sharing, slide sharing, social bookmarking, and
Microblogging. These are sites that focus on short updates from the user.
Those subscribed to the user will be able to receive these updates. Posts
are brief that range typically from 140 – 200 characters.
Blogs and Forums. These are websites that allow users to post their
content. Other users can comment on the said topic.

Directions: Read each item carefully and encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. What type of web provides a framework that allows data to be shared and reuse
to deliver web content specifically targeting the user?
A. Web 1.0 B. Web 2.0 C. Web 3.0 D. Website

2. Which of the following is an example of sites under web 2.0?

A. Facebook B. YouTube C. Wikipedia D. All of the above

3. What type of web page is classified as flat or stationary?

A. Web 1.0 B. Internet C. Web 2.0 D. Web 3.0

4. Twitter statuses are only composed of a few characters. What type of social
media site does Twitter belong?
A. Micro blogging C. Social Networks
B. Media Sharing D. Bookmarking Sites

For #’s 5-6, use the choices inside the box.

A. If only the FIRST statement is TRUE. C. If BOTH statements are TRUE.
B. If only the SECOND statement is TRUE. D. If BOTH statements are FALSE.

5. Social networks are sites that allow you to connect with other people having the
same interests. It allows you to share your own news and other news from other

6. The Philippines is considered as the “ICT Hub in Asia.” The ICT Industry shares
19.3% of the total employment population in the Philippines coming from the
government agencies.

7. Marisa wants to publish her collections of original poems online. Which online
platform must she do this?
A. Social News B. Bookmarking Site C. YouTube D. Blogs

8. Watson is creating a cover video of his favorite song. Which online platform must
he publish this?
A. Social News B. Bookmarking Site C. YouTube D. Blogs

9. Cathy has created a very good slideshow presentation on a certain topic, and
she wants to share it to other teachers around the world. Which online platform
must she publish th2323424234
A. Presentation Platforms C. File Management Platforms
B. Cloud Computing Platforms D. Social Media Platforms

10. What is the name of the symbol that is used to classify and categorize
A. Hashtag B. Question Mark C. Asterisk D. At sign



The internet is the guiding technology of the Information Technology Age just
as the electrical engine was of the Industrial Age. In these times, more and more
people are already engaged in the use of technology. These people who are raised
in a digital, media-saturated world are called digital natives. No doubt, the Internet
has been very useful to us but with the rise of instant messaging, chat rooms, emails
and social networking sites, it can also bring trouble - from cyberbullying to more
serious Internet dangers, including exposure to sexual predators. Thus, internet
safety is always our primary concern.
Online safety refers to the practices and precautions that should be observed
when using the internet to ensure that the users as well as their computers and
personal information are safe from crimes associated with using the internet.

Let me ask you the ff. questions and answer it by simply telling yourself your
own answer. Are you ready? That’s good! Let’s start.

1. Your family is going out on a vacation. What should you do?

2. Do you have the same passwords for all your accounts?
3. Do you share your password with your boyfriend or girlfriend?
4. Do you give your cellphone number to anyone who ask for it?
5. Do you know all your social media friends?

There is no doubt that you need to be vigilant online. As the World Wide Web
evolved over the years, many internet predators have been playing on vulnerabilities
to attack computers and retrieve sensitive data from individuals. Half the time, we
aren’t even aware it is happening until it is too late.
Online threat is deemed any malicious act that attempts to gain access to a
computer network without authorization or permission from the owners. These are
usually done by computer hackers who uses the World Wide Web or internet to
facilitate cybercrime. Web threats pose a broad range of risks, including financial
damages, identity theft, loss of confidential information/data, theft of network
resources, damaged brand/personal reputation, and erosion of consumer
confidence in e-commerce and online banking.

The following are the top kinds of online threats that you should be aware of:
1. Phishing happens when an email is sent from an internet criminal disguised as
an email from a legitimate, trustworthy source. The message is meant to lure you
into revealing sensitive or confidential information.

2. Pharming happens when a hacker (or “pharmer”) directs an internet user to a

fake website instead of a legitimate one. These “spoofed” sites can capture a
victim’s confidential information, including usernames, passwords, and credit card
data, or install malware on their computer. Pharmers usually focus on websites in
the financial sector, including banks, online payment platforms, or other e-
commerce destinations.

3. Internet Scam generally refers to someone using internet services or software to

defraud or take advantage of victims, typically for financial gain. Cybercriminals
may contact potential victims through personal or work email accounts, social
networking sites, dating apps, or other methods in attempts to obtain financial or
other valuable personal information. Online scams may come in various forms
such as lottery scam, charity fraud scams, job offer scams, and online dating
scams to name a few.
4. Malware or malicious software, is any program or file that is harmful to a
computer user. Here are the most common offenders in the rogues’ gallery of
a) Adware (advertising supported software) is unwanted software designed to
throw advertisements up on your screen. Example, pop-up ads and banner
b) Spyware is malware that secretly observes the computer user’s activities
without permission and reports it to the software’s author. Example is a

c) Virus and Worms are malwares that attach to another program and, when
executed—unintentionally by the user—replicates itself by modifying other
computer programs and infecting them with its own bits of code.

d) Trojan, or Trojan horse, is one of the most dangerous malware types. It usually
represents itself as something useful in order to trick you. Once it’s on your system,
the attackers behind the Trojan gain unauthorized access to the affected computer.
From there, Trojans can be used to steal financial information or install threats like
viruses and ransomware.
e) Ransomware is a form of malware that locks you out of your device and/or encrypts
your files, then forces you to pay a ransom to get them back.
What can we do to prevent installing a spyware?
Anti-viruses, anti-spywares, and firewalls
can help prevent, but it must be regularly
updated. Once it infects a computer, it is hard
to remove it. The extremist remedy is to
reformat the computer.
Examples of anti-virus softwares
1. Kaspersky 5. McAfee
2. AVG 6. Eset NOD32
3. Avira 7. BitDefender
4. Avast 8. F-Secure

Directions: Read each item carefully and encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. What type of malicious program is designed to replicate itself and transfer from one
computer to another either through the internet or local networks or data storage like flash
drives and CDs?
A. Adware B. Spyware C. Worms and Virus D. Ransomware
2. What harmful online programs are designed to send you advertisements, mostly pop-up
A. Adware B. Spyware C. Worms and Virus D. Ransomware
3. What harmful online program is used to record keystrokes done by users to steal
A. Adware B. Spyware C. Worms and Virus D. Ransomware
4. What is ransomware based on?
A. Fear of hackers C. Fear of spyware
B. Fear of the Internet D. Fear of losing important files
5. Which of the following is an example of a “phishing” attack?
A. Sending someone an email that contains a malicious link that is disguised to look
like an email from someone reliable.
B. Creating a fake website that looks nearly identical to a real website in order to trick
users into entering their login information.
C. Sending someone a text message looks like a notification that the person has won a
D. Sending someone an email that records their keystroke activities while using their

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