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Frequency: I guess bi-weekly

Why am I dong it?: there is an audio recording for this in the Tim Time Folder look there.

1. Data Analysis (Meaning, Scope, Types

2. Tools (Excel, Sheets, Power-BI, Tableau,
3. Data Cleaning
4. Sorting
5. Visualization
6. Tips in Getting Started
7. Best Practices when organizing Data
8. Data Security
9. Data Integrity
10. Data F
11. Data Terminologies
12. Jobs IN Data
13. SQL (A whole new Chapter)

 At the end of 50 new contacts make sure they follow me on IG for what I wanna start
 Utilize Medium & Talk about Data

1. What Is Data Analysis?

 Data
 Data Analysis
2. Branches/ Types of Analysts
 What Industries they work in
3. Types of Data/ Sources
 Open Data
 Closed Data
 Dirty Data
 Clean Data
4. Languages used in Data Analysis


1. Meaning
2. WHats it Used for?
 Advantages
3. How To Use & Acccess Servers
4. 15Days of SQL Challenge
5. Operators
 Comparison Operators
 Logical Operators
6. Order By

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