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Benzodiazepines causes sedation during 3rd trimester

Okay, so one way we can decrease the excitatory signals is by enhancing the effect of inhibitory
neurons through medication like benzodiazepines.
These medications target the BZ site of GABAA receptors, which is located between ⍺1 and 𝛾2
subunits of the receptor.

When both benzodiazepine and GABA bind to their separate sites on the
receptor, benzodiazepines increase the frequency of Cl- channels opening, thereby increasing the
influx of Cl- ions. (cl- ion channels open more frequently-more times hence more cl-)
As a result, high intracellular concentrations of Cl- ions cause membrane hyperpolarization,
which means it’s much more difficult for neuron to depolarize and fire off an action potential.

Dose-dependent effects

Since they don’t have GABA mimetic effect, benzodiazepines reach the plateau; therefore they
are not associated with medullary depression and coma.

cross the placenta and the fetal blood-brain barrier, and could thus affect fetal
brain development.
Hypotonia is a medical word for low muscle tone. If your baby has it, they will
likely feel limp in your arms, like a rag doll- floppy infant syndrome
disruption of afferent input from stretch receptors

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