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Evolution and Current Status

James M. Coumas, MD, and William E. Palmer, MD

The knee is one of the most functionally menisci, articular cartilage, loose bodies, and
complex and commonly injured joints. In ad- synovial capsule. Double-contrast arthrogra-
dition to traumatic injuries, the knee is fre- phy was soon to follow, providing a thin ra-
quently affected by inflammatory processes, diopaque coating contrasted by air- or gas-
systemic disorders, and neoplasm. Develop- distended joint cavities. Double-contrast knee
mental and congenital abnormalities may also arthrography proved to be the radiologic pro-
afflict the knee. Long before the availability cedure of choice for evaluation of menisci
of CT and MR imaging, conventional arthrog- over the subsequent two decades. Progressive
raphy was performed to evaluate the joint improvements in contrast media, fluoroscopic
capsule and other intra-articular structures. equipment, and diagnostic techniques led to
Today, the most powerful diagnostic tech- reported accuracies of 90% or better for the
niques combine CT and MR imaging with evaluation of meniscal tears.33Although ex-
arthrography. aminer-dependent, the fine art of knee
Arthrography is derived from the Greek arthrography was optimized so as to evaluate
words artkros (joint) and gvapkie (to write or extrameniscal abnormalities, such as articular
record), which taken together imply the cartilage defects, loose bodies, anterior cruci-
drawing or delineation of the joint. A multi- ate tears, synovitis, and joint degeneration. Its
tude of contrast media have been utilized to greatest limitation was its inability to evaluate
image the knee joint with reports dating back extrasynovial structures about the knee. For a
to 1905.95Early iodinated contrast media complete understanding and review of single-
proved too toxic and water-soluble contrast and double-contrast knee arthrography, excel-
media was subsequently introduced in the lent texts authored by Freiberger and Faye37
1940s. Single-contrast examinations were ini- and Goldman4*are recommended.
tially utilized in which the entire joint recess Tomographic imaging techniques were fre-
was filled providing a positive relief to the quently combined with arthrography. Plain
joint cavity. Once intra-articular structures tomography performed after knee arthrogra-
were outlined by contrast material, diagnostic phy was first used in the evaluation of articu-
emphasis was centered on the evaluation of lar cartilage defects but was soon replaced by

~ ~ ~

From Charlotte Radiology, Charlotte; and the Department of Radiology, Carolinas Medical Center (JMC), Charlotte,
North Carolina; and Bone and Joint Radiology, Massachusetts General Hospital (WEP), Boston, Massachusetts


VOLUME 36 * NUMBER 4 JULY 1998 703


CT due to a marked improvement in ana- diagnostic imaging complementing their clin-

tomic delineation, contrast resolution, and vi- ical evaluation and providing a global intra-
sualization of extrasynovial soft tissues. CT articular and extra-articular assessment of the
(unenhanced) and CT arthrography of the knee. Clinicians utilize MR imaging to sup-
knee were evaluated intermittently between port nonsurgical management or to confirm
1978 and 1987.3,21, 63, M, 76 Promising early re- injuries that benefit from arthroscopic or open
sults by Passariello et aln suggested conven- surgical treatment. Technical improvements
tional unenhanced CT of the knee may be in arthroscopic instrumentation have paral-
competitive with arthrography for the diag- leled the technical advances in MR imaging
nosis of meniscal tears. Blinded studies by and have expanded the surgical procedures
Steinbach et alB8were less optimistic and now performed by arthroscopy. Although it
showed variable sensitivities and accuracies is the clinical assessment that determines
dependent Dn instrumentation utilized. therapy, the MR imaging examination com-
Manco et aP4 corroborated accuracy rates of plements arthroscopy by providing a nonin-
91.5% for meniscal tears utilizing unenhanced vasive, painless, and morbidity-free modality
CT of the knee. for accurate preoperative anatomic assess-
The rapid evolution and acceptance of knee ment that is well accepted by patients.
MR imaging limited the development of CT
as an important tool for assessing intra-articu-
lar abnormalities of the knee. At present, MR
imaging is the dominant noninvasive imaging
technique currently available for evaluation
of the knee. Superior soft tissue discrimina- Conventional Arthrography
tion, superb spatial resolution, multiplanar
capabilities, noninvasive nature, and lack of In experienced hands, the technique of
ionizing radiation have combined to limit sin- double-contrast arthrography has shown ac-
gle-contrast arthrography to the evaluation curacy that approaches 99% for medial menis-
of joints with metal prostheses for loosening, cal tears and 93% for lateral meniscal tears?,
wear, or infection, or patients in whom MR 32* ss, 90 Unfortunately, these results have not

imaging is contraindicated. Prior to the ad- been universal because the technique is sig-
vent of open-bore magnets, patients too large nificantly operator-dependent. False-positive
to be evaluated by standard 60-cm bores were rates of 7% have been Double-con-
also forced to undergo single- or double-con- trast arthrographic evaluation of anterior cru-
trast arthrographic examinations. In the rural ciate ligament tears has shown accuracies as
or community hospital setting, arthrography low as 50Y0.~~ Multiple studies comparing the
of the knee may be rarely performed to docu- diagnostic accuracy of arthrography to
ment preoperative meniscal abnormalities arthroscopy for the evaluation of menisci
principally due to unavailability of MR im- have been perf~rmed.~, 32, 5s, The accuracy
aging equipment or cost containment. rate for arthrography was equal or superior
Currently, MR imaging is the most com- to that of arthroscopy in several large studies.
monly performed radiologic test in the assess- ThijngOreported accuracy rates of 93% and
ment of intra-articular knee abnormalities. 86%, respectively, for arthrography and
Posttraumatic prearthroscopic MR imaging arthroscopy in a series of 367 patients. Similar
evaluation, although initially controversial, results were published by Dumas and Edde.32
has proved to be cost-effe~tive.'~Although Some of these studies noted that arthroscopy
arthroscopy has revolutionized the diagnosis was limited in the evaluation of posterior and
and treatment of knee disorders, most ortho- peripheral tears involving the medial joint
pedists acknowledge the invasiveness of the compartment and arthrography showed a
procedure; limitations in evaluation of extra- high false-negative result in the evaluation
articular pathology; cost, and, albeit uncom- of edge (meniscal apex) tears. Together, each
mon, potential complications associated with technique was complementary with overall
the procedure. They are receptive to accurate accuracy rates of 97%.

tion of meniscal injury was compared with

double-contrast arthrography by Ghelman.4I
Due to the high sensitivity of double-contrast
arthrography in the evaluation of meniscal
tears, high-resolution CT arthrography of the
knee did not improve sensitivity or accuracy
in this limited study. The resolution of the
meniscal tear, the degree of meniscal fraying,
irregularity, and evaluation of the meniscal
apex was improved by the elimination of
overlying superimposed structures. CT
arthrography for meniscal assessment today
is reserved for patients with contraindications
to MR imaging evaluation or those patients
Figure 1. Unenhanced CT of meniscus. Axial 1.5-mrn-
thick CT section through normal lateral meniscus who may be severely claustrophobic or too
(arrows). No discontinuity or change in attenuation was large to be accommodated by conventional
noted. MR imaging bore size (Fig. 2). The progres-
sive deployment of open-bore MR imaging
CT magnets will eventually accommodate these
Conventional CT without enhancement has
been utilized for the evaluation of menisci,
osteochondritis, cruciate, and collateral liga- MR Imaging
ment injury, as well as capsular ligamentous
lesions of the knee joint.76Osteochondral MR imaging of menisci has been shown to
loose bodies and osteochondral fractures be more sensitive, specific, and accurate in the
about the knee can also be evaluated by this evaluation of meniscal tears when compared
technique. Accuracy rates in the evaluation of with conventional single- or double-contrast
meniscal injury by conventional CT have arthrography. It is the negative predictive
been reported at 89% for the medial meniscus value of MR imaging that has taken on a
and 96% for the lateral meniscus (Fig. 1).T7 greater significance in clinical medicine. Pre-
Higher accuracy rates have been reported in viously, when single- or double-contrast con-
patients with associated ligamentous or cap- ventional arthrography did not correlate with
sular injury. This finding may suggest a the clinical examination, the orthopedic sur-
higher incidence of significant morphologic geon was very likely to perform arthroscopy.
change in the configuration of the meniscus The very high negative predictive value of
with concomitant ligamentous or capsular in- MR imaging, however, makes the likelihood
jury. The experience is, however, very limited of missing a clinically significant meniscal
and operator-dependent. tear unlikely and may redirect the clinical
Limitations of conventional CT in screening examination and foster conservative manage-
for meniscal injury include motion artifact, ment. False-positive MR imaging findings
suboptimal examination due to hemarthrosis may be attributable to errors in radiologic
or thrombus, poor evaluation of horizontal interpretation or suboptimal arthroscopy but
cleavage tears of the meniscus, as well as more typically are due to significant intrasub-
poor evaluation of the meniscocapsular junc- stance tears that do not extend to the menis-
tion and nondispl-aced peripheral tears. Ab- cal surface. This difference can be partially
normal intrameniscal attenuation or meniscal overcome by maintaining good lines of com-
degeneration can be misinterpreted as a munication between the radiologist and the
meniscal tear. Finally, the cost of conventional orthopedic surgeon who can then pursue ag-
CT at most institutions exceeds that of gressive probing of localized areas at the time
arthrography. of arthroscopy. Nevertheless, in those cases
CT arthrography of the knee for the evalua- where no irregularity of the rneniscal surface

Figure 2. CT arthrography of knee meniscus. A, Anteroposterior (AP) scout radiograph shows

extensive internal fixation of the femur which obscured images of menisci when MR imaging was
attempted. B, CT arthrogram shows a tear at the apex of the anterior horn lateral meniscus (arrow).
Despite thin axial sections (1.5 mm), it is difficult to encompass entire meniscus on a single image.

is perceived, or no evidence of scar or granu- comes more important in the presence of a

lation tissue is noted at the time of arthros- joint effusion, which is referred to as creating
copy, the determination of a clinically signifi- an arthrographic e f l e ~ t DeSmet
.~~ et alZ have
cant intrasubstance tear (also referred to as a shown that the accuracy in detection of
delaminating injuvy) can be difficult. meniscal tears is improved when abnormal
False-positive findings in the past have signal is seen to extend to the articulating
been attributable to normal variants that, with surface of the meniscus on multiple contigu-
experience and improved resolution, have be- ous sections or in multiple imaging planes.
come less problematic. A recent study has Possible tears or questionable extension of
shown little difference in the accuracy of abnormal signal to the articulating meniscal
meniscal tear evaluation when comparing surface when only viewed in a single image
mid field strength (0.5 T) and high field in only one plane is not reported as a tear in
strength (1.5 T) MR imaging units.4 Mid field our practice.
strength MR imaging units compensate for Accuracy rates for multiple studies have
the lower signal-to-noise ratio by increasing been well summarized by Bonamo and Sap-
the number of acquired signals or data.82This erstein: with mean accuracy rates of 92% for
increase in scan time has to some degree been both medial and lateral menisci. Missed
compensated for by new fast scan techniques. meniscal tears (false-negative readings) more
Meniscal tears are defined as abnormal in- frequently involve the posterior horn of the
trameniscal signal that extends to the articu- lateral meniscus.23 False-negative and false-
lating surface of the meniscus or abnormal positive readings are of equal frequency in
meniscal morphology. Controversies in inter- the medial meniscus. Multiple large studies
pretation may arise as to whether intramenis- have confirmed the reliability of abnormal
cal pathology extends to the surface or is meniscal detection by MR imaging with sen-
complicated by an overlying layer of granula- sitivities of 92% to 97% for the medial menis-
tion tissue. Our own experience parallels that cus and 92% to 94% for the lateral meniscus.'s,
of most studies in which the proton spin im- 53, 70 Despite these excellent results, 10% to

ages are found best for meniscal evaluation 12% of cases with abnormal signal extending
and TZweighed or T2*-weighted imaging be- to the meniscal articular surface are not con-

firmed at arthros~opy.~~ This discrepancy may

represent old injury and subsequent healed
scar or a true meniscal tear not visualized at
arthroscopy. Utilizing second-look arthros-
copy in a retrospective review of 32 patients
treated nonsurgically for meniscal tears
showed 65% of longitudinal meniscal tears
and 17% of radial meniscal tears healed spon-
tane0usly.9~A native joint effusion or saline
or gadolinium arthrogram may prove helpful
in distinguishing spontaneously healed tears
from persistent or recurrent tears. Despite
limitations in clinical assessment of the trau-
matized patient, orthopedists have reported
overall accuracy rate of their clinical examina-
tion alone at between 70% and 75?'0.~ MR
imaging remains more accurate than the clini-
cal examination in the diagnosis of meniscal
tears, regardless of whether an isolated
meniscal injury or associated anterior cruciate
ligament injury exists.36

Postoperative Menisci Figure 3. Postoperative meniscus with conventional MR

imaging. Sequential sagittal proton density-weighted im-
As the number of arthroscopic meniscal re- ages (TFVTE of 2000/20).A, Abnormal morphology to the
sections and repairs increase, the percentage superior articulating surface of the posterior horn medial
meniscus in a patient with prior partial meniscectomy
of postoperative knee evaluations increases. (arrow). 6,Abnormal intrameniscal signal that does ex-
The postoperative knee is clinically more dif- tend to the superior and inferior articulating meniscal sur-
ficult to evaluate and the young population faces seen on multiple adjacent images (curved arrow).
At arthroscopy, no tear was noted; this was felt to repre-
more prone to reinjury. This is the very popu- sent postoperative meniscal conversion and scar.
lation for which the clinicians rely on an accu-
rate MR imaging evaluation to correlate with
the clinical examination. Postoperative partial utilizing conventional criteria, the accuracy
meniscectomy or meniscal repair display con- fell to 64%. This group represents the largest
ventional MR imaging criteria for a meniscal subset of patients having undergone partial
tear. Abnormal signal extending to the menis- meniscectomy. An increase in the T2-
cal articulating surface and abnormal mor- weighted signal intensity within the meniscus
phology are usually both present (Fig. 3). No was noted to be an indicator of retear within
imaging criteria have helped in the differenti- this population. Utilizing this criteria, an ac-
ation of postoperative meniscal change from curacy of approximately 85% was reported in
a persistent retained or a recurrent meniscal menisci that had undergone more than 75%
tear. resection. Similar results were noted in a
The evaluation of postoperative meniscal study by Smith and Totty.86When more
resection utilizing conventional MR imaging than 75% of the meniscus has been resected,
sequences and estdblished criteria for menis- it is unlikely that a small, oblique tear or
cal tear by Deutsch et alZ7showed good corre- recurrent tear at the surgical resection site
lation with arthroscopy when less than 25% produces mechanical instability and a clini-
of the meniscus had been resected. If trunca- cally significant lesion. In these cases, the
tion of the meniscal apex was excluded, accu- presence of an unstable meniscal fragment of
racy of retear was reported at When the remnant meniscus can be excluded and
25% to 75% of the meniscus had been resected secondary posttraumatic degenerative

Figure 4. Postoperative partial meniscectomy of the lateral meniscus in a professional female

basketball player. A, Coronal proton density-weighted image ( T W E of 3983/40)shows
arthrographic effect of a joint effusion (arrowhead) with small remnant of posterior horn lateral
meniscus (brig straight arrow), full thickness articular cartilage defect (smaW arrows) and
abnormal intrasubstance change to articular cartilage (white arrow). Note absent marrow
edema. 6, Coned-down view shows overhanging margin of articular cartilage (arrow), large
articular defect (small arrows), and dense subchondral reactive sclerosis and condensation
of trabeculae caused by secondary degenerative arthritis.

change, loose body, or progressive articular is more accurate than conventional MR im-
cartilage damage is frequently documented aging in the postoperative knee for evaluation
(Fig. 4). of meniscal retear. The intravasation of con-
trast material into the repaired meniscal tear
was specific for incomplete healing or retear
Meniscal Repair at arthrography.
The arthrographic effect of a native joint
Evaluation of postoperative meniscal repair effusion on conventional T2-weighted MR
parallels the findings in partial meniscal re- imaging studies improved detection of recur-
section with abnormal MR imaging signal ex- rent tear in only 56Y0.~ The positive predictive
tending to the articular surface of the repair value was, however, 90% for the evaluation
in asymptomatic individuals who, at arthrog- of recurrent tears when joint fluid was seen
raphy or arthroscopy, show no evidence of tracking into the tear? The accuracy of the
retear.12,14, 34, 78 Surgical failure rates as high as arthrographic effect can be improved with
35% have been reported for meniscal repair saline instillation and T2 weighting. The in-
in the unstable knee.2oConventional MR im- creased volume load, distention of the joint
aging criteria for retear are not reliable. Per- recess and capsular margins, increased hydro-
sistent abnormal meniscal signal extending to static pressure, as well as a diminished viscos-
the meniscal articular surface (grade 3 signal) ity of the effusion, when present, all foster
has been documented 27 months after sur- intravasation of fluid into the tear.
gery in healed menisci and is referred to as The introduction of gadolinium arthrogra-
meniscal conversion.28,35 Detection of a dis- phy provides, in addition to the aforemen-
placed or free meniscal fragment with intra- tioned benefits of saline arthrography, an
vasation of fluid on T2-weighted sequences improvement in resolution associated with
into the defect is more reliable and specific for T1-weighted sequences as well as the ability
retear in the postoperative meniscus. Farley et to differentiate between intrameniscal con-
a134concluded that conventional arthrography trast (gadolinium) and fibrovascular change

or granulation tissue within the meniscus. In

a comparison of conventional MR imaging
and gadolinium MR arthrography for the
evaluation of recurrent meniscal tears,
Applegate et a12 found no significant im-
provement in accuracy for the detection of
tears when a meniscal repair or partial resec-
tion involved less than 25% of the meniscus.
In the more typical scenario of 25% to 75%
involvement of meniscal resection or repair, a
significant improvement in overall accuracy
from 66% (conventional MR imaging) to 88%
(intra-articular gadolinium arthrogram) was
noted. The improvement in accuracy with
gadolinium arthrography was of greatest sig-
nificance when more than 75% of meniscal
resection or repair had occurred (Fig. 5).*
The intravenous administration of gadolin-
ium gadopentetate dimeglumine (Gd-DTPA)
or gadolinium tetra-azacyclododecanetetra-
acetic acid (Gd-DOTA) produces enhance-
ment of synovial fluid and demonstrates an
arthrographic effect on T1-weighted se-
q u e n c e ~ .96~Delayed
~, imaging is required be-
cause synovial fluid enhancement is time de-
pendent with peak enhancement obtained at Figure 5. Normal postmeniscectomychange in a 38-year-
30 minutes in the nonmobilized knee.31Knee old patient. A, After direct intra-articular administration of
mobilization hastens gadolinium concentra- gadopentetate dimeglumine, fat-suppressed T1-weighted
( T W E of 500/16) sagittal MR arthrogram through the
tion in the synovial fluid with a twofold in- medial compartment of the knee shows contrast solution
crease in effusion enhancement at 10 mi- outlining the posterior horn of the medial meniscus
n u t e ~Knee
. ~ ~ mobilization plays an important (straight arrow). The meniscus has mildly irregular con-
tour and increased signal intensity, but gadolinium does
role in producing a uniform enhancement of not leak into a focal defect. Healing tear and stable menis-
the joint effusion, an increase in the contrast cal remnant were verified at repeat arthroscopy. The ante-
concentration, and a diagnostic arthrographic rior horn is normal (curved arrow). Recurrent or residual
medial meniscal tear after partial arthroscopic resection
effect.96Mobilization may be most important in a 42-year-old patient. B, After direct intra-articular ad-
in patients with large pre-existing joint effu- ministration of gadopentetate dimeglumine, fat-sup-
sions. In the evaluation of meniscal tears by pressed T1-weighted (TRITE of 350115 ) sagittal M R
arthrogram through the medial compartment of the knee
conventional MR imaging, Drape et al3I shows contrast solution filling a vertical tear (black arrow)
showed that intravenous gadolinium allowed of the posterior horn of the residual medial meniscus.
for accurate interpretation in seven of eight The central meniscal fragment is diminished in height
following partial meniscectomy. At repeat arthroscopy, ex-
meniscal tears judged equivocal by conven- tensive meniscal resection was necessaty. Irregular carti-
tional MR imaging. To date, no large prospec- lage loss over the femoral condyle (white arrows) indi-
tive study has compared intra-articular MR cates degenerative change.
gadolinium arthrography with intravenous
gadolinium MR arthrography for the evalua-
tion of meniscal tears. meniscal injury are widely utilized and estab-
In the evaluation of meniscal tears, it must lished. Meniscal allograft transplantation is
also be noted that meniscal abnormalities and currently underway with fixation and posi-
tears do exist in the asymptomatic individual tioning of cadaveric meniscal allograft as-
with an increasing prevalence with increasing sessed by fast spin echo MR imaging tech-
age as documented by Kornick et al.56 At niques with good correlation at second-look
present, orthopedic resection and repair of arthros~opy.~~

MR Arthrographic Technique phy. Diagnostic difficulty may arise because

fat and gadolinium may have identical signal
The MR arthrographic solution utilized for intensities on T1-weighted images. Fre-
injection into the knee is also suitable for quency-selective fat suppression utilizes the
evaluation of the shoulder or any other joint. difference (chemical shift) in the precessional
The T1 relaxation time of this solution is de- frequencies of fat and water by applying a
pendent on the concentration of gadolinium. presaturation pulse that is identical to the
To optimize the paramagnetic effect on T1- precessional frequency of fat. Thus, fat sup-
weighted images and, therefore, to maximize pression decreases the signal from fat, pre-
its signal intensity, gadolinium formulations serves the signal from the contrast solution,
currently marketed by pharmaceutical com- and delineates the boundary between con-
panies must be diluted to a concentration of trast solution and fat. Fat suppression also
2 mM.48 minimizes chemical shift and truncation arti-
To obtain this concentration, 0.6 mL of Gd- facts, which occur at the interface between
DTPA (Magnevist, Berlex Laboratories, water and fat and can interfere with the eval-
Wayne, NJ) or other gadolinium formulations uation of hyaline cartilage. Fat-suppressed
can be added to 100 mL of normal saline. In images, however, cannot completely replace
a 35-mL syringe, 24 mL of this solution can standard T1-weighted images because they
be mixed with 8 mL of lidocaine 1% (final obscure juxta-articular fascia1planes and mar-
dilution ratio equals 1:250). After intra-articu- row abnormalities.
lar position of the needle is documented with
a test injection of nonionic contrast material,
the gadolinium solution is administered until ARTICULAR CARTILAGE
the joint capsule becomes distended (approxi-
mately 20 to 30 mL in the knee). Single-con- Despite over a decade of experience in MR
trast technique, in which fluid is injected imaging of the knee, there is considerable
without gas, is necessary to avoid magnetic controversy with regard to the radiologic as-
susceptibility artifact on the MR images. Any sessment of hyaline cartilage. Widespread
pre-existing joint effusion should be aspirated variation in sensitivities (30% to 100%) and
to avoid excessive dilution of gadolinium. specificities (50% to 100%) are reported.49,50, 87
MR imaging is initiated within 30 minutes This variability has thus far been tolerated
following arthrography to minimize the ab- to some degree by the orthopedic surgeons
sorption of contrast solution and the loss of because no clear consensus of orthopedic
capsular distention. The same dedicated coils treatment for chondral and osteochondral de-
and imaging planes are used in both arthro- fects exists. A plethora of MR imaging pulse
graphic and conventional MR imaging. In MR sequences including fat-saturated (intermedi-
arthrography, the field of view may often be ate) proton spin-weighted, two-dimensional
decreased because the examination is directed and three-dimensional spoiled gradient re-
at the visualization of intra-articular struc- called echo (SPGR), pulsed saturation trans-
tures, not extra-articular structures. fer, and magnetization transfer contrast se-
Following gadolinium injection, T1-weighted quences have all been reported as cartilage
spin echo pulse sequences take advantage of sensitive or specific in the radiology litera-
the paramagnetic effect of gadolinium on T1- ture. The orthopedic corollary includes mi-
relaxation time. They generate high signal-to- crofracture technique, abrasion arthroplasty,
noise ratio, excellent spatial resolution, and laser abrasion, osteochondral grafting, autolo-
contiguous images (interleaved acquisition) gous chondrocyte implantation, and chondro-
within relatively short examination times. A protective drugs.’l These techniques have all
T2-weighted sequence is helpful in the identi- been reported treatment for chondral and 0s-
fication of extra-articular fluid collections and teochondral defects in the orthopedic litera-
the characterization of incidental marrow le- ture. Praemer et alsonotes that approximately
sions or periarticular masses. 95,000 total knee replacements in addition to
Fat suppression is critical in MR arthrogra- 41,000 orthopedic procedures are performed

annually in the treatment or repair of osteo- utility for OCD of the knee at its most com-
chondral abnormalities of the knee. This is mon location.
a vexing problem for both orthopedists and Studies have documented high sensitivity
rheumatologists because the articular carti- (92%) and specificity (goo/,) in establishing the
lage is avascular with limited propensity for stability of the underlying cartilaginous bony
healing or repair with conservative manage- interface by MR imaging (Fig. 6)?*, Contro-
ment. A comprehensive review of each im- versy in accurately delineating the integrity
aging pulse sequence or new and evolving of the overlying articular cartilage was noted
surgical and pharmacologic advancement is with conventional MR imaging.68 Improve-
beyond the scope of this article. At the knee, ment in accurately predicting the articular
osteochondral injuries most commonly in- cartilage involvement and appropriate stag-
volve three specific sites, which are covered ing of OCD lesions was shown by MR gado-
in greater depth. Osteochondritis dissecans linium arthrography when compared with
(OCD) involving the femoral condyle, chon- conventional MR imaging with arthroscopy
dromalacia patella, and focal condylar carti- as the gold standard.59* 89 OCD evaluation by

lage defects on a posttraumatic or degenera- gadolinium arthrography with arthroscopic

tive basis are reviewed. documentation was found to be correct in
92.9% of patients with conventional spin echo
sequences and 100% of patients utilizing gra-
OCD dient echo sequences.59
More recently, Loew et aP2 reported on in-
OCD is a focal injury of the articular sur- direct MR arthrography of the knee in pa-
face characterized by separation of a segment tients with OCD. Patients were initially evalu-
of the cartilage and the subchondral bone. ated utilizing conventional MR imaging spin
Although the etiology is unknown, trauma, echo sequences with and without fat satura-
ischemia, abnormality of ossification, and ge- tion followed by intravenous Gd-DTPA (0.1
netic predisposition have all been advanced mmol/kg) and active mobilization (walking)
as possible etiologies. OCD is usually classi- over a 30-minute period and reimaged. Im-
fied as either a juvenile form seen in children proved assessment in the vitality of the OCD
between 5 and 15 years of age or the adult fragment, vascular enhancement versus no
form applied to occurrences after physeal fu- vascular enhancement, as well as determina-
sion.= tion of fragment stability postintravenous
Plain film radiographs frequently show the gadolinium arthrogram was reported (Fig. 7).
lesion, often requiring a tunnel or notch pos- Although still early and additional trials are
teroanterior radiograph when involving the required, this technique may eliminate the
most common location at the junction of the necessity of the more invasive arthrographic
femoral notch and the weight-bearing medial component of MR arthrography as well as
femoral condyle. In the past, conventional provide a solution to stand-alone MR imaging
arthrography was performed to evaluate the centers without fluoroscopic capability for the
integrity of the overlying articular cartilage. performance of MR arthrography.
Utilizing a modified Clanton and DeLee stag- Diagnostic arthroscopy has been usurped
ing criteria, all grades 1 and 2 lesions were by MR imaging for the staging of OCD in
missed and no comment on stability of the skeletally immature patients who are symp-
underlying lesion was possible.16 CT alone tomatic. Treatment remains varied and con-
was of little utility in evaluating the articular troversial. General consensus is conservative,
cartilage; however, CT arthrography is ex- nonoperative management in the asymptom-
pected to evaluate the articular surface as atic and skeletally immature patient. In gen-
well as the subarticular lesion. The most com- eral, operative therapy is directed toward pa-
mon location of OCD in the knee, however, tients who are skeletally mature and
does not lend itself to imaging in a plane symptomatic at presentation, those who pre-
perpendicular to the lesion but rather tangen- sent with intra-articular loose bodies, or pa-
tially. This makes CT arthrography of limited tients who have failed a conservative trial of

Figure 6. Osteochondritisdissecans with discontinuityof overlying articular cartilage and subchondral

cortex. A, Sagittal proton density-weighted ( T W Eof 2500114) image shows osteochondral abnormal-
ity with discontinuity of articular cartilage and subchondral cortex (arrow). B, Sagittal T2-weighted
image ( T W E of 2500/70) shows fluid from the effusion tracking freely into osteochondral defect
(arrow). C, Coronal inversion recovery image (TR/TI/TE of 5000/140/45) shows the arthrographic
effect of fluid (arrow) and lack of associated marrow edema.

therapy.45Operative techniques include pin tial zone) maintains a high collagen and low
(Kirschner wire) fixation; screw (Herbert) proteoglycan content with dense tangentially
fixation; drilling (Kirschner wire or biode- oriented collagen fibrils at the articular sur-
gradable pin); bone grafting; bone peg fixa- face. A transitional zone is next seen with
tion; and osteochondral autografts and allo- a higher proteoglycan content and oblique
graft~.~~ orientation to collagen fibrils. The radial zone
is composed of an upper and a deep compo-
nent. The deep radial zone maintains the
Focal Articular Cartilage Defects highest proteoglycan content and lowest wa-
ter concentration. The deepest histologic zone
Hyaline cartilage is a well-organized, mul- (deep zone) separates articular cartilage from
tilayered tissue structure with limited capac- subchondral bone and anchors the vertically
ity for repair or regeneration. The composi- oriented collagen fibrils traversing the radial
tion of hyaline cartilage by weight is zone. Calcified cartilage is noted adjacent to
principally water (65% to 80%); proteoglycan subchondral bone and referred to as the tide
(10% to 30%); and collagen (5% to 65 murk. The orientation and organization of col-
Hyaline cartilage is typically divided into lagen fibrils throughout these histologic zones
three superficial noncalcified histologic zones is felt to reflect the ability of the hyaline carti-
and a single deep calcified or mineralized lage scaffolding to accommodate various vec-
zone (Fig. Q8’ The superficial layer (tangen- tors of mechanical force. Charged hydrophilic

Figure 7. Osteochondritis dissecans and a clinical concern of fragment stability and viability. A,
Coronal T l -weighted image ( T W E of 400/16) shows abnormal signal in the medial femoral condyle
consistent with OCD (arrow). 13,Coronal inversion recovery image ( T W I n E of 5866/140/51) shows
intact cortex (/ongarrow) but increased signal deep to the OCD fragment (short arrows). No definite
extension to subchondral cortex is noted. Note subtle marrow edema. C, Coronal fat-suppressedT1-
weighted image ( T W E of 500/14) after intravenous gadolinium contrast shows enhancement of
signal intensity deep to OCD fragment (arrows) consistent with granulation tissue and extension of
abnormal signal to the femoral cortex (brig arrow). lnhomogeneous enhancement of OCD fragment
is noted (curved arrow).

ansitional Zone

Upper Radial Zone

Figure 8. Hyaline cartilage organization. Note the varying orientation

and concentration of long collagen fibrils as they traverse multiple
zones within hyaline cartilage to ultimately become anchored in
calcified cartilage at the tide mark. The orientation of collagen fibers
throughout these histologic zones of nonmineralized and mineralized
cartilage is an important component in the ability of hyaline cartilage to
accommodate varying vectors of mechanical force.

proteoglycans also stratify throughout the Kramer et a158have shown an improvement

collagen latticework maintaining a balanced in detection and staging of articular cartilage
level of hydration of cartilage. It is this very abnormalities when comparing three-dimen-
complex stratification of water, proteoglycans, sional SPGR imaging sequences without
and collagen fibrils that limits conventional Gd-DTPA with intra-articular Gd-DTPA with
MR imaging sequences in the evaluation of T1-weighted and three-dimensional SPGR se-
hyaline cartilage. Sensitivities for MR im- quences. A sensitivity of only 62% was ob-
aging of hyaline cartilage lesions have been tained when three-dimensional SPGR im-
reported at between 30% and ~OOYO.~~ aging without intra-articular Gd-DTPA was
The clinical diagnosis of a focal chondral evaluated. Sensitivities of 85% (TI-weighted
injury is difficult. The symptoms may mimic Gd-DTPA) and 87% (three-dimensional SPGR
a meniscal tear with catching or locking. h i - plus Gd-DTPA) showed no statistical differ-
tial symptoms may be minimal or masked by ence. The previous findings were also sup-
associated injury with only limited disability. ported by Speer et al,87 who infers that the
Chondral injuries are frequently overlooked presence of a joint effusion may have a bene-
during the clinical examination. Characteris- ficial effect in the detection of chondral le-
tic injury patterns are noted that correlate sions.
with skeletal maturity. Osteochondral frac- From an orthopedic perspective, current
tures are more common in children and ado- trends in the treatment of focal articular carti-
lescents. In the third decade of life, progres- lage abnormalities require an accurate assess-
sive skeletal maturity leads to mineralization ment of lesion size; location; and depth (par-
at the tidemark and full-thickness chondral tial or full thickness). To date, conventional
87 Partial-thickness chondral lesions
lesions.51* MR imaging has not shown the sensitivity
are more common thereafter. in evaluating articular cartilage abnormalities
Speer et aP7 showed that prearthroscopic nor the accuracy in classifying chondral ver-
and postarthroscopic sensitivities of MR im- sus osteochondral injury to compete with
aging for articular cartilage abnormalities in arthroscopy. In a recent review by Minas and
the knee were 41% and 839'0, respectively, uti- Nehrer,'j9 the author clearly states that
lizing conventional spin echo imaging se- arthroscopy is the gold standard for diagnosis
quences and thin section three-dimensional and yields more valuable information than
pulse sequences. The significant postarthros- MR imaging.97This philosophy may be attrib-
copy improvement in detection suggests a utable in part to the classification systems in
significant radiologic learning curve in the use. Arthroscopists prefer either the Outer-
MR imaging evaluation of hyaline cartilage. bridge classification or the Bauer and Jackson
Magnetization transfer contrast, SPGR, and classification because of their descriptive na-
three-dimensional fat-suppressed SPGR have tures and potential for dating an injury and its
all been shown to improve spatial resolution possible etiology." 72 Most radiologists utilize a
and image contrast in the evaluation of hya- modified Shahriaree classification developed
line cartilage when compared with conven- for chondromalacia without incorporating le-
tional MR imaging sequences.29* 30 Disler et sion ~ i z e . 8MR
~ Gd-DTPA arthrography with
a P showed a sensitivity of 93% when com- three-dimensional thin section volume-ac-
paring fat-suppressed three-dimensional quired SPGR cartilage-specific sequence in
SPGR imaging with arthroscopy prospec- addition to T1-weighted images may provide
tively detecting 14 of 15 cartilage defects doc- the critical data necessary to supplant diag-
umented at arthroscopy. The fat-suppressed nostic arthroscopy prerepair. The documenta-
three-dimensional SPGR image sequence tion of unipolar involvement, exclusion of
shows a symmetric trilaminar appearance of significant secondary degenerative change, as
hyaline cartilage with suppression of marrow, well as accurate assessment of lesion size and
fat, subarticular cortex, and joint effusion. depth is possible and an essential component
Multiple cadaveric studies have shown in- to the orthopedic treatment approach.
tra-articular Gd-DTPA arthrography can de- Lesion size and location are crucial because
tect chondral defects as small as 2 mm/6,47 large chondral lesions in weight-bearing re-

Figure 9. Progressive marrow congestion in a 28-year-old professional basketball player over a 4-

month period. A, Coronal inversion recovely image (TRTTITTE of 4700/140/45) performed prearthros-
copy shows early subchondral cyst (arrow) with associated marrow edema in the lateral femoral
condyle. At arthroscopy, large full-thickness hyaline cartilage defect noted, as well as degenerative
narrowing of the joint space. B, Coronal inversion recovery image (TWITTE of 5000/140/51) 4
months later shows progressive subchondral cyst formation in the lateral femoral condyle (arrow) as
well as residual marrow edema. New foci of marrow edema and congestion now noted at the tibial
eminence and lateral tibial plateau (arrows). No interval trauma reported.

gions are poorly tolerated and more suscepti- A recent report by Boutin et allo suggests
ble to secondary degenerative osteoarthritis. that early degeneration of hyaline cartilage
Full-thickness lesions are felt to be more with morphologically intact articular cartilage
symptomatic and subject to subchondral reac- can be shown by MR imaging in vitro. A
tive vascular congestion (Fig. 9). MR imaging decrease in glycosaminoglycan concentration
should also provide insight into the subchon- within hyaline cartilage is associated with
dral and adjacent marrow changes associated early degenerative change and preferentially
with chondral injuries, which may alter or replaced by charged Gd-DTPA2- into the de-
help direct treatment options (Fig. 10). generative cartilage, which can be imaged by
In the past, treatment options that involved MR imaging within human cartilage samples.
marrow stimulation techniques, such as sub- To date, arthroscopy remains the gold stan-
chondral drilling, abrasion arthroplasty, or dard in the evaluation, classification, and
microfracture technique, have produced fi- treatment of chondral and osteochondral ab-
brocartilaginous repair tissue rather than true normalities. Current trends, however, support
hyaline cartilage with variable long-term re- the future role of gadolinium arthrography in
sults. The recent success of autologous trans- this arena.
plant implantation in young, active patients
with large lesions (often greater than 2 to 3
cm2)has shown hyaline cartilage at the defect Chondromalacia Patella
site with long-term follow-up to 9 years with-
out associated symptomatic o ~ t e o a r t h r i t i s . ~ ~ The term chondromalacia patella is frequently
Mosaicplasty (arthroscopic osteochondral confused with, and incorrectly attributed to,
plug transplantation) from ipsilateral non- all anterior knee pain. Chondromalacia was
weight-bearing articulating cartilage has first coined by Aleman' in 1917 and today is
shown success rates of greater than 80% (Fig. felt to represent a softening, fibrillation, or
ll).40 Clearly, follow-up MR Gd-DTPA degeneration of articular cartilage. Changes
arthrography in contrast to second-look in articular cartilage of the patella are age-
arthroscopy is less invasive and more cost- dependent and may be seen by the second to
effective, with minimal morbidity. third decade of life. O ~ t e r b r i d g e73~ ~noted

Figure 10. Focal osteochondral defect in a 30-year-old male. A, Sagittal proton density-weighted
image (TRITE of 2500/20)shows blunting of posterior horn medial meniscus apex, irregular thinning
of articular cartilage (arrow) and subchondral bony changes. B,T2-weighted image (TRITE of 2500/
80) shows thinning of articular cartilage with arthrographic effect (arrow) and early subchondral cyst
formation (curved arrow). C,3D fat-suppressed volume acquired SPGR image (TRITE/flip angle of
46/8/35") shows focal loss of the normal increase in signal intensity of the articular cartilage (arrow)
of the medial femoral condyle. D, 3D fat-suppressed volume acquired SPGR image after direct intra-
articular Gd-DTPA shows MR arthrogram of focal full-thickness articular cartilage defect easily
measurable in length and depth. Note the absence of marrow change or imbibition of contrast on the
SPGR sequence. f, T1-weighted (TRITE of 350/15), fat-suppressed, MR arthrogram after direct
intra-articular Gd-DTPA injection shows the early subchondral cystic changes (curved arrow) not seen
on SPGR fat-suppressed image as well as focal full-thickness articular cartilage defect.

changes, such as surface fissuring and frag- change. In each of these entities, pathologic
mentation, in 11 of 17 patients 20 to 29 years change occurred initially at the superficial
of age. Similar results were reported by layer of hyaline cartilage. Goodfellow et aim,"
Vascular, biochemical, and mechani- described a specific lesion of articular carti-
cal overload have all been postulated as etio- lage termed basal degeneration, which he be-
logies of chondromalacia patella. lieved caused symptomatic knee pain and
Malalignment, patellar subluxation, abnor- showed an abnormality of the deep layers
mal patellofemoral tracking, synovial plicae, of hyaline cartilage early in the pathologic
trauma, and patellofemoral dislocation have process with smooth and intact articular sur-
all been associated with abnormalities of the face.
patellar articular cartilage. In each of the From a mechanical perspective, the femoral
aforementioned abnormalities, chondroma- articular cartilage is stiffer, displays a lower
lacia of cartilage represented a secondary permeability, and a lower water content when

compared with patellar hyaline cartilage.38,71 3 and 4 (Shahriareeclassification) patellar car-

To further support Goodfellow et al, 43,44 nor- tilage abnormalities could be shown.17,24, 67,
mal-appearing patellofemoral articular carti- 91,98 Sensitivities of 72% to 86% and accuracies

lage has been reported with classic chondro- of 79% to 82% were reported. A high rate
malacia patella pain symptoms. Darracott of false-positive findings was noted with T2-
and Vernon-R~berts'~ have reported macro- weighted sequences, which retrospectively
scopically normal patellar articular cartilage are likely attributable to chemical shift artifact
in 11 patients with underlying bony change and magic angle phenomenon.
and clinical pain. Arthroscopically, early A combination of newer techniques, such
chondromalacia patella shows an intact artic- as fat-suppressed fast spin T2-weighting, fat-
ular surface and manifests as a focus of soft- suppressed three-dimensional SPGR, and fat-
ening to probing. Later stages show a bubble suppressed T1 and SPGR sequences coupled
or blistering of the articular surface with with intra-articular Gd-DTPA has allowed the
eventual breakdown. diagnosis of grade 2 and grade 1 cartilage
Radiographic evaluation by arthrography lesions (Fig. 13). Unlike arthroscopic evalua-
was helpful in late stages and at demonstra- tion, which requires probing to detect soften-
ting mechanical abnormalities, such as post- ing of the underlying hyaline cartilage with
traumatic change, prominent plica, and intra- an intact articular surface, true deep intrasub-
articular loose bodies. Unenhanced CT was stance hyaline cartilage abnormalities are dis-
initially performed at 15, 30, and 45 degrees cernible by MR imaging and support the
of flexion in an effort to evaluate patellofem- pathologic process described as basal degenera-
oral. tracking abnormalities, patellar subluxa- tion. The arthrographic effect of a joint effu-
tion and dislocation, as well as congenital sion or the administration of intra-articular
variations of the patella and corresponding Gd-DTPA is helpful in establishing the integ-
femoral groove. Unenhanced CT examination rity of the articular surface (Fig. 14). This is
is limited for evaluation of the articular carti- supported by Gagliardi et al,39 whose study
lage. Double-contrast CT arthrography is ex- shows that MR arthrography and CT arthrog-
cellent for evaluation of the superficial articu- raphy are superior to conventional MR im-
lating cartilage of the patella. Asymmetry of aging sequences for the evaluation of all
articular cartilage thickness, superficial fis- grades of chondromalacia patella (Fig. 15).
suring, contrast imbibition, as well as retinac- Gagliardi et a139compared T1-weighted, pro-
ular attachments are all well-demonstrated. ton density weighted, T2-weighted, SPGR
The intra-articular capsular distention with with fat suppression, and T1-weighted Gd-
air or contrast may produce displacement of DTPA sequences and CT arthrography
the patella (usually laterally), invalidating the (double-contrast) in 27 patients utilizing
assessment of patellar subluxation or patellar arthroscopy as the gold standard. Only CT
tracking abnormalitiesMA large native joint arthrography and MR arthrography tech-
effusion produces this same limitation. The niques detected grade 1 lesions with a detec-
earliest manifestations of chondromalacia, ar- tion rate of 29% when compared with arthros-
ticular softening, cannot be assessed by CT copy. Grade 2 and 3 lesions showed progressive
arthrography. Superficial fibrillation and con- improvements in detection with various con-
tour changes or blistering can, however, be ventional MR imaging sequences culminating
diagnosed (Fig. 12). As noted by Insall et in a 73% detection rate with CT arthrography
a1,% CT arthrography most frequently shows and 80% detection rate with MR arthrogra-
abnormalities adjacent to the patellar crest, phy. Conventional MR imaging sequences
extending medially or laterally and sparing were much more successful in the detection of
the superior and inferior thirds of the patella. grade 4 lesions with a 75% detection rate as
As with hyaline cartilage elsewhere in the compared with a 100% detection rate for CT
knee, MR imaging played a pivotal role in arthrography and MR arthrography.
the evaluation of chondromalacia patella. Uti- At present, MR Gd-DTPA arthrography uti-
lizing conventional spin echo techniques, a lizing fat-suppressed T1-weighted and three-
number of early studies concluded that grade dimensional SPGR volume-acquired se-

Figure 11. MR arthrography with arthroscopic correlation in arthroscopic osteochondral plug trans-
plantation in a 29-year-old male. Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstructiondone simultaneously.
A, Prominent 1.4 cm2 full-thickness flap (arrows) arthroscopically delineated by probe in medial
femoral condyle (arrowhead). 5, Excision of full-thickness flap prior to ACL reconstruction. C, 1 year
follow-up arthroscopy shows progressive circumferential cartilage deterioration at the excision site of
the weight-bearing medial femoral condyle (arrows). D, Arthroscopic osteochondral plug transplanta-
tion harvested from non-weight-bearing posterior medial femoral condyle at 1 year post-ACL recon-
struction. (Courtesy of Jerry L. Barron, MD, Charlotte, North Carolina.) f,Sagittal T1-weighted image
shows the osteochondral plug transplantation in place (arrow) with no offset of the subchondral
cortical line. F; Sagittal T2-weighted image shows a subtle small focus of increased signal deep to
osteochondral plug transplant without signs of loosening or failure 1 month after surgery (arrow). G,
Sagittal SPGR image (TRITWflip angle of 46/8/35") after direct intra-articular Gd-DTPA shows focal
marginal thinning of the articular cartilage (arrow) but no intravasation of intra-articular contrast
material. H, Sagittal T1-weighted fat-suppressed image after direct intra-articulargadolinium confirms
the thinned articular cartilage adjacent to the osteochondral transplant without imbibition of contrast
(arrow). I, Axial SPGR fat-suppressed image (TRITWflip angle of 45/8/35") shows transplant donor
site from medial femoral condyle (arrow), patella harvest site for ACL reconstruction (curved arrow),
and artifact from ACL reconstruction (arrowhead).

quences is performed in patients with a high SYNOVIAL DISORDERS

clinical index of suspicion for chondromalacia
patella. The low detection rate of grade 1 Direct and indirect MR arthrographic tech-
lesions is not a deterrent to MR imaging eval- niques have been used to characterize syno-
uations nor a proponent for arthroscopic eval- vial disorders and inflammatory arthropa-
uation, because grade 1 lesions are treated thies. Following direct intra-articular
conservatively. administration of Gd-DTPA, contrast solution

Figure 11. See legend on opposite page


pigmented villonodular synovitis (PVNS), sy-

novial osteochondromatosis (SOC), and syno-
vial plica.

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Inflammatory synovitis, as results from

rheumatoid or psoriatic arthritis, is character-
ized by thickening of the synovium due to
hyperplasia of the intima and the subsynovial
tissue. Inflammatory cells infiltrate this tissue
and release vasogenic and cytotoxic sub-
stances that lead to the progressive destruc-
Figure 12. CT arthrogram of patella articular cartilage. tion of cartilage and bone. Although plain
Subtle imbibition of contrast material and focal fibrillation radiography is successful in demonstrating
adjacent apex of patella articular cartilage is shown joint space narrowing and erosive disease,
(arrow). Note the symmetrical thinning of the medial facet
cartilage and deep subcortical cystic changes within the MR imaging is capable of showing pannus
patella. before secondary cartilaginous and osseous
changes become evident.
Unenhanced MR imaging has been used to
fills the joint space, distends the capsule, sep- assess both the inflammatory process (pannus
arates intra-articular structures, and outlines and effusion) as well as its structural sequelae
the contours of abnormal synovium or loose (bone erosion, cartilage destruction, and ten-
bodies. Intravenous administration of Gd- don disruption). Without intravenous con-
DTPA leads to the enhancement of hypervas- trast administration, heavily T2-weighted MR
cular synovial tissue and also provides an images are most valuable in the detection of
arthrographic effect if sufficient amounts of synovitis and in the differentiation of hyper-
contrast material diffuse into the joint fluid. plastic synovial tissue from joint effusion. Un-
This section presents the arthrographic MR enhanced T1-weighted spin echo images or
imaging features of inflammatory arthritis, fat-suppressed Tl-weighted gradient echo im-

Figure 13. Newer sequences used in evaluation of chondromalacia patella. (A, B, and C are the
same patient.) A, Sagittal, fat-suppressedSPGR (TWTWflip angle of 60/10/45") without intra-articular
Gd-DTPA, normal articular cartilage of patella and trochlear groove (open arrows). B, Sagittal, fat-
suppressed SPGR (TWTWflip angle of 32/8/20") image after direct intra-articular Gd-DTPA. C,
Sagittal, fat-suppressed T1-weighted (TWTE of 600/11) image after direct intra-articular Gd-DTPA.

Figure 14. Arthrographic effect in chondromalacia patella. A, Sagittal TBweighted image (TRITE of
2500/90) shows a focal increase in signal intensity within the cartilage of the lateral trochlear notch
of the femur (arrow). B, Axial T2*-weighted gradient-echo image (TWWflip angle of 400/20/35")
shows the correspondingfocal articular defect (arrow) noted in Figure A as well as the thinned lateral
patella facet articular cartilage (curved arrow).

ages are excellent for the identification of (Fig. 17).31Because the enhancement of joint
small marginal erosions that may not be visi- fluid occurs within minutes and persists for
ble on plain radiographs. an hour or longer, MR images must be ob-
Contrast-enhanced MR imaging enables the tained immediately following contrast injec-
earliest diagnosis of synovitis (Fig. 16). Ac- tion to identify the interface between pannus
tive, proliferative pannus is hypervascular and In clinical -practice, confusion
and exhibits rapid enhancement after the in- between pannus and effusion has little sig-
travenous administration of Gd-DTPA (see nificance, but it may cause substantial prob-
Fig. 14). Contrast material accumulates rap- lems in clinical trials designed to measure
idly in the extracellular space and flows freely treatment-related changes in the volume of
across the joint lining into the synovial fluid pannus. Volumetric quantification of enhanc-

Figure 15. MR gadolinium arthrography compared with conventional gradient-echo sequence for
evaluation of cartilage. A, Gradient-echo, T2'-weighted (TWWflip angle of 400/20/20") axial image
shows no focal defect of articular patella cartilage. A very subtle contour change of medial facet
cartilage is noted to suggest blistering (arrow). B, T1-weighted, fat-suppressed axial image (TW
TE of 466/16) after direct intra-articular Gd-DTPA shows focal imbibition of gadolinium contrast
agent (arrow).

Figure 16. Synovial inflammation in 42-year-old man with rheumatoid arthritis. A, T2-weighted
( T W E of 2500180) sagittal M R image shows a large joint effusion (e). The presence of synovitis and
the degree of inflammation are difficult to diagnose, partly because pannus has signal intensities
similar to adjacent joint fluid and periarticularfat. 13,Immediately following intravenous administration
of gadopentetate dimeglumine, fat-suppressed, T1-weighted ( T W E of 450/15) sagittal image shows
circumferential linear and nodular enhancement of the joint lining (straight arrows). Although low-
signal effusion (e) remains visible, the apparent thickness of pannus is falsely increased because of
capillary leak and diffusion of contrast material from hypervascular synovium into adjacent fluid.
Enhancing pannus (curved arrow) invading infrapatellar fat was not visible on T2-weighted images.

Figure 17. Synovial inflammation in a 70-year-old

man. T1-weighted fat-suppressed image ( T W E of
650/12) after an 8 to 10 minute delay postintrave-
nous gadolinium enhancement shows contrast in the
extravascular space obscuring the interface between
inflamed synovium and joint effusion (arrows).

ing pannus is only useful for monitoring and are both monarticular disorders that affect the
comparing the efficacy of anti-inflammatory knee far more commonly than other joints.
drugs if the synovial tissue can be accurately Diffuse PVNS extends into synovial recesses,
and reproducibly differentiated from enhanc- including extra-articular bursae and cysts
ing joint fluid.” (e.g., Baker’s cyst). Localized nodular synovi-
tis usually presents as an anterior mass in the
infrapatellar fat pad. PVNS can also arise in
PVNS a tendon sheath separate from the joint (local-
ized nodular tenosynovitis, giant cell tumor
PVNS is a benign proliferative disorder of of tendon sheath), but this lesion occurs more
the synovium that exhibits both diffuse and frequently in the hand and wrist or foot and
localized forms. The cause of PVNS is un- ankle than in the knee.
known. The diffuse form of PVNS involves In conventional arthrography, diffuse
the entire synovial lining and consists of mat- PVNS shows numerous irregular filling de-
ted masses of villi, synovial folds, and sessile fects that are fixed to the capsule and project
or pedunculated nodules. This tissue may in- into the joint space.94Unfortunately, this ap-
vade the joint capsule and periarticular soft pearance is nonspecific and similar to the ap-
tissues, including neurovascular structures, or pearance of early inflammatory arthritis.
may invade bone in areas that are not pro- Characteristic MR imaging findings reflect
tected by overlying articular cartilage. The the high concentration of hemosiderin in
localized form of PVNS has the appearance PVNS.% The ferromagnetic properties of he-
of a mass that may be lobulated or peduncu- mosiderin cause shortening of both the T1
lated. Localized and diffuse PVNS both share and T2 relaxation times, resulting in de-
identical histologic features, including syno- creased signal intensities from the synovium
vial cell hyperplasia and the aggregation of on both T1- and T2-weighted images. Mag-
histiocytes. Important MR imaging features netic susceptibility effects from the hemosid-
of PVNS result from the presence of hemosid- erin cause a remarkable blooming phenome-
erin, which accumulates in the synovial lining non, in which the low-signal regions appear
(extracellular) as well as macrophages (intra- larger in size on gradient echo images and,
cellular). sometimes, T2-weighted images compared
The diffuse and localized forms of PVNS with T1-weighted images (Fig. 18). This MR

Figure 18. Magnetic susceptibility in PVNS. A, Axial T1-weighted image ( T W E of 600/16)shows

abnormal posterior and medial soft-tissue mass, which is lower in signal intensity when compared
with adjacent muscle (arrows). Normal muscle (arrowhead). B,Axial T2-weighted image (TRTTE of
2900/90) shows a marked decrease in the signal intensity of the mass and the suggestion of an
increase in size consistent with magnetic susceptibility or blooming artifact. PVNS in a Baker’s cyst
was documented at surgery.

imaging appearance is not pathognomonic attached at their bases. In SOC, the cartilagi-
for PVNS, because similar low-signal regions nous nodules are completely surrounded by
can be observed in hemophilic and amyloid contrast solution and separated from the cap-
arthropathies, synovial hemangioma, and sy- sule. Arthrographic criteria may also be used
novial osteochondromatosis. Although direct to distinguish primary SOC from secondary
or indirect arthrographic MR images can SOC. Loose bodies in primary SOC are usu-
show abnormalities in both diffuse and local- ally similar in size and distributed diffusely
ized synovial proliferative disorders, there is throughout the joint, whereas loose bodies in
no definite advantage in diagnostic accuracy. secondary SOC are more variable in size and
fewer in number.92
The MR imaging appearance of SOC de-
SOC pends on the proportions of hyaline cartilage,
calcification, and ossification in the loose bod-
Primary SOC (synovial chondromatosis) is i e ~MR . ~ imaging
~ is valuable to confirm the
an uncommon disorder characterized by the intra-articular location of ossified nodules
metaplasia of synovium; the formation of nu- identified on plain radiographs. Ossified nod-
merous cartilaginous nodules (which may or ules show the signal intensity of marrow fat,
may not become ossified); and the detach- whereas calcified nodules show foci of de-
ment of these nodules resulting in intra-artic- creased signal intensity on all pulse se-
ular loose bodies. Similar to PVNS, synovial quences. In unsuspected SOC, noncalcified
involvement can be diffuse or localized, but cartilaginous nodules may not be visualized
often is concentrated in capsular recesses at prospectively on MR images. Diagnostic dif-
the synovial-cartilaginous junctions. At mi- ficulty results from the isointensity in signal
croscopy, the nodules are composed of hya- (low signal intensity on T1-weighted images
line cartilage that occasionally contains min- and high signal intensity on T2-weighted im-
eralized matrix, bony trabeculae, or mature ages) from the closely packed cartilaginous
osteoid with bone marrow components. Sec- nodules and surrounding joint effusion. Ei-
ondary SOC may result from predisposing ther intravenous or direct intra-articular ad-
disorders, such as osteoarthritis, avascular ne- ministration of gadolinium improves the de-
crosis, neuropathic osteoarthropathy, and tection of cartilaginous nodules, because the
trauma. joint fluid becomes high in signal intensity on
Primary SOC is typically monarticular and T1-weighted images, whereas the loose bod-
affects large joints. The knee is involved in ies remain low in signal intensity.
50% or more of cases, followed by the elbow,
hip, and shoulder.66In order to avoid second-
ary degenerative osteoarthritis, the most com- Synovial Plica
mon complication of primary SOC, treatment
requires surgical removal of the loose bodies The three plicae of the knee ([l]suprapatel-
and synovectomy. Unfortunately, the recur- lar plica, [2] medial patellar plica, and [3]
rence rate of this disorder remains relatively infrapatellar plica) are remnants of the em-
high. bryologic synovium that separate the joint
Primary SOC can be diagnosed from plain into compartments during gestation. Partial
radiographs when the loose bodies show plical remnants are often identified at arthros-
characteristic ossification. In the absence of copy, but they usually are considered inciden-
calcification or ossification, conventional tal findings without clinical significance. The
arthrography is an excellent technique for medial patellar plica is most closely associ-
confirming the presence of loose bodies and ated with symptoms. This plica is located me-
also helps to differentiate primary SOC from dial to the patella and courses vertically
PVNS, which can closely simulate SOC on through the joint from the suprapatellar
plain radiographs. In PVNS, synovial fronds pouch to the infrapatellar fat pad. The pa-
project into the joint space but remain contig- thoetiology results from repeated knee flexion
uous with the joint capsule because they are and extension, during which the plica can

important role in the present and predictable

future in imaging of the knee. The utilization
of intravenous and intra-articular contrast
agents has become more commonplace as
musculoskeletal imaging has become more
subspecialized and clinically directed. Con-
ventional MR imaging has evolved as the
dominant, most commonly performed radio-
logic examination in the global assessment of
the knee. Although the high negative pre-
dictive value of conventional MR imaging has
taken on an important clinical significance,
we believe it is the positive predictive value
of contrast MR imaging when used judi-
Figure 19. Symptomatic synovial plica. Axial T2*- ciously that will be heralded. MR gadolinium
weighted gradient-echo image (TR/TE/flip angle of 400/ arthrography of the knee has been shown to
15/15") shows a focally thickened and irregular focus of
the medial patella plica (curved arrow) with early subtle be more accurate in the evaluation of the
erosion of the adjacent medial femoral condyle (straight postoperative meniscus and in the assessment
arrow). of articular cartilage abnormalities when com-
pared with conventional MR imaging. Intra-
venous gadolinium enhancement plays an
become irritated as it slides over the medial important role in the evaluation and assess-
femoral condyle. If the plica becomes in- ment of therapy for synovial-based processes.
flamed or fibrotic, it may cause anterior knee MR imaging and arthroscopy should be used
pain or mechanical symptoms, such as click- as complementary modalities with the ortho-
ing or snapping. pedic surgeon and radiologist cooperatively
Conventional MR imaging can show the directing the efficient diagnosis and therapy
medial patellar plica in the patellofemoral of patients.
compartment between the medial patellar
facet and the medial femoral condyle. There
is no proof that MR imaging can reliably ex- ACKNOWLEDGMENT
clude an abnormal medial patellar plica, how- The authors thank Karen Costea for manuscript prepa-
ever, or accurately differentiate between a ration and editorial support.
normal plica and an abnormally thickened
plica.6.13, As with other intra-articular struc-
tures, the medial patellar plica and its abnor- References
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Address reprint requests to

James M. Coumas, MD
Department of Radiology
Carolinas Medical Center
1000 Blythe Boulevard
Charlotte, NC 28203

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