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First of all, let us give price and gratitude to the presence of allah swt.for abundance of grace
and blessing, we are all still able together in this place without obstacle and in a good healthy.
Don’t forget that prayers and greeting are still bestowed on the great prophet Muhammad saw.
Who has brought as out of the dark to the bright era today, namely the religion of islam.
May we all get his intercession at the end of the yaumil qiyamah,amin.

How are you the Indonesian youth? Do you guys already know me? Maybe some of you already
know me here? Alrigt, since saying goes that you don’t know, then you don’t love.
Let’s get acquainted first.introducing,My name is fazila parsha bilbina or usually called fazila.
Iam respresentative from Mts plus al munawaroh. On this day, inthis place iwill deliver a speech
with the them of youth effort in continue indonesia’s golden age.

The history of Indonesia is the history of youth. Lets look at every event that is significant for
Indonesia, almost entarly dominated by young people.

Youth is the hope of the nation, the generation is Asian tiger. Indonesia is waiting for us to go
global, not for us to give up. Don’t be young person who is unstable. wants a a lot but the result
is zero. But be ayou person who is skilled eager to learn and upgrading kowladge and skill.

Expand knowledge for the future of a victorious young generation. Expand knowledge of a
victorious Indonesian nation. Because only knowledge and piety as a conterweigt will realy bring
the Indonesian people to the fore of the gate of independence.

As a ir.soekarno said :

“give 1000 parent, I will definitely uproot semeru from its root. Give 10 youth surely I will shake
the world” ir.soekarno.

A greet nation will survive because there are young people who drive change and carry out
positive activities for the progress of their nation. Don’t let youth caught up in unproductive
activities that will actually destroy their future.

Young people are the hope of the nation. Who will become the next generation of change in the
country in the future.that role that shuld be played by Indonesia youth. Namely youth mus fight
for the progress of the nation. Indonesian youth should learn a lot of the realize how important
education is. Education is one of the big keys of a country . with the provision of education.
They have the potensial to product work,innovation,and fighting spirit to promote and maintain
the independence of their nation and state.

We have felt the independence.and now we are entering the era of globalization. Where
information is open and technology is easy to access. This creates high mobility and interaction
without distance, time or country. Different times, different challenges faced by Indonesia. In the
past, our heroes eradicated invader, and fought fot independence. Now the challenges faced by
youth is varied. Starting from the swift flow of information, the tight of competitiveness of the
workforce, to technological advances that can replace humans.

This is our duty young people, to be able to face these challengs by continuing the spirit of the
heroes dreams in advancing and maintaining Indonesian unity. Here are some things you can


in addition to books, young people should be able to ue the convenience of technology such as
online books to get used to reading belive me, reading literature or books every day can
broaden your horizons and stimulate verbal skill and creativity. If it’s still hard to start, choose a
simple book like your favorite genre novel.


The world is getting more and more dynamic. Open of information also exposes us to new
cultures and experience. You can also join organization and social communities that familiarize
you with accepting different of opinion.


Now many local heroes communities and not-profit organizations have moved to provide
solutions for social issues in Indonesia, ranging from education, environment to humanity. You
can participate as a volunteer in social activities in your area according to your interests.


Another way to advance Indonesia is to buy and use local products as a from of support for
small and medium enterprises. These local product entrepreneurs are also part of the economy
in Indonesia. The use of local product slowly also helps to boost the value of the rupiah


be a good internet and social media user. Don't let social media become a suggestion to bring
each other down or spread hoax information.
you can take advance social media and the internat to study and work. the point is if we use it
positively we will also feel the positive benefits.

Many opportunities have opened up in the midst of advances in technology and information,
there are also many challenges that must be faced by Indonesian youth in the modern era.
Another generation, another way to run it. But our role as youth remains one,realizing the dream
of a quality Indonesia and maintaining Indonesian unity.

It must be admitted that we are human beings with many disabilities, for that, I personally ask
for your understanding of what I convey in tis speech. Before I close, I apologize profusely, and
thank you for your time.

Wassalamualaikum wr.wb.

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