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Identity Theft Case

Jungwook opens several credit card accounts and makes unauthorized purchases using someone else's
personal information. Eventually, the victim discovers the fraudulent charges and reports them to the
authorities. The police are able to identify Jungwook and obtain evidence linking him to the crime through
investigation. Jungwook was represented during the preliminary investigation by the law firm where you
work. Jungwook is charged with identity theft, credit card fraud, and theft.

Jungwook was dissatisfied with the law firm's service. As a result, the firm has asked you to write a letter
to Jungwook.

Response to a Complaint: In this scenario, the client has expressed dissatisfaction with your product or
service, and you must respond professionally and compassionately. The following elements should be
included in your letter:

1. Begin with a warm greeting in the client's name.

2. Recognize the client's concerns and express your regret for any inconvenience.

3. Briefly describe the steps you took to resolve the problem and provide any
relevant information that may be useful to the client.

4. Provide a solution or a path forward to resolving the issue to the client's


5. Thank the client for bringing the issue to your attention and assure them of your
commitment to customer satisfaction at the end of the letter.

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