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People of mountains

Chirping birds, haze and cold

Where people are courageous and repentance are sold
Sustaining a life by the best way they can
Their love is selfless for nature and the land
Immense challenges but never refused and ran
The story that always remained untold
Can’t imagine how much does a mountain can hold.

Justice to both, peace and tranquility

Have the both barren and fertility
The sun, the trees and the glittery glow
Standing patiently and allowing rivers to flow
The abandoned hut at the top , feels like crying for the natives who left
Through rainy drops
Producing a human fierce and bold
Innocence is playing in dangerous folds
Can’t imagine how much does a mountain can hold.

I feel so ashamed and shy

How we never heard their grief and cry
They are carrying wings without the hopes of fly
Sitting in our comforts we just count their stains
When we have never experienced their kind of pain
This shows a lot about humanity , dead and cold
Can’t imagine how much does a mountain can hold.

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