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Az ngol nyelv
tantárgyának tanításához

az 9.E osztályban.

Alkalmazott tankönyv:
Pioneer Pre-Intermediate 1-6

A tantárgy óraszáma évi: 178

heti: 5

Érvényes a 2023/2024. tanévre

Készült: 2023. szeptember 10. Készítette: Somogyi Éva

Jóváhagyta: ____________________ ____________________

munkaközösség-vezető igazgató-helyettes

Tananyag Funkciók és az óra Nyelvi szerkezetek Szókincs Eszközök és Kulcskompetenciák -


célja Grammar structures Vocabulary anyagok Kapcsolódási pontok –

Functions and aims Aids and Fejlesztési feladatok
of the lesson materials

1 1-2 Bevezetés az Learn how to use Student's

iskolai évbe the course book book, CD-
and its components player & CD or
3-4 Learning tips Learn how to learn SB
5-6 Revision Revision of celebrity, entertainment, gadget, social Teacher’s
Cover Page vocabulary and media, style resource CD –
Module 1 structures from last Elementary
year SB
module 1
2 7- 1A Distinguishing Present Simple vs. Present arrange, at all, at the moment, cancel, SB Kiemelt nevelési
10 between Progressive chance, come over, discuss, flatmate, hard, CD-player & feladatok: Énkép,
permanent and Stative verbs plan (v.), rugby, term, though, ticket, CD or IWB & önismeret.
temporary Anyway…, Are you doing anything tonight?, IWB material
situations Have you got any plans for…?, Don’t worry Kulcskompetenciák
Greet people and about it, How are you doing?, How could I kreatív alkotás,
saying goodbye say no?, How’s everything?, How’s it matematikai,
Making plans and going?, I can’t make it, I haven't got any gondolkodási
future plans, I’d love to, I’m afraid I’m busy, I’m kompetenciák,
arrangements free, Maybe some other time, No problem, kommunikációs
Not too bad, thanks, Nothing much, So-so, kompetenciák,
Sounds great, Sure, why not?, Take care, munkavállalói,
That would be great, What are you up to? innovációs és vállalkozói
3 11- 1B Talking about the Past Simple amount appear, at the beginning of, SB kompetenciák, tanulás
14 present and past Prepositions of time available, because of, century, charge (v.) CD-player & kompetenciái
Talking about past (battery), common, cost (v.), environmental CD or IWB &
events issue, flight, fly (v.), globally, GPS device, IWB material Kapcsolódási pontok:
How long did it take?, imagine, in the 50s…, művészetek, etika,
in the past, incredible, journey, non-stop, hittan
normal, nowadays, pay (v.), perfect (adj.),
produce (v.), regularly, rich, sell, speed, Munkaforma:
spend, sports star, talented, user, usual, csoportmunka,
weigh, wonder (v.) pármunka, egyéni- és
4 15- 1C Describing clothes The verb used to a pair of, a variety of, accessory, ancient, SB frontális munka
18 and talking about anymore, athletic shoes, bracelet, brand, CD-player &
fashion bright, casual, come out (=appear), design, CD or IWB &
Talking about past develop, formal, harmful, hide, identity, in IWB material
habits fashion, indoors, let (=allow), market, out
of fashion, prefer, reach, region, shine,
specific, trend, whatever, cotton, denim,
leather, plastic, polyester, rubber, silk,
19- 1D Expressing likes collection, comic, create, especially, gift, in SB
23 and dislikes action, in fact, interest, like (prep.), make CD-player &
Brainstorming and sure, on one’s own, photography, planet, CD or IWB &
organising ideas poem, poetry, review (n.), train (v.), be a IWB material
Presenting oneself big fan of, be crazy about, be interested in,
be into, can’t stand, find sth.
horrible/interesting/etc., I don’t mind it, I
particularly, like/love, It’s nothing special,
It’s something else!, There’s nothing I like
5 24- Review Revising the Student’s
26 Module 1 structures, book
functions and
presented in
module 1
27- Extra Revision of Worksheets
28 Material vocabulary and (Teacher’s
Module 1 structures of resource CD),
module 1 through CD-player &
extra material CD or IWB &
IWB material
5 29- Test Module Evaluate students' Tests
30 1 progress (Teacher's
resource CD)
31- Video Watch and IWB & IWB
32 Module 1 understand a video material,

resource CD)
6 33- Correction of Allow students to apologize, congratulate, face-to-face Corrected
34 module test learn from own tests,
Cover page mistakes Student's
module 2 Introduce topic for book
module 2
7 35- 2A Linking the past Present Perfect Simple above, advise, below, completely, dark (n.), SB Kiemelt nevelési
39 with the present Present Perfect Simple vs. edit, embarrassed, expect, fix, flash, flat, CD-player & feladatok: Énkép,
Talking about Past Simple improve, in the middle of, lately, lens, CD or IWB & önismeret, hon- és
experiences you natural, otherwise, place (v.), pose (v.), IWB material népismeret
have had position, probably, professional, recently,
result (n.), shoot (a photo), simple, smile Kulcskompetenciák:
(n.), soft, stand out, subject, surprise (v.), kreatív alkotás,
tip (n.), turn out, uncomfortable, unusual, matematikai,
upload gondolkodási
40- 2B Using time Present Perfect simple art gallery, for ages, graduate (v.), interview SB kompetenciák,
45 expressions related with for, since, just, (n.), recognise, success, unemployed, wish CD-player & kommunikációs
to the Present already (v.), acquaintance, childhood friend, close CD or IWB & kompetenciák,
Perfect Simple friend, complete stranger, distant relative, IWB material munkavállalói,
Using language to mate, mutual, friend, By the way,…, Do you innovációs és vállalkozói
start, maintain and mind if I ...?, Give me a call, Go ahead, kompetenciák, tanulás
end a conversation Good luck with that, Got to go, How have kompetenciái, digitális
you been?, How’s business?, I didn’t catch kompetenciák.
your name, It could be better, It was nice,
talking to you, Long time no see!, Tell me Kapcsolódási pontok,
about it, We look alike, You (don’t) look etika, hittan, Magyar
familiar irodalom, media,
8 46- 2C Talking about according to, avoid, be likely to, behave, SB informatika
49 different ways of catch up on, encourage, fear (v.), frequent, CD-player &
communicating generation, go against, human (being), if, CD or IWB &
impossible, last (v.), less, meaning, method, IWB material
social skills, statistics, study (=research),
take one’s place, There’s no doubt,
be/stay/keep/etc. in contact (with),
be/stay/keep/etc. in touch (with),
communicate, get hold of, have a word
with, instant messaging, lose
touch/contact, pick up the phone, reach
sb., receive a reply, return a call, Skype,

9 50- 2D Talking about the annoy, annoyed, apart from that, bill, SB
54 qualities of a campus, cheer up, consider, extremely, CD-player &
person feelings, get along (with), get on one’s CD or IWB &
Describing a person nerves, in addition, manage, non-smoker, IWB material
(personality) notice (v.), privacy, qualities, rely on,
respect (v.), sense of humour, stressed,
trust (v.), upset, worried, annoying, bossy,
cheerful, confident, easy-going, forgetful,
moody, optimistic, outgoing, pleasant,
quick-tempered, selfish, stubborn,
trustworthy, unpleasant
10 55- Review Revising the Student’s
56 Module 2 structures, book
functions and
presented in
module 2
57- Extra Revision of Worksheets
58 Material vocabulary and (Teacher’s
Module 2 structures of resource CD),
module 2 through CD-player &
extra material CD or IWB &
IWB material
11 59- Test Module Evaluate students' Tests
60 2 progress (Teacher's
resource CD)
12 61- Video Watch and IWB & IWB
62 Module 2 understand a video material,
resource CD)
13 63- Correction of Allow students to acupuncture, exhibition, ice Corrected
64 module test learn from own tests,
Cover page mistakes Student's
module 3 Introduce topic for book
module 3
14 65- 3A Talking about what Quantifiers: some, any, allergic, be worth, bean, book (v.) (a table), SB Kiemelt nevelési
69 food tastes and no, much, many, a lot of, confused, contain, have a look, knowledge, CD-player & feladatok: Műúvészeti
looks like lots of, (a) few, (a) little make a reservation, nuts, persuade, reserve CD or IWB & nevelés, media
Making a (a table), resist, service, suggest, taste, IWB material tudatosság

reservation at a totally, whipped cream, bitter, bland, Európai azonosságtudat
restaurant creamy, crispy, disgusting, fresh, greasy, és egyetemes kultúra
Asking about dishes juicy, mouth-watering, salty, spicy, sweet,
at a restaurant tasteless, Come on, I’ll have the…, It’s my Kulcskompetenciák:
Making treat, Just this once, What have you got to kreatív alkotás,
recommendations lose?, What do you recommend?, What do matematikai,
Persuading you say? gondolkodási
someone to do kompetenciák,
something kommunikációs
Using quantifiers kompetenciák,
70- 3B Defining people, Relative pronouns (who, accept, affect, angry, background, by SB munkavállalói,
74 things and places which, that) chance, check out, come across, come CD-player & innovációs és vállalkozói
Reading dictionary Relative adverb (where) from, constantly, couch potato, definition, CD or IWB & kompetenciák, tanulás
entries and dictionary entry, enemy, enter (v.), IWB material kompetenciái
understanding entertaining, exist, expression (=phrase), Kapcsolódási pontok:
neologisms field, keep up with, live (adj.), look up, post ének, művészet,
(v.) (on the Net), presentation, pretend, törénelem
refer, task, the following, unknown, update
(v.), version
15 75- 3C Talking about at the same time, aware of, cancellation, SB
79 different forms of cause (v.), ceiling, contemporary, creation, CD-player &
art creative, discussion, exhibit (n.), experience CD or IWB &
(v.), experiment (n.), forever, hearing, IWB material
humanity, imagination, in general, install,
installation art, level, melt, object (n.),
permanent, preparation, prepare, public
place, react, reaction, rise (v.), sculpture,
senses, sight (sense), smell (n.), sound (n.),
surface, take up, the main point, the poles,
tiny, touch (n.), turn into, various, warning,
wet, work of art, jewellery making, knitting,
origami, pottery
16 80- 3D Giving news absolutely, details, exhausted, instructor, SB
84 Responding to martial art, opponent, progress (v.), realise, CD-player &
news showing technique, try sth. out, violent, Anyway, CD or IWB &
surprise and enough about me, Are you serious?, IWB material
enthusiasm, and Congratulations!, Get out of here!, Good
asking for details for you, Guess what!, How interesting!,
How lucky!, I can’t believe it!, I’m looking
forward to hearing from you, Lucky you!,
Sorry I didn’t reply sooner, Sorry I haven’t

written for so long, Unbelievable!, Waiting
for your reply, Well, here’s the latest, What
a surprise!, What have you been up to?,
What wonderful news!, You’re kidding!
85- Review Revising the Student’s
86 Module 3 structures, book
functions and
presented in
module 3
17 87- Extra Revision of Worksheets
88 Material vocabulary and (Teacher’s
Module 3 structures of resource CD),
module 3 through CD-player &
extra material CD or IWB &
IWB material
18 89- Test Module Evaluate students' Tests
90 3 progress (Teacher's
resource CD)
91- Video Watch and IWB & IWB
92 Module 3 understand a video material,
resource CD)
19 93- Correction of Allow students to get caught (in a storm), get lost, get stuck Corrected
94 module test learn from own (in an elevator), run out of petrol tests,
Cover page mistakes Student's
module 4 Introduce topic for book
module 4
95- 4A Talking about Past Progressive ankle, power cut, cafeteria, come on SB Kiemelt nevelési
99 accidents and (lights), finger, go out (lights), knee, Look CD-player & feladatok: Test és lelki
injuries out, scream, sore throat, suddenly, wrist, CD or IWB & egészség
bump into, drop (v.), knock over, slip, spill, IWB material
step on, trip over, bandage, plaster, bleed, Kulcskompetenciák:
bruise, bump, burn, cast, graze, grazed kreatív alkotás,
(adj.), hit, injured, lose one’s balance, matematikai,
scratch, sprain, sprained (adj.), stitches gondolkodási
20 100 4B Responding to bad Past Simple vs. Past break the law, cross (v.), dead SB kompetenciák,
- news and showing Progressive (phone/battery), illegal, lose control, pay a CD-player & kommunikációs
104 concern Time Clauses (when, fine, break down, crash into, engine, flat CD or IWB & kompetenciák,
Expressing criticism while, as, as soon as) tyre, go/run through a red light, headlights, IWB material munkavállalói,

Narrating beep a horn, number plate, park (v.), innovációs és vállalkozói
unpleasant past parking space, passenger seat, pick sb. up, kompetenciák, tanulás
events/experiences pull over, reverse (v.), seat belt, slam on the kompetenciái,
brakes, spare tyre, speed (v.), steering személyes és társas
wheel, take one’s licence away, ticket, kompetenciák
boot, windshield, How unlucky!, Is
everything all right?, Is there anything I can Munkaforma:
do to help?, It’s my (own) fault, Oh you csoportmunka,
poor thing!, Watch where you’re going, pármunka, egyéni- és
What do you think you’re doing?, What frontális munka
were you thinking?, What’s the matter?, A differenciálás
You should know better than that színterei: egyéni
21 105 4C Talking about authorities, break out, chaos, cloud, SB fejlesztés, feladattípusok
- natural disasters collapse, damage (n.), death, destroy, CD-player &
109 Understanding and double, enormous, entire, eyewitness, CD or IWB & Kapcsolódási pontok:
interpreting homeless, lose one’s life, major, missing, IWB material testnevelés, biológia,
headlines news bulletin, occur, put out, report, etika
rescue, resident, several, shake, smoke (n.),
survive, terrified, trapped, wave (n.),
aftershock, earthquake / quake, flood,
hurricane, tsunami, wildfire
22 110 4D Describing your alive, all of a sudden, amazingly, at once, be SB
- feelings on strike, continue, description, disappear, CD-player &
114 Narrating a story fall asleep, fortunately, get rid of, CD or IWB &
helicopter, immediately, land (v.), luckily, IWB material
manager, miss (=not hit/reach), panic, pass
by (a place), relieved, search, search party,
shout, stain (n.), to one’s surprise,
unfortunately, unluckily, amazed / amazing,
disappointed / disappointing,
embarrassed / embarrassing, exhausted /
exhausting, frightened / frightening,
shocked / shocking, surprised / surprising
115 Review Revising the Student’s
- Module 4 structures, book
116 functions and
presented in
module 4
23 117 Extra Revision of Worksheets
- Material vocabulary and (Teacher’s

118 Module 4 structures of resource CD),
module 4 through CD-player &
extra material CD or IWB &
IWB material
119 Test Module Evaluate students' Tests
- 4 progress (Teacher's
120 resource CD)
24 121 Video Watch and IWB & IWB
- Module 4 understand a video material,
122 Worksheets
resource CD)
123 Correction of Allow students to destination, landmark Corrected
- module test learn from own tests
124 Cover page mistakes
module 5 Introduce topic for
module 5
25 125 5A Talking about Past Perfect Simple bury, catch up (with sb.), challenge (n.), SB Kiemelt nevelési
- events in history consist of, continent, crowd, discover, CD-player & feladatok: Gazdasági
129 Sequencing past expedition, experienced, explore, explorer, CD or IWB & nevelés, felkészülés a
actions and events gather, government, heat (n.), in charge, IWB material felmőtt lét szerepeire
leader, load (v.), necessary, order (v.) (=give
instructions), particular, progress (n.), pull, Kulcskompetenciák:
purpose, reward (n.), set off, shortly after, kreatív alkotás,
succeed, successful, supplies, vehicle, weak, matematikai,
wheel gondolkodási
26 130 5B Making offers, can, could, may, will, brochure, car hire, clerk, collect, delay (n.), SB kompetenciák,
- requests and asking would Here / There you go, inform, insurance, CD-player & kommunikációs
134 for favours offer (v.), official document, on time, CD or IWB & kompetenciák,
Asking for, giving permission, rent (v.), request (v.), welcome IWB material munkavállalói,
and refusing (v.), aisle seat, arrival, board (v.), boarding innovációs és vállalkozói
permission pass, cabin crew, hand luggage, check in, kompetenciák, tanulás
check-in agent, conveyor belt, departure, kompetenciái,
fasten, flight attendant, gate, land (v.), önkifejezés és kulturális
luggage, monitor (n.), overhead tudatosság
compartment, take off, terminal, window kompetenciái
27 135 5C Talking about Should, had better airline, awake, caffeine, deal with, dizzy, SB Munkaforma:
- problems people empty, enjoyable, focus, have difficulty, CD-player & csoportmunka,
139 have when iron (n.), jet lag, mess up, motion sickness, CD or IWB & pármunka, egyéni- és
travelling pack (v.), plenty of, point (n.), prevent, IWB material frontális munka

Asking for and reduce, resort, ruin (v.), schedule (n.), A differenciálás
giving advice serve, set (the time), side effects, sleepy, színterei: egyéni
Expressing opinion solution, solve, suffer from, symptom, time fejlesztés, feladattípusok
and making zone, tour guide, towel, travel agency, truth
suggestions Kapcsolódási pontok:
28 140 5D Describing a place ancient ruins, attract, attraction, bargain SB földrajz, történelem;
- Expressing opinion (n.), birdwatching, elderly, ferry, local (n.), CD-player &
144 Agreeing or location, nickname, once in a lifetime, port, CD or IWB &
disagreeing with an sand, suitable, wonder (n.), breathtaking, IWB material
opinion fascinating, historic, hospitable, ideal,
impressive, peaceful, unforgettable,
unique, well-known, Personally, I believe…,
You have a point
29 145 Review Revising the Student’s
- Module 5 structures, book
146 functions and
presented in
module 5
147 Extra Revision of Worksheets
- Material vocabulary and (Teacher’s
148 Module 5 structures of resource CD),
module 5 through CD-player &
extra material CD or IWB &
IWB material
30 149 Test Module Evaluate students' Tests
- 5 progress (Teacher's
150 resource CD)
151 Video Watch and IWB & IWB
- Module 5 understand a video material,
152 Worksheets
resource CD)
31 153 Correction of Allow students to robot, solar power, touchscreen Corrected
- module test learn from own tests,
154 Cover page mistakes Student's
module 6 Introduce topic for book
module 6
32 155 6A Talking about The Future will air, alternative energy, approximately, as a SB Kiemelt nevelési
- environmental result, as well as, breathe, carbon footprint, CD-player & feladatok:
159 problems certain, climate, decrease, disease, e-waste, CD or IWB & Környezettudatosságra

Making predictions fossil fuel, rubbish, global, increase, low, IWB material nevelés
about the future natural resources, packaging, pessimistic, Aktív állampolgárságra
polluted, predict, prediction, product, nevelés
quantity, source, such as, take place, view
(=opinion), way of life, weather conditions, Kulcskompetenciák:
wind power kreatív alkotás,
33 160 6B Making offers, on- Time clauses (referring to adjust, advertisement, allow, borrow, SB matematikai,
- the-spot decisions, the future) brightness, cash, delivery, discount, CD-player & gondolkodási
163 requests and excursion, Go for it, guarantee (v.), lend, CD or IWB & kompetenciák,
promises owe, promise (v.), regret (v.), satisfied, IWB material kommunikációs
Talking about simply, make a decision, make a difference, kompetenciák,
internet make a mistake, make a prediction, make a munkavállalói,
advertisement and promise, make money, make plans, make innovációs és vállalkozói
online shopping sense kompetenciák, tanulás
34 164 6C Expression ability Be able to ability, afford, along with, astronaut, SB kompetenciái,
- atmosphere (air), bottom, dream (n.), CD-player & személyes és társas
167 eager, exploration, float (v.), gravity, CD or IWB & kompetenciák
individual (n.), interview (v.), lower (v.), IWB material
majority, medical check-up, millionaire, Kapcsolódási pontok:
opportunity, ordinary, possibility, require, biológia, földrajz,
risk (n.), rock (n.), space, spacecraft, informatika
spectacular, telescope, the public, tourism,
training, wealthy, at first, at last, at least, at
present, at the end (of), at the latest
148 6D Discussing the advantage, be addicted, careless, connect, SB
- positive and convenient, danger (n.), disadvantage, CD-player &
169 negative aspects of distract, fail (=not work), false, get CD or IWB &
different issues informed, hacker, hardly ever, harm, IWB material
Expressing one’s harmless, have access to, helpless,
opinion inappropriate, involve, outdated, own (v.),
pay attention, practical, reliable,
route ,skilful, so that, socialise, steal,
useless, valuable, virus, worthless, First of
all,…, Firstly,…, Secondly,…, The way I see it,
…, There’s not much point in…, To begin
with,…, What is more,…
170 Review Revising the Student’s
Module 6 structures, book
functions and
presented in

module 6
35 171 Extra Revision of Worksheets
Material vocabulary and (Teacher’s
Module 6 structures of resource CD),
module 6 through CD-player &
extra material CD or IWB &
IWB material
172 Test Module Evaluate students' Tests
6 progress (Teacher's
resource CD)
173 Video Watch and IWB & IWB
Module 6 understand a video material,
resource CD)
174 Correction of Allow students to Corrected
module test learn from own tests
175 Revision Revising the Student’s
Modules 1-6 structures, book,
functions and workbook,
vocabulary extra material
presented in (Teacher's
module 1 – 6 resource CD)
36 176 Mid-term Evaluate students' Tests
- test progress (Teacher's
177 resource CD)
178 Correction of Allow students to choice Corrected
mid-term learn from own tests,
test Cover mistakes Student's
page module Introduce topic for book
7 module 7


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