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a tankönyv és a munkafüzet párhuzamos felhasználásával

heti 5 óra


Pioneer B2

Hét Tananyag Funkciók és az óra célja Nyelvi szerkezetek Szókincs Eszközök és Kulcskompetenciák -

Functions and aims of the Grammar structures Vocabulary anyagok Kapcsolódási pontok –
lesson Aids and Fejlesztési feladatok

1 1 Bevezetés az Learn how to use the course expand Student's

iskolai évbe book and its components book, CD-
Cover Page Introduce topic module 1 player & CD
Module 1 or IWB &
2-3 1A Reading an article about travel appreciate, authentic, authenticity, be SB
(page 8-9) used to doing sth, burst out, capture, CD-player
ceremony, checklist, coach, custom, & CD or
define, deliberately, desire (v.), district, IWB & IWB
dormitory, editor, elderly, elsewhere, material
emphasise, encounter (n.), entertain,
get used to doing, immerse, insight,
kimono, lagoon, leave a lot to be
desired, lively, meaningful, meanwhile,
natural, original, recreate, reproduce,
selfie, setting, sip, snap-happy (n.),
spontaneous, squeeze, staged,
stereotype, sweep, turquoise
4-5 1A Distinguishing between words Present Simple vs. aisle, ambition, ambitious, appeal (v.), SB Kiemelt nevelési
(page 10-11) easily confused Present Progressive appealing, bride, considerable, decisive, CD-player feladatok: Európai
Distinguishing between differ, distinguish, distinguished, effect, & CD or azonosság – egyetemes
permanent and temporary effective, envious, envy, imaginary, IWB & IWB kultúra
situations immigrant, informative, initial, material Énkép, önismeret, hon-
memorable, observant, observe, és népismeret
overwhelm, overwhelmed, pricey,
primary, respect (v.), sensible, stressed Egyéb
out, strict, thoughtful, trend kulcskompetenciák
2 6-7 1B Reading an article about flags a keen eye, alike, amphitheatre, at first SB kommunikációs
(page 12-13) glance, be present, bravery, cloth, dot, CD-player kompetenciák,
emblem, equal (adj.), fabric, feature (n. & CD or matematikai,
+ v.), fireworks display, flagpole, form IWB & IWB gondolkodási
(v.), freedom, gesture (n.), horizontal, material kompetenciák,
identical, independence, influence, önkifejezés és kulturális
innocence, inspire, justice, material, tudatosság
misleading, national anthem, kompetenciái,
popularity, pride, rectangle, represent, munkavállalói,
representation, reverse (v. + adj.), innovációs és vállalkozói
semicircle, shade, sign (n.), source, kompetenciák, kreatív
stripe, sword, symbol, symbolise, tell alkotás, tanulás
apart, triangle, typical, vary, vertical kompetenciái
8-9 1B Making speculations, Articles awareness, awkward, be of no value, SB
(page 14-15) expressing your opinion and belief, cheek, credible, current affairs, CD-player Kapcsolódási pontok:
reaching a decision fragile, heritage, historian, & CD or földrajz, művészetek
misunderstand, native speaker, official IWB & IWB
record, origin, overhear, practical joke, material
preserve, progression, significant, time
capsule, values, From my point of
view…, I couldn’t agree more,
Personally speaking, I think…, The same
goes for…, We’re settled then
3 10- 1B Describing an event auction, background, drop sb a line, for SB
11 (page 16-17) one’s liking, hesitate, importance, loads CD-player
of, mingle, multicultural, national & CD or
holiday, not only… but also, numerous, IWB & IWB
regards, session, stall (n.), tea set, material
variety, wonder (v.), Believe it or not…,
It’s no wonder that…, I’ve been meaning
to…, See for yourself
12 Review Revising the structures, Student’s
Module 1 functions and vocabulary book
presented in module 1
13 Test Module Evaluate students' progress Tests
1 (Teacher's
14 Correction of Allow students to learn from a thirst for knowledge, vanish Corrected
module test own mistakes tests,
Cover page Introduce topic for module 2 Student's
module 2 book
4 15- 2A Reading short texts about ahead, aircraft, alternative (adj.), SB Kiemelt nevelési
16 (page 20-21) schooling aspect, be bound to, be child’s play, CD-player feladatok:
be/keep still, bright, challenging, & CD or
concerning, conventional, crucial, IWB & IWB Egyéb
curriculum, demanding, determined, material kulcskompetenciák:
drastically, edible, enrol, excel, fall kommunikációs
behind, field trip, focused, gifted, kompetenciák,
identify, intimidated, intriguing, lack matematikai,

(v.), maintain, patient (adj.), pick up gondolkodási
(skills), poisonous, remarkably, remind, kompetenciák,
shelter, struggle (v.), survival, the great munkavállalói,
outdoors, tracks, wilderness, woods innovációs és vállalkozói
17- 2A Distinguishing between words Present Perfect accomplish, achieve, bachelor’s degree SB kompetenciák, kreatív
18 (page 22-23) easily confused Simple vs. Present (BA), basics (of sth), boarding school, CD-player alkotás, tanulás
Using appropriate tenses to Perfect Progressive distance learning, drop out, educate, & CD or kompetenciái
link the past with the resent field (of study), funds, have what it IWB & IWB Munkaforma:
Distinguishing vocabulary takes, higher education, instruct, material csoportmunka,
relating to education intensive course, intention, interactive pármunka, egyéni- és
learning, master’s degree (MA), online frontális munka
course, physical education, private A differenciálás
education, public school, purpose, quit, színterei: egyéni
set a goal, sign up for sth, state school, fejlesztés, feladattípusok
studies (n.), term
19- 2B Distinguishing between British absent, accomplishment, achievement, SB Kapcsolódási pontok:
20 (page 24-25) and American English annoyance, assess, assessment, assist, CD-player informatika; második
assistance, attendance, attitude, beige, & CD or idegen nyelv;
boost, capable, certificate, cheat, IWB & IWB művészetek; média
combination, combine, concentrate, material
cooperate, cooperation, examination,
factor, identification, interact,
interaction, involvement, memorise,
motivate, motivated, motivation,
participation, punish, punishment,
reception, reduction, row (n.),
satisfaction, satisfy, self-esteem, sit for
(an exam), speciality, teaching aid,
5 21- 2B Expressing quantity Nouns and acquire, be a good sport, broaden one’s SB
22 (page 26-27) Comparing situations Quantifiers horizons, computer lab, cutting-edge, CD-player
Expressing preference and emotional, express (v.), extra-curricular & CD or
opinion activity, hands-on learning, individual IWB & IWB
(adj.), mental, obvious, pleasure, material
release tension, stimulate, stimulating,
team spirit, trekking, well-being,
whereas, while
23- 2B Expressing and supporting an against, as a consequence, beneficial, SB
24 (page 28-29) opinion claim (v.), compensate, consequently, CD-player
double-check, efficient(ly), enhance, & CD or
flexibility, homeschooling, ignore, IWB & IWB

impact (n.), in favour of, limit (v.), peer material
(n.), qualified, resentment, result (v.),
social gathering, take advantage of, take
sth into account, take sth into
consideration, All things considered,…,
In my view,…, It is a fact that…, It is my
belief that…, Summing up,…, To
25 Review Revising the structures, Student’s
Module 2 functions and vocabulary book
presented in module 2
6 26 Test Module Evaluate students' progress Tests
2 (Teacher's
27 Correction of Allow students to learn from genetic inheritance, human nature, Corrected
module test own mistakes nurture (n.), upbringing tests,
Cover page Introduce topic for module 3 Student's
module 3 book
28- 3A Reading an extract from a adapt, approach (v.), as hard as stone, SB Kiemelt nevelési
29 (page 32-33) novel as hungry as a wolf, bite (n.), block (v.), CD-player feladatok: Énkép,
branch, clever, come over, come to a & CD or önismeret.
conclusion, cry, cub, dumb, frown (v.), IWB & IWB
get away, graze, herd, hut, imitate, in material Egyéb
alarm, in charge of, indeed, inspect, kulcskompetenciák
insult (v.), intend, manners, mark (n.), kommunikációs
nod (v.), objection, out of place, playful, kompetenciák,
pronounce, remark (v.), run away, scar matematikai,
(n.), silly, stare (v.), step out of, tear sth gondolkodási
out, trap (n.), uneasy, unlike, way, will kompetenciák,
(n.) munkavállalói,
7 30- 3A Distinguishing between the Past Simple vs. Past amount (v.), inherit, pass away, raise my SB innovációs és vállalkozói
31 (page 34-35) Past Simple and the Past Progressive eyebrows, reward (v.), scratch my head, CD-player kompetenciák, kreatív
Progressive for reference to Used to, Would shake (my head), shrug my shoulders, & CD or alkotás, tanulás
past events and situations snap my fingers, wave (v.), wink, come IWB & IWB kompetenciái
Expressing past habits and about, come down, come down with, material
typical behaviour in the past come into, come out, come round, Kapcsolódási pontok:
come to, come up, come up against, irodalom, etika, hittan
come up with, as busy as a bee, as
cunning as a fox, as easy as pie, as free Munkaforma:
as a bird, as good as gold, as light as a csoportmunka,

feather, as quick as lightning, as quiet as pármunka, egyéni- és
a mouse, as white as snow frontális munka
32- 3B Reading a magazine article act (n.), anonymous, appreciation, SB
33 (page 36-37) about mystery heroes bewildering, bump into, bystander, CD-player
come in all shapes and sizes, commuter, & CD or
compassionate, deed, diagnose, donor, IWB & IWB
encouragement, failure, goodness, material
heroic, identity, in this day and age,
incident, inspiration, inspiring, knock sb
unconscious, opt, overlook, quick-
thinking, reveal, surgery, tend to,
absent-minded, bad-tempered, big-
headed, kind-hearted, narrow-minded,
open-handed, open-minded, self-
centred, tight-fisted, well-mannered,
get cold feet, hold your tongue, keep
one’s fingers crossed, keep one’s head,
lend sb a hand, my heart was in my
mouth, put one’s foot down, see eye to
eye, stick your nose into sth, turn a
blind eye to sth
34- 3B Sequencing past situations Past Perfect Simple basic needs, confront, dilemma, earn, SB
35 (page 38-39) and events vs. Past Perfect economise, financial difficulties, CD-player
Expressing past intention Progressive fortune, fulfilled, generous, greedy, & CD or
Giving advice would, was/were guilty, handle an emergency, IWB & IWB
Rejecting ideas going to inconsiderate, insecurity, joy, live material
beyond one’s means, make a purchase,
make ends meet, manage money,
material possessions, overspend, pay off
a debt, poverty, put sb on the spot, save
sth for a rainy day, wealth, well-off
8 36- 3B Narrating a story assume, at the time, before long, SB
37 (page 40-41) Sequencing past events cautiously, explode, faint (adj.), glow CD-player
(n.), go up in flames, gradually, in a & CD or
matter of seconds, in the heat of the IWB & IWB
moment, in the meantime, initially, leak material
(v.), noticeable, occasionally, on the
edge, particularly, risk one’s life, think
nothing of sth, I breathed a sigh of
relief., I burst into tears., I burst out
laughing., I was left speechless., I was

out of breath., I was taken by surprise.,
It made me jump., It was a real shock., It
was a sight for sore eyes., It was too
good to be true., My heart was beating
furiously., To my surprise/astonishment,

38 Review Revising the structures, Student’s
Module 3 functions and vocabulary book
presented in module 3
39 Test Module Evaluate students' progress Tests
3 (Teacher's
40 Correction of Allow students to learn from Corrected
module test own mistakes tests,
Cover page Introduce topic for module 4 Student's
module 4 book
9 41- 4A Reading four short texts accustomed, acknowledge, apply, at SB Kiemelt nevelési
42 (page 44-45) related to the Italian city one’s own expense, basically, be CD-player feladatok: Test és lelki
Venice related, block out, charming, conduct & CD or egészség;;
(v.), delight (n.), depart, deteriorate, IWB & IWB Európai azonosság –
dine out, diverse, ensure, figure (n.), material egyetemes kultúra
from… onwards, gaze (v.), gondola,
highlight (n.), imply, in the event that, Egyéb
infer, itinerary, leaflet, lie around, link kulcskompetenciák:
(n.), make no mention of, mobile, on kommunikációs
short notice, only time will tell, overlap, kompetenciák,
panoramic, pay sb/sth a visit, matematikai,
picturesque, prearranged, severity, gondolkodási
stunning, transfer (n.), treasure (n.), try kompetenciák,
sth out, uninhabitable, upcoming, önkifejezés és kulturális
varied tudatosság
43- 4A Distinguishing between words Future forms, Time beauty, brick, broaden the mind, SB kompetenciái,
44 (page 46-47) easily confused Clauses bustling, cabin, calmness, caravan, CD-player munkavállalói,
Referring to the future using cobblestone, cosmopolitan, cottage, & CD or innovációs és vállalkozói
the appropriate tenses deserve, destination, excursion, IWB & IWB kompetenciák, tanulás
expedition, go for a stroll, horizon, material kompetenciái
industrial, landscape, log (n.), path,
resort (n.), rush hour, scenic, slope, Kapcsolódási pontok:
suite, tranquil, unspoilt, voyage, youth media, földrajz,
hostel művészetek

10 45- 4B Listening to a talk by a accompany, conductor, connecting SB
46 (page 48-49) futurologist (train), demonstrate, departure lounge, CD-player
duration, fare, fasten, hand luggage, & CD or
hospitality, in-flight, ladies and IWB & IWB
gentlemen, life jacket, loudspeaker, on material
board, overhead compartment, oxygen
mask, personalised, platform, postpone,
return ticket, single ticket, timetable,
tray table, trolley, turbulence, virtual,
call off, drop sb off, get away, head for,
make out, put (sth) off, put sb up, see sb
off, set off, stop over
47- 4B Expressing general truths and Conditional a sense of direction, adrenaline-filled, SB
48 (page 50-51) facts Sentences Types Zero allergic, all-inclusive, breeze, carefree, CD-player
Expressing hypotheses about and 1 cater for, confined space, exhilarating, & CD or
what is likely or unlikely to Expressions used in fed up, gear (n.), getaway, IWB & IWB
happen in the present/future Conditionals holidaymaker, in honour of, monument, material
Comparing situations, on schedule, on the other hand,
expressing preference and preferable, regard (v.), run (for trains,
opinion etc.), sceptical, stopover (n.), stuffy,
travel sickness, undercooked, unwind,
white-water rafting
49- 4B Making accessibility, advisable, analyse, SB
50 (page 52-53) recommendations/suggestions availability, babysitting service, brief, CD-player
carry out, characteristic, concrete, & CD or
constant, drawback, evaluation, focus IWB & IWB
(v. + n.), force (v.), fumes, implement, in material
terms of, lack of, move with the times,
overlook, potential (n.), presence,
promote, publicity, resolve,
straightforward, suitability, superior
(n.), to the point, town council
11 51 Review Revising the structures, Student’s
Module 4 functions and vocabulary book
presented in module 4
52 Test Module Evaluate students' progress Tests
4 (Teacher's
53 Correction of Corrected
module test tests

Cover page
module 5
54- 5A Reading personal accounts of alternative (n.), altitude, at one’s own SB Kiemelt nevelési
55 (page 56-57) ultramarathons pace, attempt, border, completion, CD-player feladatok: Test és lelki
creepy-crawly, disqualification, effort, & CD or egészség
encounter (v.), endurance, equivalent IWB & IWB
(n.), essential, exaggeration, feat, material Egyéb
fellow, get by, get the hang of sth, give kulcskompetenciák:
sth my best shot, hand out, humidity, kommunikációs
inhospitable, make one’s way, kompetenciák,
navigational skills, nevertheless, oblige, matematikai,
pressure, prevent, provisions, push gondolkodási
oneself to the limit, recharge my kompetenciák,
batteries, register (v.), scorching, second munkavállalói,
to last, self-sufficient, sled, strenuous, innovációs és vállalkozói
summit, teem with, trail (n.), ultimate kompetenciák, kreatív
12 56- 5A Distinguishing between words can, could, be able applaud, audience, barely, beat (v.), SB alkotás, tanulás
57 (page 58-59) easily confused to, must, mustn’t, broadcast (v.), buffet, cheer on, CD-player kompetenciái
Expressing ability/inability, have to, don’t have conference, cruel, defeat (v.), excuse & CD or Munkaforma:
obligation/necessity, Absence to, need, needn’t, (n.), fireplace, one’s turn, opponent, IWB & IWB csoportmunka,
of necessity, prohibition, don’t need to, will, site, spectator, spot (n.), till (n.), tricky, material pármunka, egyéni- és
permission, requests, may, might, can’t venue, viewer, be skating on thin ice, frontális munka
advice/opinion should, ought to, had below the belt, get the ball rolling, go A differenciálás
better the (full) distance, jump the gun, keep színterei: egyéni
one’s head above water ,no fejlesztés, feladattípusok
sweat ,saved by the bell ,show sb the
ropes ,the ball is in one’s court Kapcsolódási pontok:
58- 5B Reading a magazine article ahead of one’s time, alleviate, applause, SB testnevelés, biológia,
59 (page 60-61) about Pilates attach, backache, bodybuilding, boxing, CD-player etika
centre (v.), comment (v.), confuse, & CD or
contribute, dedicate, engage, flexibility, IWB & IWB
found (v.), inaccurate, inefficient, material
innovation, insist, invest, lorry, obesity,
overcome, poor (= not good), posture,
proof, rehabilitate, relate, root (n.), self-
defence, severe, specialise, stamina,
strengthen, transform, break down,
break into, break out, break up, bring
about, catch on
13 60- 5B Expressing regret or criticism, Modal verbs + have + ache (n.), anxiety, balanced diet, SB
61 (page 62-63) absence of necessity, past participle drained, eliminate, establish, guide (v.), CD-player

(unfulfilled) possibility, hot springs, massage, minerals, & CD or
positive and negative nutrition counselling, nutritionist, re- IWB & IWB
deduction in the past energise, re-energised, relieve, seek, material
Speculating and making a self-control, spa (resort), therapeutic,
decision toxins, unwise
62- 5B Expressing an opinion above all, as a matter of fact, SB
63 (page 64-65) committee, cut down on, disagreement, CD-player
eating disorder, freshman, head (n.), & CD or
kind regards, mandatory, more IWB & IWB
importantly, obese, opposition, material
proposal, propose, push, take for
instance, workshop
64 Review Revising the structures, Student’s
Module 5 functions and vocabulary book
presented in module 5
65 Test Module Evaluate students' progress Tests
5 (Teacher's
14 66 Correction of Allow students to learn from Corrected
module test own mistakes tests,
Cover page Introduce topic for module 6 Student's
module 6 book
67- 6A Reading a personal account abrupt, adjust, blur (n.), brake (v.), can’t SB Kiemelt nevelési
68 (page 68-69) bear, canvas, colour-blind, colour- CD-player feladatok: Test és lelki
blindness, content (adj.), disability, & CD or egészség.
golden, greyish, hand (v.), have mixed IWB & IWB Környezettudatosságra
feelings, indifferent, intense, judge (n.), material nevelés.
lose one’s patience, originality, other
than that, out of the blue, outcome, Egyéb
perception, plead (v.), precisely, range kulcskompetenciák
(n.), reality, recall, recover, reference, kommunikációs
regain, reluctant, resume (v.), shift (v.), kompetenciák,
store (away), stunned, tactic, unwilling, matematikai,
vision gondolkodási
69- 6A Emphasising an action rather Passive Voice I be in debt, mayor, narrate, take sth SB kompetenciák,
70 (page 70-71) than the doer of the action away, town hall, wallpaper, be in the CD-player munkavállalói,
black, be in the red, be tickled pink, & CD or innovációs és vállalkozói
catch sb red-handed, give the green IWB & IWB kompetenciák, kreatív
light, green with envy, have the blues, material alkotás, tanulás
once in a blue moon, pass with flying kompetenciái

colours, see red, rebuild, reconsider,
recount, redecorate, remove, Kapcsolódási pontok:
reschedule, research, restore, retell, biológia, életvitel,
rewrite biológia
15 71- 6B Listening to a naturalist talking bush, decline (n.), deforestation, SB
72 (page 72-73) about wildlife extinct, feed on sth, habitat, insect, CD-player
leaves, mammal, poaching, predator, & CD or
prey, prints, reptile, sharpen, shell, IWB & IWB
alligator, ant, butterfly, eagle, flamingo, material
frog, grasshopper, hippopotamus,
kangaroo, kitten, lizard, lobster,
monkey, mosquito, parrot, peacock,
pigeon, rattlesnake, squirrel, zebra,
beak, claws, fin, fur, hooves, hump,
paw, trunk, whiskers, wing
73- 6B Emphasising an action using Passive Voice II adjustment, assemble, be on a tight SB
74 (page 74-75) the Passive Voice budget, brighten, ceiling, cluttered, CD-player
Stating accepted facts dripping (adj.), feel blue, flat tyre, & CD or
Making a decision furnish, gloomy, hire, interior design, IWB & IWB
Expressing opinion and light bulb, liven sth up, lock (n.), newly- material
offering advice painted, set up, shabby, spacious, study
(n.), tap (n.), uncluttered
16 75- 6B Writing an article incredibly, picture (v.), retreat, slightly, SB
76 (page 76-77) Using ‘strong’ adjectives surround, take sth in, worry (n.), CD-player
astonished, brilliant, countless, & CD or
delighted, dreadful, hectic, hilarious, IWB & IWB
marvellous, miserable, outstanding, material
packed, serene, superb, tremendous,
77 Review Revising the structures, Student’s
Module 6 functions and vocabulary book
presented in module 6
78 Test Module Evaluate students' progress Tests
6 (Teacher's
79 Correction of Allow students to learn from Corrected
module test own mistakes tests
17 80- Revision Revising the structures, Student’s
83 Modules 1-6 functions and vocabulary book,
presented in module 1 – 6 workbook,

84 Mid-term Evaluate students' progress Tests
test (Teacher's
85 Correction of Allow students to learn from Corrected
mid-term own mistakes tests,
test Cover Introduce topic for module 7 Student's
page module book
18 86- 7A Reading four texts about food a last resort, alter (v.), apparent, SB Kiemelt nevelési
87 (page 80-81) advertising appetite, artificial, campaign, claim (n.), CD-player feladatok: Gazdasági
client, consumer, criticism, crumbs, & CD or nevelés, felkészülés a
crunchy, deceive, deception, IWB & IWB felmőtt lét szerepeire
disapproval, do whatever it takes, drop material
(v.), enclose, enlarge, extent, fall for, Egyéb
fillet, flawless, go against, health- kulcskompetenciák:
conscious, in response to, industry, kommunikációs
instinct, juicy, keep sth in place, kompetenciák,
manufacturer, marketer, necessity, matematikai,
nutritious, object (v.), perfection, gondolkodási
processed, protest (v.), raise (v.), reflect, kompetenciák,
reject, relaunch, retailer, shiny, tempt, munkavállalói,
visual (n.), wholegrain innovációs és vállalkozói
88- 7A Referring to, defining and Relative clauses authorities, construction, defence, SB kompetenciák, kreatív
89 (page 82-83) giving additional information defenceless, disconnect, discourage, CD-player alkotás, tanulás
about people, places and ginger, handwriting, illegible, improper, & CD or kompetenciái
things inedible, interpret, irrational, legible, IWB & IWB Munkaforma:
misinform, misinterpret, overcook, material csoportmunka,
power supply, rudeness, shyness, pármunka, egyéni- és
temporarily, unavailable, frontális munka
underdeveloped, underestimate, A differenciálás
unofficial, wipe, fall apart, fall in with, színterei: egyéni
fall out with, fall over, fall through, go fejlesztés, feladattípusok
after, go ahead, go off, go on (with), go
through, bitter, bland, creamy, greasy, Kapcsolódási pontok:
mushy, savoury, sour, spicy média, etika

19 90- 7B Distinguishing between words arrest (v.), comprehend, confusion, SB
91 (page 84-85) easily confused convincing, date back, debate (n.), CD-player
deceptive, discomfort, drag on, drive (= & CD or
make sb do sth), embarrassment, error, IWB & IWB
face the consequences, fade, faith, fake material
(adj.), fall victim to sth, flee, fool (n. +
v.), footage, frown upon sth, in terror, in
this/any case, innocent, judgement, key,
let sb in on sth, mislead, outrageous,
play along, prank, prankster, question
(v.), readily, report (v.), reputation,
respond, rip sb off, sophisticated,
spiteful, story, take sth with a pinch of
salt, the media, trailer, widespread
92- 7B Speculating and making a Participle clauses audio-visual, bulk, contemporary (adj.), SB
93 (page 86-87) decision direct (adj.), distribute, economical, CD-player
exposure, eye-catching, jingle, make the & CD or
most of sth, medium, outdated, retail, IWB & IWB
slogan, spread the word, target (group) material
94- 7B Expressing opinion consumerism, depression, desirable, SB
95 (page 88-89) display (v.), erase, fashion statement, CD-player
imperfection, individuality, interrupt, & CD or
lips, make a profit, manipulate, IWB & IWB
nonetheless, photoshop (v.), plastic material
surgery, portray, pursuit, self-
acceptance, set standards, unethical,
20 96 Review Revising the structures, Student’s
Module 7 functions and vocabulary book
presented in module 7
97 Test Module Evaluate students' progress Tests
7 (Teacher's
98 Correction of Allow students to learn from clue Corrected
module test own mistakes tests,
Cover page Introduce topic for module 8 Student's
module 8 book
99- 8A Reading an article about accomplished (adj.), address (v.), age SB Kiemelt nevelési
100 (page 92-93) Sherlock Holmes (v.), apparently, associated, be at odds CD-player feladatok: Test és lelki
with sb, case, celebrated, copyright (v.), & CD or egészség

deduction, depict, draw a conclusion, IWB & IWB Műúvészeti nevelés,
evidence, exceptional, illustrate, material media tudatosság
illustration, impeccable, investigation,
keep back information, line, manner, Egyéb
mimic (v.), misconception, myth, on kulcskompetenciák:
occasion, outfit, power, recognisable, kommunikációs
rural, skilled, spy (n.), state (v.), thrill kompetenciák,
(v.), trusty, utter (v.), without doubt matematikai,
21 101- 8A Referring to something Conditional attack (v. + n.), burglar, commit a crime, SB gondolkodási
102 (page 94-95) imaginary, unreal or unlikely Sentences Types 2 mistake (v.), obey the law, police force, CD-player kompetenciák,
to happen in the and 3 robber, zookeeper, without (a) trace, & CD or munkavállalói,
present/future without delay, without exception, IWB & IWB innovációs és vállalkozói
Referring to situations and without fail, without permission, material kompetenciák, kreatív
events that could have without sb’s knowledge, without alkotás, tanulás
happened in the past, but warning, for a change, for all I know, for kompetenciái
didn’t good, for sure, for the best, for the time
being, make a difference, make a fuss, Munkaforma:
make a good/bad impression, make a csoportmunka,
request, make progress, have a fight, pármunka, egyéni- és
have a good laugh, have a quarrel, have frontális munka
a word with, have access to, have an A differenciálás
argument, have second thoughts, do as színterei: egyéni
you please, do damage, do sth for a fejlesztés, feladattípusok
living, do wonders
103- 8B Listening to an interview with accomplice, accuse, armed, break SB Kapcsolódási pontok:
104 (page 96-97) a crime fiction author in/into, break the law, bring a criminal CD-player irodalom, biológia,
to justice, burglary, burgle, catch sb in & CD or etika, média,
the act, charge (v.), convict (v.), court, IWB & IWB művészetek
critic, deadline, dependent, do time, material
fine (n.), forge, forger, forgery, hack,
hacker, hacking, have an alibi, hijack,
hijacker, hijacking, hostage, judge (v.),
jury, keep an eye on, kidnap, kidnapper,
kidnapping, let sb off, observation,
offence, offender, penalty, pick sb’s
pocket, pickpocket, pickpocketing, plead
guilty, reach a verdict, rob, robbery,
scenario, sentence (v. + n.), serve time,
shoplift, shoplifter, shoplifting, suspect
(n.), theft, try sb, vandal, vandalise,
vandalism, victim

22 105- 8B Referring to untrue or Unreal Past be faced with a challenge, carry on, SB
106 (page 98-99) imaginary situations in the confide, convince, deny, drop litter, firm CD-player
present/future and the past (adj.), for one’s own good, go easy on & CD or
Making wishes sb, harsh, in the long run, jaywalking, IWB & IWB
Expressing regret, opinion, learn from one’s mistakes, let it go, sort material
advice, complaint and criticism sth out, specialist, speed limit,
Solving a problem and giving supportive, take immediate action, take
advice responsibility for one’s actions, take sb
Rejecting ideas seriously, tell on sb, tell sb off, vital
107- 8B Writing a film review a complete flop, a must-see, all-star SB
108 (page 100- cast, aside from, assign, be highly CD-player
101) recommended, be on the edge of one’s & CD or
seat, be out of this world, box-office hit, IWB & IWB
captivating, complicated, disturbing, material
dull, ending, excite, fast-paced, flashy,
gripping, investigator, jam-packed, live
up to expectations, masterpiece,
moving, overrated, owe one’s
popularity to, plot, powerful,
protagonist, put on (a show), script,
secondary role, secure (adj.),
spectacular, star (v.), storyline, take
pleasure in, terrifying, twist (n.),
unimaginative, unpredictable, use sth to
one’s advantage, vault, visual effects
109 Review Revising the structures, Student’s
Module 8 functions and vocabulary book
presented in module 8
110 Test Module Evaluate students' progress Tests
8 (Teacher's
23 111 Correction of Allow students to learn from creativity, intuition, logic, rationality Corrected
module test own mistakes tests,
Cover page Introduce topic for module 9 Student's
module 9 book
112- 9A Reading short texts about a flash of genius, adulthood, alert (adj.), SB Kiemelt nevelési
113 (page 104- boosting mental ability approach (n.), cell, concentration, CD-player feladatok: Énkép,
105) concept, confirm, cram, deterioration, & CD or önismeret, testi és lelki
do away with sth, dozen, enhanced, IWB & IWB egészség
flow (v.), function (n.), intake, jot down, material

keen on, keep up with, line of work, Egyéb
make a mental note, not to mention, kulcskompetenciák:
notepad, paperwork, productive, put kommunikációs
sth aside, refreshed, retain, salmon, kompetenciák,
saying (n.), sb’s mind goes blank, sharp matematikai,
(= alert), spinach, stretch, thoroughly, gondolkodási
tutor, verify, weakness, when it comes kompetenciák,
to sth, writer’s block munkavállalói,
114- 9A Learning expressions with infinitives and –ing absence, capability, carelessness, SB innovációs és vállalkozói
115 (page 106- mind form cheerfulness, confidence, convenience, CD-player kompetenciák, kreatív
107) Word building curiosity, despair (n.), diversity, & CD or alkotás, tanulás
emptiness, equality, excellence, IWB & IWB kompetenciái
existence, existent, fatal, fatality, get material
round to (doing) sth, helplessness, Munkaforma:
ignorance, ignorant, independent, csoportmunka,
loneliness, nervousness, relevance, pármunka, egyéni- és
relevant, reliability, reluctance, frontális munka
seriousness, significance, silence, A differenciálás
similarity, tolerance, tolerant, be at the színterei: egyéni
back of one’s mind, be out of one’s fejlesztés, feladattípusok
mind, cross one’s mind, get sth out of
one’s mind, have/keep/bear in mind,
make up one’s mind, set one’s mind on,
slip one’s mind, speak one’s mind, take
a load off one’s mind
24 116- 9B Reading an article about a great mind, addicted (to), advanced, SB
117 (page 108- Leonardo da Vinci associate (v.), breakthrough, come to CD-player
109) mind, commonplace, contemporary (n.), & CD or
contribution, cure (n.), disprove, IWB & IWB
evident, experienced (in), extraordinary, material
fascinate, function (v.), inferior (to),
laid-back, look down on, make up,
outline, parachute, people of influence,
phenomenal, portrait, power, put effort
into sth, renowned, respected (for),
trial, unaware (of)
118- 9B Expressing actions that have Causative form average, coverage, dependable, former, SB
119 (page 110- been carried out by someone ineffective, post-it note, reminder, CD-player
111) else requirement, satisfactory, set a record, & CD or
Make a decision string, tie (v.) IWB & IWB
Supporting an opinion material

25 120- 9B Expressing opinion all the same, alternatively, among, SB
121 (page 112- argument, arise, as far as sth is CD-player
113) concerned, as for, body clock, by far, & CD or
cooperative, daytime, distraction, IWB & IWB
disturb, eyesight, in comparison to, in material
contrast, insomnia, institute,
interruption, motive, passive activity,
regarding, relating to, restlessness,
soundtrack, with respect/regard to
122 Review Revising the structures, Student’s
Module 9 functions and vocabulary book
presented in module 9
123 Test Module Evaluate students' progress Tests
9 (Teacher's
124 Correction of Allow students to learn from bonus, career advancement, employee, Corrected
module test own mistakes graph, job satisfaction, perk, tests,
Cover page Introduce topic for module 10 recognition, rise (v.), salary, workload Student's
module 10 book
26 125- 10A Reading texts about abandon, aid (v.), aim (v.), be to blame, SB Kiemelt nevelési
126 (page 116- unemployment beware of, break (n.), closure, CD-player feladatok: Gazdasági
117) corporation, effortless (ly), ex-, fee, & CD or nevelés, felkészülés a
foolishly, guarantee (v.), hardship, in IWB & IWB felmőtt lét szerepeire.
doubt, job prospect, jobless, mid, material Énkép és önismeret
nationwide, out of work, phoney,
potential (adj.), premises, profit (v.), Egyéb
property, rally (n.), registration form, kulcskompetenciák:
roll in, scam, scheme, short-lived, shut kommunikációs
down, termination, track down, tutorial, kompetenciák,
unemployment, withdraw, work shifts, matematikai,
come sb’s way, draw attention to sth, gondolkodási
it’s only a matter of time, to make kompetenciák,
matters worse munkavállalói,
127- 10A Reporting Reported Speech admit, applicant, assistant, associate SB innovációs és vállalkozói
128 (page 118- (statements), Special (n.), be dismissed, be/get fired, be/get CD-player kompetenciák, kreatív
119) introductory Verbs sacked, beg, compensation, demand & CD or alkotás, tanulás
(v.), duty, employ, employer, IWB & IWB kompetenciái
entrepreneur, exclaim, firm (n.), forbid, material
income, labour, learn a trade, manual, Kapcsolódási pontok:
minimum, occupation, pay rise, informatika,

pension, permit (v.), personnel, politics,
post (n.), profession, raise (n.), resign, Munkaforma:
staff, steady, supervisor, threaten, wage csoportmunka,
129- 10B Listening to an exam task authority, bankrupt, car dealer, career SB pármunka, egyéni- és
130 (page 120- path, economic crisis, examine, CD-player frontális munka
121) freelance, job market, literally, loan, & CD or A differenciálás
multinational, overtime, payment, IWB & IWB színterei: egyéni
public relations, resignation, sum (of material fejlesztés, feladattípusok
money), unemployment benefit, be in
business, do business with, expand a
business, go into business, go out of
business, run a business, set up a
business, bring sth on, go over, hand in,
put sb through to, take down, take in,
take off, take on, take out of, take over,
take up, turn sth down, wear sb out,
work out
27 131- 10B Reporting Reported Questions, be on one’s feet all day, change of SB
132 (page 122- Comparing and contrasting Commands and scenery, commute (v.), dress code, CD-player
123) pictures and situations Requests fatigue, fixed, isolation, on the side, & CD or
productivity, pursue, retire, structure IWB & IWB
(n.), suited, tedious, unrelated, unsuited material
133- 10B Writing a covering letter aim (n.), at your convenience, SB
134 (page 124- candidate, commitment, CV (= CD-player
125) curriculum vitae), flexible, fluency, & CD or
fluent, in connection with, meet the IWB & IWB
demands, organisational skills, position material
(n.), presently, qualifications, smartly-
dressed, specify
28 136 Review Revising the structures, Student’s
Module 10 functions and vocabulary book
presented in module 10
137 Test Module Evaluate students' progress Tests
10 (Teacher's
138 Correction of Allow students to learn from bring sb down to earth with a bump, Corrected
module test own mistakes disappear off the face of the earth, tests,
Cover page Introduce topic for module 11 down-to-earth, go to the ends of the Student's
module 11 earth, like nothing on earth, the four book
corners of the earth, Where on earth…?

138- 11A Reading a magazine article beforehand, can’t help, cease, celebrity, SB Kiemelt nevelési
139 (page 128- about space exploration clarify, come a long way, emerge, exit CD-player feladatok:
129) (v.), extensively, float (v.), give up, & CD or Környezettudatosságra
gravity, highlight (v.), hostility, IWB & IWB nevelés
humankind, let go, limb, multiply, material Aktív állampolgárságra
never-ending, outer space, outweigh nevelés
(v.), point out, pose (v.), precaution,
procedure, put sth into words, ray, Egyéb
satellite, scientific, seal (v.), secure (v.), kulcskompetenciák:
sensation, soak up, solar panel, space kommunikációs
shuttle, spacecraft, status, task, term, kompetenciák,
the human race, universe, unlimited, matematikai,
utensil, weightlessness, wrap up gondolkodási
29 140- 11A Expressing purpose, result and Clauses of result and days on end, environmentalist, SB kompetenciák,
141 (page 130- contrast/concession concession measures, postgraduate, post-match, CD-player munkavállalói,
131) post-war, prearranged, precooked, & CD or innovációs és vállalkozói
preseason, pre-teach, preview (v.), give IWB & IWB kompetenciák,
in, give off, give out, give sth away, put material személyes és társas
an end to, put in a good word, put into kompetenciák, kreatív
practice, put money into, put one’s alkotás, tanulás
mind at ease, put pen to paper, put kompetenciái
pressure on, put the blame on
142- 11B Reading a magazine article acid rain, adaptable, at the expense of, SB Kapcsolódási pontok:
143 (page 132- about the sea carbon footprint, claim (v.), coastline, CD-player biológia, földrajz,
133) conservation, conservationist, conserve, & CD or informatika
destroyer, destruction, destructive, do IWB & IWB
more harm than good, dump (v.), material
ecosystem, endanger, erode, erosion,
extinction, formation, have no means
of, inhabit, insufficient, logging, oil spill,
pollutant, preventable, preventative,
prevention, preventive, protective,
protector, rate, shoreline, shortage,
submerge, threatening, top priority,
toxic waste, volume, wear away, yet
144- 11B Making comparisons Comparisons break down, deafening, dispose, SB
145 (page 134- Comparing and contrasting distracting, donate, extend, hazardous, CD-player
135) photographs health hazard, industrial plant, & CD or
Expressing opinion interfere, irritating, landfill, life- IWB & IWB
threatening, listener, loss of hearing, material
migraine, minimise, on a daily basis,

overfill, residential area, respiratory,
30 146- 11B Expressing an opinion ban (v. + n.), citizen, conflicting, ever- SB
147 (page 136- growing, filter (v.), foresee, impractical, CD-player
137) partial, press conference, smog, & CD or
vegetation, workable IWB & IWB
148 Review Revising the structures, Student’s
Module 11 functions and vocabulary book
presented in module 11
149 Test Module Evaluate students' progress Tests
11 (Teacher's
150 Correction of Allow students to learn from abandoned, devastated, famine, Corrected
module test own mistakes grateful, heartbroken, outraged, tests,
Cover page Introduce topic for module 12 powerless, suffering (n.) Student's
module 12 book
31 151- 12A Reading a magazine article give a pat on the back, again and again, SB Kiemelt nevelési
152 (page 140- about homelessness army, ashamed, batch, build up, come CD-player feladatok:
141) to terms with, criticise, here and there, & CD or Környezettudatosságra
homelessness, judgemental, obtain, IWB & IWB nevelés
philosophy, position (v.), pretend, material Aktív állampolgárságra
publicise, rain or shine, readership, nevelés
reassuring, relocate, seldom, settled
(adj.), sleep rough, social services, Egyéb
turbulent, turn sth around kulcskompetenciák:
153- 12A Word building Inversion boredom, by no means, in no way, SB kommunikációs
154 (page 142- Word pairs leadership, membership, on no account, CD-player kompetenciák,
143) parenthood, president, repetition, & CD or matematikai,
under no circumstances, whatsoever, IWB & IWB gondolkodási
wisdom, come again?, sth come first, material kompetenciák,
come in handy, come into effect, come személyes és társas
naturally, come of age, come to an end, kompetenciák,
come to light, come to power, come to munkavállalói,
think of it, bits and pieces, life or death, innovációs és vállalkozói
live and learn, loud and clear, neat and kompetenciák, kreatív
tidy, pros and cons, short and sweet, alkotás, tanulás
sooner or later, trial and error kompetenciái, digitális
32 155- 12B Listening to a talk about beneath, lava, refugee, windscreen, SB kompetenciák
156 (page 144- environmental refugees blizzard, boiling, chilly, cloudless, damp, CD-player

145) downpour, fog, freezing, frost, hail, & CD or Kapcsolódási pontok:
heatwave, humid, lightning, mist, IWB & IWB biológia, földrajz,
overcast, rainfall, shower, material informatika
thunderstorm, tsunami, earthquake,
drought, hurricane, avalanche, wildfire,
volcanic eruption, landslide
157- 12B Expressing opinion All / Both / Neither / association, bucket, contribution, SB
158 (page 146- Making a decision None / Either cruelty, dye (v.), extended family, food CD-player
147) Double conjunctions kitchen, foundation, honour (v.), & CD or
indicate, karaoke, microchip, mistreat, IWB & IWB
narrow sth down, obstacle, odd, material
pottery, recreation, sculpture, senior
citizen, sponsor (v.), sponsorship, stray
animal, tutoring, vaccination, vet,
159- 12B Writing an essay acceptable, addiction, as a whole, clash SB
160 (page 148- (n.), crowd violence, divide, educator, CD-player
149) insecurity, neglect, official (n.), parental & CD or
guidance, pastime, police patrol, rating, IWB & IWB
smash, spark (v.), target (v.), urgent material
33 161 Review Revising the structures, Student’s
Module 12 functions and vocabulary book
presented in module 12
162 Test Module Evaluate students' progress Tests
12 (Teacher's
163 Correction of Allow students to learn from Corrected
module test own mistakes tests
34 164- Revision Revising the structures, Student’s
167 Modules 7- functions and vocabulary book,
12 presented in module 7 – 12 workbook,
168 End-of-term Evaluate students' progress Tests
test (Teacher's

169 Correction of Allow students to learn from Corrected
end-of-term own mistakes tests
170 End-of-year Evaluate results over the year


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