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Thursday the 6th of May 2021

English Départment
Aboudaou Bejaia University
Module : Oral Expression
Level : L3 Gps :1 ,2 ,3,4 ,5,11 ?12,13,14.
Teacher : N. HAFFAF

*Home work :
You have to read the following sketch which is intitled ‘’World Record’ ’then you are called
to Re-enact this smalsketch in your own words. (which means rewrite it using your own

World Record
SCENE A TV studio
CHARACTERS Michael Moonshine
Albert Hargreaves
Mrs Hargreaves
A man
George and Hilda, TV viewers

I George : Hilda, what’s on television ?

Hilda : Er…
She looks at a newspaper.
…a programme called ’your chance to break a world record’.
George : What’s that ?
Hilda : (Reading:)‘The fascinating programme in which people try to break the world
George : Oh, let’s have a look at it.
He switches on the television. The programme has just begun.
II Michael M : Thank you, thank you. Yes ladies and gentlemen, this is the programme

That gives you the chance to break the world record. We have here in the studio
Tonight two people who are trying to break world records. Let’s meet them and
see what they’re doing. Tell me, sir, what is your name ?
Albert : Albert Hargreaves.

**What Do You Think ?

Mr Albert earned 35 dollars aweek, and the bank robber made 2,000 a Week. Some people
earn much more money than others. Do you think this is right ? Who should earn a lot of
money ? Which would you prefer : a job you enjoyed, but which was badly paid ? Or a job
you hated, but which was well paid ?

***A Dialogue to compleet :

When your father came home, your mother wanted to know what happened. This is what
your mother said. What did your father say ?
Your mother : well, dear-good news or bad ?
Your father : ……………………………………………….
Your mother : what do you mean :’good and bad’ ?
Your father : ……………………………………………………….
Your mother : Great -uncle Said ? Oh, how sad ! What’s the good news ?
Your father : ……………………………………………………
Your mother : What- all his money ?
Your father : ……………………………………………………….
Your mother : But he was a millionaire, wasn’t he ?
Your father : ……………………………………………………….
Your mother : Half a million dinars ! Well, we’ve got to celebrate !
Your father : …………………………………………………………………………………
Your mother : What do you mean-you’ve already celebrated ?
Your father : ………………………………………………………………………………
Your mother : Lydia ? Who’s Lydia ?

Your father : ……………………………………………………………………………….
Your mother : I see. So that’s what you are so late.

****What Do You Think ?

Your father is a lucky man-he’s got half a million dinars to spend. He won ’t have any
problems for the rest of his life. On the other hand, perhaps his problems are just
beginning. What do you think ?

Note : Give me back the answers on the sheet of a paper, this work will be taken in
consideration in your evaluation.


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