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Dr. Zadrian Ardi S.Pd, M.Pd

Muhammad Evry and Syahputra



Theory Motivation And Self
Objective life is the most thing DeterminationTheory
fundamental for well-being individual.
Moment This individual experience failure in
Self-Determination Theory (SDT) is
chase objective, individual tend will look for
theory motivation Which very wide
reason his incompetence. However if the
Which has succeed applied in all over
individual excessively looks for excuses
areas including parenting, education,
inability look for objective, so tend individual
health care, sports And physical activity,
the fall into the lack of prosperity psychological
psychotherapy, And world virtual, as
well as field motivation Work And

Nilai adalah akibat dari perilaku tertentu mempunyai
nilai/martabat tertentu (daya/nilai motivasi) bagi setiap
individu yang bersangkutan. Dengan kata lain, nilai merupakan
hasil dari seberapa jauh seseorang menginginkan imbalan/
signifikansi yang dikaitkan oleh individu tentang hasil yang
diharapkan. Nilai-nilai hidup dalam bentuk nilai universal
tersebut pada dasarnya secara umum akan mampu
mengatur pola kehidupan individu
A. Objective Life ( Life Goal )
Purpose of life is what someone plan For his life on the day this, tomorrow day, month
to front, a year to front, even a number of year coming. People's life goals will be different
One The same other. Understanding objective live according to para Expertise is a process
set identity own self somebody. With other word, we can say that someone they are the ones
who have a purpose in life Which own identity self Which strong in undergo life daily.
Objective life is matter most fundamental for well-being individual. Moment This
individual experiences failure in pursuit goals, individuals tend to seek reason his
incompetence. However If individual in a way excessive look for reason inability look for
objective, so tend individual the fall into the lack of prosperity psychological (Carr, 2013;
Magyar-Moe, 2009). More juah, find And maintain desire And objective life can become
difficult in time period Which sustainable, so that sometimes individual become „running out
power". Study has show that when person follow "objective Which Wrong" (for example,
Money, fame, and goals extrinsic other), individual tend more easy release self from
objective And fast give up (Yanos, Lucksted, Drapalski, Roe, & Lysaker, 2015).
• Time
Time is one of those things that can't be bought, no bus built, or sold, However
individual often find problem critical time. Study regarding with time focused on
perspective And use time as contributor important For well-being find There is two
characteristic time : (1) time as phenomenon objective, (2) time as phenomenon internal
(time psychological, time Which processed by thought man, time subjective, time inner
thought, time life) (Thornicroft et al., 2016; Vans Boss, Vans Damme, & Crombez, 2019).
Based on an objective perspective, time is a huge container for everything incident.
Perspective time defined as method cognitive individual related
with draft psychological period Then, Now And period front. Whereas, use time
subjective is representation perception somebody about use time Alone. Individual
own time psychological Alone with dimensions including accuracy time, planning,
awareness time free, impatience, And suitability time. Emergency time refers on
individual Which own awareness to time free, condition hasty Which frequency his often
And nature chronic, try fulfil ambition, make remainder time asbenchmark in finish task
(Carr, 2013; Magyar-Moe, 2009).
• Balance Perspective To Time
Researchers in the field of mental health suggest that individual Which mental
healthy able to adopt balanced perception of time, Where past, present and future
components can be integrated with flexible depending on the situation and needs
(Thornicroft et al., 2016; Vans Boss et al.,2019).
• Use Time
An individual's perspective on time can influence their state of well-being psychological
in a way whole, However Not yet There is study Which in a way clear put forward about
connection between use time about connection between the use of objective time
(quantitative amount of time) and conditions well-being psychological. Although Still there
is connection between allocation time form activity And happiness use time the with
condition well-being individual. Condition income/income Which tall often time linked
with satisfaction high life, However not comparable straight with current state of happiness.
This happens because individuals with high incomes tend Also spend more Lots time For
Work compared to with do reaction And relax so that time Work And income often
compare straight with tension And level stress Which high (Beattie, Laliberte, Michaud
Leclerc, & Oreopoulos, 2019; Marchand, Haines Lii, Harvey Dextras-Gautheir, &
Durand, 2016).
B. Theory Motivation And Self Determination Theory

Objective life very tightly connection with Self Determination Theory (SDT) or
Determination Theory Own Destiny. Self Determination Theory (SDT) is a theory psychology
positive about motivation Which state that man try For arrange selfhimself, where his behavior
is is a will, intentional and caused by yourself Alone or initiated Alone (Carr, 2013; Magyar-
Moe, 2009). During a number of decades, researcher conclude that environment social own
influence Which strong in give influence to behavior Which determined in a way intrinsic,
Healthy, And satisfying three need base We (autonomy, connectivity/social, And
competence). When intrinsically motivated, people want to engage in activities and usually
individual No need encouragement external, promise, or sort of threat For start action (Deci,
Olafen, & Ryan & Deci, 2017).
Self-Determination Theory (SDT) is theory motivation Which very wide Which has
succeed applied in all over field including pattern foster, education, maintenance health, sport
And activity physique, psychotherapy, And world virtual, as well as field motivation Work
And management (Deci & Ryan 1985, Ryan & Deci 2017). SDT in a way special show that
performance And well-being employee influenced by type their motivation in carrying out work
activities. By Because That, SDT differentiates type motivation and maintain that different
types Motivation has a catalyst, counselor, and consequence functionally different (Ryan,
Olafsen & Deci 2017).
According to SDT (Deci & Ryan, 1985), there is diverse type motivation Which
underlying human behavior. This type of motivation is proposed to differentiate the level of
self- determination somebody. Self-determination involve true sense of choice , feeling free
to do what he chooses. Self-determination is listed as something continuum from level high
until Lowest, motivation here is motivation intrinsic, extrinsic motivation, And amotivation
(Guay, Vallerand & Blanchard 2000).
Self Determination Theory ( Self Determination theory ) stated by Deci & Ryan (in
Manouchehri, Tojari, & Soltanabadi, 2015: 1) Theory Determination Self is theory about
motivation man Which linked with development And function
personality in context social. Theory This emphasize on firmness heart And roundness
determination individual For reach objective.
Self Determination Theory is theory Which often used For development motivation
And need psychological, And For understand How as well as Why behavior individual
happen (Ryan & Deci, 2000). Between many theorymotivation, Willpower Sovereignty theory
in Self ( Self Determination theory ) compiled by Deci And Ryan can used For identify type
motivation based onorientation cause and effect And factors Which can influence strength
motivation on A behavior. Self Determination Theory (SDT) is approach in knowledge
psychology Which analyze motivation Which emphasize on importance something
encouragement Which there is in self individual For develop self And arrange a behavior.
This motivation theory examines the differences between autonomous motivation with
motivation Which controlled based on orientation cause and effect ( causality orientation )
(Petri & Govern, 2004). SDT also investigated development needs psychological basis which
is inherent in nature and is innate as factors that support the power of motivation on behavior
achievement objective. Further, theory motivation This review conditions Which can sustain
or reduce strength motivation (Ryan & Deci, 2000).

Benefit from Theory SDT

A number of benefit important from SDT compared to with behavior Which nature
controlled (originate from motivation external) is :

1. Ability creativity individual with SDT more tall compared withbehavior Which
motivated from factor external.
2. Own flexibility cognitive And depth processing.
3. Self-esteem Which more tall.
4. Increase emotion positive.
5. Own satisfaction And trust self Which tall.
6. Well-being physical and psychological. Besides that, individual who considers action
they arranged in a way autonomous tend enjoy And reach level Satisfaction
Higher levels in school increase persistence, effective performance, health mentally
And physique Which more Good ( Deci, at el., 2017; Ryan & Deci, 2017).
Theories Motivation
Theories motivation Which stated a number of expert in lower This, between other:
1. Theory Hierarchy Need Maslow
Maslow is Humanistic psychologists argue that to yourself each
somebody there is hierarchy from five need, between other (Robbins, 2001:93-
a. Need physiological (flavor hungry, flavor thirsty, And etc)
b. Need flavor safe (feel safe And protected, Far from danger)
c. Need will flavor Love And flavor own (affiliated with person other,
accepted, own)
d. Need will award (achievement, competent, And get support as well as
e. Need actualization self (need cognitive: know, understand, And explore;
explore; need aesthetic: harmony, regularity, And beauty; need actualization
self: get satisfaction self And realize potential).
Maslow Also opinion that each level in hierarchy That must in a way substantial
satisfied before hierarchy next become active And after need man look for aim for
satisfaction need understanding of goals For satisfaction need business For reach
objective achievement objective need That in a way substantial fulfilled, need the No
Again Can motivating behavior.
2. Theory X And Theory Y Mc Gregor
Douglas Mc Gregor very famous Because the formula about two group
assumption about characteristic man, that is Theory X And Theory Y. Theory, Where
Theory X assume that para worker have A little just ambition For proceed, No like
work, want to avoid not quite enough answer, And need to be closely monitored to
be effective at work. Whereas Theory Y assume that para worker can train direct self,
accept And in a way real look for not quite enough answer, And consider Work as
experience. Mc Gregor sure that assumption Theory Y emphasizes more characteristic
worker actually and should be a guide for management practice (Robbins, 2001: 95).
3. Theory Two Factor Hezberg
Theory This Also named Theory Hygiene, Which developed by Hezberg. He
find that factors Which give rise to satisfaction Work (motivator) different with
factors Which give rise to dissatisfaction Work.Factors Which give rise to satisfaction
Work (motivator) covers fill from work or factor intrinsic from work that is:
a. Not quite enough answer (Responsibility)
b. Progress (Advancement)
c. Work That Alone
d. Achievements (Achievements)
e. Confession (Recognition)
Factors Which including in group factor motivator tendis factors Which give rise
to motivation Work Which more patterned proactive. Whereas Which including in
factor hygiene tends
produce motivation Which more reactive.
4. Theory Achievement Motivation Mc Clelland
According to Mc Clelland, person Which have need For can reach success in
his job or succeed reach something, own characteristic- characteristic as following
(Martoyo, 2007:186) :
a. They determine objective in a way reasonable (No too tall And Also
No too low).
b. They determine objective Which if they Certain very willcan
achieved with Good And appropriate.
c. They like with work the And feel very “concerned”or interested with his
own success.
d. They more Like Work in in work Which can givedescription How
circumstances his job.
C. Mark
Mark is consequence from behavior certain have value/dignity certain(power/value
motivation) for every individual Which concerned. With say other, mark is results from how
much Far somebody want reward/ significance Which linked by individual about results
Which expected. Values life in form mark universal the on basically in a way general will
capable arrange pattern life individual (Beattie et al., 2019; Brown, 2018; Machingura &
Lyoyd, 2017; Marchand et al., 2016). Mark the between other :
1. Mastery.
2. Achievement.
3. Pleasure/hedonism.
4. Stimulation.
5. Briefing self Alone.
6. Universalism.
7. Virtue.
8. Tradition.
9. Adjustment self.
10. Security.

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