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Review for Test

Identify whether the sentence is Active or Passive

1. Steven likes to play baseball. _______

2. Bingo is played in Britain. _______
3. A letter was written by Alex. _______
4. They are listening to their music. _______
5. The bus driver was hurt. _______

Construct Passive Sentence in Future Tense

1. Millions of people will visit the museum.

2. Manu will drink coffee.

3. Badai will write a letter.

4. She will give a speech.

5. The police will catch the thief.

Construct Passive Sentence in Present Tense
1. Lana picks a flower.

2. The women ring the bell.

3. A rabbit eats carrots.

4. We fly a kite.

5. I lead all the animals.

Construct Passive Sentence in Past Tense

1. The police arrested the thieves.

2. Tom and Max ate five hamburgers.

3. Grandmother told good stories.

4. Alex broke the toy.

5. The teacher explains the class.

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