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Search for Habitable Planets

Antígona Segura1 , Lisa Kaltenegger2
Instituto de Ciencias Nucleares, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, México
Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Cambridge, MA, USA

1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
2. Characteristics of a Habitable Planet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
2.1. The Solar System: Lessons on Planetary Habitability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
2.2. The Habitable Zone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2.3. The Parent Star . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2.4. How Likely is it to form Habitable Planets? Answers from Planet
Formation Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
3. Signatures from a Habitable Planet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
3.1. Clouds and Non-Biological Surface Signatures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
3.2. Water . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
3.3. Biosignatures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
3.4. Evolution of a Habitable Planet: Lessons from Earth’s Geologic History . . . . 10
3.5. How to Interpret Biomarkers and False Positives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
3.6. Signatures from Planets Around Stars of Different Spectral Types . . . . . . . . 11
4. The Search for Habitable Planets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
4.1. Techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
4.2. Instruments for Detection of Earth-Sized Planets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
4.3. Instruments for Characterization of Habitable Planets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
5. Habitable Planets on the Known Exoplanetary Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
6. Concluding Remarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

1. INTRODUCTION to sustain life. Planets as small as Earth have not been

found yet, but this is just because of the limits imposed by
We know about the existence of more than 250 planets.
Some of them so light that could float in water, others so hot the instruments we have. In the next decade new instru-
that they are evaporating leaving comet-like comas behind ments will be able to detect Earth-like planets. Two of those
them, circling young active stars as well as old fast rotating planned missions, NASA’s Terrestrial Planet Finder (TPF)
stars. From this zoo of planets just eight of them are close and ESA’s Darwin will characterize the new worlds and
enough to be visited by our instruments, the ones around determine if they are habitable. Such missions will focus on
our star, the Sun. The rest of the planets orbit other stars characteristics that can be remotely detected. Therefore we
and most of them are big gaseous bodies that are not able need to understand what makes the Earth a habitable planet

ISBN: xxxx Astrobiology: Emergence, Search and Detection of Life

Copyright © 2009 by American Scientific Publishers Edited by V. A. Basiuk
All rights of reproduction in any form reserved. Pages: 1–18
2 Search for Habitable Planets

and compare those characteristics with the properties of the For a planet to have an atmosphere it has to accrete
rest of the planets in the Solar System. enough volatiles during its formation (see Section 2.4) and
Among the planets in the Solar System we can distin- maintain that atmosphere. For Jovian planets this is an easy
guish two types of planets, the small, rocky ones (like the process, according to the most accepted hypothesis of giant
Earth) and the giant, gaseous ones (like Jupiter).We will call planet formation. These planets are formed in the zone of
the former, terrestrial planets, and the latter, Jovian plan- a protoplanetary disk where gas has not been evaporated by
ets. This distinction will help us along the paper to describe the central star, after that the self gravity of the planet is
the characteristics we expect from habitable planets but is able to retain large amounts of gas. None of the gaseous
possible that other types of planets (e.g., ocean or carbon planets in our Solar System show signs of life, even though
planets) may exist. some authors have proposed that there may be habitats
The section “Characteristics of a Habitable Planet” for living organisms on the giant planets [3]. These planets
presents a comparison of Earth with the other terrestrial have reducing atmospheres (with large amounts of H2 and
planets and the characteristics of a star in order to be consid- H-bearing compounds) what allows the formation of organic
ered as target in the search of habitable planets. The global compounds but inhibits reactions to form more complex
signatures of a habitable planet are examined in the section molecules. Also, the high-speed winds (>200 km/s), extreme
“Signatures From a Habitable Planet.” The next generation pressures and temperatures of these giants make their envi-
of missions that will search for habitable planets is intro- ronments too harsh for known organisms [4].
duced in the section “The Search for Habitable Planets” as That leaves us with the terrestrial planets. Mercury is a
well as the observational techniques that will be used by small rocky planet similar to our Moon without atmosphere
those instruments. Finally, we present the exoplanetary sys- or water. Venus and Mars demonstrate the limits of plan-
tems that have been already detected and may be relevant etary habitability. Venus has a surface pressure of 92 bars
for the search of habitable planets. and a surface temperature of 482 C, too extreme to sustain
known life even though some work suggests possible habi-
tats for life [5–10]. Venus has an atmosphere but no water.
2. CHARACTERISTICS OF A HABITABLE It is uncertain if it had water after its formation. If Venus
PLANET had similar water reservoir as Earth it was converted to
vapor due to the high surface temperatures of the planet. It
2.1. The Solar System: Lessons on Planetary
remains an open question whether Venus lost its water on a
Habitability “runway greenhouse” or a “moist greenhouse” [11, 12]. The
Earth is, to date, the only known habitable planet. This “runaway greenhouse” occurs when water vapor increases
makes our planet the logical place to explore what makes a the greenhouse effect, what in turn increases the surface
planet habitable. One thing that makes Earth different from temperature, leading to more vapor water that in turn heats
other planets in the Solar System is the presence of liquid the atmosphere. The other scenario is the “moist green-
water on its surface. Liquid water has been pointed out as house” where water is lost once the stratosphere becomes
the best solvent for life to emerge and evolve. Water is an wet but most of the water of the planet remains liquid. For
abundant compound in our galaxy, it can be found in cold both cases the lost of water happens high in the atmosphere
dense molecular clouds and hot stellar atmospheres (see for where water is photolyzed and H2 escapes while oxygen
example, Cernicharo and Crovisier [1]). Water is liquid at reacts with the planet crust. In any case, Venus is the best
a large range of temperatures and pressures and as a sol- example of what can happen when the surface temperature
vent, water has the characteristic of being strongly polar– of a terrestrial planet exceeds a certain limit.
nonpolar with certain organic substances. This dichotomy Numerous space missions have explored Mars and its
is essential for maintaining stable biomolecular and cellu- geological history. About 4 billion years ago Mars had an
lar structures [2]. (Polar groups are parts of molecules with atmosphere thick enough to maintain liquid water on the
charges that can interact with other charged molecules, such martian surface [13] what led to the hypothesis of life on
as water. Nonpolar groups have no charge and thus can early Mars. But today Mars is a dry, frozen dessert that can-
associate with other uncharged molecules, such as oil.) To not sustain life on its surface. The martian atmosphere was
keep water liquid on the surface a planet needs to maintain lost and became too thin to warm the planetary surface.
certain temperature and pressure range. This leads to the What happened on Mars? The first billion years of the Solar
second characteristic of habitable planets: an atmosphere. System were characterized by violent impacts; planets were
Besides producing a surface pressure, it can stabilize the subjected to what is called the Late Heavy Bombardment
surface temperature of the planet through climate feedback (or LHB). During this epoch the leftovers of the building
like the “greenhouse effect.” This effect is caused by com- blocks of planetary formation (asteroids and comets) had
pounds that are very efficient absorbers in the infrared but frequent collisions with the planets. For Mars the result was
not in the visible. The visible light of the parent star reaches supposedly catastrophic for its atmosphere. Large impactors
the planetary surface and is reemitted in the infrared where evaporated the martian atmosphere and the low gravity of
part of the energy is absorbed by the atmospheric green- the planet was not able to retain the gas in the hot plumes
house gases, increasing the temperature of the planet. Car- created by those impactors [14]. In about one billion years
bon dioxide (CO2 ), methane (CH4 ) and water (H2 O) are Mars lost most of its atmosphere.
the greenhouse gases that raise the surface temperature on Plate tectonics could have replenished the Martian atmo-
Earth to an average of 15 C instead of −17 C that would be sphere. In this scenario, water and CO2 react with the
the surface temperature of our planet without atmosphere. planet’s crust, forming carbonates, some parts of the crust are
Search for Habitable Planets 3

subducted and melted when they reach the mantle. Volatile proposed for the first time by Huang [22, 23] and has been
compounds such as H2 O and CO2 are released into the atmo- calculated by several authors after that [24–26]. The dif-
sphere trough volcanism. Plate tectonics results from the ferences between the HZ calculated by those authors are
release of the remnant heat of the core from planet forma- the climatic constraints imposed on the limits of the HZ.
tion. If the planet is small the heat will be released faster and In all cases the stellar habitable zone is considered to be
the planet has a short period of volcanic activity but not nec- the annulus around a main sequence star where a planet
essarily plate tectonics. Note that the size of the planet does with an atmosphere can support liquid water at a given
not guarantee active plate tectonics; see, e.g., Venus. Water time. The width and distance of this annulus depends on
is the lubricant that allows the plates of the crust to slide and the stellar luminosity. Given that stellar luminosity evolves
subduct; without water in the mantle, plate tectonics is not during its lifetime, the concept of a continuously habitable
possible. Planetary size is crucial for its habitability. zone (CHZ) has been introduced as the zone that remains
How large can a habitable planet be? In our Solar Sys- habitable around a star during a given period of time [27].
tem no planets exist with masses between Earth (1 M⊕ ) and The inner boundary can be defined as (1) the distance from
Uranus (14.5 M⊕ ). The possible characteristics and habit- the star where the planet starts losing water due to hydrogen
ability of such planets has to be derived from planet for- escape (due to heating from the primary), or (2) the dis-
mation and geologic evolution models of terrestrial planets. tance from the star where the runaway greenhouse process
The proposed mass limits for a habitable planet are 1 M⊕ starts. The outer boundaries are defined as (1) the distance
(Earth mass) [15, 16] to 10 M⊕ [16]. Larger planets could from the star where a maximum greenhouse effect fails to
accrete gaseous atmospheres and smaller ones could lose keep the surface of the planet above the freezing point, or
their atmosphere after geological periods of time. Ikoma (2) the distance from the star where CO2 starts condens-
and Genda [17] focused on the process of water production ing [26]. Table 1 shows the calculated limits for the habitable
through oxidation of atmospheric hydrogen by oxides avail- zones of stars with spectral types F0 (Teff = 7200 K), G2
able at the planetary surface; their results indicate that a (Teff = 5700 K), and M0 (Teff = 3700 K). Planets with eccen-
planet as large as 7 M⊕ does not accrete large amounts of tric orbits near or within the HZ may be considered too as
gas, and therefore remains habitable. potential habitable worlds. Using a 3D general circulation
The presence of a large moon that stabilized the obliquity model, Williams and Pollard [28] have concluded that plan-
of our planet [18–20] as well as the abundance of life-forming ets with high eccentricities may have climate stability in the
elements such as nitrogen and carbon [21 and references long term because what matters is the average stellar flux
therein] could constrain habitability. Section 3, Signatures received by the planet during an entire orbit.
From a Habitable Planet, discusses the characteristics of hab- The concepts of the HZ and the CHZ are particularly
itability that can be remotely detected with the next genera- useful for the search for planets like Earth around other
tion of space-borne instruments, such as the presence of an stars since they indicate a specific zone for instruments to
atmosphere and the abundance of liquid water. target, when searching for habitable planets. Other possible
Compared to other terrestrial planets in our Solar Sys- habitable environments, such as an extrasolar giant planet’s
tem, Earth is the perfect place to live; it has liquid water moons (e.g., Europa- or Titan-like environments) located
on its surface, an atmosphere that keeps it warm, and the outside the habitable zone, called the cryo-ecosphere [29],
right mass to maintain tectonics. Also Earth is in the habit- have not been discarded, but will not be detectable for first-
able zone (HZ), at a distance from the Sun were it receives generation space missions. Only global signatures can be
enough energy to maintain liquid water on its surface. The detectable by such instruments.
habitable zone depends on the luminosity of the primary The habitable zone concept is still evolving as we learn
star, as discussed below. more about planetary formation and evolution, and improve
radiative transference and 3-D atmospheric models that
2.2. The Habitable Zone allow more accurate calculations of the a planet’s tempera-
ture profile. For example, Buccino et al. [30, 31] have stud-
2.2.1. The Stellar Habitable Zone ied the role of UV radiation on the emergence and survival
As for any successful business, planetary habitability of surface life on planets around main sequence stars, con-
depends on the right location. The HZ concept was cluding that for 59% of the known planetary systems the

Table 1. Properties of the main-sequence stars considered for the search of habitable planets.

Habitable zone (AU)b

Spectral type Effective temperature (K)a Luminosity (L )a Mass (M )a Inner limitc Outer limitd

F 6100–7200 2.0–6.5 1.4–1.6 1.50 3.06

G 5300–6030 0.66–1.1 0.9–1.05 0.84 1.67
K 4900–5250 0.1–0.42 0.67–0.79
M 2600–3850 0.0012–0.077 0.06–0.51 0.24 0.47
a b
Data from: D. A. Ostlie and B. W. Carroll, “An Introduction to Modern Stellar Astrophysics.” Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, USA, 1996. Data from: J. F.
Kasting, D. P. Whitmire, and R. T. Reynolds, Icarus 101, 108 (1993). c Runway greenhouse limit calculated for planets around stars with spectral types F0 (Teff = 7200 K),
G2 (Teff = 5700 K), and M0 (Teff = 3700 K). d Maximum greenhouse limit for for planets around stars with spectral types F0 (Teff = 7200 K), G2 (Teff = 5700 K), and
M0 (Teff = 3700 K).
4 Search for Habitable Planets

canonical HZ does not coincide with their defined UV hab- ∼4.5 billion years to arise. Based on these limits, search for
itable zone. extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI) projects consider suitable
target stars those that live in the main sequence (stellar stage
2.2.2. The Galactic Habitable Zone where the stars burn hydrogen on their nuclei) for at least
Additional constraints to the stellar flux received by a planet 3 billion years [15, 37], while other searches use 2 billion
could be imposed by the galactic environment. Our galaxy years as the stellar lifetime for their targets [38, 39]. Stellar
has four components: the central bulge, the halo, the thick main sequence lifetime depends on the mass of a star. Less
disk and the thin disk. The Sun is part of the thin disk, massive stars live longer than more massive stars, therefore
with significant ongoing star formation activity, nearly purely the best target stars are smaller than twice the mass of the
rotational kinematics; and stars extending about 180 pc on Sun. This corresponds to main sequence stars with spectral
either side of the midplane. The concept of the galactic hab- types F, G, K and M, even though habitability around the
itable zone (GHZ) was introduced by González, Brownlee latter spectral type is still controversial [40–42]. The main
and Ward in 2001 [32], as being the region in the Milky Way properties of these stellar types are shown in Table 1. Given
where an Earth-like planet can retain liquid water on its sur- the high noise-to-signal ratio and resolution needed to char-
face and provide a long-term habitat for animal-like aerobic acterize habitable planets, the search is restricted to nearby
life. The key of their imposed limits to the GHZ is the metal- stars (∼25 pc away).
licity variations within the disk of our galaxy and its possible Statistics of the characteristics of the exoplanets found and
effect on the size of the terrestrial planets formed around a their parent stars have lead to interesting properties rele-
star. González et al. argue that bigger terrestrial planets are vant to the search of habitable planets. Stellar metallicity
more likely to form near the galactic center while smaller seems to be highly correlated with the presence of giant plan-
ones could be expected on the outer parts of the galaxy. This ets [43, 44]. Another explanation for the stellar metallicity–
concept was used by Lineweaver, Fenner and Gibson [33] to planet relation is the engulfment of planets by their parent
determine the temporal distribution of complex life in the star, but there is no definite evidence favoring this hypoth-
Milky Way. Using a model of the evolution of the metallic- esis [45]. On the other hand, the stellar metallicity–planet
ity in the Milky Way, Lineweaver et al. calculated that the relation supports the core-accretion scenario for giant planet
GHZ is centered at 8 kpc from the galactic center and is formation [43, 44]. According to this model, giant planets
broadened with time in the thin disk (the Sun is located at form from a rocky core that later accretes massive amounts
8.5 kpc from the galactic center). The other galactic compo- of gas. A lower limit for the metallicity that a star should
nents are less likely to harbor habitable planets, according have to harbor habitable planets is hard to determine given
to the analysis of González et al. and Lineweaver et al. the multiple unknowns in planet formation models; Turnbull
As both groups recognize, the concept and limits imposed and Tarter [15] use [Fe/H] ∼ −0.4, similar to [Fe/H] ∼ −0.5
to the GHZ are incomplete; for example, the effect of proposed by Porto de Mello et al. [46], while Kaltenegger
transient radiation events or the interaction with molecular [47] chooses not to include the metallicity criterion for the
clouds are not considered. Other authors have studied some target sample for the Darwin mission, arguing that the metal-
of these aspects even though not in the general frame of the licity relation for stars and exoplanets has been established
GHZ, but on their specific effect on the life and climate of empirically from a sample of host stars of giant planets and
Earth. may not necessarily reflect the characteristics of host stars of
Pavlov et al. [34, 35] studied the effect of crossing through Earth-like planets.
interstellar and molecular clouds on Earth’s climate. Cross- Until now there are 35 exoplanets hosted by stars in mul-
ing moderately dense interstellar clouds could expose Earth tiple systems [48], considering that have been discovered on
to a higher amounts of cosmic rays that could enhance the the order of 200 planetary systems, about 20% of the stars
production of NOx (NO + NO2 . The increment of NOx
with known exoplanets have a stellar companion. Most of
could cause loss of ozone and could trigger global extinctions
these binary systems are wide (separations between 250 and
[34]. When Earth passes through giant molecular clouds, the
6500 AU), the exceptions are six systems known with separa-
interstellar dust could produce a layer in the stratosphere
tions less than 100 AU. The extreme case is the jovian-planet
that could trigger global snowball glaciations [35]. Given
host, Cephei (separation of 18.5 AU, Hatzes et al. [49]).
that life exists on Earth even though it has crossed interstel-
Five giant exoplanets have been detected in triple stellar
lar and molecular clouds, habitability does not seem to be
severely affected by these phenomena. systems (planets around the stars 16 Cyg B [50], HD178911
B [51], HD40979 A [48, 52], HD188753 A [53]). The fre-
quency of planets around single stars seems to be similar to
2.3. The Parent Star the frequency of binary systems [54] which make the latter
Numerous studies about the best stars to search for habit- relevant for the search of habitable planets.
able planets have been conducted in the last decade, most In order to understand how planets form around multiple
of them focused on the best targets for a given planet search stellar systems and how many habitable planets have sta-
mission. A suitable target for habitable planet search main- ble orbits, detailed simulations are needed. Several groups
tains stable luminosity for a certain period of time, depend- have worked on the formation and orbital stability of terres-
ing on the complexity of life targeted. That period is based trial planets in multiple stellar systems and concluded that
on what we know about life evolution on Earth. Life devel- terrestrial planets can be formed and there are orbital con-
oped on Earth as early as ∼0.7 billion years after the forma- figurations where such planets can persist in multiple sys-
tion of the planet [36], and a communicative civilization took tems (e.g., Whitmire et al. [55], Quintana and Lissauer [56],
Search for Habitable Planets 5

Monin et al. [57], Pilat-Lohinger et al. [58], Rivera and been closed because other geochemical constraints must be
Haghighipour [59]). satisfied, besides matching Earth’s D/H ratio, which has not
As targets for the next generation of missions that will been achieved yet [71].
search for habitable planets (Darwin, Stellar Interferom- In general, simulations show that a range of possible val-
etry Mission (SIM), Terrestrial Planet Finder (TPF)) the ues for water concentrations is possible on terrestrial plan-
approaches to the inclusion of multiple stellar systems ets [72]. Water content of the terrestrial planets depends on
varies: Porto de Mello et al. [46] removed all multiple and the size of the planetesimals that form the planets and the
binary systems from their astrobiologically interesting stars eccentricity of the giant planets in the system. Giant planets
sample; Turnbull and Tarter [15] made a throughput analy- with significant orbital eccentricities could eject water-rich
sis choosing only multiple stars with known separation and material in the outer disk and could cause the terrestrial
making a first-approximation calculation of the stability of planets to be dry [73–75].
planetary orbits in the HZ of the components the multiple Not only the water content of a terrestrial planet but also
systems; Kaltenegger et al. [39] considered the constraints planet formation itself may be affected by the presence of
imposed by the nulling interferometric technique that will giant planets. About 7% of the detected giant planets lie
be used on Darwin and Terrestrial Planet Finder Interfer- very near their stars (<3 AU) [76]. Based on the most-
ometer (TPF-I) to choose the target stars within multiple accepted hypothesis of giant planet formation, those planets
systems for the Darwin mission; and for the SIM mission were not formed in their present orbits but migrated from
Monte Carlo simulations have shown that the detection effi- the external part of the protoplanetary disk [e.g., 76], what
ciency for planets in wide binaries is relatively unaffected has been supposed that inhibit habitable planet formation
by the presence of a binary companion if the planetary or promote their destruction [32, 33, 77, 78]. What mod-
orbital period is less than half the duration of the astromet- els indicate is that habitable planets can form and survive
ric survey [60]. during and after the migration of a giant planet on their
system under certain conditions [75, 79–82]. According to
2.4. How Likely is it to form Habitable simulations by Raymond et al. [83], habitable planets are not
Planets? Answers from Planet only able to form and survive after giant planet migration
but may be present in one-third of the known exoplanetary
Formation Models
During the first stage of stellar formation a disk builds up The results from models indicate that systems with more
around the protostar that is called the accretion disk because massive giant planets tend to form fewer, more-massive ter-
it transfers matter to the central object that will become a restrial planets than systems with less-massive giant planets
star. The disks seem to be a natural consequence of the [75, 84]. There is the possibility that stars exist with no giant
stellar formation process, and they have been detected in planets; in that case, terrestrial planets may occur too [85,
molecular clouds, the place where stars are born. Planets 86]. The density profile and surface density of the proto-
that grow in those accretion disks also called protoplanetary planetary disk, and the mass and metallicity of the central
disks. Detailed descriptions of accretion disk evolution and star affect the outcome of the simulations. The parameters
planetary formation can be found [61, 62]; here we sum- related to the physical characteristics of the protoplanetary
marize the process of terrestrial planet formation and the disk have not been well constrained by observations; as a
results from numerical models that are relevant to the for- result simulations have been done supposing a space of these
mation and survival of habitable planets. parameters within certain limits. Higher disk surface densi-
The accepted hypothesis of terrestrial planet formation is ties produce fewer, more massive terrestrial planets. Steeper
that they are formed in the inner parts of the protoplan- disk-density profiles result in planets close to the star, more
etary disk by the accumulation of smaller bodies on time massive planets, faster planet growth, and iron-richer/water-
scales of ∼108 years [63]. Near the star, the protoplane- poorer planets [74, 75, 87]. Planets around low-mass stars
tary disk is depleted of gas; as a consequence terrestrial (0.5 to 0.8 M ) could potentially be small and dry [86].
planets lack primordial sources of volatiles. Water should
be accreted during and after the formation of the planet if
there is a source of volatiles from distances further out in 3. SIGNATURES FROM A HABITABLE
the disk. Every Solar System body has a unique D/H ratio, PLANET
that matches that of the planet’s source of water. The dom-
inant hypothesis, that comets impacted Earth after its for- In a famous paper, Sagan et al. [88] analyzed a spectrum of
mation [64–66] and delivered the water was questioned by the Earth taken by the Galileo probe, searching for signa-
the large difference of the D/H ratio of Earth compared tures of life. They concluded that the large amount of O2
to that of three comets [67–69] (supposing of course, that and the simultaneous presence of CH4 traces are strongly
those comets have typical D/H ratios and that these ratios suggestive of biology, while the detection of a widespread
have not changed since Earth was formed). Morbidelli et al. red-absorbing pigment with no likely mineral origin supports
[70] explained Earth’s D/H ratio by delivery of water from the hypothesis of biophotosynthesis. Searching for signs of
the asteroid belt in the form of planetary embryos. In this life on potentially very different planets, means that we need
model the Earth accreted water since its formation, in the to gather as much contextual information as possible in
form of an early bombardment of asteroids and comets, a order to understand how the observed atmosphere works.
few large “wet” planetary embryos, and continual impacts of When photons from the planet can be distinguished from
small bodies over long time scales. Discussion has not yet stellar ones, a photometric and spectral analysis of the
6 Search for Habitable Planets

planet is feasible within the available signal-to-noise ratio

and sensitivity. At that point, the physical and chemical
properties of the planet and its atmosphere can be stud-
ied. The spectroscopy of extrasolar planetary atmospheres
is a young science that has produced their very first results
only recently. Some atoms (Na, H) were detected with the
Hubble Space Telescope (HST) in the upper atmosphere of
the hot Jupiter HD 209458 b in absorption during a transit
[89–91]. Using the Spitzer Space Telescope, several groups
were able to detect the infrared emission from the closest,
transiting hot Jupiters by measuring the variation with the
phase of the total infrared emission over a whole orbit com-
ing from both the star and the planet [92–94]. In 2007 the
first molecule (H2 O) was identified with Spitzer and HST in
the atmosphere of the best target for such observations, the
closest transiting hot Jupiter (HD 189733 b) [95, 96].
The Earth/Sun intensity ratio is about 10−7 in the thermal Figure 2. Mid-IR synthetic spectra of Solar System terrestrial planets
infrared (∼10 m), and about 10−10 in the visible (∼0.5 m). generated by the Virtual Planetary Laboratory (VPL) (data by and
The interferometric systems suggested for Darwin and the courtesy of V. S. Meadows (Caltech)).
TPF-I mission operate in the mid-IR (6–20 m), the coron-
agraph suggested for Terrestrial Planet Finder Coronagraph
Possible differences between terrestrial planets can be
(TPF-C) in the visible–near IR (0.5–1 m). In the IR it is
illustrated with the spectrum of a planet like Earth. Figure 1
the thermal emission emitted by the planet that is detected
shows the modeled visible–near IR reflected spectrum of a
and analyzed while in the visible the reflected stellar flux
planet that represents the average spectrum of Earth (disk-
is measured. The spectrum of the planet can contain signa-
averaged gibbous Earth) where the presence of water and
tures of atmospheric species that indicate habitability, such
O2 are clear, those features that are not present on the spec-
as CO2 and H2 O, or result from biological activity (O2 , O3 ,
tra of Venus and Mars. Venus is completely dominated by
CH4 and N2 O) (Figs. 1 and 2). Both spectral regions contain
CO2 , while Mars shows some light directly reflected from its
atmospheric bio-indicators: CO2 , H2 O, O3 , CH4 and N2 O in
the thermal infrared, and H2 O, O3 , O2 , CH4 and CO2 in the surface composed mainly by iron oxides [97].
visible to near-infrared. The presence or absence of these Figure 2 shows the mid-IR spectra of two planets like
spectral features will indicate similarities or differences of Earth, (a) one completely covered by oceans without any
the detected planet and Earth. clouds and (b) a planet covered 100% by cirrus clouds,
Venus and Mars. On the modeled Earths the most promi-
nent features are the water bands (at 5–7 m and 18 m),
the 9.7- m ozone band and the 15- m CO2 band. The effec-
tive temperature of a planet can be deduced from the black
body that can be fitted to the IR spectra, what can give
some first indication of the surface temperature. The same
CO2 band is present on Venus and Mars and it is indica-
tive of the presence of an atmosphere and it can be used to
derive the temperature profile of the sampled atmospheric
column. The emission feature at the center of the 15- m
CO2 band on Earth indicates a hot stratosphere.
Tinetti et al. [98, 99] have modeled the changes in the
Earth’s high-resolution disk-average spectrum depending on
the surface, atmospheric and illumination conditions. Their
results show that the Earth averaged spectrum depends
largely on the cloud coverage, solar illumination and viewing
angle as well as a secondary effect on the fraction of ocean
and land on the hemisphere observed.

Figure 1. Synthetic albedo spectra of Solar System terrestrial planets

generated by the Virtual Planetary Laboratory (VPL). The Mars and
3.1. Clouds and Non-Biological Surface
Earth spectra are from fully spatially resolved models that have been Signatures
degraded to the disk average (Tinetti et al. [98, 99]). Also shown is a
Clouds are an important component of exoplanet spectra,
model of a cirrus cloud-covered Earth, which exhibits enhancements in
the O3 absorption from 0.5–0.7 m and water ice bands near 1.55 m.
as shown in the extreme modeled cases in Figures 1 and 2,
Reprinted with permission from [97], V. S. Meadows, “Direct Imaging because in the visible/NIR range, their reflection is high and
of Exoplanets: Science and Techniques” (C. Aime and F. Vakili, Eds.), relatively flat with wavelength (Fig. 1), while in the infrared
pp. 25–34. Proceedings of IAU Coll. 200, Cambridge University Press, they lower the emitted flux and hide the lower convective
Cambridge, 2006. © 2006, Cambridge University Press. region of the atmosphere that produce most of the spectral
Search for Habitable Planets 7

Figure 3. Left, signal of different surface fractions of sea and on land for present-day Earth atmosphere, for several contributions of different kind
of surfaces assuming a clear atmosphere without clouds. Right, spectra of present-day Earth (left inset) without and (right inset) with clouds for a
disk-averaged view of the ocean and landmasses. Note that the low albedo of the ocean reduces the overall flux and the different scale of the left
plot. Reprinted with permission from [100], L. Kaltenegger et al., Astrophys. J. 658, 598 (2007). © 2007, The American Astronomical Society.

features (due to the strong gradient of temperature asso- 50 m. Methane (CH4 ) and nitrous oxide (N2 O) absorb in
ciated with the convection; Fig. 2). The uppermost cirrus the wavelength from 6–7 m [2]. With extremely high reso-
clouds (between 10% and 30% of the Earth’s average 60% lution, the absence of water can also be deduced from the
overall cloud coverage; see also Fig. 3) reduce the Rayleigh presence of highly soluble compounds like SO2 and H2 SO4 .
scattering slope due to the reduction of the observed atmo- Venus’ spectrum, for example, has some weak absorption
spheric column. The oxygen A-band (0.76 m) appears bands from water [97] but its bulk atmospheric chemistry
enhanced on Figure 1 because the reflectivity of clouds is only can be explained if the planet is dry. On frozen plan-
by factors higher than the surface (see Fig. 3). In such an ets some of the water vapor in the atmosphere may still be
extreme case, a planet totally covered by clouds, one could detected. On frozen planets some of the water vapor in the
probably detect a H2 O ice feature around 1.5 m from sus- atmosphere may still being detected. Figure 4 shows life-
pended cirrus particles that can not be seen on Earth. less planets located in the habitable zone of the Sun with
Clouds hide the atmospheric molecular species below atmospheres composed of 0.8 bars of N2 and 0.2 bars of
them, weakening most of the spectral lines in both the ther- CO2 ; no methane or any other minor compound is present
mal infrared and visible. In the thermal infrared, clouds emit in these atmospheres, except for water [101]. Every mod-
at temperatures that are generally colder than the surface, eled planet has a different surface temperature below the
while in the visible the clouds themselves have different freezing point of water. Water content is calculated follow-
spectrally-dependent albedos that further influence the over- ing a moist adiabat for the troposphere and keeping con-
all shape of the spectrum [e.g., 100]. For Venus the sulfuric stant the stratospheric water equal to that of the tropopause
acid (H2 SO4 ) cloud deck truncates and blankets any infor- [101]. In the visible and near-IR the best band to detect
mation from below the cloud coverage and thus prevents water is around 1.4 m (Fig. 4(a)) and for the mid-IR, water
sampling the whole atmosphere or the surface. Clouds also absorption between 5.5–7 m or 18 to 50 m (Fig. 4(b))
increase the reflectivity of a planet substantially (Fig. 3). may be detectable for planets with surface temperatures as
low as 238 K for low resolutions as planned for TPF and
Darwin. Note that in the visible/near-IR the spectra of plan-
3.2. Water
ets with different surface temperatures (here 268 K, 258 K
Detection of water vapor in a planetary atmosphere is the and 248 K) can not be distinguished from one another at
first clue indicating that a planet may be habitable. Water the proposed resolution of 70, as planned for TPF-C.
absorption can be seen in several bands in the visible and At extremely high resolution and signal-to-noise ratio the
infrared making this compound easy to identify. In the vis- specular reflection from an ocean produces a small signal of
ible/NIR (0.5 to 1 m) the best regions to detect water highly polarized light that could be used to test the presence
absorption are 0.7, 0.8 and 0.9 m. Other possibilities are of water in a planet [102 and references therein]. The degree
the bands at 1.1, 1.7 and 1.9 m. As for the mid-IR, water and direction of polarization depends on the physical char-
can be detected between 5–8 m and around 17 m out to acteristics of the planetary atmosphere and surface, on the
8 Search for Habitable Planets

(a) byproducts of life processes. Those spectral features in the

surface reflectance that are associated with bio-pigments
(e.g., chlorophyll), or are due to the physical structure of
life, are called surface biosignatures. Temporal biosignatures
are the result of changes as a function of time of atmo-
spheric or surface characteristics, those changes are due to
seasonal variations in biomass or planet-wide life processes.
During one day the reflected spectrum of Earth can vary as
much as 50% in intensity just because of the variations of
the clouds patterns [99]. With extremely high signal-to-noise
ratio as well as temporal resolution of the spectrum, one
could potentially find such variations.
Bio-indicators are indicative of biological processes but
can also be produced abiotically in significant quantities.
Our search for signs of life is based on the assumption that
extraterrestrial life shares fundamental characteristics with
(b) life on Earth, in that it requires liquid water as a solvent
and has a carbon-based chemistry [2, 104]. Life on the base
of a different chemistry is not considered here because the
vast possible life-forms produce signatures in their atmo-
sphere that are, so far, unknown. Therefore we assume that
extraterrestrial life is similar to life on Earth in its use of the
same input and output gases, that it exists out of thermody-
namic equilibrium and that it has analogs to bacteria, plants
and animals on Earth [105].
With arbitrarily high signal-to-noise (SNR) and spatial
and spectral resolution, it is relatively straightforward to
remotely assess that Earth is a habitable planet, with oceans,
a greenhouse atmosphere, global geochemical cycles, and
life. The interpretation of observations of other planets with
limited signal-to-noise ratio and spectral resolution as well
as absolutely no spatial resolution, as envisioned for the first
Figure 4. Synthetic spectra for lifeless terrestrial planets with different generation missions such as TPF-C and Darwin/TPF-I, will
surface temperatures. Planets have cloudless atmospheres composed of be far more challenging.
0.8 bars of N2 and 0.2 bars of CO2 . Water content was calculated using
To search for signs of life with low resolution and limited
a moist adiabat for the troposphere and constant stratospheric water
content equal to that of the tropopause. Note that in the visible–near
information, we need to gather as much contextual infor-
IR the spectra of planets with surface temperatures of 268 K, 258 K mation as possible in order to understand what we will see.
and 248 K can not be distinguished from one another at the proposed The main properties of the planetary system can be derived
resolution of 70, as planned for TPF-C (data from Segura et al. [101]). initially without spectroscopy: its orbital elements as well
as the presence of an atmosphere using the light curve of
the planet and/or a crude estimate of the planetary nature
illumination and viewing geometries, and on the wavelength. [106] using very low-resolution information (3 or 4 chan-
Maximum degrees of polarization are presented for plan- nels). Then higher resolution spectra will be used to identify
ets covered by oceans under clear atmospheres. Polarization the compounds of the planetary atmosphere, establish the
diminishes with the presence of clouds or vegetation [103]. temperature and radius of the observed exoplanet. In that
context, we can then test if we have an abiotic explanation
3.3. Biosignatures of all compounds seen in the atmosphere of such a planet.
If we do not, we can work with the exciting biotic hypothe-
Biosignature (or biomarker) is used here to mean detectable sis. The results of a first-generation mission will most likely
species, or set of species, whose presence at significant abun- result in an amazing scope of diverse planets that will set
dance strongly suggests a biological origin [2]. This is for planet formation, evolution as well as our planet in an over-
instance the case for the couple CH4 + O2 . all context.
Meadows [97] distinguishes sub-types of biosignatures: The thermal infrared mission concepts, the Darwin and
atmospheric, surface and temporal. To distinguish such sub- the Terrestrial Planet Finder Interferometer (TPF-I), and
types, very-high spectral and/or temporal resolution of the the visible wavelength mission concepts, the Terrestrial
data as well as high signal-to-noise ratio must be achieved. Planet Finder Coronagraph (TPF-C), are designed to detect
Low spectral resolution of 70 in the visible and 25 in the terrestrial exoplanets, and to measure the color and spec-
infrared is envisioned for the first space missions such as tra of terrestrial planets, giant planets and zodiacal dust
TPF-C and TPF-I/Darwin. Atmospheric biosignatures are disks around nearby stars [see, e.g., Refs. [47, 107–112]].
those that are constituents in the planetary atmosphere These missions have the explicit purpose to detect other
that are significantly out of chemical equilibrium, or likely Earth-like worlds, analyze their characteristics, determine
Search for Habitable Planets 9

the composition of their atmospheres, investigate their capa- N2 O would be hard to detect in Earth’s atmosphere with low
bility to sustain life as we know it, and search for signs of life. resolution, as its abundance is low at the surface (0.3 ppmv)
A resolution of about 25 is planned for Darwin/TPF-I and and falls off rapidly in the stratosphere. On a low-O2 early
about 70 for TPF-C. These missions also have the capacity Earth, its abundance would be even smaller because it pho-
to investigate the physical properties and composition of a tolyzes rapidly in the near-ultraviolet [114]. Spectral features
broader diversity of planets, to understand the formation of of N2 O would become more apparent in atmospheres with
planets and interpret potential biosignatures. more N2 O and/or less H2 O vapor.
The range of characteristics of planets is likely to exceed As signs of life in themselves, H2 O and CO2 are secondary
our experience with the planets and satellites in our own in importance because although they are not indicators of its
Solar System. Earth-like planets orbiting stars of different presence, they are raw materials for life and thus necessary
spectral type might evolve differently [113–115]. Models of for planetary habitability. In the visible reflected Earth spec-
such planets need to consider the changing atmospheric trum, the detectable signatures of biological activity in low
structure, as well as the interior structure of the planet [see, resolution are water vapor and molecular oxygen (mainly the
e.g., Refs. [116, 117]]. One crucial factor in interpreting 0.76 m band); in the near-IR CO2 and CH4 are detectable
planetary spectra is the point in the evolution of the atmo- at concentrations significantly higher than on current Earth.
sphere when its biomarkers become detectable. Spectra of In the mid-IR thermal-emission spectra of Earth, the
the Earth exploring temperature sensitivity (a hot house and combined detection of the 9.6- m O3 band, the 15- m
cold scenario) and different singled out stages of its evo- CO2 band and the 6.3- m H2 O band or its rotational band
lution [e.g., Refs. [100, 106, 113, 114, 118, 119]] as well as that extends from 12 m out into the microwave region
the evolution of the expected spectra of Earth [100] produce [120], indicates habitability. The strongly saturated 9.6- m
a variety of spectral fingerprints for our own planet. Those O3 band is a very nonlinear indicator of O2 : the primary
spectra will be used as part of a big grid to characterize any reason for that is that the stratospheric warming decreases
exoplanets found. This also influences the design require- with the abundance of ozone, making the O3 band deeper
ments for a spectrometer [2, 100] to detect habitability. [114]. The depth of the saturated O3 band is determined by
the temperature difference between the surface-clouds con-
3.3.1. Atmospheric Biosignatures tinuum and the ozone layer.
CH4 is not readily identified using low-resolution spec-
Oxygenic photosynthesis, the by-product of which is molec- troscopy for present-day Earth, but the methane feature at
ular oxygen extracted from water, allows terrestrial plants 7.66 m in the IR is easily detectable at higher abundances
and photosynthetic bacteria (cyanobacteria) to use abundant (see, e.g., Fig. 4, epoch 4, 100× abundance), provided of
H2 O, instead of having to rely on scarce supplies of electron course that the spectrum contains the whole band and a high
donor to reduce CO2 , such as H2 and H2 S. With oxygenic enough signal-to-noise ratio. Taken together with molecular
photosynthesis, the production of the biomass becomes lim- oxygen, abundant CH4 can indicate biological processes [see
ited only by nutriments and no longer by energy (light in this also Refs. [88, 105, 114]]. Depending on the degree of oxi-
case) nor by the abundance of electron donors. Oxygenic dation of a planet’s crust and upper mantle non-biological
photosynthesis at a planetary scale results in the storage of mechanisms can also produce large amounts of CH4 [121].
large amounts of radiative energy in chemical energy, in the N2 O is produced mainly by life, negligible amounts are
form of organic matter. For this reason, oxygenic photosyn- produced by abiotic processes [122]. There are potentially
thesis had a tremendous impact on biogeochemical cycles three weak N2 O features in the thermal infrared at 7.75 m,
on Earth and eventually resulted in the global transforma- 8.52 m and 16.89 m.
tion of Earth environment. Oxygen in high abundance is a There are other molecules that could, under some
promising biosignature. circumstances, act as excellent biosignatures, e.g., the man-
Reduced gases and oxygen have to be produced concur- ufactured chlorofluorocarbons (CCl2 F2 and CCl3 F) in our
rently to be detectable in the atmosphere, as they react current atmosphere in the thermal infrared waveband,
rapidly with each other. Thus, a detectable concentration of but their abundances are too low to be spectroscopically
O2 and/or O3 and of a reduced gas like CH4 can be consid- observed at low resolution.
ered to be a signature of biological activity. The spectrum of
the Earth has exhibited a strong infrared signature of ozone
for more than 2 billion years, and a strong visible signature 3.3.2. Surface Biosignatures
of O2 for a period of time between 2 and 0.8 billion years Our planet is composed for a variety of surfaces (land, ocean,
(depending on the required depth of the band for detection ice, grass, etc.). Its reflected spectrum depends on the sur-
and also the actual evolution of the O2 level) [100, 114]. This faces that we sample. Each surface has a characteristic albedo
difference is due to the fact that a saturated ozone band that has a wavelength dependence [e.g., Refs. [98, 100]] that
appears already at very low levels of O2 (0.01 present atmo- could be detected in principle. Ice has a higher albedo than
spheric level (PAL)) while the oxygen line remains unsatu- liquid water, making these surfaces more and less reflective,
rated at values below 1 PAL. Note that the non-detection respectively. Other surfaces exhibit intermediate albedos that
of O2 or O3 on an exoplanet cannot be interpreted as the go from 1.5 (granite, basalt) to 0.4 (sand, trees, grass) [98,
absence of life. 100] (Fig. 3). In principle, photometric variability may pro-
N2 O is produced in abundance by life but only in trace vide information about the surfaces that compose a planet if
amounts by natural processes. Nearly all of Earth’s N2 O is one can find a way to distinguish this small effect from the
produced by the activities of anaerobic denitrifying bacteria. overall large variation of clouds to the reflected light [123].
10 Search for Habitable Planets

We won’t be able to spatially resolve an exoplanet; therefore, signal-to-noise ratio additional modulations of the ampli-
the observed spectra will be the result of a mixture of differ- tude variations of the visual reflected light over a daily
ent unknown surfaces and atmospheric features. rotation of a planet could indicate surface features [101].
Vegetation modifies the reflected spectrum of present As shown in the same paper, clouds destroy that relation,
Earth by introducing a sharp increase of the reflectivity because of their own individual rotation pattern. The possi-
between 700–750 nm, the red edge. Its detection is extremely bility to obtain spectral information from both wavelengths
challenging in a spatially unresolved global planetary spec- will allow a more detailed characterization of individual
trum, integrated over a long exposure [99, 100, 124–129]. planets and it also allows exploring a wide domain of planet
Plankton exhibits the same red-edge as vegetation but its diversity. Observations in both complementary wavelength
detection is even harder than that for land plants because bands can confirm the presence of atmospheric compounds.
of the low reflectivity of sea water. If it could exceed a con- Some important species such as CO2 and N2 O appear only
centration of 300 mg m−3 , that is, ten times higher than in the IR range, while only the reflected spectrum can give
the maximum concentration observed on Earth [99], it could information on the nature of the surface.
potentially be detectable.
Additionally, the red-edge may be shifted in planets
3.4. Evolution of a Habitable Planet: Lessons
around stars of other spectral types that emit most of their
photons on bluer (F stars) or redder (K and M stars) sec- from Earth’s Geologic History
tions of the electromagnetic spectrum. Kiang et al. [130] The spectrum of the Earth has not been static throughout
have calculated the most likely absorption bands for plants the past 4.5 Ga (Ga = 109 years) ago. This is due to the vari-
in Earth-like planets around other stars concluding that ations in the molecular abundances, the temperature struc-
planets around F2V stars might have a “blue edge” or at ture, and the surface morphology over time. Kasting and
least be darker in the blue. K2V plants would look very Catling [133] and Kasting [134] established a scenario for
similar to the Earth ones. The M stars could have sev- the Earth’s atmospheric evolution. At about 2.3 Ga ago oxy-
eral different PAR bands: they might have multiple critical gen and ozone became abundant, affecting the atmospheric
absorption wavelengths in the visible, because of their noisy absorption component of the spectrum. At about 2 Ga ago,
spectra in this region; and the dominant photosynthetic a green phytoplankton signal developed in the oceans and
organisms would most likely harvest light over 0.4–1.1 m, at about 0.44 Ga ago, an extensive land plant cover fol-
with potential but unlikely extensions to 1.4 and 2.5 m. In lowed, generating the red chlorophyll edge in the reflec-
any case, the detection and interpretation of unknown veg- tion spectrum. The composition of the surface (especially in
etation features will be challenging. the visible), the atmospheric composition, and temperature–
pressure profile can all have a significant influence on the
3.3.3. Temporal Biosignatures: Orbital Flux detectabilty of a signal. Note that we assume that the cloud
The integrated infrared emission measured at a different cover over these epochs is the same as the cloud cover
position in the orbit (thermal light curve) exhibits variations today; however, changes in this distribution could signifi-
due to the phase (whether the observer sees mainly the day cantly change the overall spectra in both wavelength regions.
side or the night side) and to the season (if the planet has Figures 5 and 6 show the calculated relative depth of spec-
a non-zero obliquity). Important phase-related orbital vari- tral features, i.e., (continuum-spectrum)/continuum, for the
ations are due to a high day/night temperature contrast, visible (Fig. 5), and thermal infrared (Fig. 6), for individual
which implies a tenuous or no atmosphere and the absence atmospheric species and for atmospheres with a present-day
of a stable liquid ocean. Therefore, habitable planets can be cloud distribution [100]. The epochs are chosen to represent
distinguished from airless or Mars-like planets by the small major developmental stages of the atmosphere, and life on
amplitude of the observed variations on a potentially habit- Earth. Earth’s atmosphere has experienced dramatic evolu-
able planet [131, 132]. Note also that Venus-like atmosphere tion over 4.5 billion years, and other planets may exhibit
would exhibit extremely low amplitudes and can only be dis- similar evolution, at similar or different rates. The climate
tinguished by spectroscopy from habitable planets. model to create a schematic atmospheric model of our Earth
In the visible, the reflected flux is the product of the over geological timescales is based on a combination of
reflectivity of the planet (albedo) and the radius of the results from work by Kasting and Catling [133], Kasting
planet squared (a small but reflecting planet could be as [134], Pavlov et al. [135], Segura et al. [114] and Traub and
bright as a big, but dark, planet). The first generation of opti- Jucks [106]. The model atmosphere evolves from a CO2 -
cal instruments will have very far from the angular resolu- rich atmosphere (epoch 0 = 3 9 Ga ago) to a CO2 /CH4 -rich
tion required to directly measure an exoplanet radius. Such atmosphere (epoch 3) to a present-day atmosphere (epoch
a measurement can currently only be performed when the 5 = present-day Earth). The oxygen absorption and ozone
planet transits in front of its parent star, by an accurate pho- absorption features could have been used to indicate the
tometric technique. If the same target is observed in both presence of biological activity on Earth anytime during the
visible (TPF-C) and IR (Darwin/TPF-I) ranges, the albedo past 50% of the age of the Solar System.
can be obtained in the visible once the radius is inferred
from the IR spectrum. 3.5. How to Interpret Biomarkers and
Information on the cloud and surface characteristics
False Positives
(ocean, ice, rocks) can be obtained once the absolute level
of the albedo is known, which requires the knowledge The knowledge of our planet’s geologic history, observa-
of the radius. At extremely high temporal resolution and tion of other planets in the Solar System and simulations
Search for Habitable Planets 11

Figure 6. Relative depth of spectral features, i.e., (continuum-

Figure 5. Relative depth of spectral features, i.e., (continuum- spectrum)/continuum, in the thermal infrared region of the spec-
spectrum)/continuum, is shown here, for the visible for individual trum. The grey-scale denotes epochs throughout Earth’s history: black
atmospheric species and for atmospheres with a present-day cloud dis- (current-day atmospheres) to a lighter grey the further back in time in
tribution. The grey-scale denotes epochs throughout Earth’s history: Earth’s history. Based on data from [100].
black (current-day atmospheres) to a lighter grey the further back in
time in Earth’s history. Based on data from [100].
lie in the habitable zone of a star it is important to be able
to distinguish them from terrestrial planets. It is not clear if
of exoplanets have indicated possible cases of false-positive
these planets would be covered by a thick steam atmosphere
detection of biological activity on a planet. An abiotic pro-
[136] or by clouds [137]. The density of ocean planets—that
cess could mimic a biosignature. Therefore the characteri-
should be lower than that for rocky planets—can be calcu-
zation of a planet’s atmosphere as well as its environment
lated from transits and radial velocity measurements [138]
is extremely important. A hot planet that evaporates all its
and, if totally covered by clouds, they would have a highly
surface water can produce an oxygen and ozone feature that
reflective surface in the UV and visible [137].
results from the photolysis of water and the loss of hydrogen
to space. Water and oxygen/ozone can also be detectable on
a planet in the habitable zone that is totally covered by ice. 3.6. Signatures from Planets Around
During short periods of its geologic history, Earth has gone Stars of Different Spectral Types
through global glaciations. The so-called “Snowball Earth,”
has occurred at least three times on Earth’s history. These Using a numerical code that simulates the photochemistry
episodes are thought to last tens of millions of years or less; of a wide range of planetary atmospheres, Selsis [113] and
that is, about 0.2% of Earth’s geologic history. The build- Segura et al. [114, 115] have simulated a replica of our
up of volcanic CO2 has prevented our planet from staying planet orbiting in the habitable zone around different types
frozen for longer periods. We may be able to distinguish a of star: F-type star (more massive and hotter than the Sun)
planet going on a “snowball” epoch by looking at evidence and a K-type star (smaller and cooler than the Sun). The
of low water contents or the presence of highly soluble gases models assume same background composition of the atmo-
(see Section 3.2). For Earth, we know that it had life during sphere as well as the strength of biogenic sources. The
these periods but for an exoplanet it would be almost impos- orbital distance was chosen in order to give the planet the
sible to distinguish between a lifeless ice-covered planet and Earth’s surface temperature (by receiving the same inte-
a habitable planet. grated energetic flux): 1.8 and 0.5 AU, respectively, for the
The existence of water-covered planets or “ocean plan- F- and the K-type star. Scaling the energetic flux allows us
ets” has been predicted by Kuchner [136] and Léger et al. to consider habitable planets irradiated by a non-Solar spec-
[137], these planets would be massive ice-covered bod- trum: the contribution of the UV range (150–400 nm, the
ies (∼6–10 M⊕ ) that migrated near their stars after being most important for the photochemistry) is higher for the
formed in the outer parts of their protoplanetary disks. It is F-type star and lower for the K-type star (this is no longer
not expected for these planets to harbor life [138] but if they true in the extreme UV (EUV) range, below 150 nm, where
12 Search for Habitable Planets

(a) on the slope and intensity of the UV radiation [114, 115].

Table 2 summarizes the calculated mixing ratios and life-
times for each biogenic compound, and the ozone column
depth on Earth-like planets around stars of different spec-
tral types. All the simulated planets have 0.21 bars of O2 (as
on present Earth) while the amount of O3 depends on the
UV radiation received by the planet. The mixing ratios have
been calculated using a 1D photochemical model coupled
to a 1D convective/radiative model (see details in [114]).
The lifetime is the time that certain chemical compounds
would last in the atmosphere if the sources that produce it
are removed. In Table 2, three Earth-like planets around M
dwarfs with no chromospheric activity are listed. The UV
radiation emitted by these stars is so low that all the biogenic
compounds included in the model have very long lifetimes.
Figure 6 shows the calculated spectra for the Earth-like
planets around stars of different spectral types. Except for
methane on the active M-dwarf planet, the visible/near-IR
spectra of the simulated planets are similar, while the ther-
mal infrared shows more differences, this shows the varia-
tion on the temperature profile on each planet that cannot
be distinguished in the visible.


The present stage of exoplanet observations can be char-
acterized as one in which information is being gathered
Figure 7. Spectra for Earth-like planets around F, G, K and M stars principally by indirect means, whereby the photons that we
convolved with a triangular slit function and degraded to a constant measure are from the star itself, or a background star, or a
wavenumber resolution equivalent to (a) R ∼ 70, and (b) R ∼ 25. Plan- mixture of the star and planet. Indirect techniques include
ets are labeled using the spectral type of their parent star (data from radial velocity, microlensing, transits and astrometry. These
Segura et al. [114, 115]). indirect observations are of great value, giving us measures
of the planetary mass, orbital elements, and (for transits)
low-mass stars K-type stars may be very active). M dwarfs the sizes as well as indications of the constituents of the
are a particular case as their spectra in the UV (<200 nm) extreme upper atmospheres (such as the detection of sodium
can be as bright as that of the Sun in their respective habit- in the upper atmosphere of HD 209458 b [89]). Recent
able zones for chromospherically active M dwarfs or orders detections of super Earths by Udry et al. [139], Rivera
of magnitude lower in the whole UV (<350 nm) for quies- et al. [140] and Beaulieu et al. [141] imply that Earth-mass
cent M dwarfs (see Fig. 1 of Segura et al. [115]). planets might be common [141]. Current and future space
Given the same surface flux of biogenic compounds, CH4 , missions such as CoRoT (Convection, Rotation, and Plan-
N2 O, methyl chloride (CH3 Cl) on an Earth-like planet, the etary T ransits; Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales (CNES),
calculated mixing ratio of these species varies depending [143]) and Kepler (NASA, [144]) will give us statistics on the

Table 2. Mixing ratios and lifetime in years of biogenic gases calculated by a 1D photochemical model for Earth-like planets around different stars
(based on data from Segura et al. [114, 115]).

Methane Nitrous oxide Methyl chloride

Parent star Mixing ratio Lifetime (years) Mixing ratio Lifetime (years) Mixing ratio Lifetime (years) Column depth (cm−2 )

Suna 1 6 × 10−6 4.4 3 0 × 10−7 164.8 5 0 × 10−10 0.6 8 4 × 1018

F2Vb 1 4 × 10−6 3.9 2 6 × 10−7 140.1 4 5 × 10−10 0.5 1 6 × 1019
K2Vb 5 4 × 10−6 14.8 5 9 × 10−7 324.5 1 6 × 10−9 1.8 6 6 × 1018
AD Leo (M3.5V)b 4 6 × 10−4 1074.4 1 3 × 10−6 621.6 1 4 × 10−6 1028.9 4 4 × 1018
M1 modelc (Teff = 3650 K) 5 0 × 10−4 6546.5 3 5 × 10−5 7 02 × 105 1 2 × 10−7 611.7 3 2 × 1018
M3 modelc (Teff = 3400 K) 5 0 × 10−4 2397.0 1 0 × 10−4 5 69 × 104 2 0 × 10−7 224.3 2 4 × 1018
M5 modelc (Teff = 3100 K) 5 0 × 10−4 1383.7 1 3 × 10−3 1 95 × 104 5 4 × 10−7 138.5 1 2 × 1018
For the planet around the Sun the Earth’s measured mixing ratios of the biogenic compounds were used to obtain the surface fluxes of each biogenic specie. The
calculated surface fluxes applied as boundary conditions for most of the simulated Earth-like planets in the table. b For these planets the surface flux of the biogenic
gases were: 9 54 × 1014 g CH4 /yr, 1 32 × 1013 g N2 O/yr, and 7 29 × 1012 g CH3 Cl/yr. c On these planets the boundary conditions for the long-lived gases were: fixed
mixing ratio for CH4 (5 0 × 10−4 ), fixed deposition velocities for H2 (2 4 × 10−4 cm/s) and CO2 (1 2 × 10−4 cm/s), and fixed surface fluxes for N2 O and CH3 Cl.
Search for Habitable Planets 13

number, size, period and orbital distance of planets, extend- detect planets down to Earth’s mass and makes it a prime
ing to terrestrial planets on the lower mass range end. candidate for first detection of worlds like our own. Tran-
The next stage of exoplanetary observations, we may hope sit observations and radial velocity measurements will likely
to have direct observations, in which most of the measured be the first to provide information on the nature of plan-
photons are reflected or emitted by the planet itself. A fun- ets found in the habitable zone of their star. Photometric
damental part of the problem of directly detecting the planet measurements with a precision of 8 × 10−5 could reveal the
with its feeble light in the glare of the strong parental stellar transit of planets as big as the Earth for a G-type star. This
flux, is the huge contrast. Direct techniques include coron- would allow us to determine the orbital period and radius
agraphic imaging at visible wavelengths, and interferomet- of the detected planets, and to constrain the abundance of
ric imaging in the thermal infrared. As discussed in Traub rocky planets in our galactic neighborhood. Radial velocities
et al. [145], full characterization requires the synergy of both measurements can then measure or put an upper limit on
direct and indirect measurements. Direct detection of pho- the mass of the planet.
tons from giant exoplanets can be implemented using cur-
rent space-based telescopes such as HST and the Spitzer 4.1.2. Transits
Space Telescope. Such studies have led to the detection of
The method second in importance (so far), the transit
infrared emission from several transiting hot Jupiters [92, 93,
method, has already delivered results in a number of cases
146], where the planetary signal is the difference between
(as of September 2007, about 25 stars). This is also a method
the flux from a star-plus-planet versus the flux from the star
that shows strong promise of being important in space-based
alone. Photons from Earth-like planets in the habitable zone
applications—see the CoRoT and Kepler missions. It mea-
(HZ) [26] around their parent star are beyond the capabili-
sures the drop in luminosity of the star as the planet passes
ties of these telescopes and require future missions such as
between us and the star, and draws conclusions about both
Darwin and Terrestrial Planet Finder (TPF).
star and planet from the shape of the light curve. This
method is also biased towards large planets orbiting very
4.1. Techniques close to a (small) star—a situation not found in our own
The prime methods that have been used so far (from the solar system. A Jupiter-sized planet passing between us and
ground) are [147]: a solar-type star will cause a drop in luminosity of about 1%,
while an Earth-sized body only causes a drop of about 104 .
(1) radial velocity method, Furthermore, transits last for some hours, which means that
(2) occultations of a star by a planetary body called transit, the shorter the period (the first detected transits of an exo-
(3) gravitational lensing and planet repeats every 3.5 days) the easier it is to detect it. The
(4) astrometry. random orientation of exoplanetary orbital planes results in
about a 1%–2% chance of a transit happening for planets
4.1.1. Radial Velocity close in, while it is significantly smaller for planets orbiting in
The first method, radial velocity, measures the deflection of the habitable zone of a solar-type star. Due to the low transit
the spectral lines in a stellar spectrum caused by the grav- probability (0.5% and 1.5% for a habitable planet around a
itational tug imposed by an orbiting body, due to result- Sun-like G star and a 0.3 × M M-star respectively), a large
ing acceleration of the star and the Doppler effect. The sample of stars must be monitored.
strength of the deflection is a function of both the mass
of the orbiting body and its distance from the star. There- 4.1.3. Microlensing
fore, the method is naturally biased towards massive planets
The advances that have been made through the detection of
orbiting very close to the star.
the gravitational lensing effect caused by large, and so far,
An Earth-mass body, orbiting 1 AU away from a G2V
in one case of a possible small, “rocky” planet of maybe 5.5
star (such as our Sun), will cause a deflection (amplitude)
times the mass of our own Earth [141], are very promising.
in the radial velocity curve of 0.1 m s−1 over a period of
It is a potentially powerful method for determining statis-
one year. This is significantly smaller than the amplitude
tics of exoplanets. The drawback is that one needs a lensed
change caused by the five-minute acoustical oscillations in
object as well as a lensing object or system. In order to
the solar atmosphere (so-called p-modes), which have life-
have any significant chance of detecting planets of all types,
times of roughly half a year. We also have the noise intro-
both sets of objects need to be large and thus very distant.
duced by the solar activity, which has amplitudes that are
That results in difficulty in assigning types and luminosities
similar or larger. It will be hard to detect an earth ana-
to both the lensed object and the lenser. The inferred plan-
logue from the ground using this method. It will require
etary mass depends on both of these parameters. In the last
dedicated large telescopes with long observing runs (years).
case quoted above, we assume that the blended image of
Further, since we only measure one component (along the
the lensed object close to the galactic center and the lenser,
line of sight) of the velocity, the mass of the planet that
at about half this distance, are of F- and M-type, respec-
we determine will be a minimum mass. Some other method
tively. We will not know this for many years as the star slowly
(see below) can be used in special cases to determine the
other component and therefore lead to an exact mass (only moves out of the line of sight of the lensed object.
depending on the estimate of the stellar mass).
Radial velocity recently detected two super-Earths 4.1.4. Astrometry
(5–15 M⊕ ) around an M star [139] at the edge of the The fourth method; astrometry, measures the proper motion
HZ. This exciting discovery shows radial velocity’s ability to changes of a star as it travels across the sky, and interprets
14 Search for Habitable Planets

deviations from its predicted motion. A number of multi- it becomes possible to detect Earth-sized planets orbiting
epoch observations carried out during the last century— within the habitable zones (1+ year orbital period for an
mainly with long focus refractors—reported the discovery of early G-type star, about half a year for a late K-type object)
large planets around some nearby stars. One can mention 70 of their primaries.
Ophiuchi, where Reuyl and Holmberg [148] found a 10 Mjup GAIA [150] is an ambitious mission, with the goal of
(or 10 Jupiter-mass) body orbiting the star. None of these charting a three-dimensional map of our galaxy. Building
objects have been confirmed today. on the highly successful HIPPARCOS mission, GAIA will
Finally, astrometric observations, utilizing mainly the fine provide never before realized positional and radial velocity
guidance sensors on the HST, have been used to determine measurements of more than one billion stars in the Milky
the deflection in the plane of the sky in a few cases. In Way galaxy as well as stars in galaxies located in the Local
the case of the planet Gliese (Gl) 876 b, the deflection is Group.
about 25 mas (milliarcseconds), which, taken together with GAIA will play an important role for exoplanetary
a well determined parallax, leads to a planetary mass of research in two ways. First, it will provide a database of
1 89 ± 0 34 Mjup , the largest uncertainty being the assump- relatively large (about 15 M⊕ or larger) planets around all
tion about the stellar mass [149]. Dedicated space missions, detectable stars out to a distance of several hundred par-
with the capability of determining proper motions of a few secs. Based on the knowledge of the exoplanets found since
microarcseconds, will make systematic surveys for planets of 1995, we can expect literally thousands of new objects. This
sizes down to maybe 10 Earth masses within the foreseeable will allow statistical investigations several orders of magni-
future (see below). tude more accurately than at present. In addition, GAIA will
detect all unknown nearby (within 25 pc) stars of all spec-
4.2. Instruments for Detection of tral types. It is clear from the work on the target lists for
Earth-Sized Planets missions like Darwin/TPF that we have a very poor knowl-
edge about late K- type and M-dwarf stars in the intended
The key problem in detecting planets orbiting other stars is sample.
the dual one of spatial resolution and dynamic range. The SIM (Space Interferometer Mission) is NASA’s version of
star will outshine the planet (if it is of the size of the Earth) GAIA. Using interferometric methods, the relative distance
by a factor of 1010 –1011 , in the visual, and 106 –107 in the between objects are measured extremely accurately (a factor
mid-infrared. The maximum separation between a star and of 10 better than GAIA). It can only measure a fraction of
its planet in the HZ will be approximately 0.1” (for a very the number of objects that GAIA will observe and will have
limited sample of nearby stars). It is clear that, in order to a limited sensitivity, as well as increased complexity and cost.
achieve these requirements from the ground, improvements On the other hand it is possible to see the deflection in the
in adaptive optics will have be made at the level of two to motion across the sky caused by Earth-sized planets, for a
three orders of magnitude over that currently achievable. handful of the very close stars [151].
Furthermore, the telescope itself would have to be at least
one order of magnitude larger in diameter. Finally, the study
of Earth-like planets would be impaired by our own atmo- 4.3. Instruments for Characterization of
sphere and the thermal background of the environment. Habitable Planets
Therefore, if we want to address the characterization of
habitable planets, we need to go to space. This has become The direct detection of Earth-like exoplanets orbiting nearby
more and more apparent over the last ten years through a stars, and the characterization of such planets—particularly
large number of very ambitious studies and projects devel- concerning their evolution, their atmospheres and their abil-
oped in Europe, the United States and Canada. As a con- ity to host life as we know it—and thereby to understand
sequence, a number of projects/missions of increasing level how planets form and life emerges—is the ultimate goal.
of complexity and scope have been and are being devel- The space missions, capable of meeting the challenges posed
oped. The Canadian mission MOST (Microvariability and by these goals are Darwin [109, 153, 154] (ESA) and the
Oscillations of STars) has been in orbit for several years, Terrestrial Planet Finder (NASA) [145, 155].
CoRoT since December 2006, others (Kepler, GAIA) are The search for biosignatures on exoplanets is becoming
under construction or approaching launch, and the “flag- an important driver for new concepts of observatories, while
ships” (Darwin and TPF) are being developed both scientif- budgetary limitations tend to favor small, low-cost instru-
ically and technically. ments. The ability to detect the light reflected by a terrestrial
MOST is designed as an asteroseismological mission that exoplanet or its infrared emission is obviously not sufficient
can also search for exoplanetary transits under some circum- to provide the level of characterization that could allow us to
stances. CoRoT (Boisnard and Auvergne [150]) is designed identify spectral features inherited from a biosphere or to
with such transits as one of the primary objectives down confront our theories on habitability. The scientific objec-
to Earth-size planets, and with most of the observing time tives of missions like Darwin or TPF, designed specifically
allocated to this goal. CoRoT will be followed in 2009 by for these ambitious goals, are not achievable with shrunk
NASA’s Kepler mission. This is essentially a larger version versions of their instruments. Smaller coronagraphs or inter-
of the former mission with a 0.95-m Schmidt telescope. This ferometers can probe giant planet characteristics and serve
mission will be deployed in a so-called drift-away orbit. That as technical precursor missions, but will not share the origi-
allows essentially uninterrupted observation of a dedicated nal astrobiological objectives of Darwin/TPF. If the very few
star-field for a period of no less than four years. Therefore, closest stars do host habitable planets, smaller instruments
Search for Habitable Planets 15

could perform individual spectral characterization at the rel- the habitable zone [161]. As for detection of these bodies,
evant level of accuracy. Even so, a single Earth-like planet Ford and Holman [162] have proposed that Earth-mass Tro-
will be an amazing discovery; such a small sample of plan- jan planets could induce a transit timing signal that is easily
etary systems will clearly not be large enough to cross a measurable using existing ground-based observatories.
threshold in our understanding of the distribution of life in Another possibility for habitable worlds in the known exo-
the Universe. planetary systems are moons that may orbit giant planets
Darwin [111, 155] is an infrared observatory (6–20 m) that lie in the habitable zone of their parent stars [163, 164].
based on nulling interferometry. This method combines the In order to be habitable, a moon needs to overcome more
light from several free-flying telescopes, to suppress on-axis constraints than a regular habitable planet, such as becom-
light from the central star while increasing the sensitivity off- ing tidally locked (which could result on large diurnal tem-
axis at the region of the potential habitable zone. Darwin perature fluctuations). According to Williams et al. [163], a
will be able to study the thermal emission of habitable plan- moon orbiting an exoplanet in the habitable zone may be
ets with a resolution (/) of about 25 and a signal-to- habitable if the moon’s mass is larger than 0.12 M⊕ , it is in
noise ratio between 5 and 10. NASA’s TPF program consists an Io-like orbital resonance and posses a magnetic field (like
of two complementary missions observing at different wave- Jupiter’s moon Ganymede). Based on this, they suggested
lengths, one in the visible (TPF-C) and one in the infrared that the 47 UMa and 16 Cyg B planetary systems should be
(TPF-I). TPF-C [156], a single coronagraph, works at visible, considered as possible abodes of extraterrestrial life. Scharf
to near-infrared, wavelengths (0.5–1.1 m) with a resolution [164] has proposed that the habitable zone for moons, what
of about 70 and a signal-to-noise ratio of between 5 and 10. he calls the temperate zone, could be extended farther from
TPF-I [158], is an infrared nulling interferometer similar to the star than the habitable zone for planets. The reason for
Darwin. this is that moons can get energy from tidal heat dissipa-
The first information provided by these instruments will tion, in addition to their insolation energy. Despite the small
be orbital parameters of the planet (orbital distance, eccen- size of a moon compared to its planet, it may be possible to
tricity, inclination of the system). This requires a minimum detect it using the 1–4 m spectral region, where methane,
of three detections per planet at different points of its orbit. ammonia, and water strongly absorb the reflected light of a
It is a necessary step to infer the stellar flux received by the giant planet [165]. In this window, the spectrum of an Earth-
planet and to identify potentially habitable planets. Then a like moon may be detected [165], but until now there is no
low-resolution spectrum will be observed to characterize the mission planned to cover this region of the electromagnetic
atmosphere and climate on the detected unknown world. spectrum.
Among the exoplanetary systems discovered until now
(August 2007), there is one that has is particularly inter-
5. HABITABLE PLANETS ON THE KNOWN esting. The system of Gl 581 has 3 exoplanets: Gl 581 b,
EXOPLANETARY SYSTEMS an ∼1-Neptune-mass planet at 0.041 AU from the primary
[166]; Gl 581 c, a 5-Earth-mass planet at 0.073 AU [167]
Most of the exoplanets detected have masses too large to and Gl 581 d, an 8-Earth-mass planet at 0.25 AU [167]. Two
harbor life. The situation, as far as habitability is referred, planets of the Gl 581 system have masses low enough to be
gets worse for the detected exoplanets given that they tend considered as candidates for habitable planets. Udry et al.
to have large eccentricities and ∼7% of them lie at 3 AU [167] pointed out that Gl 581 c resided “at the ‘warm’ edge
or less from their parent stars [43]. But when we consider of the habitable zone of the star” and Gl 581 d was “in the
the exoplanetary findings as possible or known planetary sys- ‘cold’ edge of the habitable zone.” The potential habitabil-
tems, their potential for habitability gets better. Jones et al. ity of these two planets was later analyzed by other authors
[159, 160] found that about 50% of studied exoplanetary [168–170] who agree on the possibility that Gl 581 d may
systems offered sustained habitability for terrestrial planets be a habitable planet. For Gl 581 c positions differ, Selsis
that may lie on their respective habitable zones and accord- et al. [168] and Chylek and Perez [170] conclude that this
ing to a planet formation model, one-third of the stars with planet should no be ruled out as habitable, while von Bloh
exoplanets can support a terrestrial planet in their habitable et al. [169] state that this planet is “clearly outside the hab-
zones [83]. Another interesting possibility is the presence of itable zone.” On Gl 581 c there is the possibility that the
Trojans or satellites around the giant exoplanets that may photolysis of H2 O followed by the loss of H2 have left a rich
be habitable [e.g., Ref. [161]]. O2 atmosphere that cannot be distinguished from a photo-
Trojans are bodies that lie on the gravitational points of synthetically produced O2 atmosphere unless other biosigna-
equilibrium created by two larger bodies. In the Solar Sys- tures can be detected [168]. Without a doubt, as Selsis et al.
tem, Trojans are the satellites trapped where the gravita- conclude, the Gl 581 planetary system should be considered
tional forces of the Sun and a planet have equal strength. as a target for the Darwin and TPF missions in order to
There are five of these equilibrium points for any orbiting determine the properties of these planets and to constrain
body (Lagrangian points) and those that lie on the orbit their potential as habitable worlds.
of the planet are called L4 and L5. The bodies on L4 and
L5 have the same mean semi-major axis; this is known as
a 1:1 resonance. Dynamical simulations for four systems
(HD 17051, HD 27442, HD 28185 and HD 108874) with
one exoplanet in the habitable zone, showed that three of The next decade will be one of great discoveries, the
them could maintain Trojans on dynamical stability within first Earth-size planets orbiting within their habitable zone,
16 Search for Habitable Planets

detected by missions like CoRoT and Kepler. These first- 29. G. V. Y. Peña-Cabrera and H. J. Durand-Manterola, Adv. Space
generation space-based telescopes will test the presence of Res. 33, 114 (2004).
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F. Selsis for their input on biosignatures, S. Raymond for 39. L. Kaltenegger, C. Eiroa, A. Stankov, and C. V. M. Fridlund,
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helpful discussions on future missions, and we are espe- 40. H. Lammer, Astrobiology 7, 27 (2007).
cially thankful to J. Kasting for his comments that greatly 41. J. C. Tarter, P. R. Backus, R. L. Mancinelli, J. M. Aurnou,
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