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Standards of practice we all know, if one dispenses with a few important

Dear Sir: surgical standards, one can do surgery very cheaply
I ran into a very disturbing situation lately on which I guess my question at this point is, hasn't veteri-
I would like some feedback from the profession. I was nary medicine progressed beyond this sort of penny-
telephoned by a client and friend one Saturday morn- ante nickel and dime nonsense? Since graduating four
ing and he told me how a close acquaintance had years ago, I have seen veterinarians cut each other's
allowed a visiting veterinarian to spay her dog atop throats and practice truly bad medicine for the sake
her kitchen table. This lady was very proud of the fact of the almighty dollar. It is no wonder that so many
that she had paid a very reduced rate for this service. veterinarians leave the profession se very early in their
Now, I admit I have no direct proof and I am not even careers.
sure of the identity of the veterinarian, but I am sure
this did happen. Bryce L Fleming, DVM
I live in an isolated community, and though I try Midnight Sun Veterinary Services
to match prices in the larger cities, there are always 409 Cook Street
a few clients who are sure I am taking advantage of Whitehorse, Yukon
my isolation. I do not resent fair competition, but, as YIA 2R2


Idiopathic trigeminal neuritis in a dog

Arden K. Powell
A five-year-old spayed Irish Setter-Golden Retriever movements by day 14. The pharyngostomy tube was
Across dog was presented with a history of anorexia removed on day 17 and the dog began self-feeding.
and polydipsia of 2-3 days duration. The medical his- There was a low grade localized infection at the
tory was unremarkable and vaccinations were current. pharyngostomy site which resolved completely with
Significant findings on physical examination included Amoxicillin 500 mg ql2h for seven days.
a hanging jaw, a mild decrease in mass of the masseter Idiopathic trigeminal neuritis (idiopathic bilateral
muscles, and excessive drooling. The dog was unable trigeminal palsy) is an apparent demyelination and
to close its mouth and, when offered food and water, degeneration of the trigeminal nerve axons and gan-
was unable to eat or drink. A detailed neurological glion. It is a self-limiting disease that can be episodic
examination was normal except for the lack of jaw throughout the life of the dog. There is no definitive
tone. Serum chemistries (urea, creatinine, alkaline treatment; therapy is directed towards supportive fluid
phosphatase, alanine aminotransferase, sodium, and nutrient intake. A prime differential diagnosis to
potassium, chloride), hemogram and urine analysis include is rabies. Sufficient evidence to rule out rabies,
were within normal limits. Based on the above find- including vaccine history, history of exposure and
ings, a diagnosis of idiopathic trigeminal neuritis was clinical signs, should be obtained and caution exercised
made. Daily caloric and water requirements were (2,3).
calculated and force fed to the dog as liquified Canine
p/d (Hill's Science Diet). References
The dog returned to the hospital on day 7 of the 1. Kirk RW, Bistner SI. Handbook of Veterinary Procedures and
disease with increased difficulty in eating and a non- Emergency Treatment. Philadelphia: WB Saunders, 1985:
compliance to feed on the part of the owner. 535-537.
2. Ettinger SJ. Textbook of Veterinary Internal Medicine. Diseases
A large bore pharyngostomy tube was placed to ease of the Dog and Cat. Philadelphia: WB Saunders, 1983: 628.
alimentation. (1) The dog began to show voluntary jaw 3. Oliver JE, Lorenz MD. Handbook of Veterinary Neurologic
Diagnosis. Toronto: WB Saunders, 1983: 246.
Sardis Animal Hospital, 7236 Vedder Road, P.O. Box 128,
Sardis- BWC V2R lAS5
Can Vet J Volume 32, May 1991 265

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