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Daedalus- Skilled Inventor, Architect, and Master craftsman. Father of Icarus.

Icarus - Son of Daedalus, Disobey his Father's advice and warning.

Minos- The king of Crete island, controls land and sea routes around Crete.

Minataur- A dreadful creature, half-human, half-bull.


The Island of Crete

-This is where the story begins where King Minos rule as a powerful and Imposing
-Home to Where the labyrinth is.
-Where Daedalus serves King Minos.

The Labyrinth
-A prison designed by Daedalus to contain the Minatour, montrous creature.
-Daedalus and his son, Icarus, are imprisoned by King Minos in the labyrinth.

Skies above Crete

-Significant setting, as Daedalus devises a plan to escape from Crete, through sky.

-Represents hope for escape and realizations of their dreams.

-Used sky as their way in escaping their imprisonment.

The Sea ( Icarian Sea )

-Where Icarus drowned and die.
-In memory of his dead son Icarus, Daedalus Named the land near the sea after
Icarus, called Icaria. [ The Icarian Sea ]

-Final Destination, Daedalus finds refuge after the lost of Icarus
-Represents as a new beginning for Daedalus, free from the Burdens of His past


-Man Vs Self
-Man Vs Man

-Daedalus desire to escape from the Island of Crete, protecting his son where he
understands the limitations and porential dangers of the wings he has created for
-His primary concern is the safety of his son Icarus who he loves deeply.

-Icarus is young, adventurous, and eager to experience the exhilaration of flight,

wherein his curiosity and impulsiveness lead to desire to fly higher and closer to
the sun, defying his father's warnings that led him to death.

Rising Action
-Daedalus begin their flight from labyrinth
-They Experience the exhilaration of flying, seeing the world from a new
-Icarus becomes increasingly excited and starts to ignor his father's warnings.
Icarus flies higher and closer to the sun, feeling invincible


-The climax occurs when Icarus, overcome by the exhilaration of flying, disregards
his father's warnings.
-Ignoring caution, he flies higher and closer to the sun.
-The wax on Icarus' wings begins to melt from the sun's intense heat.
-Icarus realizes his wings are failing, but it's too late to save himself, and he
plummets from the sky into the sea.

Falling Action:

-Daedalus frantically searches for his son in the water, calling out to him in
-He finds Icarus lifeless.
-The falling action is marked by Daedalus' profound grief and the aftermath of the
tragic loss.


Daedalus continues his journey alone, haunted by the memory of his son's death.
He eventually reaches the island of Sicily, where he finds refuge and safety.
The story serves as a cautionary tale, illustrating the tragic consequences of
disobedience and hubris.


-Peril of Hubris and disobidience

-Serves as warning against recklessness, and consequences of not heeding wise

Pride Technology

-The plot follows Daedalus and Icarus' imprisonment and their determination to

-Daedalus' invention of wings and his warnings to Icarus set the stage for the
climactic moment.

-Icarus' disobedience and subsequent fall from the sky constitute the climax.

-The story concludes with Daedalus finding refuge in Sicily.

-Daedalus had learned a tragic lesson about the consequences of his actions and his
son's disobedience.



Daedalus- Gifted Inventor and Architect,known as Master craftsman. The Father of


Icarus - Son of Daedalus, Disobedient to his Father's


Minos- Has controls over land and sea routes around Crete. a King of Crete island.

Minotaur- Pet of King Minos, A monstrous creature half-man, half-bull.


The Island of Crete

-Story begins here.
-Daedalus, the ingenious inventor and architect, in the service of King Minos, who
invents cunningly piece of fine craftmanship
-Ruled by King Minos
-Where Labyrinth was build to imprison the Minotaur .

The Labyrinth
-Maze-like structure.
-Designed by Daedalus himself, where to contain the Minotaur.
-Both Creation and Prison of Daedalus where he and his son Icarus held captive by
King Minos.

The skies above Crete

-The open skies serve as the route to freedom for Daedalus and Icarus
-Use wings to escape because King Minos controlled the land and sea in Crete.

The Icarian Sea

-Sea below the sky where Icarus fell, and died in drowning.
-Daedalus in the memory of his son called the nearest land in the ocean,Icaria.
-Icarian Sea forever named after Icarus to where Daedalus great own arts and child

- Final Destination of Daedalus (Camicus in Sicily) where he finds safety.
-Represents a new start for Daedalus, free from all the heavy thing inside his
chest due to his past actions.


-Man vs Self
-Man vs Nature

-Daedalus is conflicted because of eagerness to escape for the safety of his

beloved son Icarus even he knew and recognize the risk and dangers in flying too
close to the sea or sun using their artificial wings in the sky.

-Where sun can melts there wings, just like how Icarus's wings melts, and Water
where Icarus's fell, drowned, and die.

Rising Action
-Daedalus, with his inventive mind, begins to develop a plan for their escape
-He secretly constructs wings made of feathers and wax for himself and Icarus.
-Daedalus warns Icarus not to fly too close to the sun or too close the sea,
emphasizing the importance of moderation.
-The tension arises as they prepare to excute their daring escape plan.

-Icarus ignores Daedalus' advice completely and soars towards the sun.
-The wax holding his wings together starts to melt due to the intense heat.
-Icarus realizes his wings are failing, but it's too late to save himself.
-He falls from the sky and into the sea, drowning.

Falling Action
-Daedalus searches for Icarus in desperation, mourning his son's loss.
-He eventually finds Icarus' lifeless body washed ashore.
-The falling action is marked by Daedalus' profound grief and sorrow over the loss
of his son.


-Daedalus continues his journey alone, carrying the weight of his son's death with
-He reaches the island of Sicily, where he finds refuge and is free from King
Minos' pursuit.
-Daedalus' story becomes a cautionary tale, illustrating the tragic consequences of
disobedience and hubris.


Danger of Hubris and Disobedience

Serves as a lesson of the consequences of being implusive, and disobedience.



-The plot follows Daedalus and Icarus' imprisonment and their relentless quest for

-Daedalus' inventive wings and his fatherly warnings set the stage for the
climactic moment.

-Icarus' disobedience and subsequent fall from the sky constitute the climax.

-The story concludes with Daedalus finding sanctuary in Sicily.

- Daedalus learned a tragic lesson about the outcomes of his actions and his son's

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