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1. Describe your favorite vacation spot. Include details about its location, as you read above
San Andrés has undoubtedly been my most pleasant experience to remember, in this place I
celebrated my fifteenth birthday in a quinceañera excursion, I will mention was captivated by San
San Andrés is part of the beautiful Caribe islands, it is a place with unmatched natural beauty, it
has an interesting history and the people who live there contain a peculiar kindness, charisma,
gentleness and friendliness. The weather when I traveled was pleasant, since it was very windy
and this made the heat not feel so sultry. Surely at another time of year the weather is
changeable, but based on my experience the weather was beneficial.
I participated in several activities during the four days I was there:
1. I visited Johnny Key Island, the natural pool, Morgan's Cave and the aquarium.
2. Trip by boat, cruise and chiva
3. Riding the worm
4. Participat in a dance
5. Every night I went to different clubs
6. Buy lotions and food to bring to my family
I stayed at the Hotel El Dorado, where they gave me good attention and quality compared to all
the amenities they offered, they had a night show, it had a pool, jacuzzi and sauna, the room had
to be shared with 4 traveling companions who were very good company. The hotel included food
which was buffet type and very delicious by the way. Security was good and there was a police
officer nearby.

2. Imagine you are in a cosmopolitan city you are visiting for the first time. Describe an
interesting monument or historic building. Include the characteristics you read abode
I have always imagined visiting Dubai, since it is a very big and famous city, I especially want to
see the tallest skyscraper in the world Burj Kahlifa, go on a desert safari and go to the largest
shopping center in the world Dubai Mall, know about their culture, beliefs and ideologies in order
to understand and respect it.
I am…
Stroking camels, walking through the desert feeling the sand run through my feet, looking at the
skyscrapers in amazement, satisfied with achieving this great dream come true, buying souvenirs
for my family, living and feeling the emotion running through my veins, happy and blessed of
knowing that everything you set your mind to can be achieved.

3. Describe a person you love. Describe his personality, his characteristics and how you
feel when you are with him mentioning what you read above
Throughout my life, a large number of very important people have passed through me, some
have left my side and others still remain.
Nowadays the most important person for me is: my mom
She has been a fundamental part of my personal growth, she daily teaches me how strong I must
be to be able to face this changing reality that the love of a mother for a child is unconditional and
whatever it is, it will be the only person willing to be with one forever.
My love for her has no limits, however, everything that I dislike I let her know so that we can
improve together, our mother and daughter relationship is incredible, trust and attention
predominate, we have each other, and always we are in contact; When I am with her I feel calm,
she is my safe place.
My mother is very sentimental, kind and noble, endless things happen to her but she always
comes out victorious, she likes to dance, watch TV and do crafts, she loves her children and
fights for her family

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