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For What It's Worth

by 4minute

Category: Pitch Perfect

Genre: Hurt-Comfort, Romance
Language: English
Status: In-Progress
Published: 2014-04-02
Updated: 2016-03-18
Packaged: 2016-07-09 21:31:59
Rating: T
Chapters: 9
Words: 34,248
Story URL:
Author URL:
Summary: "Do you or do you not want a solo?" He looks around the room, "I mean, I
guess." "Then it's simple, you hook up with a Bella." AU

1. Chapter 1

_"You don't get it, do you? You used me and didn't even have the balls to tell me
yourself." She jabs his chest, "You used me and then went and told other people
about it! So I don't want to hear your apologies, or excuses, or anything really!"
She turned swiftly and began to walk away._

_"I'm sorry! I'm sorry about everything I did, how many times do I have to
apologize?" He called after her, but she continues to walk away. "Tell me what was
I supposed to do?" She stops and stares at him, "Tell you that you were my key,
that you were nothing more than a solo? A prize? Because I know you wouldn't have
stuck around if I did, and I didn't want to lose you!"_

_"So then why'd you do it?" Beca's gaze hardened with her ice cold words._

* * *

"There he is. I'm Benji, you must be Jesse." Benji sticks out his hand hoping to
make a good impression on his new roommate.

"And you must be kidding. Wow!" Said roommate's eyes travel to Benji's side of the

"Looking at it now, I can see it's a bit much. I can take it down." He offers.

"No, no way. I mean, it took a second for my eyes to adjust, but I can roll with
this." Jesse nods his head taking in the Star Wars memorabilia.

"Look, just so you know, I'm not a total nerd. I also happen to be super into
close-up magic." Benji proceeds to pull a hamster out from somewhere only he knows.
"Dude, that's awesome. How long was that little guy in there?"

"Several days." Benji smiles brightly at Jesse, "Listen, I'm already done
unpacking," motioning to his side of the room, "and I was going to go to the
activities fair with my friend. Do you want to come with after I find her?"

Jesse looked around the room, "Uhh, yeah. Let me just put some of my stuff away."

"Okay," Benji nodded, "I'll be right back."

* * *

Benji walked to the neighboring building to where Beca's dorm room was. As he
neared he could hear auguring coming from inside. Just as he was about to knock the
door swung open and a girl brushed past him.

"Me too, I'm going to the activities fair with my super good friend Kimm- oh,

Benji stilled had his hand raised when Beca ran into him, "Uh, hey Beca."

Beca turned around, "With my super good friend Benji." Benji peered into to the

"Hey Mr. Mitchell." Benji waved.

"Hello Benji," He nodded, "now Beca-"

"We're going!" Beca yelled behind her before pulling Benji down the hallway. "God I
hate him." Beca exasperated when they were out of ear shot.

"He's just trying to help you Beca."

"If he wanted to help, he'd let me go to California." She replies bitterly.

"You'll get there one day, I know it."

Beca turned and looked at her friend she had known the past couple years of high
school. "Thanks Benji."

They hadn't been friends at first, not by a long shot. She had just been the only
one to stand up to the meat heads that would torment him everyday, and supposedly
the whole alternative look scared them off.

But not Benji. He was grateful for her kindness and eventually he wormed a little
place in her heart, and the two had been friends ever since.

Both their dynamic personalities balanced each other out, Beca threatening anyone
who looked sideways at Benji, and he just being there for her when she was about to
lose it.

"And trust me, you're going to have a great time at college," Beca snorted, "when
have I ever been wrong?"

Beca hummed to herself, "Well there was the sawing incident. Oh! And the time you
lost all those snakes-"
"Something non magic related!" Benji cut her off, "Didn't think so." He smugly
crossed his arms.

"Whatever." Beca muttered. "So are we really going to that activities fair?"

"Of course we are!" He looked at her in all seriousness, "Beca. The Trebles are

She held up her hands, "I know, I know. Just don't pee yourself when we see them."

Benji narrowed his eyes when Beca gave him a smirk, "I'll try my best." He
retorted, "But first we have to go back to my room to get my roommate."

"I'm sure he's a big boy and can manage on his own." Beca said sarcastically.

Benji just rolled his eyes and continued forward.

* * *

"And you know they won the ICCA last year, right?"

"Yes Benji. I remember, we watched it together. And every other competition they've
been in."

Beca looked at Benji who gave her a small smile, "I'm sorry, I'm just so excited."

"I know," Beca smiled, "Now which dorm is yours?"

"Right here!" They walked up to a door, "Wait till you see my side." Benji slowly
opened the door so Beca could peer inside.

Her eyes widened at the sight, "Huh." She walked into the room, "Not as bad as your
room back home."

She looked around the space, seeing exactly where each roommate's side ended and

"And this is my roommate Jesse." Beca turned, and her stomach dropped a little.
"Jesse, this is Beca."

"Hey!" The idiot pointed at her, "I know you!"

"You do?" Benji asked.

"No you don't." She turned to Benji, "He doesn't."

Jesse took a step forward, "Yes I do, I remember, because I sang to you."

Beca rolled her eyes, "Come on Benji, let's go see your nerd singing."

Benji looked between the two, a confused expression on his face, he was about to
speak up before Beca pulled him out of the room.

Jesse followed.

* * *

The trio made their way to the quad just as a group of frat boys passed chanting a
Beca rolled her eyes at the group.

"That's a double negative!" Benji called out.

"That's a lot of negatives." Jesse muttered.

"Follow me." Benji began,"There's only one group on this campus worth joining. As
far as Barden goes, that's what being a man is all about."

Just as they three were walking over the group burst out into their rendition of
'Let It Whip'. Beca tried her best to stifle her laughter.

"The Treblemakers." Benji continued, "The rock stars of a cappella, the messiah of
Barden. Well, you know, not including athletes, frat guys or actual cool people."

"Organized nerd singing. This is great." Jesse nodded his head listening to the

Beca rolled her eyes, they were both a couple of dorks.

"Yeah, it makes so much sense. How's your voice?"

Jesse sung out a verse, and Beca was surprised to see he wasn't half bad.

"Woah, nice!" Benji turned to Beca, who looked back at him, "This is going to be

He reminded her of a little kid on Christmas, "Just remember what I told you
earlier. No peeing yourself."

Jesse scoffed behind the two, Beca gave him a look.

"Come on Beca! Let's go!" Benji grabbed her hand and dragged her closer to the
group of Trebles.

"I'm comin', I'm comin'!" She trailed after him.

For being a whole bunch of nerds singing, they weren't too bad. Maybe better if
they chose a different song.

"They're so amazing." Benji murmured to himself.

"When you came in and you were just strumming the guitar and it was like totally
off key, I wanted to choke you!" A shorter Treble was screaming at a team member.

Beca raised an eyebrow looking at Benji, he really wanted to join this group of

"Bumper." Some hipster Indian commented.

"I wanted to choke you out!" The Treble continued to scream.

"Okay, it's just a normal day."

"Hey," Beca grabbed his hand, she could see he was stressing out, "You got this."
Benji smiled and squeezed her hand.

"Hi. Hi. Benjamin Applebaum." Benji let go of Beca and extended a hand, which was
rejected, "I saw you guys perform at a Mall of America three years ago. Totally
changed my life. I have not stopped thinking about you since."

"Thank you." The angry Treble replied.

"And Bumper, huge fan. Your arrangement of Lovin' Spoonful's 'Do You Believe In
Magic' inspired me," Benji did a little magic trick, "to become a certified

"Wow." Jesse laughed, Beca met his eyes and gave him a dirty look.

"The smell of your weird is actually affecting my vocal cords so I'm gonna need you
to scoot. Skedaddle."

"But why don't we just exchange emails, and then totally hang out right now,
together?" Benji was rambling, Beca thought, he did that when he was nervous.

"No. Hard pass. Hard pass. What a nerd alert." The fellow Trebles laughed along
with their leader.

"Hey!" Beca stepped forward, "Why don't you back off?"

"Excuse me?" Bumper turned back to her.

"You heard me." she crossed her arms.

"Beca, really, it's fine." He laid a hand on her shoulder which she shrugged off.
Beca had been sticking up for Benji for years, she wasn't going to stop now.

"You heard him emo girl, run along."

Beca narrowed her eyes, "He's just trying to be your friend, you don't have to be
such a dick."

"What are you, his girlfriend?"

"Bitch, what if I am?" She could hear a few Trebles snicker, "Come on Benji let's
go." She grabbed his hand and dragged him away.

"Beca you didn't have to do that."

"What was I supposed to do?" Beca asked, "Just let him bully you?"

"All I'm saying is that this isn't high school anymore." Benji mumbled.

"Oh so you don't want to be my friend anymore?" Beca retorted.


"No it's fine." She held up her hands, "Don't worry about me, I'll see you around."

"Beca, that's not what I meant!" Benji called after her, but she was already gone.

"Hey," Jesse spoke up, "She'll be fine, just give her some time."

"You don't know Beca like I do, it'll be awhile." Benji mumbled dejectedly.

* * *
Benji was too nice for his own good, Beca thought. He would let those guys treat
him like dirt and not even bat an eyelash.

Beca sighed, she had no idea where she was either.

"Shalom!" Beca turned to see a DJ table.

Walking over she was confronted with a rather large girl, "Ah yeah, DJs. Deaf Jews,
oh." She proceeded to play a little turn table.


"That's not a real word but keep trying. You will get there!"

"Not many Jewish people where you're from?" Beca asked bemused.

"No. I did do Fiddler on the Roof though in high school. It was like me and some
Aboriginals. It was really Jewish. It was full-on Jew." Beca nodded before slowly
making an exit, "Hey guys. Alright, I'll give you my number."

Shaking her head Beca walked down the path of booths and clubs, coming across an
internship table.

Grabbing a flyer she scanned the list and saw an opening for a radio station. Not
too bad, she thought, at least it's music related.

Waiting for the person in front of her to finish, Beca picked up a pen and signed
her name.

"Look at that." Beca turned to see Benji's roommate, "We'll be working together."
He gave her a smile.

"Yeah," she said sarcastically, "in your dreams."

"Well pinch me," Jesse leaned closer, "because I'm dreaming." She followed his arm
pointing to where he had signed up a couple space above hers.

Beca rolled her eyes, "You're such a weirdo." Maneuvering around Jesse, she began
to walk away.

"And so are you." He said, catching up to her.

A beat.

"Where'd Benji go?" Beca asked, still trying to get this kid to leave her alone.

"He saw some magic club and got all caught up in that."

"That does sound like him." Beca mused to herself.

They walked in silence.

"So are you guys like a thing or,"

Beca stopped in her tracks, "What? Aha, no." Beca laughed a little, "Why would you
think that?"

"Well back there you had said-"

"Hi, any interest in joining our a cappella group?" They turned to see some red
head holding out a flyer.

"So this is like, a thing now?" Beca asked thinking about the other group she saw

"Oh totes. We sing covers of songs but we do it without any instruments. It's all
from our mouths."

"Yikes." Beca mumbled looking at this girl.

"There's four groups on campus. The Belles. That's us. We're the tits. The BU
Harmonics." She gestured to a group dressed like the 90s, "They sing a lot of
Madonna. The high notes. They're not particularly motivated. And then there's-"
Beca looked over to see the Trebles singing another song, "So are you interested?"

"Sorry, its just, it's pretty lame."

"Aca-scuse me? Synchronized lady dancing to Mariah Carey chart topper is not lame."
The blonde one spoke up, Beca tried to hold back her laughter.

"We sing all over the world and we compete in national championships." The red head
continued selling it.

"On purpose?" Jesse let a snort escape.

"We played the Cobb Energy Performing Arts Centre, you bitch." Beca raised her
eyebrows, taken aback.

"What Aubrey means to say is that we are a close-knit, talented group of ladies
whose dream is to return to the national finals at Lincoln Centre this year. Help
us turn our dreams into a reality?" She held out a flyer.

"You should do it Bec! It'd be fun." Jesse said, "You a Bella, me a Treble."

Beca gave Jesse a look, "Don't call me that." She turned back to the girls, "Sorry,
I don't even sing, but it was really nice to meet you guys."

Jesse smiled politely and grabbed a flyer, but Beca had already turned and walked
away from the three.

"Hey!" Jesse called after her, "I got you this." He said handing her a flyer.

"Oh, you're still here?" Ignoring the flyer.

"You know," Jesse began offhandedly, "you should probably get all of this while you
can." Beca rolled her eyes while he gestured to his body, "Because when I become a
Treble I probably won't have time for you."

"Oh no. How sad." Beca sighed sarcastically.

"Ya know, I think we're going to be best friends," Beca scoffed, "and or lovers."

"Don't say lovers." Beca's lip curled in disgust.

Jesse laughed, "What's your deal?" She turned, "Are you one of those girls who's
all dark and mysterious then she takes of her glasses and that amazingly scary ear
spike and you realize that, you know she was beautiful the whole time?"
"I don't wear glasses."

"Well then you're half way there." Beca met his gaze, what a weirdo.

"Listen, I'm gonna go now." Beca slowly walked away.

"I'll see you around!" He said waving.

"Let's hope not." She muttered to herself, waving back and putting on a very fake

* * *

And Beca couldn't help but roll her eyes when she found the Bellas flyer some how
stuck in her back pocket.

* * *

**A/N: Well, there's the first chapter. As you might have been able to tell, it is
AU. Oh and for all future references, I do not own Pitch Perfect, and probably
never will.**

**Hope you like it! More to come soon.**


2. Chapter 2

"Hey Benji." Jesse had just gotten out of his philosophy class.


"Hey?" Jesse looked at the swords scattered across the floor, "Uhh, what's this?"

Benji scrambled to his feet, "Oh, it's just for a magic trick."

"Aha." Jesse nodded his head, pretending to understand, "Okay, well, I just need to
grab a few things, and I'm out."

"Actually," Jesse looked up from his desk, "If you could just help me with one

"I'm kinda running late as it is."

"Please, it'll only take one second."

Jesse glanced at the floor full of sharp swords and then back at his roommate,
"Okay," he conceded, "but it's gotta be quick."

Benji's face lit up, "Thank you so much! Okay, just take this one-"

* * *

"I'm Luke, station manager. You must be Becky, the intern?"

"Um, it's uh-"

"Hey, man what's up. I'm Jesse" He reached out, but was denied a hand shake.
"I'm Luke. You're late."

Jesse nodded his head, accepting that this guy was probably not too excited about
interns. Glancing over he saw the girl his roommate is friends with, smiling when
she quickly averted her eyes from his gaze, "Still know you." Jesse whispered in
her ear.

"No you don't." Beca retorted.

"Yeah, I do." Jesse said loud enough for Luke to notice.

"He doesn't." Beca reassured Luke.

"Totally know her."

"Okay, cool. Well you guys can figure it out while you're stacking CDs." He
motioned to the crates, "When you're done, there's more. Now you guys will be
spending a lot of down time together, so please just no sex on the desk. I've been
burned before."

Jesse watches Luke leave the room, "Even he knows we're going to be best friends
and or lovers."

"Do I know you?"

"You do, I sang to you. I remember because you were in a taxi. Wait, is your dad a
taxi driver?"

"No." Beca stared at him as he wouldn't shut up.

"Oh, okay." Jesse looked up to see Beca staring into the booth, "Luke's attractive,
huh? Excellent bone structure, fancy British accent, really cool tattoos, I think
we just met my nemesis."

"This sucks," She cut him off, "I wanted to play music."

"Not me. I'm here for one reason only. I really love stacking CDs."

Beca gave him a tight smile as he walked over to the shelves.

The two silently stacked while Luke sat in the booth, until Beca broke the quiet,
"So," she began, "Is Benji doing okay?"

Jesse glanced at her from over a shelf, it had been a few days since the activities
fair and he hadn't seen Beca come around to talk to Benji at all.

"I suppose, he's been spending a lot of his time singing and playing with his magic
sets." Jesse's voice held a playful tone as he descried his quirky roommate, and
Beca didn't find she liked it.

"It's not bad if he like magic." Beca said, coming off more as a threat.

"I never said that." Jesse replied, surprised by Beca's defensiveness towards
Benji, "Just different is all, especially with the swords and all."

"What's he doing with the swords?" Beca asked, a hint of panic in her voice.

"Last I checked, shoving them through a box."

"And you didn't ask?"

"Actually," Jesse picked up a second crate Luke had left outside the booth, "I
helped him."


"He asked." Jesse shrugged his shoulders, "Plus, I'm a nice person."

"Yeah." Beca scoffed.

A beat.

"So have you guys been friends long?"

"All of high school." Beca replied, opening and closing CD cases.

"And you both decided on Barden?"

"More or less." Beca replied thinking of her forceful college experience. Jesse
stopped talking after that, he could see Beca wasn't very interested in doing so.

The next hour being spent of cases hitting shelves and Luke's voice filling the
room over the radio. Not to mention Jesse's wandering eyes every time Beca would
turn her back.

* * *

"Hey Jesse! Wait up!" Jesse turned to see Beca walking towards him.

It was a little after 5 when Luke let the two of them go. Students were milling
around the campus and Jesse was on his way back to his dorm.

"I knew you couldn't resist me for long." Jesse threw her a sideways smile.

"No." Beca answered, "I was wondering if you could show me to your dorm?" Jesse
raised an eyebrow, "So I can see Benji." She finished with a disapproving look.

"Yeah, sure. I knew that's what you meant." Beca stares, "Come on Becky, it's this
way." Jesse turns and heads down the sidewalk, Beca in tow.

"Don't call me that." Beca's face soured.

"You know, I'm not quite sure what to call you." Beca glanced over at him, "You
don't like Bec, you don't like Becky-"

"Beca," She cut him off, "just Beca."

"Got it. Becaw." Jesse said, enunciating the ending loudly.

"Beca." She repeated in a clipped tone.

"Yeah, that's what I said." Jesse smiled.

Beca rolled her eyes.

* * *
As they near said room, Beca can hear the distinct sound of Benji's voice. Jesse
opens the door for Beca, and she smiles at the sight of Benji singing from sheet

"I didn't know you were into Kelly Clarkson?" Beca asks bemused by his music choice
with her arms crossed.

Benji whirled around, dropping his papers in the process, "Beca! What, uh, what are
you doing here?"

Beca collapsed on top of Benji's bed as Jesse shut the door behind him, "Can't I
visit my friend?" She threw her backpack on the ground, "So what's with the music?"

Jesse watched as Benji smiled brightly as he picked up his papers and sat beside
Beca to explain his audition music. Jesse was astounded by the easy relationship
the two held, carelessly ignoring the fight they had days earlier, acting as it had
never happened. He starred from his bed at Beca as she intently listened, glancing
between Benji and the sheets in his hands.

Jesse was curious to learn more this girl who wore an armor of a harsh and sardonic
attitude, protecting whatever it was she held inside.

"-Jesse too."

Jesse snapped out of his phase, "Hmm?"

"You're auditioning next week, right?"

Jesse looked between the two before he realized what they were talking about,
"Yeah, yeah. I'll be there."

"And I think you should audition for a group too Bec!" Benji held out the sheet
music, "This is the song we have to sing."

"No thanks Benji." she pushed away the papers, "You know I'm not interested in
anything like that."

"But remember when we watched the ICCA? The all girl group that made it to
Nationals goes here, you could be apart of the Bellas!"

"You mean the group that had the girl upchuck her lunch? Yeah, no thanks."

"Besides," Jesse spoke up, "You said you can't even sing."

"Can't sing?" Benji gave Beca a quizzical look, "That's not true at all."

Beca shot Jesse a glare, "It's not like it even matters, I'm not trying out."

"Will you at least think about it? Please?"

Beca let out an exasperated sigh, "I better get going it's getting kinda late."

Benji looked down at his watch, "But Beca, it's only-"

"Good luck with your singing." Beca cut him off, standing up from the bed and
grabbed her backpack, "And quit it with the swords before you hurt yourself again."
Benji looked over at Jesse. "Bye Jesse." She said before leaving out the door.

Benji shoulders slumped, sighing as he put away his papers.

"Is she always like that?" Jesse asked.

"Hmm?" Benji faced Jesse, "Oh Beca? No, well not always. She's just still mad about
this whole college thing."

Jesse's brow furrowed, "What do you mean?"

"Her dad's a professor here, and he's making her attend Barden, but she'd rather be
in California."

Jesse nodded, absorbing the new information he'd just learned.

* * *

She felt the sun disappear.

"Can I help you with something?" Beca didn't bother to open her eyes. There were
only one of three people on the campus who would be standing in front of her.

"I saw you and I thought I'd say hi."

Beca opened an eye, her hand protecting them from the sun since he had shifted,
"And why is that?"

"Well we both have to be at the station in," Jesse glanced at his phone, "twelve
minutes exactly." He smiled down at her.

"And I'm trying to make that twelve minutes worth something, so if you don't mind."
Beca motioned with her hand, closing her eyes.

"Well, you know that it's an eight minute walk from here to the station."

"And I have four minutes."

"I suppose I do too then." Beca could hear Jesse sitting down beside her, sighing
she sat up and began to put her laptop and headphones in her backpack. "Hey?" Jesse
asked, "Where you going? We've got, three minutes now."

Beca stood up and looked down at Jesse, "Come on, we're going to be late."

Jesse jumped up, hands on backpack straps. Beca gave him a once over, from his
laced up gym shoes, to goofy smile and puppy dog eyes. She rolled her eyes once
before walking away.

"So, I hear you can sing." Jesse catches up to up her.

Beca raises an eyebrow, "Who said that?"

"Well Benji mentioned it the other day."

"Benji says a lot of things." Beca folded her arms over her chest.

"I'm sure you have a beautiful voice."

"And you're sure of this?" Beca looked over at Jesse.

"Yup." Jesse nodded looking straight ahead, "I'm a people person," He met her gaze
smiling, "I know these things."
Beca turned back forward.

"So you think you'll audition for the Bellas?"

"No." Beca answered.

"I'm sure you'd make it, besides it could be fun."

"I'm not here to have fun or join any groups, or make any friends."

"So then why are you here?" Jesse asked.

Beca stopped in her tracks, "Why does it matter?"

"Just wondering." Jesse replied.

She examined him closely, "Well don't." Beca swiftly turned and walked away.

It was a few moments before Jesse was beside Beca again, "Okay, no wondering. Got

Beca rolled her eyes, "So is this going to be a thing?"

"What do you mean?"

Beca pointed at him, "You, always around."

Jesse smiled, "Depends, do you want it to be?"

Beca huffed, rolling her eyes again, but this time more playfully.

It was going to be a long year.

* * *

**A/N: First off; Gee whiz everybody! I'm just flattered by all of you that
favorited, followed, or reviewed. I'm a tad bit starstruck to say the least,
because some of you out there that took the time to read my story have very
impressive stories of your own that I myself have favorited and followed. So thanks
a bunch! :)**

**Next; Sorry for the delay. I'm being very hypocritical because I hate waiting for
updates, and I've let this one go almost two weeks. I vow to try to get a chapter a
week. It's just this chapter is kinda a filler, and it was just blah and hard to
write. So I apologize.**

**Well till next time, Too da lo! ~4minute**

3. Chapter 3

"And she just barged right in there! No warning or anything!"

"Well did she seem nice?"

"Benji, you're missing the point, the girl was bat shit crazy."

"Or maybe she thought you had a nice voice, which you do by the way." Beca sighed
and averted her eyes. "You should just give it a chance Becs."

"You sound like my dad."

"Well he's got a point."

"You haven't even heard the best part, he's blackmailing me into joining a club by
offering L.A. next year."

"It doesn't sound like blackmail if you get something out of it."

"He thinks that somehow someway I'll actually want to stay in this hell hole if I
join something."

"Then what do you have to loose?"

"People will know that I'm a part of nerd singing."

"It's not like you know anyone here anyway." Benji pointed out.

"Well I'll know."

"Just promise me that you'll consider it." Beca gave Benji her annoyed look, "And
even if you hate it, at least it'll get you closer to producing music."

"Sure thing Benji."

"Promise me Beca." He demanded.

"I promise I'll think about it Benji." Beca replied back like a childish tone.

"If you want, I can help you prepare for the audition?"

"I still haven't thought about it yet Benji."

"Okay Beca," He rolled his eyes, a beat. "So how's school going?"

"Wouldn't know, haven't gone to many classes. You?"

"Well my communications class is pretty fun, and my choir class is amazing."

"So cool." Beca replied, very disinterested.

"And how's Kimmy Jin?"

"I'm convinced she doesn't speak English."

"Beca." Benji said sternly.

"What?" She complained, "How's your roommate situation?"

"You tell me, it seems you spend more time with him than I do."

"That's not true, we just work together."

"I don't know, whenever I see you around campus he isn't too far away."

"That's because the nerd can't take a hint."

"Why? What has he done?"

"Don't get your panties in a twist, nothing's happened. He's just annoying as
always." Beca stood up from Benji's bed, "Speaking of which, I was supposed to be
at the station ten minutes ago."

"You're going to get fired from there you know?"

"All I do is stack CDs, it's not that big of a deal."

She grabbed her bag and walked towards the door, "Wait Bec! You need the audition
music for tomorrow!"

"Good bye Benji!" Beca spoke over him as she shut the door behind herself.

* * *

"You're here."

"I am, and so are you." Beca dropped her bag unceremoniously onto the ground and
walking over to the table full of crates.

"I didn't think you were coming."

Beca looked up, "No need to worry dear." She said sarcastically, "I was just with
Benji, it's the only time I can see him and know you aren't there."

Jesse placed his hand over his chest, "My heart swoons."

Beca scoffed.

* * *

"Beca." She feels someone shaking her side, "Beca, get up."

She moans and rolls over to face the wall.

"Beca, I think I broke your laptop."

Beca springs up, "You did what!?" She screams.

"Oh good." Benji smiles, "You're awake."

Ignoring his comment, Beca quickly rolls out of bed and scrambles to her desk. She
lays her hands over all of her equipment, making sure nothing is broken. Turning in
her chair she stares at Benji, "What could you possibly want?"

Benji is unaffected by the ice in her voice, already used to her morning
personality. "Well I thought you should know that auditions are in an hour."

"Oh yeah?" Beca brushes past him and flops back on to her bed, pulling the covers
around her. "Well good luck."

Benji plops down beside her, "Beca please. You're not going to have any fun here if
you sleep all day."

"I'm not going to have any sleep if everyone keeps interrupting me."

Benji sighed, "Oh, I get it now."

Beca rolled over to face Benji, "What?"

"No it's fine. I'm not going to pressure you into auditioning if you're afraid."

"I'm not afraid of-"

Benji stood up, "I'll see ya later."

"Benji! I'm not-" She was cut off by the door shutting behind Benji.

Beca huffed.

Beca Mitchell is not afraid of anything. Let alone a group of girls that don't even
have any instruments but their mouths.

But she's not going to fall for this trick so easily. This is exactly what he wants
her to do. Get angry that he thinks she's afraid, and then prove him wrong.

And she's already one step ahead. He's trying to use reverse psychology on her.

Beca lies back down on her bed.

She's not going to fall for it this time.

Closing her eyes Beca thinks of all her unfinished mixes she can work on today.

Not going to fall for it.

Beca groaned.

He was going to pay for this.

* * *

She stands in the hallway contemplating what she's about to do.

Does she really want to join an A Capella group? That would probably take up a lot
of her time. Plus the blonde girl at the activities fair seemed a little high
strung. Hell, she didn't even have anything to sing.

But to pass up her father's offer? That'd be insane.

Beca takes a deep breath.

She walks towards the entrance of the stage and peers inside. She can't really her
what anyone's saying inside but shower girl motions for her to come forward.

"Hello. Um, I didn't know we had to prepare that song." Beca lies, she just didn't
want to.

"That's okay. Sing anything you want."

She looks around the room and her eyes land on the cup on the table, "Uh, may I?"

* * *

"Ladies welcome to Aca-Initiation night. Prepare to soften the beach."

"I don't know what I'm doing here." Beca says to herself.

"Just living the dream. I still can't believe they let my sexy fat ass in."

Beca stands off to the side and watched the rest of the Bellas walk down the steps.

"Beca! Beca!"

"Wow." Beca smiled as Jesse drunkenly climbed over the rows.

"Be-caw! Be-caw!" Jesse laughed when he reached her, "Do my eyes deceive me, or are
you a Barden Bella?"

"No." Beca shook her head.

"You're one of those a cappella girls, I'm one of those a cappella boys, and we're
gonna have aca-children. It's inevitable." Jesse smiled and nodded his head when
Beca raises an eyebrow.

"You're really drunk right now. I don't think you're gonna remember any of this."

"No. I'm not drunk at all, you're just blurry."

"You okay? Yeah?"


Beca nudged Jesse, "You almost fell over?"

"No, she didn't. You know I could-" Jesse mumbled to himself.

"Can you pass a sobriety test right now?"


"Can you stand up straight?" She pushed him again.

"See how I come right back?" Jesse leaned backwards and forwards, "And I come right

"Right. Wow." Beca says unimpressed.

"Can I get you a drink?"

"It sounds great."

"I'm gonna go get you a drink."

"Go for it." She replies.

"I think you need to get on this level."

"Please be careful." She called watching Jesse walk back over the rows of seats
eater than stairs.

"Hi." Chloe runs up and grabs Beca's hands who let's out a sound of surprise, "I am
so glad that I met you. I think that we're gonna be really best friends."

"Yeah. Well, you saw me naked, so." Beca winked.

"Oh yeah! I'm so sorry about that, but you have a great voice. And now look!" Chloe
throws her hands up, "You're a Bella!"

Beca plasters on an overly fake smile and squeals along with Chloe, "Yeah! It's

Chloe dramatically sighs, "This is going to be the best year ever." She punctuates
each word.

Beca smiles and looks over to see Jesse trying to figure out the keg pump.

Chloe follows her eyes, "Oh! He's a cutie." She looks a little closer, "Too bad
he's a Treble."

"What?" Beca snaps her head back, "No, no! I don't like him like that."

Chloe hums to herself with a smile, "Well that's good, because you took an oath."
She says in a patronizing tone.

Beca's eyebrows furrow, "Yeah."

"Alright!" Chloe exclaims, "I'm gonna go get a drink. This ginger needs her jiggle
juice! See you later!"

"Make good choices." Beca calls.

"I don't know the words, but I can," Jesse sings handing Beca a cup.

"Thank you."

"This is awesome"

"It's definitely something." She agrees.

"We are the kings of campus!" Jesse screams out, ignored by most.

"So Beca," Jesse sat down and patted the seat beside him, "If you're not a Bella,
what are you?"

Beca took a sip out of her cup, "A mystery I guess."

"That's for sure."

Beca raised an eyebrow.

"Oh I didn't mean it that way," Jesse sputtered, "What I mean is, well I mean that
you're-" Jesse took a deep breath, "You're a lot different than from what I thought
you'd be like."

"And what's that mean?" Beca goaded him.

"Umm, well, I thought you were like hip and kinda indie." Jesee paused, "You've got
all these tattoos and piercings, plus an attitude that says 'Hello world, I'm

"And now?"

"Well I don't know, it's just a first impression. I could be totally wrong."
"You're right. Maybe I'm a way uptight stuffy conservative that's a virgin waiting
till marriage."

"Yeah." Jesse laughed, "Like how I deal crack, drive a Harley and I hit the gym
everyday. Plus I'm a tiger in the sack." Jesse wiggled his eyebrows.

"Or you're an annoying singing nerd that likes to cuddle and long walks in the

"Well I guess you'll just have to give that first impression a second glance."

Beca played with the rim of her cup, "Ehh, I think I was right the first time."

"It never hurts to question it." Jesse quipped.

Beca let out a snort, "Well it's been great." She stood and made her way to the
stairs, "I'm gonna go fin Benji now."

Jesse watched her descend the stairs, "No, Beca-"

"No thanks nerd!" She called.

Jesse jumped up, "Beca wait up!" He caught up to her, "Beca, Benji didn't make the

"What?" Beca asked, not quite sure she heard him right.

"I don't know, he wasn't at the initiation."

Beca glanced around, her shoulders slumped a little when she didn't point out her

"Are you serious?" Eventually her eyes fell on a particular Treble, "Bumper is such
a dick." Beca set down her drink and began to walk.

Jesse followed her line of path, "Beca what are you doing?" She ignored him,
"Beca!" He ran in front of her, "Beca, this isn't going to fix anything."

"What?" Beca looked past him, seeing what he thought, "No. No, I'm going to see
Benji." She explained, "I don't care about that asshole."

"Oh, I just thought, I thought that-" Beca rolled her eyes and brushed past him,
"Wait up! I'll take you there."

Beca turned around, she motioned for him to follow, "Then let's go."

* * *

"Benji?" She knocks again, "Benji it's me, Beca."

"I can open it for you-" Beca shushes him.

"Benji, come on. Open up." She's a little surprised when he actually does open.

"Hey Bec." He says quietly.

"Hey, you doin alright?"

"I'm fine. Just working on some magic tricks." He glances past her to see Jesse,
and she doesn't miss the way his eyes linger on the Treble Maker hoodie.

"Show me?" Beca asks to get his mind off it.

"Yeah, okay." He says, much less enthusiastic than any other time.

Benji turns and walks into the room, and before Beca follows she turns to Jesse.

"Stay." She looks up at him, hoping he'd understand. Beca follows in, shutting the
door behind her.

"It's just a simple hand trick really."

Beca watches as he pulls a ribbon through his hand over and over. "Benji."

"Hmm?" He looks up. Beca smiles sadly before sitting beside him. "So did you

"Uhh, yeah." She says a little uncomfortably, "I'm a Bella now."

"Really?" Benji says surprised, "That's really awesome Becs. I'm proud of you."

"Thanks Benji." She pauses. "You know it doesn't matter what they think, right?"
She says softly.

"Yeah. It's just." Benji sighs, "It's all I've ever wanted."

"I know." She rubs his back.

"And the BU Harmonics offered me a spot, but it's just not the same, you know?"

"Hey, don't let this make you think you're a bad singer. Okay?" She looks him in
the eye, "You're amazing and no one can tell you otherwise."

"Thanks Bec." He smiles, "And there's always next year."

Beca gives him a small smile, "Of course there is." She pulls Benji into a hug, and
he buries his head into the crook of her neck.

* * *

Jesse straightens when Beca finally emerges from his dorm room.

"Oh, you could have gone back."

"It's alright, it was getting pretty lame." Jesse throws her a crooked smile.

Beca rolls her eyes, "You're such a weirdo.

They walk down the hall together, "So," Beca looks up, "is he alright?"

"He will be, he's just bummed."

"Yeah." Jesse rubs the back of his neck. The two walk out the dorm building, "You
wanna go back to Initiation Night?"

Beca sighed, "Not really, but I'm sure everyone is wondering why I ran off with a
"Oh? Am I too dangerous for you?" He quips.

Beca snorts, "No, just hated by Aubrey." Beca thinks back to the weird as hell oath
she took.

"So you are a Bella." He says, more of a statement than question.

"You caught me." Beca holds her hands up.

"No, I knew the whole time." Jesse smiled as he shoved his hands in his pockets.

"Oh yeah?"

"Yup. I saw your audition."

"No you didn't." Beca stated.

"Oh, but I did." Jesse stopped walking to face Beca, "Oh!" He sang out, "You're
gonna miss me by hair, you're gonna miss me everywhere, you're-"

"Okay! Okay!" Beca yelled, she could feel her face heating up. "I get it, you were

"Aww, Bec! I was just getting to the best part!" He whined.

"Shut up." She crossed her arms and walked away.

"You're going to have to teach me that cup thing." Jesse replied cheekily.

"Yeah, I'll get right on that." Beca said sarcastically.

Jesse smiled, "Can't wait."

Beca rolled her eyes. The two had made their way back to the amphitheater and were
now standing at the entrance.

"Hey," Beca grabbed his forearm, "Thanks for coming with."

Jesse nodded, "Yeah, of course."

"And if you could just-" Beca paused, "I don't know, look out for Benji, he's had a
hard time fitting in and all."

Jesse looked at Beca, he could see the sincerity in her eyes and hear it in her
voice. Taking her hand from his arm he gave it a squeeze, "Sure thing."

Beca smiled slightly, "Thanks."

Jesse could feel his heart beating a little faster than usually. Beca's hand was
warm, like really warm. And she was pretty, so pretty. Hot too. This alcohol had to
be getting to him.

"Uh, Jesse?"


"You can let go now." She looked at were he was still holding her hand.
He quickly retracted it as if her hand was on fire. He let out an awkward laugh and
rubbed his neck, "Sorry about that."

"Yeah well, I'll see you around." Beca smiled and side stepped him to rejoin the

"Beca wait," She turned, "I, uhh." He stuttered.

"Come on Swanson." Crossing her arms.

Jesse opened and closed his mouth before he walked over and grabbed Beca's face,
kissing her. The kiss wasn't hot and heavy, but it wasn't a peak on the cheek

He noticed how warm her lips, like her hands, were. And soft.

It took a second for Beca to register what he was doing. His breath tasted like
alcohol, but she was sure hers did too. And by the time she uncrossed her arms to
push him off, it was already over.

They stared at one another, both surprised by the turn of events.

He was about to apologize before Beca beat him to it, "Well, thanks again for

Normally, Beca probably would have kneed the guy in his sensitive area. But not
wanting to make a scene, she quickly turned on her heel and rushed down the stairs,
praying no one saw.

* * *

Jesse was left standing alone at the top of the stairs like an idiot. He was so
stupid, why would he think to kiss her?

Rubbing his face and shaking himself Jesse made his way back to the party.

"Freshmeat!" Jesse glanced over to see Bumper standing among some other Trebles. He
looked around himself to see no one else was behind him, "Yes you!" Bumper called

"What's up?" Jesse asked.

"Donald here thinks Kolio can do more shots than you." Jesse looked over to see
Donald standing behind Kolio, "But I told him there's no way. So are you going to
prove him wrong?"

Jesse really just wanted go go curl up in his bed, but his fellow Trebles were
waiting for an answer.

"Sure, I guess." He conceded. He needed to get shit faced tonight to forget how
awkward and stupid he was with Beca.

"Yes!" Bumper screamed, "Freshmeat shot contest!" The rest of Trebles cheered along
with their captain, and Jesse couldn't help but smile when his fellow Trebles
pushed him along.

They seemed to draw some attention, because as Bumper explained the rules most
people were watching.
"Okay, we'll go one shot at a time. Who ever goes the longest wins."

"Boo!" Someone screamed, "No prizes or consequence?" Murmuring began and it seemed
that most people agreed with the spokesperson.

"Okay, okay." Donald stepped up, "Loser and their voucher," said looking pointedly
at Bumper, "have to streak through the quad."

A ripple of cheers went amongest the crowd, "Alright!" Bumper challenged back,
setting the shot glasses in front of Jesse and Kolio, "You better win this." Bumper
threatened under his breath to Jesse.

Shot one burned down Jesse's throat.

Kolio said he was just getting started on shot two.

Around shot three Jesse caught Beca's eye. She was standing towards the back with a
rather large girl who looked to be beckoning her to drink more. She raised an
eyebrow watching him as Bumper filled up his glass.

Shot four caused Jesse's vision to blur, it burned less though.

Shot five didn't totally make it down his throat.

At shot six Jesse tried to do the cup thing Beca did. No one was quite sure what he
was doing and he ended up needing a new glass afterwards.

At shot seven Jesse had no clue what was going on, everyone sounded like they were
singing. Maybe they were.

Eight shots were enough for Kolio as he proceeded to trip over himself and fall
onto Donald.

"Yes!" Bumper screamed, "Start stripping!"

Eight shots were also enough for Jesse to think it'd be a good idea for him to take
on another challenger.

Fat Amy offered to do eight shots to make the playing field even.

Jesse refused and took shot nine before Amy's glass was even filled.

And the last thing Jesse could remember was lifting shot ten to his lips.

* * *

**A/N: Am I the worst or what? That was a very long delay, I hope a longer than
usual chapter makes up for it. (I know it probably doesn't) And to be honest, I
wouldn't expect anything till after next Monday. I've got some AP testing that
needs cramming for.**

**I hope you enjoyed the chapter, a little Jeca. We'll see where this all goes!
Leave a little review, follow or favorite!**


4. Chapter 4
Cold water rushed over the side of his head and down his neck.

"Get up!"

Jesse groaned, "What the hell?"

"Time to get up!" The voice shouted again, "Do I need to get another glass of

Jesse sighed and opened his eyes, being momentarily blinded by the light. Sitting
up the blood rushed to his head and made him dizzy, making him want to throw up.

His eyes adjusted to his surroundings. He was sitting on the floor of the Treble
house, which looked to be a mess, and surrounded by most of the Trebles.

"What happened last night?" Jesse mumbled rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

"You got so wasted!" Hat exclaimed, "It was awesome."

Jesse rolled the kinks in his neck, he really wanted to take a shower and curl up
into his bed.

"I found Kolio!" Jesse flinched at the loudness, "He was passed out in the

Donald helped walk Kolio into the room, and unceremoniously dumped him on the floor
next to Jesse.

"So," Bumper began, "how was your first night as a Treble?"

"What time is it?" Kolio groggily asked beside him.

"Eight in the morning." Uni answered.

Jesse grimaced, wondering how little sleep he had gotten. "And you woke us up

"First Treble meeting."

Jesse looked around, it was disgusting. There were cups and bottles scattered
around, along with empty pizza boxes. "What happened here?"

"Don't you remember?" Hat asked, receiving a blank stare from Jesse.

"Wow." Donald exclaimed, "You must have been so shit faced."

"And I feel like shit now." Jesse responded closing his eyes, leaning against the

"No, no." Bumper snapped his fingers, "We have a meeting."

"Can't you give us ten minutes?" Kolio asked, he sounded like he was going to be

"No." Bumper answered, "So, you've both made it through initiation."

"Surprising that one of you didn't die of alcohol poisoning first." Donald added.

Jesse made a face, wondering just how much he drank.

"And now that you're official members, you have to pull your weight." Bumper began,
"Starting by cleaning the house."

Jesse frowned looking around, it would at least take half the day.

"Good luck!" Bumper turned and walked towards the door, a few Trebles following.

"Wait!" Kolio called, "Is that the only reason you woke us up?"

"Umm." Bumper thought, "Yeah. Yeah it is. Have the house cleaned by ten when we
have out real Treble meeting."

"Oh god, I think I'm going-"

Jesse grimaced as Kolio emptied his stomach on the ground.

"And you can start with that." Bumper called over his shoulder.

Most Trebles followed out the door, a few going up stairs, probably to go back to

Jesse sighed, his head was pounding and felt as bad as Kolio did.

"You want some coffee or something?"

Jesse looked up to see Donald had stayed behind, they were the only two left in the
room after Kolio ran off.

"No thanks, I just want to get this place cleaned up so I can go back to sleep."
Jesse stood, trying to keep his balance while his head spun.

"Yeah, sorry about all this. It's tradition and all." Donald shrugged.

"I just wish I wasn't so hung over."

Donald smirked, "Bumper likes to get the newbies as drunk as possible so this day
is so much worse."

Jesse sat down on the couch rubbing his head, "What a dick." He muttered.

"It's not so bad when your on the other side, it's fun watching you guys make asses
of yourself."

Jesse looked up, somewhat panicked, "What'd I do?"

"Nothing much." Donald shrugged, "Sang a little too loud, broke some glasses, got
rejected by girls."

Last night trickled into his mind. Bumper had made everyone pregame at the house.
He had a shot contest. Took Beca to see Benji. Kissed Beca after seeing Benji.

Jesse groaned.

"Some of it coming back to you?"

"The parts I wish wouldn't." He mumbled.

Donald nodded, "Well, sorry about having to clean up and all. At least you're not
in Kolio's position."

Jesse grunted in response.

"And don't worry, the meeting probably won't start till one-ish. You've got time to

"Great." Jesse mumbled.

"Well, I'll see you then." Donald turned and left out the door.

Jesse stood from the couch, getting up slowly as possible. He walked to the
kitchen, which surprisingly wasn't as dirty as the living room.

Pouring a himself a glass of water and taking a sip, Jesse leaned against the
counter wondering where Kolio had run off to. He really didn't want to clean this
house alone.

Sighing, Jesse grabbed a garbage bag from under the sink and started picking up

Luckily for Jesse, only the bottom floor needed cleaning. Kolio had passed out in
the bathroom and Jesse didn't have the heart to wake him.

It only took about an hour, an hour and a half to get everything picked up, floor
washed, and windows open since the place reaked of alcohol and vomit.

According to Donald he had about three hours till the meeting.

Making sure he had all of his belongings, Jesse headed back to his dorm.

After taking a shower, a few aspirins, and setting an alarm, Jesse passed out in
his bed.

* * *

People were talking.

His head still pounded. Jesse could only imagine how much worse it would be when he
opened his eyes.

"And she wants me to take my earrings out too."

"To be honest, they don't really match the Bella style."

"Yeah well, what ever."

Jesse could feel himself drifting back into a deep sleep.

"Anything else happen?"

"She threatened to kick me out."


Jesse jerked up at the loud noise.

"Look who's up."

Groaning, Jesse held his head between his hands.

"Beca this is serious, why are you getting kicked out on the first day?"

Jesse glanced over to see Benji sitting at his desk and Beca lounging on his bed.

"She thinks I have a toner or something."

"What the heck is that?" Benji asked.

Jesse grabbed his phone to see it was just after noon, he must have slept past his
alarm that went off half an hour ago. He probably should get going.

"Who even knows." Beca answered.

Sitting up, the whole world spun in Jesse's eyes. He tried to keep himself upright,
but felt very unstable.

"Rough night?" Benji asked.

"I don't even know." Jesse mumbled.

"Someone can't handle their alcohol." Beca quipped.

Jesse eyed her warily.

"Did you even come back here last night?" Benji asked.

"I have no idea. All I remember is taking some shots, and the next thing I know
Bumper was pouring water on my face and orders me to clean the house."

Beca scoffed at the last part, enjoying the story at his expense.

"Well," Jesse stood from his bed, "I need to get going. I'll see you around."

"Bye." Benji said in response.

He caught Beca's eye before he shut the door.

* * *

"Look who decided to show up."

Jesse had just walked through the door to see Bumper standing in front of him.

"Shut up Bump," someone called from the living room, "He's like the first one here
and the house is cleaner than it's ever been."

Bumper narrowed his eyes a Jesse sidestepped him to walk in the living room.

Taking a seat beside Uni, Jesse looked around to see that about half the Trebles
were there.

Bumper followed in and took an empty seat. "So, how bad's your hangover?"

"It's pretty shitty." Jesse replied, rolling his eye at Bumper's smile.

Slowly the Trebles trickled in, Kolio stumbling, looking like he'd stayed where
Jesse had left him some hours ago.
Eventually all the Trebles were present except one.

"Where the hell is Donald?" Bumper asked to no one in particular.

"Why don't you call him?" Hat asked.

"Why don't you call him?" Bumper mocked, "God Hat." None the less, Bumper pulls out
his phone and dialed a number.

As the phone was ringing, the front door opened and shut loudly.


Bumper put his phone back in his pocket. "Where have you been dude?"

Donald stomped into the room, his shirt was soaked, "Why didn't you warn me you
told Aubry?"

Bumper laughed at his friend's appearance, "Oh dude! That's sucks."

"Shut up Bumper." Donald grumbled as he ran upstairs to change.

"What happened?" Jesse asked, looking around the room for an explanation.

"Nothing." Uni said, "Just Donald's girl troubles."

Jesse frowned.

Donald reappeared in a new shirt, "You could have at least shot me a text or

Bumper shrugged, "Forgot."

"Yeah, well Kori didn't." Donald took the seat next to Jesse. "She poured her ice
coffee all over me!" Donald exclaimed.

Most of the Trebles laughed in response except the two new ones who had no idea
what they were talking about.

"I don't get it." Kolio spoke up, "What did you do?"

"That, my fellow Treble, is what this meeting about." Bumper began, "This year, we
have gotten," He paused for dramatic suspense, "two Bellas kicked out on the first

All but the two newest Trebles cheered along with each other.

"How'd you do that?" Kolio asked.

"Well," Bumper sat back down in his chair, "the Bellas have some stupid rule about
not sleeping with us or something. And those that do, are out."

"So you guys try and sleep with the Bellas?" Jesse asked trying to piece together
the story.

"More or less." Uni answered.

"And then I," Bumper gestured to himself, "inform their crazy leader."
"And," Donald added, glaring at Bumper, "forget to tell us and let us blindly go
talk to the girl you got kicked out, who happened to have a large ice coffee in her

"Sorry bro, I thought you'd just hit it and quit it." Donald rolled his eyes.

"Wait," Jesse said, "You just tell Aubry and let the girls get kicked out?"

"Umm, yeah." Bumper answered as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Isn't that kind of mean?" Kolio asked.

"It's not my fault the dumb bitch couldn't keep it in her pants." Bumper shrugged.
"And besides, the less girls they have, the worse they are."

"And," Uni started, "Trebles that hook up with a Bella-"

"Get a solo!" Bumper cut Uni off, giving him a death stare, "Any Treble that hooks
up with a Bella gets a solo."

"And this year, it's me!" Donald exclaimed, proud of his accomplishment.

"Ah, ah!" Bumper began, "You need the proof." He finished with a smug smile.

Donald shifted in his set and pulled out an envelope, handing it to Bumper.

Bumper pulled out a few pictures, "Well, looks like you did it." He said in

Throwing the pictures on the coffee table so everyone could take a look, Bumper
stood and pulled out a box from the television stand.

Jesse craned his neck to see a few pictures of Donald and a girl kissing against a

Bumper returned placing the box in the table and opening it.

It was a large black leather box, with a maroon treble clef on the top. Bumper
turned the numbers on the lock and it clicked open. "And this is the box of proof."
Bumper turned the box so it was visible, "All proof goes in the box, where it
stays." He ended seriously.

Donald picked up his several pictures, "And now it's my turn to join." He dropped
them inside.

"Wait," Kolio said, "if two girls got kicked out, who's the other Treble?"

"That would be me." Uni raised his hand, smiling.

"And your proof?" Bumper asked.

"Oh," Uni's face fell, "I forgot about that." He said dumbly.

"Well no solo." Bumper stated.

"Ehh, he did get a Bella kicked out though." Donald mentioned.

Bumper's face scrunched up, "Maybe you can hold a mic."

Uni smiled and nodded his head, "Awesome."

Meanwhile Jesse had been sorting through the photos, "All these pictures are just
off people kissing, I thought you had to sleep with them?"

"What kind of sick freak are you that you want to see that?" Bumper asked.

"What!" Jesse exclaimed, "No, no! I just thought-"

"It's fine." Donald cut him off, "Sex with a Treble gets you kicked out off the
Bellas, a hook up gets you a solo."

"So you only have to make out to get a solo?" Jesse asked curiously, his mind going
back to Beca.

"You need proof." Bumper added.

"Do you tell Aubry about all the Bellas?"

"If it won't get them kicked out, we don't waste our time." Donald and Bumper
glanced at one another.

"Why?" Donald asked, "Do you have something to say?"

Jesse shook his head, deciding against it.

"Does Aubry know about this?" Kolio asked, motioning to the box.

"I wouldn't doubt it." Bumper shrugged, "But it's not like we care, she gets to
kick out her Bellas and we get our solos."

"Shouldn't you give solos out based on talent?" Jesse asked, thinking this whole
game was dumb.

"That's not the way things work here." Bumper answered.

"Yeah, but what if-" Jesse was cut off before he could finish.

"Do you or do you not want a solo?"

He looks around the room, "I mean, I guess."

"Then it's simple, you hook up with a Bella."

* * *

She sat at the desk in the radio station, her oversized headphones on her ears and
a pen in her mouth, bobbing her head to the beat.

Beca had actually been somewhat on time today. On time enough that she had put away
enough CDs that she felt she deserved a break, and pulled out some music sheets
she'd been working on, and Jesse still hadn't shown up.

Beca saw him last on his way out of his dorm when she had been there with Benji.

She had been replaying last nights events over and over in her head.

Why'd he do it? Was it because he was drunk? Why didn't she push him off?
True he wasn't too bad on the eyes. And he was such a dork, and he made her laugh.
But he could get her kicked out of the Bellas, then she could kiss L.A. goodbye.

As if on cue, she saw someone enter the room from the corner of her eye. She
removed her headphones and placed them on her neck.

Beca watched Jesse come around the shelves "Hey." He greeted her.

"Didn't think you were coming." Beca looked back down at her work.

"Yeah, the Treble meeting went a little long." Jesse dropped his bag next to the
table, walking around to see what Beca was working on.

Beca quickly folded up her music and put it in her backpack, Jesse looked at her
strangely, "Luke's been looking for-"

"Jesse?" Luke walked out of the booth.


"You're late." He crossed his arms and leaned against the door.

"I know, sorry. I was-"

Luke rolled his eyes, "Don't make a habit of it."

Beca and Jesse watched as Luke shut the door and walked back onto the sound booth.

"I don't get it." Jesse turned to face Beca, "You're late every single day, and
he's never said a thing."

"But Luke likes me." Beca pointed out as she zipped up her backpack and dropped it
on the floor.

"That's for sure." Jesse mumbled under his breath.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Beca narrowed her eyes.

"Oh nothing." Jesse answered loosely. He grabbed a crate from outside the booth and
brought to the table.

Beca continued to eye him. "So," she began, grabbing CDs from the crate, "How was
your meeting?"

When he didn't answer right away, Beca looked up to see him starring at her. True,
it was one of the first times she started a conversation that didn't involve
teasing, but he didn't have to act too surprised.

"I, uhh- It was good." Jesse answered after a moment, "And the Bellas?"

Beca scoffed, "They're a bunch of lunatics."

"Yeah, they seemed pretty wild last night."

"I'm surprised you remember any of it." Beca comments.

"Trust me, I don't." Beca can't explain why she felt saddened by that, "Donald says
I made an ass of myself."
"You really did." Beca answers, even though it wasn't a question.

She's kind of mad that he might not remember their kiss. Not that it meant much to
her. Still, you shouldn't just go around kissing people. It's rude, and that's how
diseases spread.

"Did I miss anything important?" He asks.

"You tell me." Beca retorts. She can't tell if there's an under lying message to
his question or not.

Jesse raises an eyebrow at her tone.

Beca suddenly felt her cheeks flush. She was over reacting. She was being one of
the crazy girls that Beca always wanted to slap in high school.

Jesse was drunk. Jesse was drunk, and Jesse kissed her. But Jesse was drunk and he
probably doesn't remember it and he probably didn't mean it.

Beca quickly put her head phones back on her ears and tried her best to ignore
Jesse for the rest of her shift.

* * *

Beca readjusts her backpack on her shoulder.

It had been a long awkward two hours for Beca while working at the station.
Although she had listened to her music for the duration after her conversation with
Jesse, music can't stop the glances.

The boxes of CDs had been put away in about an hour, but Luke made them stay the
entire shift.

So when the clock struck six, Beca quickly grabbed her bag and piled up her sheet
music that she had pulled out again, and left Jesse sitting alone at the table.

"Beca!" She could hear him calling her since her head phones were around her neck.
"Wait up!" Beca could hear his footsteps coming up behind her.

Did she really think she could out walk him?

"Hey," Jesse walks beside her, "I was calling you."

Beca looks up, "Hmm? Oh, sorry. I didn't hear." She looks forward again.

"Yeah." Jesse pauses, "Is everything alright?" He asks, somewhat timidly.

"Sure, why wouldn't it be?" She answers curtly, not taking her eyes off ahead.

"You just seemed quiet today."

"Nope, everything's fine." Jesse walks in front of Beca, "What are you doing?" She
crosses her arms further, holding her folder of music closer to her chest.

"Beca," He begins, "If this is about last night. I'm sorry-"

"Oh, so you do remember?" Beca asks, disdain dripping from her voice.
Jesse is taken back by her sudden anger, "I just wanted to say I was sorry, and it
wasn't right-"

"You know what? Don't worry about it." Beca waves, and she walks past Jesse,
forcefully bumping him with her shoulder.

Jesse recoils, "Beca, wait!" He reaches fore her, grabbing her arm, and in the
process spilling the folder and all it's contents.

"What the hell dude?" Beca yells looking at the ground.

"I- I'm sorry." He stutters, trying to bend down to pick up the papers.

"Stop!" Beca swats his hands away, she grabs her papers and shoves them into the
folder, "Just stop." Properly arranging her folder back in her arms, Beca stands
up, "We're not anything." She motions between the two of them, "And there's nothing
going on here. And I don't want anything from you. So,"

She leaves it at that, and turns and walks away leaving Jesse standing in the
middle of the sidewalk.

* * *

**A/N: So tada. I actually wrote this right after I posted the last chapter because
I enjoyed writing it. I only had some trouble with the ending because I didn't know
where I wanted to go with the relationship. But I guess what I wrote will work.**

**Until next time, 4minute.**

5. Chapter 5

Aubry picks up a stack of papers, "I've composed study guides for all of our dance
routines." She handed one out to each Bella, "Know them like the back of your

Beca flips through the packet, rolling her eyes.

"Okay, on three." Aubry places her hand in the middle of the circle the girls hand
formed, "One, two-"

A mixture of 'Three', 'Ah', and a groan from a particular Bella rang through the

"Great." Aubry smiled tightly. "I'll see you all tomorrow at eleven." The girls
dispersed and walked back to their chairs, "Ah, Stacie, Fat Amy, and Beca?" She

The girls mentioned turned. "Yeah?" Stacie asked.

"Can you guys stay a little longer?" Chloe asked.

"Why?" Beca asked quickly, she had things to do.

"We feel the three of you could use some extra work." Aubry says.

"Please, no more cardio." Fat Amy begged.

"Not cardio." Aubry snapped, "But all three of you are behind in the choreography
and singing."

Beca sighed loudly and dropped her bag.

"Come on," Aubry clapped, "The faster you work, the better you'll be."

* * *

"No Amy! You turn left, not right!"

"She's crazy." Beca mumbled as she and Stacie were sitting in chairs lining the
room, supposedly studying their lyrics with Chloe who was currently on the phone
with shower boy.

"You can say that again." Stacie agreed, not looking up from filing her nails.

"You think she knows Regional isn't for like, four months?"

Stacy sighed and took her eyes off her nails, "I'm just sad about the Trebles, some
of those boys are really cute."

Beca didn't answer.

"What do you think?" Stacie was eyeing her from the corner of her eyes.

"Not really." Beca said, trying to fight the redness in her cheeks.

"Oh come on!" Stacie dramatically looked at her, "You can't tell me that not one of
those boys gave you a fun feeling down there." Stacie points with her nail file at

"Oh my gosh, no!" Beca exclaimed, crossing her arms and turning her body away from
Stacie's eyes.

"Oh, I get it." Stacie smiled slyly.


"I mean I should have known based on the flannels and boots, but hey." Stacie
shrugged her shoulders, "I've been there, done that."

Beca's eyebrows furrowed, "No, no!" She shouts, "I'm not like that-"

"Beca, we all go through it." Stacie rested her hand on Beca's shoulder.

She shrugs the hand off, "Stacie, I'm not-"

"Stacie!" Aubry cut in, "You're up."

Stacie gave Beca a sympathetic smile before going to take Amy's place.

Beca still had her mouth hanging open when Amy sat down beside her, "Woah, that was
as bad as cardio." Amy glanced at her, "You okay?"

"Huh?" Beca turns her head, "Yeah. Peachy."

"Ehh, okay." Amy looks down at her music sheets.

* * *
"Beca! It's not that hard! It's an A flat!"

"That's exactly what I'm singing!" Beca yelled back.

"No you're not! If it was an A flat then the rest of you singing would be on key,
which it's not." Aubry crossed her arms.

"Why don't you take that A flat and-"

The two were brought out of their bickering when a loud cough sounded behind them.

Aubry spun around to be meet with a group of Trebles, "What are you doing here?
This is a Bella's rehearsal only."

"It was," Bumper answered, "until three. Now it's Treble rehearsal."

Aubry crossed her arms, "Since when do you use the auditorium for rehearsal?"

"Since now." Bumper challenged her.

Beca looked past Aubry to see the Trebles trying not to laugh and nudging one

"That's fine." Chloe stood from her seat, looking between the two, "We were almost
done anyway."

Aubry pressed her lips into a tight line, "Exactly. All yours." She gathered her
folders and grabbed her water bottle, "Bellas." She snapped.

Beca scoffed, went to get her bag and get out.

"Alright, give me a D." Bumper called out.

The Trebles responded.

"Well, I think that's enough for today. Donald?" Bumper turned.

He nodded his head, "Yeah, that was good."

Aubry crosses her arms, "That's all your going to do?"

"Oh I'm sorry, this is Treble rehearsal only." Bumper mocks her, he turns around to
face his group, "Okay, see ya later."

Aubry watches in anger as the Trebles begin filling out of the room after their one
minute rehearsal.

"So, does that mean we're done today, or?" Fat Amy trails off.

"Yes Amy." Aubry snaps, "But make sure you're all ready for our performance in two
days." She turned on her heel and stormed out of the building.

"Bye!" Chloe waves, following Aubry out the building.

* * *

"So, what are you guys up to now?" Stacie asks as the three were collecting their
"I'm starving after all that cardio." Fat Amy complains.

Beca eyes her, "You barely ran."

The three exit the building.

"No, she's right." Stacie agrees, "Let's get something to eat."

"Sorry guys, I've got a shift soon." Beca readjusts her bag, "Another time?"

"Does that shift involve a certain Treble looking this way?" Stacie motions over to
the bench outside the auditorium.

"Unfortunately." Beca grumbled when Jesse smiled, "See ya tomorrow guys."

Beca made her way over to Jesse, knowing he was waiting for her, and trying to
ignore the catcalls from behind her.

"You sounded great in there."

"What do you want?"

He shrugs, "Just thought we could kill the twenty minutes before our shift starts."

"We?" Beca asks, crossing her arms.

"Are you still mad at me?" Jesse asks.

"I'm not mad." Beca says, "I just don't like you." At which Beca turns and walks

"You sound mad."

"Oh my-!" Beca whips around and faces him, "What do you want from me?"

"To say sorry." Beca opens her mouth to retort, "And I know you don't want to hear
it, but I am sorry for what happened on Initiation Night. I was out of line, and
really drunk."

Beca folds her arms, "What's your point?"

"I just wanted you to know."

"That's it?" Beca asks.

"Well I was hoping you would say something," Jesse trails off, rubbing the back of
his neck.

She stares at him, "Fine. I accept your apology." Beca nods her head and walks

"So, I'll see you later?" Jesse calls after her.

"We'll see." She answered, not bothering to look back.

* * *

She didn't show up at the radio station later that day.

* * *

"Beca. I'm bored."

"So interesting." Beca said into her phone.

"Can you come over? We can do something."

"Benji, you've gotta make it more appealing than working on music."

"Aren't I enough?"


"We can watch Star Wars?"

"Hell no." Beca answered quickly.

"We can get ice cream?"

"I don't know." Beca said, unmoved.

"I'll buy you the biggest chocolate chip ice cream cone there is."

"Well," Beca checked her clock, not like she had to be up tomorrow anyway, "I
suppose I can make sometime for ice cream. And you." Beca smiled at the sounds of
Benji's excitement, "I'll be over in a minute."

"I'll be here."

Beca put down her phone, and after saving her work and turning off her computer,
grabbed a jacket and left her room.

* * *

It's only a few minute walk, but long enough for Beca to need her music to keep
herself busy.

By the time she reaches Benji's dorm room and knocks on the door her head is
swarming with new possibilities of mixes that she doesn't register that door is
open until she's tapped on the shoulder.

"Huh? Oh sorry, hi." Beca takes her headphones off and looks up.


Beca blinks, once. Twice. It's Jesse. Shirtless. Did he just get out of the shower?
His hair's wet. And he's shirtless. And he's a lot more toned than Beca would have

At least now she can think about it.

Woah girl! Mind out of the gutter.

"Beca? Beca!"

"What?" She jumps.

"What's up?" She can see the small smirk on his lips, and the bemusement in his

Shit. He caught her starring.

"Umm." Beca clears her throat, trying to fight down her blush of embarrassment, "Is
Benji around?"

"I haven't seen him, but I just got back, so-"

"That's fine, thanks." She turns.

"You can wait in here." Jesse offers, "I mean he left all his stuff, so he must be
coming back."

"It's fine, just tell him I-"

"Beca!" Both turn to see Benji down the hall, "Hey, sorry. I guess I left my
notebook and a classmate had it." Benji holds up the notebook in question.

"Oh, that's-"

"Let me grab my phone and wallet, then we'll go?" He brushes past her to go into
his room.

"Okay." Beca nodded her head, following him in. She looks around the room, same as
the last time she saw it.

Excluding the shirtless roommate.

"You weren't at the station the other day." Jesse mentions.

"Yeah," Beca sits on Benji's bed, "I had stuff."

"You're gonna loose that job." Benji says as he looking through his dresser.

"Whatever." Beca mutters, "Are you ready yet?" She whines.

"Yep, let's go." Benji grabs Beca's hand and drags her to her to feet. "We'll be
back." Benji calls over his shoulder.

"See ya." Jesse waves as he shuts the door behind them.

* * *

They're sitting on a bench in the quad together.

"So, how's the Bellas?"

Beca looks up from her ice cream cone, "They're fine, Aubry's crazy, but the rest
aren't that bad."

"And shower girl?"

"Chloe." Beca says, "Compared to Aubry, she's the nicest one."

"That's good." Benji nods his head.

"Yeah, we have a performance tomorrow at some Frat house."

"That oughta be fun."

"As much fun as it could be." Beca retorts."And what have you been up to?"

"Not much, there's a preforming magic club that I joined."


"Yeah, there's a lot of nice people there. Plus people who are willing to be
assistants." Said with attitude.

"Sorry I don't want to get sawed in half."

"First of all, I never asked you to do that. I just wanted you to hold my pigeons
so I-"

Beca held up her hand, "Okay, okay I get it. I'm not as awesome as your new

"You'll always be my awesomest friend Bec." She smiled at Benji's sentiment, "Not
that your wrong though."

"Oh shut up!" Beca exclaimed, pushing Benji's shoulder.

* * *

"And we can watch all the Star Wars movies this weekend, with popcorn! Oh! Or we
could get the chips that you like-"

"Listen Benji, as great as that sounds. I really don't want to sit through that
much torture."

After their ice cream date, Benji and Beca had spent some more time on the bench

"I don't think you've ever watched the entire movie."

Now they were their way back to Benji's room.

"And I don't ever plan to."

Benji goes to unlock his door, "Sometimes I question why were friends."

Beca smiles and jumps on his back, "It's because you love me."

"Sure it is." He mumbles.

Beca gasps loudly, "I like it when you're sassy."

"Come on." Benji pushes through the door with a laughing Beca on his back. "Oh,

Beca peeks around Benji's shoulder to see Jesse and a friend.

"Hey guys." Jesse says, "This is Kolio."

Beca slides off Benji's back.

"Hi." Kolio stands, extending his hand to Benji.

"Benji." He says, accepting the hand.

Beca waves, "Beca."

Kolio smiles in return, "Yeah, you're a Bella right?"

"Uhh, yeah." Beca nods, brushing a piece of hair out of her face.

"Cool, cool."

She smiles, "Sure I guess."

There's an awkward moment of silence.

"So, what are you guys up to?" Benji asks, going to sit at his desk.

"We were just working on some, ah, music stuff." Jesse answers.

"Okay," Beca looks to Benji, "I've got that gig tomorrow, so I'll see ya later."

"Bye." Benji said.

Beca waved to the other two and shut the door behind her as she left the dorm room.

* * *

She sighs pulling out her headphones, trying to untangle the mess of the chord.


Beca turns at the sound, it's Jesse's Treble friend, "Hi."

"So, you friends with Jesse?"

"Not really." Beca answers, "Just his roommate." She goes to push the door, but
Kolio beats her to it, holding the door open for her.

"Oh, okay."

Beca gives him a sideways glance. Did he leave Jesse so he could walk with her?

"I like your earrings."

"What?" Beca asked.

"You're earrings, they're cool."

"Thanks." She was trying her best not to frown, but this kid was weird.

"So I know this is a little forward, but do you wanna go out or something?"

Beca stopped to look at him, "I don't really know you,"

"Well you could."

Beca frowned, "I'm sorry, but I'll have to pass."

"Yeah, okay." He looked dejected, "So I'll see you around?"

"Umm, sure." Beca smiled and turned on her heel, heading back to her dorm.

* * *

"You're friend seems nice."

Jesse looks up from his crate of CDs, "Who's that?"

"Kolio." Beca answered.

"Yeah, I guess." He shrugs.

"I mean the flirting was a little awkward,"


"And I felt kinda bad turning down his offer for a date,"

"He asked you out?"

"But none the less, seems nice." Beca turned from her shelf stacking when Jesse
stopped talking. "What's wrong?" She asked innocently.

"I, he-" Jesse cleared his throat, "Nothing."

Beca shrugs and goes back to stacking.

Jesse on the other hand couldn't seem to concentrate on anything but the thoughts
running through his head.

It's not like he had any claim on Beca. They just stacked CDs together, but he knew
her first, and they were friends.

Of sorts.

Well, until he screwed that up.

He glances at Beca as she's pulling cases out of the crate, inspecting each cover
and inside flap.

She's hot, he'll give her that. Pretty too. And her wit and attitude makes her fun
to talk with.

Plus she could get him a solo with the Trebles.

Not that he would use her solely for that purpose, obviously what Kolio had- has in

"Are you going to stare at me all day or stack some CDs?" Beca looks up with a
blank face.

Jesse jumped at the sound of her voice, "What? Me? I- uh. I wasn't starring." He
shook his head and averted his eyes to the shelf in front of him.

Beca made a sound of mock approval, smirking while going through the cases.

"You should be talking." He muttered.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Placing a hand on her hip.

Jesse smiled and walked over to the table, "You know what I'm talking about."

Beca rolled her eyes, "Oh, grow up."

"Did you like what you see?" He leaned on the table, enjoying watching her face

"I was more concerned that you open the door half naked." She deadpanned.

"Only when I know who's knocking."

"Shut up." Beca turned, taking CDs with her to stack.

Jesse laughed, and went back to his shelf and crate of CDs. "So I heard the mixer
was a mess."

Beca looked up, "And why would you think that?"

Jesse shrugged, "Bumper sent out a mass text about it."

"It wasn't that bad." Beca retorted.

"Sure it wasn't." Jesse teased, "Because getting kicked out isn't bad."


Jesse dropped his empty crate beside the table, "Well Becky." She glared, earning a
smile, "As much fun as this has been, I've gotta get going." He grabbed his

"There's still more crates." She motioned to other five full of CDs.

"Which you can stack to make up for the days you skip." Jesse smiled, "Until next
time." He bowed to the sound of a scoff.

"Screw you." She called as he walked out the door.

* * *

"So are we going rehearse one of these days?" Jesse whispered to Donald, who was
beside him on the couch.

"We don't need to."

Jesse nodded, not understanding that concept at all.

He had been a member of the Trebles for almost two weeks and not once had they sung
any music, practiced any choreography, or even talked about the numbers they would

But the Trebles had to know what they were doing. You didn't win the ICCAs for

Bumper jumped to his feet, "He was out! He was so out of bounds!"

Jesse glanced at his teammate, who at the moment was close to having a break down
watching the game.

"Damn it!" He yelled, proceeding to to throw the remote at the ground.

"Bump, calm down." Donald said.

"Who wants to get shit faced?" Hat called, walking through the door with Kolio and
Uni in tow, holding bags.

"Yes!" Bumper screamed, grabbing a can from the bag in Hat's hand.


"Hand one over!"

"Hey, aren't you going to have one?" Donald offered to Jesse.

"No thanks," He shook his head, "I've got class tomorrow."

"But it's Thirsty Thursday!" Hat cried.

"Yeah, don't be a little bitch." Bumper challenged.

"Sorry, but I'll pass." He thought back to the last time he let himself get talked
into drinking with Bumper.

"You're lucky that you have a voice, because you're not Treble material."

"Oh, shut up Bump." Donald turned to Jesse, "Don't listen to him, he's a dick."

"I know." Jesse rolled his eyes.

"Whatever," Bumper crashed back down onto to the couch, "I'm sure you've all heard
by now, the Bellas have started their downward spiral into defeat."

"I heard they didn't even make it through half their set." Uni added.

"Which is why we'll have no problem taking them out at Regionals."

"So long someone else can get another solo." Donald said, "I really can't find a
song with me soloing the entire time." He explained.

"But I thought I got one." Uni asked.

"We already went over this," Bumper started, "You can hold a mic. No proof, no
solo." He shrugs, "I guess I'll just have to solo again."

"What Bella hooked up with you?" Kolio asked, disbelief in his voice.

"He hasn't hooked up with a Bella since freshman year." Donald said.

"Plus, she wasn't even a Bella yet, or you a Treble!" Hat cried.

"It's not my fault I knew the rules before you did." Bumper retorted childishly.

"That's because your brother told you." Donald answered.

"Well if no one else has the balls to get a Bella, it'll just have to be me."
Bumper crosses his arms.
"For you information," Kolio began, "I'm on the fast track to to getting a solo."

Jesse glanced at Kolio who had a smug smile on his face. The rest of the Trebles
made sounds of surprise.

"And just which one would that be?" Hat asked.

"I bet it's the tall one, she looks like she puts out." Bumper commented.

"Nope, the goth one." Kolio nodded his head.

Jesse frowned. Did he not even know Beca's name? At least he knew her name.

Bumper scoffed, "I don't believe it."

"You'll all see when I bring in the proof." Kolio took a sip of his drink and
leaned back onto the couch.

"Best of luck to ya." Donald raised his cup.

As the topic of the conversation changed back and forth, Jesse couldn't seem to pay
that much attention to what his fellow Trebles were discussing.

He didn't have any hold over Beca. And there's no way he could stop any one of the
Trebles from hitting on her for a solo.

But he already kissed her, not that he had any proof of it. Although, if he talked
maybe everyone would get the message that he had her first.

Not like she was a toy or something that could just be called for his use, but
listening to his teammates talk about her like she was just a doorway to a solo
angered Jesse.

Hell! They didn't even know her like he did. That she was sarcastic, and funny. Or
for some reason she hated it at Barden.

They didn't know Beca like he did.


Jesse shook his head and turned at the sound of his name, "Huh? What?"

Bumper rolled his eyes, "I said, would you rather spend the night at the PlayBoy
Mansion or sleep with a PlayBoy Bunny?"

"What?" Jesse asked confused.

"I said-"

Jesse stood, "I- I don't know. Listen it's late. I'll see ya guys later."

There were a chorus of good byes.

"You didn't even answer!"

* * *

Jesse rubbed his face. It was way too long of a day for it to only be Thursday.
Digging into his pocket to find the key to his building, he had just found then
when the door opened anyway.

"Hi." He looked up.

"Beca." Said in surprise, "Uh," He cleared his throat, "What ate you doing here?"

She leaned against the door, crossing her arms, "Talking to Benji."

"Oh, right."

"Yeah, and I was hoping to go back to my room. But some idiot's in my way."

Jesse blinked, "Oh! Me? Ah, sorry." He quickly moved out of her path so she could
walk by.

Beca rolled her eyes, muttering under her breath, "Weirdo."

Jesse smiled watching her walk down the sidewalk, which only widened when she
turned around and waved.

* * *

**A/N: Please lower the pitch forks and torches, I already know what a monster I
am. Do I really have an excuse? I supposed I could blame it in graduation, work,
college orenination, or anything else.**

**But let's be real. I don't even know. Please forgive me.**

**On a side note. Some times I feel badly that I'm not responding to the lovelies
that leave reviews. Where as some authors well message you or respond in the next
chapter, and I'm just sitting here like, 'hey.'**

**None the less, your reviews, favorites, and follows make my day. And I'm sorry
I'm too lazy to respond, plus it'd be like a month later (Sorry!) But if any one of
you would like a response, just go ahead and message me, and I promise I'll do my
best to interact with all of you.**

**Hopefully sooner till next time, 4minute.**

6. Chapter 6

"Because we aren't in high demand as performers," Aubrey eyes a few Bellas in

particular, "I've thought of a new way to fund the team for Regionals." She passes
out stacks of flyers to each Bella.

Aubrey's boarder line insane smile made most in the room cringe, "Aca grams."

"Aca what?" Jessica asked.

"They're like telegrams, but we sing!" Chloe explained.

"That's it?" Cynthia Rose asked.

"Well there'll be costumes of course." Chloe said happily.

Aubrey frowned at the lack of enthusiasm, "Anyway, you are responsible for
distributing these flyers." She picked up another stack, "Secondly, these are the
available songs that can be chosen as an aca gram."

Beca rolled her eyes looking at the song selection.

"I'll be leading the first round for Halloween, would anyone like to join me?"

"Oh!" Stacie exclaimed, "Can we choose our own outfits? Because I have a couple
costumes that make my ti-"

"Anyone, besides Stacie?" She cut her off.

"I'll do it." Cynthia Rose offered.

"Excellent." Aubrey clasped her hands, "Now I'm not saying you need to have the New
Years set prepared by Thanksgiving, but it never hurts." She smiled.

* * *


"What are these?" Benji picked up the stack of papers that Beca unceremoniously
threw at him.

"I had to pass them out." Beca swept her arms, "And they've been passed out."

"This is actually pretty cool." He rifled through the papers, "It's like Christmas
caroling, but for everything."

"You would." Beca scoffed, lying down on his bed.

"How can I get one? Do I get to pick the song? Or the Bella? Oh! How can I get you
to sing to me?"

"Slow down there nerd. I'm not sing to anyone, let alone you."

"You're no fun." He threw the papers at her, "Well I have to get to class."

"Whatever." Beca answered, already pulling out her headphones.

* * *

His voice is like pure gold to her ears.

Like eargasms, eargasms everywhere.

Beca looked up from her book to see Jesse walk into his dorm room, singing
Aerosmith's Walk This Way, loudly she might add. And damn, can he hit those high

She quickly looked back to the book in her hands when Jesse saw her lying in his
roommate's bed.

"What is Beca the Bella doing in my room?"

She shifted her eyes briefly, "Don't call me that."

"Beca the Beauty?"

"Stop it."

Jesse threw his backpack on his bed, "Beca the Best friend and or lover?"

"Shut it nerd."

"I can think of another, but I don't think it'd be much appreciated."

"None of them were." Beca muttered, trying to focus on her reading.

God, this was boring. Any other day she wouldn't have even looked at her homework,
but she gets the feeling that her father's offer won't stand if she fails out of

Brought out of her thoughts by a loud slurping behind her, twisting around she sees
Jesse drinking a juice pouch, "Do you mind?"

"Oh, I'm sorry. Am I disturbing you?"

"A little." Beca smiles.

He spins in his chair, "Maybe you should go back to your room."

Beca flips a page, "Can't really study when there's a ping pong tournament going on
in there."

"You have enough room for a ping pong table?" She doesn't answer, "You know that
Plato reading was due a couple days ago, right?"

"And I'm trying to finish it, but I keep getting interrupted."

"Here." Jesse throws a juice pouch at her.

"Watch it." Beca snaps.

"I'll take that as a thank you." He sits beside her, watching as she tries to punch
the straw in.

"Strawberry?" Beca asks after taking a sip.

"Strawberry kiwi." He corrects her.

"My bad."

"My last one too."

"For me?" Beca exclaimed sarcastically.

"Anyone that has to endure Plato deserves strawberry kiwi juice."

"Are you talking from experience?"


She sits up, "Like Intro to Philosophy experience?"

"Depends." Jesse raised an eyebrow.

"Depending if you have this worksheet?" Beca pushes the paper into his hand.
"Miss. Mitchell," He gasps, "Are you trying to cheat off me?"

She huffs, "Sorry, I forgot what a nerd you are."

"And all this name calling, even after I gave you my last juice pouch."

"I wouldn't have taken it if I knew how much grief I'd get."

"You can make it up to me."

"Like giving you the opportunity to show of your philosophical knowledge?"

"Aha. No."

"C'mon Jess. No one will have to know." Beca bites her lip, liking the way his face
flushes adorably awkward.

Wait. What?

Jesse rubbed the back of his neck, wondering if this was still about the homework,
"Sorry, I already turned it in."

Beca flopped back onto the bed, "You're worthless."

"I can still take back that juice pouch you know."

"Again with the juice. Jeez, if they mean so much to you I'll buy you a whole box."

"It'd be much appreciated."

Beca stuffed the book back into her bag, "Look, here I go." She stood up.

"Make sure it's strawberry kiwi." He added.

"Is there any other flavor?" Beca called sarcastically over her shoulder before
shutting the door behind her.

* * *

"Beca! It sounds like you're singing at a funeral!" Aubrey snapped.

"I'm sorry if these songs suck."

Aubrey purses her lips and folds her arms, "You do realize that each song we
preform was made-"

"Famous by women. Yeah, big deal, it doesn't mean that they aren't boring as shit."

"Maybe we should take a break?" Chloe cut in.

And before Aubrey could begin a tirade most of the Bellas had happily walked away.

Beca rolled her eyes, taking a seat and grabbing her phone.

From: Houdini

Busy saturday?
From: Unknown

I sure am thirsty

To: Houdini

What'd you have in mind

To: Unknown

who is this?

From: Unknown

Just the best acapella singer in the entire world

To: Dork

You mean dork. My phone even says youre a dork

To: Dork

How'd you get my number

From: Houdini

Magic preforming show! 8:30?

From: Dork

Your words only encourage me. And I have my ways ;)

To: Dork

ur an idiot

To: Houdini

Will you be in it?

From: Dork

Sweetest thing you've ever texted me

From: Houdini

To: Houdini

So long the aca dictator doesnt need me, I'll be there

From: Houdini

and don't worry! I won't ask you to be my assistant

Beca smiled before putting her phone away.

"What's got you happier than a dingo in heat?" Amy walked up bedside her.

"Just a friend." She answered, unfazed by Amy's metaphors.

Amy smiled slyly.

"Not like that." Beca exasperated, rolling her eyes.

"Sorry Stacie, I don't think I can do that."

"C'mon Jessica! I need you!" Stacie cried.

"Can't you just ask someone else?" Jessica began looking uncomfortable.

"Hold on a minute." Amy left Beca's side, "You're not trying to ditch me are you?
It's just like the Bahamas all over again!"

"Well you said you were going to find the first guy and get it." Stacie explained.

"Oh right." Amy pauses, "Well what about Beca? "She won't ditch you."

"Sorry, what am I not doing?" Beca interjected.

"Oh my gosh! That's perfect!" Stacie gushed, "Being my wing woman!"

"Ah, no."

"Don't you want to have any fun flat butt?"

Beca made a face at the nickname, "Sorry, I'm busy tonight."

"Good thing it's not tonight."

"I don't even know what it is." Bcea crossed her arms.

"Since you're so interested," Stacie began, quickly looking to their leaders and
back, "The Trebles are throwing a pre Halloween party Saturday."

"Pre Halloween?"

"Well Halloween's a weekday, so yeah."

"And it's okay we can go?" Beca asked incredulously.

Amy scratched her head, "Well, ahh-"

"It's not like we can't go." Stacie smiled.

"Sorry, I'm busy Saturday." Beca shrugged.

And before anyone could argue with her, Aubrey blew her whistle (Is that the rape
whistle?) signaling break time was over.

* * *

"And I told Benji that there was no way he could fit in that box, but he tried

Beca crossed her arms, looking at the scene before her, "Well why don't you take
the swords out?"

"I was going-"

"No Beca! Don't touch the swords!" Benji cried, "I have them perfectly aligned-"

"You obviously don't if you're stuck in there."

"Maybe I can just-" Benji was cut off by the girly scream he released, "Beca!"

Who at the moment holding a sword she tore out of the box, "Oh look, more room for
you to move." She deadpanned, before ripping out another sword.

"Beca," Jesse began, "I really don't think that's a good idea."

"Well it's better than what you were doing." Another sword.

"Okay Beca!" Benji called, "I think that's enough."

"Then get out."

After a moment of rustling around Benji was able to emerge somewhat unscathed from
the box, "Look at what you did!" He cried, holding up his cape.

"Get you out of the box?"

"You cut my cape!"

"Why were you wearing it in there at all?"

"Because Beca, all the best-"

"I'm sorry, I don't have time for this." She grabbed the cape from him, "I'll fix
it. Just like all the other ones." She mumbled the last part under her breath
before shoving the cape into her bag, "And you're done with this," she gestured to
the mess on the ground, "for a while."

Beca turned on her heel, stopping at the door, "Hey dork, we have a shift."

"Right." Jesse scurried around the room looking for his belongings.

"And Benji?" He looked up, "You don't have a babysitter right now, so don't do
anything stupid."

* * *
"How have you never heard of Lady Gaga?"

Beca stacks another CD, "Because I don't care about any of her music."

"You've never heard it!"

"And I don't need to." Beca turns around to see Jesse starring at her dumbly, "I'll
get Luke to fire you if you don't start stacking."

"Then all the stacking would be left for you." He smiled.

"Shut up." She rolls her eyes.

"Nicki Minaj?"

"Is that a dude?"

"Please tell me you've heard of Beyoncé."

Beca turns to Jesse in all seriousness, "Beyoncé is a god."

"Becky?" Luke cuts in, rolling in his chair to look out the door.

"Yeah?" She turns around.

"There's a Pink Floyd disc on the bottom shelf,"

"Do you need it?"

"Could you?"

Jesse watched as Beca bent down to search for the case, his eyes briefly glanced to
the station manger, who starred inappropriately.

"Yeah, I don't see it."

"Uhh, it's down there. Keep looking."

Luke met Jesse's eyes, who knew just how much this was annoying him, and gave a

"Oh Becky?"

"Yeah?" She turned around, oblivious to the stare down between the other two in the

"Turns out I had it in here the whole time." He held up the case as proof, "Sorry."
Which Jesse felt was insincere.

"Don't worry about it." She waved, before turning back to Jesse, "You okay there?"

He tore his eyes from the asshole in the booth, "Fine."

"Okay then." Confused by his sudden moody attitude, turned back to the crates and
continued her stacking, "Anyway, of course I know who Beyoncé is. I haven't been
living under a rock."

"Could of fooled me."

And somehow Jesse's anger at the British dick disperses when he sees Beca glare at
him, a small smile playing on her lips.

* * *

"So I'm thinking we do group costumes?" Stacie asked while filing her nails.

The eight newest Bellas were sitting around, waiting for their leaders to stop
arguing about their Victory board.

"Like sexy animals of the Amazon." Amy suggested.

"Yes! I call a leopard!"

"Can I be an iguana?" Lily asked quietly.

"Well I'd obviously have to be a cougar." Amy said, "I sure do love younger men."

Beca snorted at her fellow Bellas, drawing attention to herself.

"What about you?"

"Sorry guys, I'm not going."

"It's going to be the biggest party on campus." Cynthia Rose added.

"And I'm going to be at my friend's magic show."

"Sounds kinky." Amy piped up.

"You can't seriously choose that over us. We're like you're sisters." Stacie says.

Beca shrugged, "Already told him I'd be there."

"We'll see about that."

* * *

Beca was starring at her mixing when she felt a tap on her shoulder, she even
jumped a little when she saw Kimmy-Jin standing behind her.

"Door." She pointed.

Standing, Beca goes to open the door, brushing off her roommate's coldness.

"Hey aca-bitch!" Stacie greets her.

Before she can open her mouth, a bag is pulled over her head. Was that Lily?

And is slung over someone's shoulder, probably Fat Amy, all the while her cries of
protest are ignored.

* * *

Stacie turned from her closet, "Okay, you can either have option A or option B."

The Bellas were currently preparing for the party that Beca dreaded in Stacie's
room, having carried her all the way there, promptly tossing her onto the bed and
demanding she get dressed and come with.

"How about neither?" Beca asks, looking in disdain at the two very different
costumes, all though equal in slutiness.

Stacie, dressed in a revealing with costume, dropped the outfits on the bed, "Beca,
you're going either way, so why don't you just pick a costume?"

"Really guys, I promised my friend I'd be at his magic show."

"How about you come to the party first, and then you can go to his show?" Cynthia
Rose offered.

"How about I go back to my room, go to the show, and then back to my room?"

"Come on Beca!" Stacie whined, "Have a little fun."

"I bet your boyfriend will be there." Amy said suggestively while applying lipstick
wearing a very tight leather looking cat outfit.

"Jesse is not my boyfriend." Beca snapped.

"Who said anything about Jesse?" Ashley asked while Jessica curled her hair.

Beca pressed her lips into a thin line, "I'm not wearing any costume and I'm not

Stacie took a deep breath, "Okay, here's my final offer. You wear a cute outfit,
come to the party for at least an hour, and the you're free to go to whatever else
you have planned."

"One hour?" Beca asked.

"One hour." Stacie smiled.

"Fine." She conceded, to the cheers of her so called friends, "Can the outfit at
least be from wardrobe?"

"No. You'll probably barricade yourself in your room. So how should we do her

* * *

And that's how Beca is now standing in the living room of the Treble house beside
Stacie and Amy in less than comfortable heels, almost Amy's cat outfit tight black
pants, and it might as well be a bra, orange shirt. All borrowed from Stacie of

"How much longer do I have to stay?" Beca asked, taking a sip from her drink.

"Shut up, we just got here." Stacie snapped.

"Alright aca-bitches, mama sees herself some man candy for the night." Amy says
before trotting off after some guy.

Beca sighs before finishing off the rest of her drink, "Hey," Gaining Stacie's
attention, "I'm gonna go get another." She holds up her cup.

"Yeah, sure, okay." She replies half minded, basically having eye sex with someone
across the room.

Beca rolls her eyes before setting down her cup and pulling out her phone. She has
a little more than an hour before Benji's show starts, which is just enough time to
get back to her dorm and put on an actual shirt.

Making her way to the door she is almost home free when Lily steps in front of her.
Not to mention the girl's dressed as a china doll, making her look even more

"What?" Beca asks, after she's pretty sure she saw Lily's mouth move. Lily just
smiles, at which Beca frowns, deciding to just walk around her before Cynthia Rose
appears as well.

"You're not leaving are you? You still have-" She checks her watch, "Like half an

"What? Of course not, I was just, going to talk to the DJ. This music sucks." It
was admittedly pretty shitty music that was playing at the moment.

"Well he's that way." Cynthia Rose pointed in the opposite direction towards a
stack of speakers and other various music equipment.

Beca smiled, "Thanks." Turning on her heel, scowl on her face. She could feel Lily
and Cynthia Rose's eyes on her back.

Making her way to the DJ, she saw some frazzled looking guy, wearing nothing more
than present box around his junk, "This music sucks."

"I know! I know!" He cried, "I have no idea what I did, shit, shit, shit."

She was about to leave this hot mess alone when another walked up, "Uni! What the
hell did you do? I left you alone for like two minutes!"

"I don't know, I was just-" The second pushed said Uni aside.

"What the- Dude! You deleted everything!"

"I was just trying to change the song!"

Beca had to bite back her smile watching the two have a meltdown, "Here." She
offered, taking a cord from the ample amount tangled, and plugging it into her
phone, uploading several of her own songs, "That'll give you some time."

The two boys starred at her, "Bella."

Beca scowled, it's not that she hated the Bellas, eight out of the nine of them
were pretty cool. But that doesn't mean she wants to only be known as one.

"You think she's trying to sabotage us?" The almost naked one asks.

"Shut up." He turns to her, "I'm Donald, thanks for the help, since Uni here janked
it up." He looks at the computer, "This is pretty good, where'd you get it?"

"Uhh, it's a friend's of mine." She lies, "And I'm Beca, by the way."

Uni laughs, "Beca the Bella." At which Beca throws him a glare that promptly quiets
"What's a Bella doing at a Treble party?"

"Dragged here by her other Bellas."

"Even your leaders?" Donald asked surprisingly.

"Maybe if Aubry had her eyes gauged out first."


Beca shrugged, "Truth hurts."

* * *

He barely recognized her, because damn those were not her regular clothes.

Jesse walked over to where he saw Beca standing beside his friends, "Hey guys."

He watched her turn, a small smile lighting her face, "Hey nerd."

"What's going on here?"

"Well Beca just saved the day, music wise. Since Uni here ruined it." Donald glared
at the Treble beside him.

"And that's my cue. Trebles." She throws them a mock salute before turning around.

"Wait, where you going?" Jesse grabbed her by the elbow, "The party just started."

"I'm off to Benji's magic show."

"And I know for a fact that it does't start till eight thirty."

"It's a long walk."

"Stay for just one more drink." Jesse pleaded, "Stay for one more drink and I'll
forget about those juice pouches you owe me."

Beca folded her arms, "Fine. One drink." Jesse smiled widely before promptly
dragging Beca to the kitchen.

"You think Swanson will get a solo?" Donald asked.

Uni scofffed, "I don't think he even has the balls to hold her hand."

"She'd probably chop them off if he ever tried."

* * *

"And they pulled a bag over your head?" He laughed.

"I'm telling you! These girls are crazy." Beca exclaimed.

Both Jesse and Beca had managed to pull their way through crowd, grab some drinks,
and find an empty space on the back deck.

"Well if you don't show up at the station tomorrow I'll be sure to notify the
"No, if I go missing look to Aubry first."

"Of course, the controlling leader taking out the rebellious Bella." Jesse smiled,
"It could be a movie."

"I wouldn't see it." Beca muttered, taking a drink from her cup.

"Of course not, you'd be dead." He says as if it's the most obvious thing in the

Beca rolls her eyes, "You're such a dork."

"At least I'm fun. I mean come on, you didn't even dress up for Halloween!"

"I didn't know you were a man child, did you get that costume from Benji?" She
motions to his Han Solo outfit.

"Hey now, just because he likes Star Wars, doesn't mean he has all the costumes."

"I was asking because it looks like the one he wore last year, idiot."

"You know, I'm beginning to think these are all pet names you have for me. I feel

"You shouldn't."

"Now tell me, who wore it better?" Jesse quickly throws a pose, spilling his drink
in the process.

"Meh." Beca shrugs, "Benji had a Lea."

"Well you could have been my Lea!"

"Sorry, I'm already Benji's."

He laughed, "You wore a dress? I'd pay to see that."

"Who ever said that I wasn't wearing the other outfit?" She raised a brow.

"You're lying." Struggling to get the image of Beca in nothing more than a gold
bathing suit out of his mind.

"Who knows, maybe I have it on right now." She smiled.

Beca is cut off by a loud cough behind her, "Hey, uhh. So we have a problem." Amy

Looking past Amy, Beca sees the she devil herself. "Well shit." She mutters.

* * *

"What were any of you thinking?" Aubrey yells, standing in a circle with her Bellas
surrounding her in the front yard of the Treble house, "Oh that's right, you
weren't." She folds her arms, turning, "Chloe? Do you have anything to say? Chloe!"

"What?" Having had attention drawn away from the boy on the porch she was eyeing,
"Oh! bad, bad Bellas."

Aubrey lets out a huff of frustration, "We are not their pals, or buds, or friends.
Those Trebles are our enemies. Remember that." She says harshly, "Now get you're
stuff and let's go." The eight Bellas turn dejectedly and walk away from their

"Beca." An arm reaches out and grabs her.

"Dude, what the hell?" She rips her arm out of Aubrey's hold.

"I'm going to tell you this one last time. Your toner for Jesse is so _damn_
obvious. "

"Aubrey. We're friends, that's it." Beca cuts her off.

"You took an oath."

"Which I haven't broken! I didn't know you were in charge of my friends too." Beca
says crossly.

"If you continue that so called friendship, he will be our downfall."

"You're crazy." She says incredulously.

"Just remember this Beca, everyone is replaceable."

"You'd have to find someone that would want to replace me first." Beca bites out.

She doesn't even wait to hear what Aubrey has to say, before going back into the
Treble house. Walking to the kitchen, she quickly pours herself a drink, hopefully
it's strong and downs it at once.

"Thank goodness, I thought for sure I'd have to report a missing person after
Aubrey took you."

Beca turned to see Jesse standing behind her. If Aubrey truly believed that this
nerd, could be the downfall to the Bellas, she was more senile that Beca had
thought at first. Given, he was apart of the opposing team, favorites to win
Nationals that year. But the only thing that would bring down the Bellas this year
were those damn heels and scarfs.

"I made it out alive." Beca said uninterested.

"Are you okay?"

"Aubrey's a controlling bitch." She pours herself a drink.

"I mean, she's a little uptight-"

"She's bat shit crazy!" And if she thought that she could threaten Beca's only
chance at getting out of this hellhole, then oh, did she have another thing coming.
She finishes the cup she just poured.

"Woah, slow down there tiger." He takes the cup from her hands, "Don't you have to
get to that magic show?"

"Aubrey just makes me so mad." Beca exclaims, "And she has all these rules, and
half of them don't make any sense! She really just needs to-"

"Hey, hey." Jesse cuts her off, "I get it Aubry's crazy."
"Trust me, you don't even know the half of it." She mutters.

"I didn't know you were one to follow the rules anyway."

"I'm really n-"

"Hey Bec." Stacie interrupted them, "Sorry we dragged you here, but were leaving so
Aubry doesn't rip off our heads." She looked between her and Jesse, "You comin?"

Beca pursed her lips,"If Aubrey asks, tell her she can go screw herself." She
turned back to face Jesse, who was starring at Beca, shock written on his face.

"Damn. Flatbutt's got balls." Beca heard.

'"Are you sure that was a good idea?" Jesse asks.

"Are they gone?"

His eyebrows furrow, "What?"

"Well? Are they?"

"Uhh," He looks past her, "Yeah, they're gone."


It's all she said before launching herself on to him. Running her hands through his
hair, Beca pressed her lips against his own, only giving Jesse a moment to
comprehend the situation. Maybe it was the alcohol, maybe it was her anger, maybe
it's because he looks really good in those pants.

It's not that he isn't happy this is happening, just mostly surprised. Very

"Bec, Beca." He pulls away, quickly looking around to see if they had drawn any
attention. Not that they would, it was a college party, not bible study.

"You're right." She bites her lip, which is all Jesse can concentrate on, "Come
on." Taking him by the hand, Beca pulls him out of the kitchen and up the stairs.

Pushing her way through the crowds of people, Beca is able to find a door that'll
open when she twist the knob.

He's dragged into the room, and promptly pushed against the door.

Her lips find his again, and at least this time he's responding. She feels his
hands on her skin under her shirt, not that the shirt hid much skin anyway. Sliding
her tongue along the seem of his lips Beca begs for entrance.

He runs his hands along her sides, sliding one to the back of her neck, taking
control of the kiss. Spinning both around, Jesse presses Beca against the door,
holding his hands above her head. Pulling back, he looks intently at her, "Beca."

"Jesse." She breaths, hand running dangerously low.

"What is this?"

"What I want." She whispered close to his mouth, her hand now running along him
over his boxers. Silencing his moans with her own mouth, she wrapped a leg around
his waist, trying impossibly to pull him closer.

And at that moment Jesse was lost to this girl.

* * *

**A/N: My gosh. For real, saddest day of my life about a week and a half ago.
Backstory- So I started writing this chapter in the Notes of my iPod because I was
computer-less. And I kid you not. I had, maybe, one more paragraph to go. And what
do I do? Hit 'Select All' and 'Paste', so now I'm left starring at the words "Wait
up". And there's no undo button on an iPod.**

**It was awful. But alas, I recently got a new computer for college, and I cracked
this chapter, which may I say is the longest one yet, coming in at 4,631 words (Not
including this note), out in about three days. You're welcome.**

**My goal is to get another one out before I leave for school (15 days!). But
unfortunately 12 of those days will be spent at the pool where I lifeguard.**

**So we'll all see how this plays out together.

Lots of love, 4minute**

7. Chapter 7

He was awake when she fell asleep. He was awake when the buzz of the alcohol wore
off. He was awake when she wrapped her arms around his torso. He was really awake
when he questioned what the hell he just did. And he was awake right now as Beca
was stirring beside him.

He could feel her stretching her arms and legs as he feigned sleep. He heard her
yawn as she tried to bury her head into his arm, most likely to hide from the
sunlight. He could feel her body stiffen when she realized she wasn't alone in the

"What the fu-" Her voice trailed off.

He could barely hear her mumbling to herself. He could only guess what she was
doing. Probably rubbing smudged makeup off her face, trying to run her hands
through her knotted hair.

He felt her side of the bed rise. He heard her walking around the room, most likely
looking for her things to get out as fast as she could.

It would probably be gentlemanly of him to stop faking his sleep and help her get
out of the Treble house unnoticed, maybe even find her a sweatshirt to cover up and
make her walk of shame a little less obvious.

But every fiber in his being wouldn't budge because of how his mind was screaming
not to make his presence known. So instead he'll lie there quietly, letting his
mind race a mile a minute while she'll mull around the room.

What the hell did he do last night? He had never been _that_ guy.

But Beca was addicting, like a drug. And he'd take what he could get.

And he barely knew anything about her. He couldn't even list more than three
characteristics about her that didn't have to do with her looks.
"Fucking Aubrey.. wolves... my vocal cords." Jesse did his best not to make a face
when he heard Beca's mumbling. Was she still a little tipsy from last night. She
did have a lot to drink, and she is a tiny person.

He was brought out of his thoughts when he heard the door shut gently. Jesse's eye
lids flew open, only to close quickly when the morning light hit him. He groaned
running a hand down his face. Sitting up he looked for his clothes he wore last
night. At least Beca didn't have to worry about wearing a costume back to the

Picking up his shirt he could only be too delighted to see that it was torn.
Sighing, he opted to take a shirt from whomever this room belonged to. Jesse pulled
on his pants from last night and made his way downstairs.

Jesse had to hold back his disgust when walked into the living room. If he thought
Initiation Night was bad, this was ten times worse, and there was no way he was
going to be stuck cleaning this shit up again.

"Hey dude, you spent the ni- Is that my shirt?" Jesse turned around to be
confronted with Hat.

Jesse quickly looked down and back up, "I uhh- mine got ripped." He held up the
shirt as proof, "And I found this one. I'll get it right back to you. Promise."

"Wait," Hat smiled slyly, "Were you the one in my room last night?"

Jesse rubbed the back of his neck, "If your room is last on the right. I'm really
sorry, I don't know what-"

"Dude! You were loud as fuck last night! Whoever you had in there must of had a
really good time too." Hat smiled, nodding his head.

Jesse could feel his ears turning red from embarrassment, "I have to go." He
mumbled, "I'll get your shirt back to you." He added before quickly walking out the

* * *

"Keep running!" Aubrey yelled, "C'mon! You can go faster than that!"

"I don't, know, how much, longer, I can," Amy huffed, "go."

Beca cringed, this was ridiculous.

The guilty Bellas had walked into practice almost an hour ago, fearing for their
spot on the team, and their lives. And all Aubrey has done so far was yell and
scream at them to run faster. When Stacie had asked how long they had to run for,
Aubrey snapped that they would run a lap for every minute they were at the party.

Well Beca should be running for much longer than any other Bella having stayed at
the Treble house well into the early hours of the morning. She was a little more
than surprised to have woken up in a stranger's bed, even more so that Jesse was
there with her.

Rather than dwell on the fact she got out of the bed as quietly as she could, and
made her way out of the house as quickly as possible. Well, not without quickly
taking a picture of Bumper cuddling with a lamp on the floor of course.

But after making her Stride of Pride as Stacie would call it, she ignored Kimmy-
Jin's judgmental stare and headed straight for a shower, and afterwards let herself
be absorbed in her music and sleep before heading to her Bellas rehearsal, that was
proving to be as dreadful as she thought it'd be.

"Just think of all the pizza we'll get after this." Cynthia Rose tried to persuade

"This is more exhausting than sex." Stacie commented, holding her chest, "And I've
had some tiring sex."

"Bellas." Aubrey clapped her hands, causing most of them to halt their movements,
especially Amy who took it upon herself to lie on the ground. Aubrey looked around
the auditorium with Chloe beside her, "I'm very disappointed and angered that you
would betray the Bella bond and attend that party, and you should count yourself
lucky you all still have your scarf."

Beca rolled her eyes, like Aubrey could even find eight more girls to join.

"Now, before we can actually begin rehearsal, I would just like to know who's idea
it was to go to the party in the first place.

The new Bellas discretely looked at each other, wondering who was going to give who
up. Or whether taking the blame could loose their spot on the team that they were
actually beginning to enjoy.

Screw it, she thought. "It was me." Beca raised her hand, all attention on her now,
"It was my idea. I thought it'd be fun." Beca shrugged.

While Aubrey gripped her hands to together tightly, eyes clenched as Chloe began to
rub her shoulder, the rest of the Bellas looked at Beca in shock. She was the last
one that wanted to be at the Treble house last night, yet here she was taking the

When Aubrey opened her eyes and smiled, walking over to her board, "Thank you for
your honesty Beca. Ladies, line up."

* * *

"So, what the hell was that?" Stacie asked beside Beca, the others trailing behind.

She turned, happy to be free of practice, "What?"

"You took the blame." Cynthia Rose said dumbly, "You didn't even want to be there."

Beca shrugged, "It's not a big deal, Aubrey already hates me."

"I need to buy this girl a drink!" Stacie exclaimed, pulling her into a hug.

"It's two in the afternoon." Jessica said wearily.

Amy pushed through, "Yeah, how about that pizza I was promised instead?"

Beca smiled, letting the infectious laughter from the girls consume her.

They were like her friends, no. They _were_ her friends. She stood up for them when
she didn't have to, and Beca had a feeling they would have done the same for her.

It was completely different from the shitty 'friends' she had in high school that
were on her side if she could offer them something, or they to her.
Not the Bellas though, they've bonded over their mutual hatred of songs made famous
by women and the torture they've suffered at the hand of A Capella.

"There's a pretty good pizza place off campus if anyone's interested?"

* * *

Beca chewed on her straw while she and her fellow Bellas sat around a table waited
for their pizza.

"And that's why I'd never advise having sex during finals week, everyone's too
concerned about their upcoming test." Stacie shrugged.

"Unless you can find someone with the perfect amount of pent up frustration and

"I don't know Amy," Stacie challenged, "I swear this guy started yelling out
derivatives and functions when he climaxed."

"That might be more of a personal problem." Cynthia Rose mumbled while Stacie

"Can we please stop talking about this?" Ashley asked.

"Are you saying that I wasn't enough to keep his mind off calculus?" Stacie slammed
her hands on the table.

Beca almost choked on her soda when she saw the waiter's face. Awkwardly clearing
his throat, "I have your pizzas."

"Put them right in front of mama." Fat Amy said patting the table.

"I'm sorry but I'm still awed that you think I can't keep a dude's mind off math."
Stacie exclaimed.

"Hey, he called it out." Cynthia Rose shrugged, reaching for a piece of pizza, "Not

Stacie scoffed, leaning back in her chair, "Hey," She called in the waiter's
direction, "You think if we slept together you'd call out my name over equations?"

"Stacie!" Jessica squealed.

"It's honest question." Amy said with a mouth full of food, "What's your answer
cutie?" She leaned in closer, "And if you're not interested in her, I'll leave my
number on the napkin." Said with a wink.

The waiter looked between eight girls before couching nervously, "I'm sorry, I have
to go do my rounds." He said rubbing his neck before darting off to the kitchens.

"He could do me if he wanted." Amy commented.

Beca scoffed, "You guys can't be taken any where."

"Oh, I'm sorry Miss. Prissy." Stacie says sarcastically, "Like your virgin ears
have never heard these things."

"At least I don't talk about it in public." Beca defends herself.

"You should try it in public." Stacie winked, "That's fun."

Beca rolled her eyes, "Can you not? Just for five minutes?" She asked, to Stacie's
nonchalant shrug.

"Thank you to whoever suggested pizza." Amy commented while stuffing her face,
"It's my go to hangover food."

"I'm pretty sure you did." Ashley pointed out.

"Well everyone can thank my sexy fat ass for this great meal. Grease is the best to
soak up hangovers."

"Nope. I don't get hangovers. Never have, never will." Cynthia Rose said.

"It sounds like you haven't been having the right kind of fun." Stacie eyes her.

"I always feel hungover." Lily whispered.

Beca raised an eyebrow, "I think you guys just need to learn to handle your

"You should be talking!" Stacie exclaims, "You stayed at the Treble house when
Aubrey dragged us out."

"I'd make that decision sober too if I could." Beca defends herself, she'd pick
anything over Aubrey.

Amy leans over to not so whisper into Stacie's ear, "It's because she had her man

"Jesse is not my man candy." Beca states, trying not to redden.

"She's always saying his name." Jessica pipes in.

Fat Amy nods her head, "Yeah, I was talking about Bumper."

Beca scoffed, "Please, he's all yours and you know it."

"What?" Amy says in a high voice, awkwardly laughing and looking around the table,
"Ehh, I don't think so."

Beca laughs, "You're right, here." Beca pulls out her phone to show the picture of
Bumper cuddling with a lamp.

All the girls sitting round the table are unable to control their laughter.

"Where did you get that?" Stacie cries.

"Found him on the ground." Beca smiles while putting her phone away.

"When was that?" Cynthia Rose asks, still laughing.

"After the party." Beca shrugs, "Everyone was passed out on the floor, well most of
the Trebles."

"Damn, we could have gotten done some funny shit."

"Can you send me that picture?" Amy asks, "I could use some blackmail."

"What do you need blackmail for?" Beca asks while texting Amy the picture.

"Probably the bedroom." Stacie mutters, causing the girls, minus one to laugh.

"What were you doing at the party so late?" Lily whispers. Most of the girls give
one another a confused look, unable to hear Lily.

Well except Cynthia Rose, "Yeah, just how late were you there?"

Beca furrows her brow, "Not long." She puts her phone away, "Most of those boys are
light weights and passed out quick enough." She lies.

Stacie leans forward, "You're not answering the question."

"What are you talking about?" Beca defends herself, "I stayed for a couple hours."

"Didn't you have a magic show to go to?" Jessica asks.

Beca freezes while taking some of the cheese off of her pizza, "Shit." She says to
herself, "Oh shit." She looks up, giving all the girls a bewildered stare. "Damn
it!" Beca jumps from her chair, grabbing her bag "I have to go!"

"Can I have your pizza?" Amy calls after her.

* * *

Jesse turned the door knob to his room. He had made it back to his room without too
many side ways glances at his somewhat overly tight pants.

He had returned to his room to find his roommate still a sleep, trying to make the
least amount of noise as possible, Jesse showered and was dressed by the time he
got his first text of the day.

From: Bumper

Emergency Treble meeting

Jesse rolled his eyes before replying.

To: Bumper

I'm not cleaning that place again

From: Bumper

Just get over here

Rolling his eyes again Jesse stuffed his phone in his pocket before making his way
out the door.

* * *

"Benji." Beca says into the phone as she's racing through campus, trying not to
look like the crazy one's who sprint to their classes, "Please pick up, or call me
back. A text would be cool too." Beca looks down at her phone before clicking to
end the call.

She feels like an ass. The worst friend in the world. She ditched the one thing
that he's asked of her all semester. Truly asked her to be there for him.

And to what? Fuck his roommate?

She cringes at the vulgarity. But why should she? That's what she did, isn't it?

She kissed him. She took him to a room. She ripped his shirt, which the nerd was a
little upset about. And she had her way with him.

Beca erases these thoughts from her mind when she swings open the door to Benji's
hall. Making it to his door she proceeds to knock continuously on his door.

Yes there's a gut wrenching fear in her that Jesse will open the door, but at the
moment she's willing to risk it for what a mega bitch she was.

He's never missed something of hers. No, there haven't been many, but he was at all
of them none the less. And now she's missed his first college performance. That's
not something you can get back.

"Benji!" Beca calls, still knocking, giving a death glare to the kid walking down
the hall starring at her, "C'mon Benji! Open up!"

"Beca?" A groggily Benji opens the door, "What time is it?" He asks rubbing his

'It's a little past one." Beca answers warily, and eyes his outfit, happening to be
his pajamas, "Did you just wake up?"

"Yeah." He yawns, "Why have you been looking for me?"

"Well I-"

"Sorry I couldn't find you last night." Benji turns to walk back into his room,
leaving the door open for Beca, "I got all caught up with everyone." Benji picks up
his phone, turning back to Beca, "Did you like it?"

"Umm." Beca looks at him blankly, "Yeah, it was great." She shifts her stance, "I
just wanted to apologize for being late. The Bellas dragged me to that Treble
Halloween party last night." She lies.

"Oh, it's okay." He shrugs, gabbing a towel, "You didn't miss much,just some card
tricks. You've seen them all form me." He smiles, "Well I'm going to take a shower.
Do you want to wait in here?"

Beca opens her mouth and closes it, "I'm actually already late for my shift" She
looked at her phone, "But I'll catch up with you later?"

"Okay." Benji smiles, "Thanks for coming last night."

"Anytime." Beca smiles. Well, bares her teeth really.

"Shoot." Benji mutters.

Beca tries to look over his shoulder, "What's up?"

Benji held up an envelope, "I forgot to mail my sister this letter. Do you want to
go to my mail box for me?"

"Yeah, sure. Of course." Beca takes the envelope from him. It's the least she could

"Thanks so much." Benji smiled.

"Okay, well see ya." She waves walking out the door, internally hating herself for
lying. And being a pretty shitty friend.

* * *

Beca tries her best to not make a sound when she walks in the radio station, which
idea is quickly killed when Luke notices her.

"Becky?" She internally cringes when she hears his voice ringing through the small

"What's up?" Beca asks, as she walks outside of the booth.

"Did you just get here?"

Beca rings her hands, "Umm, yeah."

"You know you're shift started half an hour ago, right?" Luke raises a brow.

"Yeah, I'm sorry I was caught up with something." Beca replies, mentally cursing
him with every name in the book for noticing her this one and only time.

"Don't make a habit of it." Luke states, starring at his screen, having already
turned his attention away.

"Got it." Beca mumbled under her breath walking to the table, she pulls her
headphones back over her ears. Pulling a crate onto the table she begins to sort
through the stacks of cases. She also notices that Jesse's bag, nor himself, are
any where to be found.

Heaving up a crate from the floor Beca pulls out case after case, organizing them
by letter. She doesn't even mind working alone for once, she'd rather not face the
mistake she made last night. Admittedly the mistake itself wasn't worst she's ever
made, but it still wasn't a good one.

Collecting a few stacks of CDs, Beca climbed the stairs of the station to put them
in their proper spot.

Justin Beiber.

Beca rolled her eyes. She knows that Luke listens to this, almost every shift she
has to put it away. And almost shift she can't reach that damn B shelf.

Beca was so absorbed in her attempt to reach the shelf, hopping on one foot, that
she hadn't even noticed the presence behind her until the case was taken from her
hand and placed in its proper spot.

"Thanks-" Beca began turning around to come face to face with him.

But really? Who else did she expect to be up here? Luke would never do manual
labor, and she doesn't even think she's ever seen that dude in the front ever leave
his desk.

"I don't think the station would cover your hospital bills if this shelf fell on
you." Jesse cocks her a lopsided smile.

Beca makes a noise of acknowledgement, turning back around, shoving the cases in
random spots.

She can tell he's still standing behind her, in fact, she can smell him. Not in a
weird way, he just smells like pledge. Lemon pledge. He's probably been up here
cleaning or something.

"Do you need help with those?" She hears behind her.

"No." She says curtly.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes." Beca answers a little irritated.

"Well it's just that you put Led Zeppelin next to Beyoncé." Jesse pulled the case
of the shelf.

Beca turned and met his eyes, taking the case from his hand and quickly rounding
the corner of the shelf.

"Is everything okay?" Jesse asked, trailing behind.

"Everything's fine." Beca answered, putting the stupid Led Zeppelin case in its
correct spot.

Jesse rubbed the back of his neck, "You seem a little quiet."

"I'm just tired." Cursing herself for making it sound like she didn't get any sleep
last night, when all honesty, she really didn't.

"Beca." She looked at him, "If this is about last night-"

"What about it?" She turned back to her stacking.

"I know that things have been pretty fast for-"

Beca turned with a confused look on her face, "Things?" She asked incredulously,
almost laughing, "Jesse, we don't have things. This isn't a thing."

Jesse felt his heart drop into his stomach, "But, last night-"

"Last night?" Beca raised an eyebrow, she turned back to the shelf, "You were
drunk, I was drunk." She said coldly, "And you were there."

Jesse opened his mouth to respond, but he couldn't form anything. Not that he had
anything to say anyway.

Beca placed her last case on the shelf, turning to go back down the stairs, she
gave him an expectant look, as he was blocking the aisle.

He mumbled an apology, letting Beca side step around him.

He stared at the back wall as he listened to her descend the stairs, leaving him

Sex was a pretty big deal, right? He wasn't the only one who thought that, right?
She may not have been his first, and he doubted he was hers. But that doesn't mean
the couple girls he has been with weren't all special in their own way. He wouldn't
just go around and take any one to bed.

So when she dragged him to that room upstairs, he thought he was getting somewhere.
She'd be blind not to notice his affection for her, and at that point, he thought
she returned it. Well, some of it at least.

Jesse clenched his jaw, quickly walking to the back of the top floor, finishing the
floor he'd been scrubbing.

After hurriedly completing his job, Jesse grabbed his bag and made his way towards
the booth. He could see Beca watching him out of the corner of his eye.

Knocking on the glass panel, Luke motioned to, "Hey I finished up stairs, so I'm
gonna go."

"Sure thing mate." Luke said distractedly, not have even taken his eyes off the
computer screen.

Jesse shut the door to the booth, ignoring the feeling in his gut to give Beca a
sideways glance as he made his way out of the station.

* * *

Jesse walked into the Treble house to see that it was still pretty disgusting when
he left it. Given those scattered around the house passed up had gotten up and left
by now. Some tables had been cleared of cups, but otherwise it was still a mess.

Making his way to the living room Jesse found their fearless leader lying on the
couch with a wet towel over his eyes.

"Rough night?" Jesse asked, bemused.

Bumper moves aside his towel to give Jesse a scowl, "Piss off."

Jesse scoffs, shaking his head, taking a seat on the couch opposite Bumper. "So
when's this meeting starting."

Bumper groans in response waving his hand in the air to silence Jesse.

"Bumper, how about you get your lazy ass up and do something?" A voice calls from
another room, "Bumper, I'm serious- Oh hey, Jesse's here!" Donald had just walked
into the living room carrying a plastic garbage bag.

"Uhh, yeah." Jesse says confused, "For the meeting?"

"You'd be late for damn meeting even if there had been one!" Bumper sat up and
screamed, "Now please shut the hell up!"

Jesse rolled his eyes, "Sorry I have a life outside you guys."

Donald let out a laugh, "Don't mind him. Bumper handles his alcohol worse than my

"Go to hell Donald." Bumper mumbled into the pillow, giving everyone in the room
the finger too.

"So, there's not a meeting?" Jesse asked tentatively, looking around and realizing
that there weren't many Trebles around.

"Nope. Not really." Donald answered, taking a seat at the end of the couch Bumper
was laying on, "But." Donald held up a finger, "You are here for an interrogation."
Jesse couldn't even get a word in before Donald started screaming, "Hat! Hat! Get
down here! Hat!"

Bumper groaned.

"Hat! Let's go!"

And before Jesse could jump and make an excuse to get out of this conversation, Hat
was already standing in the door way.

"So I heard someone finally got laid in Hat's room." Donald says with a smile on
his face looking at Jesse.

"It wasn't me. " Hat said, taking a seat beside Jesse.

"It's never you." Bumper mumbled.

"Shut up." Hat protested to the sounds of Donald snorting his laughter.

"Well, are you gonna tell us about her?" Donald pressed.

Jesse shrugged, "What's there to say?"

"Who was it?" Donald asks.

Bumper sits up, "Was it good?"

"Probably was based on the sounds they were making." Hat mentions.

"You were listening?" Donald says with a look of disgust.

"Oh c'mon dude! I was trying to go to my room!"

"You think she'd put out for another Treble?" Bumper asks.

Donald turns, "What the fuck man?"

Bumper shrugs, "What, she'll put out for him. Maybe she'd like to try being with a
real Treble." He wags his eyebrows.

Jesse has to fist his hands together to keep himself from hitting Bumper in the
face, "Shut up. You don't even know her."

"Dude." Bumper begins, "You caught feelings for her, didn't you?" Jesse doesn't
respond, "I bet it was that Bella wasn't it?" Bumper shakes his head, "Worse thing
you can do."

"No way." Donald commented, "The Bellas got dragged out by Aubrey last night."

"Maybe she likes what she can't have." Hat suggested.

Jesse pursed his lips at thought. Is that why she pursued him. Out of all occasions
that they been together? Because Aubrey told her not to?

Bumper laughed, "In that case, you should send her my way. Why have a newbie when
you can have the leader?" Bumper flexed his arms.

Because he was a Treble. And her leader, who she clearly despised, told her to keep
away from him, who was clearly infatuated with her.

"Well if it really was the Bella, then he'd be a soloist."

Did she want to be kicked out if the Bellas? Why not just quit if you hated it so

Donald jumps up, "This is perfect! We needed another soloist!"

Or did she use him. Manipulate his feelings to get what she wanted. And what was
that? A way out of the group? A sense of pride knowing she didn't listen to anyone,
let alone some A Capella maniac?

"He doesn't even have proof." Bumper says quickly.

"I'm sure he can get it." Hat says, "He already slept with the chick."

"He can get it. I have confidence in the kid. "

"Well don't put all your eggs in one basket." Bumper tells Donald, "Because if we
loose at Regionals when he doesn't pull through- Hell! Did you even sleep with a

All eyes turn towards Jesse as he weighs his options, chewing on his lip.

"I'll be able to solo at Regionals." Jesse says with determination.

* * *

Beca walked into the lobby of the residential life building after getting off her
grueling shift at the station, turning left when she entered through the door to
find the mailbox mounted to the wall.

"Well of course it's gonna smell like a dingo's mud pie. It's probably been sitting
back there too long."

Beca looked up after pushing the letter into the mailbox, raising an eyebrow after
hearing the tale end of the conversation.

"Can you just give me the box and not worry if there's an animal inside." Fat Amy
tears the box from the receptionist's hands.

Amy spots Beca before walking over with a package between her arm and waist, "Flat

"Whatcha got there?" Beca nods to the box.

"Well my mum said she was going to send me my chinchilla, but I don't see any holes
in the box, so I don't know if it worked out."

"Your mom was going to send you a chinchilla. Over the mail?" Beca asks
"I'm hoping she didn't, because I don't think anythings alive in here." Amy shakes
the box for emphasis.

Beca shakes her head, "Uhh, that's cool. I think I'm just gonna go now-"

"You missed some really good pizza. We even got ice cream after." Amy starts to
reminisce, "Yeah, mine was chocolate."

"Yeah, sorry about dipping out on you guys."

Amy shrugged, "I get it. You had to go locked up by your magician boyfriend. I
might have even forfeited pizza for that kind of kink."

Beca wrinkled her nose, "Benji and I are not like that."

"Right." Amy drawled, winking, "Plus you have the Treble."

"Okay, well good luck with your chinchilla." Beca changes the subject, not wanting
to listen to Amy's innuendos, about to turn before Amy grabs her hand, "Dude." She
says looking down.

"Well if it isn't your anmay andycay right now." Amy nods to the left.

"What did you say?" Beca asks more confused than anything.

Amy huffs, "Don't you know pig Latin?"

"Latin what?"

"It's your man." Amy violently turns her to see Jesse walking by.

"He's not my anything." Beca snaps, turning back towards Amy and crossing her arms.

"Well he's coming this way." Amy sing songs, her face forming a frown though, "Huh.
He looks kinda sad." She commented watching him go, "You two having trouble in

"There is no paradise." Beca snapped, "I have to go."

"I'll take that as a yes." Amy mumbled under her breath.

* * *

And Beca doesn't see him for three days after that.

He hasn't been at the station.

Benji stops by her room now.

And as it turns out, he was always the one to go out of his way to find her,
because Beca carries on with her life normally, and has yet to see him.

That is until she goes to their philosophy lecture. No she's not going to class to
actually learn, there just happens to be a test that day.

He's sitting in the front of the lecture hall, the nerd that he is, and Beca has
blended in with those in the back.

She doesn't have a clue about any of the content on the test, so after giving it
her best shot, she waits until Jesse gets up to turn in his, does she descend the

Beca follows through campus, guessing that he's going back to his room. And she's
proven correct as she watches from around the corner of his hall when he opens his
door to his dorm and closes it behind him.

What the hell was she doing? Why is she following him? She made it pretty clear
back at the station.

That still doesn't mean she didn't miss his crestfallen face and how his entire
demeanor changed in the blink of an eye, and it's all thanks to her.

And so what if she put on this scary, 'stay the hell away from me' front. That
didn't mean she like to hurt people's feelings.

She could feel her palms sweating as she was standing in front of his door.

But none the less she knocked.

And in that moment a million thoughts ran through her head. She could run. She
could hide. She could mostly run. She should run. Why isn't she running yet?

But unfortunately she's glued to her spot as the door opens in front of her.

"Beca?" She opens her mouth to say something, anything, but nothing comes out,
"What are you doing here?"

"Is Benji around?" She peers inside the room.

"He's at class." Jesse answers, and Beca wonders if he can see through her act. Of
course she knows he's at class, she knows his entire schedule.

Beca gives a tight smile, "Oh, okay. Thanks." Beca pauses.

Jesse is still standing in the doorway, "Is that all?"

And Beca nearly flinches at the ice in his voice, she's never heard him anything
but happy.

"Well," She fidgets with her hands, "I just wanted to talk about the other day-"

"If you're worried I'll tell Aubrey, I won't. What?" He asks when her eyes widen,
"Did you think I didn't know?"

"It's none of you're business anyway." Beca retorts, feeling the need to defend

"Is there anything else you needed?" Jesse asks in a bored tone.

Beca can feel her anger flare, "You're infuriating, you know that, right?"

Jesse make a face, "And you aren't any better."

"Get over yourself." She huffs.

"Excuse me for having the courtesy to care." Jesse retorts, alluding to the other
"Oh shut up." Beca cries, looking Jesse squarely in the eyes. "Care." She laughed,
studying the intensity of his gaze, "What? Is there a reason you're telling me
this? Did you want something out of it? Huh?" She pushes him, "You want to take me
out next time before you fuck me? Or did you just want again?" Beca grabbed his
hands and placed them on her chest, her hands covering his. "Is this what you

Jesse ripped his hands away, looking around the hall to be sure they were alone
before leaning in closer, "Let's get something straight. _You_ initiated it. _You_
kissed me. Not the other way around."

"Like you didn't want it." Beca replies in a threatening tone, "I can see the way
you look at me. I'm not blind."

Jesse stared intently at Beca. He studied her. The way her eyebrows pressed
downward, turning her eyes into a cold stare. How her lips pressed into a thin
line. Her stance defensive with her arms crossed over one another.

"Like you didn't want it. I told you we'd be lovers." He patronizes her.

Beca moves closer, "Watch yourself."

Their faces are mere inches apart, both glaring at one another, unwilling to break
eye contact.

But it's Jesse who losses the battle in order to have glance at her lips.

And Beca's about to stand back, triumphant in their game, when Jesse roughly grabs
her face. Kissing the lips that he forfeited their stare down to look at.

He's about to wind his arms around her waist when she quickly pushes him off of

They both have a wild look in their eyes. Beca's breathing heavily, weighing her
options. She can see that his demeanor is changing, she knows that his eyes are
about to soften and he'll say something that'll make her regret for being such a
mythic bitch.

And rather than deal with those feelings, she pulls him down at the shoulders so
she can kiss him harder.

It takes him a minute to realize she's not going to rip him a new one. And when
this reality comes crashing down on him, he quickly pulls her into his room.

Slamming the door, he uses his weight to his advantage, pinning her against the
frame. He runs his hand along her shoulder, pulling at the base of her hair,
granting himself access to the expanse of her neck.

"Jesse." She groans, eyes fluttering close, running her fingers through his curls.

He's not quite sure how far he could have gotten. His one hand was already nearing
her bra strap when a very distinct jingle of keys is heard beyond the door that
Beca is currently pressed against.

Her eyes widen when she meets Jesse's gaze, and she quickly shoves him off of her,
causing him to loose his balance and fall on his backside.

Beca on the other hand tries her best to quickly jump onto Benji's bed, not just
awkwardly standing in front of the door.
And when Benji does enter the room he is slightly more than confused. "Hey guys."
He says slowly, closing the door behind him, "What's going on?" He asks, not
venturing further into the room.

"I dropped my pencil." Jesse stands, "But I can't seem to find it."

Benji glances over to Beca, who is lounging on his mattress, "You okay Bec? You
look a little flushed." He walks over and puts a hand on her forehead.

"I'm fine mom." She answers annoyed, swatting at his hand, "Aubrey had us running
more cardio at rehearsal."

"Okay, sorry." Benji shrugs, throwing his back pack on the ground.

Jesse and Beca meet eyes for a brief moment.

"I just stopped by to let you know I mailed that letter for you the other day."

"Oh, umm." Benji responds awkwardly, for he's quite sure she told him the other
day, "Thanks for letting me know."

Beca stands from the bed, "Well, I'll see you around." She says, before quickly
walking out of the room.

Benji watches the door shut with a confused look on his face before looking over at
his room mate, who is equally puzzled.

Although for different reasons.

"The Bellas must be getting to her." Benji says, pulling out a textbook and opening

"Yeah." Jesse mumbles, looking at his phone, "Bellas."

From Beca

My room. 8:30

* * *

**Could it really be? A chapter. Six months later? I know. I'm a horrible person.

**And hypocritical. Like I get mad when writers don't update, and yet, here I am.
So shout out to ever one that followed, favorited, reviewed since my last post.**

**Each alert just reminded me more and more of how horrible I am.**

**Do I promise to do a better job? I mean I want to, but will I? Let's hope so.**

**And in all honesty, this chapter has basically been done since December, but I've
just been putting it off for so long because this is the part of the story where
I'm like, what the hell am I doing?**

**But I refuse to not finish this. My goal is to have it completed by Pitch Perfect
2. (Ha. Yeah right.)**
**-The worst and most horrible person ever.**

8. Chapter 8

"Can I ask why?"

She doesn't answer, continuing to unbutton his shirt.


"Gone." She responds, pulling off her shirt.

"How long?"

"Does it matter?"

"Well, kind of-"

Beca pulled back, folding her arms, "Is this all you're going to do?

To be honest, he was still a little hurt, although it was masked by his anger. He
hadn't responded to her text message, only showing up at eight thirty on the dot to
be dragged into her room without a word.

Jesse peered down at the petite girl in front of him. Taking a step forward, Jesse
grabbed her chin with his hand, crushing their lips together.

* * *

"And I got my mom a sweater, I think she's really gonna like it." Beca pushed
around the salad on her plate with a fork, "What about you? Have you done any
Christmas shopping yet?"

"Oh, no." She looks back down at her food, "I haven't even thought about it."

"Well you're coming home for break, right?"

"Course. Can't miss out on mom groping her boyfriend under the mistletoe."

"You know that you're more than welcome at my house." Benji began, "You're like

Beca smiled, "Thanks Benji." She pauses, "So, when's your last final?"

"I think Wednesday afternoon, my parents are coming Thursday morning. What about

"Friday." Beca grumbled, "I literally have one final and it's on Friday." She
complains, aggressively stabbing the lettuce on her plate, all the while giving
Benji a death stare as he laughs.

"I'm sorry. That just really sucks." Trying to quiet his snickering.

"Yeah, well. Only one more semester to go and then I'm out of this hell hole."

"So you still want to leave?"

"Why wouldn't I?" Beca narrows her eyes.

He shrugs, "I just thought you were having a good time here."

"This place is pointless."

"What about the Bellas? Don't you think they'll miss you?" He continues.

Beca scoffs, "Do you think I really care?"

Benji doesn't answer.

* * *

"Here." Donald handed Jesse a sheet of paper.

"What's this?"

"List of the finalized dates for the ICCAs."

Kolio hopped over the back of the couch, grabbing the paper from his hands, "So are
we actually going to start rehearsing something?"

"Yes." Donald answered, "But not for the ICCAs."

"We need to start practicing for the Riff Off."

"What's a Riff Off?" Kolio asked.

"Good thing you asked." Donald smiled, "Bumper, what category do you want to start

"Let's do Songs Ruined by Glee."

"I love Glee!" Kolio exclaimed.

Jesse shook his head, "Dude."

* * *

Beca lied in her bed listening to one of her mixes.

Jesse had just left.

Kimmy Jin hasn't been back for almost three days. (Is she supposed to call

She was alone. Alone with her thoughts that is.

And they were running rampant.

That was the seventh time Jesse and she had hooked up. Making it the ninety third
time she's asked herself what the fuck she was doing, give or take a few times.

But did she have an answer? Not necessarily.

It started at that damn Halloween party. At least then she was able to blame it on
the alcohol, her anger, and those pants that made his ass look good.

But the times after?

So Beca thought Jesse was good looking. She wasn't going to lie and say that she
wasn't attracted to him.

So Beca liked the sex. She wasn't going to lie and say she didn't.

So Beca knew it probably wasn't best idea to continue hooking up with Jesse. She
was going to try and lie to herself about it though.

And she was most likely going to keep playing this game. It's not that she was new
to the game, no she'd been a member for a while, with a couple different players.
Although, she was pretty sure Jesse was new to it.

She was also pretty sure Jesse couldn't handle this type of game. It wasn't for
everyone. And those who tried, and couldn't handle it, usually got hurt in the end.

Beca let out an annoyed groan.

She'd have to talk to Jesse.

* * *

"Ladies. The official dates for the ICCAs have been announced." Aubrey began as
Chloe passed out the sheets, "So if you are unable to make these dates, you might
as well hand in your Bella's scarf now."

Beca internally snorted at Aubrey's intensity.

"As you can Regionals isn't until February, and then after, Semi Finals is the day
before spring break. And when we advance to the Finals we'll travel to New York
mid-April. Now, are there any questions?"

Beca frowned looking at the sheet, "So if we have so much time, why have we only
worked on one number?"

"Because that is what will get is to the Finals." Aubrey answered, not even
bothering to look at Beca.

"We're going to do the same songs each time?"

Chloe looked between the two, 'Well, we haven't really decided-"

"No." Aubrey cut her off, "We are going to do what we know best, and if this set
works, that is what we are going to use." Beca rolled her eyes at Aubrey, her tone
leaving no room for discussion, "Now, let's start today with some cardio." Aubrey
smiled at the sounds of very annoyed Bellas.

* * *

"Hey girl, what's up?"

"I'm hoping for a nap." Beca answered, looking at the clear sky. Maybe she'd take a
nap outside, "What about you?"

Stacie hummed looking at her nails, "I should probably get to the library and start
my research paper for psychology." Stacie frowned, "My professor's a woman, and
flirting for an extension doesn't look like it's in the cards."

Beca shook her head, silently questioning Stacie's methods.

"Hey Beca!" She looked up to see Benji waving, Jesse beside, walking towards the

"Hey." Beca responded as they passed.

Stacie gasped, pausing in her strides, "No way."

Beca pulled up short, turning to face her fellow Bella, "What?"

"You slept with him?" She asked incredulously.

Beca laughed, "I did not sleep with Benji. He's like my brother."

"No! With the Treble!" Stacie hissed.

"Jesse and I did not have sex." Beca sputtered, looking over her shoulder to make
sure the two roommates were out of hearing distance of this conversation.

"You totally did!" Stacie pointed.

"We did not!" Crossing her arms, "Why do you even think that?"

Stacie smirked, "I can see it in your interactions."

"We didn't even say a word to each other." Beca responded indignantly.

Stacie shrugged, "You didn't have to." She stepped up beside Beca, wrapping an arm
around her shoulder, "It's okay. I won't tell. It's not like I haven't done the
same." Beca gave her a dumbfounded look, "What? The hunter wants what the hunter
wants. And it just so happens that right now it has a taste for A Capella boys with
big glasses." Stacie smiled devilishly, pulling Beca by the hand, "Now let's go get
some iced coffee, and we can share our dirty secrets."

* * *

"Did you guys hook up on Hood Night?"

"We never hooked up."

"Was it before Hood Night? He's your friend's roommate, right?"

"Benji." Beca answered.

"Was it move in day?" Stacie raised an eyebrow, "That's quick, even for me."

"Stacie." Beca said in all seriousness, "Jesse and I have never, and will never
have sex."

Stacie rolled her eyes, "Well, since you're not going to share anything, I'll just
tell you about me and Donald." Stacie leaned forward, "So, I could totally tell he
wanted me since auditions. But I like to play hard to get sometimes, you know?"

Beca nodded her head, staring at her friend.

"Well anyway, I gave him my number on Hood Night. But then one of my previous hook
ups called, and I was like okay. And I totally thought it was a sign or something,
since Kori and Mary Elise had their scarves taken away the next day. So I wasn't
going to pursue it or anything. But then he texted me and invited us to the
Halloween party, which once again, thanks for taking the fall."

Beca listened as Stacie continued her story without seeming to haven taken a breath

"And of course I must have caught his attention that night, because he wouldn't
stop asking when we would meet up. And I kept him dangling for about a week before
I finally gave in. And, Beca." Stacie rolled her eyes upward dramatically, "It was
so worth it."

Beca smiled tightly, "That's a nice story Stacie."

"Okay, now you tell yours." She readjusted herself in her seat, looking as if to
get comfortable for a good movie.


"Beca." She countered in all seriousness.

Beca took a deep breath, "Fine." Stacie's face lit up, "Jesse works at the station
with me, and is my best friend's roommate. That's our story."

She takes a sip from her coffee, a pout on her lips, "You're no fun at all."

"Why did you even tell me this? How do you know I won't go tell Aubrey you slept
with a Treble?"

"Well for one, I know you wouldn't. Plus, you've been Treble boned too, so."

"I'm not even going to bother trying to convince you anymore."

"Well you'd be trying to get me to believe in a lie."

Beca sighs, rolling her eyes, "I'll see you later Stacie."

"Do you need some condoms? Can't have a half Bella half Treble baby on our hands!"
She calls, gaining Beca to throw a glare over her shoulder as she walks out of the
coffee shop.

* * *

She raised a brow watching as he continued to play with the record cases. He seemed
to be acting a lot friendlier towards her since their last shift at the station.
She internally scoffed. Of course he is, they've had sex on multiple occasions
since their last shift.

Luke walked out of the booth, "Jesse."

"Yeah?" Both turned to face their somewhat of a boss.

"I'm starving so, could you?" Luke stared at him expectantly.

"You want me to get you lunch?" Luke gave him a smirking smile, "You should
probably lay off the burgers. You're not gonna be twenty two forever, you know."
Jesse commented sarcastically.

Luke lifted his shirt to examine his very toned stomach, "Yeah, I think I'm good."

"He's good." Beca smiled watching the nerd roll his eyes, "You're good."
"And the chess match continues." Jesse muttered as he left the room.

Beca turned back to Luke, "Hey, this is my new mix, so if there's anything you
wanted to play-" She stops talking when he takes the flash drive from her hand.

"Yeah, okay. I'll put it on the pile."

She watches a he returns to the booth, berating herself for giving him another mix.
He had plenty. She was probably just being a nuisance now.

Letting out a huff, Beca turned back to her stack of CDs that she was examining.
This was total bullshit. She wouldn't doubt it if Luke just took out cases so they
would have something to do every day.

Several cases in hand Beca made her way up the stairs. Taking a left, she entered
the crook that was created by the shelves full of records and cases.

Beca smiled as she found an empty shelf, and shoved all of the cases on top. Not
particularly caring that they weren't in the correct spot, let alone alphabetized.

She had turned back around, planning to go back down stairs and get more cases to
put in her new spot.

This intention was thwarted when she came face to face with her fellow intern.

"Holy shit dude!" Beca jumped back, "Aren't you supposed to be getting burgers?"

Jesse didn't answer, instead taking a step closer to the shelf, causing Beca to
need to take a step. "These aren't in the right spot." Jesse ran a hand over the
cases Beca had randomly placed.

She scoffed, "Does it really matter?"

He glanced down, hand still placed on the shelf that Beca was slightly leaning
against as Jesse's body inched closer to hers. "As long as Luke doesn't find out."

Beca bit her lip, "It's not like they're on the desk."

"He has been burned before." Jesse smirked, his hand moving down from the shelf,
past her shoulder and resting on her back side.

Before Beca couldn't even get in another word his lips were on hers, and then her
jaw, and her neck, and then her shoulder, and slowly reaching her chest.

"Jes-" She tried to get out, cut off by her own groan. Beca tried to pull away,
unsuccessful being that she was pressed against the shelf.

Jesse, however, noticing her movement, pulled back.

Beca took a breath before meeting his gaze, "You know this doesn't mean anything,

His face is blank, "Did you think it did?"

* * *

"With the holidays coming up, I don't want any of you to think this is some sort of
break for you." Aubrey handed Chloe a stack of papers, "So I've made a schedule of
sorts for the four weeks we won't be on campus."

Beca took a packet from Chloe. Where did Aubrey find the time to print off so many
guides and pamphlets for the Bellas?

"There is daily vocal training listed, as well as choreography practice, not to

mention some cardio."

Beca snorted, which earned a sideways look from the Bella leader. Did she really
think anyone was going to waste their break with this shit?

"I expect that none of you will have slacked off, and if anything, when we return,
you should have improved." Aubrey walked to the white board, "Seeing that today is
our last practice, and that finals have already begun, I am letting you all off
early. But." Aubrey cut off the excited chatter of the newly freed Bellas, "I will
need someone to assist Stacie in the last rounds of Aca grams. Is anyone staying
until Friday?"

Beca looked at the ground. No way in hell was she going to spend her one week free
of the Bellas doing more A Capella crap.

"No one at all?"

"It's okay boss." Stacie began, "I don't need a wing woman, they usually kill my
vibe anyway."

* * *

The door swung open before she had a chance to put in a second knock, "Beca! Look
at you!"

"Hey Mrs. Applebaum." Beca greeted her, before being engulfed in a bear tight hug.

"You look so much older!"

"Just a couple months." She was able to croak out.

"Marjorie dear, maybe Beca would like to breath." Benji's father spoke up.

"Oh she's fine Harold." Mrs. Applebaum snapped back.

"Thanks Mr. A." Beca said graciously when she was released, "So you all packed up?"

"Just about." Benji answered, picking up his suit case, "Last one." Patting the bag
for emphasis.

"When are you coming back Beca?" Harold took the suitcase from his hands.

"I'll be back sometime next week. First I need to spend some quality time with my
dad and Sheila." Beca said as excitedly as she was for that, which was very little.

"Well you'll have to make sure you stop by for dinner and we can hear all about

"I'm sure you'll get enough of that from Benji." Beca smiled as Mrs. Applebaum
dotted on her, "But I'll be sure to be over."

"Okay mom, we're ready to go." Benji said impatiently, walking into the hallway
with his dad.
"He must not want to be seen around campus with his mother." Marjorie whispered to

"Him?" Beca asked incredulously, "He's such a mama's boy when you're not here."

"That is not true." Benji defended himself.

"You'll always be my baby." Mrs. Applebaum left the room, walking over to her son,
pinching his cheek.

"Mom!" He swatted at her hand.

"Well good luck on your finals Beca." Harold said, giving Beca a one armed hug, his
other still holding the suitcase.

"I'll see you guys soon." Beca said, giving Benji a farewell hug, "Drive safe and
text me when you guys get home."

"You're such a sweet girl." Marjorie smiled, kissing Beca on her forehead and
patting her cheek.

* * *

"No roommate?"

Jesse looked up from his desk, "Uh, I think he left this morning."

Donald nodded his head, "That's always a plus."

Jesse shrugged indifferently.

"You know, empty room. Plenty of time to have a lady friend over." Donald added

"I guess."

"Just you, all alone."

Jesse didn't respond.

"I'm talking about the Bella.'

"Yeah, I got that."

Donald rolled his eyes, "Let's just get to the house before Bumper throws a fit.

* * *

"Don't do anything dumb over break that will affect your singing." Bumper said,
lounging on the couch in the Treble house.

"That's it?"

"Yep. That's our end of the semester meeting. Now be quiet, The Bachelor is on."

* * *

Jesse lied in his bed, a movie playing on his lap top.

Beca had just left.

He was alone. Alone with his thoughts that is.

And they were all over the place.

That was the eighteenth time Beca and he had hooked up.

It was also the last time he will have seen her for this semester, both of them
leaving tomorrow.

Being his last night in the dorms for the semester, Jesse thought back to his first
day. Who knew he'd be sleeping around with the first girl he saw on campus.

Jesse groaned, closing his lap top, allowing the darkness to engulf his room.

She still never told him why this had all been happening for the last month. Only
that it didn't mean anything. And that it probably would never mean anything.

Not that he wanted it to mean anything, right?

Not with the solo still hanging over his head. He had told the Trebles he could get
the solo, that he would get the solo. And he wasn't about to let down his teammates
that hard. And with Regionals nearing, he felt more of the pressure.

He couldn't have both, could he?

* * *

Her mom was having dinner at her future in laws house.

Beca was invited, but she really didn't mind to spend Christmas curled up in her
bed working on a mix and eating cookies.

From: Dork
7:21 p.m.

happy christmas

Beca didn't even notice the small smile that graced her lips when the phone lit up.

It almost matched the one that was adorning a boy many miles away when he read her

From Earspike
7:23 p.m.

who the fuck says happy christmas?

* * *

**A/N: So remember the time I said I'd finish this story by the time pp2 came out?
What I meant to say was I'd finish one chapter by the time I saw it. Aha..
Well, as you can tell, I saw it! What did all of you think? I enjoyed it, but it
was kinda the same concept of the first one. Although there was barely any Jeca! :(
However, I loved Benji and Emily! His part during the riff off?! I was almost
crying at how cute Benji was! (I still ship Benji with Jessica though, just because
I like it)
Anywho. On the bright side, I've already started writing a whole bunch of the next
chapters. So maybe the next chapter won't have an apology in my author's note as it
seems all the other chapters do... :) -4minute

9. Chapter 9

She kicked the crate under the table. Beca had returned from Massachusetts several
days earlier, her mother all but kicking her out.

Unfortunately the dorms were still closed so she had to stay at her father's house.
Her saving grace had been the radio station, where she was able to spend the
entirety of her day doing as she pleased.

With Luke out of the country for break, Beca was able to play her music without the
risk of him hearing it on the channel. Not that any was listening to the station
during break. She would admit though, the hours rolled by much slower without a
certain annoyance talking in her ear.

"Do you plan on being home before dark tonight?"

She shifted to hold the phone between her ear and shoulder, "I don't know, there's
a lot of work to be done."

"It would mean a lot to Sheila, her sons will be there."

"You're making it a lot easier to say no."

"It would mean a lot to me too."

Beca sighed, her dad always playing the guilt card that he had no right to, "I'll
think about."

"Well the dinner's tonight-"

"I said I'll think about it." Cutting him off before hanging up.

Beca strode into the booth taking a seat in the chair facing the computer. It'd be
nice of her to at least show up to dinner and then she could lock herself in her
room for the rest of break. Her father was making an effort, albeit late in life,
but at least he was trying.

* * *

She opened the back door to her father's house.

Beca was hoping everyone would be in the dining room, and using the back door would
give her the option to escape to her bedroom if she decided she didn't want to eat
with the She-Devil and her spawns. Unfortunately Shelia was just pulling what
looked to be her attempt of a roast out of the oven.

"Beca! You made it!" She was surprised she could still smile with all of the Botox
in her face.

Beca grimaced in return, "Yeah, dad asked me to come."

"Well this is just lovely. Why don't you put your stuff away, wash up, and join us
in the dining room? I was just about to bring out the last of the food."
"Sure, I'll be down in a minute." Beca scurried up the stairs quickly making her
way to her room. Throwing her bag on the ground, she mentally kicked herself for
coming back. The last thing she wanted right now was to try to sallow her step
monster's cooking and listen any dull conversations that she could bet were
occurring right now.

Grabbing her phone, Beca walked back down stairs, not ready for the night.

"Beca, I'm so happy you came." She tried not to grimace as her dad gave her an
awkward side hug when she entered the living room.

Before she could respond a tall woman wrapped her arms around her petite form,
"Beca! I haven't seen you in forever!"

"Hey Eliza." Beca responded, less enthused, "How are you?"

"Wonderful as always- Oh my gosh! You weren't here when I told everyone, Alex

"Oh wow, that's great." Gently pushing her soon to be step sister in laws hand out
of her face, "And where's the lucky guy?"

"Right here sis." Alex wrapped his arm around her neck, Beca fighting back a smile.

The only thing Beca liked about Shelia was her oldest son. When her father
remarried she was only fifteen where as Shelia's sons were already in college. Her
younger son was just a dick wad, but Alex wasn't too bad. He at least took the time
to listen to her music, having somewhat similar interests.

Plus he would buy her alcohol. So yeah, he was alright.

"And how is Barden treating little Mitch?"

Beca shrugged indifferently, "It's alright."

"Oh Alex, didn't you hear?" Shelia walked in carrying the last of the dishes, "Beca
joined the Bellas! Now everyone take a seat, dinner's ready."

Beca clenched her eyes, ready for the tormenting that was about to hit her.

"You joined the Bellas?" Alex asked incredulously.

"Oh, wasn't that the girl group honey?" Eliza asked sitting beside Alex.

Alex nodded, "And just what made you join the Bellas."

"Extortion." Beca muttered under her breath. Micheal rolled his eyes at his

"Alex, where's your brother?"

"Right here mother!" Called joyfully.

Beca resisted the strong urge to roll her eyes at her second step brother as he
kissed Shelia on the top of her head.

"John, take a seat, we're just starting."

"Everything looks amazing." Making a sound of approval, "And Mr. Mitchell, thank
you for having us in your lovely home."

"John, for the millionth time, you can call me Micheal."

"Of course Micheal. Eliza, looking beautiful as always."

Beca couldn't hold back her snort when Alex kicked John under the table, earning
his glare.

"Rebeca." John bit out, "I see you're still a fan of the gothic look."

"Bumper. I see you're still a kiss ass." She sneered, matching that of her step

"Beca." Her father scolded her.

"Anywho." Eliza cut in, "John, how are the Trebles?"

"Oh great Eliza. We'll have no trouble winning the ICCAs again this year."

"Well I don't know about that. The Bellas may have a saving grace this season."
Alex nudged Beca's shoulder.

"Please, those dumb b-" Bumper stopped himself, realizing were he was, smiling wide
"I mean, we'll have to see come Regionals."

Beca scoffed, leaning back in her chair.

* * *

"Hey. Don't a stranger, okay?" Alex asked, standing in the doorway.

"Sure thing." Beca answered, "See ya later Eliza."

"Bye sweetie, we'll be supporting you at Regionals."

Beca smiled watching the two walk down the pathway leading to their car. She was
sad to see the two of them go, her other step brother though.


"What do you want?" Suppressing a groan of annoyance.

Bumper smiled widely, "Can't I just talk to my favorite sister?"

"What happened to 'Don't talk to me, don't look at me, you don't know me.'?"

"And you've been doing a great job of it." Beca rolled her eyes, "But I just wanted
to know how things were going? School? Bellas? Jesse?"

"Why do you care?"

"So you don't deny it?"

"Deny what?" Beca exasperated.

"You and Jesse?"

"We work at the station together if that's what you're wondering."

"Sure." Bumper laughed with a wink, "Work." Beca tried to protest as he walked out
the door, "Won't see you around Becs."

Beca flicked him off when he his back was turned.

What the hell was everyone's deal with Jesse? And why did everyone feel the need to
point it out to her. They weren't that obvious, never showing affection outside of
the confines of a dorm room or the station.

* * *

Beca had to hide her laugh watching the Mrs. Applebaum and her son.

"Yes mom. I'll make sure to breath every now and again as well."

Did they fret over him this much on the first day too?

"Is that attitude? Harold! Do you hear this attitude your son is giving me?"

"Yes dear." Mr. Applebaum answered his wife, "Maybe it's time that we left though.
I'm sure Benji has a lot of unpacking to do."

"Fine, fine." She threw up her hands in defeat, "You'll miss me though!"

Beca arched a brow looking at a response from Benji.

He let out a defeated sigh, "I'll miss you."

"Now was that so hard?" She turns towards Beca, "Was it?"

Beca, failing to hide her laughter, shaking her head. "Goodbye Applebaums!" She
waved as the couple walked out of the room.

"I thought they'd never leave. Beca. They suffocated me over break."

"You're over exaggerating."

"No. So many turtle necks." Beca rolled her eyes, flopping on his bed, watching as
he began stuffing clothes in his drawers, "And how was your break?"

"It was fine. Met mom's new love. Hung out with my dad and the she devil, plus her
spawns." Beca never talked much about her family, especially a specific step
brother. She could never gauge how Benji would react if he knew she was related to
his idol (past idol?). Regardless, she just didn't bring it up.

"And how is everyone?" He asked.

"Probably fine."

"Well you didn't miss out on much after you left."

"Didn't think I would, Cokesworth is the place where dreams go to die."

Benji couldn't suppress the urge to roll his eyes, "It's not that bad."

"Not that good either." Beca said pointedly, "Now hurry up so I can go eat."
"Anything for you my lady." Benji said in a posh accent, even throwing in a bow.

"Dork." Beca managed through her laugh, whipping a pillow at his head.

* * *

"Why are we doing this again?" Beca asked in a bored tone, following Chloe into the
preforming arts building.

"Because." Chloe took out a key, unlocking the door to a private room, "I can't
sing both solos at Regionals, and the sooner Aubrey realizes it, she'll let someone
else pick it up, and I think it should be you."

Beca rolled her eyes, leaning against the wall as Chloe took a seat at the piano,
"Can't you sacrifice someone else to her?"

"She's not that bad once you get to know her." Chloe said softly, "She's just
really driven."

She scoffed, "I bet."

"Anyway, if you know the part, you're a shoe in to be picked!" She placed her
fingers on the keys, "Now just follow my lead."

* * *

"So when Aubrey asks if you want the solo, you say?"

"I say no."

Chloe narrowed her eyes, "No, you don't say anything that'll give her a stroke."

"Aye, aye, captain." Beca gives a mock salute.

Chloe smiles, "Perfect! I'll see you then."

Beca watches her leave the room before letting out a sigh and taking a seat at the
piano. Frowning, she pushed one of the keys. She really should have give Chloe a
mocking laugh and said no way when the solo was brought up. But here she was, part
learned, and one step closer to accepting the solo.

Standing from the bench, Beca grabs her bag, turning off the light before leaving
the private room, and looking at her phone for the time.

About an hour before her shift.

She could hear the sounds of a piano coming from another room down the hall. It was
a Saturday, and most didn't have access to this building on the weekend.

Quietly walking down the hall, the door to the room was propped open. Her curiosity
getting the bests of her, Beca slightly pushed open the door.

"I don't know why I thought it would be anyone else." She crosses her arms.

Said piano player let out a girlish shriek before grabbing the sheet music from the
stand, "Beca!" Jesse exclaimed, "What are you doing here?"

"Just listening." She shrugged.

Still shocked by her presence, he paused slightly before a small smile formed on
his lips, "Why Miss. Mitchell, are you here to listen to me?"

"What? No!" She could feel her face flushing, "I was just wondering what nerd
spends their Saturday here."

"Calling the kettle black, are we?" He raises an eyebrow.

"Chloe dragged me here to rehearse something."

"I don't see Chloe." Jesse turned back to the keys.

Beca ignores the comment, "What are you playing?"

"It's nothing." Jesse mutters, shuffling the papers.

She purses her lips, suspicious of his reclusive attitude, the dork is usually an
open book about anything he's up to. "Well, you want to play something for me?"

Jesse looks up at her with a questioning stare, "Okay." He places his fingers on
the keys and start to play, and Beca recognizes it as some Beethoven melody.
Narrowing her eyes, she grabs the papers that were placed to his side, which causes
the music to abruptly stop with a disoriented sound of keys, "Beca!"

She quickly turns, shielding the music from his reaching hands with her body.
Scanning, Beca recognizes it as sheet music, hand written that is. "Did you write
this?" Turning around, raising her hand, keeping the papers out of his reach.

Jesse rips the papers from her, "It doesn't work when you're the shorter one."
Taking a seat back at the piano.

"Well?" Beca asks, "Are you going to play for me?"

"I already did." He responded childishly.

"I meant what you have there." She pointed at the music.

Jesse turned to face Beca, searching her eyes. Resigning, he faced the piano once
more, fingers laid on keys, pausing slightly before looking at the sheet music, and
letting his hands do the rest.

Beca moved slightly closer, listening to the intricate melody, watching as Jesse
flawlessly played each note.

She hadn't even noticed he stopped playing, to enamored by the sound. Meeting his
stare, she spoke, "You wrote that?"

Jesse cheeks grew slightly red, "I haven't really worked on it much. Well,
actually, I was working on it when you showed up. But I know it still-"

"It was good." Beca said simply.

"Really?" Jesse asked, eyes slightly large.

"Really." Beca rolled her eyes, "But." She took a seat beside him,"This part,"
pointing at a line, "I think it would sound better if you raised the note, and then
lowered it here." Moving her finger.

Jesse grabbed a pencil from behind his ear, changing the notes, and playing the
newly fixed melody. "Wow. That sounds so much better." He exclaimed, "Do you play
or something?"

Beca shrugged, "No, not really. But I know how to tamper with notes."

"Is that what all the equipment in your room is for? Fixing music?"

"I like to think that's what I'm doing." Beca said shyly, her eyes moving to the

"I could teach you some, you already know how to read music. It wouldn't be that
hard." Beca looked back at the boy beside her , "I mean, that's if you wanted-"

"Okay, show me." She placed her hands on the piano.

Jesse smiled, stood, taking the spot behind her, hands over hers. Rearranging her
fingers, he took a small breath, "Okay, you're going to go from the inside out,
starting with the C minor, and we'll do it eight times."

Beca had already zoned out by the time he began to gently press his fingers down
over hers, too consumed with how his breath on her neck sent shivers down her
spine. Only pulled back into reality when the weight of his hands disappeared from

"And that was the opening to Moonlight Sonata. You think you could do it on your
own?" He was still extremely close behind her, enough so that she could feel the
warmth from his body against hers.

"Uhh." Beca looked at her hands on the keys, completely at a loss, "Show me one
more time?" Throwing over a look over her shoulder to see him nod in agreement.

Beca could feel her cheeks redden when his hands were placed against hers again,
watching as they began to move together. Wondering if he knew she wasn't paying
attention, but only asked for a second lesson at the price pf her own perversion.

"I'm going to let go now." He whispered in her ear, looking at her profile.

Beca turned her head slightly, seeing his intense gaze out of the corner of her
eye. She tried to contain a shiver as his hands left her own, only to run up her
arms, finding a resting place on her shoulders. She strained her memory trying to
remember what the hell the notes were.

Plucking away at a few keys, she turned, opening her mouth to admit defeat, that is
until she was cut off with his own.

Jesse had used his advantage of turning her by the shoulders, pressing Beca into
the piano, mixing her sound of surprise with a cacophony of notes.

Both eagerly responded to one another, having been so many months since any

Beca gasped in pain when Jesse pushed harder, her back connecting with a sharp
corner, which he utilized the opportunity to slip his tongue in her mouth.

Biting back a moan of pleasure, Beca wrapped her fingers through his curls,
somewhat longer since the last time she had her hands interlaced in his hair.

Jesse continued his attack on her mouth, moving to kiss the corner, and slowly down
her neck.
Beca starred at the ceiling as Jesse continued his path, earning a rather loud
groan when he bit a particular spot on the curve of her collar bone.

Glancing at the clock in the hallway, Beca realized two things. That she was due to
be at the station very soon. And that window was very very see through.

"She's gone." Beca said breathlessly. Jesse lifted his head, a confused look on his
face. "Kimmy-Jin, she's not here this weekend."

Jesse gave her a crooked smile, which unfortunately made her stomach flip.

* * *

He ran his fingers down her spine.

She said she was just going to close her eyes for a minute. She promised it would
be a single minute.

That being said almost half an hour ago.

Not that Jesse particularly minded. He had no where to be.

But he was pretty sure she had a shift soon. With Luke.

Yeah. They could stay here a few more minutes.

* * *

"What's up, weirdo?"

Beca looked up when a shadow cast over her computer, "Okay. What's this?" She
watched ad he lay out a blanket and began making himself comfortable.

"As much as I love spending time with you stacking CDs, and I do. I love it, like
more than life. I figured we could do some other fun things that don't make us
wanna kill ourselves, right?"

"Yeah." Beca smirked, thinking back to a day ago when they were doing just that.

"So, brought some movies. Jaws, E.T., The Breakfast Club, Star Wars and Rocky." He
tossed them onto his blanket, "Best scored and sound tracked movies of all time.
That's what I wanna do when I grow up. I wanna score movies. Bring people to tears,
you know. Blow their minds. I feel like only music can do that."

Beca felt her stomach lurch for a moment at the deceleration of his passion for
music, "Yeah. You must really sweep your girlfriend off her feet."

"I don't have a girlfriend?"

"What?" She feigned surprise, "You have juice pouches and Rocky!"

"Okay, so what do you wanna watch first?"

"Wanna do something else? We could relive my parents' divorce. Or visit a


"What, do you not like movies or something? Like any movies? You don't- What the
hell is wrong with you?" Realizing she wasn't kidding, "How do you not like movies?
Not liking movies is like not liking puppies!" And everyone loves puppies, he
thought to himself.

Beca shrugged, "They're fine. I just get bored and never make it to the end."

"The endings are the best part." He exclaimed unbelievably.

"They're predictable. Like, the guy gets the girl, and that kid sees dead people,
and Darth Vader is Luke's father."

Jesse scoffed, "Okay, right, so you just happen to guess the biggest cinematic
reveal in history?"

"Vader in German means father. His name is literally Darth Father." She deadpans.

"Huh. So you know German. Well now I know why you don't like fun things. You know,
you need a movie education. You need a movie-cation. And I'm gonna give it to you."

Beca raised a brow, was that an innuendo? After examining his serious expression
she realized it wasn't, "Yeah, in between Bellas rehearsals, which are always."

"Are you guys getting ready for the riff-off?"

"What the hell is a riff-off?"

Jesse smiled, faltering slightly, "Wait. You really don't know?"

"Sorry I don't keep up to date on the A Capella bullshit."

"It's like a singing competition, and you connect the words of songs. Trying to cut
the other person off."

Beca looked back down to her laptop, "Sounds dumb."

He shrugged, "I think it'll be fun. There's even a prize for the winning group."

"A prize!" She patronized him.

"Laugh all you want Miss. Mitchell, but when the Treblemakers are in possession of
Hoobastank's microphone maybe then you'll realize how serious you should have taken
your competition."

"Such a dork." She muttered, taking another sip from her juice pouch.

"So, what are you working on?"

"Nothing, really. Just a mix."

"Can I listen?"

Beca turned her attention back to the boy beside her, no one had ever actually
asked to listen to her work, "Uhh, I'm actually still working on it."

"Oh, okay." Taking the hint she didn't want to let him listen to it, "Is that what
you want to do? Make music or something?"

"Pretty much." Beca nodded her head.

"So what are you majoring in?" Wondering why he'd never seen her in any of his
music theory classes.

She laughed, "I'm not majoring in anything." Beca rolled her eyes at his confused
look, "I'm only here because my dad is a professor. I plan on leaving for
California over the summer."

"Wait, so you're not coming back next year? But what about the Bellas?"

"The only reason I joined was to appease my dad. Kind of a deal we worked out so I
don't have to come back in the Fall." She looked up from her screen when he didn't
respond quickly as he usually does, "What's wrong Swanson?"

"I, nothing."

"Don't miss me too much."

Jesse scoffed, his eyes betraying himself, "Please, you'll be missing all of this."

* * *

"So were you going to tell us about the riff-off tomorrow?"

Aubrey stopped mid wipe of the dry erase board, "I don't see how that concerns
you." She turned around to meet Beca's stare, earning the glances of a few Bellas
that were packing up to leave.

"So are we just not gonna go?"

Fat Amy made a face, "What's a briff-off?"

"Riff-off." Aubrey corrected her, "And it's a Barden A Capella competition."

"Well let's go and kick some Treble ass!" Cynthia Rose piped up, gaining the
mummers of the fellow Bellas, Amy punching the air.

"Ladies, ladies." Aubrey cut them off, "We have more important things to focus on."

"I don't know Aubrey." Chloe began, "I think it could be good for us."

Aubrey pressed her lips into a firm line, "Fine. But we aren't devoting any of our
rehearsal time to practice for the riff-off."

* * *

"Jesse's not here."

"Okay." Beca said, brushing past her friend into his room, a confused look on her
face, "And why do I care?"

Benji shrugged, "I just figured you were looking for him, since you guys seem to be
together all the time." His voice sounding hurt.

"Seriously dude?" She looked up from the spot on his bed, playing with one of his
weird ribbon things, "You know that your like, my best friend, right?"

She could see his shoulders visibly relax, "No, it's cool. I get that I'm not
helping your street cred."

"While that may be true, I doubt that nerd is any better." Beca smirked, "Besides,
I hear magic is gonna be real big soon."

She smiled when Benji rolled her eyes. Although faltering when he looked away.

There were more than a handful of people that had questioned her relationship with

* * *

**A/N: This piece of shit has returned from the grave. I'm sorry, truly. I've just
been so wrapped up in school and work and what not.**

**I really want to finish this story, it nags at me almost daily.

I think part of the reason I don't continuously work on it is because I've thrown
myself into Harry Potter books and fics.
But my new end goal is to finish this story before it meets it's two year mark. As
well to have more regular updates, because I feel the worst thing ever is when you
get an update alert, but literally remember nothing from the previous chapter.
So I'm sorry to probably all of you that suffer from that while reading this fic.

**Till next time.**

End file.

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