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| scot hails Addidinal 10 ~ Tk has became easier and more affordable for people i 5. De you think i+ is a positive 40 travel to dther — countri pent» give your epinion and ye leven! Or a negative clevetoy examples fom your experience 4 —_|Jn___this__centempory era, populace hove 4 ba intlinadion _doword trove! 4o ¢iber _Coundries _onet id_has become easier ar conferdabie fp them « Meverthe less, 4bis trend gives sowe _pios and cone effect sd this _e discuss bod 2 ample tio of individua ove! de other becouse rau + ver then let _of acd be dowever if prep ward aing it bos us yand__comly path _goday Co preportion droveling vomaticallty mevreased », Furthermore there ore some positive’ impact op everyone God countries, Jf pepulace visite odber lemperience “and also they _woulel hove communieg =jed with overseas . For instance , if populace countries, they could have get _ plethora beawtitul drove! do anther country , they would have — bur | up Ariendsbip widh _otber nation . Apard from dthat if_peumerous people communicate with foriegn ,” they may have enhance Aheir education pas |because _doelay __psorld has. _massive krowlada Moreover, the travel _experiesces give _‘immence benifit not Only people but also country 5 - een | ai -—s

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