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Chapter 1



Rationale of the Study

The quality of road infrastructure plays a pivotal role in ensuring road

safety and overall transportation efficiency. Asphalt pavement, as a fundamental

component of road infrastructure, significantly influences driver behavior, vehicle

stability, and overall road safety metrics. However, despite the critical role of

asphalt pavement, there is a dearth of comprehensive empirical studies that

examine the direct correlation between pavement characteristics and road safety.

This study seeks to address this knowledge gap by conducting an in-depth

empirical investigation into the relationship between various asphalt pavement

attributes and key road safety metrics.

The analysis phase is where the relationship between pavement

characteristics and road safety metrics is scrutinized. Statistical methods and

regression analysis are employed to identify correlations, patterns, and potential

causality. Researchers aim to determine whether specific pavement attributes,

such as smoother surfaces or higher friction coefficients, are associated with

reduced accident frequency or less severe accidents. This analytical approach

allows for evidence-based conclusions about the impact of pavement quality on

road safety.
This study utilized the Tennessee Pavement Management System (PMS)

and Accident History Database (AHD) to investigate the relationship between

accident frequency in highway segment and pavement distress variables.

Focusing on four urban interstates with asphalt pavements, divided median

types, and 55 mph speed limits, twenty-one negative binomial regression models

for various accident types were calibrated with different pavement distress and

condition variables including Rut Depth (RD), International Roughness Index

(IRI), and Present Serviceability Index (PSI). The modeling results indicate that

the RD models did not perform well, except for accidents at night and accidents

under rain weather conditions; whereas, IRI and PSI were always significant

prediction variables in all types of accident models. Comparing the three groups

of models goodness-of-fit results, it is found that the PSI models had a better

performance in crash frequency prediction than the RD models and IRI models.

This study suggests that PSI models should be considered as a comprehensive

method which can integrate both highway safety and pavement condition

measurements into the pavement management system.

Rapid urbanization and infrastructure development in China have led to a

surge in construction and roadwork activities, but this growth has also brought a

high incidence of accidents and safety violations. Common problems include

insufficient worker training, inadequate use of personal protective equipment

(PPE), and weak enforcement of safety regulations. Workers are often exposed

to health risks due to prolonged contact with hot asphalt materials and asphalt

fumes without proper ventilation or respiratory protection. Addressing these

problems necessitates stricter safety oversight, improved training programs, the

provision of adequate PPE, and a heightened emphasis on worker safety

awareness. It is also crucial to conduct comprehensive research on the long-term

health effects of asphalt exposure to establish more effective safety standards in

the industry.

Japan's asphalt safety concerns revolve around the aging workforce in the

construction industry, where experienced workers are retiring, leaving behind a

knowledge gap in safety practices. Additionally, despite a generally strong

adherence to safety regulations, there are still challenges related to the safe

handling of hot asphalt materials, such as potential burns and exposure to fumes.

Ensuring that younger workers receive adequate training to bridge the skills gap

and promoting continuous safety awareness is crucial. Furthermore, with Japan's

focus on infrastructure development and road maintenance, maintaining a high

level of safety standards and investing in innovative safety technologies remains

essential to prevent accidents and protect the health of workers in the asphalt


In India, asphalt safety faces multifaceted challenges. The construction

and roadwork industry is a significant contributor to the country's economy, but it

grapples with numerous safety issues, including a high rate of accidents and

inadequate worker training. There is often a lack of awareness among workers

about the potential hazards of working with hot asphalt, leading to avoidable

injuries. Additionally, the use of personal protective equipment (PPE) is not

consistently enforced, exposing workers to health risks from fumes and contact
with hot materials. To address these problems, India needs to strengthen safety

regulations, enhance training programs, enforce the use of PPE, and raise

awareness about safe practices. Investment in research regarding the health

effects of asphalt exposure and the development of innovative safety

technologies can play a crucial role in improving asphalt safety standards in the


Singapore has made significant strides in ensuring asphalt safety in its

construction and roadwork industry. However, challenges remain, including the

risk of accidents due to the use of hot asphalt materials and the exposure to

fumes. Ensuring the well-being of workers through adequate training and the

enforcement of safety measures is crucial. Singapore's commitment to strict

safety regulations has helped mitigate these issues, but continued vigilance is

necessary to maintain high safety standards. Embracing emerging technologies

and promoting a culture of safety awareness will further enhance asphalt safety

in the country, ensuring that its infrastructure development and road maintenance

projects remain safe for workers and the public alike.

The DPWH has already carried out a technical evaluation of the condition

of the road network, particularly in Metro Manila. As a matter of fact, this morning

we were just talking about how San Marcelino, Romualdez, Nagtahan, Quirino

(Avenues in Manila), you name it—roads heavily frequented by laden trucks—

bear the brunt of the damage, said Singson. It appears that asphalt will not be

effective on certain roadways. In order to use reinforced concrete on these

segments, we are increasing our requirements. Out of a total budget of P104.9

billion for road construction and maintenance in 2012, P82.1 billion is allocated to

the DPWH. The agency builds, maintains, and repairs national arterial and

secondary roads, as well as national bridges; the remainder goes to flood control

and "other projects."

Guardo said only four teams are currently working on the P70 million

asphalting project; however, the city government is eyeing to add two more

teams to expedite the road works. The councilor added that there is an urgent

need to fast-track the implementation of the project since numerous accidents

have already occurred due to uneven road surfaces. Guardo further said that the

nonstop rain brought by the intermittent weather in the last few weeks has

caused delays in their project. This week, Guardo said overlaying of asphalt will

be implemented in Barangays Lahug, Mabolo, Kamputhaw, Sambag 1, Ermita,

Zapatera, Carreta, T. Padilla and Talamban in the North District. South District

Barangays such as Guadalupe, Labangon, Tisa, Mambaling, Pardo, Basak San

Nicolas, Cogon Pardo, Inayawan, Buhisan, Kalunasan, Calamba and Bonbon will

also be included in the road asphalting project this week, said Guardo. The

councilor also clarified that the project is not violative of the existing spending

ban imposed by the Commission on Elections.

This quantitative research study, "An empirical investigation of asphalt

pavement characteristics and their correlation with road safety metrics," is

conducted to address a critical and pressing concern in transportation and

infrastructure management. The quality and condition of asphalt pavement

directly impact road safety, and understanding the precise nature of this
relationship is crucial for informed decision-making and effective road

maintenance strategies. By rigorously examining the correlation between specific

pavement attributes and road safety metrics, this study seeks to provide

empirical evidence that can inform policymakers, transportation authorities, and

urban planners. The findings of this research have the potential to not only

enhance the safety of road users but also optimize resource allocation, reduce

accidents, and improve overall road network sustainability. Ultimately, this

investigation aims to contribute valuable insights to the field of transportation

engineering, aiding in the development of safer and more resilient road systems

for communities worldwide.

The quantitative research study, "An empirical investigation of asphalt

pavement characteristics and their correlation with road safety metrics," explores

the relationship between specific attributes of asphalt pavement and road safety

outcomes. Through meticulous data collection and analysis, the research seeks

to determine whether there is a significant correlation between factors like

pavement quality, condition, and smoothness, and road safety metrics such as

accident rates, near-miss incidents, and perceived safety. This study's objective

is to provide empirical evidence that can inform transportation authorities,

policymakers, and urban planners on how to enhance road safety and optimize

resource allocation for road maintenance. Ultimately, the research aims to

contribute to the development of safer and more sustainable road networks, with

potential implications for improving the well-being of communities through

reduced accidents and enhanced infrastructure quality.

Theoretical background

1. Pavement Maintenance and rehabilitation

Discuss the theoretical underpinnings of pavement maintenance and

rehabilitation strategies and how they relate to road safety. For instance, a well-

maintained pavement is expected to have fewer safety-related issued.

Planning for maintenance and rehabilitation is one of a pavement

management system's essential components. Typically, the planning is created

under the presumption that all criteria are known for sure. In reality, many

parameters suffer from significant uncertainty. Ignoring the unpredictability could

result in a poor plan that negatively impacts the network conditions. The goal of

this study is to create an optimization framework for network-level pavement

maintenance and rehabilitation planning while taking into account the budget and

a practical strategy. The expectation of the objective function is optimized by

using a multistage stochastic mixed-integer programming model to identify the

best course of action that is workable for all potential uncertainty scenarios. For

the purpose of demonstrating the applicability of the suggested strategy, two

case studies of 4 and 21 pavement sections are shown. For the first case study,

the value of the stochastic solution and the expected value of perfect information

—the indices for assessing the advantages of using the stochastic model—

respectively make up 30% and 85% of the objective function of the here and now

model, and 26% and 42% of it for the second. The high indices show how

effective the stochastic solution is.


In the model, constraints of available annual budgets and minimum

requirements on pavement conditions were satisfied where state transition of

each road section was formulated. Two optimization objectives—maximization of

the total M&R effectiveness and minimization of the total M&R disturbance cost—

were pursued over the planning horizon. A small network of 10 road sections was

used as a pilot study for the established model. Pavement management

functionalities at the network level are summarized, formulation of the integer

linear programming model for the project selection problem is presented,

differences in decision makers' value systems and the resulting different

undominated solutions are discussed, and a sensitivity analysis of the annual

budget constraint is conducted. The model satisfied requirements for minimum

pavement qualities and available annual budgets where state transition of each

road section was formulated. Over the planning horizon, two optimization goals—

maximization of the total M&R efficacy and minimization of the total M&R

disturbance cost—were pursued. The established model was tested in a small

network of 10 road segments. The network-level pavement management

functionalities are outlined, the integer linear programming model formulation for

the project selection problem is presented, the various undominated solutions

that result from different decision makers' value systems are discussed, and a

sensitivity analysis of the annual budget constraint is carried out.
This article provides a framework and an example that illustrate how to

use a mixed-integer nonlinear programming model to determine the best

pavement maintenance and rehabilitation plan. The goal is to maximize cost-

effectiveness, which is measured as the ratio of cost to effectiveness. The

performance, financial, and personal preference constraints are for the

optimization issue. For each component treatment of the strategy, two different

formulations of efficacy are determined using treatment-specific performance

models, and cost is stated in terms of the agency and user costs during the life

cycle. An example case study is used to illustrate the suggested methodology.

The optimization input variables are assigned probability distributions, and Monte

Carlo simulations are run to produce the best results.

2. Traffic Behavior

Consider how different pavement characteristics can influence driver

behavior, such as speed, following distance, and braking patterns. Theoretical

models of driver behavior can help in understanding these relationships.

Numerous research on driver behavior in traffic show a considerable

interest in the issue of a person's behavior in a high-risk situation and a sharp

increase in the quantity of works in this field. The official statistics on road

accidents also contribute to this rise. The interdisciplinary approach used in this
work's methodology enables us to take into account a variety of features of road

users' behavior in the context of the environment created by road traffic.

Risk is only one of the many aspects that may be taken into account when

making decisions, according to decision making theories, which view unsafe

driving behaviors as the result of such processes. Therefore, the decision to

engage in a certain action is influenced by a person's cognitive talents, such as

their ability to process information quickly, their capacity for remembering, and

their general understanding of the world. The decision's various factors—

including the perceived risk—are combined to establish a behavior's subjective

worth among the range of behaviors that are appropriate in a particular

circumstance. According to these theories, risky driving behaviors can happen for

two reasons: (1) the risky driving behavior is chosen over a less-risky behavior

because it offers the person a greater perceived benefit, or (2) the person, in

comparison to others, lacks cognitive skills or abilities for good decision-making.

Sex, age, experience, personality traits, and other factors have all been

linked to increased accident risk for motorcyclists in prior research. There is little

doubt that riding a motorcycle is more than just a pastime or a form of motorized

transportation. It might be a component of riders' individual lifestyles that, when

combined with other factors, can increase their risk-taking behavior and

involvement in traffic accidents. material and returned it. The findings revealed a
strong link between the motorcyclists' risky behavior and way of life and their

involvement in accidents. Additionally, a significant portion of the variation in risky

behavior and traffic accidents among motorcycle riders is predicted by lifestyle.

The authors might draw the conclusion that lifestyle has a significant influence on

motorcycle riders' risky conduct and involvement in traffic accidents.

3. Road Safety Metrics

(Yu Ping et al., 2022) Describe the road safety metrics that are relevant to

this study, such as accident rates, crash severity, and near-miss incidents.

Highlight their importance in assessing road safety and their potential correlation

with pavement conditions.

Through the correlation of conflict frequency and severity with short-term

traffic features, this study suggests a conflict-based traffic safety assessment

technique. This study uses microscopic trajectory data to evaluate the

association between conflict risk and traffic factors instead than analyzing

historical crash data. Conflicts are found using the time-to-collision (TTC) index,

and a severity index (SI) is suggested using time-integrated TTC. In SI, the

conflict intensity level is classified using the k-means algorithm. The risk of

regional violence is then divided into three categories. The impacts of short-term

traffic features on conflict frequency and severity are estimated using zero

truncated Poisson regression and ordered logit regression techniques,

respectively. The copula-based joint modeling approach is also used to

investigate any potential non-linear dependencies between conflict risk

outcomes. To find the best copula models, a total of 18 are examined. The

suggested framework is tested using the German HighD dataset. Factors within

and between lanes are both taken into account. The correlations between traffic

parameters and conflict risk are strong, according to the results, and the

dependence of conflict outcomes changes according to the degree of the

dispute. The frequency and intensity of conflicts are both greatly influenced by

the speed variance between lanes. The results show that the suggested method

can be used to evaluate the short-term (30-second time interval) traffic

characteristics of real-time traffic safety within a certain location. This study,

which evaluates road safety based on conflict risk and takes into account various

severity levels, also helps to build focused proactive safety solutions.

(Sagberg et al., 2015) In order to review the most recent studies on driving

styles in relation to road safety, this study set out to provide a conceptual

framework for understanding driving style. Driving styles are considered in terms

of driving habits developed as a result of individual inclinations as well as social

conventions and cultural values, according to a conceptual framework that has

been put forth. A broad framework for classifying and operationalizing driving

styles was also proposed. On this foundation, the body of current writing on

driving indicators and styles was evaluated. Road safety-related links between

driving habits and driving styles have been found, and the individual and societal

elements that affect driving habits have been examined.

(Karpinski et al., 2022) Motor vehicle crashes were the main focus of the

existing road safety measures. As a result, they are not suitable for alternative or

newly developed forms of micromobile transportation, especially the e-scooter,

whose acceptance has grown without a comparable body of safety studies. A

thorough set of high-quality data that can take into consideration the relevant

mode-specific risks is necessary for an effective safety analysis. The risk metrics

for motor vehicles that have been devised to measure consequences and hazard

exposure do not apply here. The majority of data sources and formats for road

safety have a similar bias toward motor vehicles. When it comes to choosing and

analyzing data about alternative forms of transportation like micromobility, this

framing creates difficulties. The goal of transportation safety measures and a

fundamental principle of risk metric selection are covered in this essay. It applies

these concepts to the developing form of micromobility transportation and

suggests suitable standards and restrictions for every part of a metric. In order to

illustrate bias and determine the proportional magnitude of each issue, this article

carefully assesses the current data sources and schemas. These factors could

be helpful suggestions for future research in the field and assist define the

specifications for data collecting required to more effectively address safety-

related queries.

Maintenance and

Action Plan
Traffic Behavior

Road Safety Metrics

An empirical investigation of
asphalt pavement
characteristics and their
correlation with road safety

Figure 1

Statement of the Problem

This study seeks to investigate the relationship between road safety

metrics and asphalt pavements characteristics in Urban Barangays of Mandaue

City. Specifically, this study will seek answers to the following:

1. Determine the Asphalt Pavement Characteristics in terms of:

a) Pavement Quality;

b) Pavement Condition;

c) Pavement Smoothness.

2. Determine the level of road safety metrics in terms of:

a) Accident Rates;

b) Near-miss accidents;

c) Perceived Driver’s Safety.

3. Determine the relationship between the asphalt pavement characteristics

of the Urban Barangays and level of road safety metrics of the respondents.

Research Hypothesis

The following hypotheses were formulated to guide this study:

H0 = There is no significant relationship between the asphalt pavement

characteristics of selected Urban Barangays in Mandaue City and road

safety metrics

H1 = There is a significant relationship between the asphalt pavement

characteristics of selected Urban Barangays in Mandaue City and road

safety metrics

Significance of the Study

"An Empirical Investigation of Asphalt Pavement Characteristics and Their

Correlation with Road Safety Metrics," holds significant importance in

enhancing road safety and infrastructure development. By delving into the

relationship between asphalt pavement attributes and road safety indicators,

your research has the potential to inform policymakers, government

agencies, and the construction industry about the critical factors affecting

road safety. This knowledge can lead to more efficient resource allocation,

cost savings, and targeted infrastructure improvements, ultimately reducing

accidents, injuries, and healthcare costs. Furthermore, your study contributes

to the broader field of road safety research, setting a foundation for future

investigations aimed at optimizing pavement design and construction

practices to create safer roadways. Overall, your research addresses a vital

aspect of public welfare and transportation infrastructure, with the potential to

save lives and resources while fostering safer driving behaviors and public

awareness of road safety concerns.

The Researchers. The chance to provide significant information and

expertise in the area of transportation and road safety is provided by this

study. By carrying out empirical study in this field, the researcher acquires a

deeper comprehension of how particular pavement qualities affect road

safety metrics, possibly revealing insights that help enhance road design,

construction methods, and safety measures. Additionally, this research can

improve the researcher's standing in the industry and provide doors for

collaboration with governmental organizations, business stakeholders, and

other academics with a similar interest in infrastructure development and

road safety. Aside from that, it presents an opportunity to address a

significant social issue that might result in safer roads, fewer accidents, and

increased general welfare, all of which could be personally and professionally


The Future Researchers. This study establishes the groundwork for

additional investigation and breakthroughs in the areas of road safety and

infrastructure development, which will be extremely beneficial to future

academics. The results and methodology of this study can serve as an

invaluable resource and act as an inspiration for further research in a variety

of ways. This study might offer suggestions for creating safer roads. Future

research can concentrate on putting your results into practice, possibly

resulting in cutting-edge road design and construction methods. This study

essentially establishes a knowledge base on which future academics can

expand in order to increase our understanding of road safety, develop

workable solutions, and contribute to the ongoing initiatives to make road

infrastructure safer for all users.

The New Drivers. The study's findings can increase novice drivers'

awareness of the different elements that affect traffic safety. When driving,

especially in places with particular road conditions, they can become more

vigilant and cautious if they understand how pavement qualities relate to

safety metrics. When they come across roads with particular characteristics

that are known to be connected with safety concerns, they can modify their

driving style, such as slowing down or increasing following distances. The

study offers novice drivers insightful information and knowledge that can

improve their sense of safety, their capacity for making decisions, and their

ability to negotiate varied road circumstances. It gives them the ability to

drive more safely and responsibly, lowering the likelihood of collisions and

boosting both individual and collective road safety.

The Aspiring Architects. Aspiring architects can learn how the qualities

of the pavement affect traffic safety. Their architectural designs can be made

safer and more accessible by using this understanding, especially for

buildings next to roadways. Architects can incorporate safety features into

their designs, such as pedestrian-friendly walkways, suitable lighting, and

traffic management techniques, adding to overall safety and space usage.

This is possible by understanding the relationship between pavement

characteristics and road safety. This study can give future architects a more

comprehensive understanding of the connection between pavement qualities

and traffic safety. It promotes sustainability, teamwork, advocacy, and design

thinking with an emphasis on safety, all of which help architects build built

environments that are safer and more useful.

Professionals from Relevant Industries. The study's conclusions can be

used by experts to make data-driven choices on road building, maintenance,

and safety measures. The study's conclusions can be used by experts to

guide further investigation and advancement in their specialized domains.

The study promotes cooperation among experts in various sectors, including

civil engineering, building, and traffic safety. This study helps professionals in

related fields by providing insightful information that improves decision-

making, safety procedures, infrastructure planning, compliance, resource

efficiency, and teamwork. These advantages help make the process of

building and maintaining roads more efficient and environmentally friendly,

which ultimately enhances road safety and the standard of transportation


Research Design

The quantitative method will be used in this investigation to gather

sufficient data. As the study will scrutinize the supposed empirical

investigation of asphalt pavement characteristics and their correlation with

road safety metrics, only the quantitative approach is appropriate.

Operationally speaking, the quantitative approach uses survey

questionnaires with closed-ended questions to collect data from respondents

in a controlled way. One such survey questionnaire was created by the

researchers and entered into Google Forms, a web-based application

created by Google that makes use of hyperlinks that respondents can use to

access the aforementioned research tool. Following the survey, the data will

undergo rigorous inspection and get a statistical analysis.


Profile of the respondents:

-Location Create interview
-Department assignation Questionnaires
1. Asphalt Pavement
Characteristics in terms
a) Pavement Quality; Conduct the survey

b) Pavement
c) Pavement Action plan
Smoothness. Organize the collected

2. road safety metrics in

terms of:
a) Accident Rates; Analyze and
interpretation of data
b) Near-miss

c) Perceived Driver’s

Figure 2

Figure 2 explains the flow of the study

Figure 2 displays and describes the flow of the study. The input, process, and

output of the study comprises its flow. The input accounts for the data required to

resolve the research problem. The process registers the methods employed for

the purpose of getting the data. The output characterizes the apt action plan
based on the findings of the study. This flow is formulated from a conclusive

feedback to the sub-problems.

Input. The input of the study will help in the determine the significant relationship

of the asphalt pavement for local drivers. The input includes the profile of the

respondents and their age. It will include the performance of the asphalt on how it

affects local drivers. It will also account for the effectiveness of the asphalt

Process. The study will be carried out methodically, meaning there are steps to

be followed in an orderly fashion toward its eventual completion. The first step is

to ask local drivers on how effective is asphalt pavement to our roads here in

Cebu. The gathering of data follows thereafter, with the use of the survey

questionnaire prepared by the researchers. Since the instrument will be encoded

in Google Forms & Hand out survey, it will be distributed in a form of hyperlinks

across the applicable virtual platforms. Finally the results will be retrieved,

organized, reevaluated, and verified, in that order. Statistical treatment is

employed followed by an interpretation of data’s

Output. The result of this study will be the basis for the recommendation of

asphalt in our roads.

Research Environment

The Barangay Jagobiao, Barangay Casili, Barangay Basak, Barangay

Tabok, and Barangay Paknaan are the asphalt-paved locations where the study

is being conducted in Mandaue. The researchers chose this City because it is

close to their houses and because, according to their observations, these roads

are the closest asphalt ones.

Mandaue is a first class highly urbanized city in the Central Visayas region

of the Philippines. It is one of three highly urbanized cities in Cebu island and

forms a part of the Cebu Metropolitan area and was part of the sixth district of

Cebu joined with the municipalities of Consolacion and Cordova, due to this their

road development is much better than other urban areas.

Figure 3

Map of Mandaue City

Research Respondents

The sample chosen for this study will be 150 Mandaue City Resident and

drivers who are at least eighteen years of age, who shall have experience driving

in any asphalt pavement in their respective selected barangays. There will be at

least 30 respondents who shall come from the following Barangays: Jagobiao,

Casili, Tabok, Basak, and Paknaan. The 30 respondents must be a resident and

a driver who must have experience on driving on any asphalt pavement roads on

their respective Barangays.

Distribution of Respondents

City/Municipality Barangay Number

Mandaue City Jagobiao 30

Mandaue City Casili 30

Mandaue City Basak 30

Mandaue City Tabok 30

Mandaue City Paknaan 30

Total 150

Research Instruments

A self-administered survey questionnaire consisting of 3 sections will be

employed in this study. The first section included the questions with reference to
the demographic profile of respondents such as age, sex, civil status, and level of

education. The second part consists of 25- item questions for the asphalt

pavement characteristics of the respondents with the following parameters:

Pavement Quality; Pavement Condition; and Pavement Smoothness. having 5

questions each. The third part consists of 15-item questions for the level of road

safety metrics of the respondents in terms of: Determine the level of road safety

metrics in terms of: Accident Rates; Near-miss accidents; Perceived Driver’s

Safety., having 5 questions each. The road safety metrics and asphalt pavement

characteristics included were derived by reviewing the literature. Each item would

be rated using a 4-point Likert scale ranging from “very high (4) to very low (1)”.

Data Collection

The data collection method that will be used is an online survey. The

reason for choosing this method is that they are used to gather information such

based upon the behaviors, characteristics, or opinions, and demographic

information such as gender, income, and occupation. Question types include

categorical (e.g. “yes/no”) and interval/ratio questions (e.g. rating-scale, the

Likert-scale) (Chipeta, 2020). Using Google Forms, it will be directly sent to the

Data Analysis

Data analysis is the process that most differentiates quantitative from

qualitative research (Donald et al ,2006). To determine the profile of

respondents, road safety metrics and asphalt pavements characteristics,

descriptive statistics were used. To determine the relationship between the

asphalt pavement characteristics of selected Urban Barangays in Mandaue City

and road safety metrics, Pearson product moment correlation will be used.

Statistical Treatment of Data

The researchers will apply statistical tools to produce a collection of

results that will help in the accurate interpretation and analysis of the data

collected. For descriptive statistics, Measures of Central Tendency will be used in

order to obtain the Mean of the sample size and Measures of Variability for

obtaining the standard deviation. For inferential statistics, Pearson's Correlation

Coefficient will be used in order to determine the relationship between road

safety metrics and asphalt pavements characteristics in selected Urban

Barangays of Mandaue City.

A. Measures of Central Tendency - This will be used in order to determine the

average or most common responses to the respondents to Youth in Mandaue

City who are using Tiktok.

The mean:

X̄ = (Σ X) / N
X = Summation

X = Observations

Σx = The sum of all the observations in a given data set

N = The number of observations

B. Pearson's Correlation Coefficient - This will be used in order to determine the

srelationship between road safety metrics and asphalt pavements characteristics

in selected Urban Barangays of Mandaue City.

The formula:


r = Pearson Coefficient

n= number of the pairs of the stock

∑xy = sum of products of the paired stocks

∑x = sum of the x scores

∑y= sum of the y scores

∑x2 = sum of the squared x scores

∑y2 = sum of the squared y scores

Scoring Procedure

The Asphalt Pavement Characteristics consists of the Pavement Quality

(1.1) , Pavement Condition (1.2) , and Pavement Smoothness (1.3). It is the first

research question in the SOP, and accordingly, part I in the survey questionnaire.

The road safety metrics consists of the accident Rates (2.1), Near-miss accidents

(2.2) , and Perceived Driver’s Safety (2.3). It is the second research question in

the SOP, and accordingly, part II in the survey questionnaire.

Table 2.1

Pavement Quality

Range Criteria Interpretation

3.01 - 4.00 Good

2.01 - 3.00 Fair

1.01 - 2.00 Satisfactory

0.01 - 1.00 Low

Table 2.2

Pavement Condition

Range Criteria Interpretation

3.01 - 4.00 Good The pavement condition has a good condition in its surface

2.01 - 3.00 Fair The pavement condition has a fair condition in its surface

1.01 - 2.00 Satisfactory

0.01 - 1.00 Low

Table 2.3

Pavement Smoothness

Range Criteria Interpretation

3.01 - 4.00 Good

2.01 - 3.00 Fair

1.01 - 2.00 Satisfactory

0.01 - 1.00 Low

Table 3.1

Accident Rates

Range Criteria Interpretation

3.01 - 4.00 Very High

2.01 - 3.00 High

1.01 - 2.00 Medium

0.01 - 1.00 Low

Table 3.2

Near-miss accidents

Range Criteria Interpretation

3.01 - 4.00 Very High

2.01 - 3.00 High

1.01 - 2.00 Medium

0.01 - 1.00 Low

Table 3.3

Perceived Driver’s Safety

Range Criteria Interpretation

3.01 - 4.00 Very High

2.01 - 3.00 High

1.01 - 2.00 Medium

0.01 - 1.00 Low

Definition of Terms

 Empirical - based on, concerned with, or verifiable by observation or

experience rather than theory or pure logic. Empirical is used as the

observation in our investigation and the experience from our respondents

in our research questionnaire

 Asphalt pavement - Asphalt pavement is made up of stone (aggregate),

sand, additives and liquid (petroleum) asphalt. Liquid asphalt – a sticky

black substance – is used as the binding material in asphalt pavements.

Asphalt pavement is used as the independent variable in our research and

it shows the relevance of it being applied in our pavement as it assists in

better traction causing less accidents.

 Characteristics - A feature or quality belonging typically to a person,

place, or thing and serving to identify it. Characteristics is used in our

research as something that asphalt contains or the quality that it has to be

chosen as an aggregate to include in our pavements

 Correlation - A mutual relationship or connection between two or more

things. It shows the amalgamation of our dependent and independent

variable. Correlation is a statistical measure that expresses the extent to

which two variables are linearly related

 Road safety metrics - Road safety pertains to the measures taken to

reduce the risk of road traffic injuries and death. Road safety metrics is

being used in our research as the dependent variable. It shows the main

focus of our independent variable: asphalt pavement


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Transportation Safety and Environment, Volume 4, Issue 3, September 2022,


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