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1. Wpisz a/an.

1. table
2. door
3. armchair
4. desk
5. dog
6. TV
7. book
8. cookie
9. kite
10. pen
11. egg
12. bowl
13. flower
14. spider
15. orange

2. Wpisz some/any.
1. I have got chocolate.
2. My friend doesn’t like vegetables.
3. I have got money in my pocket.
4. He gave me flowers.
5. I haven’t got children.
6. I write letters every week.
7. Did you find keys yesterday?
8. Have you got money?
9. They haven’t got brothers.
10. Do you know people here?
11. I haven’t got money.
12. There are students in the classroom.
13. I haven’t got food at home.
14. Peter didn’t buy cookies yesterday.
15. Kate and I won book ten years ago.
16. Have you read newspapers this month?

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