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Role of HRM in Building Resilience Among Primary Health Care Professionals

Student Name
University Name
Table of Contents
Chapter 1- Introduction....................................................................................................................5
Aim of research................................................................................................................................6
Research Objectives.........................................................................................................................6
Research questions...........................................................................................................................6
Significance of the Study.................................................................................................................6
Organization of the study report......................................................................................................8
Chapter 2-Literature review.............................................................................................................9
Resilience in the health care professionals......................................................................................9
Process of resilience and various mechanisms..............................................................................10
Characteristics of resilient individuals...........................................................................................11
Healthcare employees’ resilience..................................................................................................11
Impact of Individual traits on resilience........................................................................................12
Workplace and its relationship with resilient employees..............................................................13
Approaches to developing resilience among employees...............................................................15
Chapter 3 - Research methodology................................................................................................17
Research philosophy......................................................................................................................17
Adopted Research Philosophy.......................................................................................................18
Research Approach........................................................................................................................18
Adopted Research Approach and Justification..............................................................................19
Research Strategy..........................................................................................................................19
Research Methods..........................................................................................................................20
Adopted Research Method............................................................................................................21
Research Design............................................................................................................................22
Types of Research Design.............................................................................................................22
Time Horizons...............................................................................................................................24
Chapter 4- Data Analysis and Findings.........................................................................................25
Data Analysis.................................................................................................................................25
Chapter 5-Conclusion....................................................................................................................48

The role of HRM in creating the flexibility or resilience of primary health care organizations and
professionals is described in this chapter along with the problems, limitations, solutions,
innovative strategies and scope. The basic purpose of this study is to analyze the process and
strategies of HRM which manages and regulates the behavior of signa care group professionals
and employee staff. It also includes the methods that help in the well-being of signa care group
professionals (Robertson et al., 2016). The introduction of new innovative systems by HRM to
motivate or inspire their employees is a way to deal with decreased level of resilience among the
employees. As a result, the workers or employees will work more efficiently to attain the goals
of the organization. The processes, systems, methods and strategies are explained in this report.
The study focuses on the development of resilience and flexibility in signa care group
professionals by modifying the HR strategies of the signa care group organization. As the signa
care group continues to evolve, HR departments will need to think about measures that prioritize
resilience. HR will need to support this by focusing not only on efficiency but also on hunger for
success in its strategic aspirations. Therefore, HR play a key role as a loyal partner in sustaining
business goals and employee ambitions and creating a promising environment with a win-win
situation (Robertson et al., 2016).
Chapter 1- Introduction


Human resource management deals with the management of the workforce of any organization
which includes the selection, training, making employment or labor laws, assessment and
rewarding of the workers. The HR department has significant importance in all organizations.
The role of HRM in the health center is vital as it is responsible for managing the performance of
health care workers and quality of work. It performs a vital role in implementing innovative and
efficient ways to reform or modify the health sector strategies.

One of the primary responsibility of human resource management is the development of

resilience among the professionals and employees of healthcare organizations. It also covers the
enhancement of communication and teamwork between health care employees for the success of
an organization (Herrgard et al., 2017). The human resource management of health care
organizations is involved in the job analysis, organizing of the workforce, evaluation of the
performance and many more. It is also responsible for the implementation of reward systems for
the health care workers as this strategy motivates the employees. The performance of working
individuals in hospitals becomes better after receiving bonuses or rewards.

This research focuses on the role of HR in building resilience among signa care group
professionals. Signa care is an organization which provides health associated solutions to the
hospitals, doctors and the patients. Working under such a diverse group is challenging as
developing flexibility among the members is not an easy task, it requires getting leaders and
managers on board i.e. the people who interact openly with employees. In most cases, leaders
can depend on training to reply appropriately and effectively to demanding situations or
employees. The activities and reactions in such scenarios set an example for employees.
Resilient behavior among professionals can be reflected in adaptive organizations i.e. healthcare
departments. They mostly use accessible means in a way that aids both the individual and the

The variables used to measure the level of resilience and burnout situation among the employees
of signa care group will be accessed on three factors of decompression, activation and
engagement. These factors can be subdivided into the indicators like job satisfaction, loyalty will
the organization, work life balance as well as the ability of employees to find meaning in what
they are doing. The research will be focusing on analyzing their parameters.

Aim of research

The main aim of this research is to design measures that are useful in identifying the areas where
resilience among the employees is impacted by the HRM strategies within the healthcare
organization (Douglas, 2020).

Research Objectives

The objectives of this research are

 To identify the main role of HRM in building resilience among the employees
 To categorize the linkage between the job performance and resiliency
 To recognize activities associated with the HR that will positively impact the employees
wellbeing in healthcare sector
 To study the relation between individual resilient behavior and working style of the
healthcare professionals

Research questions

The questions related to the research that should be addressed are described below;

 What could be the main role of HR in building resilience among professionals?

 What is the connection between individual resilient behavior and health care
professionals’ resilient behavior?
 To what extent does this role of HR affect positively healthcare professionals?
 Does individual resilient behavior mediate the relationship between human resource
management practices and signa care group professionals?

Significance of the Study

The major focus of HRM is on the analysis and organizing the new strategies or plans which
helps in the training and evaluation of new as well as old health care staff. The clinical and non-
clinical staff of signa care group have a human resource management department that deals with
the public and individual management along with the implementation of a resilience strategy so
that signa care group professionals have developed the ability to adapt to the changes easily
(Beckwith, 2016). Human resource management gets the data and information on performance
and benefits from the knowledge and skills of workers who are designated to form the entire
company or firm. Different studies have shown that HRM plays a crucial and significant role in
healthcare hospitals. The excellent performance of staff, inspiration and enthusiasm towards
work, bonuses or rewards strategies are the facts which make encouraging, significant and
progressive change in the overall organization’s development and improvement. In developing
countries, the HRM strategies have limitations and are non-operational which results in the poor
mental health of employees working in signa care group (Morgan et al., 2019). The inappropriate
and poor mental health causes a decrease in performance as they are unable to focus and give
their best. One of the main steps or strategies adopted by organization’s HRM is the proper
supervision, distribution and circulation of employees, training or teaching sessions, and role in
economic development and socio-demographic issues.

In the health care organizations of New York, the professionals of HRM are directed to train
their employees in such a way that they accomplish the organization’s task with their creative
and innovative ideas (Beckwith, 2016). Similarly, the nursing staff is taught how to take care of
patients. The employees are also trained for marketing the inside resources to other
organizations. The strategies, plans and methods of the signa care grouporganization’s HRM
have distinct approaches in each country which made them on top and successful in the
competitive world. Regardless of HRP's involvement in enlightening organizational
performance, their impression of growing employee resilience is under-researched in the broader
management and organizational literature (McCann et al., 2013). This is unsuccessful because
HRPs are predictable as important for creating a good work environment and nurturing a culture
of engagement, which could help personnel develop resilience and manage adversity. The
flexibility of signa care group professionals seems to be a multifactorial and evolutionary
procedure. There are numerous demanding encounters in signa care professions. Resilience
combines discrete personal characteristics with experiences that lead to progressive variation.
There seem to be some predictable resilience approaches to upkeep signa care group
professionals to decrease pressure and stay healthy, which in turn can lead to active patient care
and flourishing in their roles (Herrgard et al., 2017).

As the health industry endures to evolve, HR departments working in the healthcare domain will
need to think about actions to prioritize resilience (Aase et al., 2020). The main significance of
the study lies in this that the HR department is improving day by day and is playing a major role
in achieving the goals of the organization. A promising environment will be given to the
employees so that they can work effectively (Herrgard et al., 2017). This study will be accesing
and designing unique measure and factors associated with the resilience in the healthcare
industry that are not previously present in the researchers studied. Recent studies focus on the
relationship between the various occupations and high mortality rates. The investigation shows
that the healthcare occupation has highest rates of mortality and burnout. The healthcare
professionals including doctors, nurses, and staff are experiencing higher levels of stress and
anxiety. There is a need of building resilience among them to deal with such situations and able
to maintain their mental and physical health. In United States, General Medical Council put
stress on the implementation and promotion of resilience which helps in the reduction of suicide
rates in healthcare sector. It also ensures the proper training of medical staff to deal with the
adversity, hectic routine along with stressed conditions. This step proves valuable in developing
the resilience. Nowadays days, resilience is the most important factor of healthcare professionals
as it helps them in living a healthy life. The above results and observations are made by going
through limited research papers or studies of resilience of caretakers in healthcare industry.
Moreover, through the extensive study, we come to know that resilience related to healthcare
workers is an evolutionary process in which individuals adapt themselves gradually according to
the stressed out conditions. Resilience is responsible for bringing positive changes in the
individuals that might help them in living the life better than previous one. It also enables them
to adapt positive attitude towards the challenging situation. Building resilience ids an essential as
it changes the whole personality of a healthcare worker by making him/her more strong and
energetic. There are numerous strategies and plans which supports the healthcare resilience.
These strategies play an important and significant role in reducing the stress, depression and
anxiety of healthcare professionals so that they can lead a healthier life and take care of patients
in a better way. Through this review, one can conclude that there is no evidence of improvement
of the health of patients but one may find that it describes the resilience and health of healthcare
professionals who are dealing with sick and ill patients. The quality of evidence has some flaws
as it cannot cover the whole standards of measuring the quality. In the surveys or questionnaires,
the healthcare professionals such as senior doctors and nurses are less likely to show their stress
and burnout just to be perceived as highly resilient and capable of managing the stress situations,
adversity and challenges faced during caring of patients. Some of the healthcare professionals
does not take the surveys as serious as they should take due to high demands at work while some
healthcare workers having high sense of career satisfaction may respond to the surveys. Various
studies used different methods or instruments for the measurement of resilience particularly to
find out the burnout cases. The validated instruments were needed for the measurement of
burnout. Some studies depicts that the current methods of building resilience were used which
covers only some aspects of support to the healthcare professionals and did not examine or
investigate the challenges such as social, workplace and dealing with patients. The use of such
methods will result in providing the inadequate information about the resilience of care takers.
Some new innovative and inventive strategies of developing resilience must be devised which
ensure the coverage of all the relevant factors. The healthcare participants should be encouraged
to give accurate responses of the questions asked in surveys so that it might help in the
determination and investigation of their resilience towards the work. The limitation of some
studies is also that it could not provide the generalizations of results because of the self-selection
process and lack of the control group.

Organization of the study report

Chapter One: Chapter one of this study report contains the whole summary of the research such
as the purpose, aims, applications and goals of the research. It also describes the importance and
significance of the research subject.

Chapter Two: This chapter contains the implementing strategies and plans that are used in the
process of research. It also depicts the methods and information from the previous research work
done by the different individuals on our research topic.

Chapter Three: In this section, the analysis and examination of the data are done by using various
methods and approaches.
Chapter Four: This chapter comprises the presentation of the investigation or inquiry of the data
collection techniques and how these techniques are proven beneficial in providing the data or

Chapter Five: This chapter covers the conclusions of the research investigation.

Chapter Six: This chapter contains the overall outline, idea, thesis and information that helps in
the research studies that will be conducted in future. It also gives guidance and methods of
collecting data and information related to research.
Chapter 2-Literature review


Resilience in healthcare is the improvement of people and increase the capacity of individual to
cope with the challenges, excessive stress and adversity faced during job each day. The personal
resilience has various forms and varies from person to person. Every healthcare worker has its
own personal resilience such as some have high level of resilience towards professional stress
but not able to cope with the stress of personal life. The resilience level of each individual
changes with the passage of time. Some people are more resilient when things are going
successfully while some individuals have fluctuations in their resilience level when they
experienced hindrance or stress. The variations in the resilience of such people may last from
weeks to months. With the help of surveys and questionnaires, one can easily find the resilience
level of people and their mindset. The healthcare workers become more resilient towards the
stress situations and adversity related to work if they are proved with the proper resilient training.
The training sessions should be organized by the healthcare organizations as they strengthened
the workplace resilience of healthcare workers or employees. Moreover, the resilience training is
responsible for the improvement of workplace performance as well as personal well-being. The
increased sessions of resilience training are beneficial and helpful in maintaining the mental and
physical health of healthcare staff along with the satisfaction of their job. It enables them to
adapt the positive attitude towards adversity.

Resilience in the health care professionals

Resilience in terms of health care professionals means the measures taken by a person to protect
from burnout which is the long-lasting emotional and interpersonal stress at the work caused by
over tiredness, exhaustion, fatigue. In the health care professions, the development of the
resilience promoting environment encourages the health care professionals to handle or manage
the stress in positive way. Resilience leads to solve, cope, recover from the stressful activities
faced during the handling of loads of patients and the other issues such as communication,
dealing with clinical scenarios and performance problems (Robertson et al., 2016). Resilience
allows the health care professionals to manage their duties by maintaining the balance between
the professional and personal fulfillment. There are some important features that are responsible
for impacting the resilience of health care professionals such as positive attitude, strategies of
managing the organization, developing resilience environment, self-validation, self-reflection,
skill enhancement, maintenance, creating balance in work and life and resilience training.

The health care organizations who promote the resilience are facing reduced and less staff
performance issues, employees are eagerly wanted to serve and the ratio of patient’s satisfaction
is more in those organizations. Mindfulness and resilience training both contribute in the
eliminating the issues and problems faced by healthcare workers during their performance. The
leadership is the third most significant and important factor in establishing the positive and
encouraging environment of the health care organizations. It motivates the nurses, doctors, staff
and other workers to accomplish the meaningfulness of work, availing the opportunities and
access the resources (Rieckert et al., 2021). The leadership involves the leader empowering
behaviors which refer to the improvement and enhancement of the productive work, promoting
the opportunities and chances of involving in the decision making by expressing their ideas,
opinions and innovative strategies. The improvement in the behaviors of healthcare workers and
resources that are responsible for the effective and marvelous performance are all because of the
remarkable leadership skills adopted by healthcare organizations.

The safety measures that should be taken by an organization is to provide the healthcare workers
the feeling of being valued professionally to all workers, provide the coworkers and
organizational support, sense of empowerment, achievements, and appreciation of their work.
Developing resilience in an organization includes the empowerment of the workers, providing
the facilities to deal with the issues with positive mindset and have power to share their ideas
while decision making (Matheson et al., 2016). The other reassuring and supportive measures
that are beneficial in building resilience are providing the education to healthcare staff members
along with the identification of the causes or reasons behind the burnout, fatigue and stress faced
by workers. The improvement of clinical well-being, personal and professional satisfaction, the
arrangement of regular meeting for checking the work of all healthcare workers and keep the
record are the keys through with an organization Improves and eradicated the stress out problems
faced by its workers.
Process of resilience and various mechanisms

Resilience is the process in which a person adapted to overcome the adversity and challenging
circumstances. The resilience adopted by individuals have tendency to cope with the difficulties
of life and methods for diminishing and moderating the stress. The stress diathesis model of
illness depicts that people have different strategies to deal with the stress but they must have
physical, biological and social tendency to face the disorder caused due to stress and then they
must be subjected to the cure of such disease (Rutter, 1987). The concept of resilience in terms
of health, sickness and illness has stared in 1970s. The initial research was done on children
suffering from schizophrenia. It was revealed that children suffering from the schizophrenia
disease were those who totally depend on their parents for their mental health, emotional
attachment, social and physical well-being and when parents were unable to provide them those
things, they were likely to develop mental illness and disorders. The studies also showed that
young people or teenagers could manage the adversity in the adverse situation and they took the
positive vision of life and imagined a brightened future. That type of behavior could be
eradicated through the protective measures such as attachment, connection and strong bonding
with the parents, friends, brothers and sisters (Fisher, Ragsdale and Fisher, 2018). Another nature
of resilience may be addressed by the concept of sense of coherence. According to this concept,
the person facing stress may adopt three steps such as meaningfulness, managing the stress
situations and comprehensibility. This research describes the personal experiences which shows
the behavior, strategies and dispositional of the resilient people working as the health care

Characteristics of resilient individuals

The resilient individuals have the strong personality and possess remarkable characteristics and
attributes such as self-control, optimism and manage the daily tasks. The understanding, positive
attitude, creative and optimistic ideas and management are the qualities that are developed in
resilient people. These qualities are beneficial and helpful in building relations with the parents,
friends and other adults that are then used in their stressful and adversary times (Beardslee,
1989). The resilient individuals are enough strong that they can easily adapt a change than the
weak people and adjust themselves in every situation. They have control on themselves and
effectively deal the stressful situations or circumstances. The resilience of adults consists of
various factors which are responsible for their well-being and help them to survive in the life
with dignity and positive attitude. These factors may include the connectedness to the family
along with the social environment, mindfulness, sustainable way of living, and managing the
adversary. These individuals are socially interactive. The various research has also identified the
similar characteristics of resilient people such as resilient attitude, optimism, empathy and many
more (Winslow et al., 2015). These qualities and characteristic of resilient people are the key
factor for them to develop the coping skills and strategies that are responsible in supporting them
through their adversary and in the difficult times.

Healthcare employees’ resilience

The healthcare workers must deal with the adversary as the working in the healthcare
organizations is the most challenging task. The nature of work at healthcare centers is that
healthcare individuals must interact with many peoples of different nature and medically proved
unhealthy and unfit. They must help and care for those people which are in health crisis. The
youth is more likely to adapt healthcare professions as they wanted to serve the nation and
eradicated the difficulties faced by humanity with their knowledge of health. The caring of
patients requires a sense of self giving and cause suffering in the form of stress which then
affects the healthcare workers (Meese et al., 2021). The stress badly affects the healthcare
individuals in the form of coronary diseases, excessive rates of headache and increasing suicide
issues. The major factors which are responsible for stress causing are the lack of proper training
of new staff, inexperience of workers, hectic routine, dealing with massive number of patients in
a single day, inadequate time for needy patients and continuous working. The healthcare workers
such as doctors, nurses, paramedics, ambulance officers and staff are suffered a lot because of
excessive time exposure to the extreme stress circumstances or conditions. The various research
shows that healthcare workers experience the high rates of attrition and unhappy because of
traumatic and stressful environment. These factors are responsible for causing the negative
impacts on the health of healthcare professionals and triggering them to develop the pessimistic
behavior towards life. They cannot enjoy with their family members and friends due to the
shortage of time and hectic schedule of their job. The unhealthy and stressful atmosphere creates
uneasiness for the young healthcare individuals which results in the decreased recruitments of
new individuals and affects the quality work of staff. The solutions to all problems are in the
development of resilience in the healthcare organizations (DeTore et al., 2021). The
organizations promote resilience by adopting various innovative strategies that becomes
responsible for the perfect and good health of the healthcare professionals. The resilient
individuals are hopeful and live their life stress free. They can cope with the adversary by
managing all things on time and taking less stress. The organizations provide them such
atmosphere which is beneficial for their health and mental well-being. As a result, they work
with the creative and fresh mind which reduces the risk of blunders and inaccuracy during
performing their job tasks.

Impact of Individual traits on resilience

There are different traits like an individual as well as team traits. There is a great impact of
individual traits on resilience. The individuals get these traits from the experience and the
argumentative event. One of the traits that impact has an impact on resilience is having a high
purpose. Having a developed determination was a recurring fact. This could yield the procedure
of logic of drive and aptitude, a fulfilling professional identity, a belief that one can affect one's
environment and the consequences of actions, and a confidence that one can acquire and produce
from both optimistic and undesirable life involvements. A higher purpose and anchoring made it
possible to pilot current difficulty utilize and explore accessible capitals, and the methods to
overwhelm the contests (Verboom, Montgomery and Bennett, 2016).

Another trait of individuals is being capable of self-care. This involved constructing spells,
recognizing the necessity for self-care, and vigorously engaging in self-care doings like social or
physical doings, relaxation, entreaty, leisure pursuit, and formal mental health provision. Health
workers who were energetic in self-care were constantly recognized as more resilient. Females
have lesser resilience and were more prone to critical coping apparatuses due to the dual burden
of the demanding flora of their labor and their leadership role in rising offspring, subsequent in
fewer periods for entertaining self-care. Having children raises personal well-being, and people
with children and close relations have shown greater resilience (Robertson et al., 2016).

The individual has the trait of self-determination with positivity. The key characteristics of
resilient health professionals were defined as being highly independent, careful, self-accepting
and reliable, having accurate outlooks, having high autonomy, high perseverance, low harm
evasion, higher broadmindedness for indecision and occasional error, and having a positive
outlook. Positive feelings can let an individual expand their options in adversity and enable them
to adapt more successfully. Individual influences either inborn or advanced from past
experiences play a role in resilience because they influence the health professional's method of
life and work. While some traits are related to flexibility, that doesn't mean people can't change
or acclimatize to acquire those characteristics.

Many authors introduced the concept of a 'growth mindset' to education, business and
psychology, where a person trusts that they can recover their aptitudes by emerging themselves
through hard work and devotion. The theories of resilience are described and explained by the
authors in three characteristics: “a firm acceptance of reality, a deep belief, often supported by
strongly held values, that life has meaning and an uncanny ability to improvise”. Growth mindset
and these characteristics discussed by Coutu have been recognized as factors that can be
observed in Auschwitz stickers and survivors of shocking life actions. Understanding these
characteristics and how they can be measured or experiential is significant for hospital or
healthcare recruiters, entrance fee staff and companies (Okpechi, Randhawa and Hewson, 2020).

Workplace and its relationship with resilient employees

Healthcare professionals do not work in remoteness and frequently donate as part of great and
multifaceted healthcare governments or systems. This advises that resilience may be supported
by separate issues. Resilience can likewise be maintained by the specialized and expert
environment or association. Organizational culture is significant because it, directly and
indirectly, affects the working environment of healthcare specialists. System improvements can
have extensive effects on improving health worker resilience, particularly where the elasticity of
one health worker can upset the resilience of others. Many authors suggest the subsequent
customs recover workplace nation, reduce segregation and have long-term belongings to best
promote resilience (Kunzler et al., 2020).

A genuine concern for the well-being of staff leads to healthier enduring care. Governments
should deliver healthcare specialists with entrée to support deprived of being arbitrated as not
coping. The administrative nation should generate a situation of cohesion and collegiality
amongst staff and foster mutual funding. Organizations should establish recognized and informal
stages that are sensitively harmless for discussing actions and sharing supportive experiences,
particularly after demanding measures. Provide co-workers with opportunities to cooperate
outside of work. Offices and workplace should also promote that there is difference and
boundaries between the work and office place. The opportunities and challenges will be provided
for the development of health professionals. This also gives social support and gives health
workers more autonomy in terms of their time and workload. Delimited working hours and
adequate staffing can also help healthcare workers build resilience by generous their time for
self-care and renewing. Deliver eloquent gratitude to advance job gratification like formal
recognition or informal verbal recognition (Leung, 2016).

This evaluation shows that resilience is significantly prejudiced by the situation in which it is
found. The multilayered energetic nature of resilience types of replications of findings is tough.
There are differences in culture at several micro, macro as well as different levels such as
individual, professional group, section, association, and civilization. This is worth it that
resilience is likely to vary at every single stage, as well as connections between stages. For
individuals, resilience is repeatedly perceived as a character and as competence which can be
erudite. Correspondingly, for a group or association, resilience might be assumed as a culture as
well as the collective competence which can be learned. There is essential to comprehend the
national characteristics of resilient organizations and corporations to help in knowing how to
create a resilient staff by using the collective competencies and changes in the culture. The
characters or discrete issues of irrepressible individuals can help notify how best to promote
resilience (Jones, 2016).

In a multifaceted fitness care scheme, there are always assemblies that may be visible to more
stressors and difficulties. With habits to recognize, evaluate, and degree resilience,
organizational frontrunners may be able to seek out workers who have resilience factors,
discovery conducts to recollect workforces and recognize when resilience or resilience factors
are lacking or weakening. Target specific groups like first-year care for those who have complex
abrasion rates to provide them with more provision and teaching resources to grow resilience and
reduce burnout and attrition. Recognizing at-risk clusters could also aid board interventions, as
resources are frequently incomplete for organization-wide delivery (Jones, 2016).
Approaches to developing resilience among employees

Individuals who have the trait of taking community support impact resilience. Individuals who
were able to seek social provision were originating to be more resilient. This reproduced a degree
of maturity and vision in classifying the need and ability to entrée this provision. Social
sustenance can be in the form of a supportive family as well as supportive colleagues that you
might look to for support or venting. Building band relations could have important revenues in
building resilience. Another trait of the individual that can have an impact on resilience is the
Metacognitive development of surviving and reframing. Most other handling policies that
enhanced resilience were reliant on metacognitive processes that diverge significantly between
individuals. This included self-reflection over journaling, request and faith, treating sentiments,
being able to accept that you can't fix everything and being aware of potential adversities.
Conclusion and concentrating on drive and meaning in a thick assignment also contributed to
resilience. This is dependable with knowledge about the work of emotional intelligence in a
business environment (SN, 2020).

Being able to relax and try to accomplish work-life equilibrium and take time off and de-stress
has made all the difference in building resilience and dropping burnout. The authors discuss the
aids of physical action or workouts on resilience. Discovery of changes that fit their lifestyle, and
consciously making time for eating, sleeping and socializing have been found to increase
resilience. The ability to set boundaries is important. For the sample, being able to change off
after work permitted health workers to decompress from demanding circumstances at work and
allowed them to renew when they returned to their personal and social spheres. In this way, the
individuals were not trapped in the work stress and depression of the workplace. Another
example was the intentional mindset in the palliative care setting to maintain an expert reserve
from the patient and family so that they are not emotionally drained. This is frequently discussed
as professional shielding. Educational interferences that seek to reinforce the resilience of health
specialists and the workforce should consider the multifaceted context of health professionals
and adversities. For example, the alteration in difficulties confronted by midwives and
psychiatrists. The information, services and boldness obligatory, along with the necessary social
and emotional support, may vary depending on these difficulties. Experience enables the
expansion of acquaintance, helps and outlooks that can empower resilience. Repeated exposure
to instances with training can naturally create resilience factors. Healthcare imitation is one
method that can be used to create realistic recurring exposure in a psychologically safe
environment. While the consequences of educational interferences are heartening and many
health professionals pursue education linked to resilience, the educational theme of resilience
may seem too busy health specialists as unrelated to enhancing their professional evolution and a
little priority for professional teaching. This will guide the individuals about resilience and them
explore and understand perceived resilience education needs that can help support resilience
offerings (Ciapponi, 2020).

Personal resilience in caring professions

Personal resilience of healthcare professionals, such as doctors, nurses, counselors, coworkers,

teachers, plays an important role in their job satisfaction. The individuals working in the care
professions should be personal resilient as their mental and physical health is more important
than anything. The care takers of patients are giving their energy, time, compassion and
sympathy to patients so that they can heal rapidly and enjoy the beautiful colors of life. The main
concern of healthcare professionals is to help others and achieving their aim some can give
endlessly without boundaries which become the reason of disaster in the form of their own
mental or physical illness. For building personal resilience, self-care is particularly a significant
and important factor for the healthcare employees in the caring professionals. The highly
empathetic and caring workers do not pay attention towards their health during work which is
harmful and unsafe for them. There must be strategies to protect the mental as well as physical
health of those healthcare workers. The strategies may include the promotion of the self-care
concept for healthcare employees. Self-care refers to the one’s responsibility to take care of
mental and physical health as well as maintaining them. Personal resilience can be boosted by
applying the personal strategies such as minimization of working hours, avoiding hectic
schedule, practicing healthy lifestyle. The sufficient hours of sleep is also necessary for the
healthy and sound mind. Healthcare professionals must be more reflective and self-aware so that
they can become more personal resilient. The major contributors that are responsible for
affecting the resilience of care takers are the individual and organizational factors along with the
resilience workshops. The promotion and advancement of personal resilience is essential in the
care professions.
Chapter 3 - Research methodology

The organized and systematic process which involves the solutions of the basic issues as well as
the complex ones with the help of appropriate and suitable procedures is known as methodology.
It is responsible for addressing the entire scenario of research such as what type of research is
conducted, how the data can be collected, information about different tools and techniques used
in research, reasons behind the selected method and research philosophies. The researcher uses
research philosophies, explanatory methods and research approaches to define the objectives of
research. The methodology provides research the correctness and legitimacy along with the
scientific also responsible for a researcher to remain on track by providing the detailed,
effective, smooth and efficient plan that helps the researcher to work smoothly and easily. The
basic purpose of research methodology is that reader can easily understand the research methods
and approach used in research work to reach the conclusions or final result (Bresler and Stake,
2017). The general methodology has the structure just like the onion having several layers as
researcher has to pass through many steps before the research objectives. The methodology is
responsible for the data collection through various techniques that would be proved beneficial in
analyzing the data and ethical deliberations and considerations. The methodology of resilience in
healthcare workers is comprised of research methods, research objectives, research approach and
philosophies. The research methodology is the plan recycled to contrivance that program. The
design and research methods are dissimilar but closely related; because a good research design
ensures that the data you receive will help you answer your research question effectively. On the
other hand, Qualitative Research collects data about life events, feelings or behaviors, and
descriptions that people attach to it. It helps to enable investigators to better understand complex
concepts, social interactions, or cultural events. This type of exploration is useful in assessing
how and why things happen, interpreting events, and explaining movements.

Interviews are also a form of research as they can be formal, informal, or informal sessions with
the researcher and participant. Focus groups consist of a few participants who discuss a
particular topic or group of questions. Researchers can be facilitators or spectators. Mixed
methods Research includes both qualitative and quantitative research. Provides a complete way
to compile and analyses mathematical data with in-depth context. The survey will be done by
sending the questions to the respondents and then making the conclusions from them. The
authentic data will be collected as the respondent will fill the questionnaire by analyzing the
topic carefully. The respondents are not biased while giving their opinions. The data composed
from reviews are then statistically examined to draw meaningful research suppositions. Survey
research methods can be consequent based on two critical issues as Survey research tool and the
time involved in conducting research. The survey will be done by using emails, phone, and face-
to-face. Online survey research is one of the most general research methods today. The costs
intricate in online research are very small, and the replies collected are very accurate. Telephone-
based research (CATI) study can be useful in collecting data from the widest target audience.
There is a chance that the investment in phone surveys will be higher than other alternatives, and
the time required will be higher. Researchers conduct in-depth face-to-face discussions in
situations where a complex problem has to be resolved. The response rate of this method is very
high, but it can be expensive.

Research philosophy
The research philosophy is the most important and crucial step in the research methodology as
the researcher depends totally on philosophy or the assumptions before working on the research.
There would be various assumptions and models that are considered before undertaking the
work. The purpose of the research work and different ways or methos that lead a researcher to
accomplish that goals or purpose is largely depends on selection of the accurate philosophy. The
best philosophies are those which describe the smooth shift from the beliefs of researcher to the
philosophies and from the philosophies to the research design along with the justification of
accepted concepts. There are various types of assumptions such as ontological, epistemological,
and axiological. The ontological philosophy deals with the real reality and is independent of the
human. This approach gives fixed, measurable and observable results. The assumption s or ideas
used by researcher are responsible for affecting the whole research (Houghton et al., 2015). In
epistemological approach, the assumptions are based on true, legitimate, authentic and proper
human’s knowledge. It uses various forms of data to ensure the providing of legitimate
knowledge. As far as axiological philosophy is concerned, it deals with the values and ethics of
the researcher which has significant impact on the research work.
Adopted Research Philosophy
The research work is investigated by these three philosophies as the research is entirely based on
the knowledge which covers the epistemology philosophy. The knowledge is based on reality
encountered by researcher which lies in the ontology approach. The values and the data of
research is responsible to impact the whole research which lies under the axiological philosophy.
For further analysis, among the five major philiosophies consisting of positivism, realism,
interpretivism, postmoderanism and pragmatism, the adopted philosophy will be interpretivism
as it helps to articulate the new ideas and views processed from the participants within the whole

Research Approach
The process of planning which is made for the analysis and collection of data comprising of
different methods as well as assumptions is referred as research approach. The various methods
and assumptions are proved helpful in the investigation of information for the research. The
analysis of data can be done through different types of research approaches such as inductive and
deductive approaches. Inductive research approach includes the collection of data to build theory
and this data collection method moves from specific to general whereas deductive method uses
the general to specific means for collection of information or data required for formulation of the
theory (Flick, 2015). These are beneficial as they are responsible for providing the information
and assumptions for addressing the research questions. Basically, the research approaches
adopted by the researchers in their research papers as it helps in the provision of investigation of
the problem. As research methodology resembles the onion having several layers. The second
layer of this research is based on the deductive type of research approach in which the
preexisting theory is first tested and then accepted or rejected entirely based on the collected
data. It begins with the general idea which narrows to the specific one as a result of testing,
validity and verification of the data. The deduction research approach is used widely in the
research as it is more efficient in such a way that it gives the opportunity or chance of direct
investigation of the answers requires for the certain research questions. These research questions
are related to the promotion and expansion of the branding and marketing of the companies or
organizations. The main focus of this approach is the use of integration method for the validation
of hypothesis or theory rather than the statistical, algebraic and scientific means (Kumar, 2019).
The significance and importance of deductive research approach is because of provision of data
or information which is based on already existing facts and evidences. It also provides analysis
and investigation about employee branding by analyzing the nature of problem whether it is
already studies and approved or not.

Adopted Research Approach and Justification

If we talk about the inductive research approach, it is responsible for the collection of data which
is relevant to the research topic. After collecting the considerable amount of data, the researcher
will take stop collecting more data and focuses on how to formulate or develop a theory that can
easily explain the research questions and methods. The process of inductive research approach
starts for the set of observations made during the collection of data and moves from specific to
general in the form of data to theory. The theory is made after processing the observed data. The
inductive research only deals with the correct theories which help in addressing the research
objectives, aims and questions and not imply to the disregarding theories. The most important
factor of using inductive approach is that it creates the meaning from the collected data set in
order to identify and investigate the relationships or patterns that are essential for building the
theory (Mackey and Gass, 2015). The preexisting theories can also use to formulate or address
the research questions in such type of research approach. The main objective of inductive
approach is to design a theory which proves beneficial in understanding the data collection
required for research objectives and goals.

Research Strategy

A research strategy is a step-by-step exploit proposal on which the thorough operation of an

overall research inquiry is grounded. It also affords an opportunity for precise ideas in data
collection and conducting studies in a systematic manner to obtain outcomes with correctness
and precision. Research strategy is chiefly an important part of research methodology because it
focuses on creating a comprehensive report on the difficult report. Different types of research
approaches are obtainable for a researcher to delve intensely into their research topic, but the
choice to choose a research strategy usually is contingent on the nature of their education.A
research strategy aids the researcher in choosing the accurate and precise process for data
assembly and examination. Therefore, it is of extreme position and ranks to choose the right
strategy when conducting research (Bresler & Stake, 2017). Each research study is unique in its
way. The individual or the researcher cannot use and apply the same process and approach to
every new research. Each time a new strategy or approach is applied based on the time required
to conduct the research, the main purpose of the research, the environment in which the research
is conducted, or some similar scopes and extents. Moreover, knowing the advantages and
benefits of research strategy provides the overall direction of the research which includes the
procedure and process by which research is conducted and accompanied. The main examples of
research strategies are case studies, experiments, surveys, and action research.

Moving to the third part of the research onion methodology for this research, the researcher
selected for a survey and questionnaire strategy to have a detailed knowledge of the ongoing
impacts of resilience on the healthcare workers. The survey strategy is chosen because it is
closely related to real-world situations. In order to maintain the reliability of the chosen topic as
well as clarity, the study used the health related organizations to analyze the behavior of
employees in any organization where focus is on making them resilient. The strategy chosen for
this research is entirely consistent with the agenda of conducting an empirical inquiry to
investigate a research problem by constructing a research narrative based on real-world situations
It is more appropriate when "how" and "why" questions are asked. The direct survey is mostly
used to elucidate those fundamental relationships in real-life interventions that are too complex
for new policies (Silverman, 2016). Like other research policies and approaches, its design
comprises questions or proposals, units of analysis, logic concerning data to enquiries or plans,
and interpretation of results.

Research Methods

Qualitative Research

One type of research method is qualitative research which emphasizes gaining data and
information through open-ended questions and communication. Qualitative research comprises
collecting non-numeric data and analyzing the text, video, and audio to know the concept,
opinions and experiences. Qualitative research can be used to produce new thoughts for research
and together in-depth perceptions. Qualitative research is usually used in the humankind and
societal sciences, in matters such as anthropology, sociology, instruction, health sciences,
history, etc (Busetto, Wick and Gumbinger, 2020). The qualitative research method is designed
in a way that will help the individuals to disclose the behavior and perception of the audience
about the particular topic. Diverse kinds of qualitative research methods exist like depth
interviews, focus clusters, ethnographic investigation, content examination, and case study
investigation (Gelsthorpe, 2016). The qualitative method is not about what individuals think but
also about why they think. Considering the general store which provided different items to the
customer. A systematic observation settles that the numbers of men visiting this store are more.
One good method to regulate why women were not visiting the store is to conduct an in-depth
interview of potential customers in the group. For instance, effective interviews with female
clients, visits to nearby stores and shopping precincts, and random samples visible that the store
did not have sufficient items for women, so fewer females went to the store, which was implicit
only by cooperating with them personally and understanding why they did not visit the store for
the reason that there were more men's merchandises than ladies' (Robertson, 2018).

Quantitative Research

Another type of research method is quantitative research which is the procedure of collecting and
examining numerical data. It is opposite to the qualitative research method. Quantitative research
can be used in finding the average, making predictions, and this also helps in generalizing
the results to wider populations. Quantitative research is the methodical examination of
occurrences by collecting computable data and applying arithmetical, scientific or computational
systems. Quantitative research accumulates evidence from prevailing and probable clientele
using sampling approaches and distribution out, for example, online studies, online surveys and
opinion polls (GOODWIN and GOODWIN, 2020). Their results can be represented in the form
of numbers. By understanding the numerical terms, there will be a prediction of the forthcoming
product or provision and make changes.

Adopted Research Method

Quantitative research is objective, even investigational. The results of the research are statistical,
logical and mainly it is unbiased. The data is collected using the structured method and is
conducted on large samples which will be easy to present to the entire population. The
quantitative research method is mostly done in the social sciences using the statistical approaches
used to collect quantitative data from a research study (Windzio, 2019). An example of
quantitative research is in an organization that hosts an event and gathers feedback from event
attendees about the value they see from the event. So the best survey template is used to collect
the feedback. By using an event survey template, the level of customer satisfaction during
different stages of the event, such as sales, before and after the event, the likelihood of
recommending the organization to friends and colleagues, hotel preferences for future events and
other such questions (Fang and Wang, 2017).

Research Design
By adopting into account research strategies, we might grasp what is implied by the expression
"research" to be an assortment of information that contains fundamental data. As such, an
assortment of data or information has been explored involving a theory and has consequently
created huge discoveries in an organized way. An examination can be led on both a logical and
scholastic premise. An exploration configuration is just an underlying structure for the many
examination procedures and approaches that a scientist utilizes.

Types of Research Design


The exploratory examination is a philosophical procedure that glances at research questions that
haven't been completely inspected previously. Exploratory examination often has a particular
concentration. In any case, an examination with a sizable example size that is exploratory could
equally be measurable (Cope, 2015). Due to its adaptable and unassuming nature, it is likewise
much of the time portrayed as a research technique or a grounded suggestion policy. For
instance, the eating corridor at your college is pondering the contribution of vegetarian renditions
of a few of its standard menu things. The college is reluctant to do this, however, for the reason
that they are concerned that the kinds of stuff won't be sufficiently famous and more food would
be squandered thus. Your foundation thinks often about the climate, accordingly, it won't add the
products assuming that doing so will bring about more food squandering. The idea will possibly
push ahead if there is strong proof that the vegetarian suppers will be a triumph because making
the dishes has an expense connected to it (Omair, 2015).


A clear exploration configuration looks for information to deliberately portray a peculiarity,

situation, or populace. More specifically, it helps with giving responses to the exploration issue's
what, when, where, and how questions instead of the reason. The unmistakable methodology of
examination takes into consideration the examination of the objective factors utilizing an
extensive variety of exploration strategies. Albeit infrequently subjective information is utilized
for distinct purposes, it principally utilizes quantitative information (Kennedy-Clark, 2013).


Logical review utilizes the restricted information that is accessible to explore why somewhat
occurs. It can benefit you in emerging understanding you might interpret a specific subject, sort
out how or why a certain occasion is occurring and make expectations about what's in store.
Logical exploration can on the other hand be characterized as a "circumstances and logical
results" move that searches for previously ignored patterns and examples in the flow of
information. It is regularly observed as a type of causal essence, consequently. The illustrative
review investigates the causes or systems behind a peculiarity. Subsequently, this sort of
exploration habitually addresses the most vital phase in the examination cycle and goes around
as a formation for additional inspection (Kennedy-Clark, 2013).


The procedure of doing explore in a purposeful, controlled way known as trial configuration
guarantees that exactness is boosted and that specific deductions about a speculation
proclamation can be made. Commonly, the objective is to decide the effect an element, free
factor, or ward variable has on another. The capacity to exactly assess the connection between
and among factors to make that assessment as level-headed as achievable is the center of the
exploratory plan and perhaps the main consideration in deciding why researchers need to create
and do tests (Omair, 2015).

Time Horizons

The fourth factor of the research union way is the timeframe. According to this, the time horizon
is of two types which are cross-section and longitudinal. The cross-section is also recognized as a
short-term study. The short-term training or the cross section is about gathering and collecting
the information for a specific period and is for a single time. On the other hand, the longitudinal
time horizon includes the reptile data assembly for a lengthier era of time which can be more
analyzed for the drive of judgment. By keeping in mind the feature of time horizon, the research
approved the mono technique which highlights a particular kind of material. According to the
nature and requirements of the philosophy of epistemological research, a qualitative design was
chosen because it is exploratory and investigative in nature (Ledford and Gast, 2018). In
addition, the analyst utilized the subjective survey configuration as it provided an excellent
understanding of the hidden standards of inspiration and considerations to implement some
purposeful board-grounded operating methods and procedures. Resilience research among
healthcare workers uses a cross-sectional method because it helps to analyze behavioural data
within a set time limit. A short-term time frame was accepted for the reason that it creates faster
results and is budget-friendly compared to another longitudinal time-frame approach that
requires a focus on a longer time period.

Ethical Considerations

Ethics issues can arise during several stages of research. Relate to the honesty of the
research and associated discipline. Professional relations have codes of ethics. Ethics writing can
be frustrating. The main and widest goal is to protect human participants. The second goal is to
make sure that research is directed in a way that helps the interests of persons, groups, or the
community at large. In conclusion, the third objective is to evaluate specific research activities
and projects in an ethical manner, taking into account matters such as risk management,
confidentiality protection, and the disclosure process. According to Bryman and Bell (2007),
study members should not deal with damages in any way. Respect for the pride of study
participants should be a priority. Full agreement must be obtained from participants prior to the
study. Defense of the privacy of study members should be shielded. Acceptable level of
confidentiality of research data should be safeguarded. The anonymity of individuals and
organizations contributing in the study should be established. Any sham or overstatement
concerning the aims and objects of the research should be evaded.
Chapter 4- Data Analysis

Data Analysis

A survey was conducted in which 50 participants related to healthcare professionals were

appeared. The various questions were asked to know the factors affecting the resilience of
healthcare professionals. The questions, such as what is your gender, are you satisfied with job,
is your work is productive, were asked in the survey which helps in the identification of
population mix, resilience of female healthcare workers, people belonging from different
professions such as doctors, nurses, supporters etc. the researcher will also be able to know the
challenges and issues faced by healthcare workers during their workhours. The solutions of these
issues and challenges are then suggested by researcher. With the help of this survey, the
researcher will get the required information that is necessary for the identification of hurdles or
issues facing by healthcare organizations in building resilience among their workers, staff and
employees. Different employees facing different challenges such as some were passing through
continuous stress even in their free time, some were unable to enjoy other life activities and some
were sick due to hectic schedule of their job. All these factors play an important role in
weakening the resilience of healthcare workers. The healthcare organizations should focus on
introducing the innovative and beneficial strategies for building resilience among their

Question 1: What is your gender?

The whole sample size of 100 people was asked about their gender to identify the mix of
population who are taking part in this survey. Also, this will help the researcher to identify the
causes that effect the resilience of female staff in comparison to the male staff working in
healthcare. Out of 50 people, 30 percent female took part and 70 percent male population

Following were the results that were introduced after the survey
Question 1


female male other

Graphical representation of the above-mentioned stats is as follows

Question 1
female male other



Figure 1: Gender Distribution in graphical form

Question 2: What is your occupation?

The 50 individuals who appeared in survey were belonged from different professions. The 10
individuals were working as a nurse, 8 were doctors, 13 were healthcare assistants and 19 were
support workers. This data will assist the researcher in finding the issues and problems that was
responsible for affecting resilience of nurses, doctors, healthcare assistants and support workers
of healthcare organizations.
Result of question 2 is described as below

Question 2



Nurse Doctor Healthcare assistant Support Worker

Graphical representation of the above-mentioned bar graph is as follows

Question 2


Healthcare assistant
Support Worker


Figure 2: variety of occupation in graphic form

Question 3: What is your age?

In survey, the age of individuals was asked for the identification of mix population of
individuals. Approximately 60% of the people were lied in between 26 to 40 which shows that
young people were more participating in serving the mankind. The researcher will conclude the
result that healthcare organizations should focus on the resilience of young healthcare workers.

Following are the results of age-related question

Question 3



18 to 25 26 to 40 40 to 60

Graphical representation of age distribution

Question 3


18 to 25
26 to 40
40 to 60


Figure 3: Distribution of different age group individuals in graphic form

Question 4: I rarely lose sleep over work issues.

This question targeted the balance of healthy sleep cycle among the health care professionals as
the sleep is associated with building resilience among the workers. Almost 30 percent of people
in the healthcare said they can sleep soundly even if their work is tiring or troublesome, but other
30 percent faced the issue of disturbed sleep cycle which shows a disturbed mental state and
weak levels of resilience among the working healthcare professional
Following is the result of question 4

Question 4
38 38


6 6

Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree

Graphical representation of workers having sleep issues

Question 4


Strongly Disagree
38% Disagree
Strongly Agree


Figure 4: Sleep patterns in graphical form

Question 5: I am able to free my mind from work when I am away from it.

Majority of individuals were agreed to this statement. About 40% healthcare workers were feel
relaxed and free their mind from the responsibilities after work while 25% were feel stressed
even in their free time. The researcher will come to know that more attention or care is required
for the resilience of those healthcare workers whose minds were still strained and stressed after
their working hours.

The answer of above question is represented in the column graph

Question 5

20 20



Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree

Graphical representation of above mentioned graph

Question 5


34% Strongly Disagree

20% Strongly Agree


Figure 5: No of individuals having stress free mind in graphical form

Question 6: I can enjoy my personal time without focusing on work matters

In a survey, the 60% healthcare workers were able to enjoy their personal time and not feel any
work pressure related to work on them. On the other hand, 30% individuals were continuously
taking stress of little things regarding their work which makes them uncomfortable. The results
of this questions showed that most of healthcare employees have remarkable resilience.

Result of question 6 is depicted in below the graph

Question 6





Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree

Graphical distribution of people enjoying their free time

Question 6

Strongly Disagree
40% Disagree
Strongly Agree


Figure 6: Distribution of individuals enjoying free time in the graphical form.

Question 7: I am able to disconnect from work communications during my free time
(emails/phone etc.)

The result of this question was quite disheartening as 70% healthcare workers were not agreed
with the above statement. This shows that their working environment is unhealthy and need more
improvements. In their free time, majority of the people were discussed work related issues with
each other that becomes responsible for causing depression and stress. The researcher will come
to the point that resilience of healthcare workers is affected by this behavior. The workers should
engage themselves in some creative and healthy activities in their personal free time.

The description of answer of the above question

Question 7



6 6

Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree

Graphical distribution of individuals disconnecting from work communications in free time

Question 7


Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree

18% 60%

Figure 7: Individuals disconnecting themselves from work communications in leisure time in

graphic form

Question 8: I care for all patients/clients equally even when it is difficult.

Approximately 80% of healthcare workers were agreed that they give their best and deal the
patients equally even in the most hectic and critical situations. The researcher will conclude that
resilience of healthcare workers is quite impressive in this perspective. While other 20% were
not able to take care of patients which shows weak level of resilience. They should be enough
resilient to take care of patients in all scenario.

Result of the healthcare individuals responding to the above question.

Question 8


8 10
6 6

Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree

Question 8


8% Strongly Disagree
10% Strongly Agree


Figure 8: Graphical distribution of healthcare takers of patients in difficult times.

Question 9: I see every patient/client as an individual person with specific needs.

The researcher finds out that 50% of the healthcare workers gave positive response while 50%
were not agreed with the statement. This shows that healthcare organizations must have to focus
on implementation of such strategies which enhance or boost the resilience of healthcare workers
so that they give their best and serve the mankind in a healthier way.

Question 9



Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree

Question 9

Strongly Disagree
28% Strongly Agree


Figure 9: graphical distribution of dealing patients individually.

Question 10: This job rarely makes me feel detached

30% healthcare employees including nurses, doctors, supporters and assistants felt detached from
other life activities as they could not able to manage their job with their other activities. The
researcher will suggest that healthcare organizations should provide the healthy and relaxed
environment to their healthcare workers so that they could not feel detached and become resilient
in managing the job and other activities of life.

Question 10


Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree
Question 10

28% 26%
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree



Figure 10: Graphical distribution of people thinking they feel detached

Question 11: At the beginning of a workday, I am emotionally ready for whatever comes
my way.

The result of this question shows that 70% care takers were optimistic towards their work and
take a start in a motivated way. The positive and healthy attitude towards their work along with
the determination of facing and dealing every difficulty or challenge helps them in increasing
their resilience towards solving the problems while others were adopted pessimistic approach
which results in the weak level of resilience. The researcher will be able to identify the motivated
healthcare individuals and lazy people and the needs of improvement regarding building
resilience in healthcare workers and other people of healthcare organizations.

Question 11



Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree

Question 11

14% Strongly Disagree

38% Disagree
Strongly Agree


Figure 11: graphical distribution of fully motivated employees

Question 12: At the end of a workday, I have enough energy to pursue non-work activities.

The response of this question demands the improvements and amendments in the strategies of
healthcare organizations. Most of the healthcare workers were tired due to the hectic schedule of
their job that they could not pursue their personal activities. This thing also affects their
resilience as well as their health as they are continuously facing stress.

Question 12



Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree

Question 12


Strongly Disagree
10% Neutral
Strongly Agree


Figure 12: Representation of energy of workers to continue non work activities in the graphic

Question 13: My co-workers help alleviate the stress of my daily work.

Most of the healthcare individuals were able to alleviate their stress by discussing it with their
coworkers. This is also in the favor of building and enhancement of resilience. With the help of
coworkers, employees can deal with their stress causing problems and issues.

Question 13




Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree

Question 13

Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree



Figure 13: graphical representation of support of coworkers in alleviating the stress

Question 14: The work I do makes a real difference.

Resilience is the building of capacity in the healthcare employees to deal with the adversity and
challenges faced during their job or work. Majority of the healthcare workers were agreed with
the fact that their work could make a difference as they have a high degree of resilience. The
researcher will come to know that healthcare workers are enough resilient to deal with any
challenge during their work.

Question 14




10 10

Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree

Question 14

Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree



Figure 14: Graphical distribution of people making real difference through their work

Question 15: My work gives me a feeling of accomplishment.

According to survey data, some people think that their work was qualitative and had sense of
achievement. This also shows that they were provided with proper training sessions and
description of work. They were satisfied with their work and were ready to cope up the
challenges and hardships coming in their way. On the other hand, some healthcare workers were
disappointed regarding their work. They did not feel any sense of accomplishment which
becomes responsible for affecting their resilience.

Question 15




Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree

Question 15


Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree


Figure 15: individual’s feeling of accomplishment in graphic forms.

Question 16: My work is meaningful

60% individuals were sure that they were giving their best and use their all energy to accomplish
the targeted task while 40% healthcare workers did not think so. There is a need to increase their
motivation towards meaningful work so that they can also help and take care of patients in better
way. The resilience of 40% healthcare individuals can be improved by providing them the
healthy and stress-free environment.

Question 16


18 18


Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree

Question 16

18% 18%

Strongly Disagree
6% Neutral
Strongly Agree


Figure 16: Graphical distribution of meaningful work of employees.

Question 17: I rarely experience burnout from my work.

The result of this question is opposite from the expectations as majority near about 70% of the
healthcare workers were disagree from the statement and feel burnout. This thing affects the
resilience of healthcare workers and working capabilities as they are in a continuous stress and
anxiety. The suggestions of possible ways to protect and boost the resilience of healthcare
employees is the main goal of researcher.

Question 17



Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree
Question 17


20% Strongly Disagree

Strongly Agree


Figure 17: Burnout issues of healthcare workers in graphic form.

Question 18: I need training every year.

Approximately 60% healthcare workers were agreed that they needed training every year. The
training helps them in adopting and implementing the new changes which results in the
betterment of patients as well as healthcare organizations. The researcher will advise or suggest
that regular training sessions are compulsory and essential for the development of resilience in
healthcare workers.

Question 18




Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree

Question 18

Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree



Figure 18: graphical representation of need of training.

Question 19: I get support from my higher authority.

Through the survey, researcher will come to know that some people were not getting support and
assistance from their higher authority. There was a lack of coordination and cooperation which
badly affects the resilience of healthcare workers. A check and balance should be maintained
regarding to higher authorities so that they would provide any type of help to their employees.

Question 19


Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree

Question 19

20% 18%

Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree



Figure 19: Agreement of support providing from higher authorities in graphic forms.

Question 20: I get sick due to work.

In this question, it was determined that the mental health condition of the participants and the
stress of their work shifts were the major and significant causes of sickness. Resilience is
responsible to improve healthcare professionals dealing with the challenges and stress, they face
on their job every day. For the betterment of their own health and the standard of patient care, the
healthcare professionals must actively engage in health promotion practices and activities. To
develop desirable and required living habits and manage stress in a healthy way with a positive
outlook, the healthcare workers should aim to adopt healthy activities.

Question 20




Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree

Question 20

35% Strongly Disagree

27% Agree
Strongly Agree


Figure 20: Sickness of people due to over work in the graphic forms.


This survey gives a snapshot of the factors affecting resilience of the healthcare employees. The
results show that many participants were experiencing the anxiety and depression due to their
work while some were experiencing difficulty in managing their job and household activities
simultaneously. Some were facing burnout which becomes the reason of prolonged stress as well
as the physical exhaustion. Other than depression, anxiety and burnout, healthcare employees
were also facing issues such as improper management of work task, sleep disturbances, sickness
and low level of satisfaction. It is very important for the healthcare organizations to provide the
support to their healthcare staff. This might help them in improving the resilience and reducing
the anxiety and depression as the resilience plays a buffering role in managing the adversity or
challenges faced by doctors, nurses, workers and supporters. The support to the healthcare
professionals can be provided by devising the appropriate and innovative programs as well as
interventions by healthcare organizations, NHS management and healthcare departments. The
support can be provided through various ways such as psychological support and training
sessions. The psychological support can be given through phones, internet, reading materials as
well as through support groups. This support is beneficial when healthcare workers can modify
themselves by adopting the solutions given through psychological support. On the other hand,
organization of training sessions after every year is also a great step towards the improvement of
resilience among healthcare professionals. After the training sessions, employees feel better and
have enough motivation to cope with the challenges and issues coming their ways during work.
Another strategy is the use of eight item instrument which is designed in such a way that it
accurately measures the resilience of workers for the identification of burnout risks. The
resilience building strategies must be promoted as they focus on the betterment of young, single,
aged, lower educated healthcare employees. These strategies are also capable of promoting the
individual resilience which increases the productivity of individuals as well as success of
healthcare organization. It is also responsible for the prediction of workforce outcomes like
engagement. The resilience building strategies must be promoted as they focus on the betterment
of young, single, aged, lower educated healthcare employees. These strategies are also capable of
promoting the individual resilience which increases the productivity of individuals as well as
success of healthcare organization. The improvement of resilience in the healthcare staff is one
of the crucial and significant steps of any healthcare organization and this can only be achieved
by providing the stress-free environment and opportunities to manage hectic routine.
Chapter 5-Results and Discussion

The purpose of this study was to inspect the influence of resilience on Health Care Workers
burnout in the normal settings and in epidemic. Majority of the healthcare workers are facing
burnout and stress issues which results in the shortage of the healthcare employees in United
States. The physicians, nurses, medical staff and doctors are facing these issues which affect the
overall productivity of healthcare organizations. Various studies show that maximum burnout
cases which are reported consist of maximum numbers of healthcare workers. Maslach and
Jackson put forward their concept relating burnout. According to them, burnout is such a
syndrome which is related to emotional exhaustion which affects the productivity of an
individual. It leads to the unhealthy lifestyle and weakens the resilience of people towards facing
adversity. Burnout is also responsible for causing the depersonalization of a person and
inefficacy to deal with the life issues. There are various forms of burnout which plays major role
in weakens the resilience of individuals. Stressed out condition and burn out are distinctive from
each other as stress is related to the acute response during the single event while burnout is the
prolonged response to the stress situations. The prolonged and continuous exposure of emotional
and interpersonal stress has negative impacts on the physical as well as mental health. It also
results in decreased productivity and poor work performance which affects the image of
organization as well as their well-being. According to Reith, the main reason of excessive level
of burnout is associated with the increase in the job turnover, hectic schedule, and excessive
stress along with some medical errors. Literature on the occurrence and causes of burnout in the
healthcare sector shows that it is related to the chaotic or hectic routine work of healthcare
workers. The constant work stress during caring of sick patients impacts badly the health of
healthcare professionals. All these factors contribute in increasing the susceptibility of decreased
enrollments and admissions off students in the healthcare degrees or programs. Majority of the
health care students are exposed to the stress associated with the caring of sick patients, dealing
with the clinical staff and during the development of new care strategies or skills. The fear of
making mistakes as well as time taking in learning new healthcare systems are the triggering
points for causing stress in them. The research studies and surveys shows that developing or
building resilience in healthcare professionals is beneficial as it helps in the mitigation or
minimization of the adverse impacts of burnout as the individuals will have capacity to deal with
the stressed out situations in a better way than they had to handle in past. The objective of this
study is to enhance the resilience of healthcare staff by developing the strategies which have
positive impact on them. A survey was conducted in a university which is consisting of 44
questions. The purpose of this survey was the determination and calculation of emotional
intelligence and resilience. After the multiple linear regression analysis, it came to know that
there is a strong relationship between resilience and EI. Resilience depends upon the age and
emotional intelligence.

The research delivered a hypothetical outline considering resilience as an individual reserve that
workers can assemble to face dangerous job stresses and decrease job strain. Burnout has been
abstracted as a damaging emotional state, founded on expressive exhaustion, depersonalization,
and loss of individual achievement. Data were collected amongst health care workers during the
second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in Portugal when the National Health Service was
under the utmost pressure. This perspective made it conceivable to capture the high pressure to
which fitness employees were visible and thus made it probable to inspect the reactions of Health
Care Workers and separate coping devices, precisely concentrating on resilience. Resilience has
an adverse influence on depersonalization and emotional tiredness and an optimistic control on
personal attainment, meaning that a 1% increase in resilience is related to a 1.7% decrease in
emotional exhaustion and depersonalization and a 5% upsurge in individual attainment. The
degree of the experiential relations is steady with comparable preceding lessons showing that the
association between resilience and depersonalization and emotional tiredness inclines to be
undesirable and reasonable to weak, and the relationship between resilience and personal
attainment tends to be optimistic and reasonable. Advanced levels of expressive exhaustion and
depersonalization joined with low levels of personal achievement are measured pointers of
burnout. Assumed that resilience has an opposite association with emotional tiredness and
depersonalization and a constructive association with personal realization, resilience can be
measured to act as an inhibitor of burnout, particularly in high-pressure circumstances. These
outcomes are dependable with preceding studies examining the role of personal capitals.
Numerous readings led in the health sector show that individual assets play a significant role in
the anticipation of burnout. Though, the answers of this study also sustenance preceding studies
on burnout and flexibility in healthcare. Certain studies shown in high-intensity settings
equivalent to the COVID-19 epidemic condition in terms of weight, strain, corporeal and mental
significances show a strong connection between resilience and burnout, where fatigue tends to
decrease the influence of the former's negative significance. The conclusions also point to the
significance of age and profession as backgrounds of resilience. In terms of age, this reading
found that the elder Health Care Workers are, the less resilience they tend to display, but opposes
the study. The findings of this study can be clarified by the situation of work and individual

These two studies were shown with neuroscience acute care and soothing care staff. While these
two settings can be enormously difficult, they do not present similar personal hassles as a
pandemic condition. COVID-19 epidemic condition comprises exclusive individual demands,
such as possibly polluting family members and networks, or seeing subjects such as the period of
the pandemic, which may be more damaging for older Health Care Workers. Skillfully, and
rendering to the findings of this study, surgeons tend to be additional resilient than nurses.
Preceding studies that have absorbed the alteration between professional settings have found
some changes between groups. For example, a difference between frontline and no frontline
trades. Therefore, the alterations between doctors and nurses can be explicated by the setting and
nature of the work. Nurses' work suggests a closer relationship with patients' difficulties and
worries, which can decline nurses' resilience. The situation of the COVID-19 pandemic bids
relevant circumstantial for the study of resilience and burnout, which is considered a pertinent
theoretical and empirical aspect of this research. Although research on burnout during the
COVID-19 pandemic is growing obvious, the study of job resources whether organizational or
personal is still rare. Considering another pandemic, COVID-19 has a great impact on
individuals and also in terms of scale as well as in terms of potential emotional and mental,
social, and economic values. As such, this research also adds new intuitions to the subject of
combating not just accepting exhaustion in deeply traumatic conditions.

Practice Implications
The healthcare organizations have to devise new strategies or making amendments in the
existing one based on the relationship between emotional intelligence, resilience as well as age.
The development of personal resilience among the students is necessary as the attrition and
burnout cases in the healthcare industry are increasing day by day. The healthcare education
should cover all aspects of building resilience, ways of reducing stress and impacts of emotional
labor on the clinical staff during performing the clinical tasks. The EI and resilience are
interlinked with each other and this relation is beneficial as it provides opportunities for
formulating the strategies and programs that helps in boosting the resilience. There are various
applications of EI which can be used by healthcare programs to access the capability of a student
such as using the emotional assessment within admission procedure. With the help off emotional
assessment, healthcare departments can easily find one’s capability of working and potential for
the success. The students whose interest is not developed in the mathematics and science, they
prefer to choose clinical practices. The EI assessment within the admission process proved
beneficial and helps the students to choose the programs according to their interest. One of the
most significant benefits of incorporating the emotional intelligence is that it causes the students
to improve themselves in terms of stress management and self-efficacy. It also enables them to
become more self-aware that what is best for them and which field they wanted to choose or emotional intelligence is associated with the resilience; it should be helpful in increasing
the resilience. This might be possible if innovative ways of resilience building will be teaching in
the healthcare education programs. Resilience plays a significant role in the protection against
burnout and adversity. Other than above benefits, the integration of EI in education systems
helps in the identification of the need for intervention. Moreover, EI and development are also
correlated as students evolve and experiences changes during the development or evolving
process throughout their educational program. For instance, if we talk about the senior students
whose exposure towards clinical practices is greater than the juniors. Therefore, senior students
need more resilience and support in managing the relationship with patients and deal with
empathy. While the juniors or lower level student need less support due to less exposure towards
clinical practices. The lower level students require resilience in terms of self-awareness. It
becomes essential for the educational programs to cover the ways and methods for the
preparation of future healthcare workforce. The educational programs also focus on the
recognition and causes of the attrition, stressed out conditions and burnout. Through the recent
incidents such as COVID -19 pandemic conditions, the educational institutes of healthcare sector
pay more attention for preparing the students in emergency situations and build resilience
according to them. The integration of EI and development also boosts the technical skills which
are associated with the patient care internal issues of patients and physiology. The other aspect of
implementation of EI and development in the programs is that it is valuable and helpful in the
improvement and enhancement of student’s resilience by providing the essential tools and
strategies that are beneficial in preventing burnout issues facing by healthcare staff in healthcare

The psychological effect of the pandemic on the general populace, inhabitants, and precisely on
health care workers can be dominant. The COVID-19 pandemic put a major influence on
individuals as well as on the business. The market got down due to fluctuations in the rates.
People working in different companies get stressed and reach levels of several psychological
difficulties such as disquiet, despair, stress, and post-traumatic stress; restlessness, mental stress,
and burnout are the major issues that human being faces. But while the mental health of Health
Care Workers may be at risk, there are methods to handle and mitigate the effects of the
pandemic's demands. The aim of this study was to establish the reputation of resilience as a vital
personal resource for Health Care Workers to handle exhaustion in an extremely traumatic
situation. The outcomes display that resilience can act as an inhibitor of all scopes of burnout,
expressive tiredness, depersonalization, and low individual attainment. The main experiential
influence of this research work is connected to the character of personal possessions as an
inhibitor of the bad significances of work strain, such as stress. In other words, resilience can act
as a promoter of well-being. As a personal resource, resilience can be skilled and erudite, and
initial potentials for policies aimed at developing resilience aids.

Limitation of research
This research work is not without certain limitations. The scores of emotional intelligence and
resilience were collected through the self-reported responses which might causes problems in
finding the actual and accurate results. There are countless chances of biasness in the data or
information collected from self-reported responses as the collected information is based on the
answers given by individuals. According to the participants, the selection of answer is mostly
favored according to the socially acceptable parameters. The responses to the questions are done
by individuals or a student who may cause some misrepresentation of the major limitation of
research study was the appearance of constant age group members in the sample. There is no
variation in the age of participants or individuals. This research includes both programs like
graduate and undergraduate but the percentage of respondents shows that the maximum people
belongs from the age group between 19 and 35.the minimum role of old ones becomes the
limitation of the assessment of age which is the crucial step and correlated with the emotional
intelligence as well as resilience. The study should cover general things about its research but the
limitation of this research study is that it shows the data collected from only one university and it
causes not to cover all aspects of research study generally throughout different universities,
educational institutes and healthcare companies. Moreover, the sample represents only students
of nursing, health sciences and radiological science. The sample should represent larger
population and covers broad range of areas of various healthcare centers. The other limitation of
this study is that data is collected only one time. As there is a chance for participants to change
their response or thoughts towards specific question with the passage of time, so the data or
information collection t a single time is considered as limitation of this research paper. The
survey was conducted when semester was started and it might be possible that students facing
stress issues during the semester. There are various factors which could become responsible for
causing the stress, depression and anxiety in the students. The factors may include the excessive
course exams, hectic schedule of clinical staff and improper management are triggering point for
the stress causing situations and it would negatively impact the overall health such as mental and
physical well-being of healthcare students. The data collection methods should be proposed in
such way that it provides the comprehensive, inclusive and broader view of the resilience and
emotional intelligence of the healthcare workers. Other limitation is connected to the emphasis
on personal possessions. Though this was a cautious and defensible possibility, it is known that
possessions can interact in JD-R theory and this contact can have some influence on the
conceivable significances. As such, it would be advisable to inspect and observe several types of
sources and the latent interaction between them. Added restraint is associated with the emphasis
and concentration on resilience. This personal source is a description of an emotional distinctive
or skill, but there are also other types of personal possessions that can be considered. As such,
upcoming training that wishes to importance on personal properties should observe the grouping
of altered categories of individual resources in addition to resilience. To sum up, this
examination was focused on Portugal during the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. Any
generalization should be taken with caution given the chronological and physical context. The
limitation of research studies in the healthcare industry is that the disqualification of some
publications has occur because of improper approach as far as the strength of review is
concerned, the appropriate methods such as data extraction and double reviewing is done at all
steps or stages of research review. Hardly one or two intervention or involvement studies were
investigated along with the evidences in the last 5 years. This shows that there is a severe need of
introducing the new intervention studies consisting of new methods of building resilience among
the healthcare employees or workers.
Chapter 5-Recommendations and Conclusion


It was obvious and evident from extensive study that the factors which are responsible for
boosting of resilience are multiple. The factors, such as social resources including the support
and care of parents, friends and family members towards the development of resilience and cope
with the adverse workplace situations, has positive impact on the resilience of healthcare
professionals. Furthermore, the physical activity including health, fitness and sports along with
the outside interests such as leisure activities are also helps the workers in adopting optimistic
approach towards life. The more resilient care takers have higher sense of responsibility, calm
mind, and strong beliefs which helps them to mold themselves according to the changes. They
are enough capable and flexible for adapting the adversity. The environmnet5 of workplace has
great influence on the professional resilience. The major contributor of burnout in the healthcare
professionals is the hectic schedule, constant excessive working hour and improper sleep
patterns. This is responsible for leading numerous difficulties in managing the balance between
the work and life. The factors such as workload, management of time, one’s worth and sense of
control at the work are the factors of workplace which may affect the resilience of healthcare
workers. The introduction of better quality and outcome framework along with the
implementation of care commission rules and regulations in the healthcare organizations is
constructive and productive in respect of boosting personal as well as professional resilience of
employees. The problems and issues of doctors and nurses include maintaining balance between
their personal and professional life.
This research study focuses on the resilience of healthcare workers and employees in terms of
social and workplace circumstances. Moreover, through the research, we come to know that the
healthcare organizations should pay attention towards the introduction and implementation of
new more resilient strategies which enable them to give their best and treat patients with fresh
and healthy mind. The utilization and promotion of various systematic approach of resilience
should encourage in the healthcare sectors as it is responsible to strengthen the healthcare
worker’s resilience by accessing to their personal as well as organizational resources. The
building of resilience of healthcare employees by the healthcare organizations can be achieved
using various models which should have following main principles. These principles are
described below:

 HR managers have a major responsibility to ensure that resources are effective for
organizational staff, physicians, and patients. They also address many of the areas of
concern in the healthcare industry which comprises of the financial management,
promoting staff retention, and guaranteeing that health care rules are in place within their
organization. To discourse all of these concerns, HR directors need to focus on the big
depiction and have legislative skills to achieve these altered extents. It is worth noticing
that the health care workers and staff in health industry requires higher level of resilience
for their jobs. With the pandemic, the doctors and other healthcare professionals have
suffered from various kinds of mental illnesses and issues. Therefore, this report will
focus on the role of HR in building resilience among primary healthcare professionals
 Healthcare industry need to rethink, re-launch, respond, and re-create both work and
project designs in order to remain strong to ensure the safety of their workers. As health
industry endure to evolve, HR departments working in healthcare domain will need to
think about actions to prioritize resilience. HR will need to drive this by focusing not only
on efficiency but also on hunger for success in their strategic aspirations. Therefore, HR
will play a key role as a loyal partner in maintaining the business goals and employee
ambition and creating a promising environment with a win-win situation for both. The
efficiency of the HR function in response to ongoing changes that support the
organizational objectives will determine its speed. Therefore, HR needs to be the catalyst
for evolution of resilience among the staff to ensure that the organization is focused on
 The status of each health care system and the following implementation of HRM
processes vary significantly internationally, usually due to different social plans,
education and training programs, labor market features, statistical profiles of caregivers
and their caregivers, cultural and compliance care expectations, as well as arrogances
about care apply among distinct states. Employees should apprise their boss if stress at
work puts them, or anyone else, at risk of poor health. It should be elaborate in risk
assessment and suggest ways to reduce work stress. Take and follow the training given to
them by their employer to support them. Health organizations are overcrowded and a lack
of infrastructure, people, and other resources are disrupting the provision of health
services. The reorganization of the health care system to the required level became a
struggle, and it is where HR management played a key role, although they were not given
much credit as clinicians.
 There are clear links among employee health and well-being and patient safety, patient
knowledge, and the success of serene care. Although it is difficult to maintain the health
and well-being of employees at a time when there are declines, on-going variations, and
restructuring in the workplace, at these times, it is important to focus. Studies suggest,
though, that nurses, in particular, can reduce their vulnerability to the work environment
by developing and strengthening their own resilience. The authors also recommend that
strength training be included in nursing education, and expert provision should be
heartened over teaching programs.
 In the current context, resilience is a new trend, and healthcare sectors are increasingly
obliged to adapt to this new standard. As a result, HR executives have been tasked with
communicating with healthcare professionals, embracing digital performance, reducing
costs while resisting efficiency, and accessing oppressive new technologies and leading
them to a generally alarming environment.
 The resilience building programs have participatory approach for the provision of
solutions to the challenges faced by healthcare workers. With the help of R2 program,
healthcare leaders were able of identifying the strategies that were in the favor of
increasing resilience of workers as well as organization during the pandemic COVID-
19.Moreover, healthcare organizations organized sessions in which participants gave
their suggestions and solutions regarding resilience along with the operationalization of
the resources relating resilience in working setting. Although there are numerous
approaches that are proved beneficial in the development of resilience among healthcare
workers but it is the most critical and important step that we should know the reasons
behind anxiety, stress, depression and fear so that relevant approach is used.
 The care taker leaders have responsibility of monitoring the staff, navigate them in the
proper direction and organize discussions or conferences in which they would have to
discuss the stress causing events, their causes as well as the strategies for their mitigation.
If healthcare leaders are properly trained through regular training sessions, they are able
to contribute in building resilience in an effective way. The various studies show that
leaders trained in the R2 are better able to cope with the adversity and take steps to
increase well-being of themselves and their staff.
 The data collected and information shows that resilience building frameworks are
beneficial for the mental health support. It should be promoted by healthcare
organizations so that more and more resilience is develop among the workers and they
would become superfluous resilient


In conclusion, the role of human resource management in building resilience in the healthcare
professionals is significant and important as it devise ways to cope with the changing work
situations. Versatility in medical services is the improvement of individuals and increment the
limit of individual to adapt to the difficulties, over the top pressure and affliction looked during
position every day. The individual strength has different structures and changes from one
individual to another. Each medical services specialist has its very own versatility, for example,
some have elevated degree of strength towards proficient pressure yet not ready to adapt to the
pressure of individual life. The flexibility level of every individual changes with the progression
of time. Certain individuals are stronger when things are going effectively while certain people
have changes in their strength level when they encountered prevention or stress. The varieties in
the versatility of such individuals might endure from weeks to months. With the assistance of
studies and polls, one can undoubtedly find the strength level of individuals and their attitude.
The medical care laborers become stronger towards the pressure circumstances and affliction
connected with work assuming that they are demonstrated with the appropriate tough
preparation. The instructional courses ought to be coordinated by the medical services
associations as they fortified the work environment strength of medical care laborers or
representatives. Besides, the strength preparing is liable to improve working environment
execution as well as private prosperity. The expanded meetings of strength preparing are useful
and accommodating in keeping up with the psychological and actual wellbeing of medical
services staff alongside the fulfillment of their work. It empowers them to adjust the uplifting
outlook towards misfortune.
The management of issues and challenges is considered as the most essential resource for any
organization. The HRM of health care organizations is responsible for dealing with the
challenges and issues faced by healthcare employees and workers during building resilience.
They introduce the innovative strategies to create the value, efficient performance of the
employees as well as health care organization, satisfaction of the employees and implementation
of programs. The biggest challenge faced by HRM of the healthcare organization is the
identification of effective strategy which proves beneficial in promoting the resilience of
healthcare workers or professionals. The resilience building and good performance of employees
and organization is the main focus of human resource department. For that purpose, the HRM
take initiatives such as creating the fairness environment by promoting the strategies based on
equity and justice. The strategies may be monitoring of the routine of healthcare workers,
targeting the essential or crucial tasks and the redeployment services. The use of these strategies
helps in increasing the equity among healthcare organizations, the professionals
such as nurses deals with the patient care as well as patient care units. They are the mediators or
peace keepers between the patient and health care organization as they performed a coordinator
role for the facilities or services needed by a patient. The HRM is responsible for providing
training and software to the nurses for managing and processing the nursing data and
information. The proper management of data and knowledge helps the nurses to keep record of
their patients. It also assists them to build a sustainable and therapeutic relationship with the
patients. This increases the resilience in nurses and they show excellent work productivity. The
resilience of healthcare professionals can also be increased when human resource management
invests in the employee development. This helps the workers to utilize the opportunities in an
appropriate and accurate manner. The employee development is achieved by preparing the
employees for internal positions as well as availing the opportunities outside the organization.
The HRM department also focuses on the assessment and deployment strategies for the
assessment of the capacity of healthcare workers such as how many individuals are working
efficiently and sustainability. These strategies should be planned for short term, midterm as well
as long term tasks. As the healthcare force is very important in any organization to provide
proper health care to the employees so HRM of healthcare organizations should focus on the
betterment and wellbeing of healthcare workers. The human resource manager should create a
cohesive healthcare force in terms of category and training. Proper education and training
should be provided to the healthcare force so that they can know and meet the healthcare needs
of the country. A well-trained and competent healthcare force is very important for the
organization. They are first-line forces and the success of organizations depends on their
performance. The human resource manager should take all responsibility for the healthcare force.
Human Resources Manager should improve the quality of service by providing the best facilities
to the patients. Patient satisfaction is very important for the organization to retain its customers.
The quality of the health care system is assessed on two terms technical quality and sociocultural
standard. Technical standards refer to providing healthcare services to the population of the area.
Everyone should have enough resources to provide quality services. Sociocultural norms refer to
the quality of patient satisfaction and how people respond to the service of the health care
system. Patient feedback and surveys should be done through the system as it is very important
to improve the quality of the healthcare system. The other most important step that can be taken
by human resource management department is the improvement of care standard in hospitals by
examining the healthcare organization business sector and culture. This can be done by defining
and analyzing the values, behaviors and skills of the current culture of healthcare organization.
The creative and innovative strategies which enhance the creativity of employees and decrease
the work stress are promoted by HRM to build resilience in the healthcare workers or employees.
The HRM can also made various healthcare models which highlights the decentralized nursing
staff and different approaches such as redesigning of nursing stations in such a way that it
becomes more accessible and reachable for the patients. The adversity and challenges faced by
healthcare workers are responsible for creating stress and have negative impacts on the health of
workers. The work output of employees is also adversely and negatively affected by the
excessive working hours. The challenges may be external or internal workplace concerns. The
communication, overloaded work routine and personal relationships are considered as the
internal workplace challenges whereas amendments in the policies or strategies, development of
professional regulations and revalidation lies in the external workplace challenges. The HRM
also play its role in distressing the healthcare workers by creating resilience in them through its
advanced and innovative strategies. The HRM strategies such as staffing, performance
management, proper management of working hours, training, development of stress free
environment, appreciating the employees, announcement of rewards and organizational
effectiveness are helpful and valuable in building the resilience of healthcare professionals in the
healthcare organization.

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What is your Gender? (Select only one.)

 Female

 Male

 Other

What is your occupation? (Select only one.)

 Nurse

 Doctor

 Healthcare assistant

 Support Worker

What is your age? (Select only one.)

 18 to 25

 26 to 40

 40 to 60

Answer the following questions by circling the most appropriate answer.

I rarely lose sleep over work issues.

Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree

I am able to free my mind from work when I am away from it.

Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree

I can enjoy my personal time without focusing on work matters.

Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree

I am able to disconnect from work communications during my free time

Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree

I care for all patients/clients equally even when it is difficult.

Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree

I see every patient/client as an individual person with specific needs.

Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree

This job rarely makes me feel detached.

Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree

At the beginning of a workday, I am emotionally ready for whatever comes my way.

Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree

At the end of a workday, I have enough energy to pursue non-work activities.

Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Agree
My co-workers help alleviate the stress of my daily
Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Agree

The work I do makes a real difference.

Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Agree

My work gives me a feeling of accomplishment.

Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Agree

My work is meaningful.
Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Agree

I rarely experience burnout from my work.

Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly

I need training every year.

Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Agree

I get support from my higher authority.

Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Agree

I get sick due to work

Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Agree

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