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Subject: English

Grade Level: Grade 10

Objective: Employ public speaking techniques using persuasion

Learning across curriculum:

1) Social Studies - Persuasive Speech on the Importance of Voting: Students will

research and deliver persuasive speech on the importance of voting in a democratic
society. This connects to English as students will need to use public speaking
techniques to effectively persuade the audience.

2) Science - Persuasive Presentation on Climate Change: Students will create a

persuasive presentation on the topic of climate change, using scientific evidence to
support their arguments. This connects to English as students will need to employ
public speaking techniques to convince the audience of the urgency of addressing
climate change.

3) Mathematics - Persuasive Speech on the Use of Math in Everyday Life: Students

will prepare and deliver a persuasive speech on the practical applications of
mathematics in everyday life. connects to English as students will need to use
persuasive techniques to convince the audience of the relevance and importance of

Review Motivation:

[Teaching Strategy: Interactive Quizzes]

[Instructional Materials: Quiz questions, whiteboard]

1) Conduct a quick interactive quiz on famous persuasive speeches throughout

history, engaging students in a lively discussion about the impact of persuasive

2) Show a video clip of a powerful persuasive speech and ask students to identify
the techniques used by the speaker to persuade the audience.

3) Have a guest speaker who is a skilled public speaker share their personal
experiences and tips for effective persuasion.
Activity 1: Persuasive Speech Competition

[Teaching Strategy: Role-Playing]

Materials: Timer, topic cards, rubric sheets

Significance: This activity allows students to practice their public speaking

skills and apply persuasion techniques in a competitive setting.


1) Divide the class into groups of three.

2) Provide each group with a topic card containing a controversial statement.

3) Each group will have 5 minutes to prepare a persuasive speech on their assigned

4) Each student will take turns delivering their speeches.

5) Use the rubric sheet to evaluate the speeches based on criteria such as content,
delivery, and persuasion techniques.

Assessment Questions:

1) What persuasive techniques did you use in your speech to convince the

2) How did you adapt your speech to address counterarguments?

3) Reflect on your performance. What could you have done differently to improve
your persuasive speech?

Activity 2: Persuasive Presentation on Social Issues

[Teaching Strategy: Cooperative Learning]

Materials: Laptops, Internet access, presentation software

Significance: This activity allows students to research and present persuasive
arguments on social issues, fostering critical thinking and collaboration skills.


1) Divide the class into small groups.

2) Assign each group a social issue to research, such as poverty, gender equality, or
mental health.

3) Each group will create a persuasive presentation using presentation software.

4) Presentations should include persuasive arguments, supporting evidence, and

visual aids.

5) After each group presents, encourage class discussion and debate on the social

Rubric - Criteria: Content (25 pts), Delivery (25 pts), Persuasion Techniques (25
pts), Visual Aids (25 pts)

Assessment Questions:

1) What was the most persuasive argument presented in your group's presentation?

2) How did you use visual aids to enhance the persuasiveness of your presentation?

3) Reflect on the group dynamics during the activity. How did collaboration contribute
to the overall success of the persuasive presentations?

Activity 3: Debate on Controversial Topics

[Teaching Strategy: Discussion]

Materials: Debate topics, timer, rubric sheets

Significance: This activity promotes critical thinking, research skills, and the
ability to construct persuasive arguments in a structured debate format.

1) Divide the class into two teams, with each team assigned a controversial topic.

2) Provide time for each team to research and prepare arguments for their assigned

3) Conduct a formal debate, with each team taking turns presenting their arguments
and rebuttals.

4) Use the rubric sheet to evaluate the team's performance based on criteria such as
organization, clarity, persuasiveness, and rebuttals.

Assessment Questions:

1) How did you use evidence and logical reasoning to support your arguments during
the debate?

2) Reflect on the counterarguments presented by the opposing team. How did you
effectively address them?

3) What did you learn from participating in the debate? How did it enhance your
understanding of persuasive speaking and critical thinking?


Activity 1 - The Persuasive Speech Competition allowed students to practice public

speaking skills and apply persuasion techniques effectively. It connected to the main
objective by requiring students to employ public speaking techniques to persuade
the audience.

Activity 2 - The Persuasive Presentation on Social Issues provided an opportunity for

students to research and present persuasive arguments on social issues. It
connected to the main objective by requiring students to employ public speaking
techniques to convince the audience.

Activity 3 - The Debate on Controversial Topics promoted critical thinking and the
ability to construct persuasive arguments. It connected to the main objective by
requiring students to employ public speaking techniques to persuade the opposing
team and the audience.

The main objective of employing public speaking techniques using persuasion is for
students to develop the skills necessary to effectively convince and persuade others
through oral communication. By studying and practicing persuasive techniques,
students will gain a deeper understanding of how to structure arguments, use
evidence and logical reasoning, and adapt their messages to different audiences.
They will also learn the importance of effective delivery and use of visual aids to
enhance their persuasive speeches.


[Teaching Strategy: Project-Based Learning]

Task 1 - Students will work in pairs to create a persuasive campaign for a social
cause of their choice. They will develop a comprehensive plan that includes
persuasive speeches, visual materials, and strategies to engage the target audience.
Students will present their campaigns to the class, and a panel of judges will
evaluate their effectiveness based on persuasion techniques and impact.

Task 2 - Students will conduct interviews with community leaders, politicians, or

professionals who regularly use persuasive speaking techniques. They will analyze
the strategies employed by these individuals and create a report highlighting the key
techniques used and their effectiveness in persuading others.


[Teaching Strategy: Inquiry-Based Learning]

[Instructional Materials: Assessment questions, rubric sheets]

Question 1 - Identify three persuasive techniques used in Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I
Have a Dream" speech and explain how they contributed to its impact.

Question 2 - Imagine you are delivering a persuasive speech to convince your

classmates to support a local environmental initiative. Describe three strategies you
would use to engage and persuade your audience effectively.

Question 3 - Reflect on your growth in employing public speaking techniques using

persuasion throughout this unit. Identify one area of improvement and explain how
you plan to further develop your skills in the future.

[Teaching Strategy: Differentiation]

Assignment 1 - Write a persuasive essay on a topic of your choice, using at

least three persuasive techniques discussed in class. Include a clear thesis
statement, supporting evidence, and a conclusion that summarizes your main
arguments. (Guiding Overview: Provide guidance on how to structure the
essay and emphasize the importance of using persuasive techniques

Assignment 2 - Create a persuasive video presentation on a current social

issue, targeting a specific audience. Use visual aids, music, and persuasive
techniques to engage and convince your audience. (Guiding Overview:
Provide guidance on how to plan and script the video presentation, and
emphasize the importance of visual and auditory elements in persuasive

Note: The format provided above is a suggested format for the 4As lesson
plan. You may need to adapt and modify it to fit your specific requirements
and teaching context.

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