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Disposable - jednorazowe

nationwide - ogólnokrajowy
survey – badanie, ankieta, sondaż
disabilities - niepełnosprawność
facilities – obiekty, placówki
relative – relatywny, względny
disabled - wyłączony
income – dochód, przychody
currently – obecnie, aktualnie
owe - należy się, winien, winni
approximately – około, w przybliżeniu, mniej więcej
landfill sites – składowiska, wysypiska śmieci
quantities – ilości, ilościowo
causing - powodując
consumerism - konsumpcjonizm
rejection of the overspending and overconsumption - odrzucenie nadmiernych wydatków i
items – pozycje, elementy, artykuły
periods – okresy, terminy
towards - w kierunku, w stronę, do
fewer - mniej
participate - udział
refusing - odmawiając
willing - chętny
dismissed – zwolniony, odrzucony, oddalony
evoke - wywołać
refuse – odpadki, odmowa, odmawiać
rejected - odrzucony

devicesdevices - urządzenia
commutes - jest wspólny
subordinates - podwładni
significant – znaczące, znaczących
decreased - zmniejszona
freelancer - wolny strzelec, pracownik nieetatowy
distracted – rozproszony, roztargniony, rozkojarzony
reluctant - niechętny
prone – podatny
sparsely – słabo
follow suit -iść za przykładem
regardless – nie zależnie od
sceptic – sceptyk
believe - consider – rozważ
include - covers – obejmuje
look at - examine – zbadaj
give the main facts about - outline – zarys
say - state – państwo
sum up - summarize – podsumuj
deal with - be concerned with – bądżcie zainteresowani
take part in - participate – brać udział
an additional amount
a strong suggestion
profiting from someone
society of people
to move around
sparsely (adv) – in small amounts or very little of something within a large area
exhaustion (n) – the state of being completely without the energy to do anything
prone (adj) – likely to be affected by something negative or do something wrong
follow suit (idiom) – to do the same thing that has just been done
regardless (adv) – without paying attention to something, even if this causes difficulties
sceptic (n) – a person who is not convinced by ideas supported by others
means (n) – the ability to pay for something
do the Maths (idiom) – to carefully think about something and to check the facts before taking action
fiscal - relating to money and financial matters, especially taxes
capital - valuable resources that are not money such as houses
shift - a change in something, for example in someone’s ideas or opinions
activism - the act of taking part in activities to achieve political or social change
biodiversity - the variety of different types of plant and animal life in a particular region
imperative - something that is extremely important and urgent
emissions - substances, especially gases, that go into the air
resilient - able to quickly become healthy or strong again after a problem
guesstimate - to calculate the size amount of something when not all the facts are available to you
number crunching - work that involves doing a lot of calculations, especially when you think this is
consensus - agreement among all the people involved
climate change - the factors affecting the world’s weather so that it is becoming warmer

to develop a successful relationship, especially in business or politics, with another country,

organization, or person
to damage something so severely that it no longer exists or can never return to its normal state
to control or limit something that is harmful
to take action in order to try to stop something bad from happening or a bad situation
to publicly support or defend a set of beliefs, political aims, or a group of people
to start doing something new or different
to completely accept something such as a new belief, idea, or a way of life
to make something happen, especially something involving violence or angry feelings
to try to achieve political or social change by persuading other people or the government to do
to hurry or try very hard to get something, often competing with other people

niszczyć, unicestwiać
bronić, opowiadać się za
to start doing something new or different
prowadzić kampanię, walczyć
usilnie zabiegać

luck (noun)
lucky (adjective +)
unlucky (adjective -)
luckily (adverb +)
unluckily (adverb -

patience (noun)
patient (adjective +)
impatient (adjective -)
patiently (adverb +)
impatiently (adverb -)

comfort (noun)
comfortable (adjective +)
uncomfortable (adjective -
comfortably (adverb +)
uncomfortably (adverb -

fortune (noun)
fortunate (adjective +)
unfortunate (adjective -)
fortunately (adverb +)
unfortunately (adverb -

care (noun)
careful (adjective +)
careless (adjective -)
carefully (adverb +)
carelessly (adverb -)

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