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Narrator: In the time of Herod, God sent the angel Gabriel to Nazareth, to visit a virgin betrothed to a man
from the House of David, named Joseph. The name of the Virgin was Mary, and the Archangel greeted
her saying:

Archangel: Hail Mary. Full of grace. (María observes in amazement). The Lord is with you. You are
blessed between all womans. Oh, Mary, do not fear, for you have found favor in the eyes of God. Know
that you will conceive in your womb, and you will give birth to a son, whom you will name Jesus. He will
be great, and will be called the son of the Most High, to whom the Lord God will give the throne of
David, and he will reign in the house of Jacob forever and of his kingdom there will be no end.

María: And what should that be like? Well, I don't know any man (approaching)

Archangel: The Holy Spirit will descend on you and the virtue of the Most High will cover you with its
shadow, that is why the holy fruit that will be born from you will be called the Son of God. There you
have your cousin Isabel, who in her old age has also conceived a son, because for God there is nothing

Mary: (kneeling) Behold the handmaid of the Lord, let it be done to me according to your word.


Narrator: In those days, Mary left for a city in Judah and entering Zechariah's house, she greeted her
cousin Elizabeth.

Mary: (Saint Elizabeth appears seated, she gets up when she hears the Virgin Mary enter) God save you,

Isabel: Blessed are you among all women and blessed is the fruit of your womb. And where does so much
good come to me, that the Mother of my Lord comes to visit me? Blessed are you who believed that the
things that were told to you from the Lord would be fulfilled.

Mary: My soul glorifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God, my Savior, because he has deigned to
look at his humble slave.

Narrator: In those days when Jesus was going to be born, the government gave an order to register, that is,
to register in the place of origin of your tribe. Mary and Joseph, in compliance with orders, set out on a
journey to Bethlehem, the city of David, where Joseph's family was. The Gospel narrates that in the
outskirts of Bethlehem some shepherds were keeping watch at night with their flock.


Narrator: In that wonderful night in which we are going to place ourselves, traveling with our thoughts to

Pastor 1: How clear the stars are tonight!

Pastor 2: You're right, I feel like this night is not like every other night, some time after the sun went
down, the field was still illuminated as if it were daytime.

Pastors: It's true, it's true!

Nestor: How true, not at all! You are always seeing visions. The only strange thing I've seen is that my
wine bottle ran out of wine before noon, and I don't know who it was.

Pastor 1: Now you start with your unfounded claims.

Nestor: Yes, I know! It was you, Antonio.

Pastor 1: I have not touched your wine, and do not come to raise me false.

Nestor: You give me back my wine.

Pastor 1: Shut up, I saw you steal Juan's sheep and then hide.

Nestor: That's not true.

Pastor 2: Shut up, is it that you can't be together without stopping fighting?

Pastor 1: What I say is true. Tonight has something special, I believe that the fulfillment of the prophecies
is approaching.

Pastors: What do the prophecies say?

Pastor 2: That the Redeemer will be born.

Pastor 1: That the Shepherd must come to his people.

Pastor 2: What will the Messiah be like?

Shepherdess 3: A strong and brave warrior. Otherwise, how could I save our people?

Pastor 1: He will be a king who dominates foreigners.

Pastor 2: They are wrong, he will be more than a warrior, more than a king.

Nestor: Keep dreaming, gullible. How can a Jew be greater than Caesar? They are crazy.

Pastor 1: You are a disbeliever. You are irritable.

Pastor 3: Let Gil tell us something about the prophecies.

Gil: Well, everyone knows that our parents and our parents' parents, from all times have expected that a
Messiah will come. The prophets spoke of Him, saying that He will be the hope of the nations. The
Prophet Isaiah said that he will be born of a virgin, and will be called Emmanuel, which means, "God
among us."

Pastors: God among us?

Antonio: The prophet Malachi said that the kings will come to pay him honors and gifts at his birthplace.

Pastor 1: If kings will honor him, he will be more than a king.

Gil: The Prophet Jeremiah announced what will happen at that time: that the blind will see, the deaf will
hear, the lame will walk, and the mute will speak.

Anthony: And Zechariah told us that the Messiah will be called the Prince of Peace.

Sara: Well, after all this, where will the Redeemer be born?

Gil: Listen to what Malachi said: "And your Bethlehem, you are not the least of the cities of Judah, since
from you will come the one who will rule my people."

All: In Bethlehem

Sara: Right here.

Luisa: How wonderful! The truth of the Lord has been revealed to us through his prophets, now we
understand clearly.

Nestor: As a story it is very good; but all the prophets have waited for the Messiah, and have died without
seeing him. I think it will never come.

Antonio: You don't believe in anything. Aren't you scandalized by your behavior?

Néstor: Be shocked, me? Don't be stupid, I don't shock you with hear, with anything...

Bernarda: When will the Messiah come?

Gil: There is a way to know. The Angel Gabriel appeared to the Prophet Daniel one day and told him that
this would happen seventy weeks of years after Jerusalem was rebuilt.

Shepherds: Seventy weeks!

Luisa: Well then it is time for him to come, the time has been fulfilled, and if the prophecies are true, we
must wait for him in these days.

(Mooing is heard, mm...mmm...mmm... Luisa, Bernarda and Antonio get up).

Bernarda: The cattle are dispersing.

Antonio: Let's go pick it up (they all leave, Néstor doesn't want to).

Antonio: Come on Néstor, don't stay there.

Néstor: I am very good here. You go. How comfortable it is to rest, not worry about anything. Have peace
of mind...calm...(The devil appears from behind. Suspense...Néstor gets scared).

Satan: Don't be scared, don't be scared, what harm can I cause you?... and even less so to you. The others
left, you really know how to get a taste of life.

Néstor: Yes, yes, but don't get too close.

Satan: Others work, you don't have to, since you rest. Others suffer, you know how to enjoy. Hey, your
colleagues believe a series of lies that are nothing more than old wives' lies. Yes, you are old, my good
friend, you do have practical sense.

Néstor: That's what they told me, that I've been lively since I was little.

Satan: Am I alive? (aside) Very soon you are going to be dead. (pause) What is this starry and prodigious
night? The coming Messiah...(writhes). Ha ha ha...You don't believe in that, do you?

Nestor: Of course not. Certainly they are a little stupid, but good companions.

Satan: And by the way, what's your name, comrade?

Néstor: My name is Néstor, and who are you?

Satan: Don't you believe I'm the devil?

Néstor: Ha, ha, ha, and even if you were.

Satan: Well...yes I am, look at my horns.

Néstor: Well, that's not exclusive to the devil. Some animals also have horns.

Satan: Look at my tail, look at my face, doesn't it scare you?

Néstor: Scare me? You make me laugh. Look, at best, you're a poor devil.

Satan (furious): A poor devil. Damn horrible shepherd. Oh yeah? (pursues him by slapping his tail)

Néstor: (screams in pain and writhes) Oh, you burn like a demon.

Satan: Well, let's make peace definitively and a pact too. You are smarter than your classmates, you are
young and you should enjoy life, I will give you money hand over fist if you do me a favor.

Néstor: And what is that favor?

Satan: Oh, it's very easy. You just have to convince your companions that all those lies from the Savior
are just that, pure lies (shows him a bag of money).

Néstor: (receiving the bag) Wow, wow! That's no problem. The devil is not as ugly as they paint him.

Satan: Okay...friends!...Until death! (comes out)

Néstor: Until, a lot of money! Everything I'm going to do with this money (lifting the bag)
(Antonio enters and Nestor tries to hide the bag) (All the other shepherds enter).

Antonio: Néstor, why are you so rude to us? Why are you so envious, so rebellious? Why don't you want

Nestor: Why? Because you make the religious, the incomprehensible, the center of your life.

Antonio: And what's wrong with that? I would say on the contrary, that that is fair, true. Anyway, let's not
fight and sit down and enjoy this wonderful night.


Narrator: Let's go back to Joseph and Mary, who had left on a trip to Bethlehem to register. Since they
were quite far away, they arrived at Bethlehem at night and found all the lodging places full, they were
forced to ask for lodging from house to house.

Saint Joseph: (addressing the children and walking in front of them, singing) In the name of heaven, I ask
you for a posada, because my beloved wife cannot walk.

Children: It's not an inn here, keep going, I can't open it, don't be some scoundrel.

Saint Joseph: Do not be inhuman, have charity for us, for the God of Heaven will reward you.

Children: You can leave now and not bother, because if I get angry, I'm going to beat you up,

Saint Joseph: We come exhausted from Nazareth, I am a carpenter, named José.

Children: I don't care about the name, let me sleep, because I told you, we shouldn't open.

San José: Posada asks you, beloved landlord, for just one night, the Queen of Heaven.

Children: Well, if it is a queen who requests it, how come she walks so alone at night?

Saint Joseph: My wife is Mary, she is Queen of Heaven, and she will be the mother of the divine word

(Everyone heads to the manger singing)

Narrator: Nobody wants to open or let them into their house, everyone tells them that they have no place
for them. Then, Mary and Joseph, sad, tired and cold, receive a lodging in a small cave. There, before the
sun rises, in the darkness and silence of the night, the Child Jesus is born of the Virgin Mary.
She takes the Child Jesus in her arms, with what joy she looks at him, kisses him for the first time, speaks
to him.

Let's all join in this lullaby singing.

Narrator: Let's go back now to the shepherds tending their flocks, some are sleeping very tired. Since God
loves the poor intensely, he wants them to be the first to know him. And suddenly, an angel of the Lord
appears next to them to give them the Good News.

Shepherds: An angel, an angel! Look there, how beautiful!

Pastor: How beautiful, full of light!

Pastor: How wonderful!

Angel: "Glory to God in the highest and peace on earth to men of good will." Do not be afraid, because I
have come to announce good news to you that will be a source of great joy for all the people.

Pastor: Calm down, don't be afraid.

Pastor: He says we have nothing to fear.

Pastor: And he brings us news of great joy.

Angel: Who was born to you in the city of David, the Savior, the Christ, our Lord.

Pastor: Listen brothers, the Savior, the Messiah, the Expected One has been born. Angel of the Lord, give
us a sign to know him.

Angel: It will be a sign for you that you will find the child wrapped in swaddling clothes and reclining in
a manger.

Pastor: The hand of God has lit the night. The light comes from very high.

Pastor: It is the Child who has lit the lights.

Pastor: I believe in the Savior, I believe in the Child Jesus.

Nestor: I regret having been disbelieved. Forgive me, my Lord and my God. In my blindness and unbelief
I distanced myself from my brothers, I who sinned against heaven and against you, I who was arrogant, I
ask your forgiveness.

Pastor: That star is showing us the way to Bethlehem.

Pastor: It is a big and bright star, let's follow it.

Pastor: Walk the star, walk towards Bethlehem.

Pastor: That's right, let's get going.

Pastor: Yes, I want to see, I want to touch, I want to carry the baby Jesus in my arms.

Pastor: It's incredible, and yet it's true! Let's go to Bethlehem, let's see that prodigious event that the angel
has announced to us.

Nestor: And let's not allow doubt in our hearts again.

Pastor: It's amazing!

Pastor: Come on shepherds, come on.


Narrator: As the child Jesus came for all men, the rich and the poor, for those who know a lot and for
those who know nothing, he wants three wise men from distant towns to come and meet him. The largest
star serves as a sign.


Narrator: When they arrived there, the wise men were amazed, saying "Let us give thanks to God, who
wanted to come to be born, to live, and to die among us (they kneel) Melchior, bring gold, since he can
give less to the king of the world; Gaspar brings incense to praise the king of heaven; Balthazar brings
myrrh, because the Child God is also a man.

And there remain the Virgin, Saint Joseph and the Child, surrounded by shepherds and wise men.

Final Song.

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