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23 (Middle-Earth Strategy Battle Game) [38 Warriors, 1,000 Points, 14 Bow]

Strategy Battle Game (Rivendell) [38 Warriors, 1,000 Points, 14 Bow]

Hero of Legend [18 Warriors, 388 Points, 9 Bow]

Elrond, Master of Rivendell [18 Warriors, 388 Points, 9 Bow]

Categories: HERO OF LEGEND
Elrond, Master of Rivendell [190 Points]
Selections: Hadhafang, Heavy Armour [10 Points], Horse [10 Points], Leader (Legend), Vilya
Rules: Elven-made, Foresight of the Eldar (Passive), Hand-and-a-Half, Last Stand, Lord of the West (Active), Terror (Passive), Woodland
Creature (Active)
Hero: Elrond, Master of Rivendell (Heavy Armour), Magical Power: Renew, Wrath of Bruinen, Trackers: Elrond, Master of Rivendell,
Wargear: Hadhafang (Active), Heavy Armour, Sword, Vilya (Passive), Warrior: Horse
Warband [18 Warriors, 198 Points, 9 Bow]
High Elf Warrior [9 Warriors, 90 Points]
Selections: Elven-made Hand-and-a-Half Sword, Heavy Armour, Shield [9 Points], 9x Warrior [9 Warriors, 81 Points]
Rules: Elven-made, Hand-and-a-Half, Woodland Creature (Active)
Wargear: Heavy Armour, Shield, Sword, Warrior: High Elf Warrior (Shield)
High Elf Warrior [9 Warriors, 108 Points, 9 Bow]
Selections: Elf Bow [18 Points, 9 Bow], Elven-made Hand-and-a-Half Sword, Heavy Armour, Spear [9 Points], 9x Warrior [9 Warriors,
81 Points]
Rules: Elven-made, Hand-and-a-Half, Woodland Creature (Active)
Shooting Weapon: Elf Bow, Wargear: Heavy Armour, Spear, Sword, Warrior: High Elf Warrior

Heroic Heroic
Hero Movement Fight Strength Defense Attack Wounds Courage Might Will Fate Keywords Ref
Actions Tier
Resolve Elf of
Master of
Channeling Rivendell Hero of Lord
Rivendell 6" 6/3+ 4 7 3 3 7 3 3 3
Strike Infantry Legend of the
Defense Hero Rings

Duration Range Casting Rule Channelled Ref
This power targets a single friendly model within range. The target Strategy
The target instead
immediately regains a single Wound lost earlier in the battle. If the Battle
Renew Instant 12" 3+ regains D3 lost
target is a Cavalry model, the caster must choose whether the Game
rider or the mount regains the Wound. Rules
All enemy models Middle-
This power targets all enemy models within range. All enemy
instead suffer on Earth
models within 3" of the caster are knocked Prone. Cavalry models
Strength 3 hit after Strategy
Wrath are automatically treated as having suffered a Knocked Flying
being knocked Prone Battle
of Instant - 4+ result on the Thrown Rider table (see page 61) - both rider and
or one Strength 9 hit Game
Bruinen mount are then knocked Prone. All affected models additionally
in they are in a Rules
suffer one Strength 2 hit, or one Strength 8 hit if they are in a
stream, river or similar Manual
stream, river or other similar water terrain feature.
water feature. p101

Shooting Weapon Range Strength Ref

Elf Bow 24" 3 Middle-Earth Strategy Battle Game Rules Manual p88

Trackers Might Will Fate Wounds Ref

Elrond, Master of Rivendell OOO OOO OOO OOO
Wargear Rules Ref
of Lord
Hadhafang This is an Elven-made Hand-and-a-Half Sword. Additionally, Elrond gets a bonus of +1 To Wound Spirit models
of the
(Active) when making Strikes with Hadhafang.
Heavy A model who is upgraded to wear heavy armour adds 2 to their Defence, unless they are already wearing armour, in Battle
Armour which case they add 1. Game
A Shield increases the Defence characteristic of its bearer by 1. Where the shield is listed in the model's wargear,
that bonus is already taken into account in its characteristics profile. However, if the model purchases the shield as
an upgrade, you will need to increase its Defence by 1. Shields also have the following rules: Cumbersome: If a
model uses a hand-and-a-half weapon as a two-handed weapon whilst carrying a shield, it will lose the +1 bonus to Middle-
their defence for the duration of the fight. A model armed with a bow, crossbow, two-handed weapon or pike may Earth
carry a shield; however, they do not receive the +1 bonus to their Defence characteristic. Shielding: Prior to either Strategy
player rolling any dice in a Duel roll, a shield-armed model who is involved in the Fight may declare that they are Battle
Shielding. A model that is Shielding doubles their Attacks when making the Duel roll to see who wins the Fight, Game
however, they make no Strikes against the enemy, having put all of their effort into surviving. In a Multiple Combat, Rules
all friendly models in the same Fight must be Shielding for them to get the bonus. Thus, if one or more friendly Manual
models do not have shields, then none of them can use the Shielding rule. Spear and pike-armed models cannot p91
Support a Shielding model. Models who are Prone can use the Shielding rule like other fighters - in fact this is a
very sound plan, since a Prone model cannot make Strikes if they win the Fight anyway. Cavalry models cannot use
the Shieding rule.
An Infantry model that is armed with a spear may assist a friendly model, with the same base size or smaller, in a
Fight in a special way. If an unengaged model armed with a spear is in base contact with a friendly model, then it
may contribute a single Attack to the Fight using its own Fight value and Strength. Models that are assisting another
model in this way are not considered to be part of the Fight and so cannot be targeted by Strikes, benefit from a
Heroic Combat, be knocked Prone by a charging Cavalry model or be knocked Prone if the combat is itself knocked
Prone for some other reason. They may, however, benefit from the effects of a friendly banner. A model armed with
a spear may use it as a hand weapon in the Fight phase, although they may not make Special Strikes when using it.
Spear A model that fires a missile weapon during the Shoot phase may not support during the Fight phase. If the model
using a spear is a Hero, they may still use Might points to improve a Duel roll and when rolling To Wound, but may
not declare Heroic Actions in the Fight phase if they chose to support. In a multiple combat, the model using a spear
may choose to Strike a different target to the model they are supporting. A model can only gain Support from one
spear-armed model at a time, and a spear-armed model may only Support a single model during each turn. A
spear-armed model can even support a friendly model that is Prone or armed with a two-handed weapon. A spear-
armed model may Make Way for their ally if they lose a Fight. This counts as the one model who is allowed to Make
Way for a friend.
A model armed with this weapon, who has an equal to or higher Fight value at the start of the fight than their Middle-
opponent (including any Supporting models), may opt to Feint. If they do so, they reduce their Fight value by D3 Earth
when working out who wins the Fight. If the feinting model's side wins the Duel roll, however, they may re-roll any Strategy
To Wound rolls of a 1. A model armed with this weapon, who has a lower Fight value at the start of the fight than Battle
their opponent (including any Supporting models), may opt to Stab. If they do so, they may re-roll 1s To Wound if Game
their side wins the Duel roll. However, due to the reckless abandon with which a stabbing model tends to throw Rules
themselves at their enemy, if their side loses the Duel roll, they will suffer one Strength 2 hit immediately after the Manual
Fight has been resolved. p87
Elrond, Master of Rivendell may re-roll his dice when using Fate points.

Warrior Movement Fight Strength Defense Attack Wounds Courage Keywords Ref
Elf Rivendell Armies of Lord of the Rings
High Elf Warrior 6" 5/3+ 3 5 1 1 5
Infantry Warrior p80
High Elf Warrior Elf Rivendell Armies of Lord of the Rings
6" 5/3+ 3 6 1 1 5
(Shield) Infantry Warrior p80
Middle-Earth Strategy Battle
Horse 10" 3/6+ 3 4 0 1 3 Horse Cavalry
Game Rules Manual p61

Hero of Fortitude [15 Warriors, 479 Points, 4 Bow]

Elladan & Elrohir [4 Warriors, 278 Points, 4 Bow]

Elladan & Elrohir [190 Points]
Selections: 2 Heavy Armour [10 Points], 2 Horses [20 Points]
Rules: Unbreakable Bond (Active), Woodland Creature (Active)
Wargear: Heavy Armour, Warrior: Horse
Selections: Armour, Two Elven-made Swords
Hero: Elladan (2 Heavy Armour), Trackers: Elladan, Wargear: Armour, Two Elven-made Swords (Active)
Selections: Armour, Two Elven-made Swords
Hero: Elrohir (2 Heavy Armour), Trackers: Elrohir, Wargear: Armour, Two Elven-made Swords (Active)
Warband [4 Warriors, 88 Points, 4 Bow]
Rivendell Knight [4 Warriors, 88 Points, 4 Bow]
Selections: Elf Bow, Elven-made Hand-and-a-Half Sword, Heavy Armour, Horse, 4x Knight [4 Warriors, 84 Points, 4 Bow], Lance,
Shield [4 Points]
Rules: Elven-made, Expert Rider (Active), Hand-and-a-Half, Woodland Creature (Active)
Shooting Weapon: Elf Bow, Wargear: Heavy Armour, Lance, Shield, Sword, Warrior: Horse, Rivendell Knight (Shield)

Heroic Heroic
Hero Movement Fight Strength Defense Attack Wounds Courage Might Will Fate Keywords Ref
Actions Tier
Elladan Elf of
(2 Rivendell Hero of Lord
6" 6/3+ 4 6 2 2 6 3 2 2 Strike
Heavy Infantry Fortitute of the
Armour) Hero Rings
Elrohir Elf of
(2 Rivendell Hero of Lord
6" 6/3+ 4 6 2 2 6 3 2 2 Strike
Heavy Infantry Fortitute of the
Armour) Hero Rings

Shooting Weapon Range Strength Ref

Elf Bow 24" 3 Middle-Earth Strategy Battle Game Rules Manual p88

Trackers Might Will Fate Wounds Ref

Elladan OOO OO OO OO
Elrohir OOO OO OO OO

Wargear Rules Ref

Armour A model upgraded to wear armour adds 1 to their Defence.
Heavy A model who is upgraded to wear heavy armour adds 2 to their Defence, unless they are already wearing armour, in Battle
Armour which case they add 1. Game
A Cavalry model using a lance receives a bonus when making Strikes in a turn that they have Charged; add 1 to their
roll To Wound - thus, a score of 2 becomes 3, 4 becomes 5 and so on. Note, in cases where two rolls are required
Lance (e.g., 6/4+), this will affect both rolls. A Cavalry model using a lance even gets this bonus against other Cavalry
models, as long as it has Charged, although not if it is within difficult terrain. If a Cavalry model with a lance dismounts
or their steed is slain, they will ordinarily abandon their lance, resorting to using another hand weapon.
A Shield increases the Defence characteristic of its bearer by 1. Where the shield is listed in the model's wargear, that
bonus is already taken into account in its characteristics profile. However, if the model purchases the shield as an
upgrade, you will need to increase its Defence by 1. Shields also have the following rules: Cumbersome: If a model
uses a hand-and-a-half weapon as a two-handed weapon whilst carrying a shield, it will lose the +1 bonus to their
defence for the duration of the fight. A model armed with a bow, crossbow, two-handed weapon or pike may carry a
shield; however, they do not receive the +1 bonus to their Defence characteristic. Shielding: Prior to either player
Shield rolling any dice in a Duel roll, a shield-armed model who is involved in the Fight may declare that they are Shielding. A
model that is Shielding doubles their Attacks when making the Duel roll to see who wins the Fight, however, they make
no Strikes against the enemy, having put all of their effort into surviving. In a Multiple Combat, all friendly models in the
same Fight must be Shielding for them to get the bonus. Thus, if one or more friendly models do not have shields, then
none of them can use the Shielding rule. Spear and pike-armed models cannot Support a Shielding model. Models
who are Prone can use the Shielding rule like other fighters - in fact this is a very sound plan, since a Prone model
cannot make Strikes if they win the Fight anyway. Cavalry models cannot use the Shieding rule.
A model armed with this weapon, who has an equal to or higher Fight value at the start of the fight than their opponent
(including any Supporting models), may opt to Feint. If they do so, they reduce their Fight value by D3 when working
out who wins the Fight. If the feinting model's side wins the Duel roll, however, they may re-roll any To Wound rolls of
Sword a 1. A model armed with this weapon, who has a lower Fight value at the start of the fight than their opponent
(including any Supporting models), may opt to Stab. If they do so, they may re-roll 1s To Wound if their side wins the
Duel roll. However, due to the reckless abandon with which a stabbing model tends to throw themselves at their
enemy, if their side loses the Duel roll, they will suffer one Strength 2 hit immediately after the Fight has been resolved.
Two Armies
Elven- Whilst fighting on foot, Elladan & Elrohir may choose to fight in one of three ways. They may either fight using a single of Lord
made sword and fight as if it were a two-handed sword, they may elect to fight with both swords for +1 Attack, or they may of the
Swords elect to parry, which counst as shielding. Rings
(Active) p77
Warrior Movement Fight Strength Defense Attack Wounds Courage Keywords Ref
Middle-Earth Strategy Battle
Horse 10" 3/6+ 3 4 0 1 3 Horse Cavalry
Game Rules Manual p61
Rivendell Knight Elf Rivendell Armies of Lord of the Rings
6" 5/3+ 3 6 1 1 5
(Shield) Cavalry Warrior p81

Erestor [11 Warriors, 201 Points]

Erestor [85 Points]
Selections: Heavy Armour, Noldorin Daggers
Rules: Terror (Passive), Woodland Creature (Active)
Hero: Erestor, Shooting Weapon: Throwing Daggers, Wargear: Heavy Armour, Noldorin Daggers (Active)
Warband [11 Warriors, 116 Points]
High Elf Warrior [5 Warriors, 50 Points]
Selections: Elven-made Hand-and-a-Half Sword, Heavy Armour, Shield [5 Points], 5x Warrior [5 Warriors, 45 Points]
Rules: Elven-made, Hand-and-a-Half, Woodland Creature (Active)
Wargear: Heavy Armour, Shield, Sword, Warrior: High Elf Warrior (Shield)
High Elf Warrior [6 Warriors, 66 Points]
Selections: Elven-made Hand-and-a-Half Sword, Heavy Armour, Shield [6 Points], Spear [6 Points], 6x Warrior [6 Warriors, 54 Points]
Rules: Elven-made, Hand-and-a-Half, Woodland Creature (Active)
Wargear: Heavy Armour, Shield, Spear, Sword, Warrior: High Elf Warrior (Shield)

Heroic Heroic
Hero Movement Fight Strength Defense Attack Wounds Courage Might Will Fate Keywords Ref
Actions Tier
of Lord
Rivendell Hero of
Erestor 6" 6/3+ 4 7 2 2 6 2 2 2 Strike of the
Infantry Fortitute

Shooting Weapon Range Strength Ref

Throwing Daggers 6" 3 Middle-Earth Strategy Battle Game Rules Manual p88
Wargear Rules Ref
Heavy A model who is upgraded to wear heavy armour adds 2 to their Defence, unless they are already wearing armour, in Battle
Armour which case they add 1. Game
Noldorin of Lord
These are Elven-made daggers. Erestor may use these as Throwing Weapons. Erestor may re-roll failed To Wound
Daggers of the
rolls when throwing his daggers or when making Strikes with them.
(Active) Rings
A Shield increases the Defence characteristic of its bearer by 1. Where the shield is listed in the model's wargear, that
bonus is already taken into account in its characteristics profile. However, if the model purchases the shield as an
upgrade, you will need to increase its Defence by 1. Shields also have the following rules: Cumbersome: If a model
uses a hand-and-a-half weapon as a two-handed weapon whilst carrying a shield, it will lose the +1 bonus to their
defence for the duration of the fight. A model armed with a bow, crossbow, two-handed weapon or pike may carry a
shield; however, they do not receive the +1 bonus to their Defence characteristic. Shielding: Prior to either player
Shield rolling any dice in a Duel roll, a shield-armed model who is involved in the Fight may declare that they are Shielding. A
model that is Shielding doubles their Attacks when making the Duel roll to see who wins the Fight, however, they
make no Strikes against the enemy, having put all of their effort into surviving. In a Multiple Combat, all friendly models
in the same Fight must be Shielding for them to get the bonus. Thus, if one or more friendly models do not have
shields, then none of them can use the Shielding rule. Spear and pike-armed models cannot Support a Shielding
model. Models who are Prone can use the Shielding rule like other fighters - in fact this is a very sound plan, since a
Prone model cannot make Strikes if they win the Fight anyway. Cavalry models cannot use the Shieding rule.
An Infantry model that is armed with a spear may assist a friendly model, with the same base size or smaller, in a
Fight in a special way. If an unengaged model armed with a spear is in base contact with a friendly model, then it may
contribute a single Attack to the Fight using its own Fight value and Strength. Models that are assisting another model
in this way are not considered to be part of the Fight and so cannot be targeted by Strikes, benefit from a Heroic Middle-
Combat, be knocked Prone by a charging Cavalry model or be knocked Prone if the combat is itself knocked Prone for Earth
some other reason. They may, however, benefit from the effects of a friendly banner. A model armed with a spear may Strategy
use it as a hand weapon in the Fight phase, although they may not make Special Strikes when using it. A model that Battle
fires a missile weapon during the Shoot phase may not support during the Fight phase. If the model using a spear is a Game
Hero, they may still use Might points to improve a Duel roll and when rolling To Wound, but may not declare Heroic Rules
Actions in the Fight phase if they chose to support. In a multiple combat, the model using a spear may choose to Manual
Strike a different target to the model they are supporting. A model can only gain Support from one spear-armed model p84
at a time, and a spear-armed model may only Support a single model during each turn. A spear-armed model can
even support a friendly model that is Prone or armed with a two-handed weapon. A spear-armed model may Make
Way for their ally if they lose a Fight. This counts as the one model who is allowed to Make Way for a friend.
A model armed with this weapon, who has an equal to or higher Fight value at the start of the fight than their opponent Middle-
(including any Supporting models), may opt to Feint. If they do so, they reduce their Fight value by D3 when working Earth
out who wins the Fight. If the feinting model's side wins the Duel roll, however, they may re-roll any To Wound rolls of Strategy
a 1. A model armed with this weapon, who has a lower Fight value at the start of the fight than their opponent Battle
(including any Supporting models), may opt to Stab. If they do so, they may re-roll 1s To Wound if their side wins the Game
Duel roll. However, due to the reckless abandon with which a stabbing model tends to throw themselves at their Rules
enemy, if their side loses the Duel roll, they will suffer one Strength 2 hit immediately after the Fight has been Manual
resolved. p87

Warrior Movement Fight Strength Defense Attack Wounds Courage Keywords Ref
High Elf Warrior Elf Rivendell Armies of Lord of the
6" 5/3+ 3 6 1 1 5
(Shield) Infantry Warrior Rings p80

Minor Hero [5 Warriors, 133 Points, 1 Bow]

Círdan [5 Warriors, 133 Points, 1 Bow]

Categories: MINOR HERO
Círdan [80 Points]
Selections: Unarmed
Rules: *The Shipwright's Power (Passive), Resistant to Magic (Passive)
Hero: Círdan, Magical Power: Aura of Command, Aura of Dismay, Blinding Light, Enchanted Blades, Wargear: Unarmed
Warband [5 Warriors, 53 Points, 1 Bow]
High Elf Warrior [3 Warriors, 30 Points]
Selections: Elven-made Hand-and-a-Half Sword, Heavy Armour, Shield [3 Points], 3x Warrior [3 Warriors, 27 Points]
Rules: Elven-made, Hand-and-a-Half, Woodland Creature (Active)
Wargear: Heavy Armour, Shield, Sword, Warrior: High Elf Warrior (Shield)
High Elf Warrior [1 Warriors, 12 Points, 1 Bow]
Selections: Elf Bow [2 Points, 1 Bow], Elven-made Hand-and-a-Half Sword, Heavy Armour, Spear [1 Points], Warrior [1 Warriors, 9
Rules: Elven-made, Hand-and-a-Half, Woodland Creature (Active)
Shooting Weapon: Elf Bow, Wargear: Heavy Armour, Spear, Sword, Warrior: High Elf Warrior
High Elf Warrior [1 Warriors, 11 Points]
Selections: Elven-made Hand-and-a-Half Sword, Heavy Armour, Shield [1 Points], Spear [1 Points], Warrior [1 Warriors, 9 Points]
Rules: Elven-made, Hand-and-a-Half, Woodland Creature (Active)
Wargear: Heavy Armour, Shield, Spear, Sword, Warrior: High Elf Warrior (Shield)
Heroic Heroic
Hero Movement Fight Strength Defense Attack Wounds Courage Might Will Fate Keywords Ref
Actions Tier
of Lord
Channeling Rivendell Minor
Círdan 6" 5/3+ 4 4 1 2 6 1 4* 1 of the
Resolve Infantry Hero

Duration Range Casting Rule Channelled Ref
This power targets the caster themself. While this power is in Strategy
The range of this
Aura of effect, the caster and all friendly models within 6" Battle
Exhaustion - 2+ power is increased
Command automatically pass any Courage tests they are required to Game
to 12"
make. Rules
This power targets the caster themself. While this power is in The range of this
Aura of Battle
Exhaustion - 5+ effect, the caster and all friendly models within 6" cause power is increased
Dismay Game
Terror. to 12".
This power targets the caster themselves. While this power is Earth
in effect, any shooting attacks directed at the caster, or a Strategy
The duration
Blinding friendly model within 6" of them, will only hit on a To Hit roll of Battle
Temporary - 2+ becomes
Light a 6. Additionally, an area within a 12" radius around the caster Game
is illuminated as if it were daylight (perfect when you are Rules
fighting underground!). Manual
Additionally, the Earth
target may add 1 to Strategy
Enchanted This power targets one friendly model within range. In the all To Wound rolls. Battle
Temporary 6" 4+
Blades Fight phase, the target may re-roll all failed To Wound rolls. This si cumulative Game
with using a two- Rules
handed weapon. Manual

Shooting Weapon Range Strength Ref

Elf Bow 24" 3 Middle-Earth Strategy Battle Game Rules Manual p88
Wargear Rules Ref
Heavy A model who is upgraded to wear heavy armour adds 2 to their Defence, unless they are already wearing armour, in Battle
Armour which case they add 1. Game
A Shield increases the Defence characteristic of its bearer by 1. Where the shield is listed in the model's wargear, that
bonus is already taken into account in its characteristics profile. However, if the model purchases the shield as an
upgrade, you will need to increase its Defence by 1. Shields also have the following rules: Cumbersome: If a model
uses a hand-and-a-half weapon as a two-handed weapon whilst carrying a shield, it will lose the +1 bonus to their Middle-
defence for the duration of the fight. A model armed with a bow, crossbow, two-handed weapon or pike may carry a Earth
shield; however, they do not receive the +1 bonus to their Defence characteristic. Shielding: Prior to either player Strategy
rolling any dice in a Duel roll, a shield-armed model who is involved in the Fight may declare that they are Shielding. A Battle
model that is Shielding doubles their Attacks when making the Duel roll to see who wins the Fight, however, they Game
make no Strikes against the enemy, having put all of their effort into surviving. In a Multiple Combat, all friendly Rules
models in the same Fight must be Shielding for them to get the bonus. Thus, if one or more friendly models do not Manual
have shields, then none of them can use the Shielding rule. Spear and pike-armed models cannot Support a p91
Shielding model. Models who are Prone can use the Shielding rule like other fighters - in fact this is a very sound
plan, since a Prone model cannot make Strikes if they win the Fight anyway. Cavalry models cannot use the Shieding
An Infantry model that is armed with a spear may assist a friendly model, with the same base size or smaller, in a
Fight in a special way. If an unengaged model armed with a spear is in base contact with a friendly model, then it may
contribute a single Attack to the Fight using its own Fight value and Strength. Models that are assisting another model
in this way are not considered to be part of the Fight and so cannot be targeted by Strikes, benefit from a Heroic Middle-
Combat, be knocked Prone by a charging Cavalry model or be knocked Prone if the combat is itself knocked Prone Earth
for some other reason. They may, however, benefit from the effects of a friendly banner. A model armed with a spear Strategy
may use it as a hand weapon in the Fight phase, although they may not make Special Strikes when using it. A model Battle
that fires a missile weapon during the Shoot phase may not support during the Fight phase. If the model using a spear Game
is a Hero, they may still use Might points to improve a Duel roll and when rolling To Wound, but may not declare Rules
Heroic Actions in the Fight phase if they chose to support. In a multiple combat, the model using a spear may choose Manual
to Strike a different target to the model they are supporting. A model can only gain Support from one spear-armed p84
model at a time, and a spear-armed model may only Support a single model during each turn. A spear-armed model
can even support a friendly model that is Prone or armed with a two-handed weapon. A spear-armed model may
Make Way for their ally if they lose a Fight. This counts as the one model who is allowed to Make Way for a friend.
A model armed with this weapon, who has an equal to or higher Fight value at the start of the fight than their Middle-
opponent (including any Supporting models), may opt to Feint. If they do so, they reduce their Fight value by D3 when Earth
working out who wins the Fight. If the feinting model's side wins the Duel roll, however, they may re-roll any To Strategy
Wound rolls of a 1. A model armed with this weapon, who has a lower Fight value at the start of the fight than their Battle
opponent (including any Supporting models), may opt to Stab. If they do so, they may re-roll 1s To Wound if their side Game
wins the Duel roll. However, due to the reckless abandon with which a stabbing model tends to throw themselves at Rules
their enemy, if their side loses the Duel roll, they will suffer one Strength 2 hit immediately after the Fight has been Manual
resolved. p87
A model is only Unarmed if they are clearly labelled as such in the Wargear section of their profile. An Unarmed Battle
model suffers -1 to their Duel rolls and -1 to their To Wound rolls. Game

Warrior Movement Fight Strength Defense Attack Wounds Courage Keywords Ref
Elf Rivendell Armies of Lord of the
High Elf Warrior 6" 5/3+ 3 5 1 1 5
Infantry Warrior Rings p80
High Elf Warrior Elf Rivendell Armies of Lord of the
6" 5/3+ 3 6 1 1 5
(Shield) Infantry Warrior Rings p80


Determine Alliance Level

Selections: Historical Allies

Determine Breakpoint & 25%

Categories: MISC
Rules: 10 models remaining. (model), 21.50 is halfway. (model), 43 total models in Army. (model)

Tangado haid, leithio i philinn!

Categories: MISC
Rules: Tangado haid, leithio i philinn!

Selection Rules
*The Shipwright's Power (Passive): Círdan may spend a single point of Will each turn without reducing his own store of Will. (Armies of Lord of the
Rings p78)
10 models remaining. (model): Some Scenarios end when one Army is reduced to this number. ()
21.50 is halfway. (model): Need to kill more than this number of models to break the army. ()
43 total models in Army. (model): This is the total number of models in this Army. ()
Elven-made: Models using an Elven-made weapon are more likely to win the dice roll to see who wins a Drawn Combat. A Good model using an Elven-
made weapon will win the roll-off on a 3-6 instead of a 4-6. Should an Evil model be using an Elven-made weapon (an odd situation, granted), they will
win the roll on a 1-4. If both sides are using Elven-made weapons, neither receives an advantage. (Middle-Earth Strategy Battle Game Rules Manual
Expert Rider (Active): Whilst mounted, an Expert Rider may re-roll the dice when making Jump, Swim, and Thrown Rider tests.

While mounted, a model carrying both a shield and a bow will still receive the +1 Defence bonus for being armed with a shield. If the model dismouts,
they will lose this bonus.

Additionally, an Expert Rider can pick up Light Objects without having to dismount. (Middle-Earth Strategy Battle Game Rules Manual p104)
Foresight of the Eldar (Passive): Before the game begins, roll a D6 and make a note of the result - these are Elrond's Foresight points for the battle.
During the priority phase, after the dice has been rolled, Elrond may chose to expend these Foresight points to alter the controlling player's dice roll. For
each point expended, Elrond may alter the dice by either +1 or -1, to a minimum of 1 and a maximum of 6. (Armies of Lord of the Rings p74)
Hand-and-a-Half: A hand-and-a-half weapon can be used as either a single-handed weapon or a two-handed weapon. Whenever a model armed with a
hand-and-a-half weapon is involved in a Fight, the controlling player must decide at the start of the Fight whether they will be using their weapon as a
single-handed weapon or a two-handed weapon. (Middle-Earth Strategy Battle Game Rules Manual p83)
Last Stand: The first time a model with this special rule takes a Courage test as a result of your force being broken, they will pass the test automatically.
(Middle-Earth Strategy Battle Game Rules Manual p132)
Lord of the West (Active): A model with this special rule may re-roll a single D6 when making a Duel roll. Additionally, they may re-roll a single D6 when
rolling To Wound. (Armies of Lord of the Rings p73)
Resistant to Magic (Passive): If this model is targeted by a Magical Power, it may use an additional 'free' dice when it makes a Resist test, even if it has
no Will remaining or decides not to use any Will points from its store. (Middle-Earth Strategy Battle Game Rules Manual p106)
Tangado haid, leithio i philinn!: Whilst within 6" of the army's leader, friendly Rivendell models may re-roll failed To Hit rolls when making shooting
attacks in a turn in which they did not move. (Armies of Lord of the Rings p72)
Terror (Passive): Should a model wish to Charge this model, it must first take a Courage test before it moves. If the test is passed, the model may
Charge as normal. If the test is failed, the model does not Charge and may not move at all this turn.

Sometimes, a model will only cause Terror in certain enemies. In these instances, the creatures that are affected are clearly listed, and only those models
need to make a Courage test before charging this model. For example, a model with the Terror (Orc) will cause Terrior in all Orc models. (Middle-Earth
Strategy Battle Game Rules Manual p107)
Unbreakable Bond (Active): Should one brother be killed, the surviving brother will immediately increase their Strength by 1 and decrease their Defence
by 1. The surviving brother will automatically pass all Courage tests they are forced to make and must do everything they can to Charge the model that
killed their brother as quickly as possible. Once that model is killed, the surviving brother must move as fast as possible towards the closest enemy model
for the remainder of the game, charging if able. Additionally, if the model that killed the brother is a Hero model, the first time the surviving brother is in
combat with his brother's killer, he must declare a Heroic Challenge, targeting that Hero, without spending Might. This may be done even if the Hero is of
a lower Heroic Tier than the surviving brother. (Armies of Lord of the Rings p77)
Woodland Creature (Active): An Infantry model with this special rule may move through woods and forests that are classified as difficult terrain as if
they are open ground. Note that this doesn't mean they can automatically climb terrain in those areas, nor move through any tree trunks or jump falled
Obstacles. (Middle-Earth Strategy Battle Game Rules Manual p107)

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